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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Extend Embrace & Extinguish Acti-Blizz Edition Anonymous 01/26/2022 (Wed) 02:51:46 Id: 41b8c1 No. 128472
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5
[Expand Post]•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w- #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU- #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: http://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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Is it this thread? This one has the M$ news in the OP, the other one doesn't.
>>128474 >>521235 Well then it needs to be merged over to this one.
>first pic I need more big Xbox HUEG and microsoft sluts too I guess
>>128474 This one's earlier and more relevant, but the other has Roll instead of a nigress getting bleached Xbone'd. Express your preference.
Are the mods asleep?
>>128477 I'm staying here, I don't give a shit about MUH DIK enough that I only care about the OP if it has porn. >>521204 >If you didn't get hired because you will do a good job, but instead because you have the right politics and know all the right people on twitter, you can't be fired for doing a bad job. I hate this whole stupid fucking decade. There has be SOME way to get around the stranglehold HR bullshit. Weren't some anons a few years back contemplating starting their own translation outfit that bills itself on accuracy ala Xseed pre-pozzing?
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Reposting because the good thread is locked What do you call classic Roll's hairstyle anyway. I know that both Roll and Super Doll Licca Chan both have the same style and it perhaps the best possible style for a little girl.
>>128480 Bowl cut bangs with sidelocks and a ponytail.
Reminder that Bill Gates[/doom] is the [doom]Great Satan of Silicon Valley and to boycott everything under (((Micrococks))) domain... I dunno if you need a new computer so badly get a System 76 one instead to avoid giving Gates and Phil Spencer a single dime and if you can't afford one of those just get a used PC off Ebay instead. https://odysee.com/@sketchandjam:1/a-dusty-chicken:c https://odysee.com/@retrotechralph:306/install-retro-arch-on-virtually-anything:8 https://odysee.com/@RonPaul:d/what's-the-difference-between-democracy:6 https://odysee.com/@DrBerg:4/lard-vs-vegetable-oil-which-is-healthier:f https://odysee.com/@hotsauce:6a/FGC-9_Mk2_Stingray_Edition_Beta_v0.6:6 >>521028 Not my fault there's a lack of them. I'll try emulating that game eventually so I can have more in the future. The French Leaffags should make a prequel for the Hoodlums. But we'll probably get some gay NFT's of Hoodlums instead since (((Jewbisoft))) wants to go out of business I guess? I dunno they aren't making anything people want to actually buy anymore. I mean fuck they gave a game to a bunch of lame rabbits. The Nintendo DS version doesn't count since barely anyone played that. The current Rayman 2D platformer was truly the last good game (((Jewbisoft))) made. >>521150 >>521154 nether regions! Is this supposed to be some /k/ flavored rip off of Made in Abyss? Those photoshoped tree's are indeed very distracting if you don't actively try to ignore them though. I dunno if you say it has some charm perhaps I'll look into it anyway. Where can I find it? /AK/submarines? As far as isekai's go though I'm personally hoping we get a part 3 for this. >>520976 >Nigvidia >>520941 >exposed crotch onesie If they made one in a adult's size I'd unironically wear one of those myself. I hate having to choose between being warm and allowing my balls to breath. Maybe I should just buys some cheapo pair made in India or Vietnam and make one myself with a good pair of scissors. >>520908 I'm very much enjoying the triple gAy industry in their current dumpster fire state. Normie cattle are finally catching on slow as they may be. >>521030 Not surprising, Arthur's owned by like PBS or something right? Cliche it may be to say but American (((Education))) really is a fucking joke. Parents should just be legally allowed to give their kids some good books and send them off to trust worthy people for internship training. They'd actually walk out having independent thoughts of their own and some useful skills under their belt rather than the insane unsustainable shit we have now, granted at least it is unsustainable meaning it has to come to an end eventually and hopefully via peaceful means like on compliance and the state just no longer giving a fuck after playing legality wacka mole with to many of it's citizens leading to attrition. >>520902 >re-releases continue being pussifed inferior copies like usual This is one of the many reasons I'm not a huge Gay-praphics snobs. Who gives a shit about improved resolution if the core gameplay and important scene's are watered down and shit? I certainly don't so people should stop giving them money, also consoles need to die, never mind the E-waste aspect but of course that's bad too but console faggotry is what allows for this shit. Meanwhile I can just find some emulation software and play the original Resident Evils un-perverted by the wraith of moralist busybody faggots who are often times also fucking hypocrites when it comes to their so called "values". Don't give these parasites money and help your friends and family learn they they to can do the same.
Edit anons wanted for link related. >>>/v/520728
>>128481 Is there no single term for the full package?
>>128482 >Not my fault there's a lack of them. I'll try emulating that game eventually so I can have more in the future I think the problem's less with you lack of diversity and the fact you're avatarfagging at all.
Why is there so much autism on the board right now?
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>>128486 Autism in general or higher levels than normal? Cause outside of spammers & newfags it's the usual levels of gay shit that's usually there.
>>128486 Go to the meta thread and you'll see.
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>>128484 Hime cut is close enough.
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Reminder: https://web.archive.org/web/20210129014450/https://crestresearch.ac.uk/resources/mining-the-chans/ https://stephanebaele.wordpress.com/publications/ >2020: CREST research award (£70.000) on Mining the Chans: Exposing the Visual and Linguistic Dynamics of Radicalization in Far-right Image-boards (the “MineChans” project) And niggerpill/Hanging Flesh is among them (probably the woman). The goal is to make threads uninteresting to post. They fear our power to make normalfags turn against the status quo. They know that they are losing and that truth will never be buried again, so they desperately resort to try to make any discussion and exposition thread into just spam dumps.
>>128487 man I want to impregnate shantae.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers
Apple Client-Side Scanning Ruins Phone Security For Everyone https://odysee.com/@RobBraxmanTech:6/clientsidescan:8
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Big girls, you say? Fucking bitmap subtitles, it took me so long to make this webm.
>>128494 >file is corrupt >only on palememe MOTHER FUCKER
>>128472 >5th pic My impossible fetish is cute and gentle black girls.
>>128495 Only retards are still on palemoon so it's okay.
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>>128497 Benis? >>128498 I can't help it, I found it the least shitty of the bunch of browsers I tried
>>128499 Why not use Brave?
>>521351 Why the fuck do you have 1000 tabs?
>>521351 You should probably upgrade your RAM at that point.
>>521351 Are you intentionally deleting your post?
>>128494 Blue hair is Japanese Kaiba's voice actor.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/XhUzR
Just checking.
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>>128473 >>128497 willy >>128486 What did I miss this time? >>521296 Filter it then. Unlike ID filters, message ones persist between threads and boards (assuming the feature it's not broken for some reason). >>128495 >>128499 FurryMoon is a sinking ship due to the insanity of its two main devs. Use SeaMonkey if you need compatibility with XUL add-ons or LibreWolf if you just want Firefox minus Mozilla. >>128500 Shit Chromium reskin made by another ad company. Use Ungoogled-chromium or Iridium (if you can't figure how to install add-ons on UC). >>521351 >(Deleted)(Deleted)(Deleted) the fuck
>>128509 I was restoring the post thinking it was an error of one of the team members, but it turns out the anon was intentionally deleting his post
Cute. I predict that we will be image-flooded with that one babydoll image again shortly as the primary suspect has made it's presence known (like a retard). Has the means by which the image crapflooder-script gets around the duplicate-image checksum been fixed yet?
>>128511 Probably, it usually happens when a group of anons try and cause a ruckus over nothing
>>128511 >as the primary suspect has made it's presence known (like a retard) And that suspect is...? Seriously, who are you talking about?
>>128500 I find it slow as ass. Palemoon is also slow as ass but less slow than Brave. I'll try seamonkey or librewolf though, thanks!.
>>128514 If you choose to use LibreWolf install the Lepton theme for a less shit UI: https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix It does wonders at saving vertical space.
>>128509 >That gif Why is there an "=O" face on the dick?
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>>128514 >Palemoon is also slow as ass but less slow than Brave Lol, I switched from Palemoon to brave precisely because palemoon turned to complete molasses(1 second+ freezes on every new page load) after a few months of using it. It's just as fucked up with memory leaks as new firefox is.
>>128516 Because it's happy to see you anon.
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/leftypol/ went on fox news
>>128519 I don't get it.
>>128520 Tankies and Strasist's hate trannies and feminists too actually. They hate food as well given their choice in economic models.
>>128519 This is just sad to watch.
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>>128521 >They hate food as well given their choice in economic models.
>>128519 Watters looks bemused the moment Doreen opened his mouth. Jesse is smiling but tries not to break out in laughter at what he is interviewing. Doreen is the type of person Brandon should be calling a stupid son of a bitch.
>>128519 >>128523 >anti work Huh, I read that as Anti Woke as a result of not watching the video first. Ehh whatever I don't really Fox "News" either since it's just controlled opposition meant to push peoples buttons. 24/7 "news" is such a cancerous concept anyway and pundants are self absorbed asshats who can't help but get high off their own farts. I'm indifferent to it all at this point, just take what "news" pundants are saying with a big spoon of salt. Redditors should always be laughed at though. https://odysee.com/@TheAdonis:64/epic-reddit-moment-r-atheism:e
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>>128519 >anti-work reddit So they're NEETs but they can;t just simply be NEET they have to fag it up with some sort of identity politics. What an embarrassing bucng of faggots.
>>128514 Librewolf, Icecat ESR and Iceweasel are the only browsers with Quantum I'm willing to use on my machines. Librewolf is the best out of the box while the latter two have some additional optional features. The only reasonable chromium option other than mitigated Brave would be the Ungoogled. Vivaldi is slow and the fags removed opt-out for annoying telemetry that creates a folder on your main drive. Everything else is crazy spyware or shit/outdated.
>>128528 so whos more pathetic in this situation, I honestly cant tell the beta who got cucked the old hag that threw her life away the kid getting involved with an old hag
>>128528 If they adopted that kid isn't the relationship highly illegal or is it only illegal with blood relatives? Either way if he signed a decent prenup or can prove she cheated on him I'd be clicking my heals laughing my way home waiting for the day I inevitably see my ex-wife shooting heroin in an alleyway because she decided to run away with a 19 year old kid over someone with a stable career. I don't know why guys would be gloomy finding out their girlfriend/wife cheated on him, it would be freeing knowing I dumped some whore that would of just done it anyway further down the line when you've been together for too long allowing some kike lawyer to give her everything you have.
>>128528 real life NTR is the worst psychological pain imaginable
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>>128519 >30 years old >has a lisp >can't maintain eye contract with Jesse through the camera >works 20-25 hrs/week >would like to work less >his work being a dog walker >would like to teach philosophy
>>128532 >works 20-25 hrs/week >his work being a dog walker If I could support myself with even a sliver of spending money doing what he is doing I would be very happy. Dog walker is one of the only no skill jobs that isn't completely degrading. I've always said it's far preferable to me if I can do something I enjoy even if I just make enough to live rather than doing something I hate making beau coups of money.
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>>128519 >A fucking "Anti-Work" reddit thread
>>128532 >lisp A lisp is when you say "sill" instead of "still"?
>>128519 The host makes the mentally ill faggot look good by being nothing but a douche. Is the tranny wannabe wearing lipstick or is it just the crappy camera?
>>128530 >if he signed a decent prenup or can prove she cheated on him Have you been asleep for the past three decades? Prenups aren't worth the paper they're written on any more, and cheating doesn't mean shit in divorce court these days.
>>521204 >>521184 >>521178 >>521173 >>521170 >>521168 I'd say stick to scanlations but aren't those getting (or already have been) pozzed as well by the exact same sort of people? If anything, we need to collect RAWs to catch those abominations red handed.
>>128539 Desperate
>>128540 Your turn
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>>521465 Glow harder CIA Nigger
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>>128519 >so you sit at home and play videogames all day? >yes but only because society is unfair and I can't get livable wages so this is my way of protesting and uhhhhhhh vs >so you sit at home and play videogames all day? >yes, what are you gonna do about it? It's even gayer than the people who try to moralize pirating shit. How much of a faggot do you need to be to make the actual, honest to fucking God, NEET Uprising sound gay? How do you figure out the one method of fighting [CURRENT YEAR +7] capitalism that people on both sides would genuinely agree on, and still manage to fag it up and push people away?
>>521465 The CIA Nigger glows in the dark, you can see them while driving. Just run them over!
>>128528 Women are unloyal whores. News at 11.
>>128543 >>so you sit at home and play videogames all day? <yes, what are you gonna do about it? >Shut off your electricity, water, and gas because you didn't pay your bills.
Just remember that niggerpill is trying so hard only because he's scared. If he wasn't scared, he would have quit months ago.
>>128547 Scared? I thought she did this because she's horny.
>>128548 Why not both? Fear and lust occupy similar parts of the brain.
>>128549 >Desperate but also soaking wet
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>>128528 That's some straight-up Woody Allen type shit right there.
>>128528 >getting cucked by your adopted child
>>128552 >getting reverse Huey Emmerich'd
>>128553 But anon, Huey was the cuck, and drowned himself in the family pool when he found out.
>>128553 He didn't get reverse Huey Emmerich'd. He got Huey Emmerich'd.
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>>128553 the nail in the coffin would be the kid being black
>>128554 >>128555 Yeah, but I meant it more in the sense that this guy had his replacement son fuck his real wife, while Huey had his real son fuck his replacement wife.
>>128554 >and drowned himself in the family pool when he found out. Hal, you should be in this pool!
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>>128556 So is this a troll or sincere?
>>128554 He drowned himself and he tried to take his daughter with him.
>>128559 He's pretending to be retarded. For whatever reason rage bait is very common on tiktok and autistic retards do viral marketing for them by posting their shit everywhere.
>>128561 Which autistic retards? I mean outside of these boards, I could use a laugh or two.
>>128519 I could understand if there was a movement to get people out of the wage trap and become self-employed to actually own their work. But this is just a lazy fuck who wants to play with toys all day and rage at everyone else for having actual ambitions. Disgusting.
Dark-skinned girls
>>128563 The most retarded part about leftist underage faggots is their optics. >All Cops Are Bastards <w-well actually we don't really believe all cops are bastards we just want police reformation and... >Anti-Work! <well we aren't actually anti-work we just want unions are sheit Then your "movement" inevitably gets overtaken by radicals that just take your absolutely retarded branding literally because why the fuck wouldn't they? Now as you're trying to argue for increasing your wages by a few dollars you get aspies flailing their arms around talking about a fucking 3 day work week. I don't think these retards understand that 50% of their forums are flooded with literal children. Like actual 13 year olds are the majority of these reddit posts. Commies are an embarrassment to their own cause.
>>128565 Damn, I would literally kill for a 3 day work week.
>>128565 It's less worrying about these guys taking over but more of how much they'll fuck up including themselves in the mean time.
>>521510 their whole existence is projections, isn't it?
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>>128519 >Ant-work They are right on this one. >>521510 t. cuckchanner.
>>128565 Its actually not that retarded. Have the loud and retarded (radicals) in your group chimp out and appear as an actual threat, so that the moderates look appealing and you negotiate with them in order to compromise and appease the "whole crowd". Kinda like how if you want your dad to buy you a better-than-average car, you rave and beg for a high end car that's clearly out of budget, and when he gets tired of you, you slip in that better-than-average car as a cheaper option, and he relents to that as an alternative.
>>128571 > Have the loud and retarded (radicals) in your group chimp out and appear as an actual threat, so that the moderates look appealing and you negotiate with them in order to compromise and appease the "whole crowd". This is not even remotely how politics operates in the slightest. Having people associated with your group that are radical and unappealing makes your ideas radical and unappealing. If they are apart of your group they make your group look bad. You are saying they are apart of the group then in the same breath distinguishing between two different groups by creating the category of radical and moderate. Someone advocating for an increased minimum wage is not in the same group as someone advocating for abolition of work as a concept. There is no benefit to the minimum wage person associating with the abolition person, like absolutely none. You just make people write your entire movement off as fucking brain dead. People don't instinctively look for compromise with people they consider fucking insane. They just ignore them and tell them to fuck off. >>128566 And most workers would kill for an extra $2-$3 an hour. Yet now they have 13 year old redditors sperging out about how they're going to riot if they don't get $25 an hour. Leftists will actively harm the working class if it means they can maintain a cool anarcho aesthetic while doing it.
>>128573 This post speaks much truth.
>>128528 Now repeat the simp mantra: not all women are devils.
>>128573 >And most workers would kill for an extra $2-$3 an hour. That's just underachieving. They should kill for at least double their current wage. I would only maim someone for $3 an hour.
Did this get mentioned? It got a laugh out of me me when I saw it. Both for the headline and the fact she pussies out and tries to backtrack a bit after saying it. <Tencent Allegedly Wanted Bigger Breasts And No Black People In A Movie That It Was Funding >writer and journalist Alanah Pearce: “I have a friend who had a film that was offered to be made by Tencent — or funded by Tencent — and they were like ‘no black people' and 'bigger tits.’ Like, a lot of rules that they have that I think also have had a hand in you know, some AAA games.” >Pearce was quick to walk back the allegations by expressing her reluctance to discuss any specific films or games "because I’m so worried about getting sued by Tencent, but this is what I’ve heard — rumors. I’m not sure if any of this is true.” She however said that Tencent has “games that are out where they were like ‘yeah, that character needs to have bigger tits’ or ‘you need to make her skin lighter’ type of shit.” https://archive.is/WxaAw >>128573 (checked) Reminds me of how they handle Global Warming/Climate change/whatever they are calling it now. Instead of just saying they want to help reduce dependence on or just reduce the amount harmful environmental activities, they have niggers shouting about we will all be dead/drown in 10 years while they buy up ocean front properties.
>>128573 It's exactly how politics works so long as the same side also controls the media so nobody else is able to communicate with others and realize that everyone thinks the side in control is retarded. Then they "negotiate" with the "moderates" because the niggers burning down cities tell them to and they are demoralized enough to do it.
>>128566 >I would literally kill for a 3 day work week. For how much money? That's my work week, and I earn $15 an hour, plus commission. But, that was also the result of spending the previous four years hopping between jobs starting at $12 an hour part-time to my previous occupation being $14 an hour full time.
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>>128577 >tencent wanted big tits and no niggers Fucking amazing. I have only distaste for China, Tencent and commies, but this does make me smile.
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>>128577 >Tencent Allegedly Wanted Bigger Breasts And No Black People In A Movie That It Was Funding >said that Tencent has “games that are out where they were like ‘yeah, that character needs to have bigger tits’ or ‘you need to make her skin lighter’ At least they're capable of good tastes.
>>128581 >At least they're capable of good tastes. "Dog fried in gutter oil" doesn't sound exactly spicy.
>>128581 "Likes tits" is a pretty low bar.
>>128581 >At least they're capable of good tastes. But I don't want to eat bugs and cats and dogs.
>>128581 >tfw no western company with an actual spine
>>128583 That's how pathetically awful things have gotten
>>128584 That's OK anon, there's also roadkill child meat, ancient mushrrom onahole soup, pigeon & chang's arm burger (not intentional, the pigeon flew into the meat grinder and chang tried to grab it), and spitroasted steel factory worker on the menu.
So, why is Tyrion offended by the seven dwarves when they are dwarves in the fantasy race sense?
>>128588 because we wuz kangs and shiet.
>>128589 Are the dwarves going to become the new "orc are niggers"? are they going to forbid elves because they would be white supremacists? or would the jews coopt them?
>>128577 >and 'bigger tits. Large breasts lead to children having higher levels of estrogen passed down to them potentially leading to lower T levels in men thus resulting in a lot of soybois, sure that's not the only cause but that issue shouldn't be ignored either. Medium/small sized breasts should be the end goal of all societies as it literally makes barely any difference in milk production. The "THIC" meme is social media cancer and should be shunned whenever possible. Woman with giant bimbo balloons who are practically cripples at that point shouldn't be considered attractive to anyone with a higher level of brain function and a deep understanding on what humanity should value in terms of genes. Or at the very least if they are gonna have big tits they should also have the muscle structure to support them without being helpless in a do or die scenario. We should stop fetishizing weakness and embrace Amazonian eugenics. Turning Hollywood into your bitch is pretty based though.
>>128591 The "THIC" meme is literally fat roasties trying to glorify obesity.
>>128592 id argue its more guys who know they cant do better focusing on girls who probably cant do better either for increased success rates; also, you know, big tiddies
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>>128593 No, guys have always liked big titties. Big titties are big titties. "THIC" refers to fat. Also, tits are proportional. Big titties on a fat bitch don't count. Tits don't count when the stomach sticks out further anyway.
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>>128592 No, its a direct consequence of french faggots using their stickmodels as the "ultimate female form", of course then hyperfaggots and whale hunters turned a thing about having girls with a womanly body to the term being about their disgusting fetishes.
>>128596 You might not like it, but that's what peak performance looks like.
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Isn't misgendering and deadnaming a transwoman unethical journalism?
>>128597 My fucking ass, those are sticks with an assface, no hips, no tits, not even a cute, happy face to warm your heart.
>>128599 intimacy is for cucks :^)
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>>128596 I'll never understand fashion shows and their constant need to show anorexic women parading in silver trashbags. Must be a money laundering thing like art.
>>128520 According to what I could gather from my sources of metadrama, here's what happened: >r/antiwork is a hub for people to discuss how shit works are nowadays and how to protest against Jew bosses who exploit them for $7/h >it's still reddit so shit like forced vax mandates in the work still are supported by these retards >it eventually is hijacked by nu-commies who make everything about capitalism and communism >tranny mod accepts doing an interview with Faux News >he reveals that he's a 30yo lardass who lives with his parents and works wanking walking dogs >entire subreddit attacks him for embarrassing them by proxy >he bans everyone for "being transphobic" and makes the subreddit private And nothing of value was lost apparently. I don't really care about Reeeddit, so I may be missing some things. >>128528 Literally the "10 years later" epilogue of a /ss/ doujin. Fucking lel. >>128580 https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9hyzQBKFpVc Fun fact: that ad is a copy of https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HQQs3nl0LcY
>>521620 They left us their great "ism"s! Nationalism! Unilateralism! Materialism! Welcome maxims for those with no faith -- without guiding principles of their own. Give yourself up to the whole. No need to better yourself -- you're American! You're number one! Then the only value left is dollar value -- the economy. So we'll do whatever it takes to keep it humming along. Even war. Especially war. >>128592 I don't really identify with feminism, MRA's, or incelism so it's very easy for me to point and laugh at them all when they do retarded shit and only rarely agree with them on something. So I find it kind of funny how woman who insist on screaming about "muh wooman empowerment" the loudest are often times the worst choice in leadership. >>128593 To be fair I'm all for societal embrace of culling the weak negative traits in men too. I'm certainly not a hypocrite about that. I'd very like it if the low T limp wrists and beer guts abstained from the gene pool too. >>128595 Well like I said earlier if the muscle tone balances well with their tit proportions then I'm fine with that. Every body is different, I just want to raise the bar a bit higher when it comes to standards since it's fallen so far down as of the last couple of decades. I blame Americunts and Spics for spending the last few decades shoveling processed shit made up of corn syrup, soy, and copious amounts of sugar down their throats and then after realizing how badly they've let themselves go instead of taking responsibility to change life style they demand everyone in Europe, Africa, and Asia lower their standards too. Thankfully most people respond to that by telling us to get fucked, still the fact that even random patches of Saudi desert have a McShits on every road now concerns me. >>128596 >French continuing to ruin the world Oh my how "shocking".
>>128599 >>128601 Fashion industry is ran by necro-pedo-faggots. That's why all the models look like feminine boys and photoshoots thematically focus a lot on death and blood. Depicting women headless or with their head cropped out of the picture is a standard. The dead stares are a requirement.
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>>128519 He has the exact same speech mannerisms as Mark.
>>128605 Speaking of which, when was mark going to move on to the next big thing?
>>128604 Its funny when you compare them to the latin american fashin industry, wich all showcase hyperfemenine women with long, flowing hair and constantly smiling, for example, feminists are constantly angry about sofia vergara for being pro-natalist and a happy woman that doesnt have to wave around the flag of opression.
Anyone having trouble with sadpanda? I haven't clean cookies or anything but I can't access it but I have no problems with regular e-.
>>521660 you may be thinking of Death Panda
>>128607 I'm pretty sure that all these designer dresses would look better on women who actually eat correctly, and not just bird food.
>>128565 >Now as you're trying to argue for increasing your wages by a few dollars you get aspies flailing their arms around talking about a fucking 3 day work week. I could actually get all my work done in a three-day week if it wasn't for all the bullshit meetings and other managerial overhead that constantly keeps interrupting my work. Modern office work is a game of shuffling around time, how can we pad out these hours in the least efficient way while still maintaining some productivity.
>>128611 The point is that long lasting impactful change is incremental.
>>128571 >Its actually not that retarded. Have the loud and retarded (radicals) in your group chimp out and appear as an actual threat, so that the moderates look appealing and you negotiate with them in order to compromise and appease the "whole crowd". No, that's how you get your movement killed. Instead of it being associated with your original goals it will now be associated with retards and trannies flinging their shit. Any time you want to discuss the movement people will just mentally imagine the weirdos and their version of the movement and immediately dismiss the idea. It's actually a great way of discrediting the opposition: point a bunch of weirdos in that direction, wait for them to attach themselves and start attention-whoring, then point to the weirdos as being those representing your opposition.
>>128608 >Anyone having trouble with sadpanda? Yes I've been having a problem with both e- and ex,
>>128565 Apparently in the case of antiwork it's the opposite where the retards who literally do not want work were the ones who created it and it instead got co-opted as a labor movement by less extreme people
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>>128528 >>128530 >or is it only illegal with blood relatives? What about the fucking grooming angle? Kid she raised for 9 years from near prepuberty is fucking her, made public just a year into legal adulthood?
>>128608 works for me
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>>128565 >Then your "movement" inevitably gets overtaken by radicals that just take your absolutely retarded branding literally The branding is literal. The "w-well not really" is just damage control. You should know this by now. >>128564 Any excuse to post Roll is a good one. >>128591 Who gives a fuck? Muh dick.
>>128618 Last reply meant for >>128592
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>>128618 what does your dick have to say about this tho
>>128620 Not great, but I'd like to see her clothes off.
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>>128595 >"THIC" refers to fat. Says you, queer. "Thicc", or the proper term, "thick", only refers to an above average thickness. Just because obesity loving /hyper/fags use the word doesn't mean they get to decide what it means. Just like toddlercon cancer technically falls under lolicon, "THICKER!" faggotry technically falls under "thick". But the two should not be conflated.
>>128620 She looks like a nerd cosplaying roll instead of roll.
>>128603 >They left us their great "ism"s! Nationalism! Unilateralism! Materialism! Welcome maxims for those with no faith -- without guiding principles of their own. Give yourself up to the whole. No need to better yourself -- you're American! You're number one! Then the only value left is dollar value -- the economy. So we'll do whatever it takes to keep it humming along. Even war. Especially war. Ya fergot Capitalism!
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>>128626 Shit chart. These two are at practically the same level, and the first one is already ridiculous proportions, even though it should have comparable hips to the image directly right of it, just smaller tits.
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>>128627 >>128627 >Thematic Rebel <Picture is a pregnant succubus Is pregnancy usually considered "thicc"?
>>128629 This chart is the only time I've ever seen it included.
>>128629 all curves, even hunchbacks and cancerous nodes
>>128500 I use unGoogled Chromium, >>128519 I'm kind of sympathetic on some workers getting treated like shit because of their bad working conditions, but being an entitled retard who doesn't know the value of working hard and the sacrifices some people go through is the laziest faggot I've ever seen. >>128554 >>128555 I heard that Otacon gets pretty good with the ladies in Metal Gear Rising.
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>>128631 >cancerous nodes
>>128626 They're all fat. Attractive thick women are the purist tier only. Bigger ass and thighs but proper form, not the fat ass from the chart. Too high or too low fat is repulsive.
Don’t forget, anons, that these young up-and-comers in the Government don’t know how landlines work and that a 10 cent Bell telephone reader can blow their cover because they don’t know how to hide their asses in analogue fashion anymore due to diversity trannies and retarded nigger hires who are all severely incompetence.
>>128629 Pregnancy is usually a separate fetish.
>>128635 theres hundreds of cia's in the yellow pages kid
>>128635 This would only be handy if you used a landline though. Nobody uses a landline, especially not for secret communication.
>>128637 >there's hundreds of cia's in the yellow pages, kid >literally Tor
>>128635 Your point being?
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>>128637 >There's hundreds of cia's in the yellow pages Uh, you don't get to bring friends.
>>128564 What about them? >>128618 >>128619 >Who gives a fuck? Muh dick. Yeah who cares about the normalization of dysgenics, obesity, and societal decay? So long as your able to get your rocks off right? Have you considered deep throating a 12 gauge? >>128623 >implying the average Twatter mob normie nigger cattle knows the fucking difference No anon, sadly we have to compensate for the retarded and ignorant in society. Progress is slow and methodical and one wrong step can set humanity backwards by decades. Just say you like Toned woman so your average person knows what your talking about without having to learn the meaning of some shit Plebbit and Nigger-Twatter tier meme. Human minds are like plywood minus a few autists in the basket. >>128625 It's literally just an MSG quote you dip. >>128629 I figured that chart was dumb before even clicking on the thumb nail. Pregnant woman are fine and hot for that matter. They should drink a lot of organic cranberry juice though while laboring.
>>128644 >Yeah who cares about the normalization <Muh normalization Then ban all porn, queer. Oh wait, you like "normalizing" dykes and preggo porn. Fuck off, nigger.
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>>128620 Preggers Roll is better.
>>521747 There's a reason Rome used to have the office of Censor, sometimes people act like beasts and so need to be herded, and some made an example of. >>128645 To be fair, pregnancy in the context of a monogamous relationship should be normalized, as opposed to the current standard of "sleep around and get an abortion if your dumb ass gets knocked up."
>>521753 Actually research what roman censors did before you sperg out. Hint: the term "Census" comes from it. There is nothing wrong with having a standard for societal morality.
>>521757 >doesnt know basic history rome lost influence over occidental europe only, it became the byzantine empire in the east
>>521754 >Also, mind you, Rome fell DUE to degenerates. A lot of shit happened to the Roman Empire, and degeneracy wasn't the only reason. Corrupt government and invasion of barbaric tribes (like the Germanic tribes of ancient times for example) were attributed to the fall of Rome.
>>521761 >still cant figure out the difference between an empire and a city <60iq
>>521763 >just figured it out >feels stupid <cope
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>>521753 >You're not from here, because you're advocating for censorship in the first place. Hey, I advocated censorship a few threads back due to my disillusionment with the continual failure of current methods to compete with the censors and I'm a true blue goober!
>>521766 >not from here >double spacing <projection
>>128654 I used to do that too. It's a habit taught by some schools to doublespace following punctuation. Anon should stop, as it's a habit in the minority, resulting in de-anonymizing him.
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>>521770 I am not niggerpill.
>>521770 >posts 5 seconds appart >samefag <40iq
>>521770 Also >Muh doublepost >All torfags are the same person <Posts are 5 seconds apart Unless a faggot is dedicated and both times them well in different tabs using both the clearnet and tor domains, this isn't possible. >>521773 I'm both disappointed, and happy that you're not Listanon. The thread needs more shitposters like you and he. >>521775 I will never be a phoneposting subhuman.
>>521761 > Don't fucking lie to the board here Except that I'm not lying, and everyone who knows a good amount of history about Rome's collapse would already know about the things that happened to the empire.
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>>521757 >A free society is a society free of degenerates Lmao. You're fucking retarded. >because degenerates take advantage of moral systems Ah yes, moral relativism. If you have no morals, then nothing is degenerate. >to plant themselves as the ones with power. Power will always exist and those with ill aims will always be trying to weasel their way into positions with it. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. It's the job of good men to get to power first, or else fight the uphill battle of wresting power from evil. >But in a community, degenerates are killed, rooted out, destroyed, because there is nothing for them to corrupt. They can corrupt the values of the community, and without taking any position of power, merely by proselytizing their degeneracy to any naive or open minded persons, of which there will always be. If you believe in your ideal community that degenerates are killed, rooted out, and destroyed, congratulations, you agree with censoring their malign influence via violence, and are on the right track. >You have no idea what has been happening for the past fucking 20 years have you? Socialism! Positions of moral power taken over by fucking leftists! Literal pedophiles in power now. And those positions of moral power are teaching positions, in universities. The long march through academia possible through freedom of speech. There will always be teachers, even if you eliminate education as an institution under the belief that it removes power for degenerates to corrupt. >>521778 You're a good man. Many blessings upon you.
>>521784 I do. Pick me!
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>>521777 Tbh, my hatred of disney is such that I much prefer enjoying the sight of them setting themselves on fire, as opposed to watching any of their creatively bankrupt garbage that they constantly churn out.
>>521777 (Trips) That'll fail to catch on considering it's ill fitting and less iconic than her standard red dress. What's the point of the damn suit?
>>128664 Hillary Clinton 2024 campaign promotion.
>>521781 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-69Oivhy6Lg Too lazy for making long explanations today, here's a video nig.
>>521757 9cd6da all the /his/ and Romaboos/Byzaboo anons here are fucking laughing at your clear lack of knowledge on this period. To keep this video games mostly in vein any anons know some good games were I can larp Basil II of Eastern Rome or Byzantine games in general?
>>128665 She failed twice and the second time was a dismal failure that gave the establishment TDS and the current state of the democratic party's even more shit thanks to backing an old man with dementia. She's more of a bad luck charm if anything.
>>128667 I thought chopping off one's nose was more typical than blinding in that era.
>>128669 By the 900s it was the preferred method.
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Isn't nature beautiful?
>>128667 Better question, is there any game where I can give Emperor Heraclius a better ending and deal with a certain bothersome Arabian cult before it becomes a problem?
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>>128671 What kind of low effort gay shit is this were the photoshop looks like a fucking low effort parody?
>>128672 I think one of the Europa Universalis. I don't know if there's others.
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>>128673 The Deepest, Most Unknowable Dungeon. It's shitty isekai, regardless of autistic text dumps about weaponry and combat likely copy pasted from beginner's guides.
>>128672 I'd give my soul for a game where Heraclius marches further into Iran and then goes down into Arabia and kills every mud he can find then make Yemen the most southern front of the empire. I'd play it every day,
>>128668 Anon if the dems plan to install a puppet president with dementia worked for them then they'd see no reason why they can't try again with Hillary.
>>128675 Having read through most of the monster girl one, yeah, this guy just likes using manga as an excuse to flaunt his snapple facts knowledge about science, engineering, survival, anatomy, and whatever else he feels like.
>>128666 You ain't convincing me with a youtube armchair historian.
>>128677 The problem with that is the bitch want to be in control and not being a puppet.
>>128680 Everyone's a puppet in the democratic party. Either to a puppet master or the demons they worship.
>>128673 There are some techniques in Clip Studio that you can use real life image backgrounds and modify it for you comics or manga, they probably do this in order to finish a page more quickly or they are lazy. >>128679 It's a small summary on what happened, not a complete fucking lecture. And like I've said before, I'm not in the mood for making long paragraphs.
>>128681 Which part of "bitch wants to be in charge" is hard to understand to you?
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‘Watch Dogs: Legion’ support ends after Title Update 5.6, Ubisoft to recycle content and rewards from previous seasons https://www.econotimes.com/Watch-Dogs-Legion-support-ends-after-Title-Update-56-Ubisoft-to-recycle-content-and-rewards-from-previous-seasons-1625673 Whoops another locked down triple gAy vidya game is just gonna die I guess. To no ones surprise of course. >>128677 >Anon if the dems plan to install a puppet president with dementia worked for them then they'd see no reason why they can't try again with Hillary. Your missing the point anon, Killary and all her wannabe knock offs are so undesirable that a dementia ridden man who falls upwards when climbing the stairs and of whom is a major architect of past policies like "Tough on Crime", the Iraq/Afghan war, and ironically a lot of the Tax Cuts the ultra wealthy enjoy somehow manage to beat her and he had the same bias media and deep state backing as Killary did. I was always skeptical of the Trump train craze and knew it would just end with him pardoning a bunch of pedo's and crooks as well as kiss Israel and Saudi Arabia's ass. Though watching leftists lose their shit was amusing for a while at least, I think they're physiologically fucked forever now because of it. Personally I'd love to see her run again because of this especially against Ron Paul if he someone managed to get into the race again. I mean why not? Old fucks who clearly should retard get to run for pres regardless because both parties are batshit insane and I'd rather have Ron even if he's a vegetable by the time he's in office as apposed to most of the lobbyist whores who will undoubtedly run come 2024.
>>521826 >now acting like a huge autist because I don't want to spoon-feed him sasuga
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>>128685 Like fucking clockwork.
Rome fell because the government was corrupt as fuck with degeneracy, assassinations, and constant bickering among the nobles and aristocrats; not to mention each new Caesar attempting to outshine their predecessor in some manner, usually in the most retarded way possible; you had a populace that didn't give two shits about being "Roman" because they were either were foreigners until the morning that a legionnaire arrived on their soil or were treated as being anything BUT Roman despite being under Roman domain; constant invasions from the Gauls, the Celts, the Arabs, the Zulu, and the Mongols, with some of those invasions being in direct retaliation against Rome for waging pointless wars against them; and ALL of this happening to an empire that stretches two continents during a time it took weeks just to cross a single nation, you had a slave trade was rampant across all of it, and all solutions to any illness was to go join a leper colony or spend the entire day repenting to your respective deity that you worshiped. >>128684 > ‘Watch Dogs: Legion’ support ends Wait, that game already came out?
>>521834 Even at that, there are Dems who would say "yes" to an approval poll for Biden just because they think he's better than Trump (or any Republican), but in a discussion on the merits would freely admit that his administration has been a litany of mistakes and problems both real and apparent. Being an old white ex-VP helped Biden, but the last election was always just a vote for or against Trump (third parties don't count for the Dem demographic) rather than an endorsement of Biden or any part of his platform in particular--sort of like 2016, except Dems dislike Biden far less than Hillary (remember, there are Dems who actually do not want a woman president, Hillary or not) and were much less apathetic about voting. The imminency of Breyer retiring was always looming in the background of the last election and I'm certain that was a bigger issue than it was made out to be, for instance.
>>128688 >Being an old white ex-VP helped Biden >Being... white... helped Biden >remember, there are Dems who actually do not want a woman president Are you fucking retarded? Dems would have voted for him in far higher numbers if he was anything other than a hu-wite male. Their entire platform is about how evil his demographic is, and how anyone that isn't his demographic should be hired for any job literally because they aren't his demographic.
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I just wanted to say holy shit Death Wish is fucking amazing. It's been some time since a game drew me in like this. Feels good man.
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>>128690 Where to get?
>>128693 Won't surprise me if their trucks get impounded and redistributed.
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>>128693 I fucking hate living in Canada and guess what food prices are up!
>>128692 Get Blood Fresh Supply from GoG, which has the assets of the base game. Then get a source port like nblood (https://github.com/nukeykt/NBlood) and copy the assets into nblood's folder. Play Blood and read the .txt with the story that's on the root folder of the game (BLOODHLP.TXT) to understand what's going on, then download Death Wish from https://www.moddb.com/mods/death-wish-for-blood/ and enjoy. The attention to detail is through the roof and the levels are very varied and creative. I'm still in awe because while Blood is nice I thought it was going to be a lot better and after playing several custom episodes I was altogether relatively disappointed and didn't think there was any way the game could be made better but I can't believe I was so wrong, specially because the gameplay in the mod is the same and the only thing different is the levels.
>>128696 Thanks anon this put me in a much better mood.
>>128696 Thanks much anon.
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>>128694 I didn't know they're making a sequel to Big Mutha Truckers
>>128698 >>128697 Any time. If you do end up playing it eventually make a post with your thoughts.
>>128701 While I appreciate any and all making fun of Justin Castr(at)o, that's still no excuse for posting soyjak edits.
>>128693 >Unacceptable views >Following the science™ You know I genuienly thought the whole SOYENCE™ thing was just some minor meme people threw around to make fun of Big Bang Theory or Rick and Morty or those "lmao math meemees" idiots, I never expected it to be an actual thing now.
>>128702 my apologies
>>128703 This happens with everything from science to history
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I have come to post attractive anime girls
>>128706 now post boys
>>128706 Do you think that the more guns there are in the room, the hornier Rally gets?
So why exactly did Burst go full yuri with Rally?
>>128706 Blessed thread. More misty.
>>128706 jesus gimme more dude. >>128707 post your suicide.
>>128708 Don't you?
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>>128707 >post boys You'll have to settle for tomboys.
>>128706 >I have come And now so have I. Post more freckled gingers.
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Boy, we sure seem to have a lot of organic posts, tonight!
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>>128716 im not sure what youre looking for in organic posting fuccboi; either someone starts a conversation of they react to one, and im a reactor pic unrelated
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>>128689 Counterpart: Vote Blue No Matter Who You have that combined with the blue collar Dems/more old school lefties that don't give a shit about Trump either way propping them up. Unions played an understated role in ousting him in 2020.
>>128712 Of course I do, that's why I ask.
>>128660 >Power will always exist and those with ill aims will always be trying to weasel their way into positions with it. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. It's the job of good men to get to power first, or else fight the uphill battle of wresting power from evil. Uhh actually it's the job of good men to show how much better they are than the SJWs. If you fight back you're just as bad as them. If you do anything that could potentially force other people to do things they don't want you're violating the tenets of libertarianism and freedom and free market capitalism, and that's a big no-no. Who are you to decide that any person, much less society, should do what you want? Just make better product and let the free market have the freedom to choose what to do buddy.
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ce4ITJVkAWI I bet if truckers kept on coming in and not moving at all the little canadian faggot would change his tune pretty quickly.
>>128707 post them yourself cuck
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Thankfully he gets his ass beat not long after he posts, what a stupid monkey.
>>128726 That image made me realize that it's almost 4am. fuck.
>>128727 You should get some rest, anon.
Why does is smell like /cow/ manure in here?
>>128729 Luciano the resident monkey shit on the floor again.
What if to trigger luciano people posted sexy brazilian grills ha ha like a joke you know ha ha. >>128713 Thanks, bro. >>128705 I know it's just so fucking stupid it feels more like a joke that's been taken too far than anything.
>>128652 >cope you outted yourself as a refugee
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https://archive.fo/qbwH0 HIRE ANITA YA'll!!!
>>128734 >HIRE ANITA YA'll!!! LOL, no. Got GOTY already. No need to waste anymore protection money.
>>128734 What was even remotely racist about Dr Hakim?
>>128713 I was thinking about the little talk about fashion shows, and I think the dresses would suit toned tomboy bodies better than those bread sticks we call "models".
>>128734 They're still mad about the whole "fixing a broken relationship and coming back as a family rather than going straight for a divorce" thing, are they?
>>128736 He has an accent.
>>128675 Actually, I kinda like the weapon-autism even if it reads more like a poorly-formatted light-novel than a manga He's wrong about crossbows not penetrating armor, tho. There was a reason why the Pope banned their use on Christians; they were fine for Mudslimes. The one thing that irritates me, is for a H-isekai manga, there's almost no H. In the first chapter there's a page-and-a-half, a couple harpies bathing, and one (literal) fucking frame in chapter 4. I want more smut in my smut. I'd love to know what pen name he uses for doujinshi (if any). Hopefully, it's more monstergirls and not gore or vore. >>128693 >>128695 >>128701 >>128704 DAY OF THE RAKE And it's a self-inflicted wound. Canadians in the government are starving themselves to show what good socialists they are.
>>128741 >Canadians in the government are starving themselves to show what good socialists they are. THE MEMES!
>>128741 It's become unlivable in Canada especially Ontario and Québec.
>>128744 I don't. Everyone else does.
>>128734 I for one would love to see Fuck The Oscars man get in a fight with Anita.
>>128701 Last one is fantastic. Excellent propaganda.
Oh, we don't even show the webring anymore?
>>128739 >Tomboys are hyper ?
>>128748 Mark/Acid have a hate boner for it and they (understandably) don't like moe.
>>128739 *and stay there
>>128587 What's the quarrel between Mark/Acid and smug? I just lurk /tg/ there.
>quarrel between smug and mark/acid I despise Smug's moderation and will never use their /a/ board for it, but let's try to avoid much board warring and meta drama
>>128739 Those proportions aren't all that crazy, I think its cute
>>128749 Tomboys are hyper sexy, I'd agree.
>>128753 That's fair. So, anything new? the last thing I've heard is Microsoft buying Activision and the other news I've seen in the thread so far doesn't have much to talk about.
>>128756 Could probably look into if any recent game releases are being censored on large platforms like Soyny or Steam, there's usually something happening there behind the scenes that people need to be made aware of For example, apparently a JAST VN just got banned from steam, found a few hours ago: https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/01/26/dark-visual-novel-classic-full-metal-daemon-muramasa-banned-from-steam/ On an interesting note, the author was a nichegamer guy who I remember being decent, now writing for BIC, interdasting
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forgot screenshot
>>128758 >>128757 What's the point to allow adult games if you are going to ban anime like games? And who in Steam has such a hateboner for japanese stuff?
>>128759 Steam is like Australia in that while we have a R18 rating and in Steam's case, an adult section, anything and everything gets banned because fuck you.
>>128758 Muramasa is also one of the highest rated VN's in VNDB, I think in the top 5 which is around the same score as Muv-Luv, Steins;Gate, Umineko and Utawarerumono. This is no joke when they remove arguably one of the greatest VN's.
>>128759 Questions that are difficult to answer I remember the names of sketchy Valve employees from a few years ago popping up on OAG as likely SJWs who could've been behind this shit (I remember them mostly being women, like a spic lady for example whose name I can't recall) when the censorship/deplatforming first started, but its been years now, I assume the company has a growing number of SJWs by now considering it hasn't really stopped since then
>>128762 And the cancer continue spreading. To be fair I just play rimworld and the modding community is fairly clean of wokeness.
>>128762 Oh, also I wonder why is always ugly angry women the ones who hate anime the most. I could figure out why, but it still sounds so retarded it's ridiculous.
>>128759 Only MATURE™ adult games like Sex With Hitler are allowed.
>>128765 Or pseudo anime traced shit made by women of colour. And not even the good anime tracing, but the laziest doodles that aren't even good enouth to be called a parody.
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>>128749 Strong Tomboys are /hyper/ >>128755 Yeah that's also true >>128753 >>128752 Some of the webring boards threw a fit at Acid for allowing young (3D) girl appreciation boards and not blacklisting them from the announce list, so they used the excuse that Acid never implemented the Webring button properly and unplugged this site. AFAIK most anons just cross post anyhow so the damage isn't really that big.
>>128767 Is not like we used crossboard links anyway. We went exactly where we want to go.
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>>128752 tl;dr the webring (not just smug, including zzz, cafe and all the rest, I'm pretty sure threads discussing blacklisting 8moe still exist on their respective meta-boards) wasn't really fond of 8moe because of the administration's tendency to do retarded shit--the whole "Mark talked to fucking Journos for a free lunch" and how he brushed off concerns caused a panic because people feared it was going to lead the journos to the webring (after the journos killed the 08chan bunker I can't blame them), there was a whole thing where Acid got caught trying to make "peering agreements" with people to include and exclude specific sites like it was a privilege to be associated with "the new 8chan" rather than doing what everyone else did and filtering whatever he didn't like for his site and leaving everyone else alone, and he was refusing to fix his setup with the webring plugin (his exact words being that he "didn't consider it a priority"), which caused 8moe's boards to flood everyone else's list while 8moe's board list buried everything that wasn't from this, which was viewed as not playing fair and trying to pump his site up at the expense of everyone else. When /hebe/ happened and Acid chose to enable the pedosexuals' right to discuss their mental illness (which meant there was a board advertising discussion of underage real girls on everyone's list and right at the top of activity because of all the drama), the webring unilaterally decided that was the last straw and blacklisted 8moe. Acid's never really forgiven them for it, and I'm guessing that's why he finally gave up and removed it from the board list.
>>128770 Remind me who this bitch is so I can be properly outraged/disgusted? She looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.
>>128770 >they queered up Visionaries too Putin just fucking nuke us already.
>>128772 >>128770 Ah. Never watched Visionaries, so that's probably why I didn't recognize it. >IDW Publishing published a five-issue crossover comic miniseries featuring the series characters and the Transformers from January to May 2018. You needn't even wonder anymore.
>>128667 CK2, ive lost count of how many roman restoration ive played in it.
>>128770 So, femal empowerment is looking like a drug addict. Righto then.
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>>128686 >Now acting like a smug prick Double sasuga. When an anon feels like he doesn't want to do it, no means no you rude faggot. Are you this inept to educate yourself and find info that's pretty easy to find on the internet? >>128690 How good is the game? >>128759 They are like Sony that they are very biased against erotic Japanese games. Most of these retards are the typical morons who complain about sexualized characters.
>>128770 Official redesign? What was the need for? Even if it wasn't a dyke it's still a dumbuck "Look at all these dumbfuck lines and doodads it's so detailed" design.
>>128618 Some girls look good brown. Roll is not one of them. Better buy a parasol and get to work.
>>128778 Can robots get a suntan, really?
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>>128770 Kind of a backfire. The original wore bulky armor but the redesign is just some girl with a stupid hair cut in a spandex jumpsuit. The original is the more prudish design. Fuck the new version shows toes and you just know some cunt with a foot fetish fapped furiously to that.
>>128769 >>128767 While they have some good complains let's be honest here. They hated Mark, Acid and anything gamergate related even before the reboot of 8kun. If you want to hate the retarded jew because he is retarded and he is a jew at least be honest about it. Not talking about you two in particular, just a general expresion. About the /hebe/ shit. While it's disgusting it was in a time and a moment done to hurt the board because it was just like always, demand something before asking something else mroe outrageous. First they remove /hebe/ and then they have to remove any loli and shota related boards because they would also be pedophilia by that standar, then remove anything anime related because anime characters have soft and juvenile expresions, then ban anything vidya related because it's degenerate, then they'll just look at the butchered board and say "I don't even use this board because I have my own". It's the /cow/ and /pol/ version of "I don't play videogames".
>>128781 >About the /hebe/ shit. While it's disgusting it was in a time and a moment done to hurt the board because it was just like always, demand something before asking something else mroe outrageous. First they remove /hebe/ and then they have to remove any loli and shota related boards because they would also be pedophilia by that standar, then remove anything anime related because anime characters have soft and juvenile expresions, then ban anything vidya related because it's degenerate, then they'll just look at the butchered board and say "I don't even use this board because I have my own". It's the /cow/ and /pol/ version of "I don't play videogames". Or you could just remove /hebe/ and the pedos on /b/ and leave everything else alone. /hebe/ being here definitely has hurt 8moe's population.
>>128781 I don't think they hated GG, they just didn't want possible pedoshit on their already shaky boards. Anon Cafe keeps getting "raided" by soyjaks and Alogs has a recurrent scambot problem and its developer abandoned them. Besides, they wanted the possibly pedo boards blacklisted from the webring, not from the site itself. It's one thing if you're two clicks away from /hebe/ and another if you're just one and it's on your front page.
>>128667 >>128672 Seconding ck2, great game, but if you want to play as Justinian, Heraclius or Basil, you will have to use mods such as When the World stopped making sense, Rise of Islam and either Historical Immersion Project or CK+. Macedonian dynasty is present in the vanilla game.
>>128784 Theres also the alexiad gamestart.
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>>128734 >latinx It never gets old seeing lefties with no hispanic ancestry whatsoever telling us the correct way to speak spanish.
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>>128786 its the white mans burden all the way down
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>stonetoss is a black girl irl damn, i bet she's packing https://archiveofourown.org/works/35806747
>>128786 Can wokeism be considered colonialism?
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>>128592 I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. This "thicc" meme grew like a tumor, clearly signaling an agenda behind it. Even if it's a small and silly one, still a step for fat acceptance/fetishization therefore "I don't have to put effort in being healthy". Fat fucks are so lazy they conspire for the whole world to like them instead of losing weight.
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>>128786 >>128787 this latinx shit seems to be backfiring hard https://archive.is/F4P6y >Only 2 percent of those polled refer to themselves as Latinx, while 68 percent call themselves “Hispanic” and 21 percent favored “Latino” or “Latina” to describe their ethnic background, according to the survey from Bendixen & Amandi International, a top Democratic firm specializing in Latino outreach. >More problematic for Democrats: 40 percent said Latinx bothers or offends them to some degree and 30 percent said they would be less likely to support a politician or organization that uses the term.
>>128783 Didn't they do that already? because I know they made it that those boards couldn't be accessed if not from inside the board.
>>128643 >Neil Young Now I finally remember why that name seemed familiar. He was the faggot whose virtue signalling got one of the most famous rock songs made in response. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_home_alabama#Controversy
>>128769 >there was a whole thing where Acid got caught trying to make "peering agreements" with people to include and exclude specific sites like it was a privilege to be associated with "the new 8chan" rather than doing what everyone else did and filtering whatever he didn't like for his site and leaving everyone else alone [Citation needed]
>>128786 Same shit as always, in the spiclands the leftist are trying to push that really hard but the real academia told them to fuck off and that inclusive lenguage is not needed in the spanish lenguage.
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>>128791 >this latinx shit seems to be backfiring hard Oh I know, I've lived in Miami proper (not fucking miami beach either, which is mainly northeasterners, leftist and the like, which is of course where retard aoc partied when she came recently) for decades and if you were to use that term here, I'd say about 90% of the people here (of which the vast majority are hispanics from all over south & central america) would either: a) laugh at you b) call you a maricon (faggot) c) if it's a cuban they might do both a,b and then threaten to beat you >>128795 The way those Mexicans in that video behaved is pretty much how most hispanics (assuming they haven't been indoctrinated) would react if you were to wear something from their home country even if it was as a joke. As long as you aren't outright insulting/mocking them or their culture they'll just see it as a homage. I'd like to believe that extends to most normal people in the world that aren't retarded idpol fags.
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https://archive.fo/y81vC Genshin Impact officially censored worldwide. LOL
>>128795 >Relax Kevin, I'll fit right in.
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>>128797 >Anything chinese >Not censored I just need lewd lolis
>>128769 I don't like disrupting the GamerGate threads but I feel the need to respond to this lest misinformation spread. >because of the administration's tendency to do retarded shit >Mark talked to fucking Journos for a free lunch He's not an administrator and we were as in the dark (and livid) as anyone else. >Acid got caught trying to make "peering agreements" with people to include and exclude specific sites This was my idea, not Acid's. Having seen some users across the webring that didn't like the idea of us joining, I decided it would be better to reach out and confirm our presence was welcome and that site owners would be okay with us listing them. Frankly, mutual listing is how old webrings worked and it's how I expected this one to. A mutual line of communication is good for heading off issues and misunderstandings. >he was refusing to fix his setup with the webring plugin Again, this is on my plate and not Acid's. We use the exact same webring addon that other LynxChan sites do. And while I did patch a couple minor bugs, it has some major structural issues that are not easily fixed. It doesn't integrate boards into the board list, it doesn't limit how many boards it advertises, etc. The site itself always takes priority and I fit additional addons like Webring, updates to Channel Changer, etc, into my spare time. Even if it was the foremost concern, pushing out site updates would come first. >I'm guessing that's why he finally gave up and removed it from the board list. As far as I know, the addon is still supposed to be active. It's possibly having issues with newer releases. Alternatively, I've seen it fail to populate the boards list sometimes. Since the API doesn't appear to be available I'm guessing it choked and died and we haven't done a restart in a bit. I will look into diagnosing it, but given that pretty much nobody is listing us it's hard to prioritize it over everything else. >>128767 not blacklisting them from the announce list While this isn't something supported by the addon, I could have rigged something for the short-term. However, nobody has requested this be done, despite my attempts to contact other admins to inquire about steps we could take to alleviate concerns. It's been nearly a year, and I may have some more time to work on side projects soon, so perhaps I can revisit it and try reaching out to see if cooler heads can prevail. I've personally gone out of my way to give them the benefit of the doubt and fix any issues they may have, but nobody has taken me up on the offer. That offer still stands, and always will. But if nobody will have a conversation about the issue to hash out the exact problem, it just leaves the door open for miscommunication. But given how easily our actions can be misinterpreted, I'd feel much better getting a direct response before moving forward. In the meantime, I'd at least like to request we be given the same benefit of the doubt until something can be worked out. If you'd like to discuss the matter further, I'd be happy to answer any questions on >>>/site/.
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>>522110 dont gotta tell me twice
>>128794 I thought that was the retarded inter-board NAP or some dumb shit.
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>>128799 In a way it's poetic justice, if we can't have our lolis in thong leotards then they shouldn't have them either. See how they like it.
>>128800 >Again, this is on my plate and not Acid's. We use the exact same webring addon that other LynxChan sites do. And while I did patch a couple minor bugs, it has some major structural issues that are not easily fixed. It doesn't integrate boards into the board list, it doesn't limit how many boards it advertises, etc. The site itself always takes priority and I fit additional addons like Webring, updates to Channel Changer, etc, into my spare time. Even if it was the foremost concern, pushing out site updates would come first. What if both 8chan and the webring sites just agree to have single page with links to other imageboards? Like, meaning 8chan still technically advertises them and they get to do the same without adding this place to the Webring proper, thus avoiding the presence of risky links on their boards. >However, nobody has requested this be done, despite my attempts to contact other admins to inquire about steps we could take to alleviate concerns. On /site/ I recall people were asking for this though.
>>128789 >Can wokeism be considered colonialism? Absolutely, and the irony is totally lost on them.
>>128797 The picture right there states you get the "alternate outfits" for free immediately, looking it up, the alternate outfits are actually the censored, China versions. So you can, for whatever reason equip the censored outfit, but uncensored is still the default outfit.
>>522105 >where everyone he ever loved has died He really needs to get over Wolf and Naomi. Both were cunts who tried killing his best friend.
Wait a minute, niggerpill's autism trigger is Metal Gear Solid?
>>128809 have you ever heard of the lalulelilo?
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Just found out the mods for the Ultimate Mahvel vs Crapcom 3. Finally Cyclops is in and churazy Dante I guess or just some pallete swaps.
>>128796 >b) call you a maricon (faggot) I think that would be hilarious.
>>128804 >What if both 8chan and the webring sites just agree to have single page with links to other imageboards? If that's something the other admins want then I'm sure we could work something out. I'm not sure why they'd want that and a webring addon, though. It's still a band-aid fix, though, and it may be easier to amend the addon to just exclude certain boards, or to limit how many are displayed. Ideally, I'd add a toggle for board owners to hide their boards from the webring themselves, too, but that's a way bigger feature in terms of development time. My main concern is that new functionality may not meet the current understanding of how the webring behaves. I really feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. A static page would avoid a lot of this conflict, but so would the other admins discussing the matter directly and making their issues clear so we can implement changes without stepping on toes. And we'd likely need to speak with them to come to an agreement on the static page anyways. At the end of the day I want to circle back around to improving the webring addon regardless. I'd rather do it with conversations and feedback so everyone can benefit. I want to promote 8chan legacy boards and make using them easy. >On /site/ I recall people were asking for this though. I should clarify and say none of the other admins have requested it. Ultimately, they're the ones who would need to agree that this would solve their problem. I'd really welcome a conversation with them so we can pin down their exact issues and hash out a solution.
>>522108 I'm a lolicon and shit, but MUK makes me genuinely uncomfortable. His art looks so lifeless to the point of it being devilish
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Did this game ever get past version 0.2? Obviously the website has been down for a while.
>>128671 >>128673 >>128682 >There are some techniques in Clip Studio that you can use real life image backgrounds and modify it for you comics or manga Looks like copy-pasta brushes were used to make the image. The copying is too noticeable and looks awful. If they hate doing backgrounds (or they're bad at backgrounds) I can totally relate to that.
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>>128815 MUK? More like MUH
>>128818 >cock rub on tummy MUH is right. Isn't he mainly doing gigantess shit nowadays?
>>128819 Sacrificing an actual decent series for something as boring as that. Boring play at power-dynamics. My stomach kinda hurt when one of the girls swallowed the mini-male.
>>128815 >to the point of it being devilish Considering a lot of his girls are actual succubus' that's probably intentional.
Where u get the art from?
>>128806 Which part of "automatically unlock" is hard to understand? Also since when shitty gacha has to ///generously\\\ forcing freeshit to its userbase?
>>128823 >automatically unlock Anon is saying the game is censored globally, but more like it's giving you a choice to censor your own game if you're a massive faggot, globally. >gacha games giving free shit All of them, all the time, they give you free shit to keep you suckered in.
Reset the macaco clock.
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Like I said, what if we posted brazilian vidya chicks? As a joke obviously. Man Laura would have been a second Menat-tier sex bomb from SFV if she had a better haircut.
>>128829 Yeah, I fucking hate her haircut.
can sombody update the Fighting Games Thread with new stuff that happend
>>128831 Why is resetera freaking out over Baiken anyway? She was in SamSho and is basically identical to her appearance in Xrd.
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>>128832 i personaly don't know ask the guys at Fighting Games Thread >>271744 they might know something
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>>128834 very well
>>128832 Probably because her boobs have been getting bigger.
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>>128832 >Why is resetera freaking out over Baiken anyway? Boobs.
>>128838 man I want to fondle those tits, maybe suck on em'
>>128838 Woah, Baiken has gigantic titties, and they're popping out? That never happened before! It's uh, almost as if these resetera niggers didn't give a shit about GG until it became THE big fighting game. God I fucking hate Strive and the incessant need to water down games to appeal to a wider market so much.
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>>128838 Wow, look at all those disgusting knuckle dragging mysoginists hating on feminine features.
>>128832 Psychotic hatred of the female form.
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>>128840 i tryed playing that game but oh man it feels like shit a lot of moves removed from the game
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>>128800 >(1) :^) >>128810 >lalulelilo
here is some more posts
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>>128770 That's a man. >>128781 >>128782 Speaking of /hebe/, its BO has been away from life for weeks. His pedo bunker (smolbox) went offline without notice too, and while it still appears that he's logged in 8moe, he hasn't posted or deleted anything in a while (globals are the ones who have been deleting stuff from time to time), so it's just a matter of time before his session expires and /hebe/ becomes free to be claimed (two weeks after his session expires without him logging in again). >>128797 I'm curious about how the new "no traps, femboys and twinks on media" law will affect all the homo/fujo/shotabait characters. Will Venti and company be cut from the game, r63'ed into a girl or given the /fit/ treatment (which actualy could make him gayer)? >>128815 It feels less weird if you think the lolis are dolls that came to life.
>>128838 What is wrong with the FGC? It seems like its composed of a mixture of the following >Leftists >Niggers >Pedophiles >Children >Unhygienic None of these groups like eachother with the exception of SSB players and kids, how did it get to this point?
>>128845 I thought Strive was a DoA generic anime fighter? Is this still true? Is it deader than the melty blood (de)remake?
>>128847 they run tournaments
>>128846 Genshin can only be improved by turning all of the twinks into aniki-tier rugged musclemen.
>>128850 Infinitely gayer.
(201.73 KB 778x583 gg_strive stats.PNG)

>>128848 ask that in >>271744 they have waterd down the characters they feel like shit now
>>128591 >Woman with giant bimbo balloons who are practically cripples at that point shouldn't be considered attractive to anyone with a higher level of brain function and a deep understanding on what humanity should value in terms of genes "To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand women's breast." >>128803 >if we can't have our lolis in thong leotards then they shouldn't have them either Are you blind? She's clearly not a loli. >>128832 Because they clearly haven't played any other GG game until Strive became popular with the normalcattle, so they haven't seen Baiken's character design until now. >>128843 >but oh man it feels like shit a lot of moves removed from the game That's because they were.
>>128482 >Reminder that Bill Gates is the Great Satan of Silicon Valley and to boycott everything under (((Micrococks))) domain It's hard to find anything that is not under his domain. https://archive.is/e7uS9 > Salesforce, Amazon, Kleiner Perkins, Linkedin, HP, Facebook, and the whole fucking University of California system
>>128850 How about no. >>128851 >D-cup manboobs, giant arms, and muscles with muscles >meanwhile, the actual model Is bara porn the male equivalent of "bimbos"? Every physical trait is exaggerated to the point of becoming a parody of the original thing.
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>>128845 >B& for >sexist objectification I would pay real money to get things organized and do a niggepill on them.
>>128855 Himbos & yes. Bara art loves to accentuate manly features like muscles, hair, & pecs.
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>>128858 Witnessed.
>>128858 impressive
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>>128858 Nice.
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>>128846 So that means /hebe/ is kill without us having to do anything? It guessing the faggot BO of that pedo den got party vanned and so will the rest of the faggots the congregate there?
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>>522226 >>128862 >So that means /hebe/ is kill without us having to do anything? Pretty much yes. The "no media containing minors" rule killed almost all of the board's activity (which returned to /b/ because the rule didn't apply there), and now that none of the local staff (including the BO, who actually could be in jail since smolbox had a lot of softcore CP) are active the board is essentially dead. The question is if admins will open the board for claims or just archive/delete it, and if it's the former, if whoever gets to have /hebe/ will keep things as usual or nuke it.
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>>128838 >they despise the female form >somehow i am misogynist
>>128863 someone should make it into a sports board.
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>>128858 Checked.
>>128846 Good, then maybe the board will be deleted with reasonable meanings and everyone will be quiet about it, or just complaing about anything else just because the first people complaining about CP have hard drives full of CP to shitpost with just to make some retarded point.
>>128867 99% of the pedos moved back to /b/ long ago, and the admins can wash their hands by letting an user take over the board, turn it into something completely different, then delete it.
>>128853 For as shit as Strive is, Nagoriyuki is a really sick character and he deserves to be in a better game.
So, is there a Warriors thread? because they are getting Dynasty Warriors Empires 9 out and I'm thinking about buying it at launch just to play the online, because in 8 you could get extra rewards by helping others.
>>522240 From what I understand, /b/ is filled with real life flesh and blood photos of kids in bikinis and underwear. Actually going there and it turns out they're quarantined into a single general and even then, the shit in there is no different from stock photos. Guessing /b/ has better mods then we do. By contrast, there's only 2D here because 3DPD applies to children as well as adults.
>>522228 So youre going to spam the board again? Not only are you into illegal shit, youre also an obnoxius cunt that wont leave others alone.
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>>128869 nigger=sick wtf?
>>128874 Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot I was supposed to automatically dislike black characters, even if they're not terrible.
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>>128873 It's just a (((pedophile))) trying to pretend to be the majority as usual.
>>128869 Agreed, he's the best thing about that terrible game.
>>128875 We don't hate blacks, just niggers. There's a rant made by Christ Rock that spells it out before he became a blatant Hollywood cock sucker.
>>128845 >RetardEra judges female character only by her appearance yet again, more at 11 If I ever get god powers, first thing I'll do is give every girl big titties just to spite them.
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>>128863 >that shit board got 11 thousands posts
>>128880 Retards do retarded things when given time.
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>>128880 Feds gotta earn their wage somehow.
>>128880 Half of them were drama involving the board's creation, /v/,GG and the webring's reaction to it, admins putting a ridiculously specific rule, and pedos working in an alternative that ultimately amounted to nothing because going back to /b/ and Tor was easier.
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>>128879 The ever present irony of progressivism is rooted closer to sexism than these asshats could even fathom. They judge women based on their appearance and what comes out of their mouths has to be the general consensus if they groups they agree with otherwise they're considered failures of women and even ostracized by other gullible women who agree with the narrative while being up happy nigger tier hags eager to drag other aspiring young women that dare deviate. The only difference between sexism as they define it and their beliefs is that they switch what's acceptable and what isn't for the sexes. Goes to show how shallow and immature their thought process functions. Really make you think.
>>522263 Also people who actually believe in freedom of expression would go to the site that bans less expression.
>>522263 I come here because every other place is either dead or a fucking cesspit of none-humans and 70 IQ retards. However you niggers are still fucking annoying faggots like furries.
Should we also agree that this site is filled to the brim with murderer's as well, since we have retards treating fictional material like it's a determining factor in one's actions and classifications?
>>128887 I agree that the site is filled to the brim with clinical retards who can't stop replying to the obsessive-compulsive pedonigger that spergs out on the meta thread every three days and the toddlernigger who only leaves his pedo general to be a faggot in this thread.
>>128888 Well, I keep reporting posts, but the mods constantly close those reports for God knows why.
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>>128884 I remember we had titty monsters among GG and NYS, and of course they were harassed and doxed at the time. So much for respecting women.
>>128846 >I'm curious about how the new "no traps, femboys and twinks on media" law will affect all the homo/fujo/shotabait characters. Will Venti and company be cut from the game, r63'ed into a girl or given the /fit/ treatment (which actualy could make him gayer)? It probably won't. The law will likely be used on a few celebrities some fucker with influence wants to fuck over for whatever reason, as well as any media they also want to fuck over, which mostly means foreign or dissident.
>>128891 They might canonically have him get more girl ass than a toilet seat to show how really not gay he really is.
>>128890 >So much for respecting women. It was NEVER about "respecting women". It was always about ugly chicks wanting to be the center of attention.
>>128893 We all know that, but the point is to show their ugly hipocricy.
>>128893 Don't forget beta orbiters and white knights trying to prop themselves into getting laid or receiving validation from the opposite sex.
>>128880 It's not like lust isn't fueling the post count here to an extent. Let he who is without horny-posts cast the first stone.
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>>128878 >We don't hate blacks, just niggers. Problem is that in every black man, there's a nigger just waiting for the right opportunity to manifest. Part of the reason being blacks have no ancestral culture to connect with - first being severed from it historically through enslavement, then being excluded from ingratiating themselves within wider American culture by Democrats - and were forced to develop a racial sub-culture through exclusion. This subculture has, for generations, been subverted by Communists in order to keep them angry and dependent on the government. They've been forced into a role of the nigger caste of society in order to generate revolutionary friction because the proles were fat and happy under capitalism and wouldn't get with the fucking program. Hence the race marxism we now see. Blacks will always be niggers at heart, because they have been conditioned by the left for generations to be nothing more than niggers in order to suit their political and cultural agendas. More and more of them are waking up to this truth as the internet has shone light on their masters true motivations, but the conditioning, even with a concentrated effort to root out, will take generations more to eradicate.
>>128897 >(1) Nigger please
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>>128902 What a loss
>>128899 the leaf
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>>128899 I don't get it.
>>128906 Neither do I.
>>128904 Again, what's the point? Is there some meme I don't get? There may or may not be Among Us easter eggs. Is the game pozzed?
>>522304 >/v/aggots are literally gay. I'm gonna be honest, most of us saw this cooming tbh t. NewFren##(£
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>>128863 >>128865 >The question is if admins will open the board for claims or just archive/delete it, and if it's the former, if whoever gets to have /hebe/ will keep things as usual or nuke it. Someone should adopt it make it about snakes and other reptiles /Hebe/philia
>>128908 >>128907 >>128906 It's an NFT joke I think.
>>128899 Where's the amogus?
(2.39 MB 640x348 BEWARE THE LEAF.webm)

>>128913 Here's a hint.
(462.60 KB 1260x1197 sus.png)

>>128906 >>128907 >>128908 >>128912 Let me educate you. That particular comic is about NFT (again), but the "leaf is sus" comments are because Stonetoss has been hiding tiny Among Us characters in his comics for a while as a response to this shit edit and similar others made by some butthurt redditor. Since his most of comics never were that fun or interesting and nowadays all he talks about are NFT (because he made his own collection and sold it for $2M) most people prefer to find the hidden "amongus".
>>128915 standing inside the dome!
>>522304 Neat. What video editing software do you use?
>>128917 Videopad, its basic but it gets the job done
>>522304 Bretty good, but it needs to have some more effects for emphasis (scrolling through the text or zooming in to a specific part, reaction images, etc.) and a synthesized voice narrating.
>>128915 I know about the amogus meme, I was talking about the first comic. I have no idea what roadmaps and air drops have to do with NFT's?
>>128916 Like the prophets once said.
(235.07 KB 1343x851 ubisoftnfts.jpg)

>>128920 Game companies decided to put nfts in their games
>>128919 >scrolling through the text effect I'd like to have that one problem is my editor doesn't have that, and recording scrolling videos are a pain More reaction images are a good idea and suggestion, will do next time; didn't want to go too crazy with just a shitpost webm >synthesized voice narrating I don't like that effect when I can avoid it
>>128920 Roadmap: document with the goals and strategies of a NFT project to be valuable in the long term. Air drop: the capacity of a NFT to be given for free to another party, who then would become its new owner. In other words, a roadmap is how the pajeets plan to continue scamming idiots with their NFT, while airdropping is the capacity of giving NFT as a gift to other idiots. >>128922 Atari recently combined three cancers (NFT, lootboxes and nostalgia-baiting) into one: https://gftshoppe.com/atari https://archive.is/3Y1mn
>>128911 You're thinking of Herpetophilia.
>>128924 Honestly, this NTF scam sounds even worse with that info.
>>128923 Fair enough. >I don't like that effect when I can avoid it I've seen it done well once and now when it's not used it feels empty and like something's missing.
>>128925 Yeah herps; not pedos.
>>128927 >I've seen it done well once Can you post an example of it? To me it feels too autistic the times I've seen it used as narration for any extended length of time
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>>128831 >>128832 >>128838 >>128845 resetera.com/threads/guilty-gear-strive-baiken-trailer.543725/
>>522304 Why is nobody bulling you for the black space when they bullied me for the black space?
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>>128924 Thank you, anon. I now understand.
(8.33 MB 640x480 Best generation.mp4)

>>128930 >>128838 >>128845 No way these retards these aren't pedos. The fuck do they have against tits?
>>128915 Thank you very much. Shame he fell into the NFT bandwagon but good for making $2M I guess. Somehow.
>>128875 Can you blame people for having nigger fatigue? >>128800 >>128814 >He's not an administrator and we were as in the dark (and livid) as anyone else. Let's not be coy and pretend he doesn't have more influence than the average BO, the fact you admin guys come primarily here via /gg/ or the meta thread to discuss shit (not that I blame you, /site/ is dead as fuck) and the fact he bankrolled the whole site in order to get first-dibs on /v/ without even going to claims indicates he at least has a closer tie. Still, you're right that he's technically not an admin--but as far as the Webring's concerned, he might as well be and still capable of fucking with the site's image with his idiocy. >This was my idea, not Acid's. Having seen some users across the webring that didn't like the idea of us joining, I decided it would be better to reach out and confirm our presence was welcome and that site owners would be okay with us listing them. Frankly, mutual listing is how old webrings worked and it's how I expected this one to. A mutual line of communication is good for heading off issues and misunderstandings. If you didn't understand how the webring worked, you should've asked about it rather than run on your assumptions. Take that as a lesson, nobody wants to be in your business anymore than necessary. >While this isn't something supported by the addon, I could have rigged something for the short-term. However, nobody has requested this be done, despite my attempts to contact other admins to inquire about steps we could take to alleviate concerns. This is exactly what I'm talking about. The fact nobody on the admin team (except you apparently) had any self-awareness of how having fucking /hebe/ sprayed on the lists, apparently considering it not an issue, and making a big "taking a stand for free speech" post when pressed about it would look like to everyone else. >I've personally gone out of my way to give them the benefit of the doubt and fix any issues they may have, but nobody has taken me up on the offer. That offer still stands, and always will. But if nobody will have a conversation about the issue to hash out the exact problem, it just leaves the door open for miscommunication. But given how easily our actions can be misinterpreted, I'd feel much better getting a direct response before moving forward >My main concern is that new functionality may not meet the current understanding of how the webring behaves. I really feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't Send someone who isn't Acid to act as liason (he's admitted to having bad people skills), make it clear you're sorry for how shit shook out, and ask about it. Honestly, the core of what I've gotten is that you guys seem to want to try and solve everything by yourselves, but kept putting shit off, and putting your foot in the shit. If you want direct and clear communication, you're gonna have to make the first move to the webring guys. They're the ones you pissed off, not the other way around, and it's clear by now they know more about this software.
>>128935 To be fair anon, nobody can physically control what Mark does or anything like that, he does stupid shit on a whim if he feels like it.
>>128934 Honestly "artist raises money from fans by selling NFTs of his own art as collectibles" seems like a perfectly acceptable usage. Like when people sell limited edition signed and numbered prints of their art. But it's hard to tell how much is "people wanted a way to give Stonetoss money and getting a unique digital collectible in return motivated them" and how much was "retards are convinced they'll be able to sell them for a profit later".
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>>128933 Don't underestimate the gays and ugly women screeching about attractive females factor. Still plenty of pedos in there as well.
>>128938 Phone in the second and third panels. Actually kinda funny that one.
>>128936 Fair enough. I just really get pissed when his bullshit splashes back on the rest.
>>522357 To be fair, there has been an upsurge of OC creation on here recently. It's entirely possible they're 100% organic, homegrown, free range images.
>>522357 That kind of OC doesn't require that much effort, just taking an annoying amount of screenshots like >>128942 said its entirely possible they came from here, or possibly from some GG-aligned twitterfags
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>>128933 Anon see my post earlier. >>128884 TL:DR They actually hate women but dress it up to prop themselves and look like they're doing the right thing.
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>>128863 >>128865 >>128911 /hebe/ should be a Hebrew board
>>128935 Is there any particularly social member of the staff? Like is there a PR guy? Because first off he should be fired, and second off just send him.
>>522357 No hits on 4/v/ but they showed up on reddit a day ago; i assume it's from there.
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>>128936 I'm amused at the idea of Mark being some kind of eldritch autistic force of nature.
>>128948 >>522357 whats going on? i found these images in zzzchan /v/ fighting game board
(1015.36 KB 956x1200 baiken iroha.png)

>>128950 Either one faggot who like the fitan is a massive cross poster or multiple lesser faggots have formed an inter-site news network and are also concerned with the coverage of Baiken's new massive tiddies.
i just posted some pics of the topic that i saw on zzzchan's fighting game board and rememberd how here the fighting game board is kinda dead soo why not post something there
>>128950 I found mine in the Niche Gamer comments section.
>>128942 >there has been an upsurge of OC creation on here recently I've noticed the same. feels good man.
>>128954 Its a pro-GG gaming news website
>>128956 gg as in guilty gear or gamer gate?
(570.92 KB 1500x500 sus.gif)

Reject the barely functional webring. Embrace static lists of affiliate websites with cool animated banners. >>128947 >Like is there a PR guy? Nope. Acid is the one who makes all the announcements and the pinned thread on /site/ that explains the rules. coddex (the lainfag) only appears when Acid isn't available, and Parias almost never comments about anything. >>128944 sus
>>128949 He's more like Autism Hulk, instead of gamma rays, it was 40 cakes that made him this way, instead of transforming due to rage, he transforms after 12 game overs, instead of becoming an unstoppable force of nature, he deletes a thread, apologizes, then yells at people on twitter.
>>128958 Actually this could be funny then. An ambassadorial expedition to the other sites would probably include kazu and cobalt as note takers and codexx as front man? Bro. We are gonna get laughed at, but the resulting screenshots of the chat will be very amusing. I changed my mind I say do it then.
>>128958 >Embrace static lists of affiliate websites You just described the webring. What the fuck are you even referencing?
>>128961 He means the webring as a concept of sites that link to each other, but not the webring plugin that pulls all the board lists.
>>128960 Send Silvia, too.
>>128962 So I should reject some undefined concept that the webring apparently is supposed to represent and embrace it's functionally useless application as it already is now?
>>128963 I mean he might be a russian pedophile, but he does in fact have social skills. That may actually be a net plus to the team.
>>128961 >What the fuck are you even referencing? The list of banners with links to other websites that many web 1.0 and 2.0 used to have on the side or bottom of the page or even in a separate page.
>>128966 If the webring is barely functional what would listing it horizontally and adding jpegs accomplish to remedy that?
>>128964 vice versa
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>>128951 I honestly like her earlier designs better and her design from Guilty Gear is probably the most realistic, which is what makes it sexy
>>128963 Assemble all of the Warriors at this rate. Get niggerpill, ESL, macaco mangler and that one sperg who redtexts excessively to represent the community itself. >>128967 He's saying to stop fucking with the Yanderedev-tier webring plugin, and to just set up a page that links to all of the other sites, and maybe has a list of boards contained per site in plain text, no updating PPH or activity counters.
>>128706 At least some of them are vidya.
>>522357 >>128948 It was posted to Reddit's /r/kappa but that's not the origin: reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/sd6rsn/resetera_vs_baiken/ Here it is being posted to halfchan a couple hours before the /r/kappa post: https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/image/Ghb1CaNI6pFKpnd7HQwTjw/ It was posted by GamesNosh on Twitter a couple hours before the earliest occurrence of that image hash, but that's not the origin either because the resolutions are smaller even when I use :orig : https://twitter.com/GamesNosh/status/1486366066527850501 I'm guessing it was originally posted to halfchan and then reposted with a different hash but I can't find the thread. Could be Twitter since it's hard to search there and it's a whole series of images in the same style. But ReseteraTakes hasn't posted in weeks and I can't think of anyone else to check.
>>128678 God, I just blazed through the MG one. It was decent at the start until they shifted focus to the other MC who is an incel who, despite managing to get laid by horny goblins, still gets cucked because there is no monogamy in monster society. I'm still mad about that.
8Moe should have a Video Creation/Editing board honestly. Maybe call it /vc/? >>128922 >dumb velcro hand cushion thing that covers the brass ejection port >Ubisoft I guess French Leaffags have never actually shot a rifle before or any repeating firearm for that matter? >>128693 >the only way to protect our "freedoms and values" is to infringe upon your individual freedom to choose >>128911 I'll post there if it becomes a snek board. >>128923 >>522304 Look into using Kdenlive. That has a ton of options out of the box. Also there's plenty of websites were you can just type or Crtr-v a row of text and then download a robotic voice over for it. That or just ask anons to do it for you and post the MP3's here. Also... unironically lurking /cb/ and thinking anons wouldn't notice the difference.
>>128974 >8Moe should have a Video Creation/Editing board honestly. Maybe call it /vc/? Sounds like a topic that can easily exist as its own thread on the tech board and would be needlessly fragmented with its own board.
>>128973 Yeah, I had a feeling the guy might have a latent cuckolding/NTR fetish seeing as it comes up so much.
(683.00 B 119x25 bdv.png)

>>128977 Eat Fresh!
>>128970 And they shall be called the guardians of the Gay. Between yelling at each other theres a zero percent chance of them even saying hello or noticing the other sites admins. The chat will just be flaming and spam. And they shall know our name is MOE
(1.79 MB 1920x1084 1643217613562.png)

>>128972 The one posted on 4chan is different to the ones that got posted here, though, and that's the major concern; anybody can cobble together a clipart image with patience.
>>128969 Such a great looking sprite. That's the best one by far.
>>128980 can i post the link where i have found the image?
>>128982 i mean the guy im quoting has already linked le ebin rebbit and also one of the maybe four 4/v/ archives so im not sure you need to but yeah knock yourself out i guess im not a moderator or anything i dont give two shits
(377.82 KB 3500x2280 this is 8moe.jpg)

We really are a mickey mouse operation.
>>128970 >He's saying to stop fucking with the Yanderedev-tier webring plugin, and to just set up a page that links to all of the other sites, and maybe has a list of boards contained per site in plain text, no updating PPH or activity counters. Yeah that would be the best idea. No sense overthinking and over engineering a solution that people already figured out in the 1990s and worked fine then.
btw is mark online?
>>128970 >just set up a page that links to all of the other sites, and maybe has a list of boards contained per site in plain text, no updating PPH or activity counters. A static page like this is the simple solution. It takes less resources, only needs updating periodically [to include any newly created boards etc] and creates far less drama.
>>128795 I wonder if Leftists have the gal to say these rhetorics in Central and South America so that they will get laughed at. >>128840 >>128843 I never played any Guilty Gear game, but I keep hearing from other anons that the game is an inferior quality compared to its predecessors. Just how bad is it?
>>128987 >btw is mark online? Nothing good ever starts with this strings of words.
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>>128974 >>128975 I've considering making a "hotel" board that hosts generals for all the topics that lack one (/his/, /mu/ and /x/ come to my mind) and/or don't have enough users to sustain entire boards, but I don't know how to advertise it and convince people to try it. >>128977 lul
>>128985 Yet somehow it works. >>128987 He's harassing a cake somewhere.
>>128739 Please stop trying to include more normal fetishes like plump girls, toned girls, and tomboys under /hyper/ in a vain attempt to boost your incredibly niche and shit taste board.
>>128987 no post deletions in the logs in the last few hours so probably safe to say no
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>>522425 Good job.
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>>522425 Everyone point and laugh.
>>128991 Just post it in this thread for the next 5 threads during sluggish hours or past 500 posts, I'd make a 3d print thread.
>Codexx says hi we are with 8moe and- >kazu interrupts to ask if someone can make him mod so he can kick Silvia and niggerpill >silvia starts posting links to democratic activismography >niggerpill launches into a speech about Japan and how its doomed >Codexx politely asks them to shut up >esl asks for ??? No one is sure >Kazu starts yelling at silvia >someone starts spamming pics of acids waifu getting railed by niggers >our entire delegation is banned from the IRC for life. I mean we wouldn't be in a worse position even then though is the funny thing. I mean they already hate us.
>>128989 well in the last guilty gear game they have took out 80 or 90% of the characters moves and all instant kills out of the game. And added a retarded wall mechanic where it can break so no more infinate moves. >shit music >shills wount stfu about how it takes skill witch does not >shit story and sorry i rearly post anywhere
>>128991 >I've considering making a "hotel" board that hosts generals for all the topics that lack one (/his/, /mu/ and /x/ come to my mind) and/or don't have enough users to sustain entire boards Like /server/? Also no decent /x/ has popped up anywhere, what happened with them?
>>128998 >>128997 >>128996 >>128995 Oh... You... All... Saw... that.
>>522425 >>128996 >>128997 lol wut i am just asking if mark is here. i wanna ask him something just 1 question
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>>128799 >pedo
>>129003 >... >x4 Lurk for 8 years.
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>>128820 >My stomach kinda hurt when one of the girls swallowed the mini-male. Did you self-insert as the loli giantess or something? Mini-cannibalism is sure to cause indigestion.
>>128989 >I wonder if Leftists have the gal to say these rhetorics in Central and South America so that they will get laughed at. They do, many governments in Latin America are quasi commie dictatorships at this point so they have plenty of state support.
>>129006 >>522443 As if we can leave.
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>>129004 Just post the question and wait til he turns up.
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>>129000 >h-hewwo I- m- my nwame is- *sniffles* c-codd- *kazu interrupts with a gay joke* >p- pwease I wanst dwone tawking ye- *anons start spamming "back to blackedchan"* >*lip trembling* pwease I- *people starts posting edits of Mark's face and ass* >*sobbing* I want to pwopose a NAP with- *thread deleted*
>>129011 ok i will ty Mark i have a question am i allowed to post links from zzzchan or from any other chan here?
>>129014 >chan
>>129011 I use videopad mainly because its super lightweight and gets the job done without issues, it lacks in some features but its more than fine for me Almost every other video editor I try to use chugs heavily, if not outright crashes on the notebook I'm on, I'll give it a look though
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>>129015 i misspelled imageboard
>>129014 i think if jewboy took some serious umbrage with any given linking he'd just filter it like he did with 8channel or the term "a c h i l d" but yeah dont be such a nervous faggot about shit is my major point
>>129002 They realized the X-files were shit and decided to subscribe to nihilism because their board was born from shit.
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>>128972 >>128984 Yeah that Zzzchan post is actually the first case of those images being posted I can find. I only assumed he's not the person who made the images because he said "Someone went salt mining on ResetEra". It doesn't particularly matter and obviously there's nothing wrong with posting the images here, I was just curious. >>129014 I'm not Mark but it's fine. Obviously people aren't going to like you linking 4chan unless there's a very good reason, and even then you should use an archive. But webring boards are fine, assuming there's a reason for doing it. Also asking "Is Mark here" and then asking for approval outside the meta thread is more annoying than just doing it without asking. Similarly with >>128831 you could have just gone ahead and made a post instead of asking someone to do it.
>>129016 meant for >>128974 Dunno how the fuck that happened
>>128803 Such a shame good character designs go to waste in a Gatcha games, a breath of the Wild Knock off no less. Same reason Girls Front Line is a tragedy but Whales and lack of any financial common sense keep making Gatchashit profitable. I miss the gold ol days when companies actually made video games and not programs for milking mommy's credit card. Genshit is a cancer. The iPhone and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>>129023 <Tweening
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>>129020 If I'm not from here then where'd I get all this gay porn? Checkmate torfag.
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>>129025 I will never recover from this.
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>>522329 You're going to have to specify.
>>128999 Could work. >>129002 Not gonna lie, I know nothing about /server/ or what it was about.
>>128924 Thanks, I hate it.
>>129028 Check /server/ on anon cafe. Does what you described. >"hotel" board
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>5 steam dick threads up on the catalog >only 1 bump locked Good job Mark
>>129031 Wait until you learn who the OP of the steam deck thread is.
>>129032 A Valve employee? My eyes just glaze over those threads.
>>129030 I see. Yeah, the concept is very similar to what I had in mind. I was wondering if that kind of board could work here. >>129031 >>129033 See >>521976 and >>521977.
>>129001 Don't forget high ass damage scaling and counter mechanic that does an insane shit-ton of damage upon confirming and poor balancing.
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>>129032 Admittedly the one prior to the most recent one was me but I've since then learned my lesson.
>>129034 >See >>521976 (521606) and >>521977 (521606). <The Kake Kike, himself, our Kikemmander and Chief, is so mad that he didn't get a 4k "Bing Bing Wahoo" machine that he's now sucking Steam Dick Why hasn't someone honestly attempted to revive /vg/ or any of the other alternative boards?
>>129037 Apathy after the /v/alkans.
>>129037 Someone did, it's why >>>/vg/ exists, but i reckon most of the people who used to be there on 8chan have ultimately shuffled over to zchan.
>>129037 A couple of threads ago somebody made a new GG thread on like 8 different boards, /vg/ included, but nobody dared to use any of them because reasons. It wasn't until somebody else made another GG thread here that most people continued their discussion.
>>129040 Weren't the majority of those boards not even vidya ones?
>>129040 The /b/ thread had more posts than this one by about 150 until it slid off the front page. It also had more videogames.
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>>129044 >depreciating currency that wouldn't even cover a doctor checkup, let alone treatment, in 5 years
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>>129044 >they ran out of $20 bills and had to use one $5 and one $1 bill
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IRS wants to scan your face https://archive.is/1Ng4F
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I get the feeling that Japan is going to be the country that causes a balkanization of the net. Remember the Spic several thread ago talking about how Central American governments streaming Dragon Ball Super caused an international incident with the Japanese government: https://archive.fo/ycMWB It looks like things are only going to escalate from their based on what happened over the past couple months on Jewtube. Here's what went down, a popular Irish poster by the name of "Totally Not Mark" received over 150 copyright ID claims from Toei against his channel because of his Dragon Ball videos. Yesterday, he finally posted a update video that can be summed up as the following (At least according to him and what he was told): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BZM_Jxj_Y5c >Toei wanted Youtube to delete his channel completely for "violating" their copyright and brought forth over 150 DMCAs >Youtube told them that "Fair Use" exists and they need to file the proper paperwork if they want to follow-through >Toei proceeds to use Youtube's content ID system to flag the videos to get them taken down <Youtube has a policy stating that any company that spams any of the DMCA or content ID requests loses access to both whenever they feel like it has been "abused" enough >Youtube reaches an agreement that they will only ban the videos from being viewed in Japan, but will only remove the videos if an actually properly filed DMCA request is received in the jurisdiction of U.S. law <Youtube operates in the U.S., so that's the copyright laws they have to follow But, that's not all, as another video then details: https://archive.fo/z0Pnl >Youtube then tells "Totally Not Mark" that the entire situation has "Never happened before" and that Youtube has to manually ban each and every video he uploads from that point forward If I'm understanding things correctly, Youtube is quite literally playing with fire. They're trying to appease anyone and everyone in the international community by essentially giving the keys to wipe out their entire catalog without any supervisions, only to them backtrack on that position later if it effects their important "influencers" and act as if they're a fool who has "no power" to control those "pesky uploaders" and demand that companies follow through on their requests through the "proper channels". And, I get the feeling that, as this happens more and more often, companies may actually end up petitioning their respective governments to give site the ultimatum of either following their local laws or losing their entire market. I know that the EU and Australia have already attempted this to some extent with Google and new sites, but none of them seems to have done it as directly as Japan. Going so far as to attack posters individually.
>>129048 >talking about copyright on /v/ Say goodbye to your post history anon.
>>129048 >Japan DMCA'ing a stupid Irish cunt. I see no issues with this.
>>522526 >hey are an arm of the government, just like Google, Twitter, and Facebook are. They are literally fucking given orders by government officials, and they obey. Yes. The AMERICAN Government. Anon's talking about the japs.
>>129001 >>129035 Don't forget the ugly UI which everyone thought was a place holder, the ill-fitting Habbo hotel multiplayer lobby, I-No's shit redesign, the small roster with fan favourites being sold as DLC and censoring references to Taiwan.
>>129051 Toei themselves don't even consider it a violation of their copyright. The company has worked with the jewtuber in question multiple times before. It's clearly just some retarded bad faith copyjew department sperging out for some reason. I doubt even the japs would consider jpegs of their anime used in reviews a legitimate violation of copyright. Does japan not have review websites that feature images and clips from the media in question?
>>129047 I wonder how much tax money it will cost to do that.
>>129054 More than enough for them to skim off the top of for fancy new cars.
fat black girl asses
>>129056 Rates of HIV sorted by demographic
>>129056 You're playing with powers you don't trifle with, anon. Now you'll get someone posting that obsese negress twerking at a family in some fast food resturant.
>>129057 >>129058 2D black ass?
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>>129056 I'm sorry, Anon. This is the only image I have that qualifies, I hope you understand that it's difficult to find that niche in 2d.
>>129059 Acceptable
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>>129061 >>129063 thank you
This fucking thread. I love it.
>>129053 >Does japan not have review websites that feature images and clips from the media in question? They've been cracking down hard on those, last I heard. Even reviews just offering the outline of a story.
>>522562 What the fuck is with Germans? They have this insane autism that I've never quite understood.
>>522562 >they are a big influence of TOS for social media sites. Youtube/Twitter/etc have a separate report option for German users that allow them to report content that specifically goes against German law. That content, if found to violate German law, is then deleted for everyone, not just blocked for German IPs. I know about them banning anything "Underage" as that was what caused the scare for Sadpanda and us, but can your source everything else? I want to read about how Germany ruined rhe internet.
>>522562 Maybe we should have let Truman nuke Germany after all.
>>129066 Any reason in particular, list autist?
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>>129026 haha cat is of bread
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>>522567 Germany deserves having the entire population of the middle east being imported there and finishing what the slavs started.
>>522567 Guess Germany is feeling bad about all those orphans they shipped to pedos all those decades ago. >>129073 The slavs are still raping them, thanks to the gas line.
>>522567 Thanks for the redpill anon and I hope anons cap this.
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>>522590 >Steam also wholesale banned all adult games for Germans a short while ago because of, you guessed it, complaints from the Government about youth protection. It doesn't really affect anyone else in the world, so I didn't included it in that post, but it's still another instance supporting it. The only people worse are the Chinx in these regards but they at least are trapped in their own hell in West Taiwan where's Krauts actively fuck it up for everyone. I thought it'd be Americans or us Leafs who'd fuck it up for everyone but the good Deutsch decided to say fuck it and beat us to the punch.
Here's a hypothetical, where's the sweet spot for "youth protection", in terms of parenting?(In terms of government I don't think it should be up to a BUNCH OF PRETENTIOUS OLD MEN PLAYING AT RUNNING THE WORLD to choose whether or not I can watch virtual titties or not) Do you just let them watch/do/play whatever hoping that whatever you taught them would protect them from going full retard with all the media they're consuming or do you curate it out the ass or what? I doubt I'll ever have children but just in case, it's something I've been pondering for a while. My parents were really strict about anything remotely sexual or romantic and I don't think it really turned out for the better. Likewise they were really okay when it comes to violence in media and again I don't really feel like I've turned out for the worse for it.
>>522590 >>129076 >German are such autistically retarded no fun faggot authoritarians that I'm beginning to agree with the Jews about them Huh. Didn't see that coming.
>>129077 >My parents were really strict about anything remotely sexual or romantic and I don't think it really turned out for the better. Likewise they were really okay when it comes to violence in media and again I don't really feel like I've turned out for the worse for it. So the gun was good but the penis was evil?
>>129079 What if your penis is a gun? Not really, it's more or less the prudism you'd expect from a parent. Kissing/making out scenes, titties in movies would just lead to changing the channel but on the other hand action scenes, bloody gore scenes, horror scenes, they really left it up to me whether or not I wanted to see any of that. I kind of get why but at the same time I don't think it really had much of an effect me choosing whether or not to watch that.
Lately I've been thinking about just buying a System 76 laptop instead of a Steam Deck because of how fucking gay Valve's been lately. I'd still be buying a Linux computer as a result and hurting (((Microcock))) long term financially after all and anything that screws away Mr. hangs out on Epstein's private island and get chipped you paranoid bigot Bill Gates/The Great Satan of Silicon Valley and his beta bitch CEO or whatever Phil Scott who apparently can't handle being called a faggot by a 12yr on Xpox Live so he's on a lame ass crusade to censor the Internet too like all the other self absorbed Utopian deluded wealthy Commiefornia technocrats are. System 76 does after all have a lot of cool options performance wise not like I play a lot of system demanding games to begin with and the ones that do even then work just fine on my decades old rig I currently run. Dunno just a thought, honestly I wish Valve would just pick a solid stance for or against censorship already instead of flip flopping on the fucking issue. Then they can either prosper or go bankrupt either out come is fine with me. Course Valve is just retard but somehow managed to strike gold despite their retardation, (((Microsoft))) on the other hand is just evil and I want it to fucking die a lot more than I do Valve. >>522590 >Steam also wholesale banned all adult games for Germans a short while ago because of, you guessed it, complaints from the Government about youth protection. Meanwhile Iraqi tourists pretending to be refugee's at the expense of actually refugee's can just casually go walk into public pools and rape little boys.... I'm getting mixed signals for their logic. But yeah that at least explains what all their purges are about, I wish Valve would realize the typical vidya consumer doesn't give two shits about what their flavor of authoritarian bureaucracy thinks about the kinds of pixels and polygons they enjoy smashing buttons to. Just let the government B& the Steam Store fuck it, the consumer will just use proxy's to buy vidya if they must. People in China do the same shit ttoo after all. Geez could the Neo Stasi's at least be consistent with their bullshit and B& the Torah and Talmud for H8 speech and ethno nationalist sentiments too? >>129073 That's a bit extreme dude, just restore the old Holy Roman Empire and they'll have small local governments accountable to the people as apposed to the Global Homo shit government the German people have now. As a Minarchist Libertarian I can tolerate that as a viable solution. I'm sure the anons on >>>/monarchy/ would be fine with that too.
>Phil Scott My mistake, Phil Spencer. I get the two names mixed up sometimes....
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I want to fuck a Nep
>>129085 This lie is so obnoxious, that even Goebbels would crack the skull on whoever the faggot that made this one.
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>>129085 Firstly, you can't just put a graph behind you and point at the screen and expect people to trust you. That's some certified Viper Free Movers shit. Secondly, it's pretty easy to have big growth after you stopped the whole fucking economy for a couple of months.
>>128693 I woke up to this in my head this morning. Seemed appropriate.
>>129088 I woke up this morning with a bad hangover and my penis was missing again. This happens all the time; it's detachable.
>>129082 >Lately I've been thinking about just buying a System 76 laptop Isn't their stuff extremely expensive for the hardware they provide?
>>522621 >normies Are you referring to yourself, newfag?
>>522636 >infertility Fifty years from now governments across the world will beg 80 year-old anon to fuck bitches to save the human race, and anon will bust the last fertile nut in the history of humanity to some anime titty.
>>522636 I got the stupid jab because nigger politicians in my country want to enforce it soon with 3k yurop bucks fine if caught.
>>522621 >>129090 >>522636 Normalniggers? In my 8chan?
>>522646 Makes you almost wonder of the vaccines are intentionally faulty in order to force the populace to by less active.
>>129094 According to the VAERS data in the U.S. there has been a pattern to when highly toxic lots of covid-juice have been released into the public. And by (((pure coincidence))) the majority of related injuries and deaths post-vax have been in red states.
>>129097 so death rate is increased with the jabbings?
>>129098 Absolutely, while it would have been difficult to prove as such considering the deliberate obfuscation of data by the CDC with hospital guidelines first being: * If someone is sick, assume covid * If someone admitted dies, assume covid then changing it to: * We can only track the unvax * Do not test vax'd for covid then changing it to: * If they don't have both doses, consider them unvax'd then: * If they don't have a booster dose, consider them unvax'd (hence the "pandemic of the unvax'd" as the media calls it) There have been far more deaths in the year following the availability of covid shots than the year prior, which runs completely contrary to what we should see if the shots were so safe and effective at stopping covid, especially considering that most states allegedly reached that 70% goal for herd immunity, which leaves us with 2 possibilities. 1) the unvax'd are dying in record numbers because the shots protected the vax'd but made them plague-bearers to the unvax'd, so the vax is directly responsible for the higher death toll and did not protect the community at large 2) the vax'd are dying in record numbers but aren't counted as vax'd because they didn't get a recent enough booster and are still being under-reported
>>129099 Damn this is some jewish mind trick that they are pulling off.
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>>128490 https://web.archive.org/web/20210117055949/https://crestresearch.ac.uk/about/ >within a context of significant stakeholder and international researcher engagement international stakeholder engagement = "We are paid off by foreign agents" >CREST’s funding was secured following a competitive process administered by the Economic and Social Research Council https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_and_Social_Research_Council >The Economic and Social Research Council, formerly the Social Science Research Council <it's the same group as anti-Gamergate, tied directly to UAE Enterprises and HSBC Middle East
>>522665 if I am not mistaken they do random checks so every time I would get get caught unvaxxed I would get fined 3k, they are doing something similar in Austria already.
>>129102 Checked. What do you mean by "get caught" exactly? Do they go door to door? Can you just not answer the door or will they literally break it down like psychos? I want to know just how deep this goes. I'm guessing they only harass people walking around outside.
>>129099 >but made them plague-bearers to the unvax'd Of course the sloughing from the vax'd was intended to infect the unvax'd as well in order to rescue their crumbling narrative, then there's the graphene hydroxide eating holes through the vax'd cardiovascular system. They clearly wanted a combination of both.
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>>129099 No because the number of people who are actually infected isn't constant over time and varies based on non-vaccine factors. New variants were more contagious plus they gave up on the serious lockdowns, so there were more people infected after the vaccines were available. Obviously it isn't very effective at stopping spread, especially spread of the South Africa/Omicron variant which is specifically evolved to evade immune response from either vaccination or prior infection. The herd immunity threshold varies a lot based on how infectious the virus is, so the delta/indian variant already made herd immunity via vaccination unrealistic and Omicron made it impossible. It does still make it less severe, and probably somewhat reduces risk of getting infected at all, but it's not going to meaningfully prevent the spread to others. That doesn't mean they're worse "plague-bearers to the unvax'd" than if they didn't have any resistance at all.
>>129067 So the bug people are even more retarded than I thought.
Interesting, I thought these speech patterns sounded like niggerpill but the actual content was more like luciano: >>522671 >>522673 >>522675 >>522682 But with >>522680 it's obviously niggerpill, so he's varying up his formula a bit.
>>129105 >evolved to evade immune response from either vaccination or prior infection I guess you slept through all the disclaimers that vaccination wasn't going to stop the spread of infection even prior to the "delta" variant. >It does still make it less severe, and probably somewhat reduces the risk of getting infected at all This is unfalsifiable because you cannot prove that the vax'd would have been worse off without it or that they ever would have caught the virus without it.
>>129103 I think its the latter where they harass people when they are outside, there haven't been any mentions of door to door checks, and other places where ever security/police forces are present. >>522674 Probably its going to be jail time, and I don't think its fun either hanging around with actual criminals.
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>vaccine discussion >niggerpill, huenigger and twatter memes all outta the woodwork in a perfect row
"Worker's Unite! No, not like that!" Canadian Trucker protest is getting flak from the usual suspects so they must be over the target. If trucker protests extend to the U.S. (after Biden decreed a vax mandate for any truckers crossing into the U.S.) the shelves will become even more barren. With plenty of circus, but without bread what comes next?
>>129107 >Interesting, I thought these speech patterns sounded like niggerpill but the actual content was more like luciano: That's because they're the same people retard. This has been known for months.
>>129111 >Everyoen I don't like is fascism I wonder what the next go-to insult is going to be.
>>129108 >This is unfalsifiable because you cannot prove that the vax'd would have been worse off without it You can still compare severity of illness among vaccinated infected people with unvaccinated infected people (though you still need to control for things like age, since older people are more likely to be vaccinated). What isn't meaningful is population-level comparisons like the one I was responding to, because the total number of infections varies based on a range of factors.
>>129031 >>129032 >>129037 >>522304 I propose next bread should be "steam dick" edition :^)
>>522636 Where's the archive nigger >>129093 kek
>>129114 >compare severity of illness among vaccinated infected people with unvaccinated infected people and there's only meaningful data for that outside of the U.S. because again they've decided in a number of states that anyone who has not gotten a booster shot within however many months of their first 2 doses is no longer considered fully vaccinated, and again the CDC does not deem it important to track breakthrough infections for anyone considered fully vaccinated
>>129113 I think it's just because historically fascism existed as a reaction or an antidote to communism, marxism, judaism in general so the proponents of those ideologies see anything opposing them as fascist by default. Their dominance of education has also programmed many to automatically associate anything remotely authoritarian as fascist to the point of "If you oppose your enemies they win!" mentality wherein asserting any authority over enemies is deemed "too fascist". Thankfully, this grip is slipping with time. >>522700 >wagecuck slaves have no power they just want more ZOG dick in their mouths! Sure, and bombing supply lines in war is not a proven tactic. Sucking yourself off this hard is super gay btw: >>522708 >>522710
>>129118 Niggerpill only knows how to caveman samefag, probably hops on his goyphone to post under a different ID just to agree with himself.
>>129082 >a Steam Deck That thread is hilarious with how much people are trying to justify it's usage when presented with normal reasonings.
>>128893 It is not just ugly women. All women hate the fact that fictional girls are more attractive than them, and that the real ones will become ugly as they age, while the fictional ones will stay forever attractive.
>>522707 Dudes living it.
>>129048 The constant retardation of copyright laws. May more people upload full shows and movies all the time, in many platforms, so no company is able to take anything down in the long run.
Rare event going on, all of the autism crusaders are out at the same time.
>>129049 >Tornigger makes a retarded post Sasuga.
>>129124 All of his personalities are reaching their singularity.
>>129066 And I love you.
>>129124 >Autism Crusaders >"Ho, you're approaching me? Instead of getting niggerpilled you're still posting." "I can't kill all the kikes unless I keep posting" >"Oh ho, well then, post as much as you like" ZA BURAKPIRRU STAR PAOLO >THEKIKESWINFORERVERWESHOULDJUSTKILLOURSELVESJAPANCUCKEDWESHOULDABANDONJAPAN WOMENAREWHORESYOUSHOULDNEVERWORKIFSOMEONETRIESTOMAKEYOUWORKTHANKILLTHEM.
>>522636 Nice sources, queerbot.
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>>129130 Fail.
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>>129130 Lmao.
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>>129124 It's probably either one person or the clique again.
>>129101 Social Science Research Council https://docs.candid.org/990/131/131325070/131325070_2019_202031349349300418_990.pdf Board: * Mamadou Diouf - chair * William H. Janeway - secretary * Teresa Pr Caldeira - treasurer * Barbara Stallings * Edward Glaeser * Helen V. Milner / Helen Milner * Isabelle de Laberterie * John Seely Brown * Jose A. Scheinkman * Margaret Levi * Michael Gellert * Peter Nager * Sandra Dawson * Walter W. Powell * Naomi Lamoreaux * Sara Miller McCune * Danah Boyd * Melissa Nobles * Jennifer Richeson * Vishakha Desai * Alondra Nelson - President * Carl Johan Fredrik Palm - VP Admin / Ops * Mary McDonnell - Exec Dir. / SVP of Strategic Learing * Ronald Kassimir - VP Programs * Kristen Lewis - Program Director * Seteney K. Shami - Program Director * Dewey Blanton - Director of Strategic Communications * Tamara Fox - Sr. Advisor, Learning & Eval. Strategy * Lisa Yanoti - Dir. Finance Independent contractors: * Cally Waite * Group Gordon * Devon Provan * Rebecca Ofrane They sponsor Cynthia Miller-Idriss https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1bj4qvj Have fun digging
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Give me a bit, I didn't see the extra posts after refreshing. Gunning for a truck themed thread given the drama between the US and Canadian envoys
>>129137 Wonder if it'll start pouring out into the US, heard some rumor South Carolina truckers were coming out to join the Freedom Convoy in Canada.
>>129137 Here. (I don't think I'll make it in time before you make the new bread, tho)
>>129111 I find it funny that the picture is actually right. Fascism was born out of the Fasci di Azione Rivoluzionaria (Faggots of Revolutionary Action) which is basically syndicalists on steroids demanding the ownership of the group of workers of the means of production, generally speaking they were born because they did not agree with the Internationalist government and other Internationalist socialists (or commies, as we call them). They also frequently protested by marching down to factories and holding strikes. Unlike Unions, which are purely economy based, Fasci were politically minded and just wanted political control of the country, leaving the economy to the market but the actual production in the hands of the workers. >>129094 Should have waited for Novovax
>>129140 I thought fascism was invented by italian WW1 vets that liked communism but were also nationalistic.
>>129139 How is this movie called?
Peter Dinklage just put seven of us out of a job!' >Dwarf actors' fury at Disney for canceling seven dwarves from Snow White remake because the woke multimillionaire Game of Thrones star said they were offensive >Dylan Postl is NOT here for Peter Dinklage's hot take on the "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" remake. >Dylan says that the esteemed actor took things waaay too far... and as a result, he's actually hurting the dwarf community. >We caught up with the actor and former WWE wrestler Wednesday, and he doubled down on his stance, saying the fairytale remake actually gives 7 real-life people in the dwarf community a chance to star in a movie. >He says getting work is elusive for these actors, so such roles are not only important ... they're life-sustaining. >Peter described the story as f***ing backwards"... and criticized Disney's portrayals of the dwarfs as primitive creatures who live in a cave. >Turns out, they actually live in a cottage in the woods, but regardless ... he was not happy. >That's very different than Dylan's take -- he says there's absolutely no issue with how they're portrayed. He adds the dwarfs worked, had a lot of gems and were very dynamic ... as opposed to all checking one box. >Dylan took a slight jab at Peter, who didn't have much to say when he was cast as a dwarf in "Elf" or 'GOT' >so Dylan feels it's disingenuous for him to be so vocal now. >As for Disney, Dylan says he's happy to jump into one of these roles or share them with his friends in the little people community. https://archive.ph/VhuZ6 AJLT Draws Criticism for Anti-Semitic Joke That Aired on Holocaust Remembrance Day: 'Not Planned' >It was not planned but how fitting," And Just Like That... actor Mario Cantone wrote of an anti-Semitic comment in this week's episode, which aired on International Holocaust Remembrance Day >The writers of And Just Like That... are facing some criticism for an ill-timed joke. In this week's episode of the Sex and the City revival, a newly single Anthony (Mario Cantone) arrives for dinner at Charlotte's (Kristin Davis) place with his date Justin (Matthew Wilkas), who remarks that the Holocaust was a hoax before Anthony immediately sends him away. >Oh, is this a Jewish dinner?" Justin asks after Charlotte mentions taking the challah bread out of the oven. "You know the Holocaust is a hoax, right?" >Anthony quickly puts an end to the discussion, demanding that his date "get out!" He later apologizes for bringing Justin to the dinner gathering. >The comment has since drawn backlash for its unnecessary placement, as well as the fact that the episode, entitled "No Strings Attached," aired Thursday, which was International Holocaust Remembrance Day. >Reps for Wilkas, HBO Max, showrunner Michael Patrick King and writers Julie Rottenberg and Elisa Zuritsky did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for comment. >On Twitter Thursday, Cantone, 62, shared a clip of the line, clarifying that the timing was not intentional. "The irony that this came out on Holocaust Remembrance Day... it was not planned but how fitting," he wrote. >Fans of the show still took issue with the comment, sharing their grievances on Twitter. "But remember the random holocaust denial 'joke'? WTF???" wrote one user. >Wtf @AndJustLikeThat — a holocaust denier joke on Holocaust Memorial Day? Seriously… just like wtf wtf wtf," tweeted someone else. >I mean — it's a good question. Why would @AndJustLikeThat @hbomax run an unfunny Holocaust denial joke on Holocaust Remembrance Day?" added another fan. >International Holocaust Remembrance Day is held every year on January 27, commemorating the day the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Red Army in 1945, as well as the six million Jewish people and millions of other minorities who were killed under Nazi Germany https://archive.ph/Fsm8S
>>129111 Wait until the left realized soy boys and BLM can’t fight wars after Biden purged conservatives from the military. That’s probably the real reason America hasn’t invaded Ukraine yet after toppling a pro-Russia democratically elected government.
>>522817 Why do you keep doing this stupid shit? Noone liked it the first time nor did it work, why would you go and do it a second time?
>>129144 NATO allies are also extremelt mad the the USA, atleast here in spain people are mad because the USA didnt back us up with morocco and also pulled out of afghanistan without warning and many spanish troops and personel were left stranded and the goverment had to negotiate with the taliban.
Battlefield 2042 zombies mode removed after one day due to XP farming >A user-created zombies mode was added to Battlefield 2042 just yesterday. The limited-time survival mode seemed like a decent distraction from the typical Battlefield gameplay. >Despite DICE promoting it on the official Battlefield Twitter account, it was removed from the Battlefield Portal less than 24 hours after going live. >As with all of the other issues the Battlefield Portal has faced, it comes down to exploiting progression. >Players quickly found out that the zombie mode was just another bot farming server, leading to tons of criticism from frustrated players. >Because DICE treated the user-created mode as official, it wasn’t privy to the same XP cap that faces the rest of Battlefield Portal. >Players wondered how such an oversight could have slipped through. Ripple Effect Studios Senior Design Director Justin Wiebe agreed with the public sentiment. >Wiebe replied to a frustrated Twitter user, stating, >this shouldn’t have gotten through our review process.” >In the rush to collaborate on a fun mode that could have added positive press, Wiebe claimed that it clouded the team’s ability to determine the sort of impact it could have on progression. >Ripple Effect Studios has been responsible for the Battlefield Portal portion of DICE’s most recent shooter. >There are plans for a new project within the Battlefield universe but the team is still trying to salvage Battlefield 2042’s reputation along with the recently formed studio led by former Halo designer Marcus Lehto. https://archive.ph/PfLD0 Call of Duty: Warzone' studio will try to unionize without Activision Blizzard's blessing >Activision Blizzard had until 6PM ET on January 25th to voluntarily recognize Game Workers Alliance, a group of Raven Software employees that recently gathered the votes to unionize, backed by Communications Workers of America. >That deadline passed without recognition from Activision Blizzard, and Raven employees will now move forward with plans to file for a union election through the National Labor Relations Board. >At Activision Blizzard, we deeply respect the rights of all employees to make their own decisions about whether or not to join a union," an Activision Blizzard spokesperson said. >We carefully reviewed and considered the CWA initial request last week and tried to find a mutually acceptable solution with the CWA that would have led to an expedited election process. Unfortunately, the parties could not reach an agreement." >In a series of tweets, GWA confirmed its plans to file with the NLRB. This was an opportunity for Activision Blizzard to show a real commitment setting new and improved standards for workers," one tweet read. >Instead, Activision Blizzard has chosen to make a rushed restructuring announcement to try and hinder our right to organize." >Events have been unfolding quickly here, so let's break it down by day: January 21st: More than 30 quality assurance testers at Raven Software announced they'd gathered enough signatures to unionize, a move that would make Game Workers Alliance the first union at a large-scale North American video game studio. >Raven is owned by Activision Blizzard and focuses on supporting Call of Duty: Warzone, so this is about as AAA as it gets. Union signatories asked Activision Blizzard leadership to voluntarily recognize GWA by January 25th. >January 22nd: Raven workers ended a weekslong strike against Activision Blizzard, awaiting union recognition from executives. The strike began on December 6th, in response to layoffs of 12 QA testers at Raven — all of whom had signed their names to the unionization effort, according to The Washington Post. >January 24th: Raven head Brian Raffel sent an email to employees announcing "organizational change" that would dissolve QA as a team and transfer those workers to various departments across the studio. >This is known as "embedding" and it's not uncommon at AAA studios. Raffel said embedding was the next logical step in a process that began "several months ago." >As we look ahead at the ongoing expansion of Call of Duty: Warzone, it’s more important than ever that we foster tighter integration and coordination across the studio – embedding will allow for this," Raffel wrote. >The timing of the announcement and the focus on QA testers has concerned activist groups, union signatories at Raven and Activision Blizzard employees who have been fighting for cultural change at the studio since last year. >Activision Blizzard is the subject of a lawsuit and multiple investigations into allegations of systemic gender discrimination and sexual harassment, and employees have walked out multiple times, calling for longstanding CEO Bobby Kotick to resign. >It's unclear how the restructuring at Raven will impact the union going forward, but the worry is that this move will impede members' ability to coordinate with each other. >CWA said on Twitter that the announcement was "nothing more than a tactic to thwart Raven QA workers who are exercising their right to organize." >The CWA thread continued, "When Management uses meaningless buzzwords like ‘alignment,' ‘synergy,’ and ‘reorganization,’ they are sending a message to workers: ‘we make all the decisions, we have all the power.’" >An Activision Publishing spokesperson provided the following response to questions about the timing of the reorganization: >This is the next step in a process that has been carefully considered and in the works for some time, and this structure brings Raven into alignment with the best practices of other prominent Activision studios. >It is also a milestone in our broader plan to integrate QA more into the development process as our teams strive to deliver best in class coordination in real-time, live service operations.” >All of which brings us to today. Activision Blizzard employees have a supermajority of votes in favor of unionizing, and they're bringing their case to the NLRB. >This can be a protracted process, and the longer it takes, the more leverage Activision Blizzard leadership will have. https://archive.ph/hZjCl
Oh FINALLY, it went through. Fuck captchas and vax passes alike; everyone get on board the NEW THREAD: >>522826 >>522826 >>522826 >>522826 >>522826 >>522826 >>522826 >>128701
>>129142 Sandstorm by Darude
>>129149 It hadn't hit 700 though
>>129151 dont matter, people want fresh new ground to shitpost wildly in

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