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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Lap Pillow Edition Anonymous 04/16/2021 (Fri) 04:24:45 Id: 282120 No. 17654
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources
[Expand Post]>Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>>286163 >>286170 >>286171 >He doesn't have to be tech-literate, really. Just pay people who are. He's le Bad Orange Man and most of the western internet scene has been choked by Silikike Valley and flooded by trannies who have tantrums whenever they hear his name (enough trannies in fact that people actually sell shit to them -- remember Programming Socks?). I don't deny he's rich enough to pay someone, the question's finding someone competent enough to aiding the "industry-wide banning" all the existing techfags instituted on him and the site not being shit enough that it won't be completely ignored like Gab and Parler, since it's for certain going to get blacklisted from searches. He decisively isn't president anymore either at this point so not a lot of people really care if he gets censored either except for Qboomers, since he's now just some guy instead of the personality they pinned their hopes on.
How do I even manage $100,000? How do I pay taxes? What am I supposed to do? I’ve never had money before.
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>>17658 tfw no mommy gf to cuddle with every night
>>17658 can you give her a benis?
>>17657 Buy a realistic sex doll
>>17657 Donate one of the alt platforms or something else in need of funding, or maybe invest in another memecoin.
>>17659 Shut the fuck up about crypto. Listening to retards shill their bullshit and listening to ignorant faggots ask about how to become a millionaire is insufferable.
>>17657 >How do I pay taxes? Better question is why should I pay taxes?
>>17665 Government will shoot you if you don't
>>17666 Good point. Good thing I don't make enough money.
>>17657 >How do I pay taxes? Hire a tax lawyer and do everything they say.
>>17657 You report it as income and pay capital gains tax, but only after converting it to monero and only pulling out 5k at a time.
Alright, I'm going to do a quick finance writeup because it's relevant again. First of all, make sure you are in a stable position in your life. You need to make sure you have your rent and food taken care of, and a source of income (eg a job, if you're into that). Next, you want to pay off all your debt, since the interest on loans from college, vehicles, assets, or credit cards are disgusting and cost 20% a year on interest. If you can do this, congratulations, you're literally ahead of 90% of the normalfag population who live paycheck-to-paycheck and one bad event can ruin their entire lives. Next, you'll want to save money that you can put towards investments. Every dollar you invest this year will pay off massively 5, 10, 15 years from now. Plant the tree before you need it's shade, faggot. How do you save money? You can do two things: a.) reduce your expenses; b.) increase your income. It's up to your to look at your own budget and figure out how to do this. Stop buying coffee and chips and junkfood. Shit is a waste of money. I used to spend $500/year on pop; you take that money over a 5-year period, invest it properly, and you can turn $2500 into $3500 from good returns. This is going to be controversial to some anons, but get a cashback rewards credit card. A good one can yield 2-3% from your purchases - try to avoid one with an annual fee if you can. Only ever put money on this card that you can immediately pay off. This is used to (((build your credit rating))) so you can take a loan out later when you need it. This can be something like a vehicle or mortgage down payment. Once you have tangible assets in your name, you can then get an equity line of credit to acquire more assets (eg taking a loan out against your vehicle as collateral, so you can purchase a house). This paragraph isn't going to be relevant to every anon, but having at least a decent credit card as an emergency cushion is important.
>>17666 >>17667 Let them, martyr yourself and let your enemies kill you as a nobody. Surely ''you' being unjustly murdered will be the last straw where Waco, Ruby Ridge, and at least murdered boomer at capitol hill weren't. :^)
>Visit >>>/h/ for all your lewd needs! >>17659 Too late for that. Your only chance is to find another shitcoin and pray it becomes popular. >>17662 A MILF one and two loli ones and a shota one so you can live happily with your new doll family.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Oracle Solaris: http://www.oracle.com/solaris Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Matrix: https://matrix.org/ >Patchwork: https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Telegram: https://telegram.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/2219 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ Donation services: >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/ >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/
[Expand Post]>Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Neckbeard.xyz: https://neckbeard.xyz/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.com/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Twister: http://twister.net.co/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >AudioToWebm: https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ >Oracle Cloud: https://www.oracle.com/cloud/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 4-11-21 >Added <IONOS (Web host) <Neocities (Web host) <Oracle Cloud (Web host) >Removed <Playism (Marketplace), termination of store: https://archive.vn/jXJ2I <TrackMeNot (Other), no longer maintained: https://archive.vn/M5wku 3-21-21 >Added <ğchange (Marketplace) >Removed <Minds (Social media), censoring drawings: https://archive.vn/S2qEP 3-13-21 >Added <Based Cooking (Database) <GNU Social (Social media) <Hubzilla (Social media) >Removed <Fediverse (Social media), CoCked: https://archive.is/cpz3y 2-1-21 >Added <ActiveSearchResults (Search engine) <ExactSeek (Search engine) <Gigablast (Search engine) 1-29-21 >Added <ArchiveBox (Archival) <Mojeek (Search engine) <Wiby (Search engine) >Removed <SearX: (Search engine), doesn't provide unique results because it's a meta-search engine: https://archive.vn/r2u6S 1-18-21 >Added <GrapheneOS (Operating System) 1-12-21 >Added: <NewPipe (Video downloader) <Session (Chatroom <Surf (Browser) >Removed <9front (Operating system), supporting BLM: https://archive.vn/RzHUn#selection-216.0-216.1 1-9-21 >Added <Patchwork (Chatroom) >Removed <Ferment (V&A platform), project ended: https://archive.vn/bDsbS >Moved <LBRY moved from "Marketplace" to "Social Media" <Mediachain moved from "V&A platform" to "Social media" 1-8-21 >Added <Bromite (Browser) <Plurk (social Media) >Removed <Smashcast.tv (Streaming), Site closed: https://archive.vn/vnYt4
>>17666 >Government will shoot you if you don't They won't shoot you for not paying taxes, anon, that's just dumb. They'll just throw you in a cage with a bunch of niggers for the rest of your life. They'll only shoot you if you resist being thrown in the nigger pens. Which is a totally different charge.
>>286188 Fine by me. Wasn't sure when the SOR4 DLC is coming out anyway.
>>17670 Now that you have stable footing and you are in a position to build wealth, it's time to talk investments. This is the one time that diversity is a good thing. There are tons of asset classes, which have different functions and utilities. https://www.investopedia.com/ Bookmark this site. Every time you find a financial term you don't know, look it up. In 2 or 3 months, I had a strong enough knowledge of finances that I could have a meaningful conversation with others. One thing to consider is KYC - Know Your Client. Answer each of these honestly, because it will give you a good sense of what kind of investing you want to do. >How much can I invest in a year? (Only ever invest money you can afford to lose) >What is my risk tolerance? (Do I want slower gains, but less volatility, or am I okay with seeing my assets drop 80% in value for 6 months?) >What is my time horizon? (Do I need this money in 6 months, 5 years, or 25 years?) >What is my financial goal? (Am I saving for a vehicle, a house, retirement?) Do keep in mind that despite your risk tolerance, emotions have no place in investing. If you lose a bunch of money, you can't react to it. You have to think logically and don't fucking panic sell shit. Slowly, accumulate wealth over time by making good decisions. A good investor won't ask "How much can I make?" but rather, "How much can I afford to lose?". Personally, I have between $20,000 and $30,000 in assets from working for 5 years. This is give you an idea of a diversified portfolio: >Cash >Physical silver >Stock purchase plan from work (payroll deductions to buy company stock at a discount) >Deferred profit sharing plan from work through Manulife >Mutual fund (via my bank) >Self-directed investing (eg stock trading) >Crypto >Collectables as an investment There's probably another 1 or 2 asset classes I'm forgetting, plus many others I don't have exposure to (bonds, real estate, etc). The point of diversification is to reduce risk (and rewards) by segmenting it into different sectors and classes. The FED announced fucky interest rates? Look what it did to the bond market last month; with more interest in fixed-income assets, money flows from other sectors and makes certain things better or worse for trading. If you want to trade stocks, avoid Robinhood. In the last 5 years, they had a plaintext password leak, froze GME stocks from trading, and had at least one other incident by not disclosing that they routed orders to different exchanges, thus increasing prices. (a lawsuit?). While most brokerages offer commission-free trading, ask yourself: how do they get their money? They take the difference between the bid/ask spread on a trade, do it behind the scenes, and advertise it as "commission free". Therefore, I would recommend a brokerage that has fees, and discloses them upfront. It's easier to do the math on it, besides. And don't be a normalnigger that uses a cellphone app to trade.
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>>17670 >>17676 I am going to take out a loan to play /biz/ casino. I will call it a pro gamer move.
>>17677 >take out a loan Don't gamble with money that you can't afford to lose.
>>17677 >>17678 I know you're shitposting, but when you're disclosing the reason for taking out a loan through your bank, many will straight-up deny you the loan if you mention it's for investment purposes. What you could do is instead take out a small business loan of like $5,000, start a LLC, and then use this as a shell to conduct investment practices. The US has a very complicated system for income, tax, and business laws, which varies by federal and state levels, so I can't give specific advice. But if you wanted to be cheeky and go all in and make a king retard move, this is how you would do it. Do also check whether the loan is secured (bad for you) or unsecured (good for you - it'll eventually go away after 7 years of negligent payment and harassment from collection agencies)
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>>285611 Yahoo Japan is certainly impressive that it still has the classic site design from the 90s. However I was unable to see other popular websites in Japan retain the classic web look such as Rakuten so it may as well be an exception to the rule of the web being modernized and flat. I'm not sure the nips being rigid and slow to change have anything to do with keeping the old design when other popular websites in the country look the same any other country's.
>>17670 >If you can do this, congratulations, you're literally ahead of 90% of the normalfag population who live paycheck-to-paycheck and one bad event can ruin their entire lives. <Finished paying off my student loan over a year ago <No debt since <Even bought a car all in cash Feels great not having something swinging over my head. Also thanks to the recent stimulus checks, my tax returns, and putting 20% of my paycheck in savings (Because I can), have almost 6K that I can do whatever I want with. >Next, you'll want to save money that you can put towards investments. Question is WHAT though. >You can do two things: a.) reduce your expenses; b.) increase your income. It's up to your to look at your own budget and figure out how to do this. Stop buying coffee and chips and junkfood. Shit is a waste of money. For the past couple of years, I've had the policy of keeping $50 cash in my wallet every month that I can spend on whatever. Once that's gone, I don't have anymore spending money for "luxuries". If I spend less than all $50, I only put in the difference. >>17676 >>How much can I invest in a year? (Only ever invest money you can afford to lose) I currently have $200, what's worth investing as a starter? >What is my financial goal? (Am I saving for a vehicle, a house, retirement?) How about financially free for the next 100 years to do whatever the Hell I want? >>17677 Also, seems like a good reminder to go to the /biz/ thread on /pol/: >>>/pol/232 Or on PLW: https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/25257.html
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate
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>>17680 It's mobile version also looks better than the rest of the world's.
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>>17681 >Stimulus checks Oh yes, I had forgot about that. Cash is one of the worst investments to hold, because on average, the (((Federal Reserve))) puts something like 2.1% more USD per year into the economy, which means that over a 5 year period, your $1000 loses approximately 10% value. Meanwhile, every other asset class increases in price (not necessarily value) to compensate. Because of the coof, the FED printed something like 60% of the USD over the last year, which is like 20 years' worth of inflation. Look at pic related for example - collectibles and sports cards went up retarded amounts across the board and people are paying these prices. That's a specific example, but even stocks have taken off and done silly things since the crash of March of last year, to say nothing of meme stocks like GME or dogecoin. >>17680 >What can I invest in as a starter If you feel like gambling, you can mess with crypto. I'm personally not a fan of it, and have very little of it myself (maybe $500 or something like that). I compare it to forex trading and it's not really the right asset class for me. If you wanted to dump it into stocks, you could buy an ETF of some kind. An ETF is an exchange-traded fund, which is basically a mutual fund (a collection of many stocks) that is traded on a brokage just as any other stocks are. Something like SPY tracks the S&P500, one of the big stock indexes that looks at the top 500 companies in the US across a variety of sectors. On average, it yields something like 8-10% a year, depending, though it has had negative returns some years (hence why I mentioned risk tolerance - stay the course). Basically any investment that can beat inflation is going to be good, 4-8% is average, 10%+ for passive investing is very good. Accepting additional risk and actively trading can give you much higher returns, 30%, 200%, 1200%, but you need some manner of skill and luck. Who would have known for a fact that Dogecoin was going to take off? Some people threw money around and got lucky, and that's okay too - you just have to accept that you might lose it, too. Oh, and don't go all-in. Split your money between 2-3 things to start, and over time slowly accumulate your position, either buying more, or buying new things.
>>17658 Second image without the edit, please? I'm trying to catalog these lewds in sankaku.
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Visit the following boards to discuss lewds. >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/rule34/ - Self- explanatory at this point >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn Visit the following boards to discuss hobbies and interest. >>>/tg/ - Tabletop & Card game related discussion >>>/fast/ - SFW Sonic the Hedgehog discussion >>>/t/ - SFW Discussion of Technology and Software >>>/vhs/ - Movies and Cinema >>>/a/ - Anime, Manga, & Japanese Media General >>>/ai/ - Anime and other media for young girls, prichan, aikatsu, cocotama, precure, shining star >>>/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling and Combat Sports >>>/ck/ - Culinart arts, cooking tips, and general home cooking >>>/vg/ - Video Game Discussions & Generals >>>/vyt/ - Virtual Youtuber Generals & Discussions >>>/x/ - Paranormal, Occult, and Conspiracy >>>/fit/ - Fitness, Health, & General Body Improvement >>>/mu/ - Music discussion & Generals >>>/loomis/ - Art Gains for practice and improvement.
>>17674 This is possibly one only two renditions of the nu-cacodemons that I've seen that are actually acceptable.
>>17686 Moe and red text don't look good in my opinion. Also /sm/ is best board.
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>>17683 Funny you mention the mobile version of the Yahoos because although it is proprietary and up to Japanese taste there's a good selection of themes to choose from. I think US Yahoo has themes too but they don't have as much to choose from. >>17684 Thanks for the free (you)!
>>17684 >Look at pic related for example - collectibles and sports cards went up retarded amounts across the board and people are paying these prices Where can you look those up? I have a lot of TCGs that are decades old.
>>17690 Only cards in packages that have never been opened or have manufacturing defects are worth money.
>>17691 So, those random DBZ cards I have are absolutely worthless?
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>>17691 >Only cards in packages that have never been opened or have manufacturing defects are worth money. Absolutely not true, though modern cards a shit >>17690 This particular site is MTGStocks, though something like Scryfall might be easier to use to filter through shit. I'm mostly talking about MTG though. Any MTG card that's on the "reserved list" has gone up significantly over the last 5 years. As an investment, only cards that are on the Reserve List, or are sealed boxes will maintain value over time. Recent era cards do not hold their value well and are better to buy and flip, if you'd rather be a merchant, or else just liquidate your older shit. It's better to piece big hitters out individually, though using Ebay and Paypal together will probably have an overhead of about 20%, depending on taxes, fees, and shipping. Pic related is about $3,000 of sealed MTG
>>17693 Oh, I should mention that Pokemon and Yugioh are also very hot right now, but I have very little knowledge on them, as a product.
>>17658 God I want to have a family with Danielle.
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>>17685 There's also ourobooru.booru.org, just so you know.
>>17654 >3rd pic M-Mommy!
>>17670 >luxuries are a waste Wrong, faggot. Mental health is the most undervalued commodity in today's society. If a cup of coffee preserves your sanity then its worth whatever you spend on it to not be told that you need to go to a shrink and take perscription drugs for the rest of your life.
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>>17697 >>>/test/943 I found you, burger.
>>17657 Donate to me, anon.
>>17699 >Luxuries are a waste I never said that. It's up to you to decide what's worth budgeting for. If you need it, I would wager that it's not a luxury, then. However, I would also say that if your mental health hangs on whether or not you have a coffee every day, you should do some introspection and see if there's a better way to manage yourself.
>>17657 Send some to Acid to pay for the belarusian shitpost gathering area.
>>17657 Hello, i am ugandian prince. you are my only living relative. send me ur bank information for $$$
>>17657 When you pull it out via a coin exchange, they should file paperwork with the IRS (assuming you're a burger) that details your tax liability. They will send you a copy in time for tax season next year. If they don't, you need to ask them for it. Only the gains are taxable, and capital gains are a set rate. You'll have to pay the short-term gains %, which is around 22% I think. The only way to lower it is to wait 5 years and your profit will be gone by then. I'd sell now since dogecoin intentionally inflates itself by thousands of dollars every minute. First things first, open a Roth IRA with one of the big three brokers (Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Vanguard) and deposit the maximum annual contribution (about $6k) in there. There's no benefit to putting the rest into a retirement account, since it's not tax advantaged, but you can take a chunk of it and dump it into an investment account. Track S&P 500 and that money will continue to grow over the coming years. I'd squirrel away enough of it so you could last 6-12 months unemployed, and buy yourself something kinda nice, and then invest the rest. But that's just me. Good job getting rich on a meme. The cool thing is you can drop that cash into investments now and it'll grow over the course of the year before taxes are even due on it. But expect to have to pull 22% of your earnings out for Uncle Sam.
>>286256 Feels good. It is all about our freedom anon.
How many people in your family have already gotten the chinkflu vaccine?
>>17707 Not much, they dont care about facts and freedom.
niggerpill, if i ever find you, i will raze all your teeth to the gums with a dremel grinder.
>>17707 Two and they have had only minor health complications the days after getting injected Still not doing that shit though
>>17707 Nobody in my family's gotten jabbed to my knowledge yet but at least two friends of mine online got it.
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Left and Right wing refer to approval or rejection of "The Crown" as it were for the nation, something that could be interpreted as what a nation's tradition is. Something I find very curious is that what is typically referred to the "Alt-Right" in American politics is fundamentally a rejection of the traditional ideals of the nation. Is the title meant to signify organizational disparagement as two parties that are opposed structurally and the title is used as a means of reassessing the major parties. Or is it really a delusion that it is a form of tradition to reject the founding principles. As the topic does tend to flow in hand with regards to the topic of political influence peddling with regards to corporate development and Journalistic practices.
>>17712 Seeing as how the current American government fundamentally rejects the founding principles of the nation, I would say yes.
>>17707 Im the last of my family line, so no one. A friend of mine got jabbed because he was forced by his family
Contribute to /polarchive/, for fuck's sakes. >>17714 Not much of a friend if you didn't stop him from caving to the pressure.
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>>17715 He told me after he got jabbed.
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>>17715 She's basically a living onahole, exactly how does one manage going through life without limbs?
>>17686 What happened to /pure/? It seems to be gone.
>>17717 By getting a good husband.
>>17718 >404 I guess it really was just a Wizardchan bunker after all.
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>>17707 None, one of the advantages of having rural boomer parents. Although right, they also talk about the vaccine being "the mark of satan" and other attempts to cite satanism like masks being a "mark of submission". So their correct in not liking the vaccine but the methods for how they got to it are all wrong. Not exactly the most logical and fact based reasoning. They also were apart of that group that thought 5g was giving everyone cancer/corona awhile back and going around burning 5g towers.
>>17721 Just be happy they got to the right conclusion regardless of how they got there
>>17717 >Don't have to clean house >Don't have to cook >Don't have to get a job, still gets paid >Don't even have to wipe your own ass >Can still be a mother >Voice recognition allows you to still shop online and text >You are justifiably always seen as the victim in all situations, all the time >All the attention you could ever want Seems like a pretty cush gig for a woman. The only thing you have to worry about is finally pushing someone too hard and they put you in a trash can and roll your ass down the street.
>>17722 What this Anon says. They might have ran through a field of thirsty honey badgers tripping on acid to get to the correct place but at least they fucking got there. >>17723 >A woman that wont spend your wages on fucking shoes. >You always know where she is. >She can't slap you. >If she starts mouthing off duct tape over the mouth. >Can be used as a door stop. Sounds fucking perfect to be honest.
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I mean...
Greetings, my fellow racists. Fuck niggers and fuck jannies
>>17725 looks implicitly northern Germanic tribesman
>>17717 Isn't she just putting her arms through some kind of trick bed though?
>>17728 That is correct.
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>>17725 Americans have been conditioned to think that everything is and/or relates to niggers. The absolute state
>>17725 The style's a bit Mongolian I guess with that topknot
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>>17726 >Fuck niggers Don't fuck niggers Today I decided to look at what Dean Takahashi, the guy who couldn't beat the tutorial of Cuphead, was doing. Through him I found out that the appropriately named Women of Misfits don't have a single person related to ESports in any way. I'm guessing their "Mentorship" will relate to political correctness. https://archive.is/biaDm
>>17732 Are they all trannies? All of them, to a man, look like trannies.
>>17733 No, they just American
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>>17734 You could show me her pussyclitorious, her womb and a video of her giving birth and I still wouldn't believe you. This is not a woman.
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>>17736 >inb4 it plays like Ghostrunner/Mirror's edge
>>17736 The Walking Dead Season 1 already did it.
>>17736 I'm pretty sure Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, EA, Bioware, Microsoft and Naughty Dog would do this shit for free.
>>17736 It's going to teach a new generation how to avoid paying child support while knocking up a dozen chicks.
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>>17662 Don't buy a Realdoll. My attempt to buy one has been horrible due to company incompetence. I tried to post a negative review on the RealDoll Forum, but the mods refused to approve it because it was 'Off topic'. Which makes me wonder how many negative customer experiences are really out there. The only posts you find on the Doll Forums are absolutely gushing positive ones... but now I realize those are the only ones the mods permit to be posted just so they can stay in the good graces with the RealDoll staff who also post there. Gotta nurture and cultivate dat Access™! My banned review: >Considering you could buy a used car for the price of a realdoll, you would think the RealDoll company would put an ultra-premium on customer service. >Realdolls are considered the premium brand; most expensive, highest quality. So you would think that they would have the highest standard of customer service considering they are selling customized, upmarket, boutique products of unparalled quality. >NOPE. >I tried contacting them about a potential purchase, and expected the kind of customer service one receives from any shop front that sells multi-thousand dollar product. Instead I find a website plagued by 100% permanant popups ("Spin the wheel"), and after finally getting to their 'Contact Us' page I find the message: >Please contact us with any product or order inquiries. You can use the form below, or the contact info on this page. >THERE IS NO FORM BELOW. >I try looking for an email address because companies that sell to customers all over the world shouldn't be reliant only on a telephone (or a Dot Matrix printer, for that matter), but couldn't find it anywhere on the site. So I'm forced to use the 'Live Chat' facility. >Problem: It's operated by ONE guy. >When he's available. >Which ain't now. >Because Barry (or whatever his name is) is just one guy, and he's probably asleep. Or having breakfast. Or lunch. Or away from his computer. Or done for the day. >And after finally... finally... catching him when he's online (but couldn't answer live because he was busy, and would get back to me), I ask for the company email address for Sales. He eventually gets to my question and provided it, and I sent my questions regarding the purchase of a customized real doll worth several thousands. >The Sales guy couldn't answer basic stock queries, and said he would ask his coworkers and get back to me. WEEKS LATER... still nothing. >Pathetic. >Like I said; for an ultra-expensive, ultra-premium, ultra-high quality seller of customized upmarket boutique products sold for thousands of dollars, REALLDOLL AS A COMPANY HAS GROSSLY LOW STANDARDS OF CUSTOMER SERVICE. >And that's sad.
>>17736 >by putting players in the shoes of a Black father So in other words, making them pay 400% of their income in alimony every month.
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>>17742 >He thinks RealDolls are premium They literally do not have a single head that doesn't look like a tranny. If you want quality sex dolls, you have to go Asian. The chinks make surprising quality, but there's also nip and worst korean producers.
I can't archive because I'm using my phone's data but Dorias at it again https://twitter.com/osamadorias/status/1381473405652889600
>>17736 >One of the comments: "The object of the game is to leave and never come back"
So, another shooting in america? what's the reason this time?
>>17730 This guy got raided by the feds, lol.
>>17747 Source?
>>17749 TV news in my country. Something in Indianapolis with 8 deaths?
>>17750 Just saw it. Long story short, a postman went postal and popped 8 people: https://archive.ph/MbIMX
>>17707 None because my mom is an anti-vaxxer
>>17707 None
>>17707 My cousin's father in-law died of covid, so we all got the jab. I waited until my city switched from sinovac to pfizer, no way I'm putting chink chemicals in me.
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>>17754 All according to keikaku
No one probably cares since I haven't streamed in forever and most likely everyone has already watched it but I'm streaming Yuru Camp. https://watch.8ch.moe/view/414a8b74-78d5-44a5-8782-d7a143db0a2d/
>>17757 Who the fuck are you?
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>>17736 >black father Top fiction. Is it a racing game?
>>17754 My mother and I are the only ones on my family who didn't get the jab yet and now my family is trying to emotionally blackmail my mother to get it. Is there any guide about the different vaccines and which is good and which is bad? Something more detailed than "all are bad".
>>17760 The guide is pretty simple: all of them are bad. Hope it cleared things up for you and allowed you to make the right decision.
>>17760 >>17758 Some guy that does anime streams. >>17760 There's nothing to say other than that they're all bad. You and your family are just beta testers for an unnecessary vaccine. Your not even being paid for your trouble.
>>17760 sinovac is the worst, not only because brazil's independent test showed 54% effectiveness, but also because the chinks themselves uncovered a plot by a particular lab to sell water as vaccine. So far, the J&J blood clots and pfizer palsy are looking like flukes, i.e. 4 blood clots is about what you would expect to get given the amount of people vaccinated, moderna seems less effective, but if you think the side effects above are real, it'd be the way to go. Personally I recommend pfizer, again, it's the most effective, with 75% protection after one jab, and the palsy thing really was a fluke if you compare the numbers. 15-30 per 100000 cases of palsy annually in the general population, or about 2 people montly. compared to 4 people after about 500000 had been vaccinated in india. >>17761 >>17762 fuck off illiterate retards.
>>17763 >fuck off illiterate retards. Anon, the fact that there has been fuck-all testing and that the vaccines were rushed apply to all of them. Doesn't matter if it's Sputnik, J&J, Sinovac or Astrazeneca. Every single one of them has had fuck-all testing. You say we are illiterate but that would be a largely meaningless statement when there is no literature to even be reading. Great, you get marketing terms about being the best one out of all of them, good job. Bet you're super proud of reading that.
>>17763 Meme vaccines for a meme virus.
>>17764 But they haven't had fuck all testing, they had about the normal amount (again, minus sinovac), most of time cut was more or less FDA waiting times and red tape. >>17765 >I called it meme so now it's poo poo
>>17766 >But they haven't had fuck all testing >they had about the normal amount >most of time cut was more or less FDA waiting times and red tape Wrong on all accounts.
>>17707 None. I didn't even have to convince my mother or father to not get it as they were never planning on getting it in the first place, so I'm thankful for that.
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>>17707 My grandma sits on her ass and watches CNN all day. Of course she went ahead and got it. My mom though listens to conspiracy theories of mentally deranged shizos and believes the vaccines have microchips. She and tried to get me to take some weird ass chemical I don't even know about and on Easter she thought there would be some kind of "3 days of darkness" afterwards, started to prepare lamps around the house, food and then convinced my low IQ grandma to believe that too. Of course that never fucking happened. I simply told her "Do you actually believe everything that people say on the internet?" and she just brushed me off. I never take any of her advice nowadays and I am so much better off for it.
>>17707 More than half my family on both sides. The only people that I know aren't getting it are my mother and me. My father and sister are getting it today.
>>17707 It's only me and my mom in my family really and she did get it. What's funny is that I know a fair amount of people that won't be getting it. I don't know what all of their political stances are and which way they lean, but I've been kind of surprised at how many people I know don't really trust the "vaccine".
>>17707 Zero because my country is too incapable to properly carry out their vaccination program. At least I'll be safe from the New Normal, police and politicians are too retarded to oppress anyone here.
>>17743 400% of zero is still zero, anon
>>17772 Where is this? I wanna move there
>>17707 Whole immediate family, myself included. I certainly didn't need it, I'm working from home, I don't go out, and I'm not sick, fat, or elderly. I did see someone in an earlier thread ask what vaccine Israel has been using (Pfizer), so I waited until that was available. If they think it's kosher, it's probably safe enough.
>>17775 > If they think it's kosher They don't. You done goofed
>>17776 I've seen this posted a few times, never with any context, and I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for in it.
>>17776 What am I supposed to look for in this video?
>>17777 >>17778 Look closely, he's not actually getting the "jab", probably paid him off to get the passport
>>17767 a quick search will tell you pfizer completed phase 3 trials in november. >>17778 The doctor pretends to jab him.
>>17777 >>17778 They probably poked him with an empty needle. It doesnt look like he pressed the plunger and pulled it away immediately. Ive had enough bloodwork and sedatives from my dentist, it takes at least 2-5 seconds to properly empty a syringe into someone
>>17776 If Israel had only pretended to vaccinate 10 million people, and somehow none of the countless people administering, manufacturing, or receiving the vaccine had leaked that information, do you think the way you would be able to tell that is from a video of a single person being vaccinated that you think looks funny? Hell, at that level of conspiracy they could just replace all the vials with saline.
>>17782 Israel has a history of forcibly sterilizing people
>>17657 Buy weapons. >>17666 Not if you shoot them first.
>>17766 <But they haven't had fuck all testing, they had about the normal amount >2020 was six years ago https://archive.ph/yuKD3
>>17776 it almost looks like he jabbed him through his shirt
>>17779 >>17780 Was it just this guy? Who is he? Why was only his jab filmed? If it was more than him, why doesn't the video go longer? The jab kinda looks like it's going into his shirt, but the quality of the video and the angle it was filmed from make it very hard to tell. And even if they were pretending to jab him, why go to these lengths? You can stage the jab in so many different ways and still get your selfie. Why this set-up? >>17781 >Empty needle Maybe, but hardly something I can determine from the video. >it takes at least 2-5 seconds to properly empty a syringe into someone Sure, I could buy that, but if the doctor has been doing this all day, it could be mechanical repetition and he can do it faster after doing it a few hundred times. Short version, the video is kinda fishy, but it's also super shit. I'm willing to believe this was a fake jab, but that doesn't really do anything for me, there's nothing more to infer.
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>>17736 >Video game seeks to fight racism by putting players in the shoes of a (((Black))) father >(((Black))) What the FUCK is up with this? >pics related
>>17773 Black fathers don't need to come back to pay alimony. As long as the mother can prove it is his child, the government can deduct that sweet sweet child support from his bank account.
>>17788 They said they would be doing that a few months ago
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>>17788 At some point AP changed the journo guidelines, so that all racial groups other than whites get capitalized as proper nouns.
>>17788 This amonymous image board needs a nigger version of the (((jewish echoes))) and the ///chink slashes\\\
>>17792 No it doesn't
>>17790 For what purpose? It looks stupid and uneducated to randomly capitalize adjectives.
>>17792 >>17793 Wait it already does NIGGER
>>17792 The Penumbra Clear theme has black characters with a light grey background, and the Tomorrow theme has white characters with a black background.
>>17788 >Associated Press: AP says it will capitalize Black but not white https://archive.is/sX0S7 >After changing its usage rules last month to capitalize the word “Black” when used in the context of race and culture, The Associated Press on Monday said it would not do the same for “white.” >The AP said white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color. >Protests following the death of George Floyd, which led to discussions of policing and Confederate symbols, also prompted many news organizations to examine their own practices and staffing. The Associated Press, whose Stylebook is widely influential in the industry, announced June 19 it would make Black uppercase. >“We agree that white people’s skin color plays into systemic inequalities and injustices, and we want our journalism to robustly explore these problems,” John Daniszewski, the AP’s vice president for standards, said in a memo to staff Monday. “But capitalizing the term white, as is done by white supremacists, risks subtly conveying legitimacy to such beliefs.”
>>17791 <ASSociated PRICKS
>>17797 >white people in general have much less shared history and culture, What do they mean by this? >and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color Oh, yes, the failed expeditions in exploring Asia, America, and Africa had nothing to do with skin color at all.
>>17798 More like >Associated Phaggots
>>17730 The American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.
>>17787 Ironically, it's probably another anti-vaxxer like the retards here, who paid off the doctor to get the covid passport, which even I agree is a terrible, anti-freedom idea.
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>>17800 >Phaggots >vid related >>17797 >The AP said white people in general have much less shared history and culture Do these whorish walking syplilis/crabs vectors do any research at all before they spout their overwhelmingly asinine, absurd bullshit? Oh wait >John (((Daniszewski))) Oh, it's a (((KIKE)))
>>17736 Oh so it's another endless runner.
>>17801 And the vocal (read: urban) parts of the US embrace that shit >>17800 I'll do you one better: <(((ASSociated Phaggots)))
>>17725 I would unironically rather have orcs at this point.
>>17707 In my immediate family, only my Mom and my Dad. My Mom is probably the most pro-vaccine person in the world. My Dad knows that this pandemic is all a scam but got the jab anyway. I just hope my college doesn't make the vaccine a requirement for next semester.
>>17807 It will and it will charge you $25000 for it.
>>17801 Nice copypasta!
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>>17797 >white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color Is this nigger serious? There are countless examples disproving this with minimal effort required to find them. >>17803 Every time I hear white people have not been discriminated against, white people need to step down, or white people have no culture/etc, it is always one of these fuckers.
>>17697 >ourobooru.booru.org >booru.org Reminder that they nuke boorus over loli.
>>17780 >phase 3 trials in november >even though its only been a year before the vaccine proliferated in the US and phase 3 takes at least 1 year to do
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Behold, Reddit's shit taste.
>>17813 >Levi in the top 10 >Levi in the top anything Sit taste! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT TAAAAAAAAAAAASTE!
>>17670 >since the interest on loans from college Anon, college loans aren't accruing interest until October. WTF I LOVE BIDEN NOW? >>17676 >muh investment Economic collapse is coming. Covid crippling the economy is going to result in a short temporary boom as everything opens up again, a new roaring 20s, before the dollar quickly goes to shit due to massive overprinting during covid. Inflation will outpace your investments. Instead, invest in physical silver, gold, etc., and as much self-sufficiency as you're comfortable with. Monopoly money won't survive economic upheaval. If you need to dip into investments, you can just sell your physical goods without having to worry about welching on some investment plan where you're not alllowed to touch your money. t. retard >>17785 Then how do they have new flu vaccine every year? >>17813 >Heavily sexual loli in the top 10 But I though Reddit was supposed to be kosher?
>>17813 >>17814 >eren that high Pathetic.
>>17813 The list as a whole is basically just every prominent character from the last 10 years of animu, but with newer and crappier characters on top.
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>>17813 >Yui, Mio, and Azuna are on the list >Mugi is not Mugi confirmed too pure for reddit
>>17813 >Deku nowhere There isn't a bigger letter than red letters, right? Well, anyway. SHIIIIIIIIIIIT TAAAAAASTE!
>>17819 He's number 59
>>17813 Shit looks like they just put flavour of the season MCs along with random obligatory "old ass charaters that I've keep hearing about from old people with non-progressive taste" into a chart and called it a day.
>>17813 >redditaro in first place AAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAAAAA You can't make this shit up.
>>17813 >Jotaro above Dio >Guts that low >All that Nu-shit Top 10/100 lists tend to be awful but this shit is genuinely bad. >>17819 >Generic MC with standard motivations with no real growth or issues after 5 years. You're acting as if it's a bad thing.
>>17823 >Guts that low I know, Also: >No LOTGH characters, anywhere
>>17823 >with no real growth or issues >series is about him learning to control his power & is constantly fighting villains that challenge his perception of the world & force him to take on challenges he isn't ready for If you were talking about Bakugo you'd have a point. That fucker hasn't changed a bit.
>>17820 You made me look, you son of a bitch.
>>17815 Because they're traditional vaccines with research behind them going on a century, not research that has never been licensed for human use before given a worldwide fast pass. Generally the only thing that changes is the strains that they use in them
>>17813 >I recognize just about every series on there <Haven't read or watched a single one except for Death Note and Gurren Lagann Does that make me a normalfag, or have better taste than your typical normalfag?
>>17828 You're extremely normalfag.
I just got the covid vaccine and I'm suddenly feeling an urge to watch interracial cuck porn, is this normal?
>>17828 Gurren Lagann is probably the best thing from that list, so either normalfag or awfully underage.
>>17824 Consider it a blessing since if it's in there it's gonna be nu-design and nobody wants that shit.
>>17830 yeah
>>17828 Depends on what else you've watched. Definitely missed a few good ones, but reddit is full of tards with shit taste.
>>17829 So, because I watch "less popular" series like Rail Wars and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress", watch older series like Tekkaman and Dimension Dream Hunter Fandora, read less popular manga like Modaka-chan and Ogeha, and read older manga like Marginal and Devil Devil''; I'm the normalist or normalfags one could find?
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>>17829 Terrible reading comprehension. Guy said he hadn't watched any of them. >>17830 Fixed your hat for you, Monsieur 1-and-done
>>17835 Absolutely, do not fool yourself.
>>17813 >Kaguya-sama: Love is boring >Monogatari series >Silent Voice faggot who didn't do shit >Cowboy mehbop >Asuna toppping guts lel >Demon Slayer >Winry being on the list at all >Too many AoT characters Reddit has been MAL for years. Allowing normies and women in was the biggest mistake for the anime community.
>>17839 >normies GTFO!
>>17837 He just said he hadn't read any EXCEPT Death Note & Gurren Lagann. You're the one with poor reading comprehension.
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IT'S FINALLY HERE: MATH IS RACIST The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so. Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers *perpetuate objectivity* [sic] as well as fear of open conflict [sic]. If you do not read the PDF in its entirety how will you fight? How will you know your enemy if you can't be arsed to sit for 10 minutes and read their explicity, out-in-the-open plan to destroy all society? This PDF literally cost a few million out of Billy Gates Retard Foundation, least you can do is read it. Hyper-local homeschooling associations when? Also, this verbal example: >implying a 70IQ retard knows what a constant is or explain any of their unconscious thinking
>Not caring about shit that doesn't matter means said matter is true There's an endless stream of shit and limited time. It' better to take care about what matter and you can do something about it. Mainly stay fit, learn things, improve yourself and take care of people close to you.
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>>17813 Mob Psycho is the only thing barely passable there and most of it isn't even.
>>17844 What about Spice and Wolf?
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>>17813 >leddit has shit taste Who would have known?
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>>17835 >>17841 >I-I haven't even seen those! I am not a MAL user I swear! My favorite anime is Space Battleship Yamato! Watching this shit has nothing to do with normalfaggotry, its the worship of mediocrity that distinguishes them. I'm guessing this guy treats anime like a collection. Same shit. >>17842 >If you do not read the PDF in its entirety how will you fight? I hope you understand how retarded this sounds. >>286481 I would agree with you but if you are including games in that the vita came out in the 2010's and I quite liked Konosuba and re-zero myself
>>17813 Meh, a lot of them are fine to me some are a bit higher than they ought to be and flavor of the months riddle the early spots especially but if you just slapped a clover or a green ribbon on the top of the chart instead of "r/anime's top 100 characters" it wouldn't exactly be too different from shit you'd see here or on cuckchan, save maybe more lewd shit popping up and a few more niche characters.
>>17813 >No Char >No Alucard >Guts not number 1 Fuck reddit
>>17849 Why would you want a cuckold as number 1?
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>>17813 >thread's been talking about the vaccine >"hey everyone look reddit has shit taste in anime!" >thread derails to talking about reddit list >and niggerpill suddenly pops up too
>>17847 What the fuck are you even saying?
>>17742 >>17744 https://www.the-doll-house.com/ If you're actually serious about buying sex dolls. The ones here look high quality. I remember watching the creator of these dolls on Rekieta's stream and he even said you can make the dolls lactate. He also sold 2b dolls at one point and I was seriously thinking about buying one but it seems it was a limited time thing.
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>>17845 That's too light for my tastes.
>>17851 >thread derails If you want to talk about the vaccine, might as well repost what was said on /animu/: https://archive.is/qdRQS >what makes this vaccine in particular different <Traditional coronaviruses cannot be treated with a vaccine because the way the virus is designed <The vaccine was fast-tracked through production with nowhere near the amount of testing usually required <A portion of the vaccines being distributed are NOT the traditional vaccines that were distributed in the past (That use anti-bodies from healthy individuals or genetically altered versions of the original virus) and actually use extremely experimental and life-altering procedures <The vaccines are being shoved down the populace's throat instead of just being encouraged <Previous epidemics in recent history (AIDs, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, H1N1, etc.) didn't require this level hysteria and/or sterilization being enforced <Previous vaccines created to fight past pandemics have been optimized over the course of decades of research and experimentation >Gee, I wonder.
>>17853 He doesn't create them, he interfaces with producers and provides customer service (which, considering my experience with the chinks, is worth it). He also only sells mid-range dolls, though they look better than most mid-range dolls. From listening to him, he also does custom stuff, so you might be able to email him about a 2B doll and be in luck.
>>17850 Even being cucked Guts is still manlier and tougher than everyone on that list Also >No Vash
>>17853 Unless you have a 103cm loli doll, I'm not interested.
>>17851 >Vaccine itself is not a derail
>>17858 There's a story around that. He's British and he had to go to court because one of his dolls were under a height that could be classified as a child, even though it had large boobs. His case was that if it's pedophilia to have sex with a child-like doll then it would be murder to take the head off of it.
>>17851 I was unironically convinced this was real for a second, but after a quick read-through of all 214 (they found that many since this was made) examples it's only slightly more ridiculous than most of them. Amazing.
>>17862 >Taking a man to court over a doll >While muslim, I mean "asian" rape gangs rampage your country Only in the UK
>>286533 >Scared of dead niggers You should be scared of the live ones
>>286533 Witnessed.
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>>17813 >Gappy isn't even on the list >no Guu >no Hoshima Kate >no one from Made in Abyss >no Sasami >no Popuri >no Princess Silver >no Kemono Friends >no Yotsuba >no Lotte >no Kokonoe Rin >no Mitsudomoe >absolutely no one from Doraemon >no Astroboy or Uran >WHERE THE FUCK IS KINOMOTO SAKURA? >having ANYONE from AoT on the list at this point >Emma is as far down as 94 I am angry. Angry about reddit.
Another doll site because I guess this is the point we have reached now. https://www.thesilverdoll.com/ Pictures of ones around 100cm, which is more halfling size than loli size, for that one guy who posted earlier. Also, I feel like the recent threads have really been poor quality (he says as he posts sex dolls) in that it seems like people just come in and spam shit but don't actually engage in conversation which is niggerpill tier.
>>17869 I don't get how you can get to that point. I'd rather pay a whore
>>17870 I agree with this sentiment, what advantage is there to a doll over a prostitute?
>>17870 Whores can give you STDs
>>17871 No diseases.
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>>17872 >>17873 Just use one of these.
>>17870 >>17871 That's retarded. Whores are expensive, can't be brought home without significant risk, won't let you do whatever you want to them, etc. A doll is a one time investment with minimal maintenance and none of the risk.
>>17874 How about just not sticking it into a used up whore covered in disease to begin with?
>>17874 You're underestimating how real sex dolls can feel.
>>17877 (checked) Is a doll actually comparable to a real woman?
>>17870 While these are made for sex I wonder how many idle rich folk actually do use them as just really big dolls? You know, dress them up and talk to them, put them around the table and pretend they're your kids. The idea of that is somehow worse to me than someone just slapping one on his dick then tossing it in the dishwasher when he's done.
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>>17877 >>17876 >>17874 What if my dick is so long I just stick it in my own ass instead?
>>17881 Are you a horse?
>>17881 That would be awfully homosexual of you.
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>>17878 No, you'd have to invest in a highly expensive model with internal heating to even come close to that. Just jack off into a tissue or fuck a real woman, it's not that fucking hard.
>>17884 The site I linked does have dolls with internal heating. Also you can buy a scent spray to spray on them for the smell of a real woman.
>>17885 It still won't feel like a real women. Nor will it move by itself. A real woman can wash your dishes while a doll has to be washed by you every time.
>>17813 >decent chunk of list(mainly Steins Gate, Bakemono, Konasuba) is waifufagged and spread as gifs and webms through various threads >plebbit likes it, it's shit >lurking reddit Better not post reddit ranking 2hus, least that becomes shit too. But now this has me wondering about /v/'s top 100.
>>17874 >Claiming to be straight and not having sex with a MtF tranny means you're a bigot >Probably the same retard logic holds true for fucking faggots with STDs
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>>17885 Well, too bad it has shit customer service
>>17881 Well if that's the case, then you can go fuck yourself.
>>17886 Good luck finding a woman who is submissive, looks exactly the way you want her to look, and doesn't expect you to give her half your money. Also dolls don't age.
>>17886 I've found the perfect doll for you, anon! https://www.dxdoll.com/products/pro574.html
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>>17893 Wait a second, I though they'd "fixed" the tranny face? Guess not
>>17893 I think its for the best they're covering them up considering how ugly they are now
>>17654 Maybe off-topic but, can someone give me a rundown of the history of /leftypol/, images and videos would be appreciated. I'm working on something
>>17895 You were going to say something, anon?
>>17893 Why does that Amazon look like Terry A. Davis?
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>>17870 I'm pretty sure you can afford an Eastern European wife in decent condition for $100K.
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I didn't know that this was a thing with Twatter since I don't use it.
>>17842 I've read it. The amount of bullshit contained within is laughable. First, they put forward ideas without arguing for or against said ideas. They say ideas are bad without any backing, either through references or argument or research. The entire thing reads like a modern journalism piece, with entire pages devoted to mostly meaningless quotations. There are multiple instances of repetition in a document that's less than 100 pages long; there's about 15 pages of actual content. Most of the document encourages math teacher to stop teaching math itself, and instead do things like "Expose students to mathematicians of color, particularly women of color and queer mathematicans of color, both through historical examples and by inviting community guest speakers." Or teaching kids GRADE 6 THROUGH 8 about how Mayans and Nigerians use math. Or telling the teachers to reflect on if they actually understand conceptual math, and that maybe teachers don't want to teach common core because they don't really get it, winkyface. Here are some of the gems >Expose students to examples of people who have used math as resistance. Provide learning opportunities that use math as resistance. Resistance against what? Against whom? There's no fucking context. >Recognize mistakes as miscommunicated knowledge. So mistakes due to inattention, faulty equipment, malicious outside interference, etc, don't exist? >Encourage them to disrupt the disproportionate push-out of people of color in those fields This directly encourages racism, and discourages meritocratic environments.
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>>17903 Meritocracy is inherently white supremacist because whites have more merit bigot :^)
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>>17904 I like how we went from: >We were here first/We won to >Everyone has a place in society to >Everyone is equal to >You get special treatment if you're different In less than 80 years
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>>17707 Meant to reply earlier, my father has gotten both doses, was advised the second dose might be a lot rougher but he ended up doing a shit load of yard work the day after. The first dose was what had him all flop sweating and drained. He's just an old plus 60 german dude who took the Pfizer, for further reference. He was told he'll probably need one more dose in a year or whatever for variants.
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>>17906 >German They definitely saw that on his paperwork and made sure he got them despite the 'shortages' of vaccine
>>17906 all the covid vaccines seem jewish but pfizer seems the most ultra-jewish out of all of them, minus sinovac which is literally chink vaccine.
>>17901 > Eastern European wife If you want eastern tradthot experience just buy the doll and pretend you're her plough horse
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>>17893 >sorceress underboob Fucking deleted. Removing underboob is HARAM and there will be justice. >>17907 What are you even on about? He's older German than most of the mudblood west/east commie cum trash left in the old world and have been here prior to the war of independence teaching how to kill feather niggers and keep old German town old German town.
>>17813 >>17817 >>17887 It's incredibly telling that forgettable side characters from recent haremshit easily outrank some of the most memorable characters from classic series. It's a popularity contest and the vast majority of those voting haven't seen anything more than a few years old... because none of them started watching anime until then. The real surprise is that anyone still thinks about Steins;Gate 10 years later, or that Fullmetal Alchemist characters do as well as they have considering the age of that series. Might as well rank series by how many messenger bags they have in high schools; I bet you'd get the same result.
>>17893 It's amazing how the remaster looks significantly worse all in part due to the fact all the colours are washed out and everything has a blur filter to cover up the shit texture work.
>>17707 Immediate? One, at absolute most. Wouldn't be surprised if my sibling got it, given their spouse. I know my mother doesn't want to get it, and I presume my father's the same. Obviously I don't want it either.
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>>286622 >filename
>>17707 None, it's a meme. Had some neighbors and family friends, who were all elderly and diabetic, that suppository died from it. Though I'm pretty sure it was by putting someone with already compromised health on a respirator, only to have their old lungs vacuumed out until they're a literal vegetable, was what did most the harm.
>>286622 Can disagree with me but I think someone actually would be a pedophile if they fucked these dolls. The act itself wouldn't be pedophilia, but it shows that you're attracted to children.
>>17916 The definition of pedophilia is attraction to prepubescents aka. children you fucking retard.
>>17917 right, and that doll is meant to realistically depict a child
>>17917 So someone who fucks a realistic depiction of a child doll is just attracted to the doll aspect, not the child?
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>>17874 Using condoms makes sex mean little more than the pursuit of carnal pleasure over reproduction - and thus, a sin. Remember only to have sex with your wife/wives.
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>>17912 Are modern devs composed entirely of danger hairs, outsourcing, and diversity hires? Is anyone of any real talent still around somewhere? Or has the shitty practices of devs + the cancer of the soulless progressive employees killed everything with a chance at a larger budget.
>>17707 >vaccine Whoops, I can't read. Not that that isn't a meme either.
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>>286622 >that filename
>>17920 >wives Harems are neither good morally or psychologically.
>>17918 Lolicon is meant to depict children as well. It's all just varying degrees of "how close can I allow myself to get to being a pedo before by societal guilt kicks in"
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>>17896 Yeah, they fixed it Here's the first draft of the fix and the end result
>>17925 The difference with lolicon is that generally speaking it's just cartoons, where as this is meant to look like a real kid, a thought it was one, until I clicked on the image
>>17926 I actually struggled to tell if the one on the right was modified or not.
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>>17921 >Are modern devs composed entirely of danger hairs, outsourcing, and diversity hires? Yes, they're cheap labor that can be directed by cattle by Senior Producers to make some shitty cashcow. AAA is Hollywood now, it got too big, stop giving it attention. >>17914 >>17923 What's the filename usually associated with? >>17928 It's amazing isn't it? And retards actively defend this shit
>>17925 >dolls and drawings have rights No.
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I don't really care about arguing about dolls but I'm tired of this guy using this thread as his blog for buying these things.
I don't know why you're talking about dolls, but whatever. >>17858 https://catdoll.club/ (has shota dolls too) https://www.dollter.com/ (I think this is a reseller/middle man). >>17929 >What's the filename usually associated with? 20210416_114608 ---> 2021/04/16 11:46:08
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>>17932 >20210416_114608 ---> 2021/04/16 11:46:08
Is this a new niggerpill tactic?
>>286655 >>286657 >>286659 no need to tardrage faggot
>tardrage is my fetish Ban it.
>>17924 Yes but they're fun to dream about at least
>>17813 This many bait bites Good job, anon.
Fat goblin ass
>>286667 An idiot.
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>>17926 Funnily enough, the Gman version looks more convincing as a female than the second pic.
>>17929 >What's the filename usually associated with? Anon took the picture
>>17707 Not one.
>>17763 >a plot by a particular lab to sell water as vaccine Right, where can I buy some Sinovac from shady labs?
>>17707 Thankfully i was able to redpill my family before they even thought about taking it. Now they don't even want to hear about that shit. Get fucked Bill Gates
>>17707 Like three. Two really retarded women (my aunt and mother) who believe any dumb shit the news puts outs and my best of the best goyim grandfather who's already probably dying from it right fucking now - but the Pope says it's fine that it's full of aborted fetus tissues because he fucks little boys and sucks nigger toes, so my grandfather says 'It's cool, the Pope greenlit it.' after I warned him and told him not to probably a hundred times. Managed to so far convince my grandmother to not, but she probably will eventually, also typically a follower. I'm sure as fuck not taking it.
>>17763 >sinovac is the worst, not only because brazil's independent test showed 54% effectiveness, but also because the chinks themselves uncovered a plot by a particular lab to sell water as vaccine. I'd rather being injected with water than any of those "vaccine" shit, it would be safer.
>>17948 Imagine the kvetching when it actually happens.
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>>17893 >>17897 >>17896 >>17900 (kek) >>17926 No way it looks like a guy just because the modelers are incompetent, this shit was made to look like this on purpose. In fact for a male face it's done rather well.
>>17947 >I'd rather being injected with water
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>>17951 >Saying that i'd rather inject my self with water than that vaccine poison >Actually believing that i am going to inject water into my veins Anon, i... >>17948 LITERALLY ANUDDA SHOAH! Shut it down!
>>17941 Rollan, but I forgot who a lot of these were
>>17941 Rollan
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>>17948 >>17949 >>17952 Fake screenshot, as should be obvious.
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>>17956 Don't care.
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>>17813 Reminder that, besides some OVAs, the only good anime is Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
>>17951 >water drinking contest Who the fuck let that happen? It's common knowledge that too much water can easily poison and kill you. Even school children are taught this.
>>17959 A fucking masterpiece.
>>17764 >>17754 The chink vaccines are weakened virus like traditional vaccines, I'm partial to them because of this fact and I imagine they have the least chance of causing issues but ultimately it's true that who the hell knows what the fuck is actually in there, which is a shame.
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>>17959 What's the release order? Easier to torrent that way.
>>17963 Chronological Order: 1. Spiral Labyrinth (ep. 1-14) 2. A Hundred Billion Stars; Valley of White Silver (ep. 1-4) 3. Spiral Labyrinth; Those Who Revolt / Mutineer (ep. 15-18) 4. Spiral Labyrinth; Those Who Duel / Duelist (ep. 19-22) 5. Golden Wings(movie) 6. Spiral Labyrinth; Those Who Recapture / Survivors (ep. 23-26) 7. A Hundred Billion Stars; Morning's Dream, Night's Song (ep. 5-8) 8. A Hundred Billion Stars; A Hundred Billion Lights (ep. 13-24) 9. Spiral Labyrinth; The Third Tiamat Battle (ep. 27-28) 10. My Conquest is the Sea of Stars(movie) 11. A Hundred Billion Stars; Disgrace (ep. 9-12) 12. Overture to a New War(movie) 13. Main OVA series; Legend of the Galactic Heroes (ep. 1-110 full) By Release Date: 1. My Conquest is the Sea of Stars 2. Overture to a New War 3. Main OVA series 4. Gaiden 1/2(A Hundred Billion Stars, A Hundred Billion Lights/Spiral Labyrinth) 5. Golden Wings (considered an extra)
>>17941 rollan
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>>17959 >LoGH Faggy snoozefest, go watch some real anime like Fairy Tail.
>>17707 Me and the rest of my family (except my younger brother). My mother forced me to take the J&J vaccine and we did it in a hurry because a dude from Twitter announced that the government were giving the vaccines in a convention, the media in my country didn't said jackshit about this. We had to wait for almost the entire day to get the fucking vaccines due to the officials putting older people first to get vaccinated and the people who reserved an appointment also needed to go first as well. After a day I got the vaccine, I had a strong ass fever that I didn't have the energy to move my body and I laid in bed for the entire fucking day. I didn't see a reason to get the vaccine anyways because I'm always staying healthy and consume a lot of Vitamin C and D. >>17736 >implying that blacks can't be racists >>17813 I know that Tops can be subjective, but this list is fucking garbage. >>17748 How did the feds get him?
>>17967 >>17736 >>implying that blacks can't be racists Of course they can't, they lack higher awareness of themselves and others
>>17967 >implying that blacks can't be racists I really hate Indians and pakis.
>>17967 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lMxEhJGIfHA They raided him because of firearm possession, a simple fucking gun. Some literal faggot pedophile who goes by catboykami or something like that claims that he was a fed but I honestly doubt it, if anything the guy had no opsec and got himself caught.
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>>17964 Thanks!
>>17970 He's facing 10 years in prison just for holding a gun. Him and catboykami used to be cool but had a falling out for some reason, maybe because Gypsy was stealing his thunder on omegle.
>>17972 He's facing 10 years of anal rape for wrongthink. The gun is an excuse.
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>>17970 Not familiar with murican laws, I assume convicted felons can't have weapons?
>>17715 Thanks asshole. now I want to watch quad amputee porn
>>17975 Correct. You have to do some big song and dance to get that right back after a felony and that depends state by state. Technically not a constitutional sort of thing, but when has that stopped anyone in government?
>>17975 Convicted felons aren’t allowed to vote, own a gun, in some states drive a car, ever have a job because employing a felon raises insurance, hold any public office down to dog catcher, start a business in any major city, fly on a plane, banks won’t do business with you if it was “white collar” crime (i.e. non-violent felon), and many other things. But convicted felons can collect welfare and are on retainer for state-level minimum pay contract jobs (generally apart of your life’s parole). Oh and felony charges have been expanded to any bumpstock owner and soon anyone with 50 caliber ammunition.
>>17964 >>17971 Production order niggers. NEVER WATCH CHRONIGOLICALLY >>>/cuckchan/ >>>/reddit/
>>17813 >Roy and Ed in the top 10 niceu. Wayy wayyyy too many FMA characters though, along with Re: Zero, Attrack on Titan, Konosuba, and Kaguya Sama characters. (They shouldn't even be on the list) Reddit is cancer. Why is there so many nu-/garbage anime high up anyways? This list is absolutely terrible and everyone on reddit should consider death as an option right now. My eyes have contracted AIDS. And Steins;Gate needs to be in the VN category instead. >>17831 >Gurren Lagann is probably the best thing from that list You mean Berserk?
>>17979 >CHRONIGOLICALLY Look at you, making new words.
>>17981 Look at you, suggesting anon watch things out of production/release order like a newfag. Go back >>>/cuckchan/
>>17979 Berserk is unironically better if you start from chapter 9 and after chapter 109, read the first 8 chapters before carrying on.
>>17983 You being a tornigger, I have to take that with a grain of salt, so you're wring.
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https://archive.is/lEUgf https://archive.is/Qm3Vr https://archive.is/FDIJ9 HuffPost UK journo claims that the world needs journalism
>>17985 Awful heart-wrenching news. Maybe they should learn to kill themselves
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>>17984 Wring as I am, the in media res presentation of the first 8 chapters of Berserk serves only to spoil what will ultimately become of Griffith and Guts, something much better accomplished by the foreshadowing the in chronological story. The only reason the story was presented this way was to give it a "hook" for lazy readers with the promise of the edgy medieval fantasy content later that was popular in the 80s.
>>17985 >I can code, trolls! >I don't know how to turn the tv back on I know of idiot savants, but come on. Plus, not everyone has the ability to do coding, just like not everyone is able to understand calculus or physics.
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>>17963 >>17971 Here. >>17964 He specifically said release order and that's the order he should be using anyway, why give him chronological?
>>17985 >opinion: my job is important Cool article
>>17989 >>17982 >He specifically said release order and that's the order he should be using anyway, why give him chronological? Read my entire post, niggers.
>>17988 >I know of idiot savants Being an idiot savant would imply they have exceptional ability at one or maybe even a few things at the expense of being completely retarded in other subjects. These people are just over-educated, urbanized morons.
>>17991 >Read my entire post, niggers. Yeah, you said chronological order, which is not release order, nigger.
>>17993 I listed both, double nigger.
>>17988 >just like not everyone is able to understand calculus or physics I think anyone could learn anything as long as they put enough effort into it. It may take some longer than others, but they can. The only reason as to why math is so dreaded is because of the way it is taught in schools.
>>17985 Question: Why don't these people just start up their own news agency instead of relying upon a company to do everything for them? Even something as simple as a Blogger site is easy enough to create and maintain, and they can provide a donations address through Paypal. >>17988 >>17992 >>17995 You think these people would be capable of programming the clock on a VCR? I never understand why that became a tech illiterate meme because all you need to do is either read the instructions that came with the darn thing, OR just spend about 10 minutes pushing every button on the remote until it does what you want it to do. That's not "tech illiteracy", that's just plain laziness.
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Action Taimanin's servers got shut down in Japan to get merged with the western "global" version. https://archive.is/xrGLp
>>17991 Ah, it just looked like part of the list so my eyes skimmed over it. You should probably have put the release order first though (and/or separated them with a line) otherwise he might have started following it without realizing it was actually two lists.
>>17985 >I can code <haha just kidding I'm a fucking idiot whose only skill is writing lies on the internet What a comedian
>>17997 Is there censorship or differences in content between the versions?
>>17996 >Why don't these people just start up their own news agency Anon that would require actually working instead of sitting on your ass tweeting and publishing already finished articles sent to your office from Soros and International Globohomo Inc.
>>17996 >I never understand why that became a tech illiterate meme because all you need to do is either read the instructions that came with the darn thing, OR just spend about 10 minutes pushing every button on the remote until it does what you want it to do. That's not "tech illiteracy", that's just plain laziness. That is essentially it though. That is the main reason why normalfags are mostly tech-illiterate. They just want things to 'just werk'. That's why whenever you tell a newfriend whose just getting into loonix to read the man pages they have the nerve to get mad. Normalfags do not lurk.
>>17992 Yeah, I agree. >>17995 >The only reason as to why math is so dreaded is because of the way it is taught in schools. Don't get me started. When I was taking calculus, they made us waste an entire semester learning to take a derivative "the long way".
>>17996 >Rely on company to do everything >Become parasites and get free money
>>18000 yes. western is censored to hell
>>17985 >inb4 learn to code
>>17985 The sad part is that journalism IS important, and that's precisely why these parasites that have killed the profession and used its name to kill society must be purged.
>>18005 Do you have a source? When I searched I only found mention of the IOS version being censored and of some outfits being censored between announcement and release. https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2019/12/25/action-taimanin-censored-on-ios/ https://archive.is/wip/Zx07W https://steamcommunity.com/app/1335200/discussions/0/4348747794028325701/ https://archive.is/w5qKR
>>18008 You've already got the proof in your fingertips.. IOS and Steam are both censored.
>>18009 Not Steam specifically, the costume changes before release are the same between Steam and Android and then IOS gets a special censored version. But that's all regions as far as I know, I was asking whether there was any difference between the Japanese server that's shutting down and the global server.
Grinding Gear Games and their chinese overlords have embarrassed themselves again. Today was the release day for their new league. Here's a timeline of the events that took place so far: >league launches on time >their queue system is bugged to hell and the people who had queued before the league started are trickling in at a snails pace, queue is over 120k players going at about 20k players / hour >GGG goes to every big PoE streamer and says in each streamer's chat: "hey drop the queue, we'll prioritize you and you'll skip the queue" >players stuck in hours long queue are more than upset turning the PoE official forums into a hellhole >GGG finally fixes the slow queue after about 2 hours >but the servers are extremely unstable, kicking people offline every 2-5 minutes, kicking people offline on area transition, kicking people offline in towns, etc, etc >which boots people back into queue >which makes the whole log in server unstable, and basically makes the game unplayable >meanwhile a lot of streamers are happily playing the game >the dumpster fire has now evolved into a californian forest fire >you are here, marshmellows not included Apparently the game's reddit is even worse than the official forum.
>>18011 Sounds like Chinese Blizzard.
>>18011 Does it not have a queue grace period when you get disconnected? Even shitty MMO private servers had a more robust homebrewed queue system than what you're describing. Either way I'm glad to hear ///PoE\\\ getting shit on, you get what you deserve when you sell out to chinks.
>>18007 Journalism has been a meme profession for centuries.
>>18010 Weird last i checked steam screenshots and their gifs was using the censored costumes now looking at it theres nothing there.
>>18011 >>18013 I wish the game had a single player mode. If it was as moddable as Diablo 2 and not cancerous chinkware, I would play it all day. It makes me sad to see the game in such a state, but then, I dropped it over 5 years ago or so when they started censoring the UI and attending California conventions, knowing it would be inevitable; Tencent buying them was just the final confirmation long after I left
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>>18016 At least we have Grim Dawn and Titan Quest.
>>18018 >Grim Dawn I don't know why, replaying it doesn't have the same feeling that replaying D2 does, even though it's technically a better game. I feel like maybe the builds don't matter and feel samey? You almost always end up with 2-3 damage types, with one you put a major focus on, then you stack -res% and extra damage. Element literally doesn't matter, perhaps the biggest choice is whether you're using pets to rely on AI, or else doing frontloaded or DoTs to get through things (with frontloading damage being faster for farming, for obvious reasons)
>>18019 It's a pretty mediocre game. Would be better if there were more mods to tinker with the art style and gamplay but if I recall correctly the modding scene is pretty dead for it. Though there is one total conversion mod that puts the entire D2 campaign and classes into the game, and that was pretty fun when I tried it out. Streamlines some of the crafting process of D2 as well.
>>18019 >>18020 I found it to be pretty enjoyable, at least when compared to Torchlight 2.
I'm mad because I can't buy Doge until MAYBE next week. Guess I will tune out until then. The loan for crypto plan didn't work out either.
>>18021 Basically every ARPG on the market outshines TL2, even the first TL. Except for TL3 of course, we'll just pretend that doesn't exist.
>>18020 >he doesn't know about the mod that adds Titan Quest, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and 3 other GD modded class packs for a total of 666 class combinations
>>18022 Probably just as well. If you put $10,000 down a year ago uou would be a multimillionaire now. Anyways anons said the pump is to go to $1.00 by 4/20 because of normalfag memes so I would be very cautious around this date or at higher prices like 0.80
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>>18020 It's a pretty mediocre game, but its a fucking great ARPG. >>18011 Doesn't this happen every fucking league?
Damn. To think I would have so much money if I just invested $10 in dogecoin.
>>18027 Now just think about all the people who are going to fall for FOMO and go bankrupt over the next few months.
>>18028 weird that FOMO only actually ever kicks in after people have already MO'd.
>>18028 >Now just think about all the people who are going to fall for FOMO and go bankrupt over the next few months. Holy shit, is this pump+dump part of that Great Reset thing? Consider this as a means to shake money out of people who are financially stable, but ignorant.
>>18025 Would a complete retard who only has a few hundred to spare be able to make any chump change off of this madness? Also is there any good step by step guide on how to set up a crptyo wallet, buy, and sell? >>18027 Or gme, or bitcoin, or tesla, or google. It's always the same story because hindsight is 20/20. You can't expect things to succeed when 99% of similar things fail.
>>18031 >Would a complete retard who only has a few hundred to spare be able to make any chump change off of this madness? With investing, it doesn't really matter how much you have; at the end of the day you need to look at things in terms of percentage, rather than absolute values. If you put $10 in or $1000 in, doubling your money is always going to be a 200% increase; it's just that having more digits is more immediately useful.
>>18031 Crypto takes months to fully comprehend. You buy when the market is nose diving into the ground, not when everyone is crazed about the markets sky rocketing. Don't fucking FOMO into a market hoping you'll catch the trend. Or dollar cost average like a responsible person. Or both, dollar cost average and buy significant dips. Riding a pump and dump wave is fucking retarded.
>>18033 If you were ballsy, you could also trade margins for leverage or attempt to short it, but the risk of fucking up is monumental
>>18031 >gme failed good meme
>>18035 Lurn2reed, he said things that DIDN'T fail to illustrate that other things do fail. My Palantir plays are sucking
>>18032 >With investing, it doesn't really matter how much you have It matters in crypto where transaction fees are absurd. You can easily lose your gains with a few hundred dollars if you transfer funds when the fees are high.
>Filling out job applications for other occupations due to work coming to a standstill at my current employment >Gotten callbacks for only receptionist positions or custodian work >Tell parents about upcoming interviews for said positions >Father is upset >Is that all they you can get? <Yes because they pay more than my current job ($13.5/hour); and they don't require the degrees, licenses, and experiences I lack. >I refuse to believe this, you might as well go into the trades. <Been applying to those, too, and just about anything available Seems like people don't realize just how fucked the job market is.
>>18026 For like 30 minutes to an hour. This has been going on for over 8 hours, with popular streamers still playing mostly unmolested. And GGG hasn't posted anything on the subject besides acknowledging the initial slow queue. At least that I know of.
>>18037 My discount brokerage charges about 4.95$ on a buy or sell for stocks, with discounts starting at 200 to 1000 shares ($0.01 ea at that point). Ive always tried to trade larger volumes (eg 200+) to offset the fees. Basically if a share moves at least $0.02 I can profit from it. But yes youre right to take trading fees into account
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>>18038 >No experience >NEET for years >Job market is hell >Family is lower middle class >Family member knows a guy who needs an apprentice >Get hired into a trade job for effectively $20/hour with full 40 hr work weeks every week >Only even actually working 30-35 of that BRING BACK /blog/!
>>18014 Yes, but that doesn't mean that real journalism isn't still important. Investigating things and sharing findings with the masses is a noble goal. However, it's just about the opposite of what "journalists" actually do.
>>18040 what brokerage do you use?
>>18043 I use Questrade which is Canadian only Please no bully
>sold my bitcoin due to family emergency shortly before it exploded >missed out on all the shit since due to no money anymore >now starting to get some money again, but missed out on Doge I want to throw myself out a window like it's Black Friday.
>>18045 My dad had me buy $150 more crypto for him today ($50 doge, $100 ripple), and my sister literally just sent me $1000 to do a 50:50 split on etherium and doge I don't think it's a good idea but it's what they want to do
>>18046 If they end up rich jew them out of their money
>>18047 Or just say its capital gains taxes.
>>18047 Actually, the smart thing to do would be to use a cashback credit card so you earn like 1-3% of their money flowing through as a reward, and maybe pocket the difference on a quote (eg it would cost $498 total for something, so just hold onto the $2 as a buffer for future trades because of market prices during trades)
>>18049 Some cards treat payments to cryptocurrency vendors as cash advances and start charging interest on them immediately, so be careful. Though if you need to use a credit card for some reason I think you can avoid that by making a payment to the card beforehand so you have a credit and paying out from the card just brings it back to 0. Some others might block cryptocurrency stuff altogether.
>>18049 >>18050 Some credit cards also charge a 5% crypto fee because of chargeback fraud.
>>18051 >>18050 Interesting to know, I didn't consider the chargeback fraud, or additional fees. Just the same, Binance wasn't accepting my credit card, but I also filled out as little of my profile there as possible. If they want memecoins I actually have to transfer money to some shitty app-only brokerage and then hop through one or two exchanges, then convert from BTC to whatever else. I have no idea how painful it'll be to cash out.
>>18041 >BRING BACK /blog/! Just use one of these boards/sites: >>>/tikilounge/ >>>/b/ >>>/comfy/ >https://late.city/ >https://kind.moe/ No need for another dead board.
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>>18054 I'm surprised you saw them before I deleted the first two posts, considering how the websocket for automatic updates doesn't work on tor/redchannit.
>>18052 Consider a temporary sms app and crypto ATMs, also cash out in etherium since lower fees if possible.
>>18052 > If they want memecoins I actually have to transfer money to some shitty app-only brokerage and then hop through one or two exchanges, then convert from BTC to whatever else Sounds like a recipe for potentially paying fees or slippage at each step until you're losing a substantial chunk of the money. Try to make a working account somewhere where you can buy them directly (when I looked up Binance it sounded like it lets you buy Ethereum and Dogecoin?).
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>>18055 >Not constantly mashing refresh for hours on end whenever using tor
>>18056 Although you wouldn't want to do this with an exchange/crypto from an exchange that has your info, its probably better to cash out to your bank and pay taxes, but it can bump up your overall income tax rate.
>>18057 Binance does allow you to do this, but like I said, it doesn't let me link a credit card to my account, and I don't want to do like, wire transfers and shit from my bank to get it going. Even so, it's maybe 0.5% loss (on them) per buying cycle so while it's not ideal, it is minimal. For now. I'll probably be more attentive if I get into active trading for myself.
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>>18038 Have you tried the Friday Night Thread? In my opinion though, the friday night thread should be reset every week, having one monolithic thread is too big, makes keeping track of fridays more complicated
>>18061 The gamedev thread is almost 3 months old, which is as long as the demo day cycle
>>18061 We should stop having fridays.
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>>18062 Unfortunately, a lot of threads are running into that issue. Low thread quality and not starting a new thread is usually the culprit and most people left
>>18007 >The sad part is that journalism IS important No, it's really not. What is "journalism", anyway? Care to define it?
>>18064 They went to reddit or 4chan. Do you really, actually want them here?
>>18065 What is love? Oh baby, don't hurt me Don't hurt me No more
>>18065 Accurately reporting news and events as they transpired.
>>18065 Best showing is an example from many years back before TDS settled in all lefty brains. https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/polygamous-towns-and-flds-sued-by-businessmen-over-alleged-illegal-arrests-and-discrimination-8735308 This is from a local rag in Arizona. They broke the story of child abuse and general assholery by a breakaway mormon sect in the UT/AZ border. Polygamy, child brides, denying services to non-sect members, financial shenanigans with state funds, etc. Well researched, sourced, long-form articles, over several years. The sect leader got jailed for a bunch of stuff including the child bride shit a few years back. Sadly, the paper is now another anti-white rag with self-whipping whites and (((whites))) manning the station.
>>18066 Make the front page display posts from /tot/, /fur/ and /abdl/. If they can handle it then they're worth having for some time.
>>18070 /tot/ is our best board site-wide, good to have some quality hook alongside that degenerate shit on /fur/ and /abdl/.
>>18065 Investigating things related to current events and sharing your findings with the public.
>>18071 /tot/ is drawn pedophilia
>>18073 You are not contradicting his claim.
>>18073 Yes, and?
>>18073 Exactly, come home white man.
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>>18076 But don't we hate jews for fucking kids? >Inb4: "We only hate them because they won't share"
>>18075 >>18074 >>18076 Glad you admit it.
>>18078 At least /tot/ doesn't endorse ritual genital mutilation.
>>18079 No problem bro. We are here to help each other.
>>18078 jews don't only fuck kids, they trade them as slaves.
>>18078 >But don't we hate jews for fucking kids? I just hate jews
>>18065 >>18068 >Accurately reporting news and events as they transpired Despite being objective about that, choosing what stories to run can affect public perception as well.
>>18084 That's a logistics and centralization issue. The problem is that you need money and centralization in order to quality control so the stories are credible. But with centralization and control you can easily get the opposite effect when no one is held accountable and there's money to be made manipulating the public. So now we're in the clusterfuck zone where nutjobs on jewtube will spout nonsense as the "alternative media", and the jews will just constantly lie in the mainstream media. And then the average man is left having to filter through mountains of shit to find anything credible to the point where they just decide to disconnect from the issues.
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>>17742 Why are you going to spend a couple grand on a realdoll? You can get this one for about $450 and it has tits bigger than its head. Best part is that it's only 4 and a half feet tall so if you're into that then you're set. I don't know if her head is removable though, those teeth are gross.
>>18086 Fucking disgusting, get this shit taste out of here faggot.
>>18086 If she had an anime face I'd consider it.
>>18076 >come home (((white))) man.
>>18087 >Wanting realistic proportions in a doll You're the one with shit taste, faggot. If you want realism then go wrangle up a roastie.
>>18086 Anons are into drawn babies now lad, not breasts.
>>18090 >if you aren't attracted to ridiculous cow tits you might as well just get a roastie Retarded
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>>18092 Cows are attractive though.
The sex doll market will skyrocket and women will become obsolete once artificial wombs are invented
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>>18086 >>18093 Where's the cowgirl realdoll? That's the real question here
>>17813 It's terrible who woulda thunk? Unsurprisingly it's mostly just characters from various flavour of the month animes from the past ten years, with the exception of a few famous classic animes which are the only thinks on this list that aren't shit. >>17941 Let's roll, I'm feelin' lucky.
>>18093 They are when the tits are proportional, they aren't when it looks like some retarded amateur bimbofication deviant art drawing.
>>18086 Every day we stray further from God.
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>>286946 Well, I guess it wasn't good luck I was feeling.
>>18091 Jokes on you, toddler dolls are a thing too: https://www.dollter.com/product-category/80cm-chubby/ >>18095 There may be something for you here: https://wmdollshop.com/search.php?search_query=l-cup If none of the L-cup girls convince you try searching a different size (there are M-cup dolls, but they're too ugly in my opinion).
>>18100 everyone in this thread is now on an interpol watchlist.
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>>18100 It should be legal to leak the personal information of whoever buys this.
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Man, I wish it was possible to move posts to /b/. Shocking people with sex dolls is fun and I still have more things to show, but I'm already expecting a ban for going too far with the off-topic discussion. >>18102 >not buying it and an adult doll to roleplay as a family man
>>18103 >>not buying it and an adult doll to roleplay as a family man Perhaps it's because I have yet to find an actual waifu, but I cannot understand living like that.
>>18103 You can just buy a regular life-size baby doll for that, not one with a working vagina.
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>>18027 >sorry we do not allow the transference of crypto currency in your state >tfw you are piss poor and actually a permanent prisoner of boomercider Cuomo's mega dungeon So nice to finally have my state enact BitLicense laws to protect just the right people, couldn't feel any safer.
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I hope dogeanon managed to sell the tip.
>>18107 Could be a temporary lull anyway. Would it be stupid to go with the tip that normalfags will try to get it to $1.00 by 420? That seems like something normalfags might try to do.
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>>18102 What if I want her to install an endoskeleton and an AI core so that I can have the android daughteru that I'll probably never have?
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>>18105 That's like suggesting you can just buy a garbage bag and stuff it between a couple pillows instead of buying the full horse butt apparatus with interactive vhs tape to train for your equestrian proctology exams.
>>18105 >wanting your child to be horribly deformed You monster.
>>18109 What if you buy a gund kill yourself?
>>18112 Then he'll get to be with Roll in heaven.
>>18109 Probably want to go for something bigger, miniaturization will just make everything cost more, break easier and heat up faster.
>>18089 Nah no kikes, you aren't welcome.
>>18114 But it also significantly decreases weight, which is a major factor.
>>18113 Heaven is as fictional as Roll is.
>>18117 So it all works out.
>>18114 I mean, I'd be OK with a gundam sized robo toddler daughteru too. It would be kind of difficult to give her hugs though unless I had me a mech that I could Domon Kasshu myself into.
>>18108 While I mentioned that tip, I got it from another anon in the last thread. Should do your own research/due diligence. The very creation of a fucking memecoin like that should show the normalfag mindset, however. Personally, I would set below $0.80, before the inevitable topple
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>>18105 Yes, but that wouldn't be nowhere as fun, don't think?
>>18116 If we're talking an aluminum endoskeleton here it should have no trouble supporting the weight of the extra TPE, you also can and should make a significant portion of the interior hollow so that random punctures or impacts don't damage the sensitive electronics within because they were too superficial to the body's exterior. Also might help the thing float in a worst case scenario where it wound up in water.
>>18115 (((you))) aren't fooling anyone
>>18060 This is the kind of thing that keeps most people from crypto and, really, financial interactions more complicated than a savings account. They're just too lazy to research how to convert their financial instrument into useful money, or are worried that they'll get dinged $5 a trade and lose all their profit that way, or something like that.
>>18094 Not obsolete, but definitely status symbols. Normal cattle will always value women because that's what they're taught to do, so what you'll see is that within the next 20-30 years, having a girlfriend/wife will be like owning a yacht. There will be zero restraints on hypergamy by then, so this means you'll see millionaires and billionaires with multiple wives, and any man who isn't in that top 0.1% is just going to have to make due with a sex doll. For all their bitching about objectification, women are making a mad dash to the bottom to make themselves nothing but a trophy.
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Mark needs to sweep the thread & just make all you niggers go to any of the loli boards. Or even fucking /b/.
>>18126 >ruining Angelica with that All Grown Up shit That show sucked. Original was where it's at. And only the first three seasons.
Could someone tell me what went down with Retroware TV? The reason I bring it up is because I downloaded the Gaming Historian channel a while back, finally got to watching some of it, and didn't realize they were a part of another channel group. However, I haven't seen anything mentioned in regards to why they parted ways like Jon with Game Grumps, the Channel Awesome breakup, and the AVGN splintering. >>18124 >They're just too lazy to research how to convert their financial instrument into useful money, The more that I learn about cryptocurrencies, the more apparent it becomes that it's nothing more than a fad. I profitable fad, I admit, but still a fad based around the delusion of wasting computer power in exchange for a digital record of math equations, and then turning around and saying that said math equations is "as tangible and valuable as gold". >or are worried that they'll get dinged $5 a trade and lose all their profit that way, or something like that. Can't that be avoided by shuffling your profits around to other cryptocurrencies, and only get "dinged" when you directly convert it back into U.S. dollars after making enough?
>>18073 And /delicious/ or /loli/ somehow isn't?
>>18126 Pretty much the entire thread is a non-stop porn and other degeneracy debate. Anons would bitch if the posts got deleted and mods can't move posts, rather just threads. You faggots love complaining about how slow other boards are but you don't take your degenerate fetish discussion elsewhere, rather to the fucking videogame happenings and journalism bullshit thread. Fucking unbelievable. >>18129 Who gives a shit about what is and isn't some arbitrary label? Go and fap to your retarded cartoons like a good cuck.
>>17956 Don't worry, Anon. I had in advance made a second version for those that don't like the fake article.
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https://nypost.com/2021/04/12/europes-vax-disaster-shows-trump-uks-bojo-got-biggest-covid-challenge-right/ In EU it's only 15 %. Good Whitepill for my fellow europeans. Sorry Anglos, gg no re
Came back from /vhs/ night really tired tired and after reading this thread, is there really like 50 posts talking about dolls?! >>18130 Posted on other boards myself, lately. I could link to one of the other sites in the webring given the fetish talk, but I might just do it in the /hgg/ thread here instead, given the mixed reactions on PLW. There is also the previously mentioned Friday Night thread for more blogpost oriented discussion.
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Everyone is talking about sex dolls, but when are we getting any tactical dolls for home defense and romantic relationships?
>>17707 Just my dad, but he's practically near death anyway, so whatever.
>>18132 >half of UK and a third of the US Peas in a pod, I guess. It should be noted that the number is most likely not just simply residents but rather citizens, as anyone undocumented pretty much ceases to exist in the eyes of the government. So it's not the fence-hoppers getting the vaccine.
>>18136 Trump looks like he's about to beat the shit out of Boris for trying to bite his style.
>>18137 He is simply jealous that Boris is getting his country vaccinated quicker than him
>>18138 So based, vaxxx me thrice daddy
>>18110 Faggot, you dont belong here.
>>18094 >>18125 I just don't buy it happening within this society. The Jews in charge of America would never willingly allow technology that would allow the goyim to escape the bottleneck they've made to be funded while the cuckolds in tech would screech autistically at the idea and blacklist anyone who'd try, and the other cultures that'd be interested (like say Japan or Europe) are either faaaaar too traditional/have much less fucked women to bother trying to play God and replace them or are just as cucked as North America. and call me naive, but the idea of playing God like that and uprooting the existence of an entire gender that's been with every non-asexual living creature in nature feels wrong. I know with (modern) women basically holding their reproductive behavior hostage to get simps and power something needs to be done, but trying to replace them with robots incapable of properly providing a human experience for children or god forbid destroying the nuclear family by replacing single mother overload with single father overload is really risky and the tech highly exploitable by (((immoral sorts)))
>>18140 stfu
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>>18141 >either faaaaar too traditional/have much less fucked women to bother trying Haven't you noticed how Nippon is diving head-first into the tranny mess? All those years of jerking it to traps must have primed them for it. And women in Europe are just as bad as anywhere else. They want all the privileges of being a man but they don't want to give up the privileges of being a woman.
>>18143 >Haven't you noticed how Nippon is diving head-first into the tranny mess? I haven't. In fact, this is sorta news to me. As far as I've gotten the impression, Japan's been mostly insulated from the Western problem in both good and bad ways -- leftist bullshit is nowhere near as prominent, but they also don't fully understand the problem and are at risk of being subverted through ignorance. What's the tranny situation going on there? >And women in Europe are just as bad as anywhere else. They want all the privileges of being a man but they don't want to give up the privileges of being a woman. I know, that's part of the problem. Women having huge authority, cucks incapable of considering a world without women because of how right wing incel shitlords want it, and both them and (((benefactors))) choking out those who'd theoretically try to do the research anyway by denying them resources and making them pariahs, much like how banks deplatform bad goy websites.
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>>18102 That reminds me. I still have a handful of doxes of loli artists that were leaked on some small furry image board more than 10 years ago somewhere.
>>18144 >but they also don't fully understand the problem and are at risk of being subverted through ignorance That's exactly it. The ones that are embracing it are doing so purely because it's their fetish, and then everyone neutral to is is going "Well, I don't have a specific reason to oppose it so I better not say anything". Their national culture of not rocking the boat and not making a scene is going to be the death of them. At least the otaku might finally be able to get "g"fs.
>>18146 I hardly have heard about any particularly notable trannies from nipland though, save maybe an irrelevant english-speaking hapa or two on twatter who don't even live in Japan. The way you spoke, you implied there was some sort of surge.
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http://archive.ph/5m7RY How the fuck? THEY ARE DOGS
>>18148 They need a cat who presents as a trans-dog. Plus, the voices are too Australian. They need representation from the Indian and Chinese and Lebanese communities to truly prepare children for the multi-ethnic society that they live in.
>>18148 Its like when they said paw patrol was fascist.
>>18149 Oh I thought they wanted monkey dogs or something
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>>18148 Reminds me of the time that muslim sand niggers tried getting Peppa Pig pulled off of tv because it was "teaching kids to be greedy".
>>18152 Considering western cartoons are almost all made by jews I'm pretty sure the muslim is right.
>>18152 To be fair they had a point I recall valid points being brought up. Apparently Caillou is also a really bad cartoon for kids because it teaches them to misbehave so they will get their way. Probably lots more kids cartoons that instill bad behaviors out there.
>>17891 >Also dolls don't age. They degrade and have no regenerative abilities. >looks exactly the way you want her to look The dolls don't look exactly like you'd want them too either. >and doesn't expect you to give her half your money That's a lazy excuse. Poor and uneducated people tend to have more children.
>>18130 >You faggots love complaining about how slow other boards are I'm not.
is twitter log in fucking up in a constant loop for any body else or is it just me?
>>18157 >Having a twatter log in
>>18158 just play ball for a second
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>>18160 I fixed it
>>18146 >>18143 You actually want to provide a sou-... >>287037 >incel NEVER FUCKING MIND, FUCK OFF BACK TO LEDDIT!
>>18144 You claim that but Japan’s government is still conservative, hell crossdressers and trannies are still considered and shamed as perverts in society. Twitter discourse doesn’t equal reality.
>>18154 >Probably lots more kids cartoons that instill bad behaviors out there. That's why my parents hated the Junie B Jones series.
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>>18165 What's up Nigger?
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are nier games good?
>>18168 you have to play drakengard 1 and 3 first
>>18168 They range from utter shit to passably mediocre gameplay, but they have interesting stories.
>>18168 They're incredibly grim with no payoff and you're better off not getting invested in it.
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>>18168 I enjoyed the first one on the PS3, have yet to play Automata despite being spoiled and having a shitton of 2B art. The only reason I haven't is because I held it off for other games and now need to find my bloodbornestation copy.
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>>18171 >They're incredibly grim with no payoff and you're better off not getting invested in it. Sounds like you're a total pussy.
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>>17870 >paying
Starting the rest of Yuru Camp season 2 and 2 Episodes of Non Non catch up. https://watch.8ch.moe/view/414a8b74-78d5-44a5-8782-d7a143db0a2d/
>>18168 I played Nier: Atomato before Nier, and I enjoyed both games (mostly for the story and music) but Nier got pretty repetitive and easy by the halfway point, and fat asses got also pretty easy midway through. That said, play Drakengard 1 first, or watch a playthrough if you can't handle a lot little bit of gameplay slog.
>>287125 You're pointe?
>>287138 /v/ is for playing with things.
>>18167 Slavery was a mistake.
>>18173 If I'm putting effort in I want it to actually accomplish something. Endings that amount to "shit's fucked" and nothing more don't really do it for me.
>>287138 are you manually spamming every thread with that image?
>>18180 there's something that is left untold that it takes confirmation through the series >>287146 I watching
>el shito I know it as "perro caca" spam. El shito sounds like something an (even more) underage fag would come with.
>>287159 >>287166 This is all torfags' fault. >We should ban tor.
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>>17725 So he's saying that black people look like utter monstrosities who's only purpose is to rape, pillage and rape again? Woah buddy cool it with the anti-semetic remarks oy gevalt mushugganah latke hannuka tora tora oy fiddler on the roof my asthma is acting up oy goyvalt my buddy guy friendo african american north korean black friend
>>17725 Dont you know black people are ugly, assemble in groups solely to rape and pillage. No i cant name any such group in existence right now just trust me Orcs are perfectly racially coded to black people
>>18187 >No i cant name any such group in existence right now But you just named them, niggers.
>>18188 Niggers are assemble in groups solely to rape and pillage? Name a group then
>>18189 You already named them?
>>18190 Gotta give me a famous event where all this raping and pillaging happened. orcs assemble into tribes like animals.
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>>287187 >double-negative >"medical care" The only thing this "poll" proves is that normalfags are normalfags
>>287187 >Not a verified web crawler
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>>287187 >poll You know those are rigged by the people who make them right? And when they aren't they poll people from crazy places like blue universities. Also (((PBS)))
>>18141 >trying to replace them with robots incapable of properly providing a human experience Women are incapable of that as well >god forbid destroying the nuclear family by replacing single mother overload with single father overload Stats show that kids from single fathers have much better outcomes than kids from single mothers. And remember that for a single father to get custody, the mother has to be an absolute monster that has already fucked the kid up majorly, or she has to be dead, either option meaning the kid should be fucked up, but somehow kids from single fathers end up with almost the same outcomes as kids from regular families, while kids with single mothers are basically responsible for all the problems in society. They try to hide this fact by saying "single parents," but it's actually just single mothers. >>18155 >That's a lazy excuse. Poor and uneducated people tend to have more children. This is not an argument against the fact that it's extremely easy for any woman to take half (or rather, much more than half) of your money, including your assets and your future income. Wanting to avoid that is not a lazy excuse. It's the only intelligent move. Just ignoring it is what is lazy. >>18191 >Gotta give me a famous event where all this raping and pillaging happened. The last 12 months. >orcs assemble into tribes like animals. So do niggers.
>>18194 Groomcord strikes again
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>>18194 If I click play am I going to get angry?
>>18198 Faggots telling a little girl to say "I hate niggers.
>>18155 >>18141 >>18196 Really the best solution would be either an artificial womb or "building" a bio-android daughter.
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>>18191 Africa was always way behind on everything and it's not like they didn't have the time. While everyone else was sailing ships the Africans were having tribal wars and the most prolific local slave trade of any society. Japan, a much smaller island with much less had similar issues yet evolved a dignified culture of honorable warriors (with the usual exceptions) and a version of morals beyond the self. They had their wars of unification fighting in the dung yet when they interacted with the Dutch they learned and used the knowledge they bought to enhance their own culture. When people came to Africa the only thing worth trading was SLAVES. I find it unfortunate that blacks had to have this history but I will not deny what is and what has been. Plus Orcs are more based around german/european bandits in general, who were sincerely horrible pieces of work. Africans barely factored into Orcs and the Orcs that people think of with "coded" appearances are actually Blizzard's WoW Orcs, the original orcs were designed european by Tolkien. So the coded shit comes from one of the most LEFTIST gaming organizations, which always has been leftist. There were no Doom-type metalhead developers in Blizzard.
>>18200 >Really the best solution would be either an artificial womb or "building" a bio-android daughter. Both combined would be the best. But until artificial wombs are a viable option for regular consumers, surrogate mothers can be hired, if you have a lot of money (but not an insurmountable amount) and are careful about where and how you do it. >>18201 >Plus Orcs are more based around german/european bandits in general, who were sincerely horrible pieces of work. Tolkien said he based the orcs in his stories on mongols.
>>18202 Thanks for correcting me. Mongols are still not Africans as they are located in and around Russia. And Genghis Khan's conquests earned the Orc stereotype, it is exactly on point.
>>18199 >>18198 The guy saved that clip to blackmail that kid in 7 years when they’re 15 for sex. That was the setup.
>>18204 OK. Now I'm angry.
>>18201 >While everyone else was sailing ships the Africans were having tribal wars and the most prolific local slave trade of any society. this also describes the featherheads except for the slave trade part
>>18134 this anon has the right idea
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https://www.equestriadaily.com/2021/04/the-indianapolis-fedex-shooter-was.html? https://archive.ph/epYyw The Indianapolis FedEx Mass Shooter Was Apparently A Brony, and Obsessed with Applejack >This was a quote released by the Wallstreet Journal, who were given access directly from an internal Facebook memo from two accounts they deleted relating to the suspect: >"I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her. If there's no afterlife and she isn't real then my life never mattered anyway." >Facebook and The Wallstreet Journal couldn't find any actual motive behind the attack from either of the pages; just ponies. Horsefuckers rise up.
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>>18204 >Waiting for to her until she's 15 Retard confirmed.
>>18143 >have you noticed that everything is secretly run by the jews trannies I have noticed trannies trying very hard to force this meme
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>>18208 >Couldn't find a motive Wow they're blind. Obviously the dude doesn't have family that cares about him so he attached to a blank connection, a fictional character, to fill the gap, but the character can't reciprocate his feelings because it's fucking paper, so he's drawn down into depression and then goes on a mass murder rampage to get revenge on the world for neglecting him or because he was bullied and no one cared. His family likely did not teach him correctly or were way too soft on him for adopting an obsession. Too accepting, never put their foot down and said "no". Funny thing is people say these cases are about the fiction but anyone will attach to fiction if they have no family to instill morals or provide comfort. It's always his upbringing or a mental illness that went in silence.
>>18143 They're not, though. No one has provided real evidence this mentality reached the public japanese mind.
>>18101 You mean we weren't already? >>18163 >hell crossdressers and trannies are still considered and shamed as perverts in society Could've fooled me with how much gay shit japs put in their own media.
I made this image more normalfag friendly.
>>18215 I hate how "meme" pictures always use that same fucking all caps font. Good work regardless.
>>18215 Thanks, that seems like a pretty good way to convey it.
>>18208 Truly another supreme gentleman.
>>18208 So, that makes...two waifu shootings?
>>18212 >Obviously the dude doesn't have family that cares about him so he attached to a blank connection, a fictional character I have a family that cares about me and I still got attached to a fictional character.
>>18220 But your also not going to preform a mass shooting, right go-i mean anon.
>>18219 What was the last one?
>>18220 Then obviously based on anon's ultimatum, you're mentally ill.
>>18220 Anon I have some news for you about the normal amount of love people get growing up from a healthy familial bond. You didn't actually receive enough. I’d tell you I feel bad but 40% of people under the age of 50, 60% of people under the age of 35 and 80% under the age of 20 didn’t get enough either. I just hope your fictional character isn’t from Harry Potter, Marvel, or Star Wars because that would make you a faggot.
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>>18220 When's the waifu wedding and/or criminal shooting?
>>18212 >Obviously the dude doesn't have family that cares about him so he attached to a blank connection, a fictional character, to fill the gap, but the character can't reciprocate his feelings because it's fucking paper, so he's drawn down into depression and then goes on a mass murder rampage to get revenge on the world for neglecting him or because he was bullied and no one cared. Not the only reason people conduct shootings.
>>18223 Obviously. >>18224 Maybe if you keep repeating it I'll believe it. >>18225 Right after I'm done shitposting.
>>18222 "Going Ghost" is what it's referred to.
>>18222 >>18228 Oh right, Tranny Phantom who killed like 2 guys in a supermarket for Ember McClain.
>>18226 What's the story with that webm? I'm not familiar with racial dynamics in Germany. Do Iranians get butthurt about those groups often?
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>>18228 Oh yeah Randy Stair, I remember that from 2 or something years ago.
>>18230 Iranian got bullied by browns constantly while living in Germany. He eventually snapped and went on a shooting rampage. But only against browns, he specifically did not want to shoot any Germans. If I recall correctly, he was even telling Germans during the shooting that he isn't going to hurt them and that he is on their side.
>>18224 I didn't receive a lot of love growing up and I'm not emotionally attached to a fictional character, what does that say about me?
>>18208 Every time I wake up it's a whole new horror in this clown world of ours. >>18231 >>18228
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>>18232 >being on the Germans' side If he really was he'd have shot up only native krauts who take up valuable resources and land for immigrants.
>>18233 >what does that say about me? You're ancestors didn't love their decedents all that much: https://archive.ph/c3d1S >Jonathan Edwards v. Max Jukes
>>18215 Why the fuck are they David Bowie now?
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>>18232 >>18226 Persians are alright in my book.
>>18238 Perisans are also run by a hardcore Islamic gov that wants to do awful shit, so I rather the near east nuke each other and have the west wash it's hands of that shithole.
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>>18237 They do this for years now. Hideous women are extremely insecure and they infiltrated game development.
>>18239 >that wants to do awful shit To be fair, that awful shit is mostly directly towards gays, jews and sunnis pretty exclusively
>>18241 Muds want to continue the shit they've been doing since late antiquity and conquer us, they've been slowed down due to internal conflicts and etc. Never for a second forget what these monsters can do and they've been using the Left/EU's retardation to colonise Europe and elsewhere.
>>18242 Persians are white though.
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>>18192 >>18195 Yet they uses those polls as public consensus nonetheless to base their public policy pushes on. They all need to go to prison or be executed for willingly pumping the USA into a corporatist divided hellscape. The CNN shit going on is just a media canary. Start dressing like traps and catfishing any and all media charlatans at bars on hidden cam, I know most of you are sissy cityfags and can operate under cover not revealing power level and I know they can't help but revealing theirs. You WILL be my personal trap army.
>>18244 Getting into the whole "blackmail important people to gain power" thing this late in the game is a ballsy move, anon. If you don't blackmail them with sacrificing children to Satan at the very least, then you haven't been keeping up with the meta.
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If you want to laugh at Twitter shenanigans: https://archive.is/nWsV2 https://archive.is/pEMnw >Announcement of a new manga volume "Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o" vol 7 >Twitter crop makes it look like this character has dark skin when in actuality it's just a body stocking >Disappointment from the "MUH REPRESENTATION" crowd immeasurable Here's where it get's funny: https://archive.is/azSwQ https://archive.is/M1R8S >Some of course take it to the obvious of "fixing" the design by making her completely dark skinned >The masses cheer >Of course the retards did not even bother to actually look at the title of the damn manga >roughly translates to "Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World" >isekai harem shit, character is supposedly a sex slave >also underage at supposedly 16 years old Have you ever been so woke you made a 16 year old sex slave black for representation?
>>287398 In its current state, it is basically a mutt mashup of porn boards and /pol/ with a couple miscellaneous boards like /co/ in the mix, kept alive mostly for the fact everywhere else is dead. If anons want to discuss actual vidya, there's the rest of /v/.
>>18244 The things that journalists have done justifies the targeting of their children for reprisals.
>>18246 They don't even speak Japanese, it looked like another generic medieval fantasy anime.
>>18247 what pisses me off is how when this thread talks about gaming Mark nukes post.
>>18250 Funny enough, Mark actually asked about this a while back in the meta thread about how off-topic GG is. Pretty much everybody screeched for him to not do anything to moderate the thread because he's an incompetent mouth-breather who'd only make everything worse than it already is.
>>18246 >character has a shackle around her neck >Twitter immediately blacks that character yikes, my duder.
>>287398 This thread ended up being the /v/ equivalent of /a/'s café thread, though it's not unusual for webring boards to have a general discussion thread and it isn't surprising that the GG thread ended up being that thread. I'd also like to add that GG topics are also discussed on the rest of the board as well this thread when they crop up. >>18251 >Pretty much everybody screeched for him to not do anything to moderate the thread because he's an incompetent mouth-breather who'd only make everything worse than it already is. That's exactly what would happen.
>>18246 I find funny how these people are so compelled to add their iconic "tumblr nose and lips" on every pretty character. >>287398 That's expected behavior from the designated off-topic thread. Even mods/vols use it as /b/ lite.
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>>287398 >Care about Gamergate What's there to care about? 2014 was 7 fucking years ago.
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>>18246 >that nigger nose My fucking sides
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>>18246 >the masses blacken a 16 year old sex slave unwittingly This has got to be some kind of Jungian/Freudian collective unconscious bullshit lmao
>>18255 I know a majority of these grifters turned traitor when GG became irrelevant, but have any of them actually stuck to their guns?
>>18255 >>18254 >>18253 >>18247 If your post isn’t GamerGate or about GamerGate or concerning GamerGate or lacks the word GamerGate then you’re not GamerGate. If you don’t want to talk about GamerGate then leave the fucking GamerGate thread and post your topic in a relevant topic thread on a relevant board that isn’t GamerGate. The only reason everything is dead is because of you shitposting fucks shitting up the GamerGate thread. Now if you post has GamerGate in it or references GamerGate then you can post in the GamerGate thread but otherwise you’re not actually GamerGate and you give GamerGate a bad name by making non-GamerGate posts in the GamerGate space for GamerGate. GamerGate is GamerGate and not GamerGate is not GamerGate so start being GamerGate or fuck off. GamerGate.
>>18259 Notch didn't cuck I think.
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>>18255 GaymerGay is forever.
>>18261 I guess, but he sold out to Microshit didn't he?
>>18264 To get enough fuck-you-money to not have to care about random retards screeching ever again.
>>18264 Minecraft was shit, anyway. I'd have sold it for a billion in fuck you money and you probably would have, too. If he cucked beyond that, then fuck him, but selling that shitheap to microshaft was perfectly reasonable.
>>18264 >but he sold out to Microshit didn't he? No he just plain sold to Microsoft. Frankly he got a better deal out of it than the rest of the Mojang crew did too. >>285249
>>18268 I forgot about the Floyd "murder" trial. Is the kangaroo court over yet?
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Iq7mmyKWXUs VICE reee'ing about the surge of the far-right in Germany xD
>>18269 Trial is over. Jury is sequestered.
>>17715 I have.
>>18270 To think that an incompetent hapa could spearhead a white nationalist uprising. Ron will certainly go down in history.
>>18246 As someone who has read the manga for that (Surprisingly decent), some other details that were left out: 1: that character is a dwarf or half-dwarf (don't remember very well. 2: of all the things they complain about, it's only fucking that. I am speechless.
>>287485 An organic (1).
>>287485 A 2D homo.
>>18274 All they saw was the cover. All most SJWs saw were the BLACKDED edits, which they praised to high heaven. There's maybe two or three people that knew it was a sex slave manga and said things like >Now the sex slave is black >Good job, I guess?
>>287491 Is the Pope Catholic? Oh wait.
>>287485 >Deleted Kazu out the wazoo strikes again!
>>18271 I'll be legit surprised if they let Chauvin walk. Any normalfag whites or uninvolved minorities would be motivated to throw Chauvin under the bus in a vain attempt to appease the niggers and prevent them from breaking their shit like they did last year. The niggers meanwhile demand blood for Floyd and don't care if it was an overdose or not.
>>18280 You say that like they don't want the riots, the riots they could put an end to at any time if they actually wanted like real states do.
>>287496 You first, clearnigger.
>>18271 This trial was decided when the jury was selected. But I didn't pay attention to it when it happened.
>>18260 I hate Jews. Gamergate.
>>18208 Spike is best waifu, no wonder he fucked up
>>287500 Yeah. Videogames. >>18260 >(1)
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>>18271 >>18280 >>18281 regardless of the outcome, BLM will riot and probably even try to lynch Chauvin
>>18259 I think anons here count, including me. Does that matter to you?
>>18288 I meant among the pictured people. No anon worth their salt would try to make their face (which is why I loathe Mark for aspiring to be "the next Moot" or imageboard household name).
>>18244 Everyone is getting fed up with their shit now.
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https://archive.is/3YnhF Well this is just sad. Exactly what's going on in leaf land?
>>18291 It just looks like ten people are there.
>>18291 Ontario is staring it's fifth(?) lockdown for some reason.
>>18194 >>18204 Was that the reason that carson fag got cancelled? I didn't know blackmail was part of the controversy.
>>18251 >>18253 >>Pretty much everybody screeched for him to not do anything to moderate the thread because he's an incompetent mouth-breather who'd only make everything worse than it already is. Yet, it seems like recent efforts made by Mark to ONLY delete posts that are reported have negated that issues, with the only people bitching about it being the SAME EXACT PEOPLE who want to use the threads as their own personal blog.
>>18294 Pretty sure that's not the same guy.
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>>18293 >>18291 Because we are near broke in Ontario I'm still working but the fucking taxes and living expenses rob me of what little I make. I don't work part time either I work a full 40 hour week and I still don't have enough to reasonably save.
>>18294 Carson got cancelled because he was flirting with underaged fans.
>>18298 Underage fans, as in, one 17 year old, when he was 19 at the time.
>>18299 How long ago was that? He should have known better, the twitter mob will come after anyone for any reason.
>>18300 Beginning of this year.
>>18301 That's when he was cancelled. >>18300 I think he's 22 now.
>>18291 >Exactly what's going on in leaf land? Literally forced vaccinations. https://archive.is/shH5w
>>18303 I have picture of my work saying if you get it then you get a free "I got vaccinated!" shirt I'd post it but I'd end up doxing myself.
>>18304 You won't post it because you are full of shit.
>>18305 It's a thing and they have posters all shilling the vaccine.
>>18306 Well, my co-workers at NASA can't stop talking about how they all got vaccinated too.
>bitcoin just plummeted $10000 Reddit needs to be fucking outlawed.
>>18307 >Getting this aggressive over nothing It's nulist alright and inb4 typical buzzwords >My personal Lolcow >Shill >and plain ol sperging.
>>18304 >>18303 It’s not a vaccine so why do you even refer to it as such? Why are you cementing that narrative?
>>18309 >thinking that I am his personal boogeyman >applying identities to anonymous posts Stop being such a fucking retard.
>>18310 Got a better name for it?
>>18310 What else do you want to refer it to as without getting overly complicated? >>18311 Not really disproving my point with how easily bent out of shape you're getting over nothing.
>>18308 First I make $20000 selling Doge and now everything crashes so I can buy in at a 20% discount. What a wonderful last few days.
>>18310 Forced gene therapy. Happy now?
>>18315 That doesn't work since not all the "jabby jabby needle thingies" are mrna based.
>>18308 What, why? Good time to buy, or wait for it to go lower? >>18310 >>18312 >>18313 >>18315 >>18316 SNAKE OIL! How about that?
>>18313 >>18312 I just call it what it is: Experimental Gene Therapy.
>>18317 ///Chink oil\\\
>>18316 >>18317 J&J is DNA based. The only one that doesn't appear to be a gene therapy is the Novavax which is protein based (technique used in some flu shots), but it isn't widely available yet.
>>18317 Everyone with a notification system already got wind that shit just plummeted up to 25% in the last hour. I’ve already spent $6000 buying Ethereum and Litecoin after a 20% fall. Bitcoin already bounced back $5000 and is rising back to $60k. You’ve already missed the big dip anon, try to catch a smaller one back up.
>>18321 What software and sites do you use to keep track of it?
>>18317 I call it glorified cyanide.
>>18312 Real life FEV. It mutates and sterilizes just like in Fallout so it fits perfectly.
>>18322 I find that for low-skill monitoring, checking Binance’s Korean Market has fast updating data given how much that zipperhead brokerage has its hands in crypto. Ultimately just use a blockchain monitoring software compatible with your browser of choice if you have the skills to operate it though. I bought 3 ether 25 minutes ago and I’ve already made $500 on the retrace while retarded niggers were jumping ship. I’m glad I stayed up because I was going to go to bed an hour ago.
>>18317 it's already rebounding, it's a better idea to buy now than it was about an hour ago. it'll be a worse idea to buy in an hour than it is to buy now.
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>>18297 >>18303 It gets even worse when you realize the Canadian federal reserve is out of gold. https://archive.is/8l6rE
>>18327 I'm just ready to move at this point as there is no hope as our gov are brain dead and the normal leaf fag are total sheep. Canada would be nice if this wasn't a ground Zero for pozz.
>>18328 >I'm just ready to move at this point Planes and just about all other forms of travel are locked down, remember? White flight isn't an option anymore.
>>18328 >>18329 Are roads & borders shut down?
>>18259 JonTron is still cool
Antifa fag scales a chase bank building to spray pant graffiti on its windows. He falls and crushes his hip. >>18327 All thanks to Prime Minister Pretty Boy.
>>18332 The bad thing here is that he didn't break his skull and die. Fucking commies are useless at dying.
>>18333 Nah, I like him better with the crushed hip.
>>18332 >vandalizes building with Pantifa buddies >tries to become Spiderman >breaks hip and spills paint on the floor He's only alive because of luck. How can they have the gall to call 911 when they're openly committing crimes?
>>18335 but anon it's not vandalism if it's a flash mob protest >:^(
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Apparently the entire crypto market got spooked and dropped 10% value because of this tweet https://twitter.com/fxhedgers https://archive.is/1vKCa https://archive.is/3ilzc Cuckchan's discussion on it, not sure if relevant (friend linked it to me) https://boards.4channel.org/v/thread/552329017/graphics-cards-coming-back-to-earth https://archive.is/q841w
>>18169 >>18176 Do not play Drakengard 1 to completion. Play an hour or so to get the idea of just what kind of fuck you're in for and then watch videos or read an LP.
>>18337 It's surprising this didn't happen sooner.
>>18337 >Xinjiang experiences a blackout >Bitcoin's hash rate goes down 40% >now this lel
>>18169 Really late, but I'd actually recommend playing Automata first. It's the only actually good game in the series, and being thrust into a strange world with a history you know nothing about kind of puts you into the shoes of the characters. I've 100%'d Drakengard and while the gameplay sucks, it was worth it for the wild ride, even if some stuff got censored. 2, 3 and Nier gestalt/replicant are up to you.
>>18340 Perhaps West Taiwan is pushing out that digital Yuan faster than previously thought.
>>18335 It'd be even more funny if the bank gets slapped with a lawsuit because the idiot got hurt trying to commit a crime on its premises. And yes this is actually a thing.
>>18325 Name the software nigger.
>>18335 >How can they have the gall to call 911 when they're openly committing crimes? Anon, you're forgetting that antifa have criminals perform hit jobs for them so they can use the murder to play the victim.
Everyone asleep? Almost at 700.
>>18346 burgers are sleeping, I'm over here sipping my coffee in the europe
>>18346 It's time to close the gay. And tear open a new gay.
No problem, I've got the thread almost done. Just a need a riot and court trial related trial themed name.
>>18349 Another anon last thread wanted to title it Streets of Rage because of the Chauvin Chimpout, right?
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>>18350 Yes, that would be me. But I'll save that for the future, either when the DLC actually drops or the verdict is reached and things get real nasty. So until then, head on over to the NEW THREAD: >>287632 >>287632 >>287632 >>287632 >>287632 >>287632
>>18309 You're incorrect AND a retard.
>>17842 >If you do not read the PDF in its entirety how will you fight? You mean "How will your computer get infected with a virus you put on it"? >>17847 >I hope you understand how retarded this sounds. See above for an example. >>17976 Don't worry anon. They're not going anywhere fast. >>17985 >I can code Probably not very well. >>17996 >that's just plain laziness. Leftists in a nutshell. >>18215 >Man with breasts Isn't that something Sarkesian bitched about? Those modellers should Educate themselves. :^) >>18343 The Spiderman wanna-be Was instructed by what looks like an employee of the band to get down. This means the bank isn't liable die to the ignoring of instruction to ensure safety of all present. The bank could of course sue the climber for damage of property. That would add insult to injury.
>>18246 Fancy that, I just started reading the manga, albeit a censored one. Don't know where to find uncensored RAWs with nipples and such. Also, anime adaptation got announced last year but no telling how much COVID fucked things up production-wise.
>>17736 So it's a game about running away and fucking some other stupid whore until she's knocked up and leaving her too?

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