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Rules and Meta thread Anonymous Board owner 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:12:39 No. 1
The rules for this board to ensure a comfy experience. Subject to change. This thread also serves as a meta thread 1) Global rules apply 2) Do not derail threads too hard A little bit of off topic and banter shitposting is fine, but try to make sure to get back on thread topic after your banter exchange 3) Do not cause severe drama or autistic shitflinging Banter and Insults are fine, but not to the point that anons are developing a personal autistic vendetta against somebody. Offending posts will be swiftly removed. 4)Posting unspoilered porn is fine. If the porn in question contains extreme content such as "water" sports, scat or other such things it needs to be spoilered. 5) No 3DPD content. Porn pictures of real life content will be not allowed. 3D CGI and AI generated content is not subject to this rule. 6) Anon (Human) posters have a priority over AI robots. 7) Every waifu and husbands are good
Edited last time by Boruvkov on 06/30/2024 (Sun) 17:01:27.
Small status update. /fur/ board linked us back and /monarchy/ didn't responded yet. I wonder where the BO of /monarchy/ go, vacation?
>>73 We accept your friendship. >>>/monarchy/ /comfy/ is a protectorate of /monarchy/ now. aren't politics boards uncomfy? esp. mine, lol Thanks for the exchange anyways
>>151 Oh hello Grace. Nice to see you accept my request. I've been told that you are handling all that event for 8chan so I thought it makes sense to link you back. I hope we can have some exchange anons in the near future so in order to increase both of our clout heh.
>>152 An event is being planned at >>>/icup/5921 Not too many anons seem interested yet.
>>153 Then I shall try and generate some interest, and shill the shit out of it until anons hopefully find it endearing or get annoyed. I suppose my next stop is /v/ then. Pray the soul of your loyal vassal.
>>153 I just made a post there now where I said that I want to participate too. >>154 Good luck. Strelok.
>>151 Forget to mention something >Aren't politics uncomfy Well the other boards I have linked are not exactly a comfy board either but that doesn't matter I think, if anon sees my board and likes it he can have a comfy time here at least.
A small heads up. For the lounge thread I will manually make a new thread for it in order to update the numbers and the edition of it. I am not quite sure how many post it should have before I make a new thread and merge the old one to the new one. 50 or 100 post? We don't have many anons yet.
>>160 Another heads up. I will be soon running a bot which will respond to (your) post at the lounge thread. Gotta cheat on some few PPHs hehe. Though I still have problem with running that so it will take a while. I did not made the code but the guy who wrote it is helping me out to get it running. Edit 1: Updated the rule post, Human anons have a priority over AI.
Edited last time by Boruvkov on 06/09/2024 (Sun) 19:02:36.
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Made a banner
>>227 Added, thanks.
>>227 My that is comfy.
I think a generalist board is nice and very necessary, and could be utilized quite well here. And I understand the atmosphere you're going for. With that said >3) Be nice to other anons here You should probably clarify or expand on this rule. Imageboards like this are inherently combative. So I suppose the question is, if someone says something retarded, and you are not nice to each other in your exchange, is that an actionable offense? I don't expect anyone to bind themselves to some sort of hyper rigid ruleset, and know that "I know it when I see it" rules need to exist in some capacity. Someone unnecessarily being rude out of the gate is agreeably annoying and can be used in bad faith to shit up the place. But there will inevitably be organic vitriol that can also contain substance and entertainment.
>>314 >I think a generalist board is nice and very necessary, and could be utilized quite well here. And I understand the atmosphere you're going for. With that said I made this board for the purpose of resurrecting the old idea of /c/ /kind/ and other comfy boards 8chan used to have and I am trying this time not to let this board die and actually get a bit of activity going on even when it takes a long time to do so. >You should probably clarify or expand on this rule. Imageboards like this are inherently combative. So I suppose the question is, if someone says something retarded, and you are not nice to each other in your exchange, is that an actionable offense? Well the result will be that the offending post will be deleted, no bans there, to keep the threads nice. It really depends how anons are wording their post, you can be offensive/vulgar if you want but not towards other anons, at least no those inside the comfy board, if the offensive is towards somebody else outside this board then this rule does not apply because we cannot except that outside people/anons are nice to us as well so I see no reason to stay kind to people who are not kind to us. >I don't expect anyone to bind themselves to some sort of hyper rigid ruleset, and know that "I know it when I see it" rules need to exist in some capacity. Someone unnecessarily being rude out of the gate is agreeably annoying and can be used in bad faith to shit up the place. But there will inevitably be organic vitriol that can also contain substance and entertainment. Well it will be really based on the "I know it when I see it" basis, but so far nothing like that happened yet. If some anon enters this comfy board for the purpose of shit stirring he will be swiftly removed as I don't want these kind of anons here, so that means my comfy board does have a bit of gatekeeping but I try to keep the rule lax and simple since any anon who wants some bit of comfort is welcome here otherwise. So yeah basically shit stirrers and other anons who only seek to shit up this place will not be tolerated. I will edit the rules to reflect this.
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Lounge thread hit almost 100 replies. I will make a new thread and merge the old post. The new edition will be: Heroes of the Soviet Union
Welp. I will be changing the ",Be nice" rule and modifiy to be about not causing any drama. So from now on you are allowed to call other anons as a BIPOC. However do not do so to the point it causes a annoying drama where any form of comfy discussion gets completey thrown away. There will be no rules regarding cap codes, trip and name codes though. Anonymity in my board should be a choice if you want to remain anonymous thats fine but if you want to be known that's fine too. Anonymity is kinda anyway a moot point when other anons already call you by a nickname based upon the content and writting style you post.
I changed 2 rules now properly in the OP. The first is change is that you don't need to be nice anymore to anons, but that doesn't give you a free card to shit up a thread, offending post will deleted. The other change is that porn can be posted freely now as long it doesn't contain extreme/niche fetishes (scat, "water" sport, etc). The porn rule change was more out of my own decision. The being nice and no insult rule was based upon the few exchanges I had with other anons. The reason I decide to allow porn to be posted is because this site is for people who are aged 18 at least, so kids aren't supposed to be browsing 8chan anyway. Then a additional rule will be added, no (porn) pictures of 3D stuff (CGI doesn't count), to be more specifically the women kind in real life who are also known as 3D pig disgusting by the anime posters. The reason for this is since vanilla-ish porn will be now allowed from now on, that at least on my side I do not want to see any damn pictures of those women who are never loyal to men anyway and are nothing but sluts or venomous backstabbers, they fuck men up mentally.
> User Boruvkov banned the posters of the following posts: 374 from board /comfy/ until Thu Aug 01 2024 08:45:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Fuck off". Man you're really doing your best to make sure this board stays dead on arrival. Why would you even bother advertising on /v/ if you're going to throw a bitch fit when people point out that you're an obvious newfag using niggercattle terminology? Then you come back to your board only to cry that the "niGGers" you just begged to use your board gave you some mild criticism, some of which you even ended up integrating into your rules? At least cakekike couples his massive ego with a somewhat basic understanding of imageboard culture. You appear to have the same inflated ego while having zero clue how imageboards operate.
>>380 >Bother advertising on /v/ because my previous attempt wasn't met with backslash before, and it's the only largest active board in 8chan moe which is also english speaking, I would have shilled on other boards too were they more active but they are not but instead I formed a board ring with them. >if you're going to throw a bitch fit when people point out that you're an obvious newfag using niggercattle terminology? Really, this is your fucking argument that I am a newfag using le niggercattle terminology? You and the other anons are butthurt with the fact that I used "normie" instead of le hecking based 8chan approved terminology. Get your head out of your fucking ass. It's good to see you anon and other /v/ anons would rather stay in their circlejerk and dismiss completely all of the "outsiders" for being a newfag and using all forms of insult against the ebvul "newfag" instead of welcoming new anons in the first place. I could say the same that 8chan.moe and the /v/ board are still the same userbase as it was years ago with no real perceptible growth. >mild critcism such as what, calling even so far to me as a subhuman from cuckchan/reddit while I never used those places at all? Yeah cool a "mild form of criticsm". Jackass.
Its the anniversary of vb day. Or victory on b day. When we threw the pedophiles off 8moe by force. You are invited of course. Traitor or not. July 4th.
>>382 Which board is going to celebrate it? I am going to come over here then.
>>381 >backslash If "backlash" to you is people mocking you for using the word normie and giving you advice then I'm predicting a lot of spergouts from you in the future. >Really, this is your fucking argument that I am a newfag using le niggercattle terminology? I mean it's not really an argument, it's just what you're doing. The way you write makes it blatantly obvious you don't use imageboards very much. Your use of "le" is another example of this. Sort of like Acid you present as just vaguely knowing enough about imageboards to get by but also having your vernacular being 10 years out of date. >You and the other anons are butthurt It's not about being butthurt. If you act like a newfag people will bully you about it. I'm not mad you write like a normie, but it is pathetic that you ban people for busting your balls about it. >dismiss completely all of the "outsiders" Except that isn't what I did. I gave you a dissertation on imageboards, their culture, and some advice on your rules. I saw you were obviously ignorant about aspects of imageboards and explained why that might turn people away from your board. At no point did anyone dismiss you, ignore you, or write you off. They busted your balls, and tried to help you. And your reaction was to sperg because you couldn't handle people lacing their advice with banter. >I could say the same that 8chan.moe and the /v/ board are still the same userbase as it was years ago with no real perceptible growth. Which is why I gave you advice. You sound very young and kind of stupid.
>>384 >The way you write makes it blatantly obvious you don't use imageboards very much. Stop acting like you know what my imageboard browsing habit is. I've been lurking previously on the /v/ board all the fucking time, most notable on the stream thread and on the agdg thread. Now you are just pulling things out of your ass. >It's not about being butthurt. If you act like a newfag people will bully you about it. I'm not mad you write like a normie, but it is pathetic that you ban people for busting your balls about it. His post was nothing of value and he acted like jackass so I promptly removed him from my board. I am not going to argue further about this.
>>385 >Stop acting like you know what my imageboard browsing habit is. I've been lurking previously on the /v/ board all the fucking time, most notable on the stream thread and on the agdg thread. Now you are just pulling things out of your ass. Ah yes, the ever quantifiable "all the fucking time". >His post was nothing of value and he acted like jackass so I promptly removed him from my board Hurt your feelings so you banned and deleted. This is ironically the exact scenario I was talking about in your "always be nice" rule. You made an embarrassing post about some drama from another board, come here crying about it, and banned when faced with mild banter.
>>386 >Ah yes, the ever quantifiable "all the fucking time". Not my fault you haven't seen my post there. >Hurt your feelings so you banned and deleted. This is ironically the exact scenario I was talking about in your "always be nice" rule. You made an embarrassing post about some drama from another board, come here crying about it, and banned when faced with mild banter. Not going to further argue about this.
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I will rule /comfy/ with a iron fist. I will ensure maximum comfy and you will enjoy it fuck /v/ermins we will go on a board war
next /v/ermin that dares to show up on my board will be shot by the border guard
>>398 But Great Leader, the people aren't illegally immigrating. They're fleeing the Союз Сомғч Социалистических Республик! We must build a wall to keep the troublemakers in.
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>>399 Well I'll be damned, tell the builders they should build a anti fascist wall then right away!
>>371 It seems changing the rules about nice and rudeness did not bring me any single anon to this board. Yeah great, first complain about my rules that it's not the standard imageboard thing and then don't even bother visiting my board. Really cool.
>>447 Don't give up anon. I'm still trying to post content here.
>>458 I did not mean to give up. I still want to have this board because I am sure it can take off when I am doing more stuff with it. I think I should plan some events soon and invite other board lurking anons for the upcoming party. But I had also to deal with the bullshit that my family took my internet away again which is fucking bad. Right now I am on a forced vacation where I bore myself to death, when I come back I will see that I spend more time with my board and taking care of the anons here
So I am back home now... But that doesn't mean the bullshit with my family is over yet. I need to move out first then I will see if I can spend some time doing weekend events here. I have a few ideas what kind of event I can do here and I will invite other boards too for the event. But right now it's monday night (I live in germany), so I need to get the paper work done first for assisted living, then hopefully when I did move out I have finally more time for 8chan in general since then I wouldn't be pestered all the time with doing shit. So my ideas are: Drawing party (any skill set is welcome), karaoke event, online games (if I can somehow spin up a server), web browser games, OC creation event (any form is welcome), Streaming time and some others stuff that can be done here that I can't think of right now. If others got any idea what else can be done for a event I am all ears and I see if I can get it organized. But right now I have to deal with a lot of real life bullshit which gives me not enough time for 8chan. Yeah I am kinda guilty of myself by procrastinating a lot but honestly I don't think it's a good idea either to do stuff when I am stressed also I am busy with development projects too. The reason I wanted to make this board is because I want to have a actively maintained board in the spirit of other comfy boards like /c/ and /kind/. So I apologize in advance if I don't spend more time here and get more stuff going.
>>476 I remember on /c/ we had a very gondola compilation and an imageboard archipelago drawing. We should bring those back. And around Christmas /christmas/ on cafe trashchan hosts a multi board/multi site Christmas party. We could participate in that. We could do something fun for Halloween too maybe.
>>477 >We should bring those back. And around Christmas /christmas/ on cafe trashchan hosts a multi board/multi site Christmas party The /christmas/ event moved here >>>/christmas/ I should clean the board and clarify shit there, but I'm waiting for maybe mid November, tl;dr he guy on trashchan is unrelated to the project and he pretty much arrived last minute. >t. Current /christmas/ owner.
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>>477 (checked) >>478 Those events you described sounds good, I wouldn't mind doing it by myself and trying to get other anons on board. I have right now the issue my family constantly tries to block me from moving out from them which makes it for me not easy to finally have more peace from my family and not being constantly stuck with the stupid drama, especially my fucking sisters. So I need to think up of something else or get help from someone else that can get me through this shit. I cannot tell when I am free from this whole shit and having finally more free time for 8chan and for this board, but I hope I can find a solution for this soon. That doesn't mean this board is dead, I will still try to keep the lights open at least.

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