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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: No Fun In Fallujah Edition Anonymous 04/08/2021 (Thu) 20:34:19 Id: 0a8e21 No. 15545
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >8chan.moe/v/'s board owner makes an interview for a HBO documentary about 8chan and Q (featuring Jim, Ron Watkins, and Firetires) https://archive.is/xCXqp https://archive.is/ZgF3y https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=rK_Gf9H2CWI[Embed] >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt >The Gamergate Thread Repository has been updated >Capcom considering going woke >Kotaku UK and Gizmodo UK close down as Future Publishing licenses lapse http://archive.is/VAU4p >Possible explanation of Sony's censorship https://archive.fo/14BdL CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb
[Expand Post]Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w- #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU- #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
inb4 benis inb4 cunny inb4 feds inb4 niggerpill
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>>15546 There is a cure for benisposting.
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>>15545 This isn't Powerpuff Girls.
>>280590 >>280596 Shoot, saw the suggestions too late when I had this made. The game's topical, at least.
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>>15548 but it is videogames
>>15551 What's a video game?
This is not a Powerpuff thread, wtf OP
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>>280587 >>280590 (shit, I wanted a PPG themed thread) >>280591 >>280593 Reposting the article you're talking about. https://www.newsweek.com/2021/04/16/can-blood-young-people-slow-aging-silicon-valley-has-bet-billions-it-will-1581447.html https://archive.is/qoe20 The title is hard clickbait IMO.
>>15554 What if normalizing abortion was a stepping stone to normalizing living blood bags?
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>>15556 That's just crazy talk haha
>>15553 >>15554 Up until recently the threads were made well after the 700 count was reached. Got to be alert or do it yourself if you want a thread theme done before then. This was probably made right after >>280567 posted.
>>15547 Goblins are for powerbenising on the go. Just take her off your backpack and start powerbenising it in the subway.
>>15559 sounds inconvenient
>>15559 I would prefer to be inside the backpack myself.
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>>15561 chortle
>>15557 >webm just cuts off Garbage
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>>15563 To be fair, given the topic, there is really never a good time to stop.
>>15554 Wouldn't stealing blood from young people be more accurately referred to as "traditional Jewish medicine"?
>>15554 Yeah it's journo sensationalism. They're doing medical research because it has been known for a long time that mice seem to benefit from transfusions with the blood of younger mice. If it eventually results in a treatment nobody really expects blood transfusions themselves to remain the treatment, rather it would provide a target for a drug or something. There's already been studies suggesting it might still work if you just use saline, so the benefit might actually be coming from removing the old blood rather than from the young blood: >Rejuvenation of three germ layers tissues by exchanging old blood plasma with saline-albumin https://www.aging-us.com/article/103418/text Some years ago some journalists were pushing the same thing in connection with Peter Thiel because he invested in a company researching the idea. But investing in fucking medical research doesn't mean he's a vampire stealing the blood of the young, it means he's helping fund long-shot research that would benefit everyone if it actually worked out.
>>15568 Fuck off, you Double Taiwan!
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Is this real? An AI censor that detects words and bleeps them as they are said? I imagine it would need to delay the audio slightly to filter wrongthink. I wonder how long until platforms like Twitch and Youtube build this into the site itself like they do with content matching and how much it will expand to include. I really feel this is a glimpse into an even more dystopian future. Forbidden words or knowledge will be wiped out of existence online using tools like this across the entire internet.
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>>15568 >>280656 I saw that.
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>>15570 >Is this real? An AI censor that detects words and bleeps them as they are said? Yes: https://invidious.tube/watch?v=97Qhj299zRM
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>>15570 >>15572 >Is this real? I made shitposts from it weeks ago
>>15547 >>15548 >>15554 The Powerpuff Girls Are Ready to Save the Day in the First Look at the Live-Action Reboot https://archive.ph/6dgsb >alcoholic Bubbles >Buttercup a dyke and black >Blossom has PTSD >professor a bad father that created child soldiers long before the powerpuff girls >Mojo has a human son that’s stalking blossom >CW powerpuff girls won’t have HIM because of transphobia Anyone ready for CW future Riverdale reboots of Ben 10 and Scooby doo?
>>15570 >Is this real? There's no reason why it couldn't be. There are, right now, products for call centers which analyze the call in real time and display to the operator relevant information about the issues you (the customer) are describing.
>>15574 Not really. Besides, someone needs to be completely retarded to expect anything good from live-action reboots.
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>>280670 take your meds killcen
>>280670 awesome
>>15574 >Anyone ready for CW future Riverdale reboots of Ben 10 and Scooby doo? Scooby-Doo Apocalypse already happened.
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>>15575 Worshiping (((approved))) sources / science has gotten way out of hand.
>>15574 >Anyone ready for CW future Riverdale reboots of Ben 10 and Scooby doo? Didn't previous live action movies of these series bombed, just like all live action productions made by CN? One would imagine that CN would give up on that kind of stuff after extreme failures like Re-animated and its CN Real block (where only two series were successful enough to get more seasons, while another failed so hard that it only got 6 episodes that are considered lost because nobody bothered to save them), but no, they still insist on this shit.
>>280670 Why is this deleted? That's awesome.
>>15574 I just don't understand who they are targeting with this? Riverdale seems to have worked with the same kind of people who were into Twilight or whatever but this? They could have at least made the characters younger.
>>15576 >products for call centers which analyze the call in real time and display to the operator relevant information about the issues you (the customer) are describing. They never had that software at the call center I worked at two years ago.
>>15583 Because it's the retard who insists on using the GG threads as his own personal Twatter page.
>>15548 Powerpuff Girls isn't videogames.
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>>15583 G-rod bringing the heat. Also i'm pretty sure crabposting was something that happened on /n/ years ago, so it's funny to see it crop up again.
>>15572 >Use of the N-word including all its variations Would that include negroid?
>>15575 Vaccine cant even do any of this with all the variants out
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>>15574 As soon as I read your post I knew Buttercup would be the nigger
>>15588 I remember julay /n/ having a ridiculous amount of crab threads.
>>15581 >>15590 You can also post your own variants. You know, in case you have a poem about vaccines you would really like to be put out there.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate
>>15575 >Vaccine poem In the cringe folder
>>15575 >>15594 Do you think they'll accept these poems? I call it >Worthless Vaccine (1) Vaccine why are you so useless? My Grandfather died because of your side effects gave him high fever Those who believe these vials are a cure alls are clueless Thanks to you he is gone forever Vaccine how can you be called effective When against all these variants you are defective >Worthless Vaccine (2): A Haiku Shamed father submits A needle pricks through his skin Death comes in his sleep
>>15575 Speaking of the vaccine, has any more info about the J&J come out after that skin peeling effect?
>>15598 >after that skin peeling effect? What did I miss? Archive?
>>15597 Worthless, gay vaccine Covid, less likely to kill Fuck off, glowdoctors
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>>15598 Seems at least two vaccines do this both Johnson and Johnson and Astrazeneca https://archive.is/prIwy https://archive.is/mWW6h >>15600 Dubs confirm its naisu
>>15600 Vaxfags desire A return to normalcy Just go outside, duh
Gamasutra: Six Days in Fallujah tramples over the human cost of the Iraq War https://archive.ph/JZKSN The Public Medievalist: Improving Dungeons and Dragons: Racism and the “Barbarian" https://archive.fo/e0ScU
>>15602 Experimental China-style gene therapy Grandkids with defects
>>15605 That's not a haiku. The second line has 8 syllables.
>>15606 shit
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>>15604 Is this faggot conveniently forgetting that Viking berserkers were raping and pillaging as well. Grooming does not make you civilized if half the time you went about stealing other peoples shit. Also the Bare shirt is disproven as hell. Since most depictions of Berserkers by the vikings themselves show them in said Bear Skin. Fucking imbecile. Also BULLFUCKINGSHIT, Native Americans were scalping each other wayyyy before the white man set force in Merica. Evidence of such was found in battlefields and graves that predates colonization IE the Crow creek Massacre and several other mass graves So this retard can fuck straight off >>15607 remove gene to make it work
>>15606 It's also not a haiku because it doesn't have a reference to one of the four seasons.
>>15609 I would have just replaced "China" with "Chink", but I suppose that works too.
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>>15547 I want to impregnate a goblin.
>>15592 Surprising they didn't black face Blossom like all the other gingers. >>15601 >Take my chance with a virus that has an extremely small kill rate or >Take a rushed vaccine that we have no idea about the long term side effects could be. It's like people don't know history or something.
>>15610 Grandkids are leafless?
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>>15612 I think this is the only lewd pic of that gobololi.
"Style" is considered by most formal sources to have one syllable, not two. Sometimes possessing a certain accent or a dialect can alter people's perception of how many syllables are in some words. Seriously, I was having a stroke there for a minute wondering why so many people were getting eight syllables while I only got seven.
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Daily Reminder to visit the following boards to discuss lewds. >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/rule34/ - Self- explanatory at this point >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn
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>>15617 Fun fact: Your perseverance was rewarded with a site-wide reminder.
>>15613 >Take my chance with a virus that has an extremely small kill rate or >Take a rushed vaccine that we have no idea about the long term side effects could be. >It's like people don't know history or something. Dumb fucks arguing about the last two points piss me off the most. Wait for the bugs to be fixed is all im asking Also people still have to wear masks even after you get the shot, and the shot is ineffective against the most prevalent variants. So there is literally no point in getting one.
>>15615 I really like her cute little halftone pattern.
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>>15615 The only lewd image of the series for that matter, which is a shame. Imagine what we could've had.
>>15619 Well I guess that means I can stop these shit post reminders.
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>>15623 Now do it for another category of boards, like hobbies or random boards. Promotional board banners when?
>>15624 >>>/loomis/, lord knows this place needs more active drawfags.
>>15613 Honestly, I'm surprised no one's complained about the aggressive one being casted as a black girl yet
>>15609 >Second pic Does this mean viking helmets did in fact have horns after all.
>>15624 >>>/ck/ >>>/vhs/ >>>/from/ >>>/fast/ >>>/comfy/ All need love. >>>/x/ >>>/vapour/ Need to be brought back to life.
>>15627 Thats Odin, being followed by a berserker Archeological evidence suggest they never wore it But some believe they were worn for ritual or religious purpose
>>15624 >>15625 >>15628 >>>/polarchive/ needs more than one person posting. I get that being the only person that posts ensures the quality is consistent, but at the same time having 353 of all 354 posts on the board be from myself is not very encouraging.
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>>15575 Gee, Satan, has poetry always been full of mentally ill faggots? I don't see much poets that are well aware of all of the pozz in the world.
>>15629 Now the Sea Peoples on the other hand. >>15630 This is why we need the Attention Hungry Games again.
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>>15632 For the longest time i assumed the sea people were proto vikings.
>>15628 Aww sweet a vaporwave board. >>15624 Wouldn't it be hilarious if someone like stuck a hose up Yoshi's mouth and he inflated like a balloon, that would be so funny if someone drew that hahaha
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>>15632 >dude completely wrapped in heavy armor wielding a two handed polearm >leg guards checks out >dude wearing lighter armor and an axe >no shield >no leg guards who needs legs anyways
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>>15631 Poetry itself for the most part is pozzed. If you're not a pentatonic master of language like Shakespeare chances are you're just some faggot writing about his problems with no skill or substance. >>15632 >>15633 Jesus, just earlier I was reading about some guy freaking out over people suddenly talking about something he'd recently read. And now here I am watching two random anons mention the Sea Peoples, who I literally just the other day heard about through looking up more info regarding the Bronze Age collapse.
>>15606 "style" is considered to have only one syllable by linguistic scholars
>>15635 Expect the unexpected.
>>15632 That neck guard looks like a mario pipe.
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https://archive.is/Q5OPe Games Journalists don't deserve jobs
>>15641 Games like Sea of Thieves and Outriders? Absolutely, please stop making them
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>>15641 fixed
>>15641 >the abuse we got was so damaging that Rare hired a shrink
>>15572 >its real Oh God.
>>15641 >sell an always online product that could easily have offline single player >servers shit the bed >people rightly give you shit for a problem of your own creation <y-you don't deserve the product you spent money on anyways goyim All it would take is for developers to make games that don't needlessly have always online for solo play and no one would care about your retarded server issues. But these kikes want to both create unethical software as a service as they cry about people calling them out on their shitty service model not even functioning. The jew cries out as he strikes you.
>>15646 They could also allow players to make their own servers right?
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>>15647 Absolutely, but cucksoles and absolute control for that microtransaction/DLC money though. It's a piece of garbage loot and shoot though, the only people Steamcucks are buying it droves is because some faggots on Twitch and Discuck are shilling it hard because outside of that there's barely any marketing.
>>15637 You gotta really give a shit about history to know something so obscure. Its not like this shit is ever really discussed because it has no practical way of entering a discussion >>15643 >Take someones money >refuse all refunds >people vent their rage I'm disgusted you took someones money and have the gall to insult them. Can't believe they'd rather pay a therapist then refund the money
>>15647 Sure, but that will never happen. As far as I'm aware the game in question is just some looter shooter diablo FPS bullshit. It has a solo play option but requires a connection, like the absolute kiked game Diablo 3 did for absolutely no fucking reason. Ironically that piece of shit was plagued with server issues as well. Most of these games are better played solo anyways and yet the second your internet or their servers fuck up boom, your game ceases to exist.
>>15647 That's another reason why they get shit on. They arguably deserve it for not allowing players to make their own servers. I don't wanna sound irrational like luciano, but the fact that these issues can easily be solved by allowing the community to make their own servers or making the game playable offline with bots gives these people no excuse for their incompetence.
>>15641 Of course they deserve jobs; just not as journalists.
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>>15652 So you're saying they should be jannies for online communities?
>>15653 They already are on their own shithole websites. He means IRL
>>15654 I know, I was making a joke.
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>>15547 >Goblins
>>280788 Did you mean to post this on /pol/ anon?
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>>15656 Goblins are for fug, nothing more nor less. *They are the perfect size, after all.*
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>>15628 Reminder that you can use the thread watcher to be notified when a post is submitted to a thread you're interested in regardless of which board that thread is in or which board you're currently browsing.
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>>280788 Fucking Yurop.
>>15665 regular fag
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Meanwhile, on Twitter: https://archive.is/Wa26z
>>15667 What's the average life span of a bone goblin? Can I hope to see him dead within the next 10 years?
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>>15632 >This is why we need the Attention Hungry Games again. I fully support a reboot of the Attention Hungry Games revival. A new general arena has been made and is awaiting for anons' feedback. Right now it needs more ideas for lethal events. https://brantsteele.net/hungergames/r.php?c=xaqK4idd It also been brought up in the previous threads for arenas based on the boards for variety. Would anons support this? A few examples. >/t/ themed battle arena where the participants are stuck inside a cyberspace world. >/ck/ would be something like Hell's Kitchen or Iron Chef >another general battle arena would be an abandoned shopping mall
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>>15668 Average doesn't matter, because for every low data point, there's a high data point. He'll live forever, as an anomaly, to spite us
>>15641 >replies and mean comments were so damaging that Rare hired a psychologist to give group therapy Wow. How did these people survive long enough to reach adulthood? >>15667 Disgusting.
>>15672 Seems like a very specific set of variables that need to be met. The likelihood of a linux machine in the wild that is bluetooth capable or has it enabled, that also happens to be in range of someone actively exploiting this vulnerability seems astronomically low. I always have my chinkpad's wifi and bluetooth hardware switch flipped to completely disable them unless I'm doing something that specifically makes me require it. Bluetooth is a security nightmare in general, but I'm glad this will probably get fixed at least now.
>>15672 >using bluetooth at all
>>15673 >Wow. How did these people survive long enough to reach adulthood? They certainly didn't reach mental adulthood
>>15635 Leg armour was actually uncommon for most of history, the most common you would see being shin-guards and long mail shirts or those flaps that hang from the hips whose name escapes me atm. Instead of armouring their legs and hindering their movement, soldiers would just use their legs to get out of the way.
>>15674 Would still have interesting implications if an irl worm virus was made, infecting all nearby bluetooth enabled linux machines. Of course the overlap between people using linux, period, and people with bluetooth enabled is likely low.
>>15671 He gets some points for messing with 8kunt.
>>15677 In melee military confrontations, soldiers would never aim for the lega out of practicality. You may injure your opponent or cripple them but you’ll never kill them with that alone, at least not without opening yourself to attack. Arrows are a problem but no wearable armor of the time would have stopped it anyways
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>>15679 Fucking with Jim and Ron for being insufferable rat kikes is one thing, abandoning all of your core principles in the process is another. Plus bone goblin has always been a rat fuck. From sunshine to him advertising the site to reddit niggers and ignoring his userbase, he's a fucking retard like the rest of them. Having a mutual enemy doesn't give him any points.
>>15641 >>15643 Fucking Pathetic!
>>15677 >>15681 Well clearly "getting out of the way" wasn't that effective since people invented leg armor
>>15672 Bluetooth is such a pain in the ass security wise. >>15680 I was going to comment on this, the article mentions they were discovered almost a year ago. However they mentioned a patch for Linux 5.10 on October but 5.10 was released in December. Also >Nguyen discovered the flaws and conveyed the technical details to Intel, the maintainers of the Linux Bluetooth subsystem, in July 2020. A BadVibes fix was issued on July 30, and patches for BadChoice and BadKarma arrived on September 25. <However, the patches “weren’t included in any released Kernel versions” when the flaws were publicly disclosed by Google and Intel on October 13, said Nguyen Bunch of mouthbreathers.
>>15677 Leg armor was uncommon because shields were extremely common, and when you got an xbox huge shield you dont need the leg armor.
>>15687 I guess that explains why the Japanese never really took to shields.
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>>15669 I enjoyed time from time to time.
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>>15688 You have to remember that Japan isn't rich in metals so they really have to prioritize what to make & how to make it.
Any of you guys watch the new Path of Exiles 2 trailer
>>15688 As far as I know, Japan isn't really that rich when it comes to resources like metal, but animal hide are abundant, so they maximized on what they have, hence the birth of their hauberk armor.
>>15691 >///path of tencent\\\ lol
>>15690 But why not carry around a big old piece of wood so you can block shit?
>>15686 My theory is that the patches were distributed as standalone updates for Linux 5.9 (and backported to older kernels) until they were merged into Linux 5.10. Goolag's own document about the vulnerability mentions the merge: https://google.github.io/security-research/pocs/linux/bleedingtooth/writeup.html#timeline >2020-09-29 – Patches merged with 5.10 linux-next branch.
>>15693 That explains the musical choices actually

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>>15694 >annoying everyone around you with your fucking log Stab the fucker and problem solved, bro.
>>15694 Samurai prefer to use weapons that require two hands. Spears especially because they don't require a lot of skill to use & keep the enemy at a distance.
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>>15697 > landsknecht Now I didn't know we had men of taste here.
>>15691 >>15696 I stopped giving a shit when they changed the Lioneye's Watch town music
>>15698 Don't spearmen in Japan have training regimes to teach these footsoldiers on how to properly fight using a spear? I think there's fighting styles in Japan that involves spears, aside from their tachis and katanas.
>>15698 Samurai also loved testing out their new swords on passing peasantry and random strangers
>>15701 I'm sure they do but it's still not hard for a common bandit to use one. >>15702 Maybe but that's irrelevant to anything being discussed.
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>>15701 >implying that's still not a thing https://www.yewtube.com/watch?v=QOWjq3P725E
>>15630 >>15628 >>15624 This is what I have right now. Daily Reminder to visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest. >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/vg/ - Actual Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement.
>>15695 >standalone updates What does that even mean? Kernel updates are all or nothing. Unless the Bluetooth's driver was not compiled in I guess.
>>15706 If only this site had a board list with a description of what each board is for and their activity metrics to make this more convenient.
>>15708 Promotional banners are needed more or less as >>15624 mentioned.
>>15708 Why use that, when the gamergay thread is the homepage where you can access all the rest of the site from?
>>15709 While I don't have any issue with promo banners and think they're a good idea, they aren't going to solve the problem of everyone using this thread as a catch all watercooler thread.
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>>280882 Admitting he doesn't give a shit like most establishment politicians with the only difference is that he's awful at saving face due to having compromised mental functions. >>15711 It would bring more activity to other threads that need it. This place needs more content activity though not to the point of flooding with stale shit like PPH addict would want. Plus these threads can off the rails often and we need consistent places with more activity.
>>15710 >>15713 >8moe users going to any porn thread here Only hgg might have a chance (and even then there's the semi-active jerks at plw) Other than that, most users are probably 25+ years old
I am going to fuck niggerpill in the ass so hard he gives birth to mulattopill.
>>15714 I'll have you know i'm 24
>>15716 Thanks for helping my datamining fellow anon :^)
>>280882 Real kickers are: >Suspected Atlanta shooter Robert Long, 21, reportedly bought a semi-automatic pistol from a dealer after passing a background check on the day of the killings. >Suspected Boulder grocery store gunman Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, also 21, bought a Ruger AR-556 pistol after passing a background check six days before the attack.
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>>15718 >Law against murder doesn't stop man from murdering after deciding to murger Gee, the answer is more laws obviously
>>15719 the obvious kicker is they both got the guns legally after passing a background check, meaning those did nothing at all to stop it.
>>15721 Crazy shit, man. It's almost like people lie, and the things that pushed them that far had nothing to do with gun control or restricting their actions.
>>15718 >>15719 >>15721 >>15722 Ain't just a crazy coinkydink how all these mass shootings have started up again after there being in a 4 year lull?
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>>15670 >@ken.makes.memes
>>15726 It's a meme, you dweeb. Made by an epic internet memer
>>15631 >I don't see much poets that are well aware of all of the pozz in the world. H.P. Lovecraft.
>>15606 Haiku's are impossible in English. Haiku's are based around morae, not syllables. That's a completely different thing. ganbatte is three syllables but 5 morae.
>>15575 Poetry was always simplified, bastardized literature for illiterate peasants. Once the common man learned how to read and write in childhood, and with age could read novels and longer forms of text, written poetry outlived its use.
>>280882 >No Amendment to Constitution is absolute Spoken like a true fascist.
>>15732 I mean, he's not wrong per ce; they made the 21st amendment to nullify the 18th. I'm looking forward to them nullifying the 15th and 19th, personally.
>>15731 I fucking hate poetry with all my passion. It's meaningless drivel made to pour out emotions in a time people had severely limited options for non social entertainment and yet modern society romanticizes it like it's some sort of fucking master craft.
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>>15641 >Had to hire a psychologist for group therapy Is this the power of the Peter Muskrat Amry?
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>>15689 That is what I'm hoping to see in the reboot of the attention games.
>>15734 It makes sense when looking at how man learned how to read, write, and even act over time. As people gradually comprehended long passages of text that could be captivating with more complicated and descriptive writing, poetry lost its appeal as a written art form. And once you had musical performers that could write lyrics and theater actors that could memorize scripts that stretched all margins of a page, poetry was outpaced as a spoken art. It's like the primordial ooze of literary and performance writing.
The only time I've found poetry appealing is when it's part of a song. >>15737 >And once you had musical performers that could write lyrics and theater actors that could memorize scripts that stretched all margins of a page You DO realize that "poets" as far back as the first couple millennia before Christ were required to memorize and recite ENTIRE SAGAS without error and the lack of a manuscript, right?
I'm probably being very slow, but Yahoo Answers is shutting down in May 1st. Is there any way to archive the site? This a fucking of content getting lost forever.
>>15739 >Is there any way to archive the site? https://archive.today/ https://archive.org/

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>>15739 I'm hoping there's enough autists crawling that thing right now. Single piece archives ain't gonna cut it.
>>15707 >What does that even mean? I don't know. I'm assuming that patches were distributed as updates until they were merged in the kernel. >>15708 I could create a /dir/ectory board where anons can shill list other boards and even their bunkers.
Archive of previous bread: https://archive.ph/m4tbG
>>15742 Creating board activity is a much more complicated problem than just making random lists in threads. I'd say the overboard and side catalog need to be overhauled to really solve the problem, along with watched threads being tweaked/integrated into the side catalog. The other solution being just straight up shilling/advertising, but that wouldn't create organic thread discovery, just artificially inject normalniggers here.
>>15744 You can't attract more people without advertising to more people.
>>15745 I wasn't talking about attracting people, I was talking about creating activity. One of the biggest issues with imageboards is that it's simply too cumbersome to keep track of the threads and conversations that are taking place at any given moment. With a few UX tweaks I think that problem could be mitigated.
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>>15746 OwO wut's this?
>>15746 Personally I just don't wanna bother with dead boards when this thread gets all the attention so I can get shit in a timely manner.
>>15748 >I just don't wanna bother So, you're lazy.
>>15748 I just posted on a few boards already. Do your part
>>15747 You don't seem to understand what UX means. A list of the latest posts existing doesn't create activity. And you could have just posted the overboard instead, it conveys what you wanted to show even better. >>15748 That's the exact problem I'd want solved. Effectively distributing attention across the entire site through having a highly functional side catalog that properly integrates watched threads and a custom overboard with whitelists and blacklists. >>15749 It's partially laziness but it's also a problem that can be solved with a better UI and properly utilizing the side catalog to its fullest extent.
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>people complaining about slow threads >not using the watch thread function to jump back when there's activity across boards Literally how I keep up with half of /ck/ I should buy some groceries, running low
>>15751 The point is we already have that kind of feature. That's not gonna boost activity on other boards though. The fact is the bulk of activity is on cuckchan because people know what that is. They don't know we even exist.
>>15738 >You DO realize that "poets" as far back as the first couple millennia before Christ were required to memorize and recite ENTIRE SAGAS without error and the lack of a manuscript, right? You're right, and that's all the more reason poetry is gay and outdated. >spoiler I think I've read more song lyrics that read as good without music than most actual poems.
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>>15753 Most don't. But I've seen a few crossposters in some threads, lately.
>>15753 Functionality that isn't integrated properly is wasted potential. >The fact is the bulk of activity is on cuckchan because people know what that is You're a fucking retard, what kind of faggot mindset is this? <oy vey don't improve the sites UI we should just beg cuckchan niggers to come here Fucking degenerates like you need to be shot. An overhauled side catalog turned into a customizable overboard with a slight tweaking of the watched thread mechanism would create more organic activity. Organic activity is of much higher quality. Seeking activity while ignoring how it's generated is how you fucking destroy an imageboard. Kill yourself you stupid fuck.
>>15756 Man you're retarded.
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>>15755 These people need parents.
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https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2021/04/09/english-eiyuu-senki-wwx-censored-go-play-the-japanese-version/?pg=X https://archive.is/Xmzcz English Version of Eiyuu Senki WWX Censored for the western release. Told anyone concerned with the censorship to play the Japanese version instead. Censored scenes are covered using CG cut-ins of other scenes as shown on the third image.
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>>15759 >make living selling degenerate manga shit to lonely virgins >"Oh no, this degenerate eroge is too degenerate. Gotta cut it" >Self-sabotage your own sales and subscriptions Porn peddlers can't even worship the almighty dollar
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>>15755 >self-harming over fucking drawn pubes Remember when this faggotry was encouraged to be ridiculed?
>>15732 >>No Amendment to Constitution is absolute He's right though, in theory. It's just really fucking hard to do, and almost impossible with the big 10, the Bill of Rights. That's why it's easier for them to just ignore them as much as possible and carve out exemptions under a mountain of case law.
>>15763 Except those exemptions could be considered unconstitutional in of themselves considering they violated the second amendment.
>>15762 It still would be, if it weren't for cocksuckers like Twatter ruining peoples' lives by digging into their past and using anything they said about retards against them to get them fired from jobs.
Organic posting hours I see.
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>>15759 >Censored scenes are covered using CG cut-ins of other scenes as shown on the third image. That's even cheaper than Sony's "Holy Light of Eternal Chastity" technique. And speaking of the light, here are two templates that you can use for shitposting purposes.
>>15766 Sometimes this gets mildly annoying, but its still supremely funny how butthurt GG seems to make people.
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>>281053 >email some tranny faggot to call them mean names I think I'll do just about anything else with my time instead.
>>281056 Harassing random degenerates on the internet is pretty gay. You should be working on your garden.
>>15771 It was all the rage back in the day though. But that was before you risked being arrested for saying mean words
>>281056 you're doing a real good job of fitting in, journo.
>>15570 Can't you just like Pronounce the word differently? And bypass the billions dollars tech?
>>15772 And gayops were just as retarded back then.
>>15774 That's naive -- they would have plenty of accented pajeets/cucked britbongs/frogs/etc and slurring bixnooding niggers to teach their AIs. Diversity, ironically enough, is their strength in this scenario.
>>15776 I don't think that's the point he's making, for example Negro in Spanish means black. Are they going to stop all Spanish people from saying black?
>>15776 >>15774 Apparently normalniggers are mad about it because there's a slider for "misogyny", implying that there are acceptable amounts of misogyny one could tolerate.
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>>15731 >Poetry was always simplified, bastardized literature for illiterate peasants Poetry was always short songs consisting of interchangable blocks. Only once they became forced upon people as something exclusively written down through schools did it become the pretentious bullshit you see today. Think to yourself, what point is there to rhymes when they are unspoken? If they are spoken, they sound nice and have a certain rhythm to them. It makes you want to listen to it and join in. When they are not, they lose this aspect completely: it becomes a chore to read it. It is not simplified literature. Poetry was bastardised by fags that do nothing but read books all day and jerk off to specific authors and publishing houses as they have been taught through endless repetition. In schools it is never about you being part of the culture and thus being what shapes it, it is about you being some foreign entity looking at it from the outside and finding the next book publisher to hand your money to. >Once the common man learned how to read and write in childhood, and with age could read novels and longer forms of text Most longer texts are filled with nothing but complete fucking pointless padding that exists to give retards the illusion that what they are buying in the store is worth the overblown price tag. Not even necessarily for this one particular text but also for their other texts that they are selling. Can't have one short work make the other look bad by outperforming all others by a wide margin, the short one needs to be changed to accomodate. If there is a novel out there that is around 20 pages, you can most certainly bet there will be a team of editors working their hardest to turn this beautiful twenty page work into a three-hundred-and-fifty page abomination. Poems being short being some sort of disease that needs to be rooted out seems that way to you because you are used to shoveling shit in your mouth and have even developed a liking to the taste. Also >illiterate peasants I like how you are peddling Rennaisance myth about "the dark ages". You do know everyone knew how to read, right? It was only until a priest got assblasted about how he couldn't find very many Latin texts or texts written in Latin script from that period that he simply labelled the time period as completely devoid of progress.
>>15777 Yes. You're dealing with sheltered millenials who barely understand anything about the cultures (if they aren't Jews who use it as a means to an end to amass unquestioned power). They'll happily fuck over user experience if it means it can't be used as a mean word occasionally used by ebil gaymers.
>>15781 NO RETREAT
The BBC and Pedowood are getting new amenities: On-set nurseries. Now wait a generation until the people that are there are dead so we can hear about all the child abuse that got covered up. https://archive.is/yato1
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Star Trek being openly communist. https://archive.is/Nwi68 https://archive.is/zF1xk https://archive.is/qoOvr Remember this the next time they bitch about nazis
>>15784 I want a nationalist capitalist space sci fi story where even the aliens have different cultures and countries in their planets.
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>>15785 >where even the aliens have different cultures and countries in their planets. That's one of the things that always bothered me about sci-fi. All the exploration and events taking place on other worlds always feels so small and insignificant because they ONLY show a small portion of the planet. It's like if an alien race visited ONLY New York City, Belgium, Moscow, Death Valley, the Cape of Good Hope, Shanghai, Jerusalem, OR Chernobyl; conducted a brief survey; and declared that one section of the planet represented the ENTIRETY of Earth.
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I cannot fathom the deep heart pain refugees must feel in seeing young opulant Americans violently push for the same system those poor refugees literally fled for their lives from. On rafts. Risking death. Because dying while fleeing was, at that point, BETTER than continuing to live in a socialist state.
>>15739 Archive Team is supposedly working on it but they haven't written the code to start archiving it yet. https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Yahoo!_Answers
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Prince Philip died of being old as fuck COVID, Britain going back into lockdown. Archive is still fucked for me so here's a Daily Mail direct link. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9453577/Prince-Philip-dead-Australian-PM-Scott-Morrison-leads-world-leaders-paying-tribute.html
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>>15784 I am the Star Wars Fascist now.
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>>15784 I could be wrong, but I think people all over the political autism spectrum misinterpret Star Trek. It's a sci-fi story about humans from Earth, setting aside their differences, and being a part of something greater than them. The plots of the episodes usually deal with some grand idea with a degree of separation from contemporary events.
>>15759 This disgusts me to the core, death to the faggots who fail to localize properly. This is exactly why I started learning nip 5 years ago.
>>15794 The dog behind knows something.
>>15784 The federation was always communist. The only reason it can even exist is because they have a deus ex machina called the replicator that solved all their resource problems like food and energy.
>>15797 Wasn't the Federation based off of then Socialist Sweden? Who's biggest source of revenue was ABBA?
>>15798 It's standard utopian wank, so even if it wasn't, the two share a common ancestor.
>>15798 Possibly but i doubt Sweden had their own secret police willing to commit genocide to preserve the party i mean the federation.
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>>15769 >Gangster Police
>>15801 Police are gangster but not all gangsters are police
>>15784 Star Trek always been for fags. Liking anything but the original series and deep space 9 is beyond homosexuality.
>>15803 What about Enterprise?
>>281194 > Zack Snyder's Justice League vs. Falcon & the Winter Soldier Theyre both shit, but Falcon and the Winder Soldier is a whole other level of garbage.
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Intel, A 'White Nationalism' Slider Ain't It https://archive.vn/TbKIR >It’s ghastly that something like this ever left a whiteboard, let alone made it all the way into a major presentation, but then we’re years past the point where we should be expecting companies like Intel to think about anything except ways it can waste millions trying to use its own technology to combat deeply human problems. >Maybe there was a good intention here at some point. Letting people enjoy a safer online experience is, after all, a very good thing! But this, this is not the way to do it. Hateful speech is something that needs to be educated and fought, not toggled on a settings screen. Crab Market Detailed Analysis of Current Industry Scenario with Growth Forecasts to 2026 >The Crab market report offers a detailed explanation regarding the key segments and sub-segmentation including the product types, applications, and regions by describing the new products launched, innovative technologies, and other key factors. It evaluates the emerging market size, performance, and scope of each segment of the global Crab market. The report provides a lengthy analysis of various major players in the market and describes their recent major activities that help change the market positions of these companies. https://archive.vn/IaDdk
>>15805 What did disney do now, does that show cause cancer too?
>>15807 I have seen this shit at TJ max
>>15807 >carcinogens That's another way of saying 'made in China'.
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>>15804 Also for fags
>>15806 >>281194 Why do you refuse to posting ANY of this on /pol/?
>>15807 >they already knew years ago that hand sanitizer was bad because it's like microdosing a topical antibiotic, leading to stronger bacteria surviving >alcohol cant kill a virus because a virus is not a living organism >scamdemic happens >everyone wearing masks that are soaked in formaldahyde and aniline >everyone getting swabs up their nose that leave plastic spines embedded in their mucus membrane >everyone getting experimental vaccines and gene therapies injected that had a myriad of debilitating side effects and cause extreme allergic reactions >cant even stop wearing masks just because you got the shots >everyone religiously using hand sanitizer causing their skin to crack and open to contagions >also it has a known carcinogen >all to not catch a cold that's easily beaten by just taking vitamin c and zinc every day
>>15813 Modern consumerist society is a fucking nightmare
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>>15807 Finally Disney doing something useful and harming its retarded fan base
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>>15814 Oh yeah and I forgot that the news today just reported that the CDC has declared racism a "serious threat" to public health. https://archive.is/Cw4HY
>>15806 >Crab Market Detailed Analysis of Current Industry Scenario with Growth Forecasts to 2026 /newsplus/ pls go and stay go
>>15816 I don't consider myself a outright racist person, but if getting rid of all the beaners, niggers, and rapefugees will finally get people to leave me the fuck alone, I'm all for it.
>>15816 Are they talking about black-on-white racism? Because if so I wholeheartedly agree.
>>15816 So does that mean calling someone a nigger will kill them?
>>15807 Fucking hell say what you want about lucas but at least he never sold kids shit like this for a buck
>>15821 Pretty sure that those 70s action figures had lead on em or some sshit
>>15807 >giving kids cancer Implying that kids give a shit about star wars anymore. The only people that this is giving cancer would be redditors.
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>>15821 >but at least he never sold kids shit like this for a buck~
>>15818 I used to be of the opinion that shipping non-whites to their respective countries of origin would solve the problem but I think nothing less than straight up genocide of those subhumans would help in the long run - plus getting rid of the kikes, of course.
>>15822 >lead I got my Voltron confiscated for shit like this.
>>15822 i don't believe they did. There doesnt seem to be a mass recall for em >>15824 What did lucas sell?
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>>15825 The amount of merchandise Star War has and for how long it has had, 50 fucking years now, means it is inevitable that it had harmful shit in it, if not for cheap negligence, by complete fucking ignorance.
>>15641 >group therapy for mean things strangers say about you on the big bad internet, for a barren ass game that was gestating in development for like 5 years Imagine if this retard was working at Rare in the N64 era and churning out game after game for like 5 years while simultaneously being micro managed by Nintendo.
>>15820 Weaponized racism, the future of warfare.
>>15830 Brings new meaning to N-Bomb.
>>15825 It's not people of other races who I have an issue with. IT'S THE FUCKING BLEEDING HEARTS WHO BELIEVE IN THE 30TH PARALLEL (That it is the obligation of "better societies" to raise up "worse societies")!!! If anyone from a culture DOES want to raise themselves out of their terrible condition, all the better for them and I fully support it and may want to help them on their progress, as long as they don't require me to displace myself in order for them to do accomplish it or expect me to do the work for them. If they don't want to improve their living condition, that's on them and they shouldn't bitch about how terrible things are.
>>15828 All i can find is a boba fett action figures that possibly blinded a kid >>15832 >That it is the obligation of "better societies" to raise up "worse societies Just call it what is Liberals white mans burden and call it a day
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Post hood swfs
>>15832 The thing about uplifting the darkies is holding them accountable as equals, where as nowadays the bleeding hearts CALL them equal but then spin around and blame everything but the people themselves for their living condition. I'm all for equality but that also means that when a nigger does bad at math we blame the individual and not the teachers, the education system, or the math itself, and if a bunch of jigaboos are bad at math then maybe they're just fucking stupid as a race.
>>15834 It's because he is gay
>>15758 I love white people
>>15834 If only he hadn't taken drugs then everyone would know for sure.
>>15833 >Just call it what is Liberals white mans burden and call it a day But's it's not a Liberal ideology! Coining it as the 30th Parallel came from Bishop Sheen (An extremely anti-Socialist televangelist) back in the 50's: https://invidio.is/watch?v=KlgDsbAl8jY The Late 1800's colonization was ALL about justifying the practices a "teaching process" for the undeveloped and "uncivilized" territories. Even Jefferson wrote about how American slavery was justified as a method to teach the niggers. This isn't white man's guilt, it's a superiority complex.
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>>15838 Just conveniently after the vaccine. No drug-induced heart attacks before that. Only a week right after the vaccine.
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>>15834 He's dead now confirmed by family >>15840 But he was also on drugs so that muddies things a bit.
>>15841 >Nigger who makes a living singing about the glorification of his criminal behavior dies. >Niggers are sad. Well, black culture lost one of their greatest heroes.
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> Covid kills niggers good This is a brighter future than i had hoped
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>>15834 >>15841 looks like he's DOOOOOOOOOO
>>15843 How many black people died of COVID already if any?
>>15841 >>15842 >But he was also on drugs so that muddies things a bit. It's like George Floyd all over again.
>>15841 lmao
>>15843 won't be long for you, nana
>>15839 Today's Liberals white man burden. Everyone with half a brain realized this was a shit idea. >>15846 Drugs have been making clear cut cases harder for years. Some dumb fuck swallows his stash and overdoses, dumb cop can't recognize the warning signs. Shit hits the fan
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>>15844 Very nice
Back to my question, what did Falcon and the Winter Soldier do anyways that's so cancerous?
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Nic Kelman leaves WotC >A small blip of improvement in the cancer that is WotC, "Director of Entertainment Development" Nic Kelman is gone. He was the literal pedo who fucked with the Dragonlance books, said continuity didn't matter, and was a just plain old terrible writer who can't keep viewpoint consistent when writing https://twitter.com/KelmanNic/status/1378781202706952192 https://archive.ph/lRAD5 Not much to really say here, saw this on smug's /tg/ board.
>>15811 Too soon.
>>15851 Black lives matter you white supremacist.
>>15784 But Star Trek was never any form of Socialism. Socialism is a form of government/economic policy. THERE IS NO ECONOMY due to the replicator making unlimited resources. Its a unique form of a fantasy government. Its nothing like communisms fundamentally since there is no "worker" in the traditional sense. These retards have no idea of Star Trek nor there own ideology
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>>15831 That's nothing compared to the N²-mine.
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>>15856 Is there a Chyna/Beth Phoenix in the modern era of wrestling? A diva so large and built she steamrolls everything? I want some female/female musclegirl wrestling domination.
>>15859 >died of a drug overdose in 2016 after getting into porn in 2011 Huh
>>15788 But anon, everyone knows that every socialist project ever has failed because of the oppression by capitalist nations :^)
>>15860 Chyna? From what I understood she had a troubled life.
>>15641 >imagine needing therapy because people on the internet were being mean to you about your shit video game I maybe a screwup but at least I'm not as pathetic as these people. >Kirk McKeand Literally who is this faggot? >>15845 Apparently a lot in white countries when compared to the white population's death tolls.
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>>15861 Why do commies make this argument? Because all that does is provide additional evidence that marxism is a less successful and less ideologically competitive form of society. It's right up there with Panafricanism's "blacks use to have Wakanda while whites were stupid cave men but then somehow whites stole all their technology and mad them live as caveman in turn. It doesn't really come out the the way that they intend.
>>15841 Yet another tragic covid death. Only forced vaccinations can stop this insidious disease.
>>15864 >Why do people pretend to be oppressed You answered your own question
>>15856 omg epic, is that a hentai reference? i friggin love hentai, that kid is adorkable owo
Couldn't find anything on /pol/, but are we getting another summer of black bonanza because the kneeling police will walk free?
>>15868 Is he gonna walk free though? The court's trying to say Floyd died from lack of air.
>>15869 If he couldn't breath he wouldn't have been able to talk. If he died from the knee at all, it would have been an issue of blood circulation, not air.
>>15869 Has there been any new autopsys since the one where he clearly died of all the fentanyl he swallowed?
>Making a post so abhorrent it got deleted twice
>>15872 It's not even good bait.
>>15872 Imagine being from Canada though
>>15794 Poor cat. Forced to wear a straitjacket. This is animal abuse.
>>15875 How would you know, he looks like he is having a good time.
>>281384 Is Niggerpill mad? This is hilarious. He even puts (((brackets))) around GG. Rent Free.
>>15784 Space shit in general has always been propaganda. Humanity always has to unite race mix to face a greater threat. The human alien devide is used to make humans "be one race" even when they still fucking aren't. Mutts appear in space stuff extra often to obfuscate that. Even through I like Mass Effect 1, I confess that it's full of mutts and the following two games are even worse. Look at this shit. You might not even notice it when you watch the show but your brain will absorb it. A man in a fucking skirt. And this is not the only time they did this.
>>15876 Simple. Just put on a straitjacket.
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>>15878 Look at this shit. You might not even notice it but your brain will absorb it. A man in a fucking skirt. And this is not the only time they did this.
>>15880 Yeah but it's not cut off right below his butt and it's not skintight.
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>>15880 I don't trust this image because it's not a camera video of a screen.
>>281384 Yeah, so?
>>15796 I wonder what the dog knows. >>15864 Maybe they don't think things through, don't think from other points of view, or are just retarded? Some feminists fall into the same trap when they go, "Don't you know humans used to be led by women?!" >>15875 I don't know, they look pretty comfy to me.
>>15875 It's not a straightjacket, the cat is sitting.
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>>15884 >"Don't you know humans used to be led by women?! In my reading of The Ancient History, this far the ONLY female who is actually recorded as being a leader of a kingdom was Semiramis (Wife of Ninus, who is the son of Ninrod). And, while she is credited with not only building the city of Babylon, but also the creation of the entire empire and it's "golden years", she's recorded as doing so success DESPITE being a woman. NOT BECAUSE she's a woman, especially so when Rollan later contrasted her reign with that of Sardanapalus (Perhaps one of the most decadent kings in history, and is credited with ending the original Babylonian Empire).
>>15885 Oh you're right.
>>281434 I wasn't talking about TNG specifically.
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>>15886 How much money would it take for you to spend a day at E3?
>>15890 Depends, how much are you willing to pay me?
>>15784 Everything after Enterprise legally isn't canon anyway. Even the parts that take place in the "Prime Timeline" legally have to be "40% different" from the original continuity.
>>15807 >Cap of post of caps Nice archives.
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>>15890 exactly one (1) lesbian sex comic
>>15894 Im pretty sure there was a finished version of that one.
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>>15895 where tho
>>15896 Iunno, summon Elto, hes gotta have it somewhere.
>>15855 Starfleet is more of a meritocracy where people are actually held responsible for their actions. Under socialism/communism, any immoral or unethical acts would be overlooked as long as the government retains its power.
>>15807 Not the first time; not the last time either; see Lion, King towels filled with carcinogenic ink.
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>>15898 >>15855 Not to mention that nowhere in the series is it shown that private property is either abolished or state controlled, nor is there any mention of class struggles or corrective government policy. Joe Sisko owned a restaurant. Picard has his own vineyard. There also aren't many, if any at all, social Marxist policies. The Enterprise is not handicapped accessible, because handicapped people are generally fixed through medical advancement. In the few cases that they cannot be cured, they retire from Starfleet. Captain Pike did not continue to captain the Enterprise, forcing everyone on the bridge to learn his new beeping noises in order to translate his commands. You don't see silicate blob monsters commanding starships either. If anything, Star Trek is classical liberals in a post-scarcity setting where economies are obsolete.
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>>15900 >You don't see silicate blob monsters commanding starships either. I dont know, starfleet did have a Horta officer in comics, I think it made it all the way to the rank of lieutenant commander. I can see one becoming captain someday, I mean if a ferengi can do it.
>>15795 How's your reading comprehension? Little or no assistance from machines?
>>15900 >orcing everyone on the bridge to learn his new beeping noises Funny considering in real life we've already invented better than that.
>>15806 >Crab Market Detailed Analysis of Current Industry Scenario with Growth Forecasts to 2026 Holy shit. why does Mark hate crabs?
(7.46 MB 1920x1080 thanks_for_the_free_crabs.webm)

>>15905 Crustaceans aren't kosher.
>>281664 I want to play Wizardry with my mind while I do something else, that would be neat.
>>281664 Does the monkey play for fun or for food rewards?
>>281664 I don't understand. Are they teaching the monkey how to give blowjobs?
>>281663 I don't want anything grafted in my skull. It is a ticking kill switch. They can take my humanity over my dead body.
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>>281635 >Coomers.
>>281664 I bet Dean Takahashi would've played Pong worse than this monke
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>>15912 Given the monke is using his brain to play Pong, yes. Given proper motivation, anyone can do anything. But not Dean.
>>281688 >edge stop
>>281688 >Edge
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>>281688 >Edge
>>15906 Cortex Command was such an interesting idea for a game. Too bad I never understood how to actually win or progress in it. I would just dick around for a few hours then drop out.
>>281693 More like you edge a gigantic smegma covered cock into your mouth.
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>>281688 >Edge
>>15914 >stop I find myself thinking that a lot in these threads.
There is a special place in hell for people like you anon.
>but it's fun argument >for a fucking browser What am I even fucking reading
>>15923 A schizophrenic
>>281721 >edge
>>281721 Is that Shoko Asahara?
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>>281721 >Japanese Hippies Gross. I thought Japan had sidestepped that unfortunate cultural landmine.
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>>281723 You do it intentionally distorted and incorrect in such a way that is barely recognizable as what it is supposed to be?
>>281732 They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
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God 3DPD is such a pain in the ass to deal with. I envy you incel faggots.
>>15930 >incel Kill yourself normalnigger, I voluntarily avoid interacting with roasties. Unlike you I value my time and energy.
The site (proxies and Tor included) died for some minutes.
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>>15932 That was me. I was renewing the SSL certs on the server and hit a bug. Rebooted a couple times to make sure I wasn't going crazy. I think I figured it out, so I'll fix it this weekend.
>>281693 Anon, you're not Rated R enough for this. Step aside, you fucking faggot.
>>15933 I see. I assumed that the server was crashing due to the multiple spontaneous disconections.
What is with this schizo posting?
>>15878 >>15898 I would never call Star Trek a socialist "fictional universe" because: 1 Star Fleet is a military organization, pure and simple 2 Private businesses exist including mining rights for private businesses that mine and refine certain high value minerals. >>15906 I was expecting the webm to contain at least 1 image of Bill Clinton considering the name you have it >>15913 >But not most game journalists. FTFY
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>>15878 That's not a skirt, it's a fucking tunic. Are you telling me you wouldn't wear a comfy space tunic while you go on adventures with space babes? Do you inhale cock?
>>281664 Would be breddy cool for vidya and other things but what about the input lag?
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>>281800 >It's fun to not know things until you have to your like, some are made learning it from 3 years old. No seriously though, what is it?
Americans, wake up already.
>>15943 I haven't even gone to sleep yet faggot.
Finally some clean up. Anyway, any good news?
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>>15946 Oh yeah, plenty of good news.
>>15894 >>15895 >>15896 >>15897 If I were you, I'd try Kemono.party, that's where people put up Eltonel's patreon shit.
>>281829 Then go back, faggot.
>>15633 Anon please, thats extreme we wuzzery, the probably came from crete or other mediterrean islands.
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https://archive.is/3ASKV If I'm correct, this game is about Native Americans waging war against white settlers. It is not so subtlety called THIS LAND IS MY LAND. Yet despite that, The Woke™ are so woke that they tried to decry this game racist and demanded "indigenous people" to be planted into the developers as well as an overhaul. When the developers asked evidence of their accusations and ignored their attempts of blackmail they dug their heels further in asshurt and screeched louder. However most that tried to cancel this game now seemed to be getting ratio'd and being told to fuck off.
>>15951 Ive seen a bit of the game and its actually pretty interesting, since as a native youre overwhelmed by the technology the settler and garrisons have, so you have to fight a guerrilla warfare and slowly steal weapons and resources to actually fight a military raid that would just whipe you out.
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>>15951 They should have just claimed all the developers were 1/16th injin and told them to fuck off.
>>15951 Because it doesn't matter. It's just blackmail to get themselves into the company and destroy it from the inside.
>>281826 >>281824 >7am >haven't had my morning coffee yet >see the ramblings of a schizophrenic littering the thread Ah, nice to see that world renowned board quality.
>>15956 >not just filtering and ignoring
>>15951 Could we go back to the time when if you want to give some feedbacks you had to sent a real mail and more often than not those mails end up in the trash because the retards in customer service can't sort mail for shit.
>>15958 Don't give me hope of a world where gayscord becomes so weaponized that developers finally stop fucking using it as an official communications channel.
>>15951 This actually pisses me the fuck off, I almost wanna create a ///(((Discord)))\\\ account solely so I can go and bully them, but you probably need to send them your phone number, social number and proof of your hormone prescriptions to register an account.
>>15951 >ignored their attempts of blackmail For a bunch of white guilted devs fantasizing about indians killing their ancestors, they seem to be oddly principled. I can respect that and feel sad at the fact these are the types of people who finally figured out how not to kowtow to leftist rayciss horde -- cucks learned how to beat cucks before "anti cucks" did >most that tried to cancel this game now seemed to be getting ratio'd and being told to fuck off. What's being ratio'd? >>15954 That would have been a bad move. That'd just give the fags legitimate ground to accuse them of appropriating, and (((big daddy government))) would force them to hire an indian as recompse (beginnig the slow corruption from within), if they didn't steal their company to give to the freaks outright. >>15960 Just email actually. have normalfag friends who keep pressuring me to get in the botnet
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>>15960 >you need a phone number Not yet, so do make your sockpuppet accounts as long as you can. This will eventually happen, just like it did with twitter and google.
>>15961 >That would have been a bad move. That'd just give the fags legitimate ground to accuse them of appropriating, and (((big daddy government))) would force them to hire an indian as recompse (beginnig the slow corruption from within), if they didn't steal their company to give to the freaks outright. And they could just accuse them of being racist and gatekeeping race arbitrarily. Literally anyone can claim to be an injin online, the fuck are they going to do about it make them post a picture of their face and judge how goblino they look? The majority of americans have injin blood anyways. Warren got away with claiming to be an injin for years and when she took a blood test to finally prove it she had less injin blood than the average white american does. >>15962 Shitscord has always required me to use a phone number to make accounts for it, I suppose they blacklisted my IP range or some shit.
>>15963 >And they could just accuse them of being racist and gatekeeping race arbitrarily. Which would be a fair argument if the (((courts))) weren't subverted and filled with activist judges who'd gladly crucify them for the sake of the poor oppressed injuns. You have to understand, we're in clown world and the system is not on your side -- if your "defense" requires people in positions of authority to see logic and play fair, you're playing Russian Roulette with 5 chambers loaded.
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>>15963 >phone number Must be it. Nothing a vpn cant fix I guess.
>>15964 Nigger have you ever seen 90% of the people that get away with applying to school and jobs as "native american"? They're literally all just straight up white people. No one gives a fuck about injins or upholding some ethnic standard for them. They're a forgotten meme race that's occasionally brought up to virtue signal. Other than that it's just a loop hole for white people to take advantage of affirmative action gibs.
>>15951 This here bloke has a jap flag, is he one of the developers or something
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>>15962 >>15961 Tried with both VPN and without, maybe its a recent change, I'm too tired for this shit regardless. And while I think it'd be fun to go bullymax them, I also think it would affect the developers poorly. I have no idea if they're faggots or not, they seem alright.
>>15968 Told you, people that claim they can make infinite accounts with no phone number just have good goyim IP's. Fuck discord and fuck anyone that uses it. And fuck the element devs for having such a god awful matrix client that we will eternally have no proper FOSS alternatives to discord.
>>15969 Normalfags will never use Element because it's associated with dodgy people like fucking Telegram, and they don't wanna be bad goys.
>>15970 And why is this a bad thing?
>>15970 I couldn't care less about optics when the software can't even contend on its feature set and user experience. Discord is popular because it's legitimately good software, even though it's completely fucking pozzed spyware and shouldn't be touched with a 10 foot pole.
>>15951 >Game-labs Aren't these the ultimate general devs?
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>>15969 The moment anyone makes a discord like program that allows the average joe to run a server on windows with one click, like teamspeak, youll see things change. as long as matrix doesnt have a stable windows release, or any windows release really, decentralized communication will remain relegated to the fridges of the internet.
>>15972 >software Isn't the Discord "client" just a web-browser? >>15969 I remember that the guy behind Pleroma was supposedly making a FOSS alternative to Discord, I have no fucking idea what happend to it.
>>15966 >They're a forgotten meme race that's occasionally brought up to virtue signal. I agree, but this is exactly that; a virtue signalling opportunity (and to protect their own). The fag in >>15951 (particularly pic 2) is white as can be, but he has both the proper politics and the right position since he's trying to subvert instead of being the one on the defensive (so no leftists eating eachother here) and is loud about using injun status as a weapon to activate (((anti-racist))) pavlovian conditioning. I just don't find it open and shut after several years of abject unfairness and double standards. >>15971 Presumably because trying to ignore normalfags and retreat into a bubble hoping they can't follow leads to irrelevancy and impotence and doesn't even guarantee they won't come anyway like rapefugees finding their way here despite the Jewgle blacklist.
>>15974 I'm pretty sure element works fine on windows. And it runs in the browser too just like discord does. It's interface is just a clusterfuck and it doesn't have proper server management features and voice channels like discord does. It's basically impossible to use as a VOIP drop-in replacement for things like discord or mumble and only barely passable as a text based communications platform. But you can get 1 click server hosting for free using their servers, so it has that going for it. >>15975 >Isn't the Discord "client" just a web-browser? All modern software is basically just chromium web-apps these days. >I remember that the guy behind Pleroma was supposedly making a FOSS alternative to Discord, I have no fucking idea what happend to it. People always say they're making a FOSS discord alternative then proceed to ignore everything about discord that is actually good and make another clusterfuck piece of shit. >>15976 >Presumably because trying to ignore normalfags and retreat into a bubble hoping they can't follow leads to irrelevancy and impotence and doesn't even guarantee they won't come anyway like rapefugees finding their way here despite the Jewgle blacklist. It's pointless to play optics for software and it's even more pointless to be worrying about optics when the software itself is simply unviable as an alternative in the first place.
>>15953 How dare they not pay him for his unwanted services
>>15977 >All modern software is basically just chromium web-apps these days. it truly is or it's unity
>>15977 >It's pointless to play optics for software I meant more from an activity standpoint; the traditional "need people actually using your shit to maintain interest in keeping it up and running" argument or in an open-source example, "need people to know it even fucking exists so they can help out".
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Imagine being 35 and acting like this No, I won't archive this.
>>15981 >No, I won't archive this. Why even bother posting if you won't prove it happened then except to drama bait?
>>15980 There are plenty of people wanting to find and use a FOSS discord alternative. I don't think convincing people to use software that respects privacy is as difficult as people make it out to be. It's just unrealistic when the alternatives are so much worse that it's laughable. All you can do it make good software, if the software isn't good then make it good. Marketing and shilling is a waste of breath. >>15981 I can't image a child acting like that let alone an adult. I've just stopped assuming age is an indicator of anything.
>>15981 Can't you just report hir for falseflagging or instigate harassement?
>>15835 >I'm all for equality There's your problem, retard. Equality doesn't exist, will never exist, and the bullshit will never end until retards who believe in it all die or grow a brain and give up the infantile fantasy.
>>15981 >Imagine being 35 and acting like this It's Shitter. Anyone who uses it regardless of age, should be shot.
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>>15951 How much noble savage bullshit is in that game? I really would like to see a game with natives depicted as being as diverse as they really were, with all the intra-tribal warring, trade, and politics depicted. Shit, I'd like to see just one tribe from East of the Mississippi being shown selling captured natives as slaves to the colonials, or accepting African slaves as trade from the US Government in exchange for land use or their support during a war with another tribe. >Oral Tradition states he hated slavery >We have written record of him bequeathing his slaves to his children >... I'm sure he was just holding on to them for safekeeping until they could be free. Riiiight.
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>>15981 > 35 year old Grown ass man
>>15951 Why do devs even bother with Twitter and Discord pedos?
>>15989 Because the untapped pedo market is better then current gaymer one
>>15988 Mark is 35?
>>15991 Nobody knows, some say he is over 200 years old! For his age is a mystery.
>>15992 shucks
>>15968 >Entire body is 3D >But her tits aren't How could FFX-2 fuck this up so hard?
>>15994 Nomura
What happened to Billy from OAG? I read a few weeks ago that he was actually forced out, but I lost track of the thread where it was posted and so I missed out on all the replies.
>>15996 He choked on his own tongue and died
>>15996 He vanished into the sea of the net.
>>15996 He projected his tranny hatred so much that he collapsed into a black hole of futadom and is now forever anally raped by and inside of a dickgirl black hole.
>>15996 Billy died in a horrible fireworks accident.
What the shit is >>>/hisrol/ anyway?
>>16001 Quest threads in spanish.
>>16002 >spanish Why are taco people allowed here?
>>16002 quests for what?

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>>15951 >>15953 This is the same shit that they did to that Nip artist that drew those cool quasi-Indians. https://archive.is/5Mfm6
>>16004 Some old /tg/ tradition which was what killed 4/tg/ in its time. I wish there was some actual active /tg/ board in spanish.
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8moe's front page is frequently lol worthy.
>>15951 >Yet despite that, The Woke™ are so woke that they tried to decry this game racist and demanded "indigenous people" to be planted into the developers as well as an overhaul How exactly? The indigenous tribes are shitting around on reservations and generally do not care about being developers. Are they just asking for some white liberal who identifies as a native american or some shit like the NAACP whale? Like you have to scrape a minority of a minority off to find a native american dev who wouldn't also consider this shit beneath him. Like even that is too little a chance for a guy like that to exist.
>>16008 They do this all the time to get what they want, Twitter is the biggest shithole and now it even has has Tumblr attached on top of it too.
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>>15981 >Imagine being 35 and acting like this >Imagine expecting some mentally-ill faggot to act like a sane-minded normal person only because of age.
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>>15891 >(((Rochelle Walensky)))
>>16008 Most Amerindians, that actually care about doing anything, are more interested in preserving their culture than they are about making a video game about their culture. Even if there was a Indian game developer why do these Tumblr Twits automatically think that the game that they want to make would automatically be about Indians? Isn't that the equivalent of assuming that a black developer would have to make a game about Shaka Zulu?
>>16013 Most featherniggers are too busy getting high or raping women or being pedophiles or all three.
>>15999 I still don't get futa. Why ruin those proportions with a cock and balls?
>>16014 That's the reason I said the ones that actually care about doing anything.
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>>15989 <"Sure. But it's going to require a major overhaul of your game and i am going to bring a team with me." >Imagine being this delusional
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>>16015 I just see it like a superior version of lesbian porn, or normal porn. The masculine "aspect" of the content is reduced to the necessary(cock and balls) without compromising the enjoyment of watching penetration occur, while the feminine aspect is maximized. People also associate a dick with dominance and a pussy with submissiveness due to obvious biological mechanisms. So when you see a girl with a dick fuck a girl with a pussy, it accentuates the power discrepancy between the two. That of course only works for futa on female. Futa on male is usually just a more organic approach to femdom with a strapon and has to do with role reversal and emasculation. Futa on futa is is the most boring IMO, but people seem to love it in the same way they love two lesbians with a double dildo, or 2 strap ons.
>>16018 I can see the appeal of the power dynamic I guess.
>>16018 It's still porn dude, porn fucking sucks.
>>16021 <(by GroidsSuck)
>>16015 >I still don't get futa. Why ruin those proportions with a cock and balls? Futafags are faggots in denial mode. The focus of futa shit is always one the dick, because futa fags like dick but they delude themselves into thinking that if the dick is attached to a "female" (what are primary sexual characteristics?) body, then liking the dick is not gay. >>16019 >I can see the appeal of the power dynamic I guess. Anon, if it was a power dynamic it would be enough to have a dominant lesbian fucking a submissive one with toys or a stap-on, not ruining the female figure by giving it a "real" ejaculating cock and balls for fuck's sake.
>>15994 she's just flat
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>>16023 >strapon is better than organic dick and balls It's the other way around, and that's what many people prefer. Futa or shemale is literally the logical conclusion to the idea of a women wielding something to penetrate with. A fleshy dick is more appealing than a plastic one. >>16020 True, that's why I ERP now instead of jerking it to hentai.
>>16015 I don't get giant galactic planet women either but i don't flip my shit when i see it, especially with mark in charge.
>>16013 The only game I ever played about Amerindian culture made by actual Natives was ironically enough an Oregon Trail ripoff.
>>16025 >A fleshy dick is more appealing than a plastic one. That only proves what i was saying, futa fags like cocks. The whole thing about a "female" dominating another one, or males involved are just bullshit excuses to feel better about themselves. These are probably people who would suck a tranny's dick in real life.
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>>16028 >futafags are closeted gays Wow who could've guessed? It's so shocking.
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>>16029 yeah futafags are gay just like how lolifags are pedo amirite
>>16029 And yet you have futafags still arguing how it's absolutely not gay and that "we just don't understand."
>>16030 Reminder artists like Rustle admit to using real life references & put pedophile related terms in their art.
>>16032 >look it up >its all true >learn about horrific terms >its all there for anyone who dares search for it >mfw maybe nuking japan wasn't such a bad idea after all >feel extreme guilt and delete 90gb of lolicon
>>282008 >>16033 >>282002 >>16032 Totally organic™ posting that's fully sourced and archived. Good work, fellow anonymouses! :^)
>>282002 >>16033 >>16034 Note that I am not against loli. I am more of a shota guy myself. The problem is & has always been actual pedophiles.
>shotafaggots enables niggerpill Just another reason you should put a bullet in your skull.
>>16035 I just like small cartoon girls, my favorite doujin artist is Nishi Iori, I love his art but fucking hate the dialogue which often feels too "real". I'm not into children, just like small women. Does that even make sense?
>>15991 Mark is whatever you want him to be as long as you give him $10 and a slice of cake.
>>15965 What's the context behind this? >>15981 >Imagine being 35 and acting like this Well that's not surprising, pretty much everyone has come to the conclusion that all leftists are mentally underdeveloped, which explains why they're so easy to manipulate and why they act like petulant children when things don't go their way. >>16005 Poor guy, he doesn't realise he's done nothing wrong and is being brainwashed by communists. >>16034 To be fair it was started by an anon kvetching hard about futa porn.
>>16039 I'd like to believe in the whitepill that wokeniggers just make more people hate them rather than fear them or become like them. Maybe it really is like that but you just don't see it because it's drowned out by social media, big corporations and kikewood. Starting to believe in the idea that chinks go on twitter and use their sock accounts to like woke tweets and shit.
>>16037 Shortstacks are a thing.
>>16041 I generally don't like shortstack proportions.
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>>16042 why the fuck not
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>>16043 Gobbos you say
>>16039 >What's the context behind this? These Dobre brothers.
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>>16043 >>16044 Why choose goblins when you can have sweet imp ass?
>>282051 >normies
>>282053 Yes go back to halfchan.
>>282053 If you don't understand why gate keeping language on imageboards is important you should probably go back to cuckchan, yes.
>>16049 >halfchan That's a pretty normie nickname for it. :^)
>>282059 lurk more
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>>15953 lol >>15981 lol again >>15991 He claims to be 26. >>15996 Sold the site to some cunt (who ended up being one of his haters) and disappeared from internet. >>16023 >Futafags are faggots in denial mode >in denial Futafags have realized the superiority of male genitalia over female one, so they try to improve the female body by adding the superior genitals to it.
>>282059 It's literally a contraction of "normalfag" that is friendly to normalfag vocabulary as to not offend. Normie become a pop culture term once the internet decided it needed to sanitize itself. Kill yourself normalnigger.
>>282063 "N*rm*e" is an ableist word against mentally similar people. Please don't use it.
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>>282059 the same thing thats wrong with anything that gets fucked out: retarded niggers keep using it
>>282066 You're on an imageboard faggot, not an instant messenger. There is no excuse for using normalnigger contractions because they're "shorter" and "easier" you fucking retard.
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>>282053 >What's wrong with that word?
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>>16030 What if it's futa loli? Doesn't that cancel it out?
>>16041 Lolis aren't shortstacks though. >>16045 And what's the relevance of the cheese?
>>16059 Not gay is female shapes, gay is male shapes; since the loli is flat chested it's slightly gay and adding the penis makes it more gay. An oppai loli futa could cancel out but a normal loli futa is practically a hung shota.
>>16060 It's funny
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>>16056 It really bothers me that someone has enough knowledge to know the Oriental 5 elemental system works and still manages to crank out a shitty image macro like this.
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>>16044 Oh, we're talking about goblins again?
>>16059 >futa loli Isn't that just a shota with pigtails?
>>16065 Futa lolis have a cunny under their willy (vs shotas who only have a willy), and under my experience they tend to have bigger dicks than their male counterpart.
>>16066 >>16059 Still gay.
>>16066 >cunny DON'T SAY THAT
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>>16067 Never said it wasn't. >>16068 Imagine being scared of math.
>>16065 The face is the main difference, if you can fap to a masculine face then its certainly gay.
>>282086 Weirdos like The Amazing Atheist and Linkara are into futa, consider that.
>>282086 >Just go full trap and be done with it Nah, traps are garbage for normalfags. Besides, futas can provide more entertainment than trapshit. >>16071 literally who
>>282086 >Just go full trap and be done with it. Not everyone'sthatgay for futa, anon.
>>16072 >i like futa because I wanna be contrarian Do you play indie game walking simulators too because everything else is too mainstream?
>>16064 Thanks doc.
>>16074 This post made me consider making a proc-gen gacha walking simulator as satire, but I'm afraid it would end up being popular if released on mobile.
>>16070 I wonder, if real men looked like this would the "drawings aren't gay" crowd be gay in real life.
>>282098 Oh here we go
>>16077 They already are by deluding themselves into seeing each other as anime girls. Just wait and see the spaghetti from the left when a future oculus quest augments everyone irl into anime avatars.
>>16079 Here's how things will be in the future >Get with virtual anime girls who are actually Mark lookalikes irl or >Get with an ugly dyke who has an onlyfans account and a cuckold fetish Which way western man?
>>16080 Innawoods
>>282098 A bullet through my skull
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>>16077 sure but itll happen once real transexuals look like this so being gay will just be bara
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>>16071 >Weirdos like The Amazing Atheist and Linkara are into futa Holy shit what you reminded of, anon. That fucking disgusting creature that Linkare presented as his "girlfriend". Ewwwwww.
>>16074 >hurr durr ur a contrarian hurr Modern traps are garbage because they became more feminine (in both appearance and mannerisms) than actual girls and got stuck in a single boring archetype. Because of this they have nothing to offer over real women and men. They are inferior "taker" partners compared to women (because they lack a hole and because most of the time they don't shut up about being male), and for the most part unfit to be proper "givers" compared to every other type of men (even shotas, literally little boys, do a better job at fucking than them). Traps have become everyone's bitches, and they aren't even the best bitches available. Futas, on the other side, tend to have more dominant personalities that let them perform more roles than traps. From fucking girls and weaker boys to being dominated by stronger men and futas, and even become literal sex monsters who rape their way using ther complete body.
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>>16085 this goddess? or is there a newer one?
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>>16086 >waaah waaahhhh I'm a contrarian You fool. You ignoramus.
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>>16088 >I have no argument but I must post Traps are shit, inferior to both men and women in all forms.
>>16080 Genitically engineer better women.
>>16090 Wouldn't genetic engineering also remove birth defects from incest? You could likely just live underground as the patriarch of a dwarf society.
>>282094 >Q shit has Furderick's Great Flip Escape Oh, I need to see this shit even if I have to ff at 2x speed
>>16092 Do it, it even has the journalfag aiding him because he feels the laws of flipland don't apply to them.
>>16092 It's worth the watch. I almost feel compelled to make an anons cut of the docu series and cut out all the useless shit and just leave in the relevant/funny parts then compress it into 30MB.
>>16094 >no 10 minute normalnigger exposition Not the worst idea anon, just keep it off jewtube it'd get nuked anyway
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>>16091 >>16090 >Make artificial womb >Implant in sex doll >??? >Profit
>>16095 >implying I've had a jewgle account in the last decade Why would I upload it anywhere but here
>>16097 I still have my gmail for legacy purposes. I fucking hate how it dislikes my maill apps just because they aren't pozzed pieces of shit. Unsafe my ass, I need to pull the lever and delete that shit one of these days
>>16042 >not liking: >wide hips >fat ass >hourglass figure >shorter than you but not a midget Literally gay.
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>>16099 >but not a midget so close
>>16099 No, I like flat women with little ass and no hips
>>16087 No, he has (had?) a sheboon girlfiend. The kind that looks like someone shaved a gorilla and stuck a neon green wig onto its head.
>>16046 I always liked Midna after the Gerudo desert. When you enter, she's actually really nice. I spent most of the game disliking her attitude, but after saving her after the water temple, she showed a more caring side that I really liked. A lot of people just cite her for her beginning hours (the worst part of Twilight Princess), but I always liked her better as she was later in the game. Of course, true Midna was trash. Imp Midna for life.
>>16101 So what you actually like is men?
>>16104 Is that what you call your mother?
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>>16096 tfw never been tempted by a sex doll before but suddenly
>>16106 You can even buy loli/shota dolls and form a family :D
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>>16108 Come at me, bitch >:D
>>16109 shoots lazors owo XD
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>>16106 It's not worth it Acid
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>>16106 Seek not the soulless and flawed solution of plastic. The females must evolve into a new generation of women of far superior intellect and physical fitness than their current, incomplete form, but not be replaced by a mere artificial womb. Evolve women into Freyas and Danielles, Level humanity up.
>>282140 >my speculation is fact! Uh huh.
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>>16113 Just report him.
>>282140 >Remember orange box? Back in 2009 he drew a lisa simpson comic strip that was a one to one redraw of a famous child porn movie clip from the 90s(or 00s, I forgot) Big if true. >>282180 >/loli/ also got their panties in a twist over alke Alke was accused of tracing by some twittards, but he proved everyone wrong by recording himself drawing everything from scratch.
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>>282140 I just looked up art by this guy you mentioned, is this it? Are these those highly illegal pixels? Am I going to JAIL now? oh no
>>282180 >i just told you Yeah, I don't believe you. It's just another typical TORpedo take "I have CP saved on my hard-drive so EVERYONE must have some as well".
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>>16116 I remember finding a box full of 3.5 diskettes behind a billiards hall that I used to clean tables for on the weekends as a teen. All of them were jammed full of crudely drawn Simpsons porn. I always wondered what kind of subhuman would not only collect Simpson's porn, but leave a deposit of it in a filthy back alley. I feel like I am a little bit closer to knowing the answer.
>>16118 I wonder the same shit about Family Guy porn, who the hell looks at that stuff?
For any anon who still has a PS1 console, a new exploit has been made, no game required like Tony Hawk's github.com/brad-lin/FreePSXBoot It currently only supports SCPH-7002, SCPH-7502, and SCPH-9000 models. Works similarly to FreeMcBoot on the PS2.
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>>16096 >make artificial sex doll >implant in womb >??? >still ??? >>16107 >buy adult/loli/shota realdolls >set up a scene that looks like a normal family with everyone at the dinner table dressed in 30's attire with the adult doll looking like it's making dinner >hang a sign in the doorway that reads "this is what they took from you" >invite people to meet your "family" >??? >profit
Muslim Civil Rights Group Calls For Microsoft, Sony, And Valve To Deplatform Six Days In Fallujah >Calling the controversial first-person shooter that aims to recreate the events of the Second Battle of Fallujah an “Arab murder simulator,” Muslim civil rights and advocacy group CAIR, the Council on American–Islamic Relations, is requesting that Microsoft, Sony, and Valve avoid hosting or distributing Six Days in Fallujah. No matter how developer Highwire Games and publisher Victura try to spin it, Six Days in Fallujah is incredibly problematic. The upcoming game is a first-person tactical shooter that recreates the real-world events of late 2004’s Second Battle of Fallujah. >Players are cast as U.S. Marines in an operation said to be the bloodiest battle of the Iraq War. Though the developers have said their intention is to represent all sides of the conflict, how do you make a video game like this without glorifying the U.S. war machine? Or create an interactive experience based on modern real-world events in which the enemies are mainly of a specific nationality or religion without villainizing them, spreading fear and hate? These are some of the issues that led to Six Days in Fallujah being cancelled in 2009. Those concerns are just as valid now as they were then. >CAIR issued a press release yesterday, condemning the upcoming game for glorifying the violence the took the lives of more than 800 Iraqi citizens. “We call on Microsoft, Sony and Valve to ban their platforms from hosting Six Days in Fallujah, an Arab murder simulator that will only normalize violence against Muslims in America and around the world,” wrote CAIR research and advocacy coordinator Huzaifa Shahbaz in a statement included with the release. The gaming industry must stop dehumanising Muslims >Video games like Six Days in Fallujah only serve to glorify violence that took the lives of hundreds of Iraqi civilians, justify the Iraq war, and reinforce anti-Muslim sentiment at a time when anti-Muslim bigotry continues to threaten human life.” https://archive.ph/RW9vP Calling it now. Sony and Microsoft will join in with deplatforming six days in fallujah.
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>>16122 #DurkaLivesMatter
>>16119 Going by his Twitter shitposting and affinity towards Lois, probably Hideki Naganuma
>>16124 >westaboos having abominably shit taste Could've fooled me.
>>16122 Post more shit like this as it's relevant and this on /pol/ >>282221
>>16122 >Sony and Microsoft will join in with deplatforming six days in fallujah. I wonder how that's going to look when military vets are in full support of the game: https://redirect.invidious.io/playlist?list=PLgdcGY4ReLymKhFYnT0cNDVRBWQ6SUm9M
>>16006 isnt /hisrol/ some spanish speaking /t/g-tier shit?
>>16004 User driven stories. OP acts as the "quest master" and narrates a story following a series of choices made by other people until the story reaches a conclusion. Depending on the way of playing OP can listen to the majority, do what the first reply says, or ignore all responses if they don't fit the narrative, while the users can control a set number of characters (usually one, the protagonist) or bring their own creations. Is like those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books but in imageboard format. >>16006 >which was what killed 4/tg/ in its time Last time I heard of 4/tg/ they got a separate /qst/ board for Quest threads, something that caused a lot of polarized reactions because while quests were taking a lot of space they also had plenty of creative fags who left /tg/. >>16128 More of less. They seem to focus on "quests" rather than on traditional games as a whole.
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>>16096 Reminder that ordering an Asuka doll will literally get you arrested. >14 years old, dude
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>>16130 reminder that evangelion as a series is old enough to drink
>>282245 >they're hunting the leafs down in their homes to force-jab the poison At least I'm in Alberta, but I never got an opportunity to buy a gun
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>>16131 >Twenty years
>>16119 I have the same question to ask at >>>/h/1848. >>16131 I haven't watched evangelion since I was in elementary. What the fuck did that show do that was worth it's reception? Also why the fuck do people even like the three main piolets of the main series when they're all complete and other fuck ups from a kid with APD, a crazy bitch with mommy issues, and a schizoid outside of being admittedly not bad smut bait?
>>282245 Didn't leafs get regular stim payments, more than burgers? This is karma. They should have seen this coming from having Castro Jr. as leader.
>>16134 Shit, I means to spell pilots.
>>16130 This but unironically. Congress fags are pushing (again) for the ban on child-like sex dolls: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/8236?s=1&r=163 https://archive.is/FnkTs If I were a burger interested in loli/shota dolls (or sex dolls in general because you can be your ass that politicians won't make a distinction) I would buy them right now, because it's almost guaranteed that this bill will be passed because "muh think of the children".
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>>282245 How long until they just send a sniper team out with a checklist and tranq guns modified to fire off vaccine containing darts?
>>16135 >They should have seen this coming from having Castro Jr. as leader. Who the actual hell could anyone have elected in our rotten system that wouldn't have been equally bad? We don't have any trump figures, just shabbos goyim and cuckolds.
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>>16131 26 years.
>>282245 Does anyone remember the Indian paper from a year ago when COVID first came around saying that the "virus" had HIV proteins in it? I think we've come full circle now. Check out the vid related. Esentially taking the vaccine WILL destroy any natural immunity a person would have (if it doesn't kill you outright), turning you into a walking AIDS patient that would make you susptible to ANY coronavirus! This is make the vaccinted person into a vector to all other vaccinated people, esentially making the virus "happen" and substantiating the fears stoked by the media! They will then turn this into a witch hunt against the unvaccinated through the lie that we are responsible for the infections! This is it, it has to be it makes the most sense on how they will turn everyone against us (assuming mass vaccine uptake).
>>15959 They won't, devs love being abused, remember they used to use neogaf too and quite prolifically.
>>16141 I remember reading something that claimed the coof virus had markers that implied it was manmade and had something like a SARS/HIV mixture to it
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>>16133 Nice Web 1.0 website
>>16134 >What the fuck did that show do It was a slow moving car crash. People were tricked by a robot mecha show with cool ancient pseudo-Christian kabalic words to make it seem more epic and deep than it was, only to see it suddenly switch and leave you watching the characters start getting more and more mentally broken down until the last few episodes were they are almost catatonic depressed and suicidal. Then shit gets REALLY bad. The audience kept waiting for the cliche anime resurgence were the heroes Get Back Up™ and triumph against impossible odds. They don't. People got emotionally invested, and were gutpunched for it. This was "new" and "groundbreaking" at the time. You don't watch a serialized "teen piloting giant robot against RoboBeasts" anime only to watch tweens sloooowly get mind broken and near-vegetative by crippling emotional breakdowns, only to ripped apart, killed, or driven to kill each other and themselves. Also, the "inability to speak to or even be around your father who intimidates you just by standing there and is better than you in every way, leading to long, awkward, borderline painful silences whenever you're in the same room" thing REALLY resonated with the audience.
Seems like Funimation ruined more animé adapations by rewriting scripts and the scums are proud of it on Twitter. It's all getting tiresome. And I'm getting more motivated to study Nihonggo and take the EIKEN test to make sure I'm qualified enough to be a registered translator.
>>16146 Nice screenshots & archives you have there.
>>16146 > And I'm getting more motivated to study Nihonggo and take the EIKEN test to make sure I'm qualified enough to be a registered translator. Just remember to get a business savvy friend involved so you can avoid being blacklisted by clique behavior.
>>15961 >>15960 If you HAVE to use Discord, remember that installing it is probably more harmful that simply using their web login. In that sense, browsers are more gated, versus you're giving it free reign to your OS and hardware profile. Of course, it can still identify you easily enough no matter what you do
>>16148 Check that, I'll make sure I'll take both EIKEN and JPLT tests to make sure I'm qualified to translate anything Japanese. According to my research, you need to be at least N3 to be able to translate business documents so in order for someone to translate literary scripts in Japan, you must be at least N2 or N1 at most. So I'll make sure I will reach that level. And it's noted, thank you Mr. Dubs.
>>16146 Also "scums" is not the word you're looking for in this case. "scumbags" would be more appropriate.
>>16130 >14 >Still needing to learn how to use a tampon Pretty unlikely.
>>16151 Scums is ESL speak I've seen used often by a particular pro-resu nigger.
So, why are people bitching and moaning about some prince dying?
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>>16154 ????
>>16135 >Didn't leafs get regular stim payments, more than burgers? No lol We've go a single $600 stimulus check, and that's 600 leaf bucks, which are already worth a fraction of the American dollar. That means leafs have got $480 USD meanwhile Americans have received $2000 USD. And that doesn't even account for the fact that Canada has the single highest rent and housing inflation of any country by orders of magnitude while food is also multiple times the price than it is in America.
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>>16106 Looks kind of creepy to me
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>>16158 creepy you say?
>>16159 I wish this person was my boyfriend because I love cute bean plushies with =w= and owo faces I'll severely judge the choice of sex dolls though. They're necessary, but he needs better aesthetic sense than this
>>16160 stop
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>>16134 >>16145 It's likely one of the few animations that likely made most people who were into cartoons think that there's more than just animated comedies for the family. They're already made, but you'll have to get yourself a bootleg VHS copy and learn Japanese. As an aside, has there been any successful attempt to make an animated drama popular in the US? The closest that I could think of would be Adventure Time since the later seasons have a similar emotional investment, although the gutpunching was heavily toned down for the TV-Y7 rating to remain intact.
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>>16158 Looks like a mid-range doll for 1500-3k bucks, that's probably it. The 5-7k high range ones look less off.
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>>16160 >he needs better aesthetic sense than this better?
<You can’t just have the actor say the subtitle line, which was not written with lip flaps, timing & tone in mind. That’s why scriptwriters exist. And she wrote the script, so yes, it’s *her work*. Also, the subtitle *itself* is “someone else’s work”, as it is not the 🇯🇵 script. https://archive.fo/d1FiN This is why I want to fucking crucify these lower lifeforms.
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>>16134 >>16145 Behold the amazing ending of the tv series!
>>16165 >which was not written with lip flaps, timing & tone in mind Neither was the original Japanese dub! If these retards actually watched anime, they'd know that the dub not matching the mouth movements is an autism only the West cares about.
>>16096 >>16163 >>16164 I'm having a difficult time with understanding why the faces are disgustingly real. A blank face with a scribbled happy expression is not only more pleasing, but cheaper, too.
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>>16135 Which we are being forced to pay back as even as though as most of us had no choice to to take it as we weren't allowed to work or there was no work period. >>16156 >And that doesn't even account for the fact that Canada has the single highest rent and housing inflation of any country by orders of magnitude while food is also multiple times the price than it is in America. I spend so much money just to live basically that I at most have 2k in savings and I'm forced to move every two years due to how unstable housing is her, but retards here will ignore this because lol not MERICA!
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>>16168 I know. Everyone is wasting time pushing for the idea of creating 1:1 replicas of humans for the sake of it, when the truth is that androids with simplified visual characteristics are waaaaay easier to design, cheaper to produce, have less technical limitations for augmentations/add-ons, and most importantly don't fall heads on to the uncanny valley because they don't try to pretend to be human.
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>>16170 Not only are you correct, you're also far too charismatic and attractive. You're basically cucking the women in your life by picking robots. >>16164 Ball-jointed dolls
>>16169 >but retards here will ignore this because lol not MERICA! Isn't it actually no exaggeration to say that the reason why Canada is able to stay afloat is because of us burgers to the South?
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>>16170 I guess that the simple look may seem too much like a child's toy to the 3DPD designers. >>16171 >cucking the women in your life by picking robots Also reducing the amount of cultural enrichment from foreign immigrants. All there needs next is a chocolate or copper-colored robutt and perhaps there will finally be a culturally diverse collective of avoiding women.
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>>16157 Grand pappy N approves.
>>16059 >tomboy >any amount of gay what so ever
>>16162 >as there been any successful attempt to make an animated drama popular in the US? The closest we've ever gotten was Moral Orel. You had two long seasons of cutesy wootsy Christian claymation... thern season 3 hits. The entire show puls a complete 180 and goes hardcore depressing drama. The season2 finale, audiences were like "WHAT THE HELL is going on I AM NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS." And then season 3 starts with 'Numb'. And it just goes harder from there.
>>16162 >>16176 Bojack Horseman tried to be dramatic but it constantly ruined it by having ironic random comedic bits take away from the drama.
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>>16162 >As an aside, has there been any successful attempt to make an animated drama popular in the US? Liberty Kids probably.
>>16176 For two seasons, everyone was like "lol Nurse Bendy is a dumb bimbo lol"... Then season3's 'Alone' hits.
>>16162 Bojack Horseman was a drama. Insofar as it certainly wasn't funny.
>>16178 I fucking hate that image. No one who has ever wanted a tomboy GF has ever wanted them to watch sports, have tattoos or wear ugly nigger shoes. The nigger is talking about what niggers want not what people want. Sports are gay, tattoos are disgusting and degenerate and a giant red flag to not go after that woman and again ugly nigger shoes.
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>>16182 >he doesnt want a sporty tomboy >he doesnt want a tattoo tomboy i actually dont know shit about sneakers other than they go on your feet so heres some mountain dew kicks to make the third point
>>16183 No. I want someone who loves me back.
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>>16183 No I want a tomboy gf who would do useful things like hold her own helping me build a cabin, build guns and bows and do outdoors shit thats fun and accomplishes things not just ball points game.
>>16112 The issue is that Freya's an impossibility. I doubt you can be that fit and have big tiddies. >>16183 >Rebecca GOD DAMNIT CHRIS
I really don't know who else to ask but you guys, but how do I report a website to the fbi for cp? I found a Chat site that a lot of people use it to trade cp pics and links and prey on minors. Polite sage for being off topic
>>16188 Probably not worth the effort. Basically all clearnet sites like that are ran by the feds as honeypots anyways.
>>16178 Of course a criminal nig would have shit taste in women.
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>>16184 >someone who loves me back. It's called having a kid.
>>16191 Can't have a child without a wife first.
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>>15737 >brian577 Neogaf burning was fun.
>>16192 Adopt/kidnap one.
>>16192 have a child wife
>>16194 >>16195 I'm not a mudslime.
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>>16192 The circumstances of Vivian's birth were pretty weird, like something straight out of a Greek myth.
>>16196 You don't need to be Bomberman to adopt/kidnap a child.
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>>16197 very greek
>>16198 You do to get away with the latter.
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>>16187 >not pushing through this idiotic concept of impossibility and giving women big titties and muscles JUST because you wanted to >doubting YOUR RESOLVE IS WEAK, YOUR VOLITION IS LACKING
>>15947 Could they have made the smoothie dispenser a little bit less phallic in its arrangement? Or is there an ulterior motive for training these monkeys this way?
>>16202 I think you've just got too much cock on the brain.
>>16141 >They will then turn this into a witch hunt against the unvaccinated through the lie that we are responsible for the infections! Which will backfire given the fact that word of mouth will reach a critical threshold where enough people know someone who was vaccinated suffering severe and/or lethal effects soon enough, while the unvaccinated seem mostly fine. All you have to do to combat that narrative, is point out that the vaccinated seem to be dying in larger numbers than unvaccinated when that time comes. Pretty sure a lot of people out there will be keeping count with whatever information they find.
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>>282467 Power :DDD benis :DDD
>>16146 Fucking get studying now then. I'm in my 5th year of cramming vocab and kanji, and I still can't understand more than 20% of casually spoken japanese on youtube.
Less than 25 posts until the new thread. Is anyone going to make the next thread PPG edition like some originally wanted to? Going to sleep in half an hour so I might not be able to do so myself this, time.
The page won't archive for some reason even after waiting for a few minutes and refreshing. But Jesus God Acid Man, are you living your life correctly? Sweet Dreams.
>>16209 Someone needs to take Acid out back behind the wood shed and just put him out of his misery.
>>16209 His problem is not committing to it. If you're letting NTR slide, you need to embrace it, not backpedal with "j-just for the good art it has sometimes"
>>16211 >If you're letting NTR slide, you need to embrace it, not backpedal His only saving grace in this is that he still has the decency to be ashamed of it.
>trannies have the balls to lecture anyone else on degeneracy ITT
>>16147 It's some skateboarding anime where the voice actor ad-libbed saying "non-binary hoes" or some shit. And of course the usuals are celebrating the quirky xDDD dialogue.
>shit happening in the middle east <A BLOO BLOO WE SHOULD ALL KILL OURSELVES Got anything better. faggot?
>>16209 Getting real tired of your cuck fetish shit, Acid. >>16213 >Deflecting this hard Trannies are irrelevant to well deserved bullying of the most horrid porn tastes.
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>>16209 >"we're gonna be known as blacked.moe forever" >All because Acid didn't keep his niggers in his cotton field
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Speaking of trannies
>>16218 >Commie group shrank because orange man isnt in the office anymore >Blames demoralization even though nothing is actually done to them except posting mean words The absolute state of leftists
>>16219 Isn't that just shit reading comprehension? Looks to me like they're saying a /pol/ board has hemorrhaged users calling out trannies.
>(1) defending trannies You're not fooling anyone. NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD >>282522 >>282522 >>282522 NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD
>>16221 there are at least 15 posts left
>>16222 And there's been a lot of times where a thread hasn't been made until 730 posts. Fuck off.
>>16223 no u
>>16221 Its not defending trannies if thats literally what an image with no other context says
>>16209 Acid isn't the only admin, now fuck off.

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