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Sudden deaths from the covid vaccine Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 19:54:47 No. 460748 >>465505 >>466138 >>466343
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed... 30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/mike-heslin-death-cause-age-movies-b2575132.html 2 star Marine general found dead: https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2024/07/05/retired-marine-2-star-general-found-dead-on-sprawling-california-base/ Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency: https://www.wbtv.com/2024/07/04/gaston-co-deputy-dies-after-medical-emergency-department-says/ 16 year old boy in New Zealand: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/devastated-mum-of-16-year-old-upper-hutt-college-boy-who-died-at-home-within-days-of-flu-symptoms-in-disbelief-at-death/IROTUM4R2ZC4XEBC2XOZV6AACM/ 17 year old chinese sports player: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/sports/chinas-17-yr-old-badminton-player-zhang-zhijie-dies-of-cardiac-arrest-during-a-match/articleshow/111430752.cms?from=mdr ABC News chief, 56 year old woman, died: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/stephanie-leifer-dead-former-abc-executive-1235935387/ 33 year old female race car driver, dead: https://autos.yahoo.com/lizzy-musi-dead-33-123100516.html?guccounter=1 Healthy 18 year old girl, dead: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/18-year-old-tragically-dies-weeks-after-collapsing-at-high-school-graduation/ar-BB1pca3B?item=flightsprg-tipsubsc-v1a?loadin=defaultbrowser/ healthy 16 year old girl dead: https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/local/williams-high-school-student-death-abss/83-5bff2a93-8ebc-4213-b883-6f955ebb2ea6 39 year old celebrity pop star in Germany: https://amy-movie.com/blog/sudden-farewell-german-star-falko-ochsenknechts-untimely-departure-shocks-fans/ 43 year old wrestler: https://www.fox29.com/news/beloved-sun-valley-high-school-wrestling-coach-dies-suddenly-community-gathers-balloon-release
RIP Adam Clements, aged 34 Firefighter who died of a "medical emergency" while off-duty. RIP Ceaden Laffan, aged 25 Firefighter dies unexpectedly while off-duty. Drowning may be a possible cause There is an "investigation" RIP Endrick Caron, 18 years old Firefighter / Heart Attack RIP William Jones, age 16 Passed away of flu. RIP Gabriel Nathaniel Giraud, 20 years old Passed away suddenly R.I.P. Alex Coney, aged 28 Passed away unexpectedly Athleticism R.I.P. Justin Conner, 35 Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly RIP Matt Manson Passed away unexpectedly (it posted a FB photo "vaccinated" and "disinformation kills") RIP Mark Van Rijswijk Canadian businessman vaccinated in 2021 and died suddenly in 2024 RIP Chief Micah Foote, 42 Passed away suddenly . RIP Chandler Wilkinson, 27 years old Died suddenly at his home. RIP Felix-Antoine Kakos, 20 years old Young Quebec man died of a cardiac arrest in hospital. Doctors were going to operate on for an abscess in the neck gallon. RIP Andrew Mcenaney, 22 years old Quebec hockey player Having a heart attack RIP Dr. Michael George, 45. Ophthalmologist, died unexpectedly
Kris Hembree Passed away unexpectedly. RIP Jacoby Jones, age 40 Football player Passed away in his sleep RIP Korey Cunningham, 28 years old Former football star - NFL RIP Adrian Lehman, 34 years old Runner Having a heart attack RIP Ahmed Refat, 31 Soccer player Heart attack on March 11th mid-game. He passed away in July 2024 RIP Mike Harper, age 26 Runner Great Bristol Run heart attack RIP Ross McGhie , 25 years old Rugby player Having a heart attack RIP Juan Stenner, age 32 Heart attack at the end of the half marathon RIP 43 years old Tony Voice Hockey player ( Flyers ) Passed away suddenly . No cause revealed. No illnesses were reported until his death. RIP Josh Baker, age 20 Cricket athlete Found dead in his home. RIP Connor Garden-Bachop, aged 25 Rugby player Passed away suddenly RIP Gabe Holt, 25 years old Rugby player Passed away suddenly
RIP Matija Sarkic, 26 years Soccer player Having a heart attack RIP Keith Marco, 21 years old Football player Died on June 5 from a pulmonary embolism RIP Afonso Rossa, 19 years old Soccer player Heart attack after his match RIP Obi Ezeh, 36 years Football player Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly RIP Franck Csorba, 23 years old Runner Passed away unexpectedly on April 23, 2024 Jean-Francois Alain, 49 Racer / Ironman QUEBEC Heart attack during his triathlon RIP 17 years old Cam Ward Basketball athlete has passed away after collapsing at his game. RIP Alba Cebrian, 23 years old Rider Heart attack during workout
RIP Zachary Doran, 18 years old Football player Having a heart attack RIP Guillermo Denis Beltran, 24 years old Soccer player Heart attack during workout RIP Raphaël Pryor, 17 years old Soccer player Passed away suddenly after his match RIP Erick Lonnie Lonvick 18 years old Collegiate athlete Having a heart attack RIP Ruxandra Dumitrescu, 46 years Volleyball player Having a heart attack Kelly Malveaux, 47 years old Former football player for the Montreal Alouettes. Undisclosed cause RIP Matt Gianni, age 26 Soccer player Heart attack during the match Leandro Lino de Freitas, 39 years old Former soccer player Having a heart attack
RIP Kaitlin Kirkup, age 29 In 2021 she was showing her vaccination record. Passed away suddenly on May 2024 Rip Megan Bryant 36 years old Rip 29 years old DJ Bianca Oliveira Death due to infection RIP 38 years old Kim Novak RIP Maria Paulina, 23 years old Nutritioniste Having a heart attack RIP Emily Lockley, age 26 Pulmonary aneurysm Passed away 4 days after childbirth RIP Kate Kaufling, age 20 Cheerleader Turbo cancer RIP Jane McAdams, 20 years Blood clots RIP Emma Rose Hollywood, aged 40 "Died away suddenly after falling ill in the afternoon" RIP Tait Humble Champion bodybuilder, and former US Army Navy. Passed away unexpectedly RIP Connor DiNapoli 21 years old American student dies unexpectedly in Italy.
A group of prominent Italian scientists is raising the alarm after discovering a new “neurological emergency” that is emerging among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots. The warning was issued by scientists at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Chieti, Italy. They report that two cases of deadly Status Epilepticus (SE) have now been confirmed to have been caused by Covid mRNA injections. https://slaynews.com/news/scientists-warn-new-neurological-emergency-spreading-among-covid-vaxxed/
>>460772 Factchecker found you, haha
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>>461547 >2nd pic Can someone PLEASE tell me why both Canada and the US have troons as their top health professionals? Because if I were to appoint someone to the position, it would be someone who wasn't totally delusional. And don't tell me "Because Synagogue of Satan" because I already know that part.
>>461558 Trump is going to kick them out If he wins?
>>461558 Demoralize the public, demonstrate their power, give known psychopaths influence, screw up minds of children, because they can, because they hate everyone and want to rule the world and murder almost everyone on the planet, because they want to find out the identity of those who complain and maybe suicide them if they're influential enough, because this world is run by Satan and his followers until they get killed by Jesus and lie on the ground like dung. "knowing" isn't enough. Study the Bible. The King James one seems to be hated by them the most, so it must be good. Start with the new testament.
>>461999 Kill them all and all their followers before they can do anything. Problem solved. Above all: kill all jews.
Nigger if this was the jab you wouldn't be posting each reported mysterious death. You wouldn't have to, there would be millions. If you want a real conspiracy death check out Marc Angelucci
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>implying all these sudden deaths were not caused by Isis Enjoy your easy life of never being targeted, faggot. Fuck you.
OP is the only goyem in here, the rest of y'all are mossad glowies trying to gaslight germ theory denialism
>> 464921 No u
vaxxoids are fucked
>>460749 i got covid and didnt die then i got the vaccine and died
>>460748 (OP) Ooo, I got more: Ohio US girl DIES SUDDENLY AFTER COVID VACCINATION 6 years after premature birth, including epilepsy, asthma and frequent hospitalizations with respiratory viruses https://sentinelcolorado.com/0trending/died-suddenly-posts-twist-tragedies-to-push-covid-vaccine-lies/ 75 Brits DIED SUDDENLY FROM COVID VACCINES!? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11692895/Fewer-100-Brits-died-Covid-jabs-despite-bogus-claims-theyve-killed-100s-1000s.html Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest, DIED SUDDENLY, Tucker Carlson suspects Hamlin's recent COVID VACCINATION WAS THE CAUSE!! https://thomas-87991.medium.com/bogus-claims-about-increased-athlete-cardiac-arrest-due-to-covid-19-vaccine-cea2d38fef87 shit all this vaccine paranoia from COVID vaccines made me NOT get a tetanus vaccine after I stepped on a rusty nail! I'll prove the lying medical profession wrong that tetanus will kill me now! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetanus
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>never got the vaccine >somehow immune to covid >still perfectly healthy as others my age drop dead the government is evil and western medicine has failed us
>>466315 >the government is evil and western medicine has failed us the government only kills retards and shitskins. sometimes they use shitskins to kill retards and vice versa, is that what threatens you? minimize your interactions with the government, shitskins and retards, and you'll realize it's just your enemies killing each other, a good thing. (((western))) medicine is irrelevant to high IQ heterosexual White men.
>>460748 (OP) >Not looking too good for the vaxxed pouring-oil-down-the-drain.jpg

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