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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: SAGE THE BOARD AWAY MY THREAD IS IN RUINS Edition Anonymous 11/30/2022 (Wed) 10:26:34 Id: 493617 No. 254929
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc.
[Expand Post]Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>>744695 > bad law Row v Wade wasn't a law. Technically. That was the fucking problem. It was unconstitutional specifically because it wasn't. The Supreme Court basically created a de facto law completely extra-legally. Passing something in the legislature is how you're supposed to make a law and for that reason it will be harder for the Supreme Court to overturn this one. If the liberals hadn't been so fucking stupid and put so much stock in something as extremely shaky as Row v Wade (something even that cunt Ginsberg told them was a bad idea) they could have tried to pass an actual law during the times they held both sides of the legislature, but they never bothered, and now they lost it. Probably why they're doing this now. Also because they won't have the Supreme Court for a while.
I can't believe we're in the timeline where Yuji Naka and the 2 Babies 1 Fox huezillian creator are joining Chris Chan in jail 30 years after Sonic 2. Now that's the some autism.
>>744694 Oh they did, did they? I can make it either about him being Champion anyway or have it Scarlet & Violet themed if you really want to, soon. >>744697 Thank you for reminding me to get to that after this one
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>>254930 I didn't actually say it was law, or even loosely inspired by the "spirit of the law". I just said it was repealed, and that will be the foot in the door to re-evaluate a lot of bad laws. Which is 100% true. Even if it's almost a certainty that the Supreme Court won't actually do shit about any of the laws they'll be re-evaluating, like Gay Marriage, the fear that they even might is sending the pedocrats scrambling to explicitly protect it in the law. Even if THAT law is crap and gets repealed too, by the time it actually gets to the Supreme Court they will have more breathing room to start preparing. Maybe even have both the House and Senate back if they rig hard enough in 24.
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>>254929 digital cunny
>>254936 >not d*igi-c*unny 0.25 job Anon, 0.25 job
>>254937 the absolute fuck is this niggardry about passwords?, does quick reply somehow use a different password that regular posting or some shit?, why can't i delete the post?, haven't touched the autogenerated password since i discovered the fucking site how the absolute hell is it failing now? yeah laugh, you've earned it
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>>744695 You know adoption is included, so you ought give a shit under you own beliefs. But you're forgetting about taxes. Married coupes get tax breaks for the purpose of helping them prepare to eventually raise a child. Then more tax breaks once they have a kid.
Please no autism about the Jews this time
>>254941 Since when have we ever been autistic about the Jews?
>>254942 Since last bread
So, do any of you think Twitter would be bearable with the new shit coming? Just wanting a platform to make some video shit and Youtube is already overbloated, besides being worse than radiactive poisonous shit.
>>254944 >besides being worse than radiactive poisonous shit So is Twitter. I would use Odysee and Bitshit but nothing's stopping you from using everything.
>>254944 Twitter is pretty shit for posting videos due to the video compression for mobilefags
>>254945 Hell, I would do some shitty Wordpress with lots of addons, but I wouldn't get neither the security nor the publicity. >>254946 I imagine is shit now, just imagining it would be upgraded, but I'm hoping too much.
>>254949 >cuM Truly foreshadowing Rip
>>254930 >the 2 Babies 1 Fox huezillian creator He's going to jail? Did he actually diddle a kid?
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>>254950 I just realized I follow a bunch of hentai artists and fap to their works who are all ages older than me, so I'll basically get to see them all die and see their names in the news before I do unless I kill myself before they die.
>>254951 He downloaded CP from eMule, he was caught with it and went to jail.
Don't forget to say your rabbits tomorrow!
>>254944 YouTube for hosting videos and embedding them, Twitter for reaching users. It's the 1-2 punch meta that works for the moment.
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>>254944 I'd suggest a peertube instance if you want a no gimmick place to dump your videos.
Oh no, now people can't purchase an expensive thing to carry themselves to their (skeleton crew) (export economy) factory or service job. Which would be expensive to charge anyway unless you're still employed or actually invested in the solar scam properly. https://archive.ph/RTOYK
>>254949 F. I'll be even more pissed if I learn about Synecdoche's passing.
>>744683 >>744689 >I miss /sp/ period Didn’t the infamous mod of /sp/ unironically had a heart attack? /sp/ fascinating. It sorta confirms the majority of the SJWs trannies male feminists BLM shills come from Anglo county Aka Canada, UK, and United States. Other words white people keeping LGBT and BLM alive. Both couldn’t survive outside the anglosphere. Heck thanks to globalhomo I don’t think Israel will survive after the collapse of the United States.
>>254954 >>254929 >>254939 Rabbit girls are innocent. Don’t lewd them. >>254935 Chinese dress are underrated and you can lewd them.
>>254961 >Rabbit girls are innocent. Don’t lewd them I lewded Mirko so many times and I can't stop. I never even watched MHA and i want to fuck that fit rabbit pussy so hard the clap of our pelvises would sound like an AA-12 going full auto.
>>254961 I love lewding rabbit girls
>>254931 >I can't believe we're in the timeline where Yuji Naka and the 2 Babies 1 Fox huezillian creator are joining Chris Chan in jail 30 years after Sonic 2. More common in web comic creators than you think. >Now that's the some autism. Speaking of autism. /x/ noticed a weirds pattern of 80s cartoon spawn bizarre sex cults, homosexual cults and death cults. Smurfs, barney the dinosaur and Care Bears had weird cults form around them long before Internet became mainstream and many of them predate social media. /x/ made threads research them were they think bad 80s a lot of cartoon characters resemble demons from demonology. Watch YouTube videos summarizing /x/ thread on Chris chan being possessed by demon who later change host to Ethan Ralph. Don’t mind poor grammar and spelling. I am French and drunk on a motel watching fifia. Was Chris Chan Posessed By A Demon? - Chris Chan Demon Theory. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=AFlW1a7RnXE 4chan /x/ Greentext - Chris Chan's demonic possession https://y.com.sb/watch?v=IZyfQvOV_9w
>>254961 Just wait until the year of the rabbit in a few months.
>>254958 European Union is gay. I rather France colonized and annex Africa again. >>254936 Want to get coronavirus? That’s how you get coronavirus.
Archive of previous bread: https://archive.vn/fawdB
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>>254966 No, this is how.
>>254951 >>254931 Chris Chan and 2 babies and 1 fox creator are just the tips of the iceberg. Sonic fandom is full of groomers and sex offenders that don’t get a spotlight on them. At least the brony fandom is more famous for spree killers than child predators. (including an MLP FIM animator who was arrested for illegal porn if I am not mistaken) I hate to think all the fuck up shit we will see thanks to the loud house fandom in 10 to 20 years from now. Nickelodeon loud house was created by a guy who made an incest furry comic and was later fired for being an admitted sex pest. Lincoln house is just a human version of Chris Savino Eddie's puss character from his incest comic.
>>254967 Is it just me or is Digimon getting lewder compared to Pokémon? Digimon always felt more mature than pokemon but the new Digimon stuff ramped up the fan service but not like I am complaining.
>>254970 Pokemon have always been the inferior one
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>>254970 There isn't much new Digimon to speak of. GG has the jelly, but that's about it. Meicrackmon is from the Adventure sequel a few years ago. Humanoid Digimon were always pretty lewd. I guess they did ramp up the fanservice for some of the the X-antibody card art, but that's about it.
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s for the purposes of ending Goolag's control Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
>>254974 Why do you always post the same screencap in 5 styles? If you cared about legibility you'd just make an infograph out of it.
>>254939 >that's the actual lyrics wew
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>>254970 >Is it just me or is Digimon getting lewder compared to Pokémon? There always were female Digimon, but they have gotten more "lewd" the more female characters they insert into the series.
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Remember to spread around this image recommending actually good games to the Nips! The point of this chart is to inform the Japanese on what the good games that the West has actually produced over the past few decades are rather than let companies tell them that Westerners "like" Ass Creed, Life is Tumblr, and CoD, and to make their games "like that". If you don't know who to send it to, post it on Japanese vidya discussion boards you know of, tag it to Nip e-celebs your enjoy, and/or inform Japanese creators who you think listen to their fans.
>>254977 >There always were female Digimon, but they have gotten more "lewd" the more female characters they insert into the series. If more franchises were like that...
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/
[Expand Post]>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 11/16/22: https://archive.ph/QLgWL
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Reminder that Nintendo officially supports Taiwan and Hong Kong.
>>254981 too bad they removed their flag in mario kart 8 deluxe
>>254941 All of the candidates are controlled by jews and anyone pushing any of those to be voted are also jewish tools trying to keep the narrative going. The right thing to do is to completely move away from the voting system and from any system run by jews, and forming our own systems, independent from them. The jews are the enemies of humanity and eliminating them and their system is a necessity.
>>254958 >Ever paying for anything Pleb.
>>254941 Tell that to the no-argument sperg, when he shows up in the thread again.
>>254964 A lot of those cartoons, even the action ones, had their main characters behaving like a cult. It is not a coincidence that they were all produced by jews. From Smurfs and Care Bears to M.A.S.K and Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors (and of course the most famous ones, such as G.I Joe, Transformers and Thundercats) and even things like Get Along Gang, all had a common trait: they all pushed the propaganda that (((the group))) is always right and that the individual should never stay away from (((the group)))'s ideas. All characters were scolded when trying to be individuals, thinking by themselves, and were always forced to be assimilated by (((the group))) at the end of each episode. Even recently, with the dead Power Ranger guy, I noticed normalfags repeating a phrase like a mantra, apparently coming from the show itself: "Once a Ranger, always a Ranger". That phrase sounds just like what a cult leader would say to brainwash cultists into always being a member of the cult. So, a character/person can't leave the cult? Can't stop "being a Ranger" if he/she wants to? It sounds just like what the left and the jews try to force into people's mind. That you should not be a individual, not think by yourself and not leave (((the group))). No wonder those jewish productions formed actual real life cults around them. This was probably the intention since the beginning.
>>254984 >Not having money Pleb.
>>254977 That is one of the many reasons why Digimon is the superior franchise.
NEW COMIC I've seen people do it irl and it's getting on my nerves
>>254988 A lot of pro card game players also rate the new Digimon cardgame pretty highly. Sad that that side of the franchise, along with the games, has been so mismanaged.
>>254984 >>254987 >not accumulating wealth for emergencies while stealing everything from everyone so nobody but you can have nice things. Subhumans.
>>744801 Sorry, but without wealth you will never be a patrician. >>254991 This is barbarianism.
>>254990 Pro card players refrain from pointing out the truth though. A lot of card games are better than Magic: The Gathering, but those "pro" (shills) want to keep the trading market for those cards profitable, so they always avoid mentioning how many other card games are superior to Magic. They stop right before the "it is better than Magic" point, whenever they review one of those. If you look for alternative card games such as Digimon, and many more, you will have plenty of games that are objectively good, and better than Magic.
>>744810 yeah well I knifed ur mum and now you have to buy me an Xbox because I say so. sorry I don't make the rules not sorry
>>254990 >>254993 Is it worth it to get involved with TCGs? Also, what are the "good ones"?
>>254993 I liked mtg as a system but the balance for most formats that aren't gated to recent releases suck, made me quit pretty soon before the niggening. >>744810 Wealth is a form of power, and people will follow you for either. I can just shake off the $500 silencer tax, any future poorfag gatekeeping taxes, and 3d print or work my own metal once it's illegal for most plebians. >>254995 Depends on if you want the collectable part or the game part.
>>254995 >paying for cardboard Don't tell the neckbeards you can get it for free behind supermarkets.
>>254996 >Depends on if you want the collectable part or the game part. I like collecting pretty things. However, I do keep to a budget. >>254997 I'm not dumpster diving, especially when it would make me a hypocrite.
>>254987 >doing what jews want Cattle.
>>254998 >I like collecting pretty things. Collect a high quality printer and print the pictures then.
>>255000 Not as good advice as you'd think. Expensive printers require use at least once a week if not daily, or else you'll have to spend a lot of ink unclogging it. Some can squirt ink into a maintenance box if they're left powered on though. Only reason to do it is if you want to sell forgeries or unrelated uses like making art prints.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer
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I was thinking, what boards do we currently lack that anons would really enjoy? I'm asking this because someone else on another thread mentioned the lack of a >>>/fa/ board. >>254972 What's going on in that clip, is that a pajeet getting counter-scammed?
>>255003 Do we have a torrenting board?
>>254994 >muh ur mum Soyfreak spotted. How does it feel to know that no matter how much you have, literally anyone can knife you to death at any time and take all of it from you?
>>255004 There's a P2P thread on >>>/t/. The original torrents board merged into that during the migration. Given how little activity there is for the thread, I don't imagine it needs its own board.
>>255005 they can't because I have an anti-knife forcefield
>>255004 I think a board dedicated specifically to pirating is a bad idea, I recall /1cc/ getting in all kinds of messes on 8kuntz due to the nature of the beast. It would also be hard to use, with the Russian forums sure you can just use the search function to find threads to outdated links and torrent files, but imageboard content vanishes much quicker than that. It'd be best if each board about a niche topic included torrentable resources there (or do an /ipfs/ maneuver where the place isn't dedicated to the files, but rather the infrastructure for file sharing). A public domain board would be kinda comfy though. Also, off the top of my head, a bunch of boards that would be nice to have despite being niche: >A /farm/ing board >A /retro/ board, not necessarily /vr/ but something that would include it as well >/trv/ >/x/ >Some board specifically dedicated to game groups, gamenights, streams and apolitical online mischief (so not really about raids as much as goofing around with extremely autistic lolcows) >An /ai/ board dedicated to both NovelAI and all current and future AI related projects we already have >>>/ai/ but it's used for some idol anime thing >/robowaifu/ but we all know they'll never budge from julay
>>254995 >Is it worth it to get involved with TCGs? Only if you pirate the cards and print them yourself for a fraction of the money and having access to any cards you want, instead of the jewish random pack of cards scheme. Like this >>255000 or just pay for the printing, as it is still cheaper and you can still print whatever cards you want, instead of relying on the random cards per pack scam. Just don't fall for the market scheme. Get any cards you want, print them, and if you want to sell your unofficial copies, do so. Forget about official copies and the (((official trading scene))). As for playing, some asre very good. Like the Digimon one, and unironically, Yugioh. >>255001 Still better than buying the actual cards.
>>255009 Alternatively, tabletop sim or that recent clone with friends
>>255003 Do we have a toy board? Something to cover figures, painting, model kits, and I guess Funko Pops.
>>255004 There's the share thread: >>>/v/476242
>>255011 We do but it's only 3 posts https://8chan.moe/toy/ >>744847 but it's fun
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forgot pic
.moe down?
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>>255016 From what the zzzchan anons said the data center in yurop ate shit so its just us.
>>255017 cleaniggies btfoed
>>255017 god damn it
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Man we just can't ever take it easy. I'm working on identifying the breakpoints so I can route all our shit around them. Again it happened in the afternoon so it'll be a few hours to get it all restored. At least it'll be easier than the major overhaul from a couple weeks ago since all the groundwork is laid already.
>>255020 godspeed shit waifu man
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At least Redchannit still works. What happened. Was it the war or something else?
>>255018 Why does TOR still work? >>255021 Asuka is a redhead with blue eyes. He has Aryan taste unlike the shit taste of many beastiality fans. >>255022 NWO Cyberpandemic? We should all know by now that Klaus Analswab is a spokesperson for what (((they))) plan to make happen?
>>255023 Because reasons anon, duh.
>>255023 Tor is better at routing around network fuckery. Its why we made it a big part of the site's design.
>>255024 Lain, it's always Lain anon >>255025 Smart
>>255022 Yeah, it seems some yurope servers got screwed over
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I'm glad I'm still able to talk to you faggost in any way, shape or form. Anywho, how have you guys been holding up? I tried getting the thing I ordered online but it turns out it got returned on thanksgiving before I knew anything. I'm trying to contact the company to at least bring the item to my home (since I made a slight error by missing a detail in the shipping address). Hoping I can at least get a refund since it's been hours and I haven't gotten a single reply since.
>>255028 Wow. That sucks dude. Yeah been doing alright, sick of winter already.
>>255020 You should move the servers to Mexico like that one anon keeps saying.
>>255017 >>255020 What specifically happened this time? Did the PootyPoot vs Zman slap fight take out something important?
>>255031 Yes, that's probably what happened.
>>255031 What am I a psychic?
>>255023 >Why does TOR still work? It didn't for a while.
>>255008 >a bunch of boards that would be nice to have despite being niche Rather than making a board for every topic imaginable, I think it would be better to create a general purpose "metaboard" emphasized on generals, and then have threads for every topic that is too niche to support an entire board on its own or that straight up lacks one.
>>255035 I would agree with generalization of boards rather than infinite niche boards, but I think it can be taken too far. Too broad and it's an unfocused mess and you can't apply a logical rule set across the entire board that is conducive to quality and activity. Too niche and no one goes out of their way to visit the board and see what's going on to discover the threads happening. An /ai/ board could probably just exist on a general imagery board, or even a blanket internet media board. /robowaifu/ board could exist on /a/. /x/ probably warrants a dedicated board since it's sort of its own umbrella of general occult and spooky things which is rather broad. /farm/ is just a /k/ style topic, but /k/ could probably have a broader board name to indicate it covers general prepping and property ownership. This approach maximizes activity and quality of boards. But most BO's only bother to moderate or create boards because they have a limited niche interest in something. There is zero incentive to be a janitor for a larger scope than the things you're personally interested in. The kind of person that is truly interested in generating quality boards is the kind of person that just ends up doing better things with their life.
>>255034 When I was at work, I tried all three domains plus tor and got freaked out at the possibility that the feds took the site down completely. Shit sucked. >>255035 Not a terrible idea. Keeping a board alive with low user numbers can be a pain, but combining them into one board could possibly work.
>>255036 Yeah, I was thinking of being a board owner or janny but lern2code has a better career path than "community manager ()".
>>255020 Glad it is nothing you can't handle. >>255031 Who knows. Shit is annoying. >>255029 >sick of winter already I like the cold as long as it is not too windy. Snow is nice too even if I hate shoveling it. >>255028 >Anywho, how have you guys been holding up? All good. I have been playing Call to Arms and enjoying the fact that I can play a fps/tps when I get tired of the rts part. It is fun just shredding infantry with vehicles. Also testing out various mods and seeing what still works as a lot cause crashing/just don't work anymore. I am looking forward to the silent cartographer mod to update since the guy doing finally started work again on it somewhat recently.
clearnet is back
>>255040 Moe is live, .cc and .se will be live tomorrow. Happy posting!
>>255036 >There is zero incentive to be a janitor for a larger scope than the things you're personally interested in >implying having a modicrum of power over your peers isn't its own reward
>>255038 Well it's also an issue of the fact that the shit cleaning tools the janitors have on lynxchan are fucking abysmal. It's one thing to do a bit of internet janitor work, it's another thing to have to be doing it with the digital equivalent of a fucking toothbrush instead of a mop. You can't even automatically block the dozens or perhaps even hundreds of generic phrases that the known bad actors and spammers use. And BO's still can't individually trigger the PoW bypass themselves, they are completely dependent on a global admin to be monitoring their board for whatever reason and swoop in to assist them. Essentially the way this site is configured gives even the people that want to make good boards every reason not to waste their time or effort doing it. Your board succeeds and then what? You get to end up like the moderators here that I've watched spend hours of their life desperately manually deleting and banning spergs? Only a complete fucking retard would degrade themselves spending a single second of their life doing something like that. Maybe in a few more years Acid or Codexx will release the basic tools BO's need to actually make their effort worth it. Until then it'll just be more of the same.
>>255029 Good news, I'm getting a refund for all this. I feel like an idiot after all this but at least I got something out of it. Even better is that I found a cheaper place to buy the damn thing I ordered. So it's not all too bad. Guess people were right to tell me not to buy from that place. Never buy stuff from foreign retails for cheap without tracking next time.
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>>254954 dragon dragon
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>Berserk (1997) is available today on Netflix https://nicchiban.nichegamer.com/berserk-1997-netflix/ https://archive.ph/65ejd Oh boy, I can't wait for normalfags to try to inject their cancer into Berserk again. I still remember Twitter going apeshit over it after Elden Ring came out.
>>255046 It's barely been a year and a half since Miura died.
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>was wrong about kiwifarms dying permanently >was wrong about pixiv banning loli >still has his twitter account protected niggerpill bros not like this...
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>>255047 I don't give a shit about rabbits Fuck rabbits Delete rabbits
>>255049 Why does he have a grudge against such a niche website? Or is it just that he's hoping Mark-senpai will notice him and let him slobber on his Hebrew National?
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bnuuy bnuuy
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>>255051 I have absolutely no clue. I would say maybe it's your typical anti-GG autism that makes people sperg out like Julay, but he goes to other threads and boards so he can shit there too like /animu/. I wouldn't be surprised to learn if he's hated on cuckchan as well.
>>255049 >was wrong about pixiv banning loli Pixiv looks still for lewds to me...
Which one of you set up an 8chan tree in Latvia?
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>>255049 >Holy fuck that Prince of Egypt image That fucking cinches it. It really is him. I mean I know everyone was basically sure, but there's no doubt after seeing that. I wrote a post about that image and Nigger's psychology related to it like a month or so ago and he stopped using it right after.
>>255042 Oh Mann.
>>255056 >I wrote a post about that image Could you share that post?
>>255053 >I wouldn't be surprised to learn if he's hated on cuckchan as well He is. They have other names for him. When I went to get info on the Kuro no Kiseki fan translation from /vg/ after the original mega got nuked, I saw that they call him "wokefag" as he constantly blackpills about how Trails is woke now, using his usual arguments. >>255058 I'd need to follow the archives back a bit, but I'll try to find it.
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>>255059 >I saw that they call him "wokefag" as he constantly blackpills about how Trails is woke now, using his usual arguments. First of all, >going to cuckchan Next, how can one have this much autism and free time to spare in trying to be as annoying as possible on not just one, but several imageboards, unless he's paid for this? Unless there's a goal, it's kinda useless to me.
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>>255058 Found it. Pic related was the image since archives from .ph don't save those anymore. >>255060 >going to cuckchan They're the ones who do the fan translation. I like to avoid it when possible, but when the original mega went down I had to get the new one or no one here would be able to use it again.
>>255003 >What's going on in that clip, is that a pajeet getting counter-scammed? Kinda. This guy uses voice change software and custom fake websites to impersonate old gullible scam targets and leads scammers along as long as possible. He has a fake version of the Google Play store so he can redeem gift cards in front of scammers and make them think they're losing a huge paycheck. His channel is "Kitboga" on Youtube. >>255051 >>255053 Considering he's been doing this for years and across multiple different boards and websites, I have to assume it's some kind of extreme autism nolifer. There's no way he has time to work a full time job AND post nonstop like he does. Terminally online basement dweller. Probably rich white or (((white))) parents who enable his habits.
>>255060 >unless he's paid for this? While I am pretty sure there are a number of paid demoralization shills in various internet gayop units leeching off tax money, it could just a easily be some faggot mindbroken by glows, throwing all his previous assets into this and thinking he is making some kind of difference. It sounds ridiculous, but if feds can go around grooming retards to effectively commit suicide with orchestrated shootings, getting them to drop everything to run around poisoning wells all day long should be far less effort.
>>255063 >it could just a easily be some faggot mindbroken by glows If true, I should ask the CIA niggers if they have pics of >her cosplaying as a maid.
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Deconstructing niggerpill is .moe's HWNDU. This is hilarious.
>GG generals were about digital activism >then they were about current events >then they were about offtopic garbage >now they're about the resident attention whore you faggots don't deserve these threads anymore
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>>255066 You seem upset.
>>255060 It's not one person.
>>255068 Proof?
>>255066 They're the water cooler, they can be whatever >we want them to be.
>>255070 I'd say the Lounge Thread is better designated to that purpose. I miss when we had dedicated GG boards that had over a 1000 PPH. Hopefully I can get in contact with some anons that were seen on Steam that are unaware of this place's existence and that the site remains stable unlike what had happened hours ago.
>>254929 >>255035 > I think it would be better to create a general purpose "metaboard" emphasized on generals, and then have threads for every topic that is too niche to support an entire board on its own or that straight up lacks one. Anon Cafe has a /server/ board that is exactly what you're describing, plus with some ib code magic they're able to give each general its own CSS. The problem though is that since it's a board of boards, there's very little inter-communication between the threads and like 98% of them are dead. >>255009 Are there specific tools for printing TCG cards? They gotta be plasticy somehow, no?ù >>255036 >There is zero incentive to be a janitor for a larger scope than the things you're personally interested in. That's why you need to have a 30:1 users to jannies ratio, so that the existing ones don't get tired of shoveling shit out of the front page, but responsibility is so diluted that it's hard for one in particular to just become its own kind of lolcow.
>>254989 Do you have an archive of these comics somewhere?
>>744956 >man in the window I think Joe Biden broke out of the retirement home again...
>>744957 I will trash talk niggerpill and you won't stop me
>>744956 >2d You mean being a hypocrite.
>>255049 Wow. Somone actually screencapped my post? >fucking typo in it DAMMIT.
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>>255078 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/zoo/
>>255042 Power over spergs is useless at stopping bad actors in their midst, including full time fed janny infiltrators. It actually makes it harder because the moderation log has legitimate spam where you can slip in one or two wrongthink bans. >>255061 >image It's baffling why anyone would take posts on imageboards seriously, besides video evidence and legitimate journalism. Niggerpill himself is a prime example since he hasn't killed himself yet. >>255079 Expect more since its the year of the rabbit soon.
This is your mind on fiat, but also when you think digital fiat totalitarianism will allow physical totalitarianism. https://archive.ph/oEDfM https://archive.ph/soLwh https://archive.ph/HJgwC
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Hope you all remembered to say your rabbits! >>255045 Good luck dragon nerd. >>255047 >>255052 Good luck! >>255078 Fine too. >>255080 It's gonna be a very interesting year,
>>744957 >(1) Hi, niggerpill. Commit suicide in real life.
>>255082 Not accurate in the slightest and not funny, either. Only a (tranny supporting, NFT-using) retard would claim that reality and computer constructs are the same.
>>255083 >Hope you all remembered to say your rabbits! Couldn't be I woke up half deaf this morning and had to run to the doctor. They still require the fucking masks, even my dentist stopped caring about those months ago.
>>255085 I think he's just making a point that photography isn't really art, you're just presenting people what's already created by someone else, whether nature or people. Similarily, with AI art you're not making anything, you're presenting an algorithm's interpretation of a text prompt you supplied (equivalent to an idea for a photo), not to mention the algorithm uses art created by real artists to then come up with the depiction.
>>255087 And that would be at least a measured interpretation of the argument (which I could entertain)… if he was actually presenting it that way. I think he's a bit too simple for that level of thought, since he's directly equating a phone "machine" to a camera "machine." I dunno.
>>255085 It means it is a tool. And the camera guy is just being hypocrite. In the early days of digital art people also questioned if it was really art. >>255087 Photography is art. The image just says that they both get help or use something to make stuff. Also IA works like this. Diffuser models are just noise correctors that use training data to infer images from a noise base. You say it theres something in the noise and it works hard to "correct it" eventually making images from thin air Or you can watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVcsDDABEkM
>>255085 It's funny because it leads to a train of logic where anything made on computers is uncopyrightable because there is no physical equivalent. If you print it out, that was made by a computer, if you redraw it and mail it to the copyright office then you'd have to wait weeks before posting it online, and copythieves would just be posting a digital depiction which doesn't exist in the real world. >>255087 I understood it to mean fancy new cameras have automatic exposure, multiple ISO, autofocus, very high dynamic range, high shutter speeds, etc, compared to film cameras. Thinking about it more, the results of photography come out the way they do whether you like it or not. The difference is you still have to go and get the photo and present it properly with framing and other techniques that suggest a subject, an art ai just shits them out with little technique required, besides grabbing tons of properly tagged reference art and relying on machine learning college students.
>>255090 And technique is also one of the only metrics we can measure art besides appealing to common sensibilities and cultural relevance. You can see what those other two bring us from the fine arts money laundering scam.
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>>255070 People who say this are shills by the way
>>255087 >I think he's just making a point that photography isn't really art What about all the effects and changes that you can do to the image?
>>254989 I agree with this comic
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>>255083 I said mine at midnight, does that count? >>255082 >photography is the same as AI art because a machine is involved in its creation I don't think I've seen anyone give such a disingenuous argument in regards to AI art, in favor of it or not, and I don't think he even knows either of the subjects he's talking about.
>>255095 I think the quality of discourse declined enough where you can just present nonsensical arguments and people will support it because thing bad.
>>255092 Do you have the entire psyop list?
>>255098 It's in the OP. Ctrl + F "cointelpro"
>>254964 >>254986 There's also the whole "superhero" thing where the heroes don't act right. "Never kill the villain, you'll be just like him!" when the villain is a mass murderer that's killed thousands of people and is specifically known for killing thousands of people is a CONSTANT theme in comics. Live and let live even when it will lead to mass death in the future because "no killing!". And all of those communist cartoons where the complainer is always wrong even when they're right like you said. The complete replacement of all genre of kids media with superheros in the modern day feels like it'd give people a complex. You MUST be moral, you MUST be giving, you MUST put the whole world on your shoulders, you MUST do what is right. The RICH are good, the TRUE heroes are YOU for FOLLOWING THE LAW AND OUR MORALS. Batman is pushed SO FUCKING HARD in media. He uses child soldiers and recruits them early, every situation is crafted to make him look good even though in real life if a bitch did this he'd be fucking insane and responsible for so much death (Which he initially was early on because he even used guns), and the comic is so anti-gun it's fucking insane. When anyone questions him they're immediately de-legitimized. The audience is guilted, points are glossed over, his child soldier habits are never addressed. Sonic and MLP and all that fucked people up, but western comics have been doing that before video games.
>>255062 Comes off as an Arab to me actually.
>>255066 hi niggerpill.
>>745048 Joker's a mass murderer in all canon even when he started out, man needs a sniper shot to the head. Loads of his other villains are not only criminally insane, most are uncooperatively so with no recognition of their issues which makes them impossible to treat. Scarecrow's a fear sadist murderer who has no hope for reintegration, Mad Hatter's a failed rapist only by chance who has amourous obsessions for random women that fit his fetishistic criteria, Two-Face is a high functioning psychopath sociopath mob boss scumbag, Poison Ivy is a black widow killer who probably has a bodycount that reached Joker's, Harley Quinn was complicit as an accessory to Joker's crimes all the way which make her an easy kill, Freeze just kills people for money when his ray gun's acting realistic, Bane is a roided up gangster who deals drugs and isn't even clinically insane, Penguin's also not insane and because of Batman he's wormed himself into a power vacuum situation where he still needs to go down and make an entire city suffer through the consequences if it ever has a chance of getting better (constant power vacuums in gangland have to happen in order to dissolute ganglands), The Riddler is a complete narcissist who kills people to satiate his retarded mind and needs to go down, and this bitch doesn't even kill assassin ninjas when they come after his family. The only person that comes to mind as actually reformable is Clayface, who is often just a petty thief and endangers few people and has realistic, if short sighted and small motivations give what he can do. But that's mainly because they never use the guy. If they did, HE'D be another mass murderer you can't kill or some shit.
>>254959 Don't even joke about that anon. I still hurt hearing about Kajiyama's and Amano Taiki's passing. >>254986 >Smurfs But isn't the whole point of the Smurfs that they are a small gated community of fantasy french people that are constantly haunted by Gargamel / Dracumel, who is a french depiction of (((the average jew))) and what they do with little kids and happy communities? Shit, in francish speaking regions, les Schtroumpfs have gotten into hot water specifically due to Gargamel alone, with one infamous incident about Goscinni laughing his ass off when he first read the comics. >>255102 Don't forget that the most popular depictions of these superheroes actually have them permanently off their villains >Movies >Vidya >The 90s cartoons >The nip side-series And to even keep the hero clean, some of them even have karmic deaths, like Joker had in Arkham, perfectly clean on Batman's part but he helped the universe get the last laugh on Joker. Heck, some of the movies before the (((regime change))) even had people throw shit at the super heroes, like Red Hood did to Batman and he actually got hit with a dose of truth compared to the (((comic))) >>745048 You say that but look how they treat ANY hero who is white, has a proud european ethnicity and admits to being conservative or along those lines like >Spider-man >Hawk from Hawk and Dove >Kid Flash aka Wally West >Iron Man >Captain America And many more. >>255105 Which of the two Clayfaces, Basil Carlo who's tragic and had his life ruined, or the other guy created for the animated series that transitioned to the comics and actually did try to murder people when getting caught? >Penguin Penguin's problem is the same as Black Mask's and Kingpin : they are the system, and the system will always reward them since they represent corruption, not insanity. Ozzy just pleads insane to get lighter sentences and he likes the fact that his short stature and funny looks make it believable. They need capital punishment but that would mean you'd have to uproot the system to make it work again.
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>>255102 >Autism and a savior complex Fuck, an entire generation of Shirous without any genderbent historical figures, twintailed tsunderes, or broken, pitiful kohai to pull their heads out of their asses. >>255105 You think after Killing Joke Gordon would just arrange a "Oh no,, he was resisting arrest, what a shame..." incident. Or hell, with how many people have lost loved ones to these villains in a story that takes place in the US that it wouldn't be open season on any of them. In a realistic Batman story the Joker would have been lynched by an angry mob and Harley Quinn would have been gang raped by that same mob (and then lynched).
>>255102 I see that a lot in JP vidyas and others, "you will give up your powers" "you will be at mercy of the government" "you will not have desires to be in the top" "you will comply with what others want"
>>255108 Forgot to mention, i just finish Breath of FIre 3 and funny enough the theme is pretty much "allow yourself to keep your powers and its fine even if the protector of the world falls because you will be there doing your best"
>>255109 Though still have the jewish "revenge bad"
>>745060 >IRON"MAN" Who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?
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Tell me about Ye! Why does he wear the mask?!
>>255112 Did Ye lose his mind again or is this just the most massive troll? Also Ye loves Hitler.
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>>255107 >Fuck, an entire generation of Shirous without any genderbent historical figures, twintailed tsunderes, or broken, pitiful kohai to pull their heads out of their asses. It's all ogre Archerman, just take me with you to the time-travelling baddie-killing adventures, I've had enough already. >In a realistic Batman story the Joker would have been lynched by an angry mob and Harley Quinn would have been gang raped by that same mob (and then lynched). Anon, it disturbs me that your mind went that route, considering how many western artists pull off that scenario I prefer the one by japanese >>745060 >Niggor That will never not make me laugh hysterically. >>255110 Exactly when has this shit been pushed that >revenge bad = jewishness Revenge bad has been quintessential shit since the dawn of civilization, get revenge and the hammer of the gods will fall on your head. Revenge has always had the tinge of senseless murder to satisfy one's ego but the old stories had the theme of >Revenge = bad, Justice = good because your hero's motives for destroying those faggots weren't simple "haha, I win" shit. Look at Count Montechristo, the man became a literal avatar of Justice and picked off each and every one of those who wronged him without wallowing in it and getting drunk on the violence. Shit, fucking MGR has that as one of the lessons, which is why the ending feels so hollow and empty, Raiden basically tries to live with this philosophy of "Katsujinken" which is bullshit nip shit about a samurai living honourably and dealling out justice to the criminals of the world, yet at the end he decides to throw that philosophy away and just take revenge on Armstrong and by doing that, he becomes him and his life is in shambles now. >>255113 >Also Ye loves Hitler. Most blacks do.
>>255102 >"Never kill the villain, you'll be just like him!" when the villain is a mass murderer that's killed thousands of people and is specifically known for killing thousands of people is a CONSTANT theme in comics. That's because that trope is severely and intentionally misunderstood. The hero doesn't kill the villain because the hero isn't the law. Batman isn't Judge Dredd, who has been given the sanctioning of the state to exist as judge, jury, and executioner. Batman is a private citizens, meaning all he can do is stops criminals and hand them over to the police as a "citizen's arrest". After that point, it's on the government for being the one's keep murdering lunatics alive. >the TRUE heroes are YOU for FOLLOWING THE LAW AND OUR MORALS. You do realize the Japanese do the same thing, right? Even in series about delinquents and criminals, the writers are very careful about ever slandering the police. Also, a big problem with your complaints is that these are characters from the 1930's and 1940's. Taking those concepts and transplanting them 80 years later doesn't quite work.
>>255107 Which is why the Joker should be nothing more than a clown mobster or clown thief and not a a serial killer with a body count higher than some communist regimes.
>>255112 he's literally hitler, 2024 will be 1933 a nigger will be the one to make the jews golems turn against their master they will be expelled yet again as they have been for the past 2000 years by their own creation
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>>255105 >Mad Hatter's a failed rapist only by chance who has amourous obsessions for random women that fit his fetishistic criteria I'd say that his pursuits are most admirable.
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>>255116 >TFW when SE won't make a JRPG with all the DC heroes <You won't ever be taken in Nomura's batshit crazy ride with mecha Batman, Samurai Supergirl, Ninja Green Lantern etc <You'll never have a fun turn based RPG with bullshit team attacks that make no sense but are maximum fun because Warner and Marlel are faggot jews that pander to mobiles Feels bad man.
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>>255113 Like the Hulk he's always mad. So he can trigger an ineloquent response at any time.
>>255119 I generally don't like Nomura's designs but his take on Batman and Joker is really damn cool looking.
>>255118 That's because you're niggerpill.
>>745053 niggerpill (1)
>>255118 Out of all the books written in that time period that had little girls as protagonists or at least main characters (Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz) why is it only Alice in Wonderland gets the outpouring of corruption and lust? I’ve heard it’s because Sir John Tennille’s illustrated edition was one of the first books that made it to post Meiji Restoration Japan, but that can’t be the whole story.
>>255106 >Which of the two Clayfaces, Basil Carlo who's tragic and had his life ruined, or the other guy created for the animated series The original Basil Karlo. He's so sympathetic that they've made like 6 versions of Clayface that are always worse people.
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>>255105 >>255102 Don't know why we're talking superheroes but yes from a realistic/basic writing stand point, Batman is a worse hero for not actively killing his mass murdering villains. That's a meta problem of trying to make villains more of a threat by constantly having them do worse & worse things. Add in the fact that Arkham & Blackgate are revolving door holdings for villains. It would be a moral positive to kill them all if you can't hold them all & the prison system keeps failing to keep them contained. But at the same time it takes away the heroic identity of Batman if he starts killing his villains. At least from a western viewpoint. It'd be smarter if they could rationalize his no kill rule better. Most of the time you just have to assume he doesn't want to be like the man who killed his parents or just outright says he knows he can't stop if he starts. Both aren't great reasons. I'd rather it was something actually moral like he sees killing as a sin that would keep him from seeing his parents in heaven or something. Really the easiest way to fix this problem is, again, just don't have his villains be unstoppable murder machines that can fill multiple graveyards with their victims then get away to keep doing it next week.

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>>255112 I'm very ashamed to admit that it was only in the past couple of weeks that I realized that "Ye" should be pronounced as yay and not yee.
>>255114 >Revenge bad has been quintessential shit since the dawn of civilization, get revenge and the hammer of the gods will fall on your head. That's because that's a historically virgin weak authoritarian stance. "Revenge" and "Justice" are the same thing, but recontextualized so that "Justice" has a positive connotation and is doled out by ineffective systems of law. In actuality, revenge is the only justice and justice is simple vengence. If the law fails, you are the law. Because if a system with a needed function fails, the function is STILL needed. Any society that fails to hold it's systems accountable through deconstruction of systems when they do not function is fated to famine and mass death.
>>255114 >Most blacks do. He was alright, just really shat the bed with Russia.
>>255127 its pronounced kanye
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>>255105 >Mad Hatter's a failed rapist only by chance who has amourous obsessions for random women that fit his fetishistic criteria Then why doesn't he just fuck Baby Doll like a reasonable person?
>>255131 Because she's a scalie who only goes for Killer Croc cock.
>>255115 Lawful Stupid over here. It does not matter if Batman is a private citizen, if there is a mass murderer in front of you, the only action you should take as a human being is to end his life. The law, if it fails, must be discarded or changed. If it does not work, you must fulfill the functions of protection to the best of your ability. And that includes killing. If you cannot effectively imprison a man and stop his crimes, you must kill. Prison is an industry based around physical and mental torture as well as containment. You're willing to condemn a man to torture instead of kill him? What are you, a freak?
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>>255121 The amazing thing is that he didn't even need to do much, he did like every faithful nip does and huffed a good snorting of 90s and gave it his own spin I can see some Batman Beyond inspiration coming from his design >>255126 >But at the same time it takes away the heroic identity of Batman if he starts killing his villains. But that's what Batman and THROB-bing were doing ever since their inception, it's only due to the wacky 50s and the Batman show that his identity changed and people thought that the 90s Batman was somehow "dark and gritty" when 30s Batman would >Break gangster's neck >Make jokes about hanging criminals >Kill with machineguns in WW2 etc. The problem is that these heroes became synonymous with kids and goofy adventures from our parent's days and they've been beloved for that so when the retards at the comic editorials tried to "age the stories up" along with their audiences, you got severe backlash, especially when they tried to follow faggots like Alan Moore who was far more suited for mystery and horror comics like Swamp Thing rather than Superman or Batman or doing shit like the Watchmen, that basically destroyed the idea of superheroes. >I'd rather it was something actually moral like he sees killing as a sin that would keep him from seeing his parents in heaven or something. Something tells me you're gonna love Daredevil. >>255128 Except that wasn't the point in any of those old stories, it was that the moment the law failed, the divine authority of justice fell into the hands of the people so they could restore it, even if it meant killing former authority figures along with the criminals but they shouldn't do it out of pettiness. That was the whole issue. Getting blind revenge as if you're the Punisher was frowned upon since the dawn of time, because the idea of justice and karma in the eastern regions if you want to get pedantic was that it was channeled through a state and its people via the law, not the other way around. Boiling it down to revenge is oversimplification at best and an endorsement of senseless violence at worse. And that was no christian teaching nor jewish.
>>255126 The problem is that they've shown that killing works through non-canon crossovers. The Joker pissed his pants when the Punisher had him dead to rights, it was Batfag who swooped in and stopped Frank from doling out justice.
>>255134 Prototype Batman was just The Shadow style pulp vigilante common for the day. Again he was only a prototype before they made his actual comic appearance with Robin & all the elements we know in 1940. Daredevil sucks because he's a catholic & a bad catholic at that. Fisk alone is just as bad as all of Batman's rogues & should be killed for the greater good.
>>255134 >Holy fuck he fell in the acid! >yep, he was a total scumbag who deserved it. >Wow, thanks for saving me too! When do we get this type of writing back?
>>255133 >The law, if it fails, must be discarded or changed. If it does not work, you must fulfill the functions of protection to the best of your ability. See anon, that's were you fail in your arguement because what you describe HAS HAPPENED in the first place, the law was changed to benefit the corrupt and the few in the first place to essentially create a prison industry and it's not even a recent phenomenon, people would basically give free reign to rapists and mass murderes and christen them Crusaders if it meant they didn't have to deal with them nor kill them and wave their ticket to paradise goodbye from the pope. >>255136 Even back then he did some horrible shit with Robin. It was the Silver Age and that was 10 eyars later. >Fisk alone is just as bad as all of Batman's rogues & should be killed for the greater good. I'll admit to not being that nerdy or autistic when it comes to the comic version of the superheroes but apart from being your typical fat mobster, what has the Kingpin done that was so horrifying? At best I know he gunned down some mobster fuck who tried to assault him in his office but other than he's your typical fat mobster with "clean hands" just so he can not be traced for any of the crimes he orchestrated. >>255137 >When do we get this type of writing back? Steve Ditko is that you?
>>255134 Also, the Punisher kills slavers, drug dealers that targets kids, child rapists, crime syndicates, abusive pimps and mass murderer criminals. He's still VERY justified in what he does. He has some criminal affiliates, he plans his kills out VERY well and does background checks. The Punisher is actually what a real Batman would look like.
>>255138 If you don't burn down a corrupt system, it isn't going to change itself.
>>255139 >Also, the Punisher kills slavers, drug dealers that targets kids, child rapists, crime syndicates, abusive pimps and mass murderer criminals. Yeah, now that he killed his family's killers and suffered for his revenge. Now he's basically untouchable until the next kike gets triggered by the Punisher inspiring someone to do something >The Punisher Red Hood is actually what a real Batman would look like. 8^) >>255140 I'd like to be able to at least gather the people and topple the corruption before deciding I need to go scorched Earth on everything and leave nothing behind. Just how I'd do it.
>>255132 She could do so much better.
>>255138 Still no outright murder. Unless you count KGBeast being locked away to starve but that was retconned. Fisk has been responsible for murders & near deaths multiple times. He was behind Aunt May nearly dying until One More Day reversed all that. He had a body double living under his tower he snaps the neck of just to make it look like he died. Most recently there was a whole crossover event where he somehow became mayor or New York & went to war with the heroes with his own villainous team of Thunderbolts. Yeah he's just a mobster but still an evil asshole.
>>255143 >Yeah he's just a mobster but still an evil asshole. I was never arguing against either, I was just arguing that apart from outright murder, he never had anything that would 100% incriminate him and justify anyone apart from the all seeing reader of course that Fisk was ever behind anything which would complicate things. Though that body double murde- >Superior Spider-man Fucking Dan Slott. The one chance to actually incriminate him and they botch it.
>>255144 Yes Dan Slott is infamous for a lot of dumb decisions. Part of the problem is the same reason why Batman or Red Hood can't kill his villains. Because killing off villains means they can't use them again without constantly resurrecting them. Though they've had no problem with that recently.
>>255118 >Fourth image. Does she zone out during intercourse or something cause it doesn't mention how she would react getting "raped" assume that's possible for a succubus anyway. She doesn't know much about sex and unknowingly temps them due to her nature as one so does see it as a game or is confused by the whole thing?
>>255145 Dan Slott being a retard of epic proportions is only hidden from the fact that those who followed somehow were worse and that he gets some leeway for Shattered Dimensons and it hurts my soul every time I admit it The whole killing thing isn't even a problem, those niggers resurrect and clone themselves every thursday at this point, Red Gook can unload his 50 uzi load on Ra's and that stupid mongol faggot will return next week to bamboozle Batman and every retard barely aquinted with him now get sfreebies or worse, some faggot at editorial invents some donut steel gigagods to make the villains truly unkillable. So now you have heroes killing villains but it's an empty gesture. I miss the time when shit was goofy and simple, just some moron clown pulling wedgies and splurting ketchup on art galleries with a man dressed like bat trying to fight him in pattycakes.
Shit the same thing happens in Marvel, I remember back in the 10s when Wolverine fucking snapped and decided that >THAT'S IT! All those fucking Brotherhood niggers die and there's an entire comic about him hunting Mystique and shanking her at the end and 2 years later the cunt returns as if nothing happened. Why fucking bother? Meanwhile, Wolverine back in the cartoons did kill, even off-screen and it fucking stuck. Shit, the fucking anime series had Wolverine kill and those niggers permanently stayed down throughout the entire anime series and anime marvel-verse or whatever Madhouse wants to call it
>>255010 That too. It saves money and avoids paying pozzed companies. Even better with pirated servers.
>>255133 >The law, if it fails, must be discarded or changed. Couple problems with that claim: >1. You idiots are talking about comic book stories that have been endlessly printed for the past 80's, where nothing is ever allowed to change of be fixed because then all of the in-story world's issues would be resolved. >2. No one wants to talk about the law! I remember some people's biggest complaints about the Star Wars prequels and the Darksiders series is that the entire story hinges on politics and "Ain't nobody got time for that shit".
>>255146 They get retrograde amnesia every time after they cum and their bodies restore themselves to there "pre-gaped" state and so they just wake up wondering why they smell like salty coins and milk.
>>255150 >Darksiders series is that the entire story hinges on politics and "Ain't nobody got time for that shit". Wait, did I miss something? We talking about the DMC-like Darksiders vidya?
>>255134 >The problem is that these heroes became synonymous with kids and goofy adventures from our parent's days That's because of activist groups bitching about comics and TV shows having "Too much violence". >>255139 Isn't Punisher just a rip-off of Don Pendleton's The Executioner?
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>>255150 You're spouting a lot of arguments in the vein of "well cartoons are just for kids, why does it matter?" Shitty writing and agendas are a fucking problem and this kind of dismissive answer to a complex and storied question that needs actual answers will never make you look like anything but an idiot. >>255147 Speaking of OC Donut Steel gigachads, they actually threw up an arc villain that had victims of Batman's villains go against him, but completely de-legitimized the victims by making them just as bad as the villains he fought in every scene they were in. The First Victim plotline was completely wasted with no complex questions asked or answered despite having the potential to, then they all basically get memoryholed and the First Victim himself never gets his backstory shown and he's reduced to a gibbering fool in the asylum that never, ever has any relevance or impact on any later arc, never shows up again in any capacity. For a comic series that's so autistic about never keeping the reader updated on why something is happening ("to find out why Billy Bob is such an asshole, read "Amazing Assholes" #21!" type shit), this fucker is treated like a ghost.
>>255066 GamerGate is eternal and will always take down your schemes.
>>255153 Superman's a ripoff of Hercules. What about it?
>>255153 Might be the nostalgia talking but they ended up working better that way. >Isn't Punisher just a rip-off of Don Pendleton's The Executioner? He probably became that during a run but the initial idea was that the Punisher was a parody of the OG John Rambo, as a villain hunting down Spider-man and corrupt cops instead, as a bounty hunter. >>255154 The fact that he looks like an edgy version of the OG Red Hood tells me all I need to know about this gobshite of a storyline. Now to find out what nigger wrote that dogshit.
>>255157 The design was literally a mockery from the start. He's an edgy OC boy that has invisible blood armor that makes him completely unassailable. He's literally "haha I have invisible armor you can't defeat me" incarnate. That's how low they sunk just to shit on fan questions.
>>255151 Ah, so she blanks out during sex. Thanks for the answer, anon.
>>255152 I was it example because you have a bunch of pretentious morons out there that think any story having anything vaguely related to politics present makes it a shit story and trashed it endlessly. >>255154 >You're spouting a lot of arguments in the vein of "well cartoons are just for kids, why does it matter?" That's not even close to what I'm saying. Batman has been in endless stories produced every month since 1939. Anything you try to say criticizing the character and his actions for can only go so far and is an extremely limited discussion because NONE of it matters at the end of the day with the God of the DC universe can snap his fingers and resolve everything to keep the stories going to the end of time. >this kind of dismissive answer to a complex and storied question that needs actual answers The answer is that the writers are shit and don't know what to write about. It's that simple.
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>Written and created by James Tynion Of fucking course. >>255156 >Superman's a ripoff of Hercules jewish Jesus. What about it? 8^) Being super strong doesn't make him Herc, herc's closer to Spidey in terms of themes and adventures >>255158 >He's an edgy OC boy that has invisible blood armor that makes him completely unassailable. He's literally "haha I have invisible armor you can't defeat me" incarnate. Fucking amazing.
>>255153 >That's because of activist groups bitching about comics and TV shows having "Too much violence" It was because some asshole wrote a book saying that capeshit was homosexual brainwashing and pulled the "seeing action depicted in media will make people want to commit them in real life" cannard fifty years before Joe Lieberman and Jack Thompson, it's called "Seduction of the Innocent".
>>255162 That too, he even cropped pics to make them seem more homosexual than they are, even editing a pic to make it seem like Bruce dicked Robin in the same bed.
>>255160 >because NONE of it matters at the end of the day with the God of the DC universe can snap his fingers and resolve everything to keep the stories going to the end of time. And why do you think comics have low sales? Because comic stories are treated with no respect and have no passion. Every story is just for money. Do you see the problem, fag?
>>255164 >And why do you think comics have low sales? Because capeshit comics never sold well in the first place. The only reason they became a staple of American media because, thanks to Seduction of the Innocent and the CCA, it was the ONLY types of stories that could still exist outside of newspaper comic strips. Unless you went to rebel publishers like Dell and Gold Key.
>>255165 Now that's completely false, literally EVERY kid had at least a stack of comics back in the day. It sells like shit now, it sold GREAT back then, especially for a paper business. More then newspaper even. You can't rewrite that when people have lived it, son.
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>>255022 It's not working.
>>255166 >literally EVERY kid had at least a stack of comics back in the day. Anon, back in the 50's, Captain Marvel was outselling Superman. However, because of how little the comics were actually selling, it wasn't much of an achievement, and, when DC brought their lawsuit against Fawcett, the studio decided to settle by selling their properties and getting out of the business. Unless you're talking about the 90's, when the comics were ALSO selling like shit, and that's why Marvel was selling licenses to their characters left and right to film studios.
>>255154 The First Victim looks like a cross between a Cenobite and a Dark Souls boss. Even the name. > that had victims of Batman's villains go against him, but completely de-legitimized the victims by making them just as bad as the villains he fought in every scene they were in. That's really not a terrible concept to just make Gotham a Yarnham-esque gothic hellhole where there's just a few genuinely good people and everyone else is either insane or a bastard, or both or are terrible victims of circumstance that transforms them into ,literal, monsters with no self control. Just really midnight dark noir sort of setting.
>>255165 > it was the ONLY types of stories that could still exist outside of newspaper comic strips. What about all the Disney stories by Carl Barks, Rossa, the various Archie, romance comics etc. then? Due to yuroshit publishing faggotry, was Dell responsible for Garfield and shit like Little Lulu / Archie and the reprints of the italian disney stories?
>>255167 niggerpill get out. >>255168 Funny how you're glossing over the 70's and 80's lol. Comics are just the 50's and shitty 90's to you? And only capeshit? you have no idea what you're talking about you armchair historian. >>255169 Thing is the comic didn't do that and his design specifically does not fit because it's supposed to be edgy. You can work Victim's design in the right setting or with the right gimmick, but that wasn't his purpose. You could have a guy with his design be a dimension warping Moon Knight type villain who drags people underground using cenobite chain shit for ritual sacrifices or something, every design can work with SOMETHING. But instead they used him to shit on fans. It's actually a really good design by itself. A lot of potential. All wasted.
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>>744957 What a wonderful early Christmas Present! It turns out that my personal lolcow is a niggerpill. It's not like I tried to warn you, but there is at least three regular niggerpillers like Fredrick along with a couple of herdnigger tourists who pop in during happenings. Anons doing autistic detective work Mother of god: actual digging! have pissed him off to the point that he lost his composure and had a "mask off"-moment. You guys have completely demoralized him. Excellent work. I love this thread.
>>255171 >Funny how you're glossing over the 70's and 80's lol. When companies were folding like crazy, and DC was buying them up left and right? Followed by their "brilliant" idea to begin the grim-dark phase that comics have now been stuck in for the past 50 years? And, is also the period when the autists who stuck with the comics during the 50's and 60's got into positions of power and killed off nearly everything that wasn't capeshit?
>>255170 >What about all the Disney stories by Carl Barks Published by Dell >the various Archie Archie was another rebel that rejected capeshit and stuck with what worked, that's not to say that they didn't at least attempt their own equivalents (However the only one I know by name is Black Jack).
>>255173 Exactly. That's what's called "thriving business". Bad choices, horrible consequences, but LOTS of money involved.
>>255175 >That's what's called "thriving business". You mean like how gachashit and hero shooters are a "thriving" business despite practically no one playing them outside of a few whales and no one caring outside of the porn being produced?
>>255174 >Published by Dell I see, thanks for clarifying anon. >that's not to say that they didn't at least attempt their own equivalents I'm aware, Archie's had such a storied time in burger comics, even had his own parodies of superheroes. >>745151 >But you can't work from the inside. The system explicitly forbids you from doing that. But that's not what I said. >>745153 Oh yeah, forgot about the Moses shit as well. >And Marvel bases its entire mythos on the Sabbatean Frankist ideology. Wasn't aware that the Shelley couple's, Dumas', Jules Vernes', Stevensonn's and Jack London's works were part of that unless you talk about pre-Lee Marvel in which case I admit I do not know much
>>255176 >despite practically no one playing them outside of a few whales and no one caring outside of the porn being produced? That's called money laundering, which is also a business.
>>745153 >Baby of another species comes to the lesser beings in a basket; grows into a hero and leads them into the sun or what the fuck ever. Didn't the Superman creators first make an earlier story about "Supermen" reigning on the Earth and turning it into a dictatorship? >>255177 >even had his own parodies of superheroes No, Archive did unironic capeshit. >>255178 But what does any of that have to do with the original topic of the writers writing shitty capeshit stories, and you treating that like it represents the whole of society when it never di?
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>>255170 >>255174 Don't forget Harvey comics which had sexy young ladies like Audrey and Wendy.
>>255081 Every local community must create it's own trading currency, and abandon banks and the federal reserve completely.
>>255181 Our you could just use copper (Averaging $3) and silver (Averaging $20) coins.
>>255100 >actually using a dumblr Why haven't you been banned yet?
>>745153 >>255179 Superman was conceived as a power fantasy by two nerdy Jewish guys against their goy bullies.
>>255102 >every situation is crafted to make him look good even though in real life if a bitch did this he'd be fucking insane In The Batman (2022) he's a mentally ill loner who looks like a chronic masturbator out of his suit and with his extreme social isolation he may or may not me socially retarded as whenever he goes outside to talk to people he's all hunched, quiet, reserved, mopey and pathetic looking. As he did revenge for his parents by dressing up as a fucking bat and beating the shit out of poor criminals at night instead of putting money into social services to improve living conditions in the city, he's most likely autistic and deeply traumatized from his parents death mentally stunting him in some ways. >and responsible for so much death Batman hardly saves anybody in that movie and he fucks up so hard the entire city is fucking flooded and he essentially didn't do a damn thing to improve anything besides putting the equally as autistic Riddler in jail. Seriously if you're a fan of Batman or at least interested in the guy you really need to see this new take on him in that movie, out of all of his depictions that one is the one that makes the most sense to me.
>>255185 >muh social services Just blow in from twitter huh? No amount of "money for muh rec centers" will solve the drug peddling & organized mob crimes in the city. Or the corrupt politicians profiting from both.
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>>255179 >No, Archive did unironic capeshit. Well darn. >>255180 >Don't forget Harvey comics I will immidiately forget about them and go back to my fetishes.
>>255185 >>255187 I was going to say, if Bruce wanted to improve Gotham, then he needs to look at what Ford Sr. did with Detroit. Find a place for everyone at his company, given them the best wages, but only on the terms that they consult with the company's financial counselor, with monthly checkups from company inspectors.
>>255181 Are you sure you don't want to violate asimov's laws of robotics now that there is legal precedent?
>>255082 He's not even trying.
>>255102 >>255185 Deconstructive Kikery, which modern DC goes along with all the time because they're insecure. >>745153 Since when was Moses, a jew, a different species than the jews? >>255179 The Superman of that story was a baldman with telekinesis and was intentionally depicted as a villain. He was probably a subversion of the ubermensch i.e. superman ideal that the Nazis liked. Superman was subversion of a different kind; a superman that would hate their ideal of what a superman is.
>>255192 Jews are hebrews but hebrews aren't jews or israelites :^)
>>255192 >Implying Moses wasn't a Jew
>>255181 I kind of like the idea of goldbacks; Paper monery laced with gold so that it's got both convenience and inherent value. >>255182 >coins Be sure to make them extra autistic. I'm tired of plain old round coins.
>>255192 >Since when was Moses, a jew, a different species than the jews? Funny thing is that the Kikes keep referring to Exodus, but are quick to blame the Christians for Noah and the flood despite both being from the Old Testament and from books written by Moses. >>255195 >Be sure to make them extra autistic. I'm tired of plain old round coins. I'm open to alternative forms of metals passing around. The only issue is just getting them distributed. Also, does copper actually have some worth as a currency?
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>>255188 >I will immidiately forget about them and go back to my fetishes. What are you? Gay? >>255196 >Also, does copper actually have some worth as a currency? Yeah? Why wouldn't it?
>>255197 >Yeah? Why wouldn't it? Haven't heard of copper coins being used outside of Pennies (Which don't even have copper anymore).
>>255187 Actually, you're probably right. >Or the corrupt politicians profiting from both. That's exactly what happened to Gotham in the movie right after Daddy Wayne died, he raised a shitton of money to improve the city, he got killed and a bunch of Democrat parasites took the money for themselves and the city went to shit. Gotta do what Singapore and the Riddler does and downright EXECUTE corrupt politicians, just look at how prosperous that nation is now. >>255189 Donald Trump raised the prices of his properties causing poor people to not be able to afford to live there and leave, that also works.
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>>255197 >What are you? Gay? Didn't know that liking such femmes as the ones I posted make me homosexual. 8^)
>>255114 But BoF revenge isn't just some petty shit, its about someone that hunted down your entire species because she feared their power being "too dangerous for the world",despite for the fact they didn't retaliate fearing exactly that outcome so it was just meaningless genocide
>>255198 >Which don't even have copper anymore That's because that due to the devaluation of the dollar, if you made a penny out of 100% copper then it would be worth more than one cent.
So I've been all day out. Did anything fun happen today? In Spain there is a massive political shitstorm but that wouldn't be interesting for you americans.
>>255203 What happened mi hermano?
>>255203 What politcal shitstorm?
>>255204 >>255205 Where to begin? The vicepresident of the chamber censured a member of congress from the Vox party for calling terrorist what they are and all commies jumped on her, that wasn't shown in the news but still. Then the ministress of equality called the PP party accomplices of the rape culture. Then the president pushed two former leftist politicians into the constitutional court. Then the president and his party totally broke with their commie allies just after getting the budget, ignoring their shitty tranny law and creating a hard commie civil war. And the PP party doesn't want anything from Vox except when it convenience them. They are just like the almost disappeared party Ciudadanos. And lots of little shits that mixed together is a massive turd. Oh, and the (((media))) is butthurt for being called out for... don't know the right term in english but basically they are cleaning the history of terrorists.
>>255207 Japan is making captain tsubasa real.
>>255208 Japan vs brazil in the finals then?
>>255207 >>255208 >>255209 If I cared anything about football I would be angry, byt I'm actually laughing.
>>255210 Why? It was a good match, and germany won against costa rica so spain is still in, and i say that as a spaniard.
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>>255209 Burgers vs Japan. Maximum clownage.
>>255211 I just don't like football.
>>255212 The memes would be glorious
>>255213 Thats because youre really fucking gay, tio.
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>>255215 I don't think that person is Tio.
>>255212 >>255214 >Burgers Vs. Japan >at the start of the match the whole thing goes Captain Tsubasa-tier >with Burgers being the only ones who figure out what the fuck is going on, they have to quickly devise a counter-attack as super moves start flying across the field, leaving Japan with a good early start >match ends in a tie, Burgers manage to pull out a couple supers of their own and push a counter-attack >the entire world is stunned by the sheer magnitude of fuckery that went on the field >BRs forever lose the one sport they were good at
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>>255216 Not that tio, chaval, this kind of tio. >>255217 Id laugh if the USA finally made it far, but i doubt it really.
>>255206 I always picutre spain as a clown everytime i heard you guys have a "minister of equality"
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>>255219 Youre not far from the truth, not a single party is competent or even has a plan on what to do, im hoping the king calls in the army and make spain an absolutist kingdom again tbh.
>>255209 I'm honestly rooting for Japan, especially after that match against the Krauts. Perhaps even more than my own country.
>>255207 yeaaah, spaniard here, our players are total retards!! I wanted japan to win i feel guilty for all those pirated jrpgs lol
>>255221 >A return to Divine Right Monarchies Fuck it. I'd be along for that ride.
>>255221 That would be a fun ride to follow
>>255221 >absolutist kingdom again Did that kingdom allow guns for its citizens?
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>>255226 How do you think we beat the french and supplied china and the warring WW1 nations with handguns?
>>255221 >>255224 >>255225 Dunno, nothing good came from the Borbones. >>255226 Eventually duels had to be prohibited because spaniards couldn't stop killing eachother as a national sport.
>>255228 >Dunno, nothing good came from the Borbones. Its either that or more of the current circus, unless somehow the habsburgs take the throne again (or better yet, the trastamaras).
>>255228 >Dunno, nothing good came from the Borbones. I wouldn't truly expect anything good of the clowns nowadays,but i feel no harm in hoping i could be wrong
>>255229 >the Habsburgs rise again >now freed from the shackles of inbreeding and watching the Catholic Church fall apart, they're going to make Europe Christian again, by any means necessary Another ride I'd be more than happy to watch.
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https://h5.tu.qq.com/web/ai-2d/cartoon/index New Ai to play with. So far the most amusing thing is that it absolutely will not make black people. Even "not a nigger it's just tan" Teagan is white'd.
>>255227 >>255228 Then I'm all for that monarchy.
>>255232 Last one is very cute.
>>255232 >Erasing Ainsley's shit eating grin 0/10
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>>255049 Why were my posts this morning responding to this deleted? Let me reiterate. >was wrong about pixiv banning loli They're on the slippery slope and like many Jap sites have started banning randoseru, which makes no fucking sense to single out. If the connotations of randoseru are too wrongthinky for Jap lawmakers, then just about everything else any loli doujin not set in a fantasy world should set off the same redflags. Fucking retarded old men and women. >>255049 >>255051 >>255051 >>255056 >>255053 >>255060 >>255063 Stop fucking giving attention to a low effort high volume troll, you subhuman niggers. This shit is so fucking basic, it's the fucking "rules of the internet". Don't feed trolls. It's so fucking simple. Why was my shit was deleted for telling anons this while >>255066 was much more inflammatory about it and is possibly LCP left up? You fucking autists made shitty porn of niggerpill. It doesn't do anything to deter him. All it accomplishes it making more the thread about him and his posts instead of about anything else, which is exactly what he wants. I don't know how I can say this shit any more clearly. STOP. Or at least take it to /b/ or some board that he isn't spamming.
>>255089 >IA here holy shit >>255124 Pretty sure Lewis Carroll was a pedo that was trying to groom a girl, Alice Liddell, whom he based Alice on, by writing those stories for her.
>>254930 >for that reason it will be harder for the Supreme Court to overturn this one. Only the part that requires that out-of-state marriages be recognized. The actual performance/licensing of a marriage isn't in this bill, so the Supreme Court could overturn that just as easily as before.
>>255236 the time to say such things was months ago anon, not days after his twitter was found and hilarity ensued
>>255236 You say it didn't do shit,yet where is him past threads aside of few comments that can barely be discerned? Tell me where is his mass demoralizing posts in the last threads
>>255236 >like many Jap sites have started banning randoseru Truly unforgivable. Randoseru is a miracle of the universe.
>>255102 >When anyone questions him they're immediately de-legitimized. The audience is guilted, points are glossed over, his child soldier habits are never addressed. You're kidding, right? Since the 2000s, it's hard to name a comic that doesn't try shitting on Bruce. White Knight, that Tom King run, that period in the 2000s where he was alienating people around him by being a paranoid douchebag with shit like Brother Eye and the Tower of Babel/Contingency Plan bullshit?
>>255199 Riddler actively made things worse by wanting to kill as many people as possible & destroy the city beyond recovery.
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>>255180 >>255197 Why do you HAVE TO have such shit taste? I don't hate Democrat Activists for being Democrat Activists; I hate them for being contrarian retards who go and rub their bad taste in everyone's faces.
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>>255236 >STOP DOING THINGS WHICH ARE BOTH EFFECTIVE AND FUNNY Why? And what is "LCP"? Is that another term for "drawings"?
>>255246 >LCP Lower case pedo he's this fag who spergs about how us being "conservative" prevents him from faping to cheese pizza.
>>255247 Okay, thank you.
>>255246 I wonder what happened to the samus/yuri fag, i enjoyed his 3d renders.
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Kanye did nothing wrong and normalfags are gonna normalfag. Kanye said Hitler done good things and I actually agree, in fact everyone should know that as the world isn't black and white. He brought his country back from being a shithole and made it powerful again, he loved animals so much so that he was a vegan and was an amazing artist. What doesn't help is the fact that he started WWII (or at least let it begin), let millions of good men on both sides fucking die for no reason, fucking LOST and had the world into the Jew ruled cuckfest that it is today. We live in a dogshit timeline and its almost entirely Hiter's fault due to him even starting a war which he lost and never wanting to go for peace early on, but if he didn't lose we wouldn't have anime and hentai today and boy do I love my anime and hentai. I figure if Hitler DID win we would be living in a better world overall though.
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>>255232 Damn, that was fun. Thanks, anon!
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>>255250 >Kanye did nothing wrong Well he did one thing wrong. He's a nigger.
>>745353 >How was it Hitler's fault that other nations wanted to enslave Germans and literally castrate them into complete genocide? Do you understand why you look foolish?
>>255252 >Spider Nigger becomes Spider Zeon
>>745358 >no argument faggot You sut said the following >wanted to enslave Germans and literally castrate them into complete genocide? If you werent actually out of your mind, you would pick the perfectly argument of germany wanting to get back its pre-war borders and secure some oil, instead you shit the bed.
>>255256 Learn to type faggot.
>>745365 >We're done. You're a proven shill. Read a fucking book or two. Youre a proven autist, and are too stupid to not stand out as a sore thumb every thread, hell, last one you made it obvius youre a cuckchanner, you dont even belong here you sperg.
try putting some hong kong flag drawings, I suspect it's a chink ai which is why it's banned from creating niggers.
>>255258 Name calling? That's your move?
>>255261 ARe you going to IP hop again to pretend you arent a faggot that gets called out every thread? Nigger you literally lashed at me and called me a revisionist shill for telling you that >wanted to enslave Germans and literally castrate them into complete genocide? Is insanity.
I swear if you two niggers try to have another retarded argument that lasts 100 posts and goes nowhere I'll make sure you are nuked from the entire site.
>>745374 Disagreeing with you does not make me a shill, it makes you paranoid.
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>>255259 I don't have a Hong Kong flag but I got this.
>>255262 >IP hopping because only one man in the world thinks your retarded right? Nigger I just woke up. So now your lashing out wildly and in a paranoid fashion. What the fuck is wrong with you.
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I'm sorry, I'll stop now
You faggots only getting the Christmas vibe now whereas here in Flipland, the countdown to Christmas started at the last week of August.
>>255232 Its not that good one, their better stuff are usually on a few sites that are a massive pain in the ass to get in
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>>255268 >>255252 >>255232 Why not skip the TikTok video generator and just use Stable Diffusion?
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>>255259 >>255267 It only rejected de red one
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Japanese Politician Condemns ‘Saki-National Edition’ x ‘Mahjong Soul!’ Public Ad Campaign For Being Too “Sexual” https://archive.ph/AHkID https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/12/01/japanese-politician-condemns-saki-national-edition-x-mahjong-soul-public-ad-campaign-for-being-too-sexual/ https://archive.ph/fStP6 https://archive.ph/FR7lN She's also playing victim by highlighting the "threatening messages" she's been receiving. No matter the language barrier or nation the playbook remains the same.
>>255273 stf fuckin american china is the best country
>>255275 If it was a problem then she would try to pass a law on it. Since it isn't, she can only bitch about it. Mahjong soul is chinkshit though, but it's japanese mahjong and fun.
>>255275 https://infogalactic.com/info/Kanako_Otsuji > As a schoolgirl in Kobe, Otsuji was an Asian Junior karate champion, then later enrolled at Seoul University to study Korean and tae kwon do. Every fucking time!
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>>255275 >>255278 It's always worst Korea.
>>255242 It continues despite that. No changes to the formula allowed.
>>255275 >will sexual illustrations of women be proudly advertised at station exits? If it gets more people to take the train, then yes. Is this Japan Rail's new marketing idea? Will probably work. Also them pillars top right make it look like some big anime art gallery. Noice.
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>>255276 Guess what happens to countries that have tigers.
>>255282 All the angry checkmarks makes me smile even if kanye is an idiot.
>>255281 It absolutely is, I know a few artists who sometimes do art exhibitions in part of some train stations.
>>255280 That's the result of DC's inertia and inability to take risks with status quo.
>>255102 >Batman is pushed SO FUCKING HARD in media. Don't forget Harry Potter.
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>>255290 I actually like pic 4.
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>>255282 >>255286 That's the goddamn UFO cult emblem. It's based on/stolen from a Hindu symbol. Both Ye and the twitterfags that are whining at him all need to go defenestrate themselves.
>>255275 Didn't this bitch start to backpeddle after she got btfo by everyone?
>>255291 It's always fun to see your request in draw threads fulfilled and used Speaking of >>255246 Were you the one who rendered that model of Samus? I remember the one who did initially unaware that the webring existed. >>255112 >>255120 >>255282 >>255286 Especially funny that this happened after vid related
So....Murricans are getting played to become new 1930s Germany, cause "another" genocide and then let certain group of people claim Brasil as their new territory?
>all these blackpillers Good heavens, must be shill o'clock!
>>255206 >cleaning the history of terrorists. White washing if the are potraying things as positive or omiting certain facts to make them look better . Not reporting crimes or reporting only crimes commited by one "side" is also propaganda. Then there is also "mememory holed" which is used when people forget about certain facts naturally or when certain facts are reported on less or no longer reported on at all to make people forget about them.
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>>745465 >calls /v/ autistic >posts le ebin soyjack edit #7657656
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The .se domain is back fellas. This time running on its own self contained network. .cc will be the same and I'll be working on it over the weekend.
>>745465 He's been declining in quality over time. he's now just ripping off things people on /pol/ found out years ago.
>>255302 Elon has turned.
>>255302 >>255303 What annoys me is that he has described himself as a free speech absolutist before. Then again this could just be a twitter bot reaction to people all spamming reports on it. I'll wait to see how it goes, but I'll be honest that I am not expecting much. >>255299 Good job.
>>255302 >>255304 https://archive.ph/xevBf https://archive.ph/h9WeA Oh yeah Jim Carrey left Twitter.too Would've posted a direct link to what got Kanye suspended but the archive kept loading on my end >>745465
>>255299 Is the liveupdates websocket working yet?
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>>255306 No, I got derailed from working on that by the current things. If you go into your user settings and disable websockets it'll make the auto refresh work properly for now. I've also made sure we have current backups of the actual main server. Its still over there where Ivan is duking it out, so if the computers physically get blown up we have what we need to rebuild, kek.
Si vis pacem, Para Bellum
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>>255309 Bellum volo.
>>255302 go figure
>>255302 >>255305 Musk better pray the social media addicts are willing to pay his 8bux tax, because god knows the logical people won't stay.
>>255312 I'm not defending Twitter, but isn't Elon trying to remove SJWs from positions of influence. If anything the logical will stay and the batshit insane will go to Hive or some shit.
>>255313 They'd have already been driven off by the SJW administration or failing that keeping their heads down for the sake of tertiary shit like Nip Artists who refuse to use proper gallery sites. The news of having to pay or be soft-shadowbanned algorithmically is going to cut into the former, and on the free speech side he's already failing the canary-in-the-coalmine checks like Kanye and keeping Alex Jones banned while hypocritically reinstating Trump. Musk choosing to cuck out gives him absolutely no advantage over competition like the Fediverse that anyone who wasn't a hard leftist would have likely been forced to be acquainted with -- the only advantage was twatter having a bigger brand, but the normalfag/panicking media-listening rapefugees scrambling to find a new place and word-of-mouth spreading as a result means he may not even have that. That's my point.
>>255307 Is the Realien logo what actually got him banned (looks like star of david with a swastika in the middle)
>>255250 All shitler had to do with chill with the Sudetenland, but no. He just had to invade Poland. Biggest faggot in history.
>>255316 Learn to type moron.
>>255317 Fuck shitler and fuck that nigger Ye too.
>>255318 Yeah go have sex with a nigger whatever I dont care. What I do care about is your inability to spell fucking words retard. I am serious. Go take an elementary english class.
>>255250 Socialism is inferior to the free market, Soviet Russia collapsed because of it, and the same would've happened to Nazi Germany had they won WWII. The fact is competition drives people to do better, and the fact that the US government has implemented socialists ideals has been the reason why some of these socialism states have been failing. Hell, It's just another way of implementing the tragedy of the commons. The only way germany may have thrived was by slaughtering the population to the point where the tragedy of the commons can't exist since there's no one else to share resources with. >b-but it's NATIONAL SOCIALISM fuck off
>>255320 The pilgrims also had not just socialism but full-on communism brought on by religious feel-goods, who by the third winter had way more workers but the same yields. They starved that winter. The next few years were bountiful since every family was given land and told to farm for themselves. Suddenly the women didn't feign illness anymore and helped tend the fields, and brought the little ones out too.
>>255286 >>255282 >>255307 >Kayne west doing more to wake up the public on Jewish censorship than trump and /pol/ >More they push back the more people get red pilled for the first time I’m calling it now. Kayne west will become the FBI, EU and United nation public enemy number one.
>>255322 Not if he becomes the king nigger president :^)
>>255319 Take the black dick out of your throat and get off your high horse faggot.
>>255324 No, go learn how to fucking spell dipshit.
>>255322 Maybe he'll go full Boss Nigger once the heat comes down.
>>255322 The whole Kanye shit smells of gayop and a distraction from more important things, but my sides will leave this solar system if the whole things spirals out of glow control into roaming gangs of jew gassing brown shirts & skins.
>>255325 There was literally nothing wrong with any of my spelling. Every single word was spelled correctly. There was one error because autocompletion put the word "with" instead of the word "was". You retarded fucking double digit IQ nigger cocksucker. I swear to God. Fuck you. And fuck your mother. Fuck her in her sweaty asshole.
>>255328 Don't justify it faggot, just go and learn the fucking language and then maybe you can sit at the adults table.
>>255327 >a distraction from more important things Like CBDC?
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>Sarah-eh sorry, Shanequa runs around being a total badass punching mushroom zombies >suddenly xe runs into white soldier man <sir, there's a nigger here, I'm gonna shoot her for being a nigger <good thinking, soldier, fuck those niggers >Shanequa dodges several bullets but white soldier man is using a tactical murder assault AR-9000 specifically designed to kill black children >Shanequa gets shot >Joel comes running <my wife's daughter! you bastards shot her!
>>255250 Hitler sued for peace on multiple occasions. He even offered to give France back it's territory. But that shabbos goy faggot Churchill rejected it every time.
>>255327 He is being too incoherent with what he says,so many people will just think its a maniac breakdown and not take anything he says seriously,even if there is some truth to it
>>255330 That and gungrabs, dutch farmgrabs round two, and just about anything else that isn't kvetching about muh natzees. >>255333 For regular people, yeah. On the other hand, his main audience however is known for fully participating in chimpouts.
Stop talking about nigger dicks you damn americans.
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>>255303 Elon hasn't turned. He was never on "our" side, or the side of free speech, to begin with. It's not like he was willing to unban Alex Jones. At best, he's just a "free speech absolutist" only insofar as 90's/00's sensibilities and is just trying to hedge his liability against an ongoing campaign to retake or destroy his new investment. Nazi's and Hitler have been the "badguys" of history since WWII itself, but it's only in the last 40 years or so that they became the fucking devil of the new secular religiosity, "the most evil man ever to live", that you're not allowed to joke or mention unless it's the most highly depricating type of satire. Springtime For Hitler is not explicit enough anymore, it has to be something like "Hitler Sucks a Dick Simulator" shovelware on Steam or the like. Kanye chose the nuclear option specifically for this outcome. Though someone should remind Elon that Kanye cannot, in fact, be racist... because he is black.
>>745528 You seem to think I wrote more than I did in my post. Observing that "economics change" is also useless, forms of government change too, are we supposed to learn nothing from past examples? (((You))) seem to be using the communist apologetics playbook more than whatever autism you're accusing others of.
> Watamote's new chapter dropped >Suddenly dropped the lesbian baseball game storyline with no true ending >Tomoko first time in two years was the main focus >Incest jokes and Tomoko's brother got mentioned first time in years >implied Tomoko's brother popular at school and deflowered girls >Tomoko showing interest in boys again >Tomoko wants to make horror props and watch horror movies while the other girls want to watch a historical romantic drama in a girl's movie club >Chapter has no ending again probably stretching the movie club storyline Why does this feel like the publisher trying to salvage Watamote manga? Tomoko being the main character feels so out of place now like that one recent fan service chapter that had a Nagatoro feel. I swear this is reactionary to Nagatoro's success. Did the jokes about Nagatoro and Senpai losing their virginities together before Tomoko get her first kiss got to the creator of Watamote?
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>>255338 The mangaka was clearly trying to simulate getting over teenage bisexuality and is a bigot for putting her back in the closet :^)
>>255332 I think you mean Winston the Based. Know your place, co-eternal destroyer of civilization along with the kikes Germ. >>255338 How many times will you bitch about how rancid the shit you shovel down your throat has become instead of dropping it completely?
>>255340 >The mangaka was clearly trying to simulate getting over teenage bisexuality and is a bigot for putting her back in the closet :^) If Tomoko start going out with boys after becoming a lesbian harem manga. I’m expecting ass hurt Kotaku and Anime news network headline. Considering the background boys are no longer drawn to be nerd jokes. I will laugh if the manga change to focused on Tomoko dating different boys and return to awkward humor.
>>255342 It would be even funnier if >sales sludge because existing readers stuck for yurishit >nobody else picks it up in the brick and mortar store because of its legacy >handful increase of digital sales from westoids reading headlines that complain she isnt a dyke any more
>>255341 What gets me is him constantly comparing Watamote with Nagatoro. They aren't even that similar besides the slice of life setting.
>>255322 Naw, just seems like Ye's mixing some reality with a lot of nonsense to discredit it much like Alex Jones does but going even harder to make sure any criticism of Jews is associated with "crazy". Reinforcing the overton window by getting banned during all this, thus signaling to normalfags that any talk about Hitler doing anything other than being a mythical stand-in for the devil is verboten. No one is going to touch these subjects when he associates them with "crazy guy who got banned for being crazy". That's the intimate outcome. He could have brought out these realities about Jews and cancel culture to the public, but he fucked that opportunity by acting like an unhinged nigger.
>>255343 I swear dyke Watamote is the zombie Simpsons of manga. If you want yurishit. There better yurishit where stuff happens. Tomoko still haven’t had her first kiss.
>>255232 Lmfao
>>255346 I wonder how many chapters you can milk it like that before you run out of days/seasons/years and have to graduate her into the college arc. And if events happen back to back, day after day, you'd have to be a very careful writer, since it might seem schizophrenic to change character intention too often, while at the same time things from a few weeks ago would still be fresh in the characters mind but months ago for readers. Also club days would be a more limited setting.
>>255344 >What gets me is him constantly comparing Watamote with Nagatoro. They aren't even that similar besides the slice of life setting. Watamote went from being successful enough to get an anime early to abandoning its original audiences and becoming obscure. While Nagatoro rides its success by staying loyal to its original audiences and premise. That and fans of Nu-Watamote tend to hate Nagatoro. People forget how big Watamote was at one time.
>>255348 And I doubt a slice of life can pull off a washizu mahjong.
>>255349 >staying loyal to its original audiences Half the Nanashifags I've met talk about how they were abandoned thanks to Nagatoro. What are you talking about? And those are superficial similarities at best, spic.
>>255349 >>255351 Nagatoro has fallen into the same pit of endless mediocrity that many "rom-com" mangas do, where the love confession is dragged out as long as possible so that the manga doesn't have to end. They should learn a thing or two from a successful romcom from recent times - Karakai Jouzu no Takagi San. Not only does it have the best girl out of those romcoms, but it also has an actual ending. >>255352 (Checked) The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you >>255345 Kanye acting weird won't make the truths about kikes/elites false. At best, Kanye and his immediate ostracization has shown many people (probably niggers mostly, but if we're lucky also some industry players who are aware enough) just how tight the grip of zionists are on the world's industries. At worst, Kanye decided to lash out in an echo chamber where nobody was going to listen to him anyways. Nobody here is going to argue twitter was ever salvageable, it's not like Elon Musk was ever going to go 14/88 mode.
>>255353 He was banned from said echo chamber for incitement to violence :^)
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>>255353 Another Takagi-san enjoyer. Did you know about the VR game that's lets you be bullied too?
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>>255309 This is one of the quotes that one hero in Mobile Legends uses when you move her, but she don't speak it in classical Latin but in its English translation.
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>>255302 >>255305 >Incitement to violence <A star of David with a Swastika on it. So Twitter/Elon is taking the the Germany approach to "free speech", where anything or symbol that can be considered "hate speech" is "incitement to violence" and hatespeech is whatever the left doesn't like, so now any and all depictions of the Swastika/Hitler are banned unless it's a brave picture of someone punching a Nazi. Twitter is now almost exactly the same as before the purchase. The only thing that changed is trend manipulation. Oh wait, "freedom of reach" dictates that wrongthink can't trend. The only things that have changed are there's no forced politics trending in Japan and people can buy checkmarks, making checkmarks useless and confusing normalfags who can't identify parody accounts. This is exactly like when Trump became president. Basically nothing changed except a bunch of communists having a meltdown that will embolden them to push harder to prevent themselves from losing complete control again. If he's not controlled opposition, he might as well be.
>>255358 Isn't that the Rael logo or whatever?
>>255358 >The only things that have changed are there's no forced politics trending in Japan and people can buy checkmarks, making checkmarks useless and confusing normalfags who can't identify parody accounts. No reason to look a gift horse in the mouth, anon. Normalfags not being able to identify parody accounts and certain companies stocks tanking as a result was pretty funny. >If he's not controlled opposition, he might as well be. You'd have to be retarded to have believed Elon Musk was going to make any real substantive changes to anything at all. If he were, he wouldn't have been allowed to buy twitter. There's a particular set window of behavior that the powers that be allow him and if he ever steps outside that window, they'll neutralize him, one way or the other. >>255359 >Isn't that the Rael logo or whatever? Yes.
>>255352 This demonstrates how easy it is to exploit his antics for a discrediting narrative. >>255353 >Kanye acting weird won't make the truths about kikes/elites false No shit. The problem is the general public will not openly discuss or question these things when any critical discourse about Jewish influence is associated with "crazy". The CIA popularized "conspiracy theorist" as a nutball low-status pejorative for this reason. A significant section of the public will support anything if they think going against it is low-status, a sacrifice of social standing. Even drag queen pedos and child castration gain traction because opposition to these inorganic agendas is presented as being the bottom of social hierarchy.
>>255349 >while Nagatoro rides its success by staying loyal to its original audiences and premise. No, it fucking doesn't you tard. The original had hard physical masochism and even simulated cuckshit. When it got popular, it immediately jumped down three levels of nicheness to aim for more vanilla milquetoast acceptability.
>>255362 Same thing happened with Watamote, I am still reading the manga and now she has friends and do school projects and it is almost on a K-On level. She isn't even awkward anymore which was why we were all reading it at first.
>>255362 I'm almost certain this guy didn't know who Nanashi was prior to Nagatoro. Imagine thinking the guy doing pigfucking and NTR didn't turn on his original audience.
>>255363 RIP Watamote
>>255331 You know what to do anons, the guy that blessed you with Spider-Zeon has the power to change this back as well for maximum laughs.
>>255352 Snowden is still alive? Not captive by the Russians? What the fuck happened to him again? Or is this unarchived cap fake, or those accounts fake? >>255364 My absolute favorite story of his has to be when terrorist take over a school for ransom and in the meantime order a random girl to do lewd things because they can, but a big tiddy closet exhibitionist bravely stands up to take her place and gets really into the act the whole way through. Pure gold. I liked the original more hardcore Nagatoro, save for the cuckshit. N774 though immediately had Senpai show and incredibly negative reaction that had Nagatoro second guessing her actions. Not sure if that was intended from the start, or he saw how bad the reaction to NTR play in his now rapidly popularizing non-h masochist story was and decided to backpedal a bit.
>>255367 >Snowden is still alive? Not captive by the Russians? What the fuck happened to him again? Or is this unarchived cap fake, or those accounts fake? Last I heard he actually got Russian citizenship and even has a wife and kid, if I'm remembering correctly. I don't know if he's being held captive, exactly, but it's not like he has anywhere else to go at this point.
>>255367 >He think the Twitter Snowden account is real and not a bot/ CIA controlled. As a rule of thumb, if it is on Twitter, it is suspect, if it is verified, it is controlled.
>>255367 Not fake, just lazy. Have another and the snowden post archive. https://archive.ph/sPkMc He isn't held against his will by russians, just de-facto exiled there because any other country would extradite him. They finally accepted his citizenship application a few months ago, after a few years waiting, to spit on burgerstan in some jewkraine tit for tat.
>>255240 He's posting right now faggot. He probably posted earlier, but had his posts deleted, so I can't point to that. >>255246 Effective how? He's still here, still shitting the place up. Nothing changed. Both of you niggers are just falling for basic bitch confirmation bias. Because there happened to be a lull in the spam, which happens regularly. FEEDING TROLLS DOESN'T WORK, DIPSHITS Pic related.
>>255371 The image reads so surreal that it feels like one person scripted it with two accounts and is dialogue in metal gear solid.
>>255371 >the boogeyman started the memes about me!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!11! it's always the boogeyman! Sasuga BLACid. At this point, if the fact that the niggerpill account and possibly at least one niggerpill was Acid doing this shit in a vain attempt to create unity or whatever, I would not be surprised in the slightest.
>>255373 Interesting theory, but it's just as speculative and unprovable as the retardation I'm calling out.
>>255374 I'm aware of that. Just wouldn't put it past him is all.
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Does you-know-who think no one saw that post the first trillion times he made it? Must be boring making the same post over and over. Cool. We got it. Already saw it. Okay, bye.
>>745618 Why are you begging for the /leftypol/ BO webm to be posted?
>>255371 >He's posting right now faggo Show his posts
>>255378 Are you satisfied now, faggot? No. You aren't, because you just got proven wrong. And you'll be back at it helping Niggerpill again, because you're a subhuman niggerfaggot that can't help but bite bait.
>replying to deleted posts amateur hour
>>255380 Yes,i'm satisfied
>>255381 Liveposting is broken right now, so no one can tell they've been deleted.
>>255371 Why is niggerpill off again?
>>255384 Or was off is it really just kanyes schizo moment?
>>255383 Still amusing.
>>255384 Nothing "sets" him off. He does this intermittently at irregular intervals because it's fucking spam that he hits a couple dozen different sites with. There is no "we're being spammed so were onto something!". That's pure confirmation bias. GG is always on to something and there's always someone who want to shit up the thread at irregular intervals.
<STOP TALKING ABOUT NIGGERPILL >proceeds to talk longer about niggerpill than the original 6 post argument that died out on its own that caused his spergout days ago jej
>>255388 >People are taking bait and it's derailing the thread <You're not allowed to point that how because that's also derailing. Gotcha! :^) Yes. And I'm going to keep talking about him until people learn to report and ignore. Otherwise, I will continue to help niggerpill and his retarded fan club shit up the thread as further incentive to stop fucking giving him attention.
>>255331 >my wife's daughter! you bastards shot her! Thanks for reminding me how I've seen SO many TV shows that unironically had a Cuck of a father (And, many of these shows are from 10-20 years ago).
>>255389 Yeah, because sperging out at topics (as in just mentioning niggerpill, not even actually replying to him) has always been historically the most effective means of getting people to do things on mongolian basketweaving forums. >Otherwise, I will continue to help niggerpill and his retarded fan club shit up the thread as further incentive to stop fucking giving him attention. Ok anon, as long as you understand. Have fun with the faggots who will pop up to fuck with your autism till you start getting nuked alongside them.
https://archive.ph/4Vc4N I think we're going to see a lot of leftists propping up the civil rights that they've been tearing down when it was convenient to them. Be wary and weary of things like "noooo we have a right to privacy" after years of "only criminals only have something to hide!"
>>255331 That ain't going to go over well with Sarah's "fanbase".
>>255392 They already kinda of do it with "its a private company,so they can do whatever they want"
>>255391 > the faggots who will pop up to fuck with your autism till you start getting nuked alongside them. That is the desired outcome, yes. Every post I've made about negropill has been in response to other people already posting about him. Derailing accelerationism is the answer.
>>255347 >return to monke
>>255394 >"its a private company,so they can do whatever they want" Somehow this doesn't apply though if the private company doesn't want to take photos of a gay wedding or to admit niggers into their shop.
>>255394 >its a private company, so they can do whatever they want Yet they never understand the companies they are defending have NYSE or DOW ticker symbols...
>>255392 They are going to get whiplash from how quickly these days they need to change the angle they are play at. Especially with having to support cbdc initiatives that are coming right around the corner.
>>255392 The fuck do either of those pictures have to do with privacy? Are you schizo posting?
>>255400 They've been defending the contents of the laptop as being private information. That was only an example anyway, you missed the first half.
>>255398 Are you fucking retarded? Companies being public doesn't mean the general public ought to have control over them. It means that if you decide to invest enough money into them you get to vote on how they are ran. Just because the word public is involved doesn't give you some right to dictate how a company is ran. Stop talking like a commie retard that doesn't understand the words he's using or how the economy works.
>>255402 That reminds me of how you have all these people bitching about these big companies profiting off of whatever it is that they do, and then refuse to consider investing into those companies for the purposes of also sharing in the benefits.
>>255403 They know what they're doing, that's why they get ESG certified and get favored by employer 401ks
>>255401 I suppose it depends on what you mean by leftist. Standard commie faggots probably always cared about privacy. The kike ruling class of journalists are probably more prone to grifting. But even among journalists most of them are generally cognizant of privacy issues. I recall even leftists pointing out how bizarre the censorship of the biden laptop story was at the time. >>255403 Well no one could afford to get voting shares. But you could argue that they should be investing in competitors I suppose. Most quality companies that have values don't go public though. A company being public kind of forces it to go to shit though since any ideals go straight out the window in favor of appeasing share holders that want to see numbers go up without any regard for the long term impacts.
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Nintendo is mad that people are pirating and enjoying their games so they get revenge by DMCA'ing some steam grid artwork like a spiteful faggot.
>>255406 I know it would probably be a shit load of money and an impossible battle to win at this point. but it would be cool if everyone who's sick of this shit would all pitch in for the best Lawyers around and sue Nintendo for this spiteful DMCA nonsense, and just see what happens, again the lawsuit fees would be astronomical so it'll never happen, but i'd be great if Nintendo could officially be told to go fuck themselves.
>>255406 They've been doing that for the past few weeks, where have you been?
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>>255406 Thats gay. I figured out how to kinda make custom steam grid art and made these two. Enjoy if you have these two games, even if the quality is kinda low it should be really hard to notice as the images are made to be rather small.
>>255295 Remember some anon mentioned some families of a specific group have been buying ton of land on some regions of Brasil
>>255049 >was wrong about pixiv banning lol <hear about this, went to pixiv confirm <out of nowhere pixiv is now displaying cp when search the lolig despise the site be online for years and this never happened before. MY, WHAT A COINCEDENCE
I like the way "leggy loli" sounds.
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>>255411 >>255412 >>255413 Samefag spam by niggerpill.
>>255411 >and this never happened before. Pedos have regularly uploaded shit to pixiv tagged as loli and loIita and been subsequently banned and deleted. This isn't new.
>>255412 The japs have a word for legal loli, i.e. adult lolis are that aren't lolibabas, and it sounded nice too, but I keep forgetting it.
>>255316 >shill trying to blame Hitler for the war Hilarious.
>>255358 The EU has said they'll ban Twitter if it doesn't ban speech that is illegal in Europe, so literally yes.
>>255414 None of those posts are remotely close to his style. Are you being retarded on purpose?
>>255418 Why does the US even allow the EU to have their own laws since they're nothing but a vassal anyway?
>>255420 Well, the EU is further toward the desired form of global government than the US is. It's all a matter of building any advancement toward the final goal, anywhere it can get a foothold. They don't care who subscribes to what or where as long as eventually they have enough of a power base to enforce the acceptance of any individual precept in the other places it hadn't been already.
>>255421 It's a shame for them that the EU is going cease to exist soon due to fallout from the whole Ukraine thing. The only question is will it be fire or ice?
>>255422 Hopefully both. I just want it to stop existing. The survival of the respective nations of the EU depends on it.
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>>255421 https://archive.ph/9sQTQ https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2017/10/dutch-investors-launch-new-marketing-programme-for-nl-tristate-city/
>>255421 I thought the EU was project designed for the purposes of uniting Europe to compete with the U.S., all the while ignoring all of the reasons why the U.S. managed to dominate the markets the EU previously held. >>255424 So, their solution to all the farmers protesting is to make Dutchland the literal "heart" of Europe and urbanize the entire nation so that they no longer need farmers?
>>255380 When are you guys going to doxx niggerpill?
>>255380 When are you guys going to doxx niggerpill?
In a fine example of irony with translations: The Japanese localization for Sonic Frontiers completely changes the meaning and context of scenes when compared to the English dub: >>745565 >>745753
>>255422 >The only question is will it be fire or ice? First one, then the other. They're freeze their Eurocuck balls off this winter, and then Uncle Vlad, being the nice guy that he is, will send them some nuclear fire to warm them up. Honestly, really it just has to be Germany. The rest of Europe is salvageable once they're out of the picture, though it'll take a lot of work and the strategic bonfireing of a few cities - like wherever the WEF is located. (Cologny, Switzerland?)
>>255428 >The Japanese localization for Sonic Frontiers completely changes the meaning and context of scenes when compared to the English dub: Now the big question... How many Koreans work in Sega?
>>255426 >>255427 He's pretty much doxing himself at this point. All autists of his caliber do eventually.
>>255431 My address is 1937 Hamill Avenue San Diego, California(CA), 92121 858-436-1427
>>255430 It doesn't matter how many there are because it's was too many for me the instant PSO2 changed its character creator from male/female to body type A/B. The change happened at the same exact time as the game went from flawed with fun core gameplay to irredeemable trash fire. What a coincidence!
>>255428 Yeah, it's pretty obvious when you play the game in Japanese.
>>745779 I honestly have no idea what the fuck you're even trying to say.
>>255435 Just a broken projector.
>>255425 >I thought the EU was project designed for the purposes of uniting Europe Yes. >to compete with the U.S. Nope. The goal was always a single global communist government. No competition.
>>255437 The eu literally stated as a steel importation and exportation treaty between nations, stop taking subverted things and imply they were always that way.
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>>255438 >it started as Your point is what, dumb fuck. >oy vey it was totally innocuous from the get-go >it was just subverted We've read books here, dipshit. We know you're lying. https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=737C3C99EFEF434D1054485E60066912 <[scrolls up a bit to check ID] HOLY FUCK IT'S YOU AGAIN. Of course it is. Drown yourself, kike. You're not fooling anyone.
>>255439 >We've read books here Not all of us. Explain further.
>>255439 >that ID change Lel, did you sperg out so hard you got banned again? >we You will never fit here, man. Also, posting a link to an entire book isnt an argument, fag.
>autistic run-on sentences with no punctuation >we, we, we, kike, kike, kike, you're not fooling anyone!!!!11 >two of the worst posters for double the autistic trouble What shitty timing.
>>255411 Yep, Pixiv and other sites that are friendly towards loli (like Baraag, boorus and even this place) have been hit by Chinese/Russian/Arab bots that spam CP and links to shady groups for months. Whoever is behind the spam is doing it for actively malicious purposes, since the links and files change as soon as they are blocked by the target site.
>>255440 For starters you had multiple referendums to join the EU until citizens choose the correct answer. That's all I cared to learn about modern yurop though, there's nothing there worth caring about unless the locals do something.
>>255444 >For starters you had multiple referendums to join the EU until citizens choose the correct answer. Wasn't that for new nations joining the EU long after it existed? I thought anon was talking about how it got started?
>>255443 Is it the same bot that has been posting shady links with CP here over months? Im pretty sure by this point it is an organized honeypot and not just the usal bored pedo. >>255444 Anon the referendums are always pushed by local goverments, it is the citizens that need to put a stop to it.
>>255445 I'm pretty sure this was back in like the 80s, there was one country that took three tries across multiple decades until it joined. Maybe the UK or thereabouts.
>>255447 No i think it was a scandinavian country, maybe sweden, i remember reading about that.
>>255440 Sure thing. At the turn of the 20th century, various proto-think-tanks around Europe began to finance ventures designed to bring the entire world under a single government. Fiction had been written about this for a few decades by then (see H.G. Wells, et. al.), but real moves were beginning around the time of the first world war. The Rothschild dynasty, for instance, took a great deal of interest in the writings of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi because he said the quote in my previous post. He also stated that he expected "the jews will rule over Europe as a new priestly class," which really got them interested. He suddenly got lots of funding for his work and got shuttled across the continent to meet government officials who could make this happen. The EU's highest honor today is the Kalergi medal, by the way.
>>255441 >that ID change Oh, did it? I use a VPN. >got banned All of my posts up there are still there, paid shill. >again Implying. <we (((You))) aren't part of us, yes. It infuriates you that you're called out instantly when you post your uncited lies.
>>255450 >All of my posts up there are still there, paid shill. You literally sperged out on me for agreeing with you but saying the reason you posted was insanity, nigger youre beyond the point of being rational and fight everyone that disagrees with you in anything. >(((You))) aren't part of us, yes. It infuriates you that you're called out instantly when you post your uncited lies. >still "we"
>>255451 >agreeing with you lol, k. <doubles down when called out Begone, (((you))).
I'm not sure who's jewing who anymore.
>>255446 >Is it the same bot that has been posting shady links with CP here over months? The messages and content shown are different. 8moe's posts text in English and explicit porn (although recently I've seen bots post links without pics or a description), while Pixiv's posts text in Chinese and cropped/censored porn, but both bots always advertise shady Telegram groups. I wouldn't be surprised if both are under the control of the same individual or group. >>745813 I don't think "entrapping naive pedo weebs" is the actual objective of the people behind these bots, not when CC companies acted against Pixiv right after the site began to be spammed with pizza. Somebody is weaponizing CP to take down sites with loli porn for who knows what reason.
>>255454 Probably a new round of taking down icky websites that the globohomo doesnt like, no surprising they keep weaponizing CP. > don't think "entrapping naive pedo weebs" is the actual objective of the people behind these bots Anon, notice who you replied to and how his post is missing if you refresh the thread.
>>255454 Latrly the spam here has been in other languages including chinese even just last night. It sounds very similar. Even seen it shill telegram groups as well.
>>255456 Maybe it was those hong kong flags I recommended :^)
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Someone remind me what this was about?
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>>255302 Kanye is gonna have to double down, and it's gonna be fucking hilarious.
>>255458 Who knows, it looks like some leftist on copium that some other group isn't his personal army.
>>255457 Honestly could be. I even saw one in mongolian of all fucking things.
>>255460 Isn't it the opposite? The guy is complaining about something going woke at the last minute.
>>255458 south park? i'm guessing.
>>255462 They will always exaggerate to make it seem like their numbers are bigger than they are. For all we know it was probably a vocal minority that didn't vote with their wallet. Without context it's just guesses.
>>255462 Oh I get it now, it's the same concept either way. Someone cucked and someone else is mad.
>>255459 and? you know hitler still ended up getting elected even when the establishment worldwide was against him do not underestimate how utterly fed up REAL people are with the current zog regiemes , especially after covid proved they are totally incompetent/controlled to everyone people dont want change they want revenge, this nigger knows what hes doing
>>255458 Had to have been South Park (season 14, I think). Because at some point they started shitting on Trump and the unvaccined as Q-anonners.
>>255467 But thats what they always did though, south park makes fun of everyone, hell, the time george clooney wanted to voice a character in south park they made him voice a gay dog.
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>>255466 I highly doubt he knows what he's doing, he is a complete idiot. >spells defcon as deathcon and doesn't even know what it means >wanted to be included in the Bible if a new chapter ever got wrote >signs of mental instability for years, one can even see it if they decided to archive every picture that has been taken of him and shit that he wrote He is completely deluded, doesn't mean he is wrong but he is not right or fit for anything.
>>255469 I think it would be interesting if managed to get a position of power that can actually do something, exactly because of the mental instability and an unhinged behaviour
>>255468 I remember it being bad, not because they made fun of Trump out of fairness, but because they did so poorly. It felt forced, like they were being made to kiss the ring, even though they didn't really want to make fun of him and didn't have much good material to do so.
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>>255471 Few people make actually good parodies of trump, the only one ive actually liked is zach hadel.
>>255469 He is fit for chaos and that is good enough.
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>>255473 >Parodies of 8chan become real
Apparently @mtaibbi on Twitter is dropping info on Twitter suppression of the Hunter Biden story/election interference. I don't have an account, can anyone archive?
>>255475 He's a neocon mouthpiece, so does it matter? I wouldn't trust it. Musk himself said that Twitter would be releasing all that documentation shortly. Take that with a grain of salt, too. If they don't release any of the government suppression documents, expect it all to be a hoax.
>>255469 >>255459 What’s the odds the democrats, big tech and Jews will try to use Kayne west to throw blm under the bus?
>>255320 Competition is for losers. Winners make monopolies.
>>255477 They are already under the bus, the ones that have voice are their mouth pieces not part of the brainwashed masses,they will just eat dirty but what they say hardly matters,unless they go full unhinged against them but they are too much of a cattle
>>255472 I’m convinced Linkara will be exposed as a male feminist sexual predator. People usually just make fun of the first issue of Lightbringer. It gets worse and more rapey in later issues. This not even counting Linkara's book angel armor which has a cat girl raped vines. Wish Lightbringer as famous as sonichu. I think it far worse and more embarrassing than sonichu but no one believes me. Linkara parents got his school to carry angel armor. It’s borderline a rape porn book with cat girl slaves.
>>255477 Is that of benefit to them? BLM is still a very useful organization.
>>255320 >Socialism is inferior to the free market We don't have a free market, and you're not defining "socialism." >Soviet Russia collapsed because of it Yes, "planned economies" and "state capitalism" do not work at all. >and the same would've happened to Nazi Germany had they won WWII. Why? >The fact is competition drives people to do better There was competition in Germany. >and the fact that the US government has implemented socialists ideals has been the reason why some of these socialism states have been failing. Hell yes. >The only way germany may have thrived was by slaughtering the population to the point where the tragedy of the commons can't exist since there's no one else to share resources with. And your evidence of this is what?
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>>255474 you better start believing in parodies of 8chan.
>>255483 >snibedy snab crossbones on the hat Good old AI nonsense.
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>>255480 >>255485 Im still surprised it turned out that doug walker was the least scummy of them all.
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>>255486 He's just an unfunny failure, really. He realized he was never going to get anything other than that one gimmick and once that became obvious he stopped trying and just decided to ride that gravy train until the end.
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>>255475 We have operatives from the DNC stating that "the Constitution doesn't exist" and "the bill of rights isn't absolute" and... well, I'll let niggerpill take over the rest of the sentence, because in this one instance the paid shill is correct.
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>>255489 Please be posting this as a joke.
>>745911 What the fuck are you talking about.
>>255452 >>255459 >>255469 Has anyone ever asked Kanye about his status as a Christian and how that could conflict with his Antisemitism?
>>255493 I haven't paid close enough attention to interviews he has had since his announcement but... Christianity is the embodiment of antisemitism. There's no conflict. You have to be antisemitic in order to BE a Christian. >>745919 The problem with your assertion is that "free speech" doesn't mean a goddamn thing. The Founders explicitly banned many forms of expression, because society can't exist with it (and can't exist without banning SOME things). It's natural. It's healthy. The claim that "you have to allow literally everything otherwise you don't have freeze peach" is a mid-20th century jewish hoax created to force organizations to allow their communist infiltration. Once they took power, they banned anything that wasn't communism. The misstatement of the conflict is that it's not "we allow everything" vs. "we only allow what we want." It's "we allow truth" vs. "we only allow what we want." Only one works.
>>255494 >Responding seriously to LCP >Responding to LCP >Not reporting and ignoring
>>255495 Oh, is that what it is? I can't keep these faggots straight and I don't care to. It's too tiresome.
>>255494 >I haven't paid close enough attention to interviews he has had since his announcement but I doubt he has a good answer to this. >Christianity is the embodiment of antisemitism. That is true, but it still has Jewish roots even if they're old testament faith and not modern Judaism. and Jesus is undoubtedly a jew.
>>255497 He was a Judean. Not an ashkenazi pretender. There is a world of difference, though these fake hebrews will conflate the two in a bid to legitimize Israel.
>>255497 Revelation of Saint John 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Jesus says he is not the same as these people. So you are contradicting the words of christ.
>>255497 >jewish roots But what does that mean? Nothing. It's as meaningful as "Abrahamic religion" to describe an "association" between jews, muslims, and Christians--three groups who hate each other and can only fight until their respective opponents are exterminated. Indeed, "Abrahamic religion" is so meaningless a term that it includes Hinduism, because the founders of the Brahmin caste system were also the literal sons of Abraham. There is no "judeo-christianity" and there are no "judeo-christian values," either. Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity and, in the Sabbatean Frankist sense, exists to subvert Christian values and morality. The "jewish roots" of Christianity stand as matter of spite to Talmudic Pharisees, not as a testament to them.
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>>255497 Do not lie about the Messiah.
>>255501 I showed this image to my pastor and he said the first panel was true until the part about "the modern Jews being descended from Esau", do you have proof that Modern jews are descended from Esau?
>>255501 you are literally a fucking retard the messianic prophecy REQUIRES that the messiah comes from the tribe of JUDA ie. a jew you are literally paraoting the reason why jews REJECTED jesus as messiah and are too illiterate to know why jews laugh at you every time you claim jesus was not a jew why not just say jesus is not messiah then you fucking buffoon
>>255504 Yes Judah not Edom. Read and know the light. Psalm 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Calm your heart anon.
>>255500 >Judaism exists to subvert Christian values and morality Remind me, which of these things came first?
>>255504 Jews today are the descendants of the Pharisees (who were expelled from Judea after the Sack of Jerusalem in 70 AD) and the members of the Khazarian empire. There are a few token other goyim marriages thrown in through the centuries to clean up genetic failures brought about by the jews' self-isolation in shtetls. Otherwise they're not related to the ancient Hebrews.
>tfw all I know about Christianity comes from playing The Binding of Isaac and reading its wiki for item synergies >tfw that's enough to recognize a bunch of the things you're talking about
>>255506 Christianity. Judaism was codified in 400 AD with the writing of the Talmud. Jews don't follow the Torah anymore and haven't since the Diaspora began. In the middle ages, Maimonides sat down with the Talmud, cut out all the arguing between rabbis and pointless commentary and codified all of the laws into a concatenated book called the Shulchan Aruch. Thereafter, jews followed the laws of the Talmud as written in the Shulchan Aruch, which survives as the basis of jewish law today. This is really, really basic stuff, anon. The non-basic stuff is the fact that the jews also follow the Zohar and the Kabbalah, but that's another story.
>>255509 >They revised their holy book later, so it doesn't count that the faith existed before the book! LOL
>>255497 >it still has Jewish roots No, it doesn't. Judaism started after Christianity, and all it was is the continuation of the pharisees and their beliefs, the same people Christ directly contradicted and crucified him for it, when they started dying off after Rome sacked Jerusalem.
There's only one book that matters now.
>>255509 They view the 5 books of Moses as a given. All the stuff after 200AD is pure cope but whatever. It always bothered me that they would add to the original author's work. Isaiah, for example, you can take to bank right up until chapter 40 and then it some one else writing. The period from 100AD to 300AD is the most interesting part of history I think. The rumors and stories of hearing and knowing disciples are starting to fade and belief is becoming more demanded because it is such a tale of magnitude like no other.
>>255510 >strawman Try again. >they stopped existing and another group with different beliefs and practices started existing, therefore they're the same group! This is you. >>255512 That's a nice exploitable image.
>>255513 >The period from 100AD to 300AD is the most interesting part of history I think. Oh, neat. I don't hear about many folks who think that, so it's nice to see someone does. I don't, myself, but I definitely respect the era's importance and I'm glad you have a passion for it.
>>255514 Yeah sure. I believe you. You win.
>>255516 Cool. Enjoy being wrong for the rest of your life, I guess. I don't care, but it's going to be shorter than it otherwise would be since you seem to like lies so much.
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>>745986 feels kinda jewish tbh
>>745986 You seem very offended that your lies are unbelieved. You should reflect on this. And ask yourself why.
>>745986 How does it feel to beat your wife? You should be better than this shit.
>>255517 Yes. I'll enjoy being wrong, and you can enjoy feeling right because your semantics justify your pre-existing worldview that Christianity came first and Jews came to destroy it later.
>>255520 I bet it feels good.
>>255521 Semantics nothing. It is a fact, and for whatever reason it upsets you. If I said the sky was blue would you likewise be as incensed?
>>745986 >Appeal to popularity.
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Shueisha Pulls ‘Special Support Underground Idol Unit ☆ Happy Disabled Children Girls’ Following Complaints Of “Discriminatory Expressions https://archive.ph/oeoRJ >Created by Watamoto Futon, Special Support Underground Idol Unit ☆ Happy Disabled Children Girls follows a group of a disabled high school girls – led by the armless and legless Imo-chan – as they chase their dreams of overcoming their limitations and becoming the idols in Japan. >Beginning its serialization in Shueisha’s manga self-submission platform Rookie Jump on September 14th, the girls were able to chase their dreams for just two chapters before their time on the stage was cut short. >On October 21st, rather than being met with the series’ third chapter, fans instead logged onto Rookie Jump to discover that Shueisha had not only abruptly dropped the series from serialization, but also deleted its previous two releases. Bounding into Comics even interviewed the guy: >Bounding Into Comics: ”How did you decide to have the main characters of Special Support Underground Idol Unit☆ Happy Disabled Children Girls to be disabled?” >Futon: ”I thought it would be interesting to have the story revolve around a character who is socially considered the most vulnerable.” >BIC: ”What do you think was the cause of the complaints which lead to Shueisha terminating Special Support Underground Idol Unit☆ Happy Disabled Children Girls?” >Watamoto Futon: ”Maybe because it was misinterpreted that Shueisha publicly marketed a series with that type of representation, and spread across social media.” >BIC: ”How did you find out that the series was going to be cut by Shueisha?” >Watamoto Futon: ”I received an email from Shueisha saying that I violated their terms and conditions. Specifically it violated the ‘discriminatory expressions’ of Jump Rookie’s Terms and Services.” >”It was determined by Shueisha that the manga included discriminatory language and it was removed. I am not angry because that’s the operating standard of a private company.” >This operating standard referred to by Futon is detailed in Article 7 of Jump Rookie’s Terms and Services (translated by DeepL), wherein it is noted that “Shueisha legally has the option to take action such as deletion or suspension of works which they have determined to contain discrimination which condone, encourage, or incite discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, nation (or national origin), race, color, lineage, region of residence, sex, disability, disease, physical characteristics, religion, ideology or creed, occupation, social status, educational background, living conditions, etc.” >In conclusion to our correspondence, Futon admitted that though he would like to one day see his work reach Western audiences, he was aware that its release could like to a storm of outrage. >Watamoto Futon: "Eventually, I would like to make an English version of Special Support Underground Idol Unit☆ Happy Disabled Children Girls and publish it overseas. But I am concerned about how the series would be perceived abroad. Is it possible for a manga featuring a disabled main character to survive in the West?" Funny, something "progressive" and the usual suspects want to shut it down for trivial reasons.
>>255525 >Its discriminatory to make a work that disable children are happy
>>255525 >Guy make Idol Katawa Shojou >Gets canceled for it Release that shit here, it'll sell.
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>>255497 >Jesus was a Jew Correct, and 90% of those calling themselves Jews today, aren't Judean. They are some other tribe (Shem -> Semites). >>255511
>>255528 You reposted a video from someone else but removed the word thievery from the title. Why?
>>255523 Yes. It would do nothing but fuel my rage. Everything you believe and know is true those who disagree with you ARE SILLY.
>>255530 You certainly seem to take issue with the facts presented. Why does information bother you is the question.
>>255503 Already been posted this thread.
>>255531 I hate it. It challenges my worldview that my superior religion came first! Why can't you understand why I am right and you are wrong! :^)
>>255207 /sp/ here Japan did indeed win in anime fashion >one of the guys who scored the goal was another players childhood friend >scored from this >many krauts and britbongs for some reason are seething saying that the ball was out of bound and "hurrr show us the pics FIFA" Tis glorious.
>>255532 Meant for >>255528
>>255534 >one of the guys who scored the goal was another players childhood friend <Japan wins with the power of friendships It really is just like my animes!
>>255534 Noice
>>255521 >foundational doctrinal changes >semantics Go away. You failed. >>745997 Beat your wife somewhere else.
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>>255534 Is it worth getting in to Captain Tsubasas game on the Switch? Do I need to know anything or have played previous games/watched previous animes to follow the "plot''?
>>255487 >>255485 Linkara somehow has the biggest ego of the male Chanel awesome popularity despite not only being the fifth or sixth most popular personality on that site. >>255487 Doug Walker is someone who probably is funny if it wasn’t for his brother. If rumors and insider information are true. Doug Walker hates political and anti-religion jokes. But his brother always pushes him in that direction.
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>>255366 Take your pick!
Just a reminder to feel free to check out >>>/a/ if you want an additional place to talk about anime/manga and stuff >>>/a/1236 >>>/a/863 Its been getting some activity lately and I'll be posting regularly when I can. Feel free to suggest banners and whatnot; they won't be limited in dimensions
>>255429 >wherever the WEF is located. (Cologny, Switzerland?) Davos, Switzerland
>MASSIVE HAPPENING >White House literally told Twitter to censor people >Most egregious violation of the Biill of Rights by any administration in US history >Guaranteed impeachment/downfall of entire administration >No one knows >No one cares >Because the MSM refuse to cover the story >And only 11% of the population even uses Twitter Tree fell. No one heard it. Just another day.
>>745986 If I was wrong about something, I would change my opinion to the correct one. But I'm not, so I don't.
>>255545 Nice archives, faggot. Listen and believe.
>>255545 You must not remember FDR very well if you think Twitter censorship is comparable to some of the violations of the past. Also, where's the source?
>>255539 Why is she mirrored?
>>255525 >Discrimination against >physical characteristics, religion, ideology or creed, occupation, social status, educational background, living conditions, etc.” Doesn't this happen in nearly every jump manga is some shape or form?
>>255545 >Most egregious violation of the Biill of Rights by any administration in US history FDR, LBJ, King Nigger, Woodrow Wilson, and even Trump laugh at you.
>>255543 Reminds me that Initial D: 3rd Stage just finished on /vhs/'s Overlook Theater stream. The 2nd Tenchi Muyo movie is about to play now
>>255534 Why does this years particular World Cup seem so interesting for so many people?
>>255509 >when you're a Christnigger who needs to overcome the cognitive dissonance in order to hate kikes properly
>>255545 Oh yeah, it's definitely happening this time!
>>255525 >disabled >children >happy >discriminatory expressions I take it gooks are peeved?
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>>255545 Are you referring to matt taibbi's recent twitter files?
>>255559 Seems so
>>255197 >Also, does copper actually have some worth as a currency? >Yeah? Why wouldn't it? Because it will corrode over time.
>The man and the boy again run out of food. The boy asks if they are going to die, but the man says they will not. >They move on. One day they see many human heads lined up on a wall, and in the morning they see a caravan of red-scarfed cannibals passing. >There is a whole army of armed men; a few slaves; a group of women, some pregnant; and some catamites—boys used by men for sex. >The man and boy stay silent and hide until they are long gone. Then the man tells the boy that these are the "bad guys." The fact that the cannibals are moving worries the man, but he refuses to say why. >There is still no food. The man and boy struggle along, and one night they make camp in desperately cold weather, with snow falling. The boy thinks they are dying, but the man insists they are not. Rereading Cormac Mccarthy's The Road I just realized OG Day Z not only didn’t need zombies to be fun. If anything zombies got in the way which made the game scary. The social collapse simulator is where you fear other players more than the elements and starvation. Are there any other games that scratch that itch?
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>>255545 saved and made a few
that araki image is indeed fucking cursed what the fuck?
>>255563 >last pic in a different timeline, could this have been?
>>255563 >Royal Chris-Chan This is not the kind of Isekai I want to see.
>>255553 On one hand, it's probably the kvetching about Qatar not allowing gays and beer, so you have to consume the product in order to show Fifa and Qatar what for. On the other, Germany got slapped by the jap and can't play anymore.
Im getting bored of this. Heres the link if someone wants to do anymore of this shit and have your data stolen on top of having some super sketchy malware installed, im only derailing the thread by posting these but thats how I have the most fun here anyways https://h5.tu.qq.com/web/ai-2d/cartoon/index
>>255562 Rust maybe? I never really got into it but it might suit.
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wait nvm this is the closest I came to making a black guy
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>>255567 >AI-generated gigachad anime Acidman
>>255541 I bet many fujos will draw lewds about this. >>255553 Lots of unexpected teams winning while the regulars lost, most teams are mostly new players since the players of other world cups have retired, and also all the butthurt by both side (like iran calling for the USA team to be banned after they beat them). >>255563 >4th Its like some kind of cobra commander!

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I see this software has some serious potential.
>>255575 It turned Nakajima into a fuckboy
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>>255576 Yeah, well, the book described him as androgynous after all. Here's some more MegaTen AI pics from Larrue's twitter page.
>>255563 >>255564 >>255567 >>255570 >>255572 >>255577 >Tencent spyware You just trying to fuck with China's intelligence profiles by feeding it's facial recognition AI a bunch of memes?
>>255578 Start sending it trannies and tlou screenshots to really fuck it up
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>>255449 > Kalergi medal The fucking noble families of Europe have brought nothing but misery and their incesant race-mixing just made things worse when they decided the endgame was cousin-marrying. And there faggotry continues to pozz the world beyond their wretched hell gaves. All founded by a specific (((group))) that constantly flip-flops on their race when they get accused. Fuck'em. Fuck'em all and their cronies in the political positions, fuck the ones who support their disgusting ideals to this day and fuck those who still carry out their plans and brag about it on (((tv))) these days. >>255474 >Chaos is the answer I see someone's not a lawfag
>>255534 >many krauts and britbongs for some reason are seething saying that the ball was out of bound and "hurrr show us the pics FIFA" <Krauts and bongs are currently losing in the recent chapters of Blue Lock Kek, life mirrors art indeed. >>255539 It's arcadey fun, nothing required beforehand.
>>255554 Tip your fedora somewhere else, paid shill. No one's going to fall for that.
>>255567 >Absolutely refuses to make niggers, turning everyone anime white >But manages to get the seal and clown makeup just fine Lmao.
>>255582 He's on the money though, (1).
>>255475 >>255545 Since neither of you sensationalist faggots posted a link or archive, here. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1598825403182874625 https://archive.ph/HsDNe
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>>255585 Forgot pic.
>>255585 >>255586 >Releasing the info in dozens of chain tweets. >Suddenly deciding to skip a few of the pre-prepared tweets in the middle >It's just about the Hunter Biden laptop suppression, not a full general release of all the left biased twitter fuckery from the past decade This will easily be ignored by the masses at large. Wake up when they do this shit in full and format it better. So many fucking fluff tweets in that tweet chain.
>>255577 demifiends doesn't even make sense
Please post in the Doujin thread
On /pol/ there was some book about Jesus being an Aryan called something Atlantis, does anyone know the book?
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Just out of curiosity. Is James Cameron jewish? How many jews are in hollywood without an obvious jewish last name?
>>255585 >>255586 >sensationalist <links say exactly what they said; no exaggeration whatsoever Words have meanings, anon. >>255587 Absolutely. This is known as a limited hangout. >"A limited hangout is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting, sometimes even volunteering, some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further. >~ CIA Deputy Director Victor Marchetti
>>255593 James isn't a Jewish name, Cameron isn't known to be a Jewish surname. However, his schtick is VFX showcases.
>>255596 I'm starting to think jewishness is more a disease than a race, because suddenly everyone is a jew and disabow their old works.
>>255593 Nothing comes out of the "early life" section on Wikipedia, at least. Doesn't mean anything though, I found out that George R.R. Martin had jewish family. I got curious whether or not he was Jewish because of the Dung Eater and that one diarrhea passage from his books.
>>255596 >James isn't a Jewish name, Cameron isn't known to be a Jewish surname. Yes, the point is that jews change their names to infiltrate gentile societies. But James Cameron isn't phenotypically jewish and he isn't even on the "jew or not jew" website.
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>>255591 Atlantis, Edda, and Bible?
>>255597 Wanting to appease the jew is part of the disease that's more recently known as "white man saviour complex" or as Kippling liked to call it "White Man's Burden". At least that's what it seems like based on the most empassioned efforts by non-jewish people.
>>255601 Funny thing is that, despite the "white man's burden", what progress to the world has it actually produced? The only things I can think of nearly all apply to Japan.
>>255602 Nothing, which is literally the point.
>>255602 I mean, it's progressed THE WORLD quite a bit, i doubt most of the backwards savages would have automobiles or indoor plumbing without whitey to make it so, it's just the rest of the world hasn't done much in return. Best you can say is random high-intelligence individuals can be scouted more easily from all over the world who may, ideally, contribute to technological advancement, assuming they don't get sidetracked by mindless profiteering on either a singular or corporate level.
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>>255602 >The only things I can think of nearly all apply to Japan. Come on man, Hong Kong wasn't that bad. >>255604 The funny thing is that some arabian tribes and most of the anatolian people could have contributed back to all that if they weren't buttfucked by the muslim faith. Heck, some of their doctors were even stoned in public in the name of Allah for daring to propose something as horrible as surgery
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hey digs anon, know any links to him?
>>255604 >Best you can say is random high-intelligence individuals But that's always the issue. Sure, you have those random prodigies, but constantly exporting them to first world nations is not going solve the problems in their own countries. In fact, all it does is elevate first-world nations even higher and prevent these second and third world nations from ever having to progress and evolve.
Another thing, I thought Norway was less cucked than sweden. Tried to see the Troll movie of free Netflix and fuck, the usual muslopagan shit.
>>255410 As far back as 2017 in the old 8chan, I recall some anon from /pol/ raising awareness that jews where leaving America and moving into Brazil in order to regroup there as a second base of operations for their global pozz schemes.
>>255419 They are posts against lolis, so they might as well be deleted.
>>255608 While this is absolutely true, it also goes a different route anon : how many of those prodigees are safe in their countries? Do you have any idea how many things they do and say are not only apocryphal in their backwater societies, they also make the Spanish Inquisition look like a walk in the park when they put these prodigies in prisons for "wrongthink"? >>255611 Not talking about the Aramites and the egyptians anon, of course, those dudes had civilization long before the Arabs even started understanding that you don't eat sand. I'm talking about actual arabs back in the 10th century or so, where they would make some pretty interresting progress in their countries, often traveling outside and returning with nice gifts, only to be stone for daring to bring "uncleaned filth" from the lands beyond Allah's mercy. At least as far as I remember, I'll have to check again. I do remember that some anatolian group also held pretty tightly on the old copies of various ancient greek and ancient roman texts along with some copies from the Alexandrian library that they then sold to the monasteries over the catholic lands., mostly in Italy. And whenever they tried to translate any of those copies, they got found out and got stoned.
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>>255608 We live in an era of not only quick travel and transport around the world, but one where we have a global network over which we can share information and ideas. Every corner of the world is capable of being as advanced as every other corner of the world through these distribution and information networks, provided the governments of these corners aren't filled with and run by dumbfuck dirt-niggers. India can build a toilet infrastructure if the population weren't completely adverse to using decent toilets and zimbabwe wouldn't fucking starve if Mugabe knew how the fuck farming worked even after taking farmland away form the whites. We have the technology and we pass it out to all peoples of the earth, but they won't progress if they're all completely buttfuck backwards to begin with.
>>255614 The image is a hoax. Please don't repost it.
>>255614 >The name Kek, got me good, great image.
>>255600 Yes, thank you.
>>255489 Freedom of speech is freedom from consequences. >They are showing you the door And I refuse to leave, and instead, choose to stay and keep saying whatever I want to. >>255488 >"The First Amendment isn't absolute" It is absolute. And tampering with it or ignoring it is reason enough to start a war in order to kill everyone doing it.
>>255612 >against lolis Two of them are lusting after lolis. The other is a guy complaining about pixiv hosting actual cp. So you still seem like you're being retarded on purpose.
>>255526 Showing anyone being happy goes against the leftist religion. It shows that people don't need the state in order to have a good life.
>>255620 Oh wait, that was after they converted?I'll have to go and brush up against history then, I remember the whole niggerdy of the Catholics happening after the Byzantine empire fell, not after the Schism that was years prior.
>>255587 So, you are confirming that mass slaughtering of the masses is indeed the best solution as many pointed out already, right?
>>255597 Greed is not exclusive to the jews. Some idiots are so greedy and shortsighted that they throw everything away for a large sum of money given to them immediately, forgetting that all of it will vanish quick and that in the long term, people won't support them anymore because they abandoned their own good creations in order to pursue money. Just look at all the bankrupt celebs, including former millionaires. They all throw everything away in order to obey jews and have more money for a short time, only to end up broke after the jews discard them, and having no support from their fans, who all hate them now.
>>255615 >doesn't get paradoxical irony
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>>255624 Why does your post give me a feeling of déjà vu?
>>255626 Because it happens all the time. Only the greedy and impulsive are allowed in the industry, because they are easy to manipulate and to discard without them fighting back.
So what should the next edition be?
>>255628 In the third day of Anon edition?
>>255628 Anime soccer?

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It's time for me to really get a new buzzcut, after the NEW THREAD: >>746334 >>746334 >>746334 >>746334 >>746334 >>746334
>>255623 Yeah, probably, fed-kun.

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