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Which 8chan is better 8kun.top or 8chan.moe
This place is better when you can post over tor. But I do most of my talking on boards where I actually have free speech, which no boards on the clearnet allow. I don’t even say anything that bad. But on 4chan, here, you say something a janny doesn’t like and you get banned. So why waste my time?
>>462985 Fuck off and die pedo
What kind of stupid question is that?
8chan mor is best
>>462987 Fuck you nigger
moe > 8kuck Both pale in comparison to how 8ch was though.
>>461018 (OP) They're both shit but 8kunt is a microshit better.
>>463904 How could 8kunt possibly be better?
If this place has no affiliation with original 8chan, why the fuck is it celebrating an 11th birthday? Why does it show 10 years in the corner? Makes no sense. When did 8moe start, 2020? I don't remember anymore.
>>462965 >Also my wife is really fucking annoying. Holy shit. You can't just say that without telling us why, anon.
>>461018 (OP) Why the fuck would you use a site that only appeared after 8chan finally went down and preached "free speech" but deleted certain taboo boards or had their images hacked to where the board is unusable?
>>461018 (OP) 8kun is cooler cause u can talk politics
This place is better because there are active boards other than the QAnon related ones.
8kun may or may not allow more pedo talk, and I like the free speech, but maybe pedos should be the exception because it's the one thing that only woke Tumblr normies and actual psychologists are more safe to talk about it with, not an anonymous right-wing shitposting community that either wants pedos dead or thinks kids are holes with no in-between, there's no slow time for these campfire discussions around here. better with an actual therapist, or at least tumblr bitches who clearly recognize it'd be wrong to act on.
>>467401 Were you not around for the reason it's hard banned? It's specifically because a place like this tried to entertain such discussion openly that it had to be banned. >>465768 (465763) The those sites you talk about can entertain such discussion is because they're account based, so people crossing the line while on tor/VPN don't just get a slap on the wrist and come back in 5 minutes.
8kunt has literally only one person using it, Qsearch is full of fb re-jects loving in their trailer park, Im personally making a board here on 8chan.moe as soon I get clearance NIGGER COMMUNITY WRETCHEDNESS /nigga nigga nigga/ "Nigga I'm all bout da real shir nigga, fuck all da nigga shit nigga, I'm fo real nigga,imma kewl all you niggaz,all you niggaz ain't shit nigga, fuck all you niggaz" I plan on putting up threads of [WATCH NIGGERS DIE Video archive only on 8chan] [Compound Censored Videos on 8chan/Anthony Cumia talking about Black Crimes] [WORLDSTAR SECTION OF WEBMs of Grocery store fights] [Deep gore section of dead black people/comments section] [Dailystormer articles]
Only designed to point & laugh at the black community acting like niggers through Videos /Articles/news/murder/stories/posts All about Comedy is what NIGGER COMMUNITY WRETCHEDNESS is about
>>464296 >If this place has no affiliation with original 8chan, why the fuck is it celebrating an 11th birthday Because it's a spiritual successor I presume >>467410 >/pol/ack shoots up mosque <Shit guys we need to ban loli or this site is in trouble
>>468211 >some britbong posts a picture of his niece <shit guys we need to ban any image of anyone under 18 or this site is in trouble
>>461018 (OP) 8kun is working for you? all the post say only 404 for me when I click
>>461018 (OP) This is the only site in which the .onion links work properly. This is the only site current that its both on the clearnet and on the onion-net that has actual free speech in comparison to ZZZChan or Soyparty in which the mods would ban you for saying something they don't like. Clearly better than 4chan I can tell you that. Any image board that doesn't have a working .onion link or allow postings from the Tor network should automatically be left in the dust as an automatic glowie playground. The site I genuinely missed the most was Frenschan, actually had engagement that I haven't experienced in a while. Too bad the site was shutdown due to some stupid mismanagement of funds to keep the servers up. If I had the resources the fund a site like Frenschan I would in a heartbeat.
>>468326 Elon bans loli elon can eat a plate of diarrhea
>>468326 > twitter is more free speech Elon sucks ADL dick more than Nick Fuentes. Kill yourself nigger.
>>468330 exhentai hides behind weird bullshit that makes signing up too convoluted to be worth the time, so nobody (no karen) even sees that. But even if it wasn't just because karen says it's cp, it's not really. Laws are made by assholes who do not care about children. Treating illusions as cp will clog up the cp prevention and child rescue system and that will hurt children who do not have time to wait. So now be amazed, that someone can be a lolisho pervert and still care about children and their trust and safety.
This place is a tool
>>468308 >the mods would ban you for saying something they don't like Happens here too. In fact, I don't think anywhere on the net is free of such faggotry.
I swear to fucking God, 1 of these days I'm gonna make lots & lots of bots & flood 8kun boards with So much shit & Plant evidence on /random/ 8kunt board, I recently got Permantly banned - denial appeal, For 8kunt Administrator flooding posts of his face all over 8kun /nigger community wretchedness/ board, then took 20 of his pictures that he sent to me where he doxxed his profile & photoshopped it with 1 of the BOT CP SPAM he forgot to remove, That's alright, When I get more resources definitely contemplating on attacking 8kunt
Hidden services are the only places with actual free speech. The clear-net is a highly censored husk of its former glory.
8chan jannies will delete literal G-rated content from Disney, because it has a kid, and turn around and call their board "Free Speech". Its a joke.
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>>469260 shut up, mr. pedo -w-
>>469261 All the people who disagree with you are pedos, that means you're right, always, about everything. I'm sorry we've run out of trophies.
>>461018 (OP) one, 8kun went down, and when it came back up, it asked me for an email, that was just odd

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