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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Winners Don't Do Game Journalist Modes Edition Anonymous 07/25/2021 (Sun) 07:56:55 Id: 85a561 No. 49338
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Kotaku: Sega Changes PSO2 Name To Something Less Borderline Racist https://archive.is/XwXUd >Guilty Gear Strive censors mention of Taiwan and other countries https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Factorio developer attacked by SJWs after he refuses to denounce man whose programming advice he linked and denounces cancel culture https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/20/attempts-to-cancel-factorio-dev-backfire-players-and-positive-reviews-swell/ https://archive.fo/S9SyH >Voice Actress Ai Kayano's lines removed from Azur Lane and Arknights after Chinese people object to her visiting Yasukuni Shrine https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS:
[Expand Post]A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w-[Embed][Embed] #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU-[Embed][Embed] #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest: >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/bane/ - Baneposting >>>/c/ - Cute, comfy and blog posting >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/cool/ - It's the cool kid's club, baby >>>/comfy/ - Even more comfyposting >>>/cyoa/ - Choose Your own Adventures @ RolePlay >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/k/ -Weapons, equipment, tactics, experiences, stories, and more >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement >>>/liberty/ - Discussion of private property norms, Austrian-school economics, and natural rights >>>/monarchy/ - Discussion about the past, present and future of monarchism >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/pol/ - Politics & Political Incorrectness >>>/polarchive/ - Redpill Archive & Dumping Ground >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/vapour/ - Aesthetic Appeal & Nostalgia >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/vr/ - Retro Video Gaming >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy Visit the following boards to discuss lewds: >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/rule34/ - Self-explanatory at this point >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/ss/ - 2D Ara/Boy love >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds including futa zoo & real life lesbian porn discussion >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo
>>50002 EA is the one that is outdated and useless. Those are the dying words of a soon to be bankrupt corporation.
>>50008 Thanks bro. I'm a total caveman when it's about electricity.
>>50007 China won't even exist in a decade, anon: >The Chinese “Lay Flat” Attitude: No Mortgage, No Marriage, No Kids >China watches 'lay-flatters' as risk to economy https://archive.is/jcmMj https://archive.ph/tbeu3 https://archive.ph/VXGaq#selection-421.0-421.66 https://archive.ph/fGc0a https://archive.ph/3j0rU https://archive.ph/dvQdT https://archive.ph/Ri2vV#selection-2277.0-2277.47 Reminder that autistic and neets are the two more powerful forces in the universe.
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>>50012 Is Anita writing this?
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>>50011 We already said that a decade ago. You can say anything you want about China, but they sure are resiliant like a plague.
>>50015 Most chinks are also barely above buttfuck poor, and as long as they're told china is pwning the west, they'll be happy.
>>49980 >>49744 Because people were talking about Kevin smith Netflix Nu-ha man and biker mice from Mars earlier. Let me post /co/ related spoilers for I am not Starfire. >Mandy is pretty fat because Starfire loves to spoiler her daughter with food >Being half-human means Mandy will get fat >Dick Grayson Aka Nightwing Mandy father >Starfire kept Mandy father identity a secret to both protect her from the joker and keep her from joining the bat family >Mandy upset Starfire encouraging her to look into colleges. joining after school clubs and making friends in real life >Mandy thought her mother wouldn’t accept her for being a lesbian so seek her father in hopes he will >before almost joining her aunt Blackfire and becoming a supervillain >only stopped because Blackfire was trying to kill her mom >starfire later tells Mandy dick Grayson her father >book ends with Mandy learning to fly
>>50012 IDW going to kill the turtles for a masters of the universe revaluation style reboot?
>>50017 At this point I'm learning to just accept it & move on. The companies don't give a shit. The writers don't give a shit. The artists can't draw for shit. Hollywood only wants to use the ideas without staying faithful to them. Comic books are just a bunch of bullshit lacking permanence, consistency, & story structure. I just don't wanna be angry anymore for something that isn't worth it.
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>>50016 China is poorer than Spixico on a per capita basis, and we all know Spixico is a turd world shihole. It's just that there's billions of chinks. Not that they're actually any better than typical turd world filth.
>>50019 Comic books today are just expensive tv series dossiers to put on netflix.
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>>50022 They've been this way since like The Ultimate Universe. Marvel's experiment to let Bendis create a universe with permanence & progress.
>>50023 The more I think about the Ultimate Universe the more I believe I was brainwashed to actually like it and not notice how shit it was. Is the oven heating? someone needs to bake.
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>>50013 >>50014 >>50018 I mainly posted it for the stellar quality control. Also she looks like an old lady. In other time machine related news. https://archive.ph/nBJhA https://twitter.com/WSJ/status/1419949447493074952 https://archive.ph/z4vLo https://www.wsj.com/articles/activision-blizzard-gender-bias-suit-shows-videogame-culture-remains-a-flashpoint-11627300325
>>50017 >Mandy is pretty fat because Starfire loves to spoiler her daughter with food You know, there was this TV series called Wings that came out back in the late 90's. One of the main characters, Hellen Chapel, had an extremely similar childhood where hear mother spoiled her with lots of food. However, when she became an adult, she turned her life around and became a beautiful blond. And, she considered one of how proudest accomplishments being that she didn't let her childhood inferiorities and issues dictate her adult lifestyle. >Mandy upset Starfire encouraging her to look into colleges. joining after school clubs and making friends in real life I had the same problems, yet my folks and I still get along extremely well. >Mandy thought her mother wouldn’t accept her for being a lesbian so seek her father in hopes he will I'm sorry, what? > before almost joining her aunt Blackfire and becoming a supervillain Why?
Someone bake already.
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>>50026 >>50028 You must first offer your thanks to the bakers of old and then appease the baker's carnal needs. Only then will the heroic baker arrive to halt the coming end and begin the cycle anew.
>>50029 Is that some sort of documentary?
>>50030 Yeah it was from the Qnigger documentary. I take it you missed the streams making fun of it?
>>50025 >pic and news Journalists once again implying that being against political messages in games means we endorsed institutional rape. Maybe the headline should be "Seven Years After GamerGate, Journalists Still Put Words in Mouths".
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>Blizzard Devs Say Some Men Were Sexually Harassed, Too https://archive.md/qouWG
>>50029 A W A K E N
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>>50031 I didn't see any of it. Well, either that or I simply blanked it out of my memory.
>>50029 God those are some nice breasts.
>>50033 Progressives built a house of predators in an effort to end people getting harassed. It really is amazing how many of their attempts to control people backfire in the exact opposite way they intended things to go. They can't do a damn thing right.
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>>50037 Don't think of it as people with qualifications and goals, think of it as a self-propagating system. Solving the problem would result in the organisation they have created dissolving and slowly withering away, since there would be no more need for oversight or external involvement. Only further escalating the problem on the other hand justifies their system's existance and thus its further rise in power. The former is a negative feedback loop, the latter is a positive feedback loop. Negative feedback loops are self-restrictive, while positive feedback loops result in uncontrolled exponential growth. It's like with commies and poverty. Commies turn the poor poorer and restrict their rights even further, thus justifying their own existance and gaining power by grinding people to dust through taxation that they shift the blame for on their opposition.
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>>373596 Yeah, just make friends in Minecraft and Second Life like a normal person.
Cunny should be an option in every game.

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