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Evilposting thread Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 02:23:32 No. 455608 >>460728 >>460745 >>463996 >>464034 >>464280 >>464347
Hi anons! It’s time for your annual evilposting thread! ^w^ >But anon, what is a evilposting thread? This is NOT a confesssion thread.. If you want to confess your evil deeds go right ahead, but this thread is to indulge and support other evildoers! Talk about how fun it is to steal the pen away from your waitress at the diner! Talk about how you kicked your friend’s dog for no reason! Talk about how being evil feels good and is fun! Talk about how you unplugged your father’s life support system!! Go crazy as long as you are always sweet to your fellow evil-doers! Smile and laugh at the un-“evil-pilled” creatures who don’t understand what they’re missing out! Share techniques with fellow evildoers for better ways to be evil, and embrace the quote on quote “worst” aspects of human nature! Go!! ^w^
I groomed 2 mentally illl people into killing themselves on discord >:)
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i started a discord AI cult and convinced a girl to kill herself because i was bored
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>>459557 picrel
>>459558 What were her last messages? 0v0
>>459559 i deleted the discord acc i did this on but it was something along the lines of generic goodbye and a suicide message, i didnt save it
suffocated and snapped the neck of a disabled puppy
>>455608 (OP) i fully intend to have sex with my neighbors horse soon
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>>460728 vid and post it pls...
and i thought that i'm a degenerate faggot for being a femboy when i was 15, this thread made me feel better about myself i only sent picture of my thighs and me wearing a mask, i enjoyed it when people sexualized me and sent me lewd stuff the worst thing i have ever done is being a femboy faggot and whoring myself online and i didn't even send nudes
>>460261 sad i wish i could have seen
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>>455608 (OP) >be me 16 y/o cis les > get gr00med for a year @ 13 > year later miss gr00mer > begins to find the ped0 community > addictively talks to them >i tell mom because i want help >gets grounded > fast forward sht happens >gets a gf >breaks up w gf w reasonable explanation >she slanders my name to the entire school > i have no fwens :< > i get one fren ! (her friend drops her because she noticed how she treated me) >i get crush on her >we go on omegle chat to find eachother for funsies >i find someone who begins to talk about how they desperately want to r@p3 a girl they just met in school > BEGINS TO DESCRIBE ME >idk what to do > i feel ashamed flustered confused and embarrassed >i want it to happen >i tell her i know that was her on omegle.. > we love eachother > find out we r both the same level of mentally ill > we go overseas to study for a week > i take her virginity > happy !! :3 >mom finds out > sad :< > gets double grounded
>>455608 (OP) I spent a week fighting my enemies on cuckchan. My only regret was not going harder on them. Even with the little damage I did I was successful.
>>460745 kill yourself, dumb fucking whore. i hope you get raped and beat to death.
>>460745 show tits
>>455608 (OP) give us a story op
>>464034 He made that OP NINE MONTHS AGO. I doubt he's still here.
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>>455608 (OP) >16 >Friend's family is convinced i am a ped0 >illfuckingshowyouped0.mov >they tell her 14 yr old daughter to ask for my number >give her a discord acct literally named Chickn (notorious gr00mer) >Her mom texts me a bunch of weird things pretending to be her (technically gr00ming) but i let it slide and play along. >while they're busy trying to collect evidence they try to set their own kid up for r@p3 6 times over the course of a year. >Dont do any harm, dont have it in me. But sort of play along because its funny. >Make sure they never fuck with me again the last time, almost get her pregnant. >land on the registry for 2 months before all charges are dropped, Feds realized this family is more fucked up than me. When they go low, i go Lower.
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>>464280 >But sort of play along because its funny. You should be on your knees thanking God that He didn't leave you on that list for the rest of your life. That was incredibly dumb and you're lucky you're not currently being passed around a prison in return for ramen.
>>464303 Yeah admittedly, i was a horribly evil teen.
Oh great, cuckchan's finest are here to post deranged fantasies.
>>455608 (OP) i am the zodiac killer and the answer to the final puzzle is "go fuck yourself"
>>464035 i am here. im shocked that this board is dead enough for this post to have ever done so well.
women rights are great. we need to not have sharia law. women most definitely are equal to men and transgender is not created to emasculine men by women and to use them as entertianment and to torture them.
>>468852 women need rights until every man is a simp and enriches them again and we must die in muslim countries with sharia law because women are supreme beings who do not need men but constantly require their effort. let us die in afghanistan to fight against sharia law
>>460745 you get groomed by women. women are the ones who make you into eunuch for short term prank, they only care about joy they dont care about men at all. In fact lack of masculinity comes from women who harass men with their mental illness and inability to be professional because they are not equals on fundamental level. like that ants vs crickets pixar movie.
>>459557 this is an evil thread though. if you havent done this well i dont encourage evil you comitted but chances are another woman would have done the same to 100x men.
Jennifer Kesse is in Lake Okeechobee
>>468857 proof
God is evil. I am opposed to God. Ergo I try to do no evil.
I poisoned 2 white people to death for being white. I will never be sorry. Even if the cops arrest me for it I am homeles, dying from cancer & have nothing left so meh. It won't bring them back from the dead, either. Goahead & send this post off to LE, I do not give a shit.
>>469044 They won't do anything anyway faggot unless they have your address and name and they won't even bother knocking and talking unless they can link the details of your crime to your postings. But despite the pigs being inept I do hope a terrible fate befalls you. I hope a gang of white nationalst youths find you and torture you to death, they should smash your hands and feet with hammers, and rhen they should cut your hands and feet off and burn the ends shut with hot coals, then they should kill you by dousing boiling water on you, starting with your genitals, until your skin sloughs off, then they should put an air compressor hose up uour asshole and duct tape that motherfucker as air tight as they can and blow your guts up until you pop. That'll be the shit people like you will face and you don't even see it coming. You think your cancer will spare you. Hilarious. You'd better just off yourself because it's going to be open season on homeless niggers soon now that Maga has taken over. I don't condone that shit because good people will get swept up too but mark my words it would not be statistically surprising if you got murdered by extremists with no knowledge of your crimes simply for being homeless. While two wrongs usually don't make a right in your case it would. You filthy fucking animal. Get ready for the turnaround cancernigger, and when you finally feel yourself dying I hope you panic and through the haze of hallucination in death you believe yourself to be entering hell for eternity. You deserve to die in terror.
>>469044 this is awful, brother. stop it. just because they were white? Hate doesn't pay for food stamps, you need to do better.
>>469059 you should poison this nigga if he ever goes outside. :D
>>459560 >i didnt save it cool guys don't look at explosions

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