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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3734: A Debt Repaid Edition Anonymous 06/30/2022 (Thu) 05:07:48 Id: 5b6e25 No. 276577 >>276579 >>276588
Zoo keeper saves drowning Orangutan and revives him with CPR after it slipped into moat while trying to fetch food thrown by tourists https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10965773/Hero-zoo-keeper-saves-drowning-Orangutan-revives-CPR-fell-moat.html
>>276577 (OP) good lad
2nd for orange monke
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Seething at primary school memories again >teacher asks us to write a story about Victorian times >I write a story about a secret agent in a proto-MI6 who has to go into the heart of africa to recruit flying monkeys to help Britain in the Crimean war >Show it to teacher she laughs at me and tells me to write it again but this time "properly" >write some gay shit about an urchin outside a building thinking about the things he sees >praised Yeah, get fucked you cunt. My original idea was based and creative for an eight year old. Fucking hate femoid cunts. They can't think outside the box at all. Women are a joke.
>>276582 smh >some gay shit about an urchin bet you got full marks for that keeeek
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>of course if we keep our legs closed then we just anger men who turn into bitter and violent incels Happy Pride month :3
>>276584 >don't open your legs if you don't want to get pregnant don't run into the road if you don't want to get hit by a car
>>276584 >the more desperate men are for sex, the more likely they'll force it on us keeeeek so transparent
>>276585 Tricking one's own body with non procreative sex is obviously unhealthy. It feels good so people don't forget to procreate, that's a major purpose of it. The pairbonding aspect of it is a secondary benefit. Emotions are less permanent. I think every man knows that.
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>>276588 can't believe it's been six years
>let's talk about finnish refugees
>>276590 >fences smh racist secure borders are a human rights violation
>>276584 Women are given control of children in a divorce situation, because they are 9/10 times worse at childrearing alone than their male partner imo.
PeePeePooPoo Brew is here
>>276593 I will not be impressed until I see beer live micro-brewed from festival portaloo slurry.
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Hope these are mostly rumours tbh
New Zealand’s government has declared that American far-right groups the Proud Boys is a “terrorist organisations”.
> The British government promises an additional 1 billion pounds ($1.2 billion) worth of weapons to Kiev while we will be freezing to death in winter
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>>276597 >>276598 it's all such a complete joke
A Lords committee said the Life in the UK Test should be urgently reviewed because some of its content was inaccurate, trivial and misleading. >British Empire being described as “a force for good in the world”
>>276600 normies using Whatsapp and not Session with no phone number and disappearing messages
I probably look at myself in the mirror for at least 15 minutes a day if you add it all up. get up from computer, walk 5 yards to bathroom mirror, look at self, take off shirt, look at self, put shirt back on, return to computer. do it again 20 minutes later
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>>276604 vanity, also rewarding gym progress. my thought process is basically "hmm I'm starting to look alright, maybe if I continue gaining muscle then I will become attractive" >>276584 >twoxchromosomes >trannies are welcome
wish there was an eye push meme like these but with green frog hands and leddit alien getting pushed
Morning. https://youtu.be/6kguaGI7aZg
>>276606 Do you think that's their philosophy for fucking KS1 students too?
>>276610 Morning lad, anigay is cringe
In Turkey now lads, where's the Deano who was meant to meet me?
Oh look, I routed out a cute little wog.
what was the point of showering.. I am sweaty again
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mornin lads
>>276614 Fat people ploblems.
Almost sure Judaism doesn't say that it's not a baby/you can kill it. Lefty Jews dragging their entire religion through the mud to justify their wickedness and derangement and to get political clout and an allowance for evil. Why do they persecute me so!? Mark 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations >God saw us and knew us before we were born >carved us in the palm of his hand >knit us together in our mother's wombs >fearfully and wonderfully made
oh my cringe!
>>276617 >I'm Jewish
Aha hahaha yesssss!
>the seethe Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
chicken skewers were yellow stickered again feasting like a king >>276622 >defending racism as a warm up keeeek based
what's the best place to buy pork scratchings online?
>>276626 wouldn't mind trying those jalapeno ones tbh
>>276627 I've had something similar chilli pork scratching dust is a real hazard.
>>276628 tbh tbh there's chili scratchings at the shops near me can't get enough tbqh but i learnt a long time ago not to tip the bag up to get the last bits out keeeek
>>276630 I still keep doing it. I nearly die every time.
>>276631 keeeeeeeek based mong
you can buy bulk bags on ebay
>>276626 never had that, it's fried pig skin? sounds good. also must be high in collagen, so good for your skin
>>276634 yes, made by frying the pork skin taken from the pig's shank
i might go out and get some pork scratchings right now
>>276638 >covid wish the npcs would drop this tbh it's boring now >>276639 based
>>276638 >>276640 I suffer from Covid right now tbh. It's not fun, really annoying flu. >>276639 good for you lad
>>276641 >really annoying flu. and that's the thing tbh it's not the world-ending viral apocalypse that everyone was promising and that i was hoping for at this point literally everybody has either had it or knows someone who did and they all say one of two things: either it was a bad flu or they didn't even know they had it until getting a positive test
>>276642 it makes me really tired, very little energy to do anything above lurking internets
>>276643 have some lozenges
>>276643 smh rip lad
>>276641 >I suffer from Covid right now tbh. It's not fun, really annoying flu. your immune system is shit. the mummer caught something and gave it to me and then she took a test and it was positive. it was literally a cold, few days of sore throat or something I'm pretty sure that there is no "novel coronavirus", that the tests are just picking up various strains of coronaviruses which have long been recognized as strains of the common cold. I wouldn't go as far as this "viruses don't exist" thing, that's a reach and I don't even think that it's true, but "covid" (I hate that word so much, coe-vid, sounds so fucking stupid) seriously does not exist
>>276644 >>276645 >>276646 cheers lads, I hope to feel better soon
will they take down the flags tomorrow?
>>276648 why would they do something like that?
>>276649 it's a pride month lad, but supposedly it ends at midnight today
>>276650 >supposedly it ends is such a thing truly possible?
>>276648 No, they're up for good now. Next week legislation will be passed to make it a legal requirement for all British male citizens to have stuck their willy in a bum
>>276651 >>276652 their pride never ends
> Joint Statement of Ambassadors in Moscow on Pride Month “We, the undersigned Ambassadors of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Iceland, Ireland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Charge d’ Affaires of Lithuania and the United States, celebrate Pride Month by affirming the inherent human rights of each individual as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) community. Unfortunately, LGBTQI+ individuals throughout the world continue to face violence, harassment, and discrimination simply because of who they are or whom they love. This June, we celebrate Pride Month by applauding the accomplishments of LGBTQI+ activists and their allies, all of whom are working to ensure that every individual, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics, receives the full protection of the law. Human rights are universal and everyone, including LGBTQI+ persons, are entitled to their full enjoyment”.
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>>276609 here you go lad >>276655 can't wait for brics to take over the whole world tbh
>>276656 my mate has a theory that it is China and Russia who sponsor the western degeneracy so patriots like us would not lift a finger to defend our lands
>>276657 probably true tbh but the fact that are own governments are letting it happen (and not just that but actively encouraging it and sponsoring it) means they've lost the mandate of heaven
>>276657 keek I believe it
destabilising your rivals is just what nations do tbh it's shite but it's just how the game is played and it's a safe assumption that everyone is doing it to everyone else just one of those things
>>276662 based
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>>276598 >>276599 There is no magic money tree. Except for when there is, but that doesn't count,
>>276624 Nigger.
>>276666 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek even if the picture was a cow that doesn't prove him wrong tbh
voluntoil done enjoyed it tbh but wish it was paid for or I could get similar toil
>>276667 tbh also >she calls a cow embryo a cow >but not a human embryo a human
>>276666 keeeeeeeeek >>276668 >wish it was paid don't be silly lad you're the vanguard for the future of humanity soon none of us will be paid
>>276670 keek smh it's not even that different than retoil
>>276672 luv this nigga but his new stuff is a bit tame smh
>>276673 choosing the shekels over the basedness smh many such cases but understandable
every man that ever produced the greatest works of art known to humanity was an incel or at least in control of his sexual power
>>276674 many such cases >>276675 tbh
>rewatching old happenings just to get my fix
bacon, sausage eggs and toast with a glass of milk for brunch.
>>276679 based
>>276672 taking it all back tbh this video was a good one >>276682 maybe they commit more crimes
>ywn tie sarkar upside down suspended from london bridge so that she slowly drowns as the tide rises
Lots of undercover jannies at 8chan.moe/brit/(hassling only, when I saw them, only anons). Make of that what you will!
lads outside drystone walling making me miss toil tbh lads, been recovering from an operation for weeks can feel myself wasting away without any graft to do
>>276684 throw her in a giant pot of curry and feed her to the poojeets
>>276684 would like to turn her into a breedhog slave instead tbh, bet she'd love it.
despise the hypocrisy of these cunts on human rights its a human right to fuck bums but you should be forced to have a mandatory jab or lose everything
>tfw will soon be the only neet left on here
>>276688 she has a thing for white men iirc
>>276684 >upside down but then she'd die too quick >>276686 iktf tbh i miss toil too >>276689 tbh it's such a complete joke
>>276685 I keek!
why doesn't wessex just.... stop volunteering
>>276694 if he treats it as voluntary the state takes their duty to supply bennies as voluntary
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just learnt about saturation diving lads
>>276692 thought i was going to be back next week but its looking like i have another week satting around, might use the time to learn to tie some knots tbh
>>276694 >volunteering >voluntary >>276697 based learn how to tie a monkey's fist
>>276696 been watching those for a bit tbh another youtube frankenstein control machine programming moment
>>276696 pretty cool, ay? that could have been you. but all you are is a neet who calls people nigger on a secret part of the internet. based tbh
>>276699 smh they control what they show us and then we all see the same thing smdh still pvre kino though tbh sometimes the algorithm pulls its weight >>276700 tbh good trade
You lads hear about that one bloke who got cut off the diving ship because the location computer fucked up? Because of the pressure and shit he managed to survive for quite a while despite having no oxegyn. Can't find the video or whatever it was the Jews tricked me into watching
>only 300 hundred saturation divers in the whole US pay must be good, would get in on that if it didn't look so scary, hate water me, not been swimming since I was 13
>can feel a horrific poo brewing
>>276702 sounds like a horrible way to go tbh vaguely remember hearing about something like that >>276703 would become a saturation diver in a heartbeat tbh luv deep water there's just something calming about it
>>276616 Better fat than thin and having all toxins in ones environment directly impact nervous system, causing behavioural problems! Fat is beautiful now.
>>276705 they managed to save him and he just went back like two months later, imagine dying in the blackness of the void and thinking about the animals lurking and watching. Would be kino but terrifying >>276706 22stonesian post
>this boring schizo shit again
lidl tato snack followed by choccy milk and mini kipling selection
>>276709 im sure thats good for your legs
>276705 > luv deep water there's just something calming about it
>>276710 smh I'm celebrating doing voluntoil and becoming a productive member of society
>>276708 I can't see any schizo shit. Cry schizo too often and nobody will come to save you when I go off my meds, break into your house, and poo in your mouth.
Auslad ban that "fat" schizo poster
>wessie works for one day at unpaid retoil shite that he was forced into >talks about rewarding himself
>>276714 No. He should only ban the trannies, as they should be banned from existence. If you wouldn't murder someone irl if you could get away with it, they shouldn't be banned. That's why it's okay to ban trannies.
4a83ab is also a schizo ban him too
I'll show you schizo. Just you wait and see.
You lads know how to float? I float in the swimming pool with my ears in the water and it's like being back in the womb
>>276715 I actually volunteered for it lad and enjoyed it and I'm going back every week it's also moral and christian but probably helps a lot of wogs smh
why doesn't auslad do any actual jannying, hes like trump tbh.
>>276720 why don't you just apply for actual paid jobs
>>276721 a good jannie is a jannie who only jannies very rarely and only when needed
>>276722 because they look at my cv and they look at me and they think I am not capable or whatever I do apply for jobs I just never get them this voluntoil is something I can point to say that I am actually a good toilee

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>catalogue is back Nice
>>276723 banning boring schizos is desperately needed
>>276721 We voted him in because we want anarchy without trannies
*monitors the situation
>>276724 you'd had jobs before so you are in a better position than me, and we've been told there is a big labour shortage, are you really just getting rejected constantly, bizarre tbh.
>>276727 we wanted rid of the schizos too.
People who should be permad on sight to improve the quality of the board >bbk >herts >any and all trannies >bongo fags >bins >cook >schizo(s)
>uses gaslighting terms from the secular establishment's school of psychology Feeble cope par excellence
>>276729 yeah tbf proper 'ard jobs do need people like the binmen I saw yesterday who were so desperate the head binman was recruiting actual retard xoomers seems like a good job tbh if you can stick it out and not get injured, flexible contracts and zero hours etc so you choose your toildays and do as little as you want for £12 an hour I would have gone for that if I wasn't so unfit and also would inevitably injure myself and get leg ulcers again and have to leave to spend 8 months recovering
why is 548dec not being banned, hes a schizo, auslads silence is deafening, bet he'll do a passive aggressive "nn lads" post soon enough and pretend like it never happened.
>>276735 he's the kind of schizo you can just filter when he becomes tiresome banning is a last resort tbh
>>276707 must take some serious dedication to get right back to it like that tbh >>276709 chunky potato bacon soup for me >>276711 water's nice lad
>>276734 you should have just taken that job tbh, you are just making excuses, the job would help you lose weight and get fit
>>276736 no, that does not apply to schizos, their sole purpose is to ruin the board, they are like locusts and there should be a zero tolerance policy.
>>276726 No it isn't you SA tier faggot wannabe tyrant. Filter any 'schizo' you don't like. Only the trannies need to be banned.
fuck off bbk
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>fuck off bbk
>VPN poofs whinging about bans because VPN niggers are basically ghosts who are themselves immune from being banned Desperate drama like this is for literal gayists, you ought not attempt spreading your misery. Bad karma, fair warning.
thanks for reminding me, mancs should also be permad
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>wanting annoying schizos who add nothing banned means you are a dramafag
>>276738 smh it is the origin of "explodey legs disease" and a practical concern which caused me to stop working with vanlad before once the injury develops (guaranteed in a dirty work environment) it means eight months of sitting around getting fatter with my leg on a stool and it was pure shit and happened twice because I went back to work before it had fully healed the first time >>276744 based
filter first lads evading filters is bannable >>276744 known this since forever tbh
>(1) >(1) >(1) Triggered salt-poster. It's actually a thing of beauty.
>>276742 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>276748 the only thing fucking your legs up is being morbidly obese you idiot, why are all fat people like this.
>>276747 You are a dramafag, SA. You were literally an actor. LMao.
Is cuc/k/ going mad again? What's happening?
>>276753 That's not me you spastic
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>>276756 many such cases
>anti-bodega chad got fucking fired for asking for eggs and cheese
>>276755 Alright, it's your equally boring faggot tranny lover bongoist cuc/k/old.
>>276758 fucking joke of a planet
>>276752 actually it's being inbred and having failing kidneys that fill the lower extremities with waste fluid, that is what causes ulcers and cysts of course I should lose weight anyway but in this case it is a secondary factor >>276758 you vill eat ze fructose slop und you vill like it or you vill be unpersoned
bodegas are part of the liberal noble savage darkies of new york mythos so you cannot attack them, all part of the magical negro/non white matrix, romanticised nonsense.
>>276762 >but in this case it is a secondary factor no its not, you are morbidly obese, normal weight people do not get you are getting, the inbred thing is a total meme, typical fatty intransigence.
>>276763 Wasn't aware until recently that anyone romanticised them. That lad was only complaining he couldn't find any real supermarkets. Smh.
>>276765 new yorkers literally think they invented the bacon butty and that its a quirky NYC thing
keek just remembered one of the tardtoils finished yesterday and they took promotional material photos with me in them and I look like the golden mean >>276764 >seething for the sake of seething despite not knowing or understanding the full scope of my personal situation okay madlad I'll show you I'll lose weight and do labourtoil and when I inevitably get another cut which develops into an ulcer and I have to spend two thirds of a year recovering from it I get to say I told you so
>setting himself up to fail on day 1 of voluntoil if you were normal weight 90% of your health issues would go away
>>276763 From the video, they sell ultra processed snack foods which the customer unquestioningly consooms. What if it's a crapitalist or industrial motive for defensiveness
I assoom that like other zoned shartican hives all the food shops are in big shartmarts outside of the city that you have to drive to
>then they mock him for not making a weekly pilgrimmage in a lorry-sized 4x4 SUV to buy bulk amounts of instant mash and coloured chemical food substitutes
>>276771 not in NY
must be hell being a carless neet in shartica, I've seen stats that say 50% of gen z do not drive in shartica now.
night lads mildly seething because i made a custom order green nigga for 000381 but then he fucked off without giving me a (You) >>276771 bodegas are special because they're within WALKING DISTANCE of your tiny apartment tbh you can't get that experience anywhere in the world except in poo york city
>>276775 shnila here's a consolation (you) >>276656
does "walking distance" in america mean "literally inside your block of flats because anything further is past the car park and you can take the giant car instead" tbh
>>276777 The country is so badly designed that even in ny it can still take 20 mins to walk to an actual shop and 20 minutes back compared to being able to get to a major shop in a uk city within 5 minutes in any major city, the worst is LA though where its literally a concret desert and not having a car means you are incapable of going anywhere.
>>276768 Lad just do yoga, I mean if there's enough space for a cheap mat near your bedside. Wouldn't be as easy going elsewhere to practise. If you haven't ever done low-impact exercise like that it's worth a try. There's a very natural feeling to the poses and you may end up liking it, that's all I'm saying. People need more energy from time to time and that can be energy from increased exercise (exercise eventually causes the body to produce more energy), or it can be energy from extra calories. If there have been too many calories consumed which have led to inordinate weight gain, then it's time to go more to the exercise side of the equation. Just eating less as a "solution" is for a certain type of individual who is generally sallow and self-enfeebling compared to other certain individuals who are more passionate. People who over eat generally do so because of wanting more energy in the first place. For example the only place I'd want less energy personally is if I were living in a very quiet wilderness with zero stress, and since I'm not and want more energy to deal with the nonsense that individuals who don't live there have to deal with, and yet can't indefinitely eat to gain the required energy, then I will go to exercise to gain it. It's really about how different people handle things. Also I think gays enjoy drama and random nonsense at a deep level, so they won't care about handling such things manfully, they are much more comfortable going with the flow instead, won't understand the need for extra energy.
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>>276734 notice how leftists always attack bins? just goes to show tbh
>>276766 What a happy video
have a nice chinky shave lads
I miss the 2000s.
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Fresh cringe
>>276787 and then everyone clapped
>>276788 >dated for 2022 pretty sure this is an ancient screencap remade tbh or I'm getting strange deja vu
>>276786 What does this mean? I take it the bitch with black hair is a chick? Would fuck her tbh
>>276787 Kek would be better if he actually fought a tourist tbh. Luv nativists me.
>>276790 Soy thought that the nigress whom you fancy would be fairly de stressed from the bubble bath, but at the mention of Washington DC home of le evil Supreme Court, she goes into war mode and rigidly rises from the bubbles which didn't do the trick. She's fiery like the mentioned molotovs, she's on the (Aztec red injun) warpath and wants to consooom and raise her energy for the upcoming fight (see my penultimate poooost) so she grunts menacingly that she needs more than the suggested amount of food to which the beta who's been impressed by her muscly rise from the tub, hastens to obey.
>>276793 smh I would rape her to death
>>276795 Kek the other woman mentioned is named jack traditionally a mans name, didn't even notice till just now.
literally me on my way to rape niggers with my literal gf
>the mummy on the right with the skin-coloured bikini
>>276798 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEk yeah
I saw a full on jew looking at the history magazines in Tes-ticles-co, he had a fluffy hat on very strange but interesting I guess
>margot robbie >tfw she was the same age that I am now when she filmed wolf of wall street
>>276800 only seen one of those once before at the train station with a beaten wife in tow looked really push-onto-the-train-tracks-able tbh just naturally unlikeable
standing apart from everyone else and trying to pretend like we didn't exist because we are smelly goyim
>>276633 based fellow bones eater
>>276797 "Whyde ppl be basically aliens n gon take a pitture ry now"
>>276802 Something about their skin is corpselike too. Very cursed race.
>>276806 because they reject Jesus tbh
>>276807 "blood upon us and upon are children"
Fresh shartican shooting >the description he gives on the radio
>>276810 timestamp lad?
>>276812 you've got time
Got a three day ban for posting anime girls. this is bullshit I've suffered enough already.
>>276813 >not immediately giving me the dopamine AAAASMH yeah you're right something of the horror liminal aesthetic ketting that footage of a piggy wandering through a shartmall surrounded by mystery meat as echoing zogtunes play
>>276801 women age differently than men tbh lad don't sweat it w-we've still got time
>>276808 Now Taylor there's a lass I could get behind
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>>276812 09:48
>>276817 waheyyy
>>276815 >piggy wandering through a shartmall need to see this
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extremely lethargic today
>>276820 thanks lad ended up enjoying listening to the piggy hassling the niggoid anyway tbh
>white hispanic male >clearly a spicnig with brown skin good find tbh
>White! He's got tattoos all on his right arm!
>Americans pronounce Asmodeus as "asm-oh-deeyis" wtf
>y'all >folks
>>276828 >>276829 >fo'ward >hello my name is cregg >ped-o-file >says "flawed" like "flod" >pronounces experiment as "ick spearmint"
oh it's you again trannies are killed on sight sorry alternative politics and bowel movement forums are probably not the place for you anymore
fuck off faggot gay cunt
>>276836 tbh we really need a containment bongo or board for newbrit rapefugees
boomer toil complete until tuesday thanks to le patriotism day celebration. gonna go and make an incel rant in a bit
>>276838 keeksmh >>276839 goodlad make sure to be aggressively 'murrican
wait what shartistani thing is on june 30th? thought it was july 4th
>>276841 yeah its on the 4th boomer toilers just made a big holiday out of it
>>276842 4 day weekend?
>>276843 tbh yeah
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>gingerlass spent nearly 30 minutes in her car just scrooling on her phone
>>276849 cellphones broke women's brains
>>276849 steinerian tbh remember they are NPCs who literally do nothing if not with other people
>>276852 she doesnt even look at anything, she just scrolls, endlessly i dont fuckign get it
>>276849 steinerian tbh remember they are NPCs who literally do nothing if not with other people
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she looks sad all the time tbh
>>276856 yeah its like a coping mechanism for alot of foids in place of having social skills, they hide behind phones and behind gay shit like dogs instead of learning to have conversation skills (which mummys used to teach lasses in the victorian age so they wouldn't end up spinsters)
just wank so you can forget about her idiotic parasitical dasein (being) and only view her as a resource lad.
>>276860 she seems to be better than me at socialising when i talked to her tbh
>>276856 She's just bored and wants to pass the time by looking at dumb shit on her phone. It's a modern disease. Looking at inconsequential shit on the internet can be both completely undemanding on your time and mind and yet all consuming if you don't have the discipline/inclination to do something actually worthwhile
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>>276866 really hope he gets to purge russia of jewish oligarchs with pootine who becomes the undisputed goodguy of our era tbh
>>276866 really hope he gets to purge russia of jewish oligarchs with pootine who becomes the undisputed goodguy of our era tbh
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>>276863 she needs a man in her life (me)
don't want to wank because its wrong but have no outlet at all, wonder how priests manage tbh, usually cope with sweeties but I'm trying to get fit again, nearly 4 weeks nofap.
But in the American elite, which is made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, at some point a critically large number of non-Americans have accumulated. They are predominantly Europeans, often from Russia. Many are ethnically Jewish but imbued with European or Russian-Soviet principles and cultural codes. They brought a different culture and philosophy to the United States. They did not understand or accept American pragmatism at all, seeing it only as a backdrop for their own advancement. That is, they took advantage of American opportunities, but did not intend to adopt a libertarian logic unrelated to any hint of totalitarianism. In reality, it was these alien elites who hijacked the old American democracy. It was they who took the helm of globalist structures and gradually seized power in the United States. luv dugin tbh
But in the American elite, which is made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, at some point a critically large number of non-Americans have accumulated. They are predominantly Europeans, often from Russia. Many are ethnically Jewish but imbued with European or Russian-Soviet principles and cultural codes. They brought a different culture and philosophy to the United States. They did not understand or accept American pragmatism at all, seeing it only as a backdrop for their own advancement. That is, they took advantage of American opportunities, but did not intend to adopt a libertarian logic unrelated to any hint of totalitarianism. In reality, it was these alien elites who hijacked the old American democracy. It was they who took the helm of globalist structures and gradually seized power in the United States. luv dugin tbh
she always goes out alone to walk her dogs now she always used to go with her parents wonder what happened smh maybe she wants to see me..
>>276875 >Many are ethnically Jewish >but imbued with European or Russian-Soviet principles and cultural codes smh he still has to tiptoe and blame it on other reasons that being kikes
>>276875 >Many are ethnically Jewish >but imbued with European or Russian-Soviet principles and cultural codes smh he still has to tiptoe and blame it on other reasons that being kikes
>>276875 >Many are ethnically Jewish >but imbued with European or Russian-Soviet principles and cultural codes smh he still has to tiptoe and blame it on other reasons that being kikes
>(3) sameposts >quick reply box stuck on "Uploading 100%" >(46) posts yeah I'm thinking we're back in business
i fucken love her
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>>276884 so are you dating her or what
>>276887 No, he just goes on and fucking on about her on our cyber racist input output screen.
>>276887 if by dating you mean staring through a window at her then yes
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>neighbors cat just chased squirrel buddy after I was feeding him peanuts
>>276887 not yet
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we need a pembs edit of this
>>276892 Damn Jontron was savage back then
>>276890 probably needs the exercise after all those nuts tbh
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>>276895 apparently that lad is a based and redpilled cripplemutant good on him tbh
>>276896 based pretty much almost all low status males in west today are getting redpilled at least on some things.
I bet if he is a shart, then he hates niggers because all the disability fag whites in shartica get stuck in section ape and they just get mugged and robbed by worthless niggers who they share housing with. unless they are lucky ruralfags in large villages with low nigger populations
>>276896 >>276899 tbf being called racist on the internet is the least of his concerns
very hydian tbh I think he grotesquemaxxes for the clout https://www.youtube.com/c/RickyBerwick/about
makes me uncomfortable tbh
he disgusts me
at least he didn't take the spastic twat pill like kikewheels
disabled people are meant to be locked away and not seen tbh like 22st or wessie
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fukken RANK
>>276833 Wessex loves vampires
>>276913 only female(XX chromosome) though >>276914 >hire a maid. be a man hope somebody made them mald by saying "do the dishes for him. be a woman"
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>>276915 >hires a maid >shags her on the side >ditches foid for the maid
I'm shit at chess/
>>276915 thats what pembs wishes he looked like
>>276917 keeek only if they could get a proper sexy one instead of the usual 50yo chain smoking abuela
>hire a maid be a man why are women so delusional, they honestly think living as landed gentry is standard or common, western women desperately need knocked down a peg
>>276920 tbh >hires french au pair to look after me
>>276921 ridiculous levels of entitlement cos soyim on the internet simp for them
>>276921 even when we live in pods and eat soy they will still have these standards
Fourth date tomorrow wahey love women
>>276925 is she a pretty gingerlass?
choccy milk really doesn't taste right smh the only good one I have found was at gaysburys, just cocoa and milk in a glass bottle but they discontinued it in favour of more chemical and gum mixes in plastic bottles
fix your fucking diet i am fucking sick of these posts
>i am fucking sick of these posts >dorset
>>276929 tomorrow I'm having salmon wellingtom with courgettes and salad for all three meals tbh that's decent right
>>276930 is he getting on your bad side mate?
you WILL hit the temple of iron you WILL eat healthily and you WILL be happy
>>276927 >(1) >>(1) >>276926 Nope she has dark hair. Pretty though. >>276928 just get some nesquik. I only found out recently that you're supposed to heat the milk before you put the choccy powder in smh
>>276931 do that every day
>>276934 ah.. you should marry her
*suns my balls out in the street just as based bappy boy the fed intended >>276934 lidls only had goody cao, got some on the shelves tbh I don't heat it either, no point used to be a kino breakfast for froglets, bowl of choccy milk with brioche dipped in it
>>276938 Did the choccy milk have a based black man on the front of it
>>276939 keeeek smh no they got rid of him like they genocided the land o lakes injun
>>276939 banania is very tasty tbh
>>276937 God willing
actually they have a monkey on the packaging so the black lads are still represented
>>276934 thanks lad. getting that early (you) is hard. especially when the thread is already established
carbs carbs carbs fucking vile
think i will head to lidl someday and get some dark chocolate lots of it kilos of it
wheetos for sninner
Can't believe the Jews took Professor Weeto from us
>>276948 smh I remember that lad
>>276948 hahaha funny ugly drawings!
>In 2010, he was replaced by The Weeto, a strong Weeto with arms and legs who'd do anything to get into the cereal for children. smh he was killed off for a more boring and generic ambulant anus nonce
Weetabix Food Company looks like it is still LOCAL and not Jewish though which is good
>>276955 KEEEEEEEEEEK based wiggers bullying plodcuck
>>276955 keek that lad climbed that drain pipe fast
>>276955 why do people keep falling for this obvious fake shite, that "police officer" is the cunt from trollstation
imagine the thrill both from the crim and the watching lads being able to btfo a real life jannie
>>276959 don't care tbh it made me keeek
Want to buy some lynxes and reintroduce them to are fair land lads
>>276959 >shattering are keeks smh I thought the way the camera stopped looking at the lad as he began to climb was a bit sus
>>276962 think they already have been have they not?
>>276959 would make me laff if the real police turn up and arrest him for impersonating police
>>276965 Not sure tbh think theres been some reason proposals for it at least
Recent smh
smh all thats left is the scottish wildcat
>>276963 >50% chance you get away with it
>>276970 think its only 10-20% in the uk tbh, steiner should be putting in work tbh
>>276971 Steiners serial killer arc would be so kino
>>276972 reckon nobody would grass him up from here tbh, except maybe some bongo fags
>>276971 >implying he isnt already
>>276973 maybe he's a serial killer already. As soon as he posts evidence online, he's more likely to get caught isn't he
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>>276873 I found that if you find yourself wanting to wank or wanking actively it really helps to just go to the toilet and act like you're taking apiss. your body will then actually want to take a piss instead but even if not then it's a good change of scene and can really reduce the boner
feet niggas be like hmmm yeah soft bouncy milky boobs don't like those soft kissable tummies nah not for me round slappable bums no thank you i'll have the crusty toes and wrinkly sweaty soles with extra toenail thank you very much
>>276976 keeek love that bit one of my better low effort bits of OC
>it's another mummy can't hear the cooker alarm beeping despite being in the next room with the door wide open episode
was reading that the first waystation in my state was called todd's tavern and it was by a man named joe todd or something like that and he kept a blackbear as a guard dog chained up outside to alert him if injuns or praire banditti/highwaymen were about. alexis de toqueville stayed there when he traveled in shitagain drawing autistic bird pictures
>>276975 stop being a homofaggot. God loves you and benis is for bagina
>posting unspoilered wankbait seething
>>276983 kino >>276984 he is a tranny and should not be posting here lad
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>276980 >replies to my 4 week nofap post >immediately posts coombait And thats a strawman anyway real feet appreciators need the feet to be nice and smooth and attached to an attractive woman with all other positive attributes
>>276982 what is it with mummies and having dogshit hearing and being in denial about it? my mummy is exactly like that, refuses to get hearing aids despite being nearly 70
AAUUGH STOP my testes ache seethe fills my veins I hate women I love women
>>276988 I'm testing your will lad
>>276959 good lad. wrangle the tards
thing with jocko is that you can keep banning him and he will constantly ban evade pretending to be innocent hes that type of prick
>>276987 >no teenage or uni or even early 20s gf to engage in these hijinx with while living at home >just a rotting and slowly aging neet incel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH JUST KIL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>there are more footfags itt than just spic shudders >>276993 would you expect anyone not to evade bans though
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>>276987 looks a bit like my sister
>>276997 introduce me lad?
>>276994 plenty of 18yo lasses with mental issues that would love an older man to do that stuff to her
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK poor lad, this is how I imagine steiners cousin would act if anybody knew he fingered her, this is how lasses are when they get "exposed" as having anything to do with a low value male.
>>277001 natty portperson needs to shut the fuck up tbh annoying slag
>>276975 Why do you get off on negative attention? You haven't changed
natalie portman had a nose job to appear more anglo looking
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>>277004 don't worry incel brothere tocfaidh ar la
>>277004 why not? if 22st can find these lasses that want to date him then you can too
is jocko the one that actually cut their cock off, fr?
>>277008 Not yet, that is Luna
>>277007 22st is a virgin
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>>277006 this was unsettling
unironically fuck off with the homosexual shit can't wait until based nigger bans fag marriage so I don't have to see shitcock propaganda all the time. nobody cares you like the smell of human intestinal mucus and anal fissure blood. fucking abomination of a lifestyle. go to hell and die faggot.
>>277014 good lad wish posting this sort of thing on normie sites was feasible
>>277014 you'd probably see it more if it got banned
>>277014 bins led them here with his grotty arse musk
>>277015 Seems to me like nobody likes homos and it's really just a fear of having the police called on you tbh
doesn't take many pics of homos being walked like dogs in the street to change the average normie's mind I bed
>>277015 tbh fags try with anime and shit to make their lifestyle seem cute or whatever so they can groom incels but in real life its the most vile lifestyle. they all smoke meth or do drugs and just trash their bodies like they are ruled by slaanesh or something from the subdimensional realm
the white man's struggle is never having enough clean socks to put on
25th anniversary of this today
>>277022 I have clean socks, they just all have holes in
>>277022 >coomsocklad
>>277020 china tier smh not nice to see >>277024 tbh, sock drawer is overfull
>>277019 this is what the pride flag truly represents twerking and being pissed on by a bunch of men in leather outfits infront of kids normies that go to pride things never protest that shit its disgusting
based women b like... past 30 and childless
do american really coom in their socks, whats all that about, I remember seeing it in american pie when I was young and trying it for 3 minutes before coming to the conclusion that it was fucking retarded
straight lads b like hey funnel alcohol past these men's arseholes and into my mouth
>>277023 one ofthe most kino album covers of all time >>277025 couldnt be me
Big guys b like for (you)'s
>>277029 it really is a terrible idea. Probably yet another phenomenon caused by yanks all having mutilated cocks
22st is such a simp, changes his whole beliefs week to week depending on how much success he is having with women, and will post anti incel memes and be the nordic work house slave if hes getting any attention from women, wouldn't be me.
>>277034 right, you'll forever remain an incel freak
>>277033 how does a sock help with that
>>277034 le baseless comment lad
>>277029 I usually just coom into my old underwear and then wash it later
I want a traditional society where people remain chaste until marriage and get married young, but if we are living in an open pussy society then I want some pussy(which I get none) and if thats the case then I don't want anybody else to get any either
everyone knows this was the kino way to wank back in the day tbh tbh
>>277037 its based on your posting you norgaygian
>>277014 tbh auslad needs to kaboom these cunts off the board
>>277040 >his cock was small enough to fit in them
>>277041 le autistic lad. You'll never understand me
is this like the three seashells or something
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>>277039 too bad, loser
>>277046 Had sex with more women than you
>>277043 lid they were like a foot long
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*looks down on 04e3e6*
>>277048 no they weren't they were tiny and you couldn't fit your cock in them I tried
>>277039 I just want a faithful woman I can love and cherish and have a child with. Non procreative sex just seems empty
>>277047 and how many of them did you continue to see and enjoy their company after having sex
A cock, unused.
>>277047 Nobody is going to believe that, lad.
wow he had casual sex
typical gloating about sex >ive had sex with loads of women but.. im sad and lonely :((
>pot calling the kettle black
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>>277020 >Go to look it up see if the kid was okay >picrel
>>277062 >"google is your friend"
>>277063 I always forget how things are
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>>277068 the resemblance is uncanny
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>>277069 i tried
keek looks like some lads infiltrated a pro abortion protest to find and stab a specific antifa they didnt like https://twitter.com/VPS_Reports/status/1541460685770543104
also unban me you fucking aussie faggot
just been reminded that pembs exists
>>277074 oh well
>>277075 wew now this is proper daftyism
>277077 why post about the fag to us then you retard don't draw attention to him and he'll kill himself sooner or later
>>277075 groyped

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>>277080 settle down cupcake
Boris Johnson actually said that war is caused by “toxic masculinity” and we need more women in positions of power Absolute fucking state https://streamable.com/ayy7n5
>bins kills the thread it's the fatpoljaks, I'm sure of it
>literally a whole year until barbie comes out
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>>277001 >bragging about a botched attempt to groom an 18 year old fan who was half his age
I have a confession to make, lads. I, Mancs, am in fact, His Royal Highness, The BumBum King. I had to come out, and share my truth. Now I can finally be who I am, bum-bling across the land, killing all the niggers. Okay, thank you.
>>277087 i don't like the fat poljaks tbh theyre so uggo
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>>277091 >absolute state of anti-fat pooosters Clear off thin lad
>>277092 he's achieved in 5 years what niggers couldn't in 5,000, incredible
sorry *500,000 my bad
>>277097 Based.
>>277098 tbh smiling is for fags and women women should always smile, men should always be glaring or pensive with a furrowed brow
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>>277099 tbh some people have said i have psycho eyes
>>277100 they're probably coomer eyes
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>>277101 >tfwn shag the sexy gingerlass that called me jeffrey dahmer
>>277102 He cute
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>>277103 >Every year for a decade they release a report revealing that the police and the council worked to cover up posting on /leftypol/ rings >Every year nothing gets done about it, so we can expect a new report the next year, and the year after that, and the year after that
>>276656 gooooooooooooooooood lad >>276980 t. bike seat sniffer why not all of the above? it's bizarre that you have this negative emotional association with feet >>277062 at least use startpage, jeez lad. I never navigate to google.com or youtube.com, have uMatrix blocking all google everything, use freetube with invidious api for youtube
>Faggot filters about boards that don't exist anymore
>>277108 Tbh. >>277110 Think it's a global one tbf.
>>277113 is this latching onto the barbie thing meme some sort of 'the screws are collectively coming loose' phenomenon?
>>277114 dunno la, but snoon I'll do a live performance as tbbk. With a swastika. And a home made nailbomb.
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>>277117 doubt it
>>277118 Good try lid
>Joe Owens vlogging in Liverpool city centre Keeek.
site is dying
>>277122 Good old Joe tbh. Cheers lad
>>277122 why are there so many shitskins in liverpool why did they choose to live there what is the draw?
>>277126 It's a city.
>>277128 okay thank you
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donbabwe pocket is closing
>>277131 pathetically slow progress ngl, hate wars like this, even syria was more exciting.
>>277133 it's been accelerating over the last week. there are two problems for Russia: >the Ukraine has virtually unlimited cannon fodder, Russians are using volunteers only so they are massively outnumbered >the hohols are hiding in Russian-majority urban areas, using the locals as human shields in any case, the sanctions are harming the wests economy far more than Russia's, so there isn't really a rush for Russia, they have time. what they want to do is minimize their own casualties, which is why they are this this slow and grinding shell-and-advance strategy the map painting may not be impressive, but there is a huge firepower disparity and the hohols are taking massive casualties, hundreds dying every day >On June 26, 720 AFU members were killed and 28 military vehicles were destroyed by Russian forces, according to the Russian MOD that's the most recent casualty estimate I could find. 720 AFU members dead in a DAY! https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-june-26-2022-map-update/ for comparison, for the Iraq War (2003-2011) Coalition forces Killed: 4,825 (4,507 US,[32] 179 U.K.,[33] 139 other)[34] Ukrainians have more casualties than the entire Iraq War EVERY WEEK
>>277135 you seem to be mistaken, I am well aware of everything you've outlined, I follow the conflict very closely, I just think its boring.
>>277136 iktf tbh I'm being optimistic to extract maximum entertainment value despite the fact that it's considerably less interesting than expected
so that's what they're calling it, the "Liberal World Order"
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watch volume on 2nd vid female employment vs male employment
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I fucking hate deafniggers so much
looks like the police came for dobby https://youtu.be/R1eratBCQow
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>>277143 smh poor dobby
oh the site is broken
>>277138 Rich fags are keeping all of the virgins to themselves, ruining their bodies after ruining their minds with feminism. Thus, this is not a liberal, meaning generous, era. As far as political philosophy goes, an argument could be made that this is a derivation of classical liberalism, but it would be a weak arguments as even most politicsfags are far from conversant with the usage of such terminology, regularly describing secular libertarianism as conservatism. At any rate, this liberal/conservative paradigm is gay as it plays into the left vs right false dichotomy, the "left" being antinomian gnosticism and the "right" being ascetic gnosticism.
>>277140 if this board had a pin feature i'd pin this post
>>277142 Yeah just get working ears ffs
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>>277123 >$1800 per month disability Don't believe anywhere on Earth is this generous
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>>277086 >war is caused by men >so we should put more women in charge >so we get defeated by foreign countries who didn't put women in charge Actually I approve of this, death to the UK, put women (not trannies) in all senior military positions >>277075 >neo-Nazi leaLondonderryan Sanchez, who was a member of the Rise Above Movement (a neo-Nazi street gang) >Sanchez
>correct one leftoid on twatter >see I've a >(1) >nothing >log out to look >another leftoid sneething >log in, check the account >you are blocked >never interacted with this leftoid before >he really made a reply and then blocked, fearing the wrath of my facts and logic >you have been locked out of your account for hateful conduct H'wew m'lads.
>>277154 Just another day on twitter
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smorning lads >>277153 >leaLondonderryan
>>277159 feels like i've heard this one before somewhere
>>277160 I've posted the same song before as a solo cover by Fukuda Marine
>>277161 that explains it
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Anything to keep the citizenry from focussing on local issues
>she/her thoughts on Halifax?
>>277163 >sends 1 billion pounds for Ukraine
>>277164 bit cringe tbh
>>277135 I hope you're right. Putin molodets.
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Surprised it's still the current thing.
>>277168 which one? tranies or ukr?
JewSGay fails another hypersonic missle test https://www.rt.com/news/558115-hypersonic-test-fail-pentagon/
this image should probably have accompanied that post, but it's not as nice to look at
>>277171 based
ligma complex
>>277176 Is this the Year of the Linux Desktop?
>>277177 No mate it's just another year of slow, slightly relieving, societal collapse,
>>277169 They're one and the same tbf.
Yeah transgemder was invented in Ukraine by a Welshman no less.
>>277135 someone made a good quote, that it was better to advance 1 mile and destroy 1000 hohols than to advance 100 and destroy none which is what russia is doing obviously despise how we have so many people in the country that want us to get involved in shit on the other side of europe, "empire delusion" at its finest maybe when peoples families are being bombed and killed, their sons sent off to die, maybe then they'll think differently probably not, no sacrifice is too great for globohomo
>>277180 Not sure if you're memeing. I asoooomed it was more recently reinvented in G*rmany in the 20s. It of course existed in the collapse of many a society. Smh.
even if you are pro-ukraine there is still no valid reason for us to get involved numerous countries are inbetween russia and us, that would probably be able to stop russia(at the very least if they joined together) so fucking DUMB
>>277183 Yeah, hate our Empire nostalgists. As if Britain could've ever conquered Russia at our hight. They're always the same Williamoid cunts who support GLOBAL BRITAIN i.e. flooding us with more Indians and Pakis.
>>277183 tbh we are already facing a slow invasion of our own that is having fuck-all of any substance done about it. >>277131 need a map like this but of Britain for similar propaganda purposes >most of it is already red, save for a few pink bits in the highlands where frontier mosques are being built >boats and arrows for troop movements shown on the south coast >instead of explosions for rocket and arty attacks, it's kebabs for child grooming gangs and knives for poo vs mirpoori street-fighting
>>277185 >tbh we are already facing a slow invasion of our own >slow there's only what, some 200k Russian soldiers in the Ukraine? meanwhile there are millions of muds in the Jew-K
>>277184 ye, its more than that, a lot of left wing interventionism is directly from british empire "humanitarianism" and so on, we just NEED to help those poor brown people because we're so much better than them, they're still in that mentality, delusional about the real power of this country
the white man's burden one of the culminate ideas to come out of the enlightenment two of the worst ideas ever thought up by out of touch liberal intellectuals
>>277191 >normgroid politico appropriating the hollow men kinoparison thought up by based polfaces
>>277171 i do keek
>>277192 Dominics Cuntmings can be pretty funny though ngl
ohhh dominic cummings
>>277196 >Tha knife wuz a little too long >Tha wuz bumba rasta What did she mean by this?
pride is over
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band i like is playing at a pub dunno if i cba to go wont drink either
>>277205 go meet a lass have a shag
>Rising Covid cases leads to NHS demanding wearing of face masks at Nottinghamshire hospitals https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/rising-covid-cases-leads-return-7272161
>>277142 Is it possible to do sign language without making silly faces?
>>277126 There aren't. Liverpool is one of the whitest cities in the UK. We had a successful race riot in 1918 that ended in deportations. We almost started a race war in 1948. We had race riots in the 80s. All of our niggers were bullied into a small ghetto in Toxteth.
>>277206 i want a wife
>>277210 that would be great, apart from the fact liverpool is full of scousers
>>277157 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>277164 I hope they suffer, they put out a particularly disturbing race mixing advert once that I shan't forget. >>277196 Wouldn't be caught dead without my knife tbh. >>277203 The state. >>277212 Yeah, no stale cider minge around here
>>277213 yeah, just fat ugly norfern slags
>>277201 >pride binned
checked the news, seems like society is collapsing.
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Wonder how the average Liverpooloid feels about Mo Sa-lah-lah-lah-lah being on their sportball team. Unless he's been transfered to Egypt FC or wherever he was from. Don't keep up with it.
>The UK have sent 3.8 billion pounds to Ukraine this year >At a Nato summit in Madrid, the PM announced a further £55 billion in defence spending until 2030, while spiralling inflation – currently at 9 per cent – continues to erode people’s spending power and living standards are dropping. >When asked at the summit if he is worried about “Ukraine fatigue”, amid a cost of living crisis at home, Mr Johnson replied: “The point I would make about the cost of freedom is that, actually, it is always worth paying. When you can't afford energy, fuel and food, just remember its for our FREEDOM.
>>277218 fucking despise that demonic prick
>>277215 Should be banned though
>>277219 >My colleague mentions that the only way to stop social media from ruining our lives and controlling us is to switch off as much as possible >All I can think about is the Unabomber and have to surpress the urge to bring him up
>>277222 Just say it tbh they're too gormless/castrated to even spazz out at you.
>>277222 everyone who is anti-tech/whatever knows who ted is at this point tbh
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10913697/Know-wasteman-gyaldem-Multicultural-London-English-dominant-British-dialect.html Do you know your 'wasteman' from your 'gyaldem'? Multicultural London English (MLE) will become the dominant dialect in Britain within 100 years, researchers say >London's inner-city slang could become UK's dominant dialect within 100 years >The Multicultural London English dialect has spread throughout the country >From 'peng' to 'gyaldem' and 'wagwan' to 'wasteman', our language is changing >You only have to turn on the television to hear words such as 'peng' (attractive) and 'lips' (kiss), with other examples including 'creps' for shoes, 'mandem' and 'gyaldem' for groups of men and women, and 'wasteman' for a stupid person. >The growth of grime music has also helped cement the dialect and help it cross into the vocabulary of other social classes. >Many young people already use the lingo and as they grow into middle age and pass their language habits to their children, MLE will likely take hold.
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>>277225 psyops article tbh
most young people dont fucking talk like that just as most zoomers dont say "fr fr no cap"
>>277214 Is that all you've got? Go and cry over some vinegar cunted ginger slut lad. >>277217 It doesn't factor into day to day life, I imagine few care although recently he's been considered a dead weight on the football team. The football supporters in this city tend to be mostly drawn from the middle class Union types though so who knows. I imagine this is the case for every other city. Wish we could start a based union tbh. I remember the BNP had one called Shieldwall or something. >>277227 The niggers will be dominant in 100 years.
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>>277219 god shut up you fucking faggot
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ye cba to go out even tho i got my new jeans on and head freshly shaved smh
the alchie pub-going dorse arc is over
I really want to know, who did Boris think he would win over using language like “toxic masculinity”? Who is giving him advice this bad?
>>277229 >The niggers will be dominant in 100 years. Not if you kill them all, lad.
>>277222 Just bring him up
>>277234 "Die willjak die"
idea: soyjak but he's a william, we call him willjak.
"it's all coming together"
>>277232 so many women the days walking around in trousers that just emphasises t heir gunt, completely shameless too
>>277240 phwoar
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might have to go out because i feel super horny
>>277244 Which seat shall I... TAAAAAAAAAAKE?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi00ykRg_5c
Was thinking of this jew bronx one.
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>>277235 tbh >>277242 >might have to go out because i feel super horny
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proto mutt meme
blah blah blah ginger las blah blah blah prostitute blah blah blah wanking blah blah blah drunkenness blah blah blah
>>277248 What does it say?
ALERTA DE POLITICA THIS IS NOT A DRILL ACTUAL POLITICAL EVENTS ABOUT TO BE DISCUSSED IMMINENTLY Nationalist By-Election DISASTER + PA Update - with Laura Towler https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PAUpdateJune:f
absolutely foul "pineapple cheese" on toast for dinner would have preffered just having butter on toast tbh got a real hankering for some soft boiled egg and soldiers, but no egg cup smh
>>277251 PA is shit, but the shows are usually good
>>277209 deafs are dumb beasts, they like to force people that can hear normally to look at them make retarded facial expressions >>277225 >mandem >gyaldem that's so nigg ffs
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>no pussy >no racist government
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on the other hand: >alcohol
>chad moves to new york >realizes there are no supermarkets, so you can't buy real food, only junk food from shitty little convenience stores owned by 'ricans and yemenis >gets cancelled
>>277252 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NzUm7UEEIY
Can hot dogs still be described as a "sausage"?
>>277255 At least the deaf don't get in everyone's space and swing a stick at them like blindniggers.
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>no wessex post since 19:01:14
>>277262 nah, I'm sympathetic to the blind, they just want to live normally. you don't get it. the problem with the deaf isn't that they have a disability, it's that they have what they call "Deaf culture" where they have their own stupid flappy arm language and they look down on deaf people that get hearing implants and stuff... they're an insular community outside the nation, just like Jews and Homosexuals sign language should be banned and the deaf should be forced to communicate using written language. either a pen/paper or some kind of electronic device with typing and screen. that way they will actually be speaking English instead of some completely different language
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some of y'all nigga aint drinkin' and it shows
>>277259 is a bodega just a paki shop?
>>277266 idk I never knew about this new york not having supermarkets thing before apparently yeah, they were run by puerto ricans originally but now the majority are owned by yemenis? why yemenis specifically idk? I didn't even know we had yemenis in el estatos unidos
>>277264 >They just want to live normally Except when they insist on bringing their pets everywhere because its a "guide dog".
>>277268 well yeah, dogs should be banned, that's a separate issue though
>>277266 >>277267 it's the equivalent of an off-licence or a polski sklep or anything similar, except at least in some of those you can buy actual food soy yorkers see bodegas as a part of their fucking culture
>>277267 yeah except it's run buy wogs and doubles as a front for drug dealing from what I hear.
>>277267 Reminds me of that coal burner that got burned alive or whatever years There was a petrol station in the area that was obviously a front for other things. Owned and run by Yemeni's.
>siding with spig on the deaf vs blind debate >but guide dogs should be banned Filtered.
>>277272 >wears mask >puts hands all over bananas he doesn't even buy
*starts crying* *screams*
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Its Friday Its bank holiday weekend
>>276597 What about BLM? Or Antifa?
New York: >after abolition, subsaharaniggers swamped the north's major cities >this was followed by waves of gookniggers and aztecniggers in the late 1900s Pottery. Should have deported all of the darkies, still not too late to do so, probably.
>>277279 Supported by horsemouth hardon, naturally. Like baby killing and gun control.
>>277283 https://youtu.be/NMqZReB0-UQ
watching it again
>>277285 no straight guy starts a sentence with "I'm a straight guy"
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Seethe, cope, and a little bit of rope. The BabySnuff Girls! On this week's episode, their purpose in life has been taken away, that's right, their abortion rights! Who will stop Uncle Tom Mojo Clawrence, the evil monke of the Supreme Court? Why, the BabySnuff Girls!
>>277286 Keeek thanks for the warning. Smh
>>277288 dysgenic filth
Still can't believe he's not jewish
>seething peterson didn't expect to get banned https://youtu.be/UYfKWQqvFac
It's Twitter, you mong! Not friendly, stop trying to charge the barbed wire machine gun nest by yourself!!
>>277293 Such an odd fella. Very feminine mannerisms as well.
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>>277291 You go gurrrl.
>>277292 I thought he was jewish
>>277292 He's probably a wop then.
Neither is he
>>277294 Ive learned not to expect much from thin individuals, tbh. Also he hasn't been truly relevant since before he cucked on his plan to make a database of warning, cataloguing the university professors who espouse and teach postmodernism.
>>277288 >now, the storm is here "..."
Neither is he
It's a gruesome phenotype, only found on these isles.
>>277298 There's always been some overlap of features between Europeans, Indians, MENAs tbh.
>"when i first trusted the plan in the cbts threads 5 years ago...you all laughed at me"
>>277302 Isn't that a Silure?
>>277298 >>277301 Lost Tribes of Israel and all that
Better tbh
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>>277288 >the right to control our own bodies >after 2 years of demanding vaccines for everyone
>>277308 >we'll see who cancels who Sounds like a wrasslin' promo
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man needs some benzos
>>277313 Is that real though?
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I love him lads
>>277316 We're taking Ridin' with Biden to a whole new level
>>277318 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk
>>277316 >Biden’s first wife and baby daughter were killed when their car was struck by a tractor-trailer, Biden stated that the other driver was drinking at the time of the accident, despite the driver never being charged with drunk driving. Wew
>277316 Taig-enabler
Destroyer of Russians and a Crusader against Toxic Masculinity. How can one man be so based?
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>>277218 Literally "this is the price of freedom", he really is a yankoid stereotype. To say nothing of the absolute state of saying this shit whilst not actually having freedoms.
>>277252 fucking based frogs tbh

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