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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3847: Kill All Pakis Edition Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 12:40:57 Id: 9726a0 No. 360584 >>360587 >>360589 >>360642
Rishi Sunak criticises political correctness over grooming gangs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65160429 Grooming gangs and ethnicity: What does the evidence say? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65174096 posting on /leftypol/ abuse: Failure to report crimes to be made illegal https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65152581
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:06:53.
>>360584 (OP) Based edition. Fuck the civic Tory shadow boxing and kill all Tories too.
visiting twitter and seeing the filthy fucking subhuman libtards post the debunked Home Office "report" on grooming claiming its majority white when it excludes all data from Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford and was itself written by Imran Khan who was in a fucking grooming gang as a teenager and is now in prison. My own fucking parents brought it up as an epic own on le tories when ive seethed to them about grooming gangs since i was 12 and found out about it on /pol/. I'm going to karate chop the first paki or libtard i see into a million pieces. this is a real threat, i am a black belt in karate and my hands are considered lethal weapons by law.
>>360584 (OP) good lad
>>360588 normgroids actively block it out lad they'll cling to any lifeline the media throws to them that lets them believe it's not true
im an aryan barbarian
it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood
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>no dobby for 3 months hope he's ok
>>360588 its part of the greatest hits collection, along with cable street, migrants propping up ar en aitch ess and economy and le far right terror.
need to make some friends to bully our way into the local migrant hotel in minecraft
*throws one stone at the window and legs it*
kino from the archive
>>360597 if it has a post box it can be btfo without much effort or more than one person. this is why i campaign for all nigger paki hives to remove their post boxes to protect diversity.
>>360598 very good lad >>360599 keeeeeeek wish this kind of thing happened more regularly
>>360593 I bet Dobby is well into Andrew Tate content
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>>360604 the alpha doesn't have to listen
>>360588 Based. This lad did a rundown on it https://twitter.com/CDP1882/status/1642900173843050498 >>360602 Yeah, she looks awful there
going to relentlessly chud out on my friends and family about rape gangs in the coming days.
>>360593 think hes court ordered from streaming until later this year
>>360607 based
>>360590 100% been noticing this over the last few days. The 2020 paper by Ella Cockbain & Waqas Tufail is also the biggest pile of fucking libtard/paki cope ever which seems to get cited a lot amongst these retards.
>>360611 they're too entrenched to be able to accept such a major paradigm shift and the thought of it makes them uncomfortable smh
New balenciaga campaign just dropped
>>360609 So many pro Russia/China folk always do the guilt trip of muh noble savage genocide, poor slave niggers bit.
>>360609 >more people died in the american civil war than ww1 and ww2 combined has this been fact-checked?
>>360614 >>360615 chinese are so fucking bad at propaganda. the chinese propaganda department probably dont understand that the most disenfranchised political group in the west is right wing patriotic/nationalist types or they think the few cold war holdouts like galloway are a better investment.
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patriot moat is starting to fill lads 3 hours til drumpfdown
>>360617 the chinese mind has no inclination nor aptitude for interacting with the world outside china
>>360588 >>360594 Fucking seething so much.
Extremist-to-be turns life around after reeducation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiAxAwF3h5w
trumps not getting a mugshot done so this is all a waste of time
>>360622 if they really wanted to 'reeducate' the so-called "extremists", they'd smother them in brown/yellow pussy. but they are the hateful ones so they won't even do that
>>360624 you didn't even look at the thumbnail did you
>>360623 He's rich in America, it's tantamount to a royal exemption from the law.
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>>360625 I don't see thumbnails, nah, it's just a link
>>360627 click the embed you thick cunt
>Mexico potentially joining BRICS >now the Mexlord calls out the jevvs so these spics are helping collapse the new world order, they have cute thicc girls that cook and want lots of babies.. that's kind of uh, I don't even know what I'm thinking never mind trying to say >>360628 ahh it's weegers, meh. there's no embed, I have that shite off nini, anyway
>>360606 wew crusty types really do jump out the woodwork to call it racist, make sure everyone knows they don't know what per capita is and generally misquote all the sources used.
*nothing happens*
Sargon is the UK's number one race warrior on twitter right now.
>>360634 you spelt honour wrong
>>360635 *blocks your path*
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>>360632 isn't it funny how all the haters and doubters faded by the wayside years ago? *chuckles*
>>360636 that homo also spelt honour wrong.
it aint easy being a britnat
>>360637 keeeeeeeek
>>360584 (OP) weird that the Tories are picking up the grooming gang issue 10 years too late
>>360636 get him b
Remember that video of a girl being bullied by migrants? Now they stabbed her to death
>>360644 sorry chud but this has been debunked
Seems surprisingly bland
>>360648 don't get what the story is even about, also fuck greta gerwig, typical lisa director. Nice opening feet shot though.
had no idea sven longshanks looked like wolverine
>>360650 How can being judged by a jury be far when all someone has to do is call you a nazi to make you guilty in everyone's eyes? >no-one should express themselves this way"
>>360650 Fucksake, poor Sven. He's a good lad.
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>>360653 in all fairness I could care less about some student blocks going up.
>>360653 Based. Environmentalism and Fascism are hand in hand, not enemies.
>>360644 At least she went down fighting
>>360658 Her parents didn't deserve her
another win for homeschool chads
"Trump pleads not guilty in the kangaroo court as his legions decimate libtard hoards on the bank of the patriot moat. More to follow."
>>360647 ginnie?
>>360661 standing back and standing by https://youtu.be/KCdRwaJemJ0
the haters will say it's not a real moat
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why is the thread so dead now? truly these are the dark days of /brit/
"Now you're getting it."
The moat of liberty needs refilling from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
he's a pussy b
"They asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up...'A patriot' I replied."
>>360648 love Jaime Presley me, only realised when the credits came up it's actually Margot Robie. She even acts like her.
skullet boomer fell really bad today off the scaffold and got all fucked up so boomer toil might get shut down keeeeeeeeeek fucking mong old drunk walking across bare joists that are all wet with a 14 foot deck board in his hand
>>360675 >shuts down Guess he can't pay you then
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is the trump shite happening today kino lads or is it qoomer cringe? I am pretty much done with zumpf tbqh
>>360676 nah I get a direct line to the homeowner and she owes me 2k on friday
>>360661 He’s got his top legal tram on it. He’ll walk because it’s a charade anyway
Piers Morgan and Julia Hertly Brewer
>rate my new emoji
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devout Christian pastor compares Nashville mass shooter that killed children, to Jesus
>the mutt empire finally collapses because a jevv ambassador couldn't help but command the arabs to fuck eachother in the ass
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really feel like massive amounts of pooskins are gonna start fleeing shartica as this collapse accelerates
interesting how 4chud is now just about 70 percent chink shills on one hand and butthurt belters schizophrenically hating shartica while demanding shartica give them military
>>360689 >chink shills there is no such thing, the Chinese do not engage with the outside world. people are pro-China because they are anti-America, which is the correct position
HEY STEINER The bunda foid you used to post got her tits out
>>360692 those tits are nothing special
>>360692 >*kicks her off the rooftop* >alluhu akbar
>>360682 >>360684 Cringe anti-Christian faggot.
>>360696 I'll never understand those of you that view Christianity as an end in itself. Maybe if you see it as a means to manipulate women and increase the birthrate, bolster the family, something like that, okay, we can debate about whether or not that is effective and worth it. But muddying the waters with muh religion shite in a time defined by racial strife- not for strategic reasons but simply because muh religion- that's retarded as fuck. That shit can wait until our race isn't dying out.
I completely understand why you put the decaying, fleeting concerns of the flesh before those of your eternal soul: You're thick as mince. You betray how low your intellect is by using the "you can't have more than one concern at any one time" argument. It's pathetic, and so are you. Little rat.
Oh wait, he put "muh" before religion therefore I am defeated. *kneels before Odin Thorfarts III of Detroit*
>>360698 >muh muh flesh, muh soul this is one of the gripes I have. if you something more important than the race, that is disloyalty and bad >multiple concerns well let's say you're drowning in olive oil and your hair is on fire. either you can paddle with your hands to not drown or you can pat your head to extinguish the flames. or you could use one hand to paddle and one hand to pat, but that is not as efficient in accomplishing either task. my point is, having multiple concerns allows you with fewer resources to address each individual concern than if you focused on only one. if you are already drowning in olive oil then it is better for your hair not to be on fire, and vice versa... you are suggesting to combine the two, 'just because'
to improve upon the analogy: we are drowning in olive oil. we can see this with the naked eye and we know that it is happening for a fact. I am suggesting that we paddle, so as to not drown. you agree, but you also insist that our hair is on fire with magic fire that we cannot see nor feel the heat of, and that we must pat with one hand lest it burns our head. I reply that we need both of our hands to paddle because we're obviously drowning and it's silly to pat our head with one hand when we can't even tell that this magic fire you speak of exists at all, and there's no way to prove that it does except drown
>Farage still going on about Western civilization.
>>360642 They need to throw a bone to their midwit voters, so they can continue supporting the molestation of children for another 4-5 years in the next government.
>>360702 that's not an argument
>>360704 tbh. 'talking tough on immigration' kept people on board enough for over a decade, with the newspaper and media mouthpieces putting some headline out every few months or so. Now they have stepped it up a notch and will appear to be proactively doing something about it(all a façade of course), and the problems that come with it. It's just some redmeat for the plebs to chomp on for when voting comes around again.
It never fails to amaze me how poorly this website functions on my toaster of a computer. Literally have to close the tab and reopen the page after making a post, and it takes 10-20 seconds for it the thread to load. A thread is just fucking text and picture thumbnails each a handful of kilobytes in size and sure, this computer is underpowered compared to what a lot of people use but it's still thousands of times more powerful than what you should need to look at text and pictures. fuck javascript and bloated browsers okay thank you
>>360707 I forgot what it was but something for the autoupdating of posts via websocket went out of date and now you have to click refresh to get more posts and it's annoying
>>360650 >story is in Wales >calling himself Longshanks is bad because Jews >not because Longshanks annexed Wales and invented hanging drawing and quartering as an extra spicy way to kill the Welsh Interesting to include that quote at the end keek
>>360710 almost immediately after the missus stops being first minister really makes you think
>>360711 People thought she stepped down because of the tranny stuff. smh.
Avengers assemble
>>360713 *screams*
Oh, there is a bigger pic
I love how their flags are topped by leafs keeeeeek
>>360717 just like me after a late night takeaway
>>360715 nightmarish
>>360684 its a troon lutheran.
>farting and sieg heilin jus like us
>>360685 holy based
>>360697 There is no factor that correlates greater with high birth rates than religiosity. There is no amount of money you can spend on services or maternity leave for a sub 2.1 population that will increase their birth rate into replacement levels without an increase in religiosity. Atheism is death. There has never been an atheist civilization in all of the worlds wildly divergent cultures, and there never will be. All of faustian civilizations history has been defined by christianity, you cannot be pro-european and anti christian.
Oh no no no the incels aren't happy!
>Written by Matthew Fogel Japanese really couldn't have written the plot for their own franchise? smh
Mario doesn't have an Italian accent and Jack Black, Seth Rogan are voices too.
>>360727 It just looks very bad and hollywood to me, no interest at all tbh
wreck it ralph is the superior game fillum tbh
mummy recommending I turn up to the wedding in a £120 black polyester three piece
>>360732 Please wear your retard shoes. That would be kino.
>>360733 will have to buy some special tbh will make sure to get big boy black velcro ones
with at least three straps
>>360735 show us progress pics over the last few years, lad
>>360734 based. Nice and clunky.
>>360731 death to greys smh >>360732 not really worth spending more than that tbh not like there's anyone there you need to impress
>>360738 tbh I want to find a light suit I can wear with an autistic straw hat though since it's in the south of france
>>360739 >south of france can i come as your +1?
>>360739 >Refugee Council Wahey
>>360739 based wear a boater
>>360742 Wonder if Mehico will join next.
>>360740 if you can get to marseille for 20/4 I suppose >>360741 they are just so kind and compassionate and caring lad nothing sinister about it >>360743 tbh apparently some of the frogs will be wearing trad clothes so I really wanted to go in a puritan outfit just for the keeks because they are all ultracaths but I was shouted down smh
>>360739 whitepilled to think all we need it a pm with a safe majority to end all of this. billions saved in ending all tax money to quangos and DEI positions in the public sector. send all that money to based lads to be racist instead. evict the american military from the chagos islands and ship all the pooskin refugees to be housed there. simply forget about them. proscribe all NGOs and antifa, give them the NA treatment. make the BBC run racial crime statistics 24/7. prohibit cousin marriages, forced abortions for inbred babies. make it impossible to import wives from pakistani, 50% of all pakis are now incels forever or fuck off. amend hate crime laws to make hating england, english people, christians or english national heroes a hate crime. remove the rest. sterilisation is already a legal punishment in the uk and is used on women with down syndrome. expand it as compulsory for everyone mentally retarded. half of all niggers are now sterilised.
>>360746 even dead people get to breed
>>360745 keeeeeeeek >>360746 based mummy helping her son breed from beyond the grave >>360747 you've got my vote lad
>>360745 ta lad, hope it goes well regardless
>>360747 some poople in the comments of that post saying reform party is going to stand in every seat and nigger elf will save britain suppose that's the next voote since PA is still fucking around mark "unveiled" that he is going to charge for official membership and card carrying soon despite not being a party still >>360749 based tbh when I did drvid larp I translated it all to old english >>360751 probably it will be a mixture of exasperating and depressing while having to deal with people but with some kino mixed in going to see the local sights I think mummy said something about a BIG roman ruin and an ancien regime estate
>>360752 >Noseley is now jewing his own base
>>360752 >one PAID ticket to proscription.
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think I was haunted by chugs last night tbh dreamt about being in a reserve around cursed totem poles and running from dead rotting moose covered in maggots --- apparently denmark is the most based country in europe atm and they actually stopped most illegal migrants (although they are still being legally replaced) somehow
>>360756 nr2 makes me keek tbh
>>360753 physiognomy tbh
>>360753 >>360754 >>360759 it's a bit shitty tbh even if he did try to explain it the shekels are supposed to go to doing bigger demonstrations and stuff I guess, apparently they are doing well and got into the national news a few times this year already, and the general pooblic turn up and support them etc https://odysee.com/@RadioAlbionLBRY:e/PA_040123:7
a tradthot is on tonight also https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR204:d
>>360757 >still being legally replaced that's the real kicker smh still a good sign though tbh shows that public opinion has shifted far enough that either the danish government is worried enough that they need to placate the voters or that danish chuds are actually making inroads in politics
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>>360755 >ermagord I believe in a judaised peasant cult that has run out of steam shame the nwo is neo-mithraic you fucking eschatologically cucked, aeonic relic, prot subhuman
went pub and had had a £5 glass of vodka and tonic with the old boys gang conversation synopsis as follows: >dominoes >weather >public transport >local history comfy but I can only stand an hour or so of it tbh and can barely understand the elder drunks
also made one of the officelasses scared last month when I said I didn't use social media real clown world moment tbh >participating in the narcissistic-schizophrenia induciding total surveillance social credit system is mandatory to even exist in the eyes of women and the only people who don't are males over half a century old who just want to drink and grumble in pub every day
>>360766 tbh always puts people on the back foot when they hear that must be shocking to find out that unpersons lurk amongst us undetected and look and sound just like normal people unsettling stuff smh
>>360766 /brit/ is our relatively wholesome social media.
>wessie is back good lad we needed your post
>360764 Repent, homosexual bug chaser.
>>360744 mexico joining the opposition to USA would be the best thing that could happen to the white race in north america and would guarantee the emergence of the ethnostate
>>360766 yeah be careful wessie once I told the unitoil lasses the same thing they treated me different permenantly at the toil. I would suggest saying you "just" use twitter or something and moving on from the convo
about to be severe storms where I live in about 30 or so minutes might be tornado
>>360775 chase it in your truck lad
>>360772 interesting article tbh >>360775 hope it doesn't do too much damage near you
>>360773 maybe if pookraine falls quickly enough they'll be convinced to
>tfw will never hide in a basement as a tornado destroys my house
there won't be any men left in ukraine in a year
>>360779 luckly mummies house is near a river valley right on the bluffs near it so that the valley and nearby glacial moraine generally deflect wind events to the north or south where redneckoids get btfo
>>360781 Sitting comfy in a valley while everyone else gets blown away.
>>360774 what if they ask for your account name
police are digging nicola sturgeons garden up
>>360784 the merkin has been taken into custody
>>360782 yeah >>360783 I just made some shit one that makes me look like a gamer sperg for office normalfag camoflauge. I really suggest that especially going forward
>>360784 wonder how many bodies they'll find
Finally, he has become the most powerful Skyroom character ever.
>libsoftiktok is jewish
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Farage reacts to Donald Trump's arrest. https://youtu.be/_J_rDplMuxk
>>360784 what are they looking for?
>>360793 an escape route under the fence Nicola has trapped the police in her garden
>>360793 Money, she allegedly has stolen from SNP coffers or something.
>>360793 last night's haggis
>>360700 >>360701 You're unironically fucking stupid mate.
been speaking to a fit gyppo lass and she's invited me over to her caravan to have some drinks. Should I go? I'm tempted to risk it for a shag
>>360798 You'll get shagged, alright.
>>360798 hope they flay you for casual-sexing one of their women
>>360719 Mod YTTB. We need a cleansing. >>360734 keeeeeeek step on peoples feet "accidentally" >>360745 >apparently some of the frogs will be wearing trad clothes so I really wanted to go in a puritan outfit just for the keeks because they are all ultracaths but I was shouted down smh You're already going to be dressed like a retard, lass. >>360752 The EC allegedly blocked PA again because they have a name similar to some corporation which is apparently some easy shite or something to figure out. If they get rejected one more time the word is they're taking legal action against the EC. >>360798 Unless you're married to the woman you should not be considering and offer of sex.
*disappears as soon as I've appeared*
news seems to be almost entirely about dump and his arrest
and rapefugees demanding better lodgings
bunch 'a muppets, I'm tellin' ya
>>360805 I oppose the Rwanda plan because it's a joke to begin with. Literally designed to leave us with the same numbers of interlopers as without it.
the dailymail literally spliced individual statutory rapists court pictures to imply white grooming gangs exist. kill all journoids
>>360809 Tbh hate them.
>>360809 these fucking liars
my ability to sustain the most cruel and sophisticated psychological and moral assaults capable of man and yet live my life with joy in my heart and loyalty to my cause is if not heroic, but herculean. I am the rock the white race leans on in its time of need.
>>360812 you are the toilet the shite arse sits on in its time of braps
>>360814 I'd white race her for a dollar
tornado was a complete nothingburger lads
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>>360814 love that essex slag accent tbh
>>360814 another year on dating apps
more boring number go up number go down shite
>>360798 pump it lad don't listen to them as long it is a pikey and not roma.
>>360820 *kills you*
Just wait until I breed pikey lass and then maneuverer myself within the gypsy clan structure to make myself leader of my own clan. At the peak of the RaHoWa I'll show up like King theodeon with an army of pikeys in ford transits
>>360819 The economy isn't breaking down at all, the outlook is optimistic.
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>>360827 good riddance was probably done by one of the nigcels he worshipped
mass sharting at trump tower and tornado rekting cunts in missouri
>>360829 nothing burger
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israel is sissfying the arabs in al aqsa again
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what happened keeeeeeeeek
>>360834 ket gurning without the ket
imagine the smell
>>360832 mannimarco saying we haven't seen anything yet so he better be right
>>360827 >racism by association >perhaps worse keeek can we level up our racism skill faster by taking turns shouting nigger?
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>>360814 Weird face ngl but I'm sold by the accent
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>>360723 >There has never been an atheist civilization in all of the worlds wildly divergent cultures, and there never will be
>>360839 you have to be standing within 5 feet to get the passive xp buff.
>>360841 industrial pollution is xi's god.
>>360840 Relatable accents on porn whores and this meta wanking talk is so depressing.
>>360837 its gonna be BIG
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late night sharting, again >>360752 thanks for saving my pic lad
wtf I love trannies now I might become one
>>360848 it's comfy oc tbh done some back to back diarrhoea shites myself a few hours ago >360849 >eugenically cleansing yourself
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>360850 rude
>>360850 smh hadnt had squirts in a long while till i ate at some turk owned chippy couldnt sleep properly with the fear of magma sharting in my bed
>throwing all this away to troon out for internet points and sodomy SHE SHOULD BE MY WIFE AAAAAAAA
>>360855 Shoot him. That poor child and woman.
morning bongo degenerates
>>360851 lovely jubblies.
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this channel is so weird, "Foot Missionary Queen"... it's this (German?) woman making hour-long videos about Christianity... but the catch is, she's footslutting the whole time. tons of long videos with few views, this is so odd https://youtu.be/yBAyhaoSOg0
>>360860 I'm sure someone has posted this before. I found it really obnoxious.
>>360861 maybe it was me and I forgot, I dunno
>>360863 we all have moments like that lad
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Noooo, we spent all this time saying white pedos literally dont exist. Chudbros, how will we ever recover? https://twitter.com/Bushra1Shaikh/status/1643747810771341313
>>360867 can we just take a second and appreciate what a stupid name "Shabana" is?
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I knew seeing pikey lass was a bad idea I went there and had 1 drink and then ran away while she was on the toilet. It was so fucking awkward, she looked uglier in person and I had to talk slowly and explain what certain words meant. It was abit of trek to my car as well so I full on sprinted out of her caravan, I could hear dogs barking as I was legging it across the field.
Thinking about killing myself tbh.
>>360870 dont do it lad but if you do visit the local mosque first
>>360869 keeeek oh well
>>360867 wow she found hay in a haystack >>360869 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>360868 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XDR247fmhnc
>>360870 smh lad that's the last person you should kill
>>360870 At least go out in style.
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>>360849 >were threatened by free speech
>>360867 this type of rhetoric has been getting worse recently I've noticed, darkies getting more and more uppity.
Free Nicola Sturgeon
>>360877 they're only ever going to get more brazen smh >>360879 beatings are needed
good stuff hope they crush the incel menace
got my drivers license lads
>>360883 good lad go cruising for paki schoolgirls
>>360879 those videos are probably made for islamogooners stuck in the third world
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>>360608 Court order from whom? He's been separated and out of the family home for a few years. More superchats means more child support payments.
>>360879 >British girl >stubble Either that's not a girl or she's not British (half paki to have facial hair on a girl).
>>360869 Apex keek.
>>360869 Serves you right, degenerate.
There will not be an economic collapse. It's a childish fool's hope.
I'm off to Maundy Mass. Deo gratia!
>>360891 There's already been an economic collapse by western standards. We're worse than in 2008 (when nothing changed politically because of it) innit fam.
>>360869 You just started a blood feud william. Hope they carve you up and nick your roof tiles tbh
I'm sorry but what colour is your Bugatti?
>>360879 >be white girl growing up in .4% Muslim Iceland >learn about an Arabian warlord who died of fever after a life of polygamy and child marriage >decide that he was sent by God obviously >wrap head in a cloth and kiss the ground five times a day even though this wasn't in the Quran and comes from gossip after his death Mong
>>360897 >and child marriage This is always so cringe. Literally no evidence for him being a nonce. Old Mo did worse anyway.
>>360879 That potato head comes out when you stick them in a hijab, doesn't it?
BREAKING Israel is about to attack Gaza and Lebanon in response to the missile attacks which hit Israel today. https://mobile.twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1644037979411808256
nicola sturgeon lives in a deanobox
SA facing trial for crimes against globohomo.
All this so that niggers and poofs can march in kiev
>>360906 boomers in the comments having none of it
>>360901 hope we see some hezbollakino
>>360908 jews will just fire potshots from inside Israeli airspace as usual, they're not man enough to fight in Lebanon again
>>360909 yeah they got rekt by hezbollah actually openly I have no idea why kikes larp like they are militarily relevant and compare their military shit to americuck and great shitain
been a while since I've seen a civic fencer video posted here
>>360910 great shitain is a meme tbh, we'd be flattened by russia in a fortnight
>>360912 so is shartica but both are less of a meme than israel. shartica could probably flatten israel faster than iraq
>>360910 errr sorry incel but they fought every arabcel nation there was and won single handedly
seething and keeking at dead communists again lads https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Pollitt?useskin=vector
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>>360883 It's called a driving licence lad. >>360849 >promote eugenics What? By removing troons from the genepool? >>360906 >China holds the upper hand over the Kremlin's imminent capitulation >if the West allowed China to take territory in Russia, a new grave problem will be created. keek imagine if China unironically seizes control of north-east Asia wew
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>outlining steps the government in Kyiv will take after the country reclaims control of Crimea
>>360898 >Literally no evidence of him being a nonce The only evidence we have says she was 9 years old. I could have mentioned that he married his adopted son's wife after walking in on her naked, had sex with a slave girl, and had 12 wives. In all these cases Allah gave him a divine message to justify it. It's obvious from most evidence that he was a horny bastard.
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>>360923 Seem alright to me lad Wasn't there something about him marrying the lass but not noncing her because she didn't have periods yet? My favourite theory is the one where Mohammad was literally autistic and his first wife invented a religion that all got a bit out of hand.
>>360919 good lad
>With the exception of Aisha, Muhammad only married widows, divorcées or captives >Khadija entrusted a friend named Nafisa to approach Muhammad and ask if he would consider marriage.[25] When Muhammad hesitated because he had no money to support a wife, Nafisa asked if he would consider marriage to a woman who had the means to provide for herself.[26] >Khadija was 40 years old at that time according to some sources Can't believe I never read about this stuff before. Not sure how to feel about a religion that inspires such brutality whilst also being so soy-compliant.
>>360926 islam is a libtard religion tbh. there's literally zero mention of homosexuality in the quran, muslims just infer it to be bad because its associated with sodom and gomorrah.
>>360927 keeeeeeeeeeek love watching these aging dykes get btfo by mad troons
>>360918 >Initiating a car chase with an officer in the back seat Darwin award.
rockets hitting israel from both gaza and lebanon rn
>>360931 how long until we get drone spam causing dead kikes?
apparently for some weird reason israel is blaming hamas for shooting rockets from lebanon and not hezbollah?
>>360933 they are afraid hezbollah will utterly stomp the shit out of them, shi'iteskins and sunnis are ready to remove the occupation. shartica is collapsing and the jews will finally have to pay the tab on all the bullshit they gave the arabs last century. jews cant save scam this shit once america is collapsed keeek
>>360934 arent they supposed to nuke the surrounding world if they lose
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>>360935 yeah the samson option seems like a bunch of BS
maybe netanyahu provoked or false flagged this to distract the libtards
>>360935 >they take the middle east and north africa with them
i think this is it. all signs are pointing to the "big one". israal may finally have met its match nothing happens
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>>360939 yeah nothingburgeritis has been effecting me as well lass
>>360939 got the same feeling tbh they always have these bombardments that result in nothing
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seems like andrew anglin is just a chink shill at this point
>another shite 2d substanceless steinhog take yeah lets just pretend its 2012 forever and be wigtards
>>360942 pro-Chinese is anti-American, which is pro-White >>360943 this
in WWII, Japan was at war with America, and therefore the Japanese were allies of the white race. nowadays, China is in a cold war with America, so therefore the Chinese are allies of the white race
poombs has experienced ego death, will this finally stop him trooning out?
>>360946 na the suicide will catch up with him
Andrew Anglin has indeed had le sex. And no, not just with jungle asians.
Steinzog mad.
>>360946 >ywn sledgehammer every bone in his body and throw his bloody, wheezing, helpless ragdoll into a pig pen and watch them eat him alive
smh it's to our great shame that we haven't greenlit poombs, westie and many others in the bongo cabal.
Proud of bullying westie each time he appeared so he eventually fucked off tbh
sugar free redbull in the schmorn for smee, chav cunts blasting their shite music again, only got about 5-6 hours sleep
>>360956 schmorn lid
up to my eyeballs in e celeb content tbh
>>360958 based
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ruling selector come fi nice up thread https://youtu.be/AfH8FTuFTxI
did they find any of the bodies nicola sturgeon buried yet
>>360961 She anal vored them all, lad.
this is white genocide
>drove 11 hours to meet groomee >get rebuffed by her two gunt guards(child protective service workers) >drive 11 hours back home >22 hours driven in a period of 28 hours I just want to breed
kill yourself you fat smelly nonce
>>360964 only two of them? smh didn't think you would give up that easily
>>360928 >there's literally zero mention of homosexuality in the quran We post among some utter stupid fucking cunts on here I swear. >>360958 Turn it off and read a book. >>360964 Your initially positive journey on the road to breeding has warped you worse than incel abstinence.
I'm off to Good Friday Mass. Deo gratias!
>>360963 Wish I was the dog. She looks so qt.
>>360966 At least I B them TFO and got some satisfaction from that. >ummm a 31 year old seeing a 16 year old is a bit.. weird... creepy dude you see that right.. ? <"no" >you-you're lucky we don't call the police!! <I've don't nothing illegal Forced me to leave the property in the end smh. Groomee had told them I was coming yesterday, but they didn't believe her so they didn't prepare for it and was shocked when I actually showed up. Child protective services not believing the person they are supposed to take care of? Yikes that's a bad look
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She's going in the same folder.
>>360970 Smh did you speak to groomee at all? What did she make of her persecuted fat Romeo?
>>360972 Only with the workers present, which made it really awkward, they questioned my every word. They are "therapists", so they interpret rather than listen. Me and her are very direct, but they assign meaning that isn't there, and imply I am pressuring her, and that she tricked me and lied to me to get me to come. Just the typical child protective service bullshit I have become used to through my brother's case with them. They really are a waste of oxygen.
>>360973 Smh. Keep in contact if you're able. Want you to succeed in your saving the norge race arc.
>>360970 good lad never back down to simps
>>360974 Yeah I can contact her for now. They aren't legally allowed to tell her to stop talking with someone, but when has that stopped child protective services or the police tbh >>360975 tbh
Found the famous Norwegian tranny on a dating app keeeeeek
>>360964 Can see this in a news article a few years later
Size of these Yanks
Senor Steiner, tranquilo si senor
>>360970 OK, this is based. *slaps your fat bum cheeqs*
22stein outjewing the Norwegian authorities to get he a shiksa goddess.
You, yes you. You have buttocks for brains.
chink shills ITT rn
>>360983 spics have been uppity recently, really hope they ally with china it will be the best thing geopolitically to happen to gringos since the louisanna purchase
choo bedda watchoo mouth esse
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>>360989 *catagorizes them as the "them" opposing the gestalt "american" identity*
good friday Happy bank hols weekend lads
Why does "paki" offend people?
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smh can't believe this really happened
i am soooo good at mount and blade holy based.
Damn British did some yakub shit and created muslims and hindus
>>360983 is this some kind of sovereign citizen or something?
all mudshits must pay
Hey, manxlad could you make something for me, please? Webms or mp4s of vid related with just the bunny girl in frame. One where she has the whole animation where she stands then moves down to dance, and one with just the repeating dance, with the music. Thankslad https://youtu.be/11mY8fVu8cQ
>>360999 have sex checkem
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>>360999 (checked) aight
>>360992 being a victim means higher caste in westoidland its why poojeets are so comfy here now
>>360993 jews are so obsessed krauts they can't even do anglo racism correctly. just work them to death simple as. oh no squanto is a little cold? here is a nice warm blanket for you just sign this land deed
>>361001 make an edit of lepolfaces marching towards the camera to this tune lad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plgg9sSLRvQ
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>>361001 >he's a fellow abussy
yeah hey squanto go kill those villages over there, yeah heres you fucking beads good job
>>361003 its an indian film "RRR" about two real bandit leaders in the 1890s raj that got exterminated in like a month. in the movie theyre supermen that poo on perfidious anglos effortlessly and redeem india lmfao.
>>361008 hey squanto sorry but you have to go live in the high desert, yeah I know there isn't anyfood there and you never advanced to agriculture but its not my problem
>>361010 reminds me of a fantasy film which starred Johnny Depp... it was fantasy but it was literally just the white man oppressing the red man in the west.
Ohh noo not the metal wire through are cheeks *screams*
four nigger children/teens murder two white girls and an unidentified boy in florida https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11949349/Arrests-murder-three-Florida-teenagers-shot-dead-outside-tiny-town.html >Detectives were able to determine that the three teenage victims were together prior to their murders in a vehicle owned by Silvernail, before they were dumped in different locations over a three-day period. >A witness reportedly heard a series of gunshots at the time, leading detectives to believe the teens were all murdered at the same time, the sheriff said. >Sixteen-year-old Silvernail was still alive when she was discovered last Thursday night shot in the head and left in a dumpster near Forest Lakes Park. She later died in hospital. >The grisly discovery was followed hours later when an unnamed 17-year-old victim was found less than a mile away on the side of a road. A third victim, 16-year-old Camille Quarles, was found Saturday inside Silvernail's car, which was partially submerged in a pond. race hate? opening salvo of the race war? or just niggers being dumb?
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>>361012 that movie looks cringe af, in reality it was mostly just poorfag britannoidic and swedish or random europoorean miners and farmers getting sick of typical chug behavior and blowing them the fuck out and then selling them booze
>>361013 probably just another nothingburger, I thought that type of stuff didn't happen in the south
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Two British sisters - one aged 15 and another in her 20s - are killed and their mother, 48, is seriously wounded in West Bank shooting https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11949969/Two-British-sisters-20s-killed-West-Bank-shooting.html we have to protect our english roses lads.
>>361014 It is really bad and boring. Depp and that other big name guy are hardly even in it, it's mostly about a cuck feeling good about not being bad like his fellow white men. At least he gets humiliated in the end, and then Depp is proven right as the natives do act aggressively. It seems a bit confused, but I think the point was that both the cuck and Depp are racist in different ways, and thus bad.
>>360999 How's about a looped one with the standing up too
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>>361019 Yes, pleeeeeeease
today is the annual celebration of flips fucking their own shit up for some reason.
>>361018 >At least he gets humiliated in the end, Dressed up as a tranny and then hanged... by his hands
>wagecucks actually do this shite
>>361023 It reads like parody.
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bet they don't even do pep dance fridays https://youtu.be/ZixTg9gtE6g
>>361021 Filipina lassssss
>>361013 smh I was told these stories were made up by spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) to turn men into evil racist and that the shartican nigcel was a kind creature >>361023 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
always bring the contract with you home for mummy to read before you sign it
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>it's a bosman takes weeks to make a contract that is the sizer of one page of paper and then he expects you to sign it immediately God I went through so much shit. N-never again, r-right? Toilees rise up
speaking of shit. Think it was my first time not pooing for over day yesterday/today
>>361027 don't remind me
>>360992 It's a neutral term that became derogatory because the people it refers to aren't liked. Same with negro in the US. Calling a spade a spade would be a hatecrime, if people actually hated spades. It's the most pathetic, defensive censuring. "Don't call me a Brit, and I'm Moderately Melanated, not White."
Lads how do I move on a casual conversation with a woman to something more meaningful/flirty? It's been days now of just casual chatting. I'm tempted to send her a pic of my willy and just say "I love you"
>>361034 yeah I suck at this as well as a sexchad because IMO if a lass doesn't move it this way on her own she is just stringing you along as an orbiter. idk though don't fall for my blackpill maybe prozzie lad will have some insights since he is now a chad
>>361035 *ask a sexchad
>>361034 I always start my groom sess with "hey, how are you?", then 2-3 messages later I ask how many children they want, and when they want them. Then I stop replying when they don't say something I'm interested in
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>>361034 You don't. Seriously. You only escalate flirting in person. You only ever try to "sexed" with someone you've fugged.
>the most empathetic sex >leaves you on "read"
>>361034 Only in person is meaningful. You ask them on a date, and you be upfront about calling it a date. You absolutely do not tell them that you like them or love them.
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Nnnaa ignore these losers, I, 22st, have actually had a gf before
Women are no fucking good
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>>361038 Mummy's friend got two puglets recently. They're cute tbh. Still in that chew everything (including my shoe) puppy phase. It's okay for her to get furbabies because she already saved the huwhite race with 4 kids and is too old for any more. >>361042 So have I. >>361043 Tbh tbf.
i've often heard that diveristy impedes social cohesion enough for revolutions or mass movements to take place. is this true tho? im thinking iran is like 50-60% persian and yet it had a revolution, but then everyone is the same religion and the revolution went along islamist lines so it doesnt count. anyway anyone here wanna own my chud talking point before it take it to the outside world?
>>361039 >>361041 Yeah but she's from Australia and I met her on discord. I know it's cringe but she's very sweet and I just want someone to have horny conversations with.
>>361046 Surely that is too far for a relationship smh *beats you up*
Thinking about when Hertslad went to Germany to groom Daftie and he didn't even get to see her once, just left some alcohol outside of her door and climbed up into a tree to look through her window smh. sad
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a new arc begins
>>361046 bet its a troon *tears you back into the crab bucket*
>>361050 tbh stay in your lane
*vores him*
he's a vorin b
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Nnaa ~bins-san no ochinchin!
>it looks like he is milking the hoof
not sure why I haven't filtered 22 yet
state of it
nnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if not for child protective services my penis would be experiencing the insides of a vagina right now, for the first time
guy who shot antifa that pointed gun in his face during 2020 blm riots in texas found guilty of le murder. https://mobile.twitter.com/AntifaWatch2/status/1644453298601177089
>>361045 good take lad and its definately true there are historical examples
>>361060 that wouldn't have happened in the southern part of texas though
>went outside in town >the actual 8/10 tier femoids were finally out from their drywall buttmatrix film studio terrariums in the sun today >can't enslave any of them yent
with the ricky vaugn case and this i can safely say america has completed its transition from a libtard country into a nigger bolshevik troon machine for white genocide.
Will she give me blue eyed children if I bleach her lads?
>>361060 He shot a sacred nigger cow didn't he? Kyle Rittenhouse was fortunate he didn't tbh.
>>361062 >that wouldn't have happened in the southern part of texas though yeah that's not real texas. My house and about an acre around it is only real texas. Doesn't count
>>361066 no he shot an antifa libtard married to a nigger stump. the pic is the lib.
>Laurie Penny she's not looking that bad for a 36 year old.
she or her jannies got my disqus account banned for posting under some blog she made. i would beat her to death if i ever saw her in public.
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>>361064 they wouldn't try that in the great lakes
>>361069 yeah bit of a ashkenazi eastern european phenotype
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this is proper swarthy nord phenotype
>>361073 she was delicious
>no frauke petry wife
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>german women in general
mass arrest of NSC131 members in Maine https://mobile.twitter.com/earleeburg/status/1642347375032188928 AMERICA = NIGGER BOLSHEVISM
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I prefer the [insert phenotype here] myself.
chinese culture is gonna take over
>>361079 nigcel gloating in the replies
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>>361080 do something and get btfo by the largest military and police force on earth CHUD
just go walk around the white areas of washington dc and play the knockout game. zobots DESTROYED
>>361092 palis finally strike back and they just kill a bunch of tourists smh never let a pooskin do a white mans job
went to the supermarket yesterday there was a bird trapped in there, flying about near the ceiling frantically trying to escape an unnatural environment it had somehow found itself in it was nearly to the point of braining itself on the wall panels not a single person except for me even acknowledged it was there customers didn't want to bother and neither did the toilers for all I know it's still locked inside this says something about society tbh
was just at store, saw a cute blonde lass who looked down as I walked past there appears to have been a nigger shooting down the street at the public funded nigger spawning pool apartment complex
>>361095 you should poison it
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>>361096 rest your head cupcake men are at work
>advances have been made in a western direction! t. hohols
>tfw mfw everyone takes my helpful suggestions for granted
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now thats a white race
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thats what were doing now... SPH JOIng your fellow chud?
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mmmhmmm thats a white race i'd fight for
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>>361073 is this is a proper celtoid swarthy phenotype is is superior to the kraut swarth?
boomerman going off the record keeeeeeeeek reminder he is originally from shitagain even though southcucks claim him. also he is a boomer faggot
See you later lasses, double toil awaits
>>361108 >mike obama keeeek forgot about that one tbh boomoids used to love throwing that theory around >>361109 have fun lad >>361110 choon that
levelling slayer
>Race mixing cousin got a tattoo and dyed her hair black This is what happens when Cousin Chud isn't there to bully you.
>>361113 luv the huwhite rice me >>361114 smh must be painful to see happen
Going down souf next week to see boomer grandad with the literally rotting head before he dies. His son that's younger than me is retuning from gday cunt land for the same reason. Will probably see my cousins and might see thot cousins' new bf that her brother disapproves of for apparently being a drug dealer. Hope he isn't a wog too. Might make my chudout even more awkward if nigcel adopted 'cousn' is there. Will report on anything memiworthy that occurs.
>>361117 you should definitely chud out lad if her brother also disapproves and will also be there you can team up odds are much better if she's outnumbered tbh might even get a snowball effect going
>>361115 Yeah, all I can do is pray for her deliverance. Also, I added her on snapchat and passive aggressively judge her decisions. >>361117 Take a "nigger knocker" with you lad.
really enjoying this arditi album tbh ngl
im a Confucianist
>>361124 >worthy rulers and great states had a solemn duty to protect their own kind and their own groups, especially against foreign invasion and conquest, and this was best assured by ethnic separatism giga based a pity that all are current rulers are deracinated cosmopolitans and follow this advice to a tee protecting their fellow cosmopolitans from the angry natives no matter what
afternoons chuds.
>>361123 very bombastic
>>361126 sneed m'chuck
MAJOR: Nato Plans for Ukraine Leaked >As many of you have likely heard, a major leak from U.S. DOD headquarters has just occurred the day before yesterday. Initially, I wasn’t going to cover it because there was a strong chance it could be fake, and it’s not worth the effort of a full deep-dive for a document of questionable origin/validity. >However, now the Pentagram has confirmed the validity of the documents, as they’re now panickedly trying to scrub the internet of them. ... >Some concluding thoughts to wrap it up: >My biggest takeaway from it all, is that the AFU’s supposed ‘coming offensive’ is truly a last hurrah, even more than we imagined. The reason is twofold: >1. Firstly, their numbers in general appear much lower in every regard. Not only is the manpower extremely low, but the Western equipment numbers are incredibly paltry compared to what was originally promised long ago. >2. And then, the second biggest story is how bad the shape of their AD missile stockpiles appear to be. With the high rate of consumption, they appear to be on the verge of complete defenselessness. >The story this paints is one of a last ditch hurrah. Firstly, it’s clear that the ‘main’ offensive cannot happen until early May at the earliest, because that’s when the last needed tank deliveries were scheduled for, according to these documents. >However, May is already the red-flag danger zone for A.D. consumption. So if they launch their massive offensive, and it fails throughout the month of May, by June they could be in a situation where their AD is so badly degraded that Russia can launch its own ‘Summer Offensive’ against a depleted, exhausted, now-armorless AFU which also can’t defend itself from the air. >And when you couple this with the fact that Russia is now reportedly using mass amounts of new guided aerial assets, (including Shoigu’s very foreboding visit to a bomb factory today, which showed some of Russia’s largest and scariest bombs being built, like the Fab-9000, a 9000kg monster), it all portends some very ill tidings for Ukraine. https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/major-nato-plans-for-ukraine-leaked
>>361130 >However, now the Pentagram has confirmed the validity of the documents,
>>361131 I guess he inferred that from their actions, still there's every chance it was a deliberate leak.
>>361131 yeah that's not really why it's suspected to be legit >It's certainly possible, but I give it a low probability chance. Like I said, the idea that such leaks could "lull the Russian MoD" into a false sense of security doesn't quite hew to logic due to the fact that Russia can easily verify all these things with its own advanced HUMINT/ISR capabilities. Anything in these documents are things well known already to Russian planners, so making the documents go 'public' would really do nothing at all, unless you REALLY have a low opinion of Russian general staff, etc., which could be understandable. >But like I said I'm not discounting the possibility. I'd put it at 20% chance fake and 80% real. >Also, I forgot to mention that the FULL leaks which are floating around (comprising a lot of other stuff that doesn't have to do with Ukraine) consist of over 100+ pages of heavily dense, very difficult to fake material. So it's very improbable that someone would go all that way in expending effort to craft hundreds of believable pages just for this purpose. They could have just leaked 1 or 2 pretend pages if it was a true pysop. >As other experts have chimed in, the pages are extremely genuine in terms of the military signage, and to have that vast amount of them is just over the top for a psyop. basically you can't really "fool" Russia with this sort of thing because they will know it's potentially fake and can just verify it or disprove it with their own intelligence which already knows most of this stuff, and there's many other associated leaks which are less likely to be fake
allegedly it was leaked by a spook in a bongo that was grooming some lads, who then posted the documents on 4chan
>>361132 >>361133 lads it's been confirmed by the pentagram there's no way it's fake
here's another comment with an interesting take, not from the author: <The leaks are probably part of the process to prepare the US public for abandoning Ukraine, hence the info is probably real. They'll probably also throw Zelensky under the bus by painting the Ukraine military as not having provided accurate info to its allies, not having followed NATO sensible plans, etc...
>>361134 God I hope that's true
>>361134 >>361137 tbh heard murmurs about a 4shite leak but hadn't paid much attention to it would be poetry if it was true
>>361137 >>361138 the bongo lads' usernames were Lucca and Niggerbrap and the server was called, "Thug Shaker Central"
>>361139 it's times like this when i'm glad that the variety of hellworld that we live in is one where everything is a ridiculous farce instead of one of the endless suffering ones
>>361139 keeeeeeeeeeeeek I hope this is true >>361140 tbh
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I guess all those years of treating your own governed as the worst enemy of the state has finally paid dividend in the west.
>>361143 the cupcakes have come home to roost
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>Thug Shaker Central We got an invite link to that?
>>361139 kek so many dissident westoids are operating on this insane level of subversion against the jews. kek the whole gay nigger spam meme really subverted the whole niggers are tough meme in the west.
tbh there is still a core nucleus of amerishart zogbots who are clearly very very very aware of the jews and playing secret agent
>>361146 Niggas got white boys crazy for that thug shaker
>>361147 hope that's true tbh
>>361149 yeah that marine colonel spoke out after afghanistan and was censured but I assume there is other boomers keeping quiet about everything. the former marine colonel who comes on alegs jones clearly appears to be aware of the jews and his takes on ukraine are top tier. would "vote" for him over some shitstain like drumpf
>>361152 maybe secret agenting does something after all
san francisco is already a fallout map
>>361153 only for fags in actual power though tbh for the rest of us drones its just cope or at least in my opinion. that mole will probably end up in ADX florence
>>361154 attacker looks like an extra from pirates of the caribbean >>361155 yeah smh
keeking at californians scratching their heads and wondering just how their state became so terrible to live in tbh it's a wonderful thing to watch from afar
>>361158 if you look at comments under the sharticles for stuff like this they all say its rightoid propaganda
>>361159 that's their line for everything tbh one of those soy golems could stub his toe on the doorframe one morning and instead of saying ouch he'd probably call it fake news and blame trump
this arditi album bangs
Rest in peace S Club Paul
mummy picked up my carl schmitt book from the library so I can chudmaxx reading my nazi literature today
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I miss him
I invented a new meme lads "what is a woman" *chuds* "what is a jew"
>>361164 watched passion o the christ again last night smh the jews did him so dirty
I love her, lads.
how we doing fellow /pageboys/?
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top card of mandingo fighting tonight lads might get some sniff in
>>361173 whos on?
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>bongo niggers
>>361176 have you found a skinhead lass yet lad
>>361180 Why did you leave the binscord, lad?
>>361181 Because 22st started talking about what kids movies his 'groomees' like and how social services are stopping him seeing them
I'm going to have to ask our shotcaller to greenlight 22 tbh.
>>361182 yeah shartins latest arc is cancer and auslad should probably purge him from the board. he stinks like some intel faggot trying to push all this kiddie diddler rhetoric on a british politics forum
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>>361174 Pereira beating the uppity nigger Adesanya for the 4th time also Burns vs Masvidal
yeah Shartin needs to go
>>361184 Yeah that was my paranoid kneejerk as well.
>>361185 wish they would just give these subhumans blades and people could stop pretending its anything other than a decadent bloodsport
>>361188 It's also important as a money laundering operation for the mob.
>>361187 yeah he documents all our pics as well. I like him he seems like a decent guy but you lads shouldn't put up with the pedo shit especially how easy it is to get v& over there OVER THERE OVER THERE WE ALL POST PORN AND GET WE WONT STOP UNTIL THEY GET VANNED OVER THERE
>>360689 My dad keeps sending me videos on how US DOLLAR IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE and US IS GOING TO COLLAPSE SOON and stefan molyneux BITCOIN IS THE FUTURE videos keeeek I study economics so he keeps going "Ooh this will help you with your course son" as if I'm not just doing fucking calculus all day
>>361185 betting on adesanya me
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>undergraduate in econ in 2023 might as well just start learning to roof westie
>>361191 does he know that you're a gay man in a gay relationship with a gay man who will never be a women with intestinal worms from gay sex with a gay guy who is (You).
>>361195 he doesn't know much about me he fucked off to another country and barely speaks to me
>>361193 Keeeeeek he'll be on board with a northern firm refurbishing properties in Kensington within 18 months.
>>361193 I think economics is a fairly good degree as long as you take advantage of good opportunities and schemes, you can get some good public sector work, I'm not that good at that though since I'm usually spending most of my time juggling my finances to try and survive
>>361196 i would too if my (gay) son was gay with a guy that walks around dressed like a womeb in public.
>>361197 smh fucking class shite in UK sounds so awful. the one kino thing about the midwest is how williamoidic jobs get cucked by tradechuds pretty hard now.
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>my prof said that all this abstract math shite and essays will totally work out for me
>>361202 civil service has a lot of openings for econ grads idk what yanks do though
when permavirgin imageboard posters who arent going to breed anyway chat shite at me I just think of roman britannia where the elites made solid silver cups depicting homos and realise I'm just continuing an eternal aristocratic tradition
>>361200 class is great. posh lasses. mmm
>>361205 stop projecting your own failures onto smee tbh
"one day" isn't success
roofing looks fun ngl
>>361200 At least they still employ the english up norf.
>>361198 Keynes is a very dull read. Adam Tooze books are interesting though, his one on Nazi Germany especially. Ben Bernanke's recent book on modern monetary policy is also decent so far, though covers some of the same ground as Tooze's Crashed
>>361202 >thinking any uni grad uses any of their studying in their real career
>>361204 you're literally prison gay. you cant get pussy so you resorted to an austitic males shit encrusted arsehole.
>>361214 I manage two people with first class degrees directly applicable to our field of work and they didn't know a goddamn thing. The degrees were absolutely worthless.
>>361216 sounds about right
>>361215 I fucked your dad that's how you were born
>>361182 >>361184 Why do they fear a lad abiding by the law so much?
>>361216 What the fuck is academia even for at this point?
>>361220 proving you arent a retard + iq test for employers to determine who to hire. naturally most posters here failed it
>>361218 calling people permavirgin you've never had sex with a real women lmao.
>>361222 Yeah in that regard even I've had more sex than westie.
>>361224 right after your boyfriend
>>361224 Is this Westie's tranny hole?
ah I so love bongo meta drama.
>>361221 not much of a test since most people coming out of uni now are morons
>>361228 Hey, most people outside of Uni are retarded too
>>361228 I think the iq test is whether or not you agree to pay for it.
>>361220 Job creation for lecturers and brings down the unemployment figures for 18 - 25 year olds because they're students. Brings in foreign funding. Money for the surrounding area due to students. It's also a pipeline to serfdom, it acclamatises people to renting communal properies, being saddled with debt and irresponsible levels of drinking so that they never try to improve their lot. Once people have their degree, that is the limit of their aspirations. They will not continue to push themselves.
>>361231 when I first started posting on /brit/ posts like this I'd take seriously but after learning almost everybody here is terminally unemployed with no family I don't really take life advice from here anymore
>>361233 >gets owned online so hard he deradicalizes himself >dies of aids
>>361232 I suppose being comfortably middle class is a decent aspiration currently. It guarantees you all the basics.
>>361236 It doesn't matter how 'radical' you are if you do nothing in real life politics or society which 99% of people here don't do
>>361238 unlike you who sticks his willy in another mans poo hole
>>361239 yeah and I'm gonna do it to you drop the lo nigga
Maybe if we didn't advice him not to bum people he wouldn't do it
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>the nonce is into a nonce anime
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nnaa~ at least we criticise you for what you actually do
I only earn £28k a year
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I was going to say it's like how the left calls us racists, but then again we actually are racist
>>361246 How many hours do you work?
>>361248 37.5 weekly
>>361246 good lad
>>361249 Well it's not so bad if you can get that number higher over time I guess, or get another job. Beats making nothing
It's insultingly low considering I manage three clueless people. I used to do all of their jobs singlehandedly, and they still manage to do it slower and worse
>>361249 That's pretty good lad. Plus you should be able to earn more over time. Me I'm capped at like 270 a day.
>>361252 Oh so you actually do something skilled but overlooked.
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>he fell for the 'team leader' meme
I don't get the twitter rules tbh. See so many people saying awful things but they are still up. Most controversial thing I did was ask a tranny to detransition and say that that dilbert guy was right in response to a nigger beating a white person.
>>361255 tbf it falls one of two ways you either have skilled people below you which means you coast or you do the lifting for the team. Still all the good underlings get assigned to the management that got their by relation over skill.
>their theirs
tfw your bossman hires only immigrant underlings
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>>361232 this its also money laundering for chinese and real estate tycoons can push out dogshit high rise apts for agenda 2030 and pack them full of gook students
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have to pay 4800 in taxes on my boomer toil wagecucking this year and IRSniggers are already sending notices but uberboomer bossman still owes me 4300 plus in wages
>>361262 yeah the gook student problem is really bad now
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syrians shooting missiles at the jews lads
what did Varg mean by this? keeeeek
>>361269 Based. Can't believe he was found guilty by the jury. He only shot after someone pointed a gun at him, no? I haven't actually seen what happened
>>361269 Nice whitepill though it seems it's not 100% guaranteed yet.
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Do anyone know if this relief sculpture has a name? I can't find it
>>361273 Hm.. I found it, or another version of it at least
>>361274 name?
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I think I'm in love lads
>>361275 Sculpture named "You and I" by Arno Beker
>>361276 >when girls have 1 bf and 1 fuckfriend tell you they are on dating apps looking for fun because they are lonely
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>>361280 good lad
Where is manxlad? I demand results
>>361269 >Texas needs to pass HB2640 requiring DA's to present exculpatory evidence in Grand jury proceedings. Exculpatory evidence, is that like the blood test results of a man known to use respiratory system suppressing drugs whose respiratory system failed?
>>361283 >Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendant of guilt.
>>361282 Sorry I got dragged out shortly after posting to a beer festival to try out some ciders and only got home this afternoon, been suffering Was nice tbh I did this 3min one tbh, transitions back to standing to repeat smoothly and loops at the end. is this okay or how did you want the shorter one?
>>361285 He's so kind. Suffering but it was nice? The long one is good. Can you make the short one the same speed as the first one? Then I'll be satisfied. It's so fast keek
felt bad because I was wandering around today and I sort of intimidated this beta bux cucksband with his nice kids he was all nervous and asked me if everything was all right when I was walking around all polface seething about being owed 4.5k by uber bossman. smh made me feel bad having turned into this scary redneckoidic siding carpenter.
>>361273 arno breker shite
>>361287 Hey how about feeling bad about throwing me under the bus whilst conversing with a known homosexual earlier?
>>361286 keeek here's normal speed with two different bits of the song, first is the part used in the original vid
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>>361290 Thanks for your work, lad
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>>361291 bonus
>>361165 What is a woman? Don't ask me, I'm not a biologist. But enough talk, have at you!
>>361293 joke's a bit of a miss, lad
why are chuds like this?
thinking about that lass who is in debt for the rest of her life because she killed and wounded someone in a traffic accident just a year after she got her driver licence. You go to prison for a year or two for rape, 10 years or so for murder, accidentally kill and harm someone and you're fucked for life.
fat nonce
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quick fix
looks like its time for a new thread
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Westie comes back and tells everyone they're failures and that he's more intelligent than us. Hmm
>>361262 keeeeeeek the local student accomodation near me is like 90% chinese its trippy

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