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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Small butts Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 22:39:49 No. 465669 >>465803 >>465844 >>466453 >>466455 >>466477 >>466492
Imagine finding small butts like this attractive
>>465669 (OP) Small butts drive me nuts.
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>>465669 (OP) >Imagine finding small butts like this attractive Hello, negrofriend. Enjoy your silicone ass implants.
>>465669 (OP) hey I fucked chicks with small butts just do 'em spooned, laying on their sides with their little butts in front of you and let it slide till the fun part erupts! and then watch it dribble out afterwards when they stand up and towel that junk off hahaha
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>>465669 (OP) Boobs bring life, butts bring poop. I have made my decision.
>>466492 what about front bums
Small boobs > huge boobs Small butt > big butt
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>>466747 >>466501 >>466455 For me, it’s Aryan AOC
>>466749 The spice must flow.
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In a better timeline…
>>466857 This combines two of my most shameful wants; nuns and AOC.
>>466492 vagina brings life
(3.53 MB 600x400 Gib Khazar milkers.gif)

>>466961 Milk is life. By the way, I thought only the Ashkenazis had huge milkers, but if AOC is any indication, the Sephardis do as well. Ocasio-Cortez reveals her Jewish heritage: 'I knew it! I sensed it!': https://archive.ph/Us4Ma / https://web.archive.org/web/20181210173018/https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/ocasio-cortez-reveals-her-jewish-heritage-i-knew-it-i-n946041
OK now that this thread has been hijacked by an AOC loving schizo, I confess I saw the pic of the two hot chicks and just wanted to post it as a troll and made a fake comment about their small butts. Your replies were entertaining, thinking my obvious troll post was serious. Till we meet again...
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>>467051 It was inevitable.
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Abby >>> AOC

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