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anarchy chess 8chan edition Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 21:47:05 No. 467675
Every message is a move You can do any normal move, illegal move, or fucking insane shit that you want and it will be allowed.
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>>467898 I want them to look like this
>>467901 Thats fine then I guess, provided we don't lose a turn on this. >>467902 Err hold on.
>>467903 it is top secret. it can't be reveal to the enemy yet.
>>467905 Technically black already lost. By declaring communism his king was killed. White wins.
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>>467858 Move 8 has been made. It is now turn 9. It is currently white's move.
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>>467859 Move 9 has been made. It is now turn 10. It is currently black's move.
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>>467888 Move 10 has been made. It is now turn 11. It is currently white's move.
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>>467889 >>467890 Move 11 has been made. It is now turn 12. It is currently black's move.
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>>467888 >>467968 Move 12 has been made. It is now turn 13. It is currently white's move.
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>>467891 Move 13 has been made. It is now turn 14. It is currently black's move.
>>467892 can i see a picture of your wizard?
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>>467972 Behold Futt Buckerson, the wizard of armbars RIP Trevor
>>467971 UH OH, ESG ROLLOUT! all white pieces must be replaced by a black piece. All male pieces must be replaced with female pieces. All pieces except the king/kerng piece is now a pawn.
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>>467976 Rinko Akiyama Queen is protected by the iron curtain wall. As long as she is inside, only physical attacks work on her with all other type of attacks or spell cards being cancelled. Stalin dies and I elect Boris Yeltin to take the economy. Here are the disastrous effects while he is in charge: Upon summoning - "Oligarchs take over half of all chess pieces in random order and join the white team. Except for a king." Debuff modifiers: "Post-Soviet Economic Crisis" 2 pawns die each player's turn from the current aforementioned player (per end of a turn) No chess pieces can kill one another. Duration of the modifier: 4 subsecutive player turns. Science -300% Happiness -10000% Gold -380% Food -20% >>467976
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>>467892 >>467893 Move 14 has been made. It is now turn 15. It is currently white's move.
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>>467976 Move 15 has been made. It is now turn 16. It is currently black's move.
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>>468006 Move 16 has been made. It is now turn 17. It is currently white's move.
>>468011 i have another move?... uh not that I complain, of course it's true. Rinko Akiyama uses ninja technique "Void Art" and cuts down knight at b1. p.s. description of the abiltiy: Her ninja ability allows her to manipulate space in the form of "leaps" in multiple different ways, such as teleport herself, others, objects or cutting space itself ignoring enemy armor. It can also distort the air, with creates vacuum slash attacks.
>>468021 Technically, Rinko Akiyma's ability allows her to attack inside a vacuum therefore the attack comes from air and not the chess piece, therefore allowing the chess piece to die by the slash she creates and not by the chess piece itself in ref >>468006
>>468021 I resent you stealing my side, and ruining my fun. I strongly resent you taking my game. I shall pray for you anon, and try not to hold a grudge, but you have done me wrong these past two days, and are unrepentant in this.
Ok so I have never played chess but I know the rules and I know that if you get a pawn to the opposite edge it transforms into a queen so I think I've figured out a surefire way to always win. Just rush all your pawns across the board. Even if you lose half it still means you'll get 4 queens + the starter queen. That's 5 queens that can move in every direction. No way the enemy king can survive against that.
>>468062 >Just rush all your pawns across the board. You'll get checkmated before you have enough turns to accomplish that.
>>468011 Pieces can't kill pieces,huh? >Adjusts glasses WHAT ABOUT THIS PIECE! <Pulls out fully-semi-automatic assault Gat with 3000 round magazine clip in .500 blackout I destroy every piece with this technology-9 gun weapon except the king.
>>468067 Just move all the other pieces around the king as meat shields. Once you have your queens they're worthless anyways.
>>468024 i am gonna be busy the next days have fun anons but i will come back to protect her if my heart trembles.
>>468062 t >>468062 >s you'll get 4 queens + the starter queen they will be eaten by knights.
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>>468021 Move 17 has been made. It is now turn 18. It is currently black's move.
>>468062 not enough information for me to proccess that move, sorry
>>468127 I spin a Beyblade on the chess board.
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King fucks Queen, makes Prince.
>>468071 You dont have time for that, chess isnt an RTS or a MOBA. You use your turns to make a "meat shield" around your king, the opponent will capture all your pawns. You focus on moving your pawns across the board and your opponent will checkmate you. Let me use a simpler analogy for you. Your strategy is equivalent to saying, "hey guys I figured out how to beat rock paper scissors, you just choose rock every time!"
>>468127 And the card I pulled... is EXODIA! I've been colelcting all 5 pieces of the puzzle while you were all away. EXODIA! OBLITERATE!
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>>468532 Move 18 has been made. It is now turn 19. It is currently white's move. Sorry for the hiatus.
>>469002 its okay anon. Hey, black. Is this your stand's limit? It's been 11 seconds... I stopped time two seconds earlier, good grief you idiot... HERE'S THE THING. With black pawns standing like that killing you will take brief moment. Rinko Akiyama release Void Slash during Star Flatinum's Timestop! the slash destroys all of black pawns excluding the King. Just as you take breathe you get pulled right back in. But you won't get mercy from me, time is about to start....
On the other side, nobodies waiting for me, on the other side.

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