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(300.93 KB 540x459 UAB.png)

Unteralterbach Thread Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 05:45:41 Id: 05a58a No. 154 >>15412 >>17069 >>22114 >>22887 >>24161 >>38072
Welcome and enjoy the most funtastic infamous VN game ever made. Talk about the game, it's story, characters, fan art and possible ideas for sequels. If you haven't played it, get it here from the official site. https://unteralterbach.de/index.en.html Android Build: https://mega.nz/#!5Nph0CBA!INi-wbumiSdCLrkJ2BQ6Ru3Yh1tOKDtmdYBJYaats3c Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20170920081057/http://unteralterbach.net/index.en.html Walkthrough: https://sites.google.com/site/unteralterbachquickguide/unteralterbach-guide-ver-1-3-english
(3.00 MB 4608x3456 unteralterbach phone.jpg)

I would rock this case
Where do you find the rubber chicken & the sling as well as the IPad?
(280.03 KB 740x756 46996be8a57f81cb.png)

>>166 >>913644 I just played through this game for the first time two days ago. You sir, are a braver man than I. >>195 >>a45fc8 Did you check the walkthrough? It makes it pretty clear on that page IMO.
>>1175 The twins are the best. They need more fan art doing lewd things
>>2080 I wish the game did more with the twins. You see them for just a little bit, have a short scene with them, and then basically don't see them any more for the rest of the game. Feels like a wasted opportunity to be honest. They don't even show up in the epilogue.
Wat happened to furchur?
>>2146 He went to jail
>>2147 Nah he was still active on 8chan before the meltdown, where fuck is him?

(1.86 MB 1600x900 1.png)

He didn't want to invest the time to do another sequel and he didn't appreciate all the attention it gave him. Plus he based it on real people which could get him in a bit more of legal trouble then he wanted. Shame.... Enjoy some 3D ;)
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(163.24 KB 1280x720 Nele Buttner4.jpg)

(166.93 KB 1280x720 Henrike Fuchs4.jpg)

(180.90 KB 1280x720 Kim Hartmann2.jpg)

(205.13 KB 1280x720 Nele Buttner1.jpg)

(149.96 KB 1280x720 Kim Hartmann4.jpg)

(154.76 KB 1280x720 Henrike Fuchs2.jpg)

(1.27 MB 1366x768 Witch Sisters 4 - Duo.png)

(1.31 MB 1366x768 Annemarie.png)

(1.14 MB 1366x768 Kim and Maja.png)

(1.17 MB 1366x768 Laura 1.png)

(1.06 MB 1366x768 Nele.png)

One last batch. I'm on ATF and Pixiv and Iwara. Long live Unteralterbach and HS! https://honeyselect.blogs.allthefallen.moe/
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Don't let this die
(323.12 KB 860x598 sketch7_by_maniacbox-dbmvd56.png)

(1.01 MB 1120x1080 1440492206540.png)

(248.66 KB 1132x1080 df56f060535809857f49fa0b2aa4cd80.jpg)

Posting best UAB art
>>3921 Some one should post all of maniacbox's UAB stuff. I don'y think I have but one or two pieces.
>>3963 Does anyone have the story that went along with this pic?
>>2146 retired

(108.40 KB 467x435 devilaisha2.png)

(142.57 KB 336x414 1468040857034-0.png)

(182.77 KB 300x540 hex!.png)

(171.30 KB 300x540 hex.png)

Someone on /v/ was king enough to do the last two girls. Now we have the complete set.
(119.38 KB 301x399 now extra horny.png)

(142.91 KB 280x376 IK BEN DEMON MAJA.png)

(140.60 KB 311x378 hell's bakery.png)

(119.97 KB 277x371 1463532177989-1.png)

(116.85 KB 314x391 1463532177988-0.png)

(121.19 KB 292x391 Human Emily manicure version.png)

(92.60 KB 314x385 [M] Fuchur 3.png)

(92.92 KB 314x385 [M] Fuchur 5.png)

(134.35 KB 467x435 devilaisha2w.png)

(154.54 KB 322x430 devilstephw.png)

(1.37 MB 2400x4301 Untitled_Artwork 2.jpg)

(1.39 MB 2400x4301 Untitled_Artwork 3.jpg)

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(1.12 MB 2400x4301 IMG_0309.JPG)

Updated versions from pixiv
(1.13 MB 2400x4301 IMG_0313.JPG)

(1.11 MB 2400x4301 IMG_0308.JPG)

>>6040 >>6230 >>6231 It's so good to see remuslupinart still active. Is he on here?
Anyone have the artist of this gif?
>>6262 He is.
Weren’t some anons working on a sequel? What happened to that?
(774.58 KB 1460x927 68601469_p0.png)

>r9k prevented your message from being posted
(1.01 MB 933x635 Screenshot_3.png)

wat do
someone know why i cant get any loli scene? The only thing i got is the newspaper and black screen
>>7348 I'm unsure what you mean but you can play the entire game avoiding any loli scenes it just depends on the choices you make.
>>7471 i used a guide for the loli quest but nothing happens, the screen goes black and then the next day starts, then i tried the milf quest and all sex scenes show with no problem
>>7504 Same issue as >>7180 There should be an 'abuse' option which enables/disables loli scenes, but on the one I downloaded this is just blanked out in the settings menu. I don't know if it's some setting you'll have to manually change in a file or if this is just some kosher version retroactively uploaded to avoid jailtime over the whole 'lolis based on real children' thing, but I don't even know Germany's loli/cp laws well enough to begin speculating. If anyone does know how this setting can be turned back on, please let us know.
Wait. Is this Maniacbox?
>>7625 Is what Maniacbox?
>>7625 Unteralterbach art is by Fuchur, an artist who has retired for the time being.
That's maniacbox what the hell. Thats his artstyle. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/11073362
>>7629 He does have a somewhat similar style and I've wondered briefly a few times if Maniacbox was Fuchur's alt but I'm pretty sure he's not. I think it's sort of a simon/conoghi situation.
If anyone is playing a version where you can't get H scenes, try this one. I played thru it recently and got every scene. https://www.mediafire.com/file/sk3az61ze4cgzym/bundestrojaner_all.zip/file
I love Anne Marie the best. I wish she could have gotten her wish though.
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Fuchur is not Maniacbox, but here's some Unteralterbach from him. Different eyes and style.
>>3963 Where can I find most of his art?
I wonder if it's valid to post LauraB fanart that doesn't use her UAB design in this thread...
Is this our boy Fuchur?
>>2146 last I heard he goes by snuckypuck now
>>11134 Probably not. This Heikatsu guy could be anyone
Is this gonna be a Shmorky situation where anyone who's artstyle is similar to one guy's is gonna get accused of being his secret alter ego?
>>6411 Would love to hear more info about this if it was actually happening
Any other games this damn good? Love it.
>>12260 I doubt any attempts continued past the 8chan shoah, as sad as that is to think about
>>11134 No Heikatsu is a different artist.
>>12383 Delete this and post it again without the URL to a certain chan board before you get in trouble for linking it. Might also want to replace the LB photo with something else just in case because she's still recognisable behind all that demonic editing.
(4.31 MB 1580x2238 final(2).png)

>>12384 Fixed
>>12387 ok what the fuck is this
is there an Unteralterbach discord server?
>>12627 Sounds like a good way to speedrun getting banned off Discord.
>>12629 meh, takes 2 seconds to make a new account
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(223.44 KB 750x450 001253.png)

(1.78 MB 384x216 where.gif)

(111.69 KB 750x377 trollin2.png)

>>12627 make one but have it be text only
Why is the file called "bundestrojaner"? thats a federal trojan
>>12974 Is joke. Obviously a real federal trojan wouldn’t be called “federal trojan”.
I miss this artist...
>>7849 Too bad it's censored..
>>14534 don't we all
I miss chatting with Fucher and their art.
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>>12387 ...so is there an iceberg explanation or what?
>>12446 Think of it as a way to pass on meme history when wikis won't cut it. >>14587 Some of it is references to the game, but too much of it seems to be steeped in actual pedophilia and German pedo/antipedo culture. Cheese Pizza is an actual reference to a 4chan meme.
This game has so many inside jokes it feels like gibberish to a newbie like me.
>>14556 Those are the exact same public transport seat covers as what I have in my city. What a mindfuck.
>>14556 is it just me that thinks kim didn't fit the role of slut like the others? she'd be more like the management kind. maybe i was just possessive towards her in the game because she was too cute. sharing her was too much for me
>>14641 No they aren't and even then "based" is a bit of a stretch.
(86.20 KB 264x388 kim_frech.png)

>>14640 >is it just me that thinks kim didn't fit the role of slut like the others? Yeah she always seemed like the good girl of the bunch.
>>14648 >Yeah she always seemed like the good girl of the bunch. That's what makes it hot.
(56.02 KB 197x194 kim.png)

>>14649 She really loses control during her scene too.
>>14640 >>14648 It's mentioned in the VN that she's the only one of the girls that doesn't take part in the porn movies, she just films them. So yeah, she is the only pure girl of the bunch.
>>14706 she deserves more art
>>14723 They all do.
(748.63 KB 857x607 1625712595379.png)

>>12387 I want to see a YouTube video on the Unteralterbach iceberg this would be entertaining as fuck
is there an updated APK link?
I just started the game. I love the graphics and especially the music. It gives me memories of playing Professor Layton for hours.
>>154 (OP) Unironically one of the best visual novels I have played. How did they do it?
>>15412 Didn’t Fuchur pretty much make it all by himself? Art, story, music, programming. Ironically, if you’re multitalented, it’s probably easier to make a game like this by yourself than getting a bunch of anons to collaborate for a prolonged period of time.
>>15414 Yes, he did make it alone. Honestly making a game oneself appears to be more doable than having a squad who could hold the game back entirely.
I need your help, I don't know what to do here Alice is blocking my way and wants something great.
>>15615 Look under the cars
UAB movie when?
There's already UAB movies. Go check out pixiv or allthefallen.
>>15637 Gifs are not movies.
>>15640 Imagine a world with a full feature film of UAB done in traditional disney style like sleeping beauty or cinderella. Imagine this film has ad spots and real voice actors and Jimmy Fallon has the stars on the show and they all laugh about how big and fat the cocks going into the the little cartoon girls will be. That's the reality I want to live in. And it would be rated PG.
>>14586 those are amazing
>>14586 You CANNOT be antipedo after seeing this mouth drooling art here. holy fuck
>>15651 great points. there could be animated cartoons with this lolisex in it every season.
>>15651 yeah, but keep it away from americans or they would probably ruin it. their faggotry is so absurd they were capable of ruining their fucking voice acting industry (which was already bad) with stupid bullshit. i would leave it to the french. they sure love lolis.
>>12387 >nitro rad video fucking lol Imagining that shit right now
How do I get her ? Who is she?
>>15824 Everyone's enjoying themselves but LB is like >:(
>>15824 You go home.
>>15824 Bernds little sister. He rapes her and then his mom caches him and freaks out and the cops come. Then bad end.
(92.30 KB 336x414 lauralau_huch.png)

>>15833 >tfw no sister good end path
>>15833 >He rapes her Consensually?
(234.45 KB 1125x673 46174780_p0.png)

>>12643 These are great, got anymore?
Made a Laura edit with Maja's scene, made some monochrome versions cause she looks like a 40-50s loli with that hair, I thought.
>>16145 The hell is this
>>16149 fanart
Can anyone pls repost the android build of the game? I can't find it anywhere
>>16284 Won't install Android. Tried both. Does it work on rooted devices?
>>16294 I got it to work. Are you able to sleep with Steffi and if so, how?
How do I sex Steffi or Jürgen Ziege in Unteralterbach?
>>16335 >Steffi >Jürgen Ziege why?
>>16335 >Steffi you just need to praise her nonstop when you first meet her >Jürgen Ziege first of all... why? second: you can't have sex with him or any other male character third: really nigger?
>>16341 thats homophobic
>>16344 great
>>16341 >second: you can't have sex with him or any other male character What about a male character fucking the protagonist? >third: really nigger? You can bone a horrifying insect demon from hell or a child, but boning another guy is off-limits? Unteralterbach is fucking stupid.
>>16366 Get over it. Holy fuck, you faggots are insufferable.
>>16284 How do I change the fucking language
>>16366 make your own game retard, this game is for delicious cunny
(117.40 KB 304x397 1415596949057.png)

>>16344 >>16366 It's made for lolicons and pedos by a closet pedo. Go play a game for gays if you want gay sex. >if sex is involved, you should be able to fuck anyone nigger logic. You're just a coom brain degenerate who'll rub one out to any genital play.
>>16366 Fuck off faggot
Imagine a UAB Friday Night Funkin mod.
>>16526 Oh god no.
>>16284 Never seen the 3rd pic before, got any other rares?
(19.53 KB 200x300 74662.jpg)

Would anyone be kind enough to provide the webm's from the game unteralterbach? Please
>>154 (OP) Clicking the catalog button is so hard guys.
Anyone have a link to the apk file?
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Here a edit a anti made on half chan.
>>17679 and thats wrong, it shouldn't be. your point is?
>>17701 Hey like I said I didn't make it a anti did on 4chan. I don't care if it is or isn't personally.
How do I get past the tentacles? I have the Pickled Rolled (the thing you combine the red herring and the CiD songbook) and the Plastic Ball.
>>17708 Can't remember exactly but it's unintuitive. Look up walkthrough.
>>17776 Nice mashup but you'll get banned for it.
>>17776 Kim is James Rolfe. So the others might be based on non lolis too.
>>17778 What got it banned?
>>17786 Take a wild guess.
>>17787 I'm assuming it rhymes with "mild" nudity. That make sense
>>17788 Not even that, merely acknowledging the existence of the thing that rhymes with mild will get you banned because these people refuse to accept the reality of the matter. The only one of them that's gotten a reality check so far is the one thats in prison right now because the porn here is just as illegal as CP in their country.
>>17789 This game which starts by telling you "pedophilia is a disease which has no cure" and uses some variation of the word pedo every other sentence and depicts sexual acts with characters who are explicitly children under the age of 10 and are based on actual real life children has nothing to do with pedophilia. Move along, citizen
>>17812 I predict that he'll try to debunk you with the favorite argument of all lolifags. Calling you a Redditor. Instant pwnage.
>>17812 didn't violent/sexual movies, shows and games back in the day also have those types of warnings? (videos related) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyz_OzZCld8
This game got me interested in German culture. I'm a 5'11" American born pajeet. If I learn German and go to Germany, can I get a (non loli) gf or at least casual sex?
>>17833 >(non loli) What are you gay?
>>166 Imagine having the balls to actually go out in public with this it may as well be a girl-love symbol
(126.26 KB 1410x790 1634352163999.jpg)

(1.01 MB 4176x2000 awwwaa.jpeg)

>>18570 This is fucking great I laughed at this for like 2 minutes this amazing I don't know if you made this but it's fantastic kek it up.
>>18570 10/10
(236.41 KB 1437x736 Unteralter nun.png)

I made this on Drawpile
>>19103 based
>>19110 obviously, she's the best girl
>>18579 it's a compilation
(84.85 KB 238x219 Jesus.png)

>>12387 So this..... this is what heaven looks like...
>>19137 based
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(1.17 MB 842x910 unknown.png)

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>>19149 I've alway been curious what Bernd's face looked like. Why was his face blurred the whole game in the first place?
>>19157 so he'd stay anonymous
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(946.80 KB 1700x850 1640048719370.webm)

So guy on a /v/ thread on 4chan posted some 3d models of henrike fuchs. That's all I'd ask where I can see more of his work and what he plans to do when he finishes that model or if he would re-make the game in 3d for fun. But I'm banned on 4chan for a month and I can't reset my ip where I'm at so I hope to see him again.
>>20045 That's against the rules buddy.
>>166 How did you do it? I'm thinking of doing this too, but I have no idea where to start. I imagine you must not have gone through all the trouble of cutting out each of the pngs.
>>20046 Even the name? Just the name, anon. I am really desperate.
>>20047 >I imagine you must not have gone through all the trouble of cutting out each of the pngs If you have the source version download of UAB then you've got direct access to their character pics.
>>20046 >>20048 What happened here?
>>20005 I found the guy who made this. https://baraag.net/@Rommidraws/107359140654631806 not bad stuff check him out.
>>20077 Take a wild guess.
(714.37 KB 1329x923 unknown2.png)

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(831.92 KB 1485x930 unknown.png)

>>20164 Lorah deserves better than this.
>>17068 anon come on that shit's even on sancucku
(803.42 KB 1280x720 The Final Party 10.png)

(766.82 KB 1280x720 The Final Party 21.png)

(966.10 KB 1280x720 The Final Party 33.png)

>>154 (OP) The download link is dead. Does anyone have a fresh link?
>>20068 Hi, sorry for the delay. I got access to the PNGs, but how did you do the rest? Did you cut out the papers or print on a transparent sheet? And to glue them together? Did you use simple glue or transparent contact paper?
>>22114 I made a fan blog with a bunch of stuff from the original site. You can get game and guides there https://unteralterbacharchive.blogspot.com
Anyone know what the fuck this is about? https://berndsoft.itch.io/ copycat? scammer? or could it be...
>>22289 I'll see if he'd be willing to make Baraag account
(6.06 KB 497x145 signin.png)

>>22114 >>22208 Do you have a place you could upload bothe the game and the source download where you don't have to make an account and sign in?
>>22303 well? did you get through to them?
>>22366 romantic/10
>>22366 Please make an anal variant of this. My biggest missive with UAB is that, despite the dialogue and script strongly suggesting it will happen, the Protag never gets to have anal sex with Lil' AnneMarie Reiter.
>>22393 some things just aren't meant to happen like taking laura's virginity with your dick
>>22393 If I have time and desire I could do it. I'm a noob in animation
Anyone have a list of characters based on real people? I don't know anything about german internet culture. And would like to know who the hell are these people based on to understand some of the jokes.
>>22440 the most obvious one is laura for all the wrong reasons muhammad and and aisha are obvious too maja is based on some chick that was popular on kc, her nickname was plague iirc hell queen ursula is based on ursula von der leyen, president of the european commission trollbo is sascha lobo don't remember the rest nice id btw
>>22366 >mai waifu got animated Thankyou anon.
>>22440 There's a picture with comparisons of all the characters with their real life equivalents but Lorah's reference alone makes it a bannable picture.
>>22448 The actor with the devil daughter is based on German actor Till Schweiger, who has also appeared in some Hollywood films.
>>22457 and emily is pretty loosely based on his daughter emma
>>22263 One can only hope.
I hope this is already in development and they’re not getting our hopes up for nothing.
>>22499 I will refrain from giving a shit until actual proof of anne-frank, jean-pierre or fuchur owning the page comes up lest my delicate heart is broken once the owner runs off with the money the pedro pic could very easily be an edit, specially underneath all the filters which could hide imperfections
>>22263 Dear god please be real i've wholeheartedly missed Fuchur ever since he disappeared off the internet, i really want him back, and to see more works from BerndSoft. >>22521 So far he has not posted any proof other than 1 image, he said this however (pic related). "let me ask fuchur when he comes back! maybe he has some unused art. "
>>166 >>20047 >>20068 https://youtu.be/qaMNmXVH680
I would love to follow this tutorial and make my own case like this, but i am not going to buy a printer with DRM shit, and i sure as hell am not using somebody else's printer and get caught printing lolis.
>>22523 >agree to bring berndsoft back with the artist >right as you make a new site he ghosts you for a month in the offchance it's real, I'd be real pissed if I was running the page
>>22556 I'd be real pissed if I was one of those guys whose requests from 2016 were never posted by Fuchur Oh, wait. I am
>>22569 Feels bad man
anyone have wallpapers for this series ? it is such a popular game yet has little to no fanart
(253.21 KB 331x331 please respond.png)

>>22363 Please. I lost my original dl of the source version during computer shenanigans and the actual playable version as well.
>>22363 >>22641 Isn't it on archive.org?
>>22628 Don't bother, I've asked many times, here and on long defunct chans. The world of lolicon is Deadman picking. I guess it was obliterated except for the holdout of Pixiv, where goddamn everything is behind a paywall and an overwhelming majority trapped in the bullshit Chinese characters known as 'moon runes' that really are as gibberish nonsense as they look. I get the sneaking suspicion sometimes that I'm in a Richard Matheson novel and I'm the last Lolikon on Earth.
(3.61 MB 3658x1925 Bernd.png)

If anyone want to download the Game here is the new Link: I know the Link looks sus, but I´ve added a screenshot to the Site. Have fun.
(984.14 KB 2355x3822 Plagued001.jpg)

Some fanart.
>>22676 The big bad wolf lives
>>22660 The connection is not secure. Meaning the site doesn't use HTTPS. Meaning no thanks and no one should go there. Remember folks, lolicons or not, enable HTTPS Everywhere or if you have a browser with that function built-in (Brave, Bromite, etc.), always go into your settings and enable it. HTTPS is standard and there is no excuse for a domain not to use it. So yeah, fuck that site.
>>154 (OP) I'm having a problem with the game on MacBook, it just crashes every time I try to run it. help please?
I'm going to check on my Rule34paheal account and see if he responds to my pm, hopefully he'll respond.
>>22676 Your stuff's always appreciated. Which of the girls have you drawn so far? I know you've done Maja and Nele and I think Henrike.
>>22946 I think I’ve drawn or at least sketched most of them except Kim. I’m actually reworking that Nelle pic now.
>>22948 I didn't know that you've dome Emily and Annemarie.
>>22951 I have. I might post later if I can find them. I actually don’t recall doing Henrieke, though.
Anyone got the pictures from the collectible dvds? Currently only have a laptop and finishing the end of the game is pretty much impossible for me without a mouse.
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so if there was ever going to be a sequel how and what would you like it to be direct sequel or spin off ? how would you continue the story if you could? >i would personaliy like in the sequel you go around the world and help save (a.i. fuck )all new cast of girls (as well the old ones for the best ending) and save the world from jews, aliens or satan again or what ever . leave your suggestions for a sequel
The android link is down, anybody got a reupload?
>>23752 >suggestion Anne Frank should be in the game
>>23752 With the reveal of the UFO at the end, even if it was just a meme, would be nice to have a direct sequel and see what if any idea they had for a next game. Defeating some sort of secret society with the power of loli dicking magic sounds fun.
>>23852 yeah like the dream with Muhammed and Aisha
>>23842 "Style"
hey are ther any fan fics of this game ??
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So this sequel didn’t go anywhere then?
>>25054 Fuchur's doing commissions under that alias right now, so I assume that they're in contact. If a sequel ever happens, it definitely isn't coming anytime soon.
>>25342 does he still draw? (more important. He still alive?) which alias?
>>25054 It's fucking nothing... Again. Fuchur & friends did the same thing back in 2017. At that time, he announced that he was collaborating with another Pixiv Loli artist on a Lovecraftian loli game with a weird New England setting circa 1920ies. Exactly one concept art was shown, it featured a very nervous looking HP Lovecraft looking at a Negro Loli. Nothing ever came of it and both he and the other artist outright deleted their Pixiv accounts. Because when you're a meanie throwing a tantrum, you can't leave your art up for archival purposes for others to enjoy. Please people, do not be deceived by these hucksters.
>>25420 >>25342 Nebukhanezzar is not the real fucher you piece of shit, Show proof or kill yourself.
>>25420 Damn that sounds like it could really be good. Putting the loli into loli
>>25443 >loli into loli
Wtf >Lol >ita
>>25425 >>25374 Where did I say Nebukhanezzar is his alias, you fucking retard? It's so fucking obvious https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/46126718
>>25470 Nebukhanezzar, I don't want to bother you but in a deleted post, that artist mentioned that he was not Fuchur.
>>25471 I know what he said, but I doubt it. It's very likely an alias
Laura Belanova art by 恋童机器 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98201966
>>25551 I wonder which design is more iconic. This one or the UAB one.
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just colored this >>26248 (6559) fanart of N_01 or Jonhston Blackhorse. Honestly I don't know who's the artist of that Nele one.
Can someone post all the webms? Earlier links are down.
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>>25555 Unteralterbach if it was on steam
who made the original game and is there a Unteralterbach Sequel in the making?
>>26405 >who made the original game <Fuchur >and is there a Unteralterbach Sequel in the making? From what I've read form this thread and other threads on 4chan he was basically done with writing the script for the sequel but just stopped.
>>22263 Last post was 115 days ago. It's dead, Jim. Between this and the Cthulhu mythos Loli game that was teased and went nowhere, all I have to say to the people behind this is fuckkkkkkk you. Eat parasitic dog shit and go sit under tree.
>>15377 god this is my dream
>>25555 whats the UAB one?
>>26515 The UAB one is the one from UAB Durrrrrrrrr
>>26477 It’s not even Fuchur to begin with. It’s made by a bunch of scammers who’s “trying” to earn some money by claiming they’re making a sequel. Same shit happened a few years ago on /loli/ when it was ok to post cake there. These guys basically made a blog and started asking for donations on the thread. So many people believed them that Fuchur (or someone from his team) had to step in and tell them to fuck off. I mean come on, these fuckers can’t even spell right. You guys are way too gullible to fall for this shit.
>>26580 That doesn’t seem like a very lucrative scam. Who gave them money without even any new Fuchur art to show he was really involved? Were they asking for money at any point this time?
>>26629 It started out that someone from the thread had found a blog with the UAB name in it. There wasn’t anything on it except some background pictures from the game and a donation button. I think it was around this time when the original website was down again and Fuchur had “quit” for the second time in a row. Someone had thought that maybe he was coming back by creating a blog and was making the sequel. After that, one of the scammers (don’t know if they were a group or just one guy) started posing as Fuchur using his name and posting artwork that was already available online, no new artwork or anything like that. They claimed they needed help with money to make the sequel. They had no evidence to show whatsoever, and yet people here believed them. I guess we were really desperate for a sequel to be made. I don’t know if anyone really donated to them, but I hope not. I do remember someone saying that they would, since they thought that the real Fuchur was back again. I have a suspicion that it’s the same guys from a few years ago who made the Itchio page, they do have the same mannerism in writing skills. As someone who’s been a big fan of Fuchur for a few years now, I know for a fact he would never use any sort of social media, post his game in a site like Itchio, ask for money from his fans or flat out use his artist name in threads like these. He always called himself either Anne Frank, drawfag or nothing at all. I think it was around 2018 he finally decided to use Fuchur as his name here to inspire other people to make more loli games like he did. I know he wanted to make a H. P. Lovecraft loli game, but he wasn’t too sure, he didn’t want to make it alone at least.
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Anyone got anymore edits?
>>26796 How difficult is it to make a game like UAB anyway? I’m surprised no one else has done it in all this time since UAB came out.
>>27020 depends on your mental fortitude and amount of free time. pretty sure renpy was made to put it together which is simple to use, the bulk of the work would be the art, polished art of that caliber would take a lot of time and effort. the fact that it was released for free, or exists at all is a miracle. most people don't even have the attention span or skill to sit down for 10 minutes and draw a basic shape let alone complete a dozen hour length VN.
>>27020 Ren'Py's pretty forgiving. The difficulty lies in >writing the story >making the music and sound >creating art assets So that's possibly up to 3 devanons collaborating. The plot and character writing is one of the things that makes UAB so good but you could get away with one that's less dialogue focused. Say if your strencth is more descriptive writing instead of character interaction you could make the loli equivalent of something like Shadowgate or Manaic Mansion and it would still be great. Hell if you are good at environmental storytelling you could make a loli game that basically text free. You would just have to play to your strengths. Music's a bit more difficult if you're not musically inclined but free music and sound libraries do exist. If you were going to release it for free you could probably get away with just using sampled music too, especially if you could make it fall into fair use or if you uses music who's copyright had expired. Or you could just make Myst style environmental music. Art assets are the big one that's going to block you. Fuchur can draw great and that's the big hump to get over. If you don't have drawing talent then you need to find someone who does AND who is OK with loli. If you could find an artist that's willing to work with you you could potentially commission them over time to make assets. It would really have to be someone who's willing and able to put the work in and not get frustrated that it was taking up to much of their own personal drawing time. There are a few artists that are prolific enough that comes to mind that might be willing, some of whom even occasionally post here. You as the commissioner would really have to dot your i's and cross your t's to make sure that you're storyboarded everything and have all the various assets planned. And you would need to keep to your scheduled of payment to the artist. Of course if you're not skilled with digital art but have some other art skill you could go outside the box and still make your own assets. Be it: pixel art, conventional drawing or painting, charcoal art, charcoal drawing, graphics pen, stop motion, claymation like what Hylics is, 3D modeling- there's a lot of options that I think people may not consider when it comes to making art assets for games, and not just lewd ones either.
>>27030 >>27034 Sounds like the best way to do this is to complete the story and gameplay first and then commission an artist. I might play around with Renpy when I have some time.
>>27054 Yeah the best way would you either be able to do the art assets and then find someone to program for it or do the programming and find someone to make the art. If you prove that you're good for part of the work then it will lubricate the wheels so to speak.
>>27099 Do we already have a game development thread? Something for artists, programmers, etc. who would like to contribute to a game? The problem with such threads is usually that there are tons of people with ideas but very few with actual skills. I remember we had a couple fairly developed concepts in the old /delicious thread.
>>27133 >Do we already have a game development thread? Did a check of the catalogue and couldn't find any general /agdg/ type threads. Closest I found was an idea fagging thread >>21464 and a thread dedicated to development of a specific game project. Daughter Project >>5249 sadly seems dead
>>26983 I'm very sorry I've nothing to contribute. I do want to say thanks for sharing this. I had no clue I need this purple demon babe in my life. All the better because she loves anal sex. Anyway, it's a tragedy that there will not be a UAB 2. Also sad that the Lovecraft/Cthulhu-mythos game never materialized. I really don't know what to do or look forward to anymore. It's comforting to know there are other Lolikons out there, other than just me. Loli as a genre is on its deathbed. And yes, Maja Grünzeug is Jesus Christ and co-Redemptrix Mary Mother of God, all in one. Put simply, her cute little butt is God.
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>>27205 Have another, if you haven't seen it already.
>>27205 The genre is alive, it’s the community that’s the problem imo. Every time another site closes or bans our content less and less people find the new sites and there’s less comments and discussion and people lose interest.
>>27206 These babes have had too much spice melange. That's okay, I will love them both with my mouth, my heart and all my being. From their head to their toes. Imagine a Dune loli game, holy hell. >>27226 I agree. All my favorite places for lolicon/rorikon are part of the internet's graveyard.
>>26983 Cunny for the Cunny god's!!!! <Also more Warhammer edits this shit looks cool!
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Here's some archive material, actual plans for the Lovecraftian game that never will be finished
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More Fuchur archives
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>>27629 >>27628 What soundtrack with a loli singing is he talking about? I thought I had heard most of the songs, an I didn't see one with singing
>>27642 From the very end credits
>>27625 >>27627 >>27628 >>27629 Thank you for providing these. I feel vindicated, having already given up hope.
>can't fuck Baker mom >can't fuck loli demon Ursula shit game tbqbh
>>27663 feels weird saying that about a loli game, but i really wanted to fuck neli's mother. in fact, she's the only adult in the whole game i wanted to fug
Has anyone spoken with Fuchur since or just before he retired? Did he ever give a reason why he quit?
>>27676 Evidently, the last time he said anything was on a now defunct imageboard. Back in 2018, saying he was going to work on the Lovecraft Loli game. Then he deleted his Pixiv account and vanished. He was working on a small technical update to UAB, no new content, just a technical patch. That never happened and the game was never ported to Android or iOS. Crazy thing is, the Japs are the only ones making Loli or Shōta games. Literally no Westerner took inspiration from UAB. Either that means the population of Lolikons/Girl-lovers is extremely low globally. Or folks have abandoned the Loli genre due to the extremely oppressive, authoritarian environment that has been fostered and festering for years now. Tldr; Fuchur/Anne Frank is gone and will not be returning. Cherish UAB and the girls for what they are.
>>27720 I think the second option is more likely, everytime any place where a community could gather to create something like UAB gets taken down more people drop off and what remains gets fragmented across multiple . I don’t know where we could gather a team to create a game that has enough members so we have a pool of talent but not too many hangers on who only contribute ideas.
>>27894 Someone should create a game development thread, so people can share what they can do
>>27895 i support that idea. if someone makes it, i'm on board
>>27897 I don't care that you hate "pedos". UAB looks good and the girls are gorgeous. You're just a dumbass whose comment belongs in the trashbin or one of those fiery furnaces at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Pedos don't deserve the hate they receive, but you, you're easy to hate.
>>27905 > the girls are gorgeous Get some taste
>>27897 >>27905 >>27907 Please remain on topic. Discussion of pedophilia is not allowed on this board.
>>27895 All the talented people left this board a long time ago
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Where am I stickin em?
>>28355 Well, depends. Do you live alone?
>>28355 on a stop sign, so people know to STOP the menace that is Unteralterbach
>>28355 Did you print that?
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they updated on itch new preview for the prequel maybe
they also said >we have been receiving some doubts about our veracity, i am not anne frank! i work with the rest of the team that is still available to facilitate the download of this game, we have started a prequel and it will be ready soon, be patient!
>>28655 link?
>>28656 > it will be ready soon But they still haven’t posted any evidence they have anything at all. No new art, nothing.
Big update on the itch.io page New remixed version of the game just got realised https://berndsoft.itch.io/bernd-and-the-mystery-of-unteralterbach-re-mixed
>>28750 what the fuggg they still haven't posted any new images, this is kinda sus tbph
>>28751 I think the same. Smells like a scam.
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New sketch for the game just dropped
>>28760 Holy shit, I thought you were joking. They actually posted that. Best case scenario these guys are complete amateurs making a UAB fan game, worst case it’s a scam.
>>28760 My suspicions are still great, and my optimism low.
So if there's actually developers out there making some more content for this game (here's hoping) with the possibility they might read this thread can I suggest the one thing I really wish UAB had and yet didn't? Nude versions of sprites. I always thought it sucked that the only nudity in the game was via the CGs and in some cases the characters don't even get naked during their sex scenes meaning there is no in-game image of them naked at all. Hell the sprites don't even go down far enough. If there was a version of these game which added nude versions of sprites and adjusted scenes in the story to make use of them that would be amazing.
>>28799 I can't believe you guys don't know what fuchur's sketches look like
>>28863 I remember fuchur knowing how to draw hands better than that
Theyr adding 4 new achievements 2 shown here
They're updating thear patreon pretty regularly to BTW little spoiler bernds sir name is Neumann
They say that they are not ann frank but the rest of the team at berndsoft
>>28880 They were also saying they were the “new team” and suggesting Fuchur was involved. Until they show some professional level artwork or Fuchur himself comes out of retirement and endorses the project I wouldn’t get my hopes up.
This is so fucking cringe. No, it's not real. No, they're in no way affiliated to the old team.
Which one of you joined their Patreon?
>>29033 I did, since it's just a dollar.
>>29072 Anything interesting in there?
>>29092 If I had payed $1 for that I’d still feel scammed.
>>27625 >>28863 Look at how clean Fuchur’s lines are compared to that chicken scratch.
changing the subject, is there any fuchur art archive? I like to collect art, but from him I only have what is in paheal, sankaku and 5 drawings in what seems to be anondraw. Or am I asking in the wrong thread?
>>29291 Exhentai.org
Anyone tried to recreate the girls with AI? I’m thinking it’s going to become really easy to create tge art for a game like UAB. The AI could even be trained to recreate Fuchur’s style.
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>>29299 is that all his art? I expected to find more sketches or old drawings. This is a drawing that I think was made by fuchur and that I found in a random forum. Although of course, I have no doubt that you have seen it before. I just gave it as an example.
>>28972 They aren’t. This is a brand new team of (probably) UAB fans who decided to make their own fan fiction into a game. The original team consisted of two people, with Fuchur included. The other two left the team after the English translation was done. I’m sure they popped up sometimes on the threads back in the day, but they didn’t stick around. Fuchur was the only developer left who took care of the game until 2019. >>28867 Are you really insinuating that Fuchur drew this sketch? Please go fuck yourself dude, he would never draw something as shitty as this one. He’s one of the most talented artists I’ve ever known. Just look at his old sketches over here >>27625 here >>27627 and here >>23752. You just can’t be that retarded dude. >>28878 Why? His whole name is supposed to be a pun. Bernd Lauert literally means “Anon Lurks” in German. They’re literally ruining the character and the parody aspect by adding stuff that doesn’t make sense. If they’re gonna change his name, then at least make it into a pun. Neumann means “Newman”, you could switch it into his first name instead and bend it so that it becomes “Newfag Lurks”. That would be ten times more funnier, but Bernd is already an established character that doesn’t need any fixing. Just make a brand new character instead. >>29337 Looks awful. It’s like they downloaded a 5$ Unity asset and just called it a day. Fuchur made all of the backgrounds himself, these posers can’t even do that. >>29344 There’s more, but most of them are gone now. For context, these sketches come from Krautchan where a bunch of artists (as well as Fuchur) joined in on a sketchpad-like website and were drawing memes and porn all day. It was more like a fun thing to do rather than draw anything serious, and only the best sketches were uploaded on a thread in KC. However in 2016/2017, some dude managed to collect over 300 sketches and shared around 10-15 of them in the thread. We asked him to upload the full file to us, but he never did. I doubt he still lurks here. It’s amazing how he even managed to collect that many, since anyone could have joined in on a drawing session and just delete/doodle over everything.
>>28867 Apologies, this (>>29365) was meant to >>28863.
>>29365 Can I still check where are those sketches of the 300 that the guy accumulated? what thread? I, with my two neurons, will look for more of these works.
>>29371 The guy posted them on a defunct imageboard, which was on the OG 8chan. Same with Krautchan, that place died in like 2018 after the owner just lost interest, though rumors suggest he got doxxed after 10+ years and decided to just nuke everything. Your best bet would be to just browse trough archive.org, but the images are never saved properly. Archived threads usually suffer from this. I know that you could download the threads back in the day, so unless some oldfag decides to upload the files (hell, maybe even share the pictures) then that would be a god send. But from the looks of it, everybody seems to be gone now. Not even the new fans have been here long enough to help out. I really hope one day that this place will be revived again, and maybe even interest Fuchur to come back and draw for us. He gave so much to us for free, we should have supported him more when he really needed it.
>>29384 It hurts to hear all that. I discovered fuchur too late and now I can only see more disturbing art in my sweet dreams. Thank you anons for taking the time to answer my questions.
>>22263 The front page now reads “BerndSoft from 2011 until 2013.” Or was that always there? Could be a Halloween joke or an admission it’s dead.
Hey New music out on patreon and its pretty bussin
>>30178 Is anyone actually composing new music?
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>>30431 Big ugly head.
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>>31457 in the morning, there will be parts of five russian corpses, and one very full girl
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>>31457 >>31466 Shut up, you stupid kike puppets.
>>31457 No joke she is the first thing that comes to my mind every time I hear news about the Ukraine situation
wasnt this dude woring on a minisquel on murrica?
>>31477 How Russian propaganda works: You don't like Jews? Ukrainians are Jews. You don't like Nazis? Ukrainians are Nazis? You don't like homos? Ukrainians are homos. You don't like Americans or the West? Ukrainians are their puppets...
>>31477 Bruh im hear to nut myself for Loli game not see some twitter tier Political shitposting
>>31507 The game is literally a twitter tier political shitpost. Motherfucker, the game depicts the prophet Mohammed before you even fuck any loli
>>29337 New game dropping any day now. I just know they’ll try to claim they couldn’t finish the game because there wasn’t enough support from the community or something like that.
I need the 64 bits last version, please...
>>32097 Bump, help me, please.
>>32097 This games uses the Ren'Py engine, so searching for Ren'Py related trouble shooting might help. from: https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/display_problems.html >A small fraction of systems may experience problems when running hardware accelerated Ren'Py games. These problems are often due to buggy graphics drivers, and so your first step to fixing them should be to check for an update to your graphics card drivers. > >If upgrading your video drivers does not fix the problem, you should consider switching video renderers, using the following steps. > > Hold down Shift while starting Ren'Py, or press Shift+G once Ren'Py has started. > From the "Graphics Acceleration" menu that appears, choose the renderer to use. > Choose "Quit", then restart Ren'Py. > >We suggest trying the GL and ANGLE renderers. The GLES renderers may not function on desktop hardware.
Anybody else see that the supposed "Re-Mixed" version released yesterday? Is there any news about that or does it still not really exist?
>>32343 No idea, but now I would like to try it.
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>>32534 OH YES!
>>32343 >>32533 its out. dev is trying to charge a whole fucking shekel for it on itch.io, oy vey. theres a thread on /v/.
So, that's just happen. Don't ask for more, I have none.
God I hope there's an Annemarie footjob this time. She's my fav Unteralterbach loli. It's so good it's getting a remake.
Can anyone share the link to their discord server? I noticed the devs posted an invite six days ago but it’s expired.
>>36243 Top lel. Can you imagine the witchhunt that a mod like that would instigate?
>>32668 A mod like what?
i remember this secel thing i heard a decade ago, something about a similar game but set in murrica, with its meme n such, what happened with that?
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Familiar face in that harry potter game too bad there's no loli scenes
the link in the op didn't work, so I used the archive and downloaded it from the archived site. Not sure if that's a good idea or not, or if there was an updated version made later.
>>32751 new discord link pretty dead
>>33043 Yeah the OP link is now kosher, I tried this one >>7726 and it worked
>>32677 A mod where the all art is replaced with photo-realistic AI.
>>32751 >>33059 Fuck I missed it. Anyone cool here to share the link again?
>>31660 Please kill yourself.
(irrelevant question, you can ignore if you want) Is there a relation between the artist "editfag" and fuchur? For years I think they have similarities in his drawing style. Editfag is not active at all, but I think it still makes frame edits from time to time. https://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Editfag_%28artist%29/1
>>33335 I have noticed a lot of loli artists using elements of fuchur's style the biggest similarity i see in those by editfag are the dicks
>>33502 I guess you're right. Anyone can take reference from other artists.

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I would like to know who are the irl people that appears in the game Til Schweiger for example
>>34565 The picture comparing all characters to the people they are based on has been posted several times and removed every time
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Might as well post some AI pics i made of Kim. Made them awhile ago but forgot to post...
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There's a Fuchur artist lora out there that Swagmc22 put out for AI. He may be able to get the characters themselves importable too at some point. But if you're looking for a way to revive any thoughts of an Unteralterbach Sequel you better use AI as it makes it pretty easy.
>>34734 duckduckgo gives nothing for a fuchur LORA. Mind uploading a link in the AI thread?
>>34740 the discord is good?
Anyone knows if there was any kind of fan projects relatd to games like this?
I wanna make my own game like him
>>36048 Just like make game anon.
>>36050 I should and I can but I procrastinate too much also have enough sex to spend my entire libido in my partner and leaves me dry for horny projects
I'm surprised no one's ever one a UAB fangame. Not even just another VN, even something like a platformer, or a full conversion Doom wad featuring Emily, or even a simple dress up game similar to this https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1735893 but maybe a bit more animated.
I found an iceberg image for this game and I both want to have it explained and feel like I would know too much if it ever were.
>>36689 If you find it post it
Does anyone know where you can download these days? Every mirror I find is dead :(
>>36726 Did you try this one? >>7726
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AI bitches
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hey, i know im... extremely fucking late to get around to actually playing this, but does anyone have an archive of the walkthrough?
>>37646 found it. there was a pastebin link on an old 8kun thread, and internet archive had a snapshot of the page in case anyone needs it in the future: https://files.catbox.moe/r2399l.txt
Literally anyone can make a small DLC, or sequel. Especially with AI gen. If you keep it basic, using renpy is a no Brainer
is there a new site for the remixed version?
>>37329 >>37330 What Tags/Models did you use?
All the links in OP are dead. That "remix" and "sequel" project turned out to be scam and all links associated with it are also dead. Is there any way to get the Android build of this game? Every link throughout this thread is invalid or dead except >>37647 which is just for a walkthrough for a game I cannot even find and as such is useless. It's impressive how websites these days have shorter shelf life than sliced bread. Also, the AI art in this thread is fucking groty. All AI art is gross.
>>38154 Then make your own Unteralterbach website mate, we need to hold out until the second coming of Furcher
>>38197 I do not have the game, hence why I was asking for the Android build. You're totally delusional if you think Fuchur is coming back. He vanished completely after announcing that Lovecraft loli game project back in 2017/2018. That project fell through, soon after he deleted his Pixiv account. That's the end of the story, the so called remaster/remix and sequel project discussed in this thread is nothing more than a weird coda. A sham to try and steal your money. It's not even the first time a so called UAB sequel was announced for the sole purpose of collecting some zennies/shekels.
(605.82 KB 498x370 You gotta believe mate.gif)

>>38226 The Day of Cunny will approach us, you just gotta believe
Well it is a game from what, almost 10 years ago now? Made by an artist who vanished completely, with a shrinking fanbase and little to no replayability. I'm even surprised the links in >>16284 still work, though I can't attest to whether the game runs as intended. Last time I played it (on PC) I initially downloaded a version that was some modified garbage with sex scenes completely removed and no option to reenable them. Anyways the first batch of AI art was cute and funny, and since Fuchur is dead it's the closest we're getting to anything new from him.
>>38277 Like 90% sure he was on Baraag doing commissions a while ago under the name @YouShouldRlyKYS He'd never admit it's him, though.
>>38226 Oh it will come. But obviously it's not Fuchur who will develop it. Someone else took the torch. I've seen some potential on this people who took the torch
>>38298 who i didnt hear about this
I downloaded the game from the web archive link but there's no loli scenes options, is that a neutered version or did I miss something?
(1.71 MB 1024x1456 Ann-christin (1).png)

(1.82 MB 1024x1456 AnneMArie (25).png)

(1.81 MB 1024x1456 Emily (10).png)

(1.76 MB 1024x1456 Henrike (2).png)

(1.61 MB 1024x1456 Kathrine (1).png)

(1.55 MB 1024x1456 Kim (3).png)

(1.76 MB 1024x1456 Lauara B (1).png)

(1.65 MB 1024x1456 Maja (3).png)

(1.60 MB 1024x1456 Nele (3).png)

(1.93 MB 1024x1456 Stephanie (2).png)

Creating a Unteralterbach Mega torrent, send some things to be included
>>40583 Who’s that supposed to be?
>>22660 VPN? It´s necesary?
So that whole sequel game was a complete scam? What was the point? Did they actually get any money with their Patreon?
>>41508 It is not a scam. They are working on the remix. I don't know where you got that news.
>>41754 Who’s still working on it? Their site disappeared and they never presented anything that suggested they had any new content.
>>38279 I’ve talked to the guy sometime ago and he’s not Fuchur. Fuchur always had a distinct style to him and the way he wrote to his fans and fellow artists was very eloquent and structured. He’s a very educated man and skilled with almost anything he touches. I’m not here saying that this other artist is bad or less talented, but he’s not Fuchur, that’s for sure.
>>41754 >Source: My ass
>>41770 >>41877 I am on the discord an watching the progress with the artists NullifiedSweets. Its even being posted about on allthefallen. >>41877
>>41895 Post it here please
This game will forever hold a special place in my heart
>>41754 Will the Remix have an Android port? There's still no UAB mobile port and I want to play it on my phone.
>>43328 Get a laptop or PC
(2.24 MB 1075x1478 Maja Promo.png)

Hey y'all, since there have been no updates from the remix staff, here is something from a guy on All The Fallen who is unlike them and at least is trying to make a new project https://allthefallen.moe/forum/index.php?threads/bernd-and-the-mystery-of-unteralterbach-re-imagined.48255/page-15
>>43330 Hard pass. I'm not going to forced to get a Microsoft Account just to use the latest craptastic spyware OS Windows 11. And yes, Virginia, it is mandatory to create a Microsoft Account or to login upon initial setup even for Windows 11 Pro and in all other editions. So fuck that and fuck you. Goddamn M$ shill. I said I want to play UAB on my phone, not hear from a fuckwit advertiser like you.
>>43346 >doesn't want spyware >uses android
Can anyone give link to the discord?
>>43348 I use Android without being signed into a Google account (which I don't even have), with various Apps uninstalled or disabled, with the use of Calyx VPN, with TrackerControl installed which disables any tracking or spyware coming from any app (based upon the Exodus database), and relying either on Aurora Store or F-Droid for apps. Compare that to using Windows, which as of version 11, can't even be used without creating an account. So yeah, I'll choose Android over Windows 11 and iOS (which also can't be used without signing into an Apple ID account). How the fuck is it at this late date that there is no portable version of Unteralterbach? Rhetorical questions because it's dumb as shit that there is no Android/iOS port in fucking 2024.
>>43551 Forget the apps. The Android operating system itself is full of Google spyware. That's not even taking into account the fact that it transmits wireless data. Yeah, Microshit is no better, but nobody who gives a flying fuck about security or privacy is using either operating system.
>>43551 bro think he's Snowden or sum
>>43551 There actually is an Android port on AllTheFallen, but it doesn't work past Android 13 and no one has updated it yet. There's apparently a revamped project in the works too. It's sad, I used it to show people the kind of stuff lolicons and pedos make and get off to.
(323.03 KB 1920x1080 1667744730993.png)

>>43551 Why don't you fucking use GNU/Linux then?
Has there been any attempts in remaking/rebooting this game, making a fan-sequel or a spiritual-sucessor/sequel of this... peculiar game?
>>45355 If you scroll up you'll see there's been talk of a fan sequel and a remake with extra scenes for years now but the people involved still haven't showed anything of substance and are probably scammers.
(466.68 KB 512x720 Ann-christin (2).png)

(515.85 KB 512x720 Anne-Marie (19).png)

(429.11 KB 512x720 00032-537861102.png)

(521.89 KB 512x720 00025-770779278.png)

(427.93 KB 512x720 Kathrine (27).png)

Sad to see this thread so bare of just about anything
(488.42 KB 512x720 Kim (36).png)

(417.18 KB 512x720 Laura (6).png)

(571.76 KB 512x720 Maja (18).png)

(541.70 KB 512x720 Nele (43).png)

(506.72 KB 512x720 Stephanie (29).png)

>>45475 link for Unteralterbach lora SD 1.5?
(37.26 KB 960x731 DF.png)

(32.97 KB 960x731 DFnotitle.png)

(752.38 KB 960x540 emily damonette redacted.png)

(310.71 KB 960x540 slow down asshole.png)

Some edits.
(106.60 KB 314x402 henrike_normal christmas.png)

(108.49 KB 314x402 henrike_geil christmas.png)

(121.35 KB 368x443 annemarie hat.png)

(121.19 KB 368x443 annemarie vlc.png)

(200.82 KB 593x319 neder.png)

(299.30 KB 536x558 Santa.png)

(200.08 KB 360x540 snegurochka.png)

(133.45 KB 292x391 krampus.png)

(98.51 KB 248x397 zwarte piet.png)

(97.85 KB 248x397 zwarte pietv2.png)

>>48636 I know the main focus is lolis, but i wish we got to fuck Nele's mom. She's so cute.
>>48638 Yeah I know. She's the only major female adult that didn't get a sex scene.
So did Bernd get taken to Hyperborea to chill with Mecha-Hitler or something?
(1.35 MB 896x1080 _Friends.png)

(1.37 MB 896x1080 _Sisters.png)

(1.13 MB 896x1080 Emily (1).png)

(1.23 MB 896x1080 Henrike (9).png)

(1.05 MB 896x1080 Laura B (1).png)

there's various unteralterbach lora's out there, many not really shared widely. these are from the most recent pony lora
(1.44 MB 896x1080 Nele (35).png)

(1.11 MB 896x1080 Laura Lauert (46).png)

(1.29 MB 896x1080 Laura B (13).png)

(1.12 MB 896x1080 Kim (15).png)

(1.32 MB 896x1080 AnneMarie (15).png)

>>51044 >>51045 AI model please! <3
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How fo I get this specific picture. The guide say to have sex with the Ukrainian during free walk, but it doesn't work. Can someone help me please?

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