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I need a favour Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 07:27:56 No. 468202
I got banned on 4chan cause my post "contained banned text" which is bullshit. I had a nice thread (which is no longer up) where I was about to make a fren. I need someone to start a thread on /b/ for me using this pic and then post in that thread the next pic. When they see these 2 pics they'll know it's me and be able to talk to me.
>>468251 >>468254 What does Islam have to do with anything from this thread? >>468253 It seemed like that Anon would have been like minded to me, so I suppose I'm compeled to find new friends because I have a lack of like minded person/s to engage with.
>>468255 Neat?
>>468249 >>468256 fuck. use your brain, chudfuck. its so hard to explain in million times to small crowd feminist islam bioroids male equality misandry what do you need explained in short sentences? everything is obvious.
>>468258 What's a "bioroid"? And why are the other subjects being mentioned at all? They don't seem relevant.
>>468260 its called War Tactics, to win you don't need an enemy to understand you, only confused he will lose read "Rules of War" By Sun Tzu. Bioroid is an artificial human capable of possessing a womb that can produce an offspring. Just like chinese and swiss factories can have artificial bags for embryos, they themselves will be capable of holding pregnancy and give direct resources to it. The advancement of bioroid relies on multiple technology, but in general the AI can be connected to servers and contain some amount of memory. The -roid will not have human organs, therefore more space for PC-related and body related mechanisms, including RAM and memory normally wouldn't be possible. The only limitation is access to internet. The AI might not be able to work well without the internet, but that's not such huge problem nowadays.
>>468261 >The only limitation is access to internet. That's literally spyware in human form.
>>468261 >>468262 that's because the servers that run high operational values might require more processing, at least until quantum computing becomes aparent, which will replace that internet necessity. Although, to this day some lama versions work just as well as gpt-4's the truth is that more computing is needed to avoid danger in decision. Comrade, the AI will be not cheap by any chance but will entitle more equality in the society at the cost of lesser wars.
>>468261 Oh, I don't need a whole birthing andriod, just the birthing part. Would these artificial bags you speak of be that? If so, what information do you have on their construction, maintenance, and use?
Without it, infringement in youth education centers towards extreme ideologies either Islam or Racial injustice, will prevail throughout all places of the western origin. However, it can be fixed by using a bioroid example.
>>468264 artificial wombs require a tube connected to an emryo. but I haven't done much study how ovium connects itself at early stage to something like that, my hypothesis without reading is that the ovium simpl;y is stored in very small bag that might expand upon growth. These experiments have had positive result already on human children, but there are chances of complications so far. But by using the complex chemical formulas I am positive there is a way to "force" the ovium to act in certain manner, there were even talks about genetical engineering and changing the traits of offpsring, granted that I end up getting my bioroid personally.
heres what I remember watching before.
>>468267 Very interesting. Information like this is what I need. Of course it doesn't solve everything, I have limited funds and I'm no doctor, but still I believe with enough data I should be able to do this.
>>468268 Many thanks. I'll have to give it a watch.
unfortunately this is nothingburger with 3 million barely any investment, definitely requires some gemmin' up.
>>468271 >>468272 >>468273 Thank you very much Anon. It may not be perfect, but it is a foundation to work off of.
>>468274 Why not just donate sperm? if you think it won't get accepted, then go work there, and secretly replace some alpha male's sperm, with yours, kinda like a cuckoo bird. Seems like a much easier thing to do if all you want is offsprings and not have to deal with a woman, or even better, pay a woman to be the surrogate mother of your child and after she finishes breast-feeding it for a month or two after birth, it's all yours and you will never have to talk to her again, plus it's probably cheaper and takes less effort than building some artificial womb in your garage, that will most likely have a much higher failure rate than some random woman, plus would also need a female's egg, unless you want to make your sperm the egg as well, which will probably have an even higher failure rate.
>>468275 this sounds ridiculous, if you can make technology long term its better than coming up with a Turner Diaries schizo poison the hydrofactory type of mission impossible. These studies obviously demand investing that's why they showcase it.
>>468276 >>468276 ultimately, i think someone already invested in it as there are news papers about the womb factories storing at least 3000 babies. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10389474/#:~:text=The%20world's%20first%20artificial%20womb,necessary%20physiological%20mechanisms%20during%20gestation. I desire actual bioroids being created with ability of storing child capabilities.
>>468277 >note that this is so far only biologist's concept
>>468240 Smash little cricket
I can take credit for this right? I want my place in hell high
>>468258 Your taste in ss is pretty good
>>468263 I understood that i think, war with a nation with access to massive industry of war drones isn't a long war Want to see how drones do against tunnels
>>468265 How do you test for ethnocentrism in a 4 year old?
>>468275 >>468275 It isn't about offspring, it is about changing the genetic behavior of your ethnic group, so they out last the nigger hordes and jew
>>468294 I actually don't like this artist, but he inspired me to add a filler chapter in my future multi-volumed sitcom azure doushjin......
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>>468296 because men want an offspring but will use radical methods to impress women who create the demand for radicalism through preferance. (for shiny things, especially dangerous ruthless cold men) >>468295 its true that AI drones might give advantage or at least make stalemate for many frontlines, but I was refering to the sex element of the problem. Not the war conflicts, which still require infantry (referencing the Battle of London 1940)
>>468273 1. My genes are pretty good, but not good enough to just give to whatever random woman that's sperm shopping. Also, I MUST raise the child as I see fit. 2. I don't have the funds for a surrogate, and a suitable match is very unlikely to be willing to be a surrogate to begin with. 3. I already have an egg source. I just need the technology.
>>468276 >>468277 >>468295 >>468296 >>468298 >>468300 I don't know why you guy's keep talking about some grand scale national struggle world war thing with this. My situation has nothing to do with that, and you guy's don't even talk about the tech itself much.
>>468306 The main cause of the rot of society and why I have to live around other ethnic groups and invest in a society that isn't my ptheotype' s interests is because industrialization makes an ecology that selects for low intelligence and psychology of dark triad. This is genetic, so the only way to fix it is find a genetic template that makes people that aren't retarded psychos and will work as an organized group to dominate or kill the groups of 'normal and make a society that is alined with biology What I'm talking about doesn't need new technology to work, only ruthlessly efficient efforts We are suggesting that creation needs to be changed artificially, this is why we talk about it like it is war, because it is, the 1st war there was, domination over God's creation
>>468300 To the 1st point. It could be a way to seduce your enemy and make them not breed (hard mode) or make them breed in dysgenic traits to make them easy to kill later
Like if you're a pimp over a lot of beautiful women you can be very powerful

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