/christmas/ - christmas/navidad

Inter-board christmas event / evento de navidad entre-ablones

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/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump

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Check also /christmas/ on Trashchan Revisa también /christmas/ en Trashchan

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Veloren Server Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 14:41:42 No. 233 [Reply]
>Just what the FUCK is Veloren? Veloren is a FREE AND OPEN SOURCE spiritual successor to the short-lived Cube World. It uses similar combat mechanics to cube world, similar crafting mechanics to Valheim, exploration quirks like BoTW, and a minecraft aesthetic. It has both a third person and first person mode, and is all about running around as cute little cube people and murderhoboing your surroundings (or the villages). It is a community-led project that gets almost daily updates. Most importantly, it can run on potato PCs. copypasted from /vg/ because I'm too lazy to come up with something on my own So you heard that right, is free and you can set up an account in 10 seconds or less, no email verifying none of that shit. The game is light and can easily run in a toaster. Download it at: https://veloren.net/download/ /vg/ thread for more info https://smuglo.li/vg/res/10891.html Just get the launcher, update the game and pick up your preferred RPG class and race (humans, orcs, dwarves, elves, etc) The server is paid, that means it'll be open all day and for the days to come until the owner decides to pull the plug. You may see anons getting in and out through the whole event, so don't be shy and ask for TP or help if you're lost. I'll probably join at around 21 UTC and will most likely stay there for several hours. So if you want to have a comfy time by ethnic cleansing a village or raiding a dungeon with fellow anons, hop in our server at THIS IP
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>>1742 Downloading now, should be on in 10 or 15 minutes at most.
>>1746 Cool cool. Classes and races are 100% aesthetic so don't think too hard on it. You can be any class later. Be a loli dwarf.
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Happy Yule TO WHITES ONLY HH 1488 Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 19:32:08 No. 2156 [Reply]
Holiday greetings Our time draws closer and closer, soon the filthy capitalist system will rot away and a system for our folk shall emerge. In the meantime, merry christmas
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Merry Christmas, /fascist/. You missed the main festivities yesterday, but please feel free to enjoy yourselves. There are still a few events happening; see the events sticky or browse around to your enjoyment.
>>2158 we'll check it out, thank you for the greeting
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Merry Christmas, you sperg. w

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Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 06:02:49 No. 177 [Reply]
Ever wondered what's the last place where you can enjoy your coffee and talk to anons about real-world issues without hindrance? Feel free to come to leftypol.org! For users of matrix we have a dedicated chat at #neoleftychat:matrix.org. Recommended: https://leftypol.org/leftypol/ https://leftypol.org/siberia/
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>>182 roflrofl
>>1935 > good faith criticism Except that it's all about niggers and troons. As what you say. Back to the thunderdome, and enjoy the ban
hello guys! the thread is up again

protoculture.moe Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 01:15:55 No. 1074 [Reply]
Hey there. We're a small club of nerds, mostly former smug /a/nons, who hang out and do things together. We love our hobbies and love to talk about our hobbies, including animu, mango, miniature painting, tabletop gaming, video games, Japanese movies, music, Science Fiction, making OC, wotagei, idols, history autism, weapons, staplers, and so on. Really, anything anyone is passionate about. We get together and share these passions as friends. We already regularly have streaming events and play games together, and this will grow as we grow. We'll have our own website up soon at protoculture.moe where we'll have a public imageboard to hang out, music streaming, and regular events and fun things to do together. As of now, I can say we always hang out at https://cytu.be/r/animenabe every Saturday, including today! So you can drop by to say hi. We go to https://cytu.be/r/sundaycinema every Sunday, so you can hang out for longer if you like. We're a club that is always hanging out, and you're invited to join us. We had more events planned, but we didn't read well enough and thought this event was going to be next week. So sorry about that. One of our club members are still working on something for next week, and will probably set it up on a /tg/ board somewhere soon. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Io, Saturnalia! .
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>>1074 >We're a small club of nerds Normalfag
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>>2270 We a circle of オタク desu we talk about penis and ゆっくり it up liek awesomm!!!!!!! Thanks for cum! desu
>>2291 wow wow wow!!!

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Anonymous 12/20/2021 (Mon) 14:53:01 No. 2236 [Reply]
Eltonel, noted drawfren, has caught the vid. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers this Christmas.
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Its only a flu, he'll be fine nigga
>>2236 Was it a shiny ?

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Christmas Radio MkII Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 01:42:32 No. 1113 [Reply] [Last]
Previous bumplocked thread: >>267 /animu/ Stream (more Christmas oriented): >>40 Current stream can be found here: http://radio.anon.cafe:8000/christmas.m3u Just download the m3u and roll with it in your audio or video player of choice (mpv, vlc, and foobar are confirmed to work). If you're having issues with that, try accessing: https://radio.anon.cafe/ When/if it's time to swap streaming servers, I'll edit accordingly. Fatchan has generously donated an IRC for your livechat pleasure: https://irc.fatpeople.lol/#christmas Technical difficulties or info to import into your IRC client: >>160 Current DJ: Nameless smug anon. Next DJ: I'll let him announce himself if he wants. MASTURBATE TO CARTOONS
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>>2185 tvch btfo
>>2185 >mp4 Kek, that was fun to watch. Garfield is a cool cat! There should be a Garfield night or something Anon.
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imageboards are nothing but trouble. I'm never coming back. See you next time.

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tvch designated thread Gahoole 12/07/2021 (Tue) 20:00:26 No. 32 [Reply]
Good Day Nerds /tv/ will be doing a short film festival to honor the occasion. Details here https://tvch.moe/tv/res/237552.html /art/ is making christmas cards https://tvch.moe/art/res/2229.html /lit/ is also planning something but hasn't made a post for it yet either. I'll post a link when they have it up.
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>>1682 >cuckime
>>1793 Seek help.
>>1958 Help

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Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 12:32:15 No. 2045 [Reply]
Look who decided to come out of their cave, glad you could make it anon!

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Greetings from 8moe/v/ Anonymous 12/19/2021 (Sun) 07:35:41 No. 1805 [Reply]
I'm not someone special or anyone to particularly give a fuck about in the grand scheme of 8moe, but I'll still thank you for the invitation to this place on 8moe's /v/'s behalf. I'm working a lot lately, but I hope I can catch some stuff going down soon. I popped into the anime stream earlier today. I had to leave in the middle of it, sadly, but seeing several anons' reactions to Top Ten Hottest Female Sonic Characters being brought into the queue right before I had to leave had me in tears. I'll try to keep up with you fucks for the foreseeable future for more anime and Jewtube memes. Side note: I think one gift to consider received by the anons that organized all of this is the lesson that board wars are retarded between the various imageboard sites, and that more anon activity breeds cool content and fun times. I hate applying the word "diversify" to anything with a straight face, but I will be diversifying my imageboard use to better interact with likeminded autists from now on.
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>>1809 Let's all just agree that old good new bad
I sincerely hate 8moe but will be more lenient towards it just this once for the Christmas season.
>Top Ten Hottest Female Sonic Character Well shit, who was there? Amy? Rouge? Tails?

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FChannel Embassy Anonymous 12/17/2021 (Fri) 22:13:21 No. 135 [Reply]
FChan is a federated image board based on ActivityPub (https://activitypub.rocks). It is still in development, but is already usable. All of your altchans are doomed to die a sudden death when the server gets destroyed because the neckbeard running it failed to notice it was raining and there was a leak right above the computer they run the server on. >but we take measures to avoid this >but we have bunkers and others places to gather if the chan disappears All cope. The fact of the matter is that centralization was a mistake. With federation you can simply laugh it off on a fellow federated board when another dies. Hell, you can even still read the dead instance's posts if they are cached by the other. In principle, any other IB engine can enter the federation if they comply with the protocol (which isn't that complicated to begin with). Accept that your centralized architecture can't compete with our federated superiority and take the fedipill. Case is point: in October, the main instance (https://fchan.xyz/) got nuked off the face of this earth while the other instances remained up and running, gathering the lost anons. Also, federation has already been achieved with tor and lokinet instances, any other darknet is also fair game. Centralized chans literally cannot compete.
echo aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55dXJsLmNvbS9zcGFtY2hhbgo= | base64 -d echo 5k2tWE6P7gjuBSbBK4zjpFBPd9G3NiqGxvizpqEH | base58 -d echo NB2HI4DTHIXS65DJNZ4XK4TMFZRW63JPONYGC3LDNBQW4CQ= | base32 -d
>>135 based

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Elegan/tg/allery 12/05/2021 (Sun) 02:05:14 No. 11 [Reply]
Hello, Merry Christmas and Happy Saturnalia! This thread is for /tg/ and christmas related content with a focus on >Greentexts So if you have a story, or some classic /tg/ recollection, gripes about no games, funny stuff or anything at all (especially those little green buggers so that we may all grow our squig and ork posting and grow proper and big) feel free to drop it here. Thanks for coming and Happy Orksmas to all.
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Alright, well, recipes are a better idea than greentexts. Here's a family fudge recipe I've got on me. It's delicious. CRUNCH FUDGE Materials  A reasonably large pan (i.e. 9x13)  Wax paper  5 cups white confectioner’s chocolate  3 cups creamy peanut butter  1 ½ cups crispy rice cereal  1 ¼ cups mini marshmallows  ½ cup semi sweet chocolate chips Instructions 1. Line the pan with the wax paper. 2. Put the white confectioner’s chocolate and the peanut butter into a microwave-safe bowl. 3. Melt the mixture in one-minute intervals until smooth. Mix thoroughly between intervals. Once completely melted, mix until uniform in color. 4. Stir in the mini marshmallows until thoroughly coated. 5. Stir in half of the chocolate chips.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

>>75 Can't seem to mobile post so no pics, but I did make some meatbread. Experimented with home made dough, accidentally made less than I had hoped for so it was a much smaller one than I had expected\hoped for. So it's officially the meatbread prototype I will have to tackle later. Perhaps even tomorrow if I feel like hitting up the store.
>>1730 To mobile post you have to solve the captcha at the top of the thread. The quick reply captcha doesn't work on mobile for some reason.

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Cakechan here. Holy Shit. Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 19:12:58 No. 360 [Reply]
Just wanted to thank you for the invitation and am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
>>360 Thanks for stopping by, friend. Feel free to relax to some music, enjoy some games, set up your own if you want, and have a jolly good time.

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Radio /r/equest Pre-Game Thread Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 06:30:27 No. 184 [Reply]
Got a song /r/equest you know you want to make during radio tomorrow? This thread will be locked when I wake up tomorrow so go ahead and post it here in advance. If I don't play it another DJ might. Right now I'm sticking to old ones carols and traditional Burger Christmas music with an international twist here or there, and then tavern songs late in the evening, with some other impromptu blocks depending on how much time I'm filling in. Think another anon is planning a couple hours of psyrock/italydisco later in the night. Anons who post music or links are helpful anons.
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>>273 I see I'll just rec this one as well since I forgot this is christmas we're talking about
>>263 tbh flac is for archiving, not for active use anon.
Locking thread. Please move /r/equests to the radio stream!

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Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 15:28:49 No. 239 [Reply]
I am GigaDev from 8chan /v/ and I hope you get lots of vidya for Christmas.
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We wish you a merry Christmas.
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>>322 I'm also a gamedev, greetings from ptchan and /agdg/
Merry Christmas you big faggot.

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Event IRC Anonymous 12/16/2021 (Thu) 16:32:14 No. 97 [Reply]
Will there be one? I can probably set one up myself, but I don't have much experience with IRC, so I am not exactly qualified to operate one. It would be hosted from my home so it would be tor-only to bypass the NAT.
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I'd participate in an IRC or Element. I lean towards IRC but happy with either. Anything that doesn't need an identifying account.
irc.fatpeople.lol 6697 (tls/ssl on), /join #christmas webidiotas: https://irc.fatpeople.lol/#christmas
PicoIRC. The address is: cqcnxn5c6yv2nnek4pn2sk6f6k2p2lsyb5m2klmipodbcnl3urazruqd.onion/6667 Thanks to >>127 whoever you are for posting the link. More information there.

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Happy 'tina says "Hi" [figuratively] Anonymous 12/18/2021 (Sat) 05:23:13 No. 165 [Reply]
Wow, a lovely online Christmas board! And everyone's going into their own designated groups of those they already know and talking among themselves! It's just like the real thing!
>Spoiler Festivities start tomorrow, so most anons are just making threads and advertising what they do or what they're planning to do tomorrow for now. Feel free to hang out, get comfy, and join us for music in about 11 hours. I really ought to go to sleep here soon.
>>165 Where's this little Tina character from fren?
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>>210 /co/ had a small hype about Satina (and the creator made some drawings for the board) Satina Wants a Glass of Water (short pilot): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrywhCp1W1s Bring Your Demon to Work Day (full episode): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjMh_iE8bf0

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