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I'm a zoophile, AMA Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 22:42:41 No. 462434 >>469481
I'm a zoophile, ask me anything. (I know we have /zoo/, but I wanted to find a place outside of that spectrum to answer questions)
>>469325 I'm not OP but I've had dog dick in my asshole before, I was able to take the knot. It felt better than a human shaped cock. Human cock heads are too broad/blunt, the pointyness of the dogs dick make it slide in much nicer and the knot feels amazing if you can take it.
I feel so sorry for young men who grew up in Western World who feminized them. Most had enough testosterone and free will to resist, opt out of giving our business to those institutions and rebelling against the machine. But you sad sacks became non binary, furries and decided to let a dog fuck you. You can change. You don't have to be evil, but you can be a man. Stop listening to commercials. Stop listening to what women say, what the media says. Tune out. Stop going to movies. Stop buying WOKE video games, books and all that crap. YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN.
>>469338 >YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN. indeed. Sharia law is the future. amen brother all my money will go to muslim men with bbc living on welfare in germany
i will seave the west from self centrism.
Haters gonna hate HORSECOCKS 4 LYFE (AND DOG COCKS) https://youtu.be/uqhHQBTHFmQ
>>469338 >implying all zoophiles are furries >implying all furries are nonbinary faggots >implying mass media and women are what create zoophiles instead of young children discovering they like animals on their own
Are u a furry for jerking it to cartoons sometimes?
>>469179 Where is it, man?
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oh do you know the muffin man the muffin man the muffin man do you know the muffin man that lives in jury lane
>>469361 Is this what this fetish is, seeing women get fucked by animals and black guys or submitting to both? It's all about punishing yourself and seeing women humiliated and degraded?
>>469420 NO FUCK NIGGERS I'M NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL. Animal cocks are HOT, and I love them in my ass, I love my woman, I want her to have that please. I NEVER want her fucking a HUMAN I SPIT on FILTHY WORTHLESS HUMANS. Animals are sacred beings, avatars of gods on earth, humans are filth. My wifes womb and my anus are graced by animal sperm, not degraded. I'm 100% serious. I know those fags exist who are retarded and get turned on because they're dumb fucks who don't understand animals are superior to humans and so they think it's degrading. They're disgusting.
>>469430 So, you're just like those BNWO freaks. Except instead of black guys, it's animals. So the guy was RIGHT. You're all about degrading yourself and your wife. If you even have one.
>>469467 Sir, I have a husband I'll have you know.
>>469467 >fags exist who are retarded and get turned on because they're dumb fucks who don't understand animals are superior to humans and so they think it's degrading. I'm not one of them, I know animals are superior and so we're not being degraded we're being enriched by their power. In our culture, it's a mark of honor to receive the seed of the animal, or to aid the animal in releasing with satisfying stimulation. The animal should never be made uncomfortable or upset, only pleasure.
>>469430 Alright, that is a view I can live with
>>462434 (OP) Can you show a picture of the dog? Timestamp if you can.
lawl utk hm 2da|
Humans are animals btw. While most animals tend to have sex with their own species nearly or completely exclusively, we're not in a significantly distinct category from the broad "animals".
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>>469534 SHUT UP, NIGGER!!!
>>470081 nigger terrorists who disrespect Free speech are creeping ever so slowly upon our American dream and so sites that host zooophile content will inevitably start becoming rarer and rarer because site admins will inevitably have smaller and smaller balls with each generation until finally the only zoophile porn you will have is the porn you had the foresight to save yourself on your owm hard storage
>>470081 I imagine it was purged because of THIS post here. It's not enough, you guys had your own little spot. You had to come in here.
>>470081 Mod went on there and saw the fucking dead animals bit. The shit eating nonsense and all the guys being fags for other guys and male dogs. Its one thing seeing a chick blow a horse or fucked by a dog. You can tell the animals enjoy it. But you fags abusing those dogs and other animals. What the fuck did you think was going to happen
>>470087 >>470086 >>470085 Samefag >>470081 The host happened
>>470088 wow you're really good at spotting samefags bitch nigger, NOT, HAHAH just kidding, because I'm not a same fag with any of these two niggers you stupid retarded kike WHY DON'T you go suck KIKE balls you RETARD you make Hitler want to kill himself all over again you should follow your leader BLOW your brains out like Hitler you FAGGOT I don't like animal abuse either but it's okay for a guy to get fucked in the ass by a dog it's a different thing for him to fuck the dog in the ass the dog doesn't like that but stop acting like the dog doesn't think an ass is the same thing as a pussy the dog is not like you the dog DOES NOT care so shut up
>>470090 Also schizo apparently.
>>470092 I SAID SHUT UP
>>470094 Make me
>>470090 >you should follow your leader BLOW your brains out like Hitler >This retard doesn't know
Turn yourself in worthless nigger cuck
Imagine being such a feminized fag nigger, with this mental illness so you can't convince a single girl to fuck with you, and have to degrade yourself to such a level as getting submitted by a dog
>>470132 that's the story of your life what are you talking about
>>470081 what r u talking about interracial is still up
>>470132 Congratulations you just turned me on

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