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Johnston Blackhorse Anonymous 09/04/2020 (Fri) 22:07:25 Id: 058e06 No. 6559 >>6576 >>6646
He's back! And streaming now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue98QsedaNA
A true artist and hero.
holy fuck how has this guy survived for so long on youtube?
>>6572 i am afraid to ask, any context?
>>6559 (OP) He'll never be "back", since he got fucked by US government, but I'm glad he's doing well.
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>>6576 >I'm glad he's doing well He's not doing that well, but I hope things start going better, for him and the rest of us. 2021 has to be better than 2020... But also, I don't think there's 0 chance that he will be allowed to draw lewds again. He really should consider moving to an actually free country.
I wonder if he can do commissions again. I don't want anything lewd, just something cute.
>>6583 He said in the video that he can, but has to be something 0% lewd. Like, he could draw a car and his parole officer may complain the trunk has too much junk.
>>6588 It's fine for me since I want 0% lewd stuff
I honestly have mixed feelings about the guy. He did admit to the CP thing, but he was also fucked really hard by his ex and the government. >>6588 Example: It seems to me they're working from the mind-set that drawing porn will drive him back to his criminal urges.
>>6603 >I honestly have mixed feelings about the guy That's okay. He seems like a nice guys, but no one is perfect and he's definitely complex. >He did admit to the CP thing Which is a crime, and a crime he is paying for. Paying too much? To little? Well, the judicial system made a determination, and he's paying for his crime based on that determination. I may have an opinion about it, but I'm not the judge or part of the jury. I know I have stolen property, illegally downloaded books and movies and music, and those are crimes too. Sure, they're different categories of crimes, with different moral implications, but the fact is, he committed a crime, must of us have too, and if after his sentencing, incarceration and monitoring we are gonna still see him and treat him as if he is currently in the process of committing the same crime, then what would the point of a judicial system even be? It's in the past. >but he was also fucked really hard by his ex True. He should have never associated with her. >and the government I think so, and I think it's not without merit to say that he was fucked by the government, but this falls under opinion. An opinion I share, but it's opinion.
>>6603 >>6609 >He did admit to the CP thing Then he's a criminal. Cut & dry.
>>6628 No one said he isn't, specially he won't say he isn't. But now, what? The law already handled that with him, he was punished for what he did. What should happen now? What would be justice? What would be fair? Should he just die?
>>6629 I think what is happening now is fair. He could not help himself and consumed illegal materials and is now paying the price.
>>6629 If he's already been imprisoned & released he's likely on a sex offender's list forever. Meaning he has to legally inform everyone about it. He's scum & will be rightfully vilified for it.
>>6559 (OP) Last I heard he was into sculpting or leather working or something like that. I hope he can get back to drawing something soon. >>6576 >He'll never be "back", since he got fucked by US government He should be fine by this time next year since I doubt there will be a US government after the shitstorm that's likely going to happen 2 months from now. >>6628 >>6645 Don't cut yourself on that edge Donte.
>>6646 >the shitstorm that's likely going to happen 2 months from now What's gonna happen?
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>>6647 The election is going to happen and it's shaping up that the vote will be contested and neither side is going to back down. When it's finally decided, possibly months later, the losing side's constituency is likely to go completely rabid and call the whole thing a sham. Given the riots and unrest and the fact that everyone's on edge over the 'Rona this might just be the thing that kicks the US off the cliff.
>>6658 Doesn't matter if it was non violent. It was a crime of cp possession & technical distribution. He's lucky the shitty system is so much more lenient. Drug possession alone can land you half a lifetime or more.
>>6696 Yeah this file downloading terrorists should have just been born wealthy and have a good lawyer and political connections, like cut and dry innocent law abiding people diddling real kids in public and their rape islands
>>6696 He harmed exactly 0 people. Why should he be punished?
>>7368 >Why should he be punished? because he's not rich and powerful enough and punishing him makes the people in power look good with the mentally handicapped uninformed voters.
>>7602 CP should be legal: see this thread for more details: https://8chan.se/b/res/1427.html
I hope he's okay, he seems to be back on Twitter so that's good. I hope he eventually draws more wonderful lolis.
>>10299 What's his twitter page?
>>10320 >copia - copia Hola, Paco.
>>6646 someone should teach him how to use tor and tell him to post under a pseudonym. That way he can still keep on making art without the ***s breathing down his neck
>>10328 Sure. Would he also need a VPN? I see your ID is 0000000, what are you using?
>>10328 He said that the cops deep-scan his computer and he looks like a fucking retard, no way he will be able to pull that off.
>>10330 >he looks like a fucking retard I don't know if he knows his way around secure networks, he may not, but he isn't stupid. There are different kinds of intelligence. He's obviously smart in many ways. I just hope he's okay, and stays okay, and one day is allowed to draw lolis (or finds a way to do it without being found out). I really would like to see how he would draw Teena. For some reason I think he would draw Teena spectacularly. Also, Mimi.
Is there a collection of his illustrations somewhere?
>>10329 I think that id comes from posting from the onion version of the site?
>>10330 It is not just that they "deep scan" it is that literally will arrest him for damn near anything they find "suspicious" so if he got a VPN or something then they would just charge he is in violation of his parole and lock him up again. He is a good guy, we've chatted some and he even has done some commissions for me. On lunch right now but when I get home I'll post the two pieces up. And if you can, help the guy out and commission art from him.
What I want to know is if he regrets ever turning himself in
>>18044 whats he allowed to make? is he restricted from drawing certain stuff?
>>18048 Here are the two works I've gotten so far. Planning something from him again next month and December. Basically he's allowed to draw anything not lewd and if he thinks the commission request could get him in trouble. His prices are really good too, his most expensive being only $105 but a more average piece being only $45.
Wasn't never drawing loli again a parole condition?
>>18062 >never drawing loli again Those conditions can last for ever, literally? I figured those conditions would only last for the time he's paroled.
>>18062 >>18063 I believe as long as he is on parole (which is for a very long time) he's not allowed to draw lewds of any kind. He can draw SFW stuff, again, so if you can, hit him up on his Twitter and commission him. Dude needs money.
>>18064 >>18063 Probation lasting 20-30 years is generally seen as lenient, so yes very likely for life
>>7650 >404 Error: not found
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>>18077 thanks, I will check later
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He wants to be president! At first I thoughtnhe was joking, but he seems to be serious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfbjf4boTR4
Even if he ran for president, and a miracle happened and he was taken sort of seriously, there's no chance his art woudln't be used against him by his opponents. Not to mention his so-called "crimes".
>>22301 Yeah, I dont know what this dude is thinking
>>22328 This isn’t good. If he thinks this is in any way a good idea he’s really loosing his grip on reality.
>>22301 John what r u doing? John sthap!
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>>22328 >I dont know what this dude is thinking Probably has a strong sense of justice, and is being childish about it. His views on capitalism are misguided, but you can tell they're coming from a place of purity. Someone should tell him that capitalism is indeed evil, but evil already won. Capitalism is okay, will serve us always because you can't destroy it, and then we'll die out as a species. >>22329 >he’s really loosing his grip on reality We're all going a bit crazy. This fucking virus affests us all even if we're not infected by it.
>>22357 God I hate having to share a board with you cowardly Communist fucks.
>>22357 I don’t care about his half-baked political opinions, it’s just the thought that he could possibly think he stands a chance, specially with his history, and that he doesn’t realize the publicity he’s bound to get is going to come with a lot of unwanted attention convinces me he’s lost his tenuous grip on reality (he turned himself in and doxxed himself, that’s crazy enough). I think he’s got the art skills to make a living even without doing lewds, he should focus on developing a style that’s different from his current one so he can work under a pseudonym.
>>22381 He legally cannot. Court says he can't assume any new identities for work and his computer gets screened every few weeks to make sure he's following all the rules of his probation. I do 100% agree he can make a living if he just stuck to art though and I say this as someone who has commissioned him in the past.
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>>22376 > I hate having to share a board with you cowardly Communist fucks Who are you calling a communist? I'm a hardcore supporter of capitalism. I even said capitalism will never die. >>22381 I agree 100% I wish we could let him know that he's gonna make his own life unnecessarily hard for nothing, unless he gives up this go-nowhere idea. >>22392 >Court says he can't assume any new identities for work and his computer gets screened every few weeks to make sure he's following all the rules of his probation Makes sense. I mean, it's unfair, but from a legislative point of view it makes sense.By the same token, he's not even allowed to run for public office, right? Also, probation conditions aren't eternal, right? Eventually he'll be free to do as he wishes? > I say this as someone who has commissioned him in the past No way! Really? Cool! What did you commission?
>>22416 I believe he lives in Texas and he mentioned them having a lifetime parole thing. I vaguely remember seeing his mom or sister mention them trying to pass a bill to change that l. So as far as I know he’s capital FUCKED
>>22392 >>22421 What did he really do? Downloading CP doesn't get you that. He either fucked a kid or tried to. Or maybe it was that he drew realistic art, and the jews *really* don't like people that do that, as it devalues real life CP.
>>22421 He lives in New Mexico I believe >>22416 >By the same token, he's not even allowed to run for public office, right? No. The Supreme Court ruled that people can only be barred from running for office if they do not meet the criteria to run. There was a case years ago where a guy ran for POTUS from prison and was sued to stop him but the Supreme Court ruled that the guidelines in the constitution do not preclude someone from prison from running thus he was eligible. If he ran for local office and the local guidelines said "cannot be a felon" then he would be blocked but he says he wants to run for POTUS. >What did you commission? See here >>18051
>>22423 I’d just go to another country if I was him. Between the government not letting him do what’s he’s good at and earning a living and him doxxing himself what’s he got to loose?
>>22421 lifetime parole? holy shit, dude, you mean no more cunny ever from natis? fuuucking hell
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I've been thinking about it, and I came to the conclusion that even if allowed to run, he's probably not gonna become president. Like, I give him less than 45% chances of winning. I'm sorry, I'm just being realistic. Also, aren't campaigns really expensive? Like, they're at least 4000 dollars, right? I know he has this super cool plan to end capitalism and replace most of the institutions of the USofA in order to create a perfect utopia, but I'm sorry to say, it's probably not gonna happen.
>>22500 Lifetime means 20 years
>>22513 Meant this post for >>22502
>Brainstorming about a random porn artist's chances of becoming president. This is what cumbrain does to you.
>>22580 >two guys conjecturing, out of a whole thread makes him this triggered you -oomer fags think too much about other people's dicks, jesus
>>22580 No one is seriously >Brainstorming about a random porn artist's chances of becoming president We're just reactiong to his idea of running for president with the sarcasm that such idea deserves.
does anyone have that picture of Nikki and Nerris kissingThat he did? His other blog was deleted and isn't on the Internet archive.
Stay on topic. This is not the right board to talk about laws.
>>26196 tbh every cake should have tubby legs
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>>6576 Colored it
>>26248 Sweet! Thanks.
any archive of this stuff?
>>26263 You're welcome my friend!
He taking on more SFW commissions at the moment if people are interested ($35 / commission for 1 character, prices go up from there)
>>6576 >He'll never be "back", since he got fucked by US government, but I'm glad he's doing well. Why don't he just moves to a safer country? like Sweden, Ecuador or Mexico, America's government really sucks man
>>6645 No, he isn't. End of.
>>22427 Actually that stipulation of "Not be a felon" could be challenged in a court of law as a violation of the federal Constitution.
It's cool seeing him draw risque art again, has he said anything about the restrictions being pulled back a bit?
>>28028 >It's cool seeing him draw risque art again Oh has he?
>>6609 >>6628 >>6629 >>6645 >>6696 Was there always this many moralfags here?
>>28029 Nothing too crazy, but women in lingerie and sexy poses, which was something he hasn't drawn for years I think? Totally possible I've just been missing them since he doesn't post them, just streams on picarto afaik
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New commissioned art piece
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>>28069 And my second commission from his recent commission run
>>28169 >>28069 Nice gets, thanks for sharing!
>>28069 >>28169 Hmm, i don't mind his adult drawings, they're pretty cute and appealing. also, they look young enough
>>28172 Happy to hear you like them! >>28173 She's a tween, better seen here on the left >>18051
>>28042 Don't even pay those shitheads any attention.
>>35027 Looks like it.
>>35027 I'm sorry I know it's been a while. but where did you get that one? It seems like a half-finished commission.
Did this guy do cub too?
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>>42419 I think so. He's done pretty much everything, I think. I wonder where he is and what's he doing. I hope he's happy and well... I hope he's able to draw what he loves soon... He should just draw a comic.
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>>42419 >>43713 This thread has been around too long for the rest of his art to not have been reuploaded.
I don't have any of his lewd stuff but I do have this.
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>>45590 Found some more.
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And he's back
>>46071 Semi-questionable only it seems, no lewds whatsoever. I'm gonna get a commission from him again soon, probably by the start of next month.
>>46071 The little puppet girl is adorable.
>>46071 Fuckin'YES! Finally, some justice in this world of pain and darkness!
>>46071 Cute and hot. Where is he uploading this new art? Pixiv?
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>>46358 Atrocious.
Kiss their asses
Fuck, this man is GOOD!
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>>46485 New pic?
>>46488 Nah, just an old pic I found around.
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>>46613 Is there even any avenue by which to oppose the Protect Act? Every politician loves it.
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