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Kusarigama and Other Ninja Gear Strelok 11/14/2021 (Sun) 10:24:43 No. 3529
The kusarigama confuses me. The design itself is perfectly reasonable: It's a flail with a short-range weapon attached for when you get a bit too intimate with your enemy. It leaves me wondering why European flails didn't have a spike on the handle just in case, but whatever. No, the confusing thing about the kusarigama is why a sickle of all things? Why not use a kunai, a hatchet or a pick instead? They are typically seen as ninja weapons and in that regard the obvious answer is to use the sickle as a grappling hook. However, a Japanese sickle would be an absolutely shit grappling hook because the shaft is longer than the blade is wide and that's the opposite of what you want. And even if you do manage to catch something, you're going to be putting half your bodyweight directly onto your carefully sharpened blade so now all you've got is a shitty warpick. A normal pick would make an excellent hook, with the downside of losing your throat-slitting capability. And as for skirting ATF-san? Do you really think your local glow-kokujin is going to believe you when you tell him that you thresh your grain with a meteor flail, and that you do it out in the rice paddy? It would be perfect if you could just stick the chain on with a bow shackle, but I don't know if the nips had anything quite that convenient back then.
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Does anyone know the names of some of the other Chinese staff weapons? I know the three-section staff is called sanjiegun.
>>3631 Where can I find these memes?
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>>3635 https://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fanon.cafe%2F.media%2Ft_36d15e71bb05db1b652233afd862ab17a09da3775257611ca85b25ce8d70946f Either Twitter or Pixiv. Both seem to be kept well up to date with each other, but there are some exceptions given Twitter's sensitivity.
>>3634 Specifically do you know the name of that extra thick monk staff/cudgel you see some times?
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>>3637 The one with a metal ornament on the end? I think it's just called a monk's cudgel or a Zen stick. The flat fat sticks (d in pic related) is called a Keisaku 警策/"awakening stick" since it was traditionally smacked hardly on someone's head to wake their ass up if they were dozing off.
>>3638 I think it's called something like Chin Kang Gun or Jin Gang Gun or Qun Yang Gun. I'm not sure if those are three different transliterations of the same weapon or what. It might be called a Shepherd's Staff in english. It's a stubby but thick staff weapon.
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Tell me about Japanese explosives. I remember an anon several years ago talking about these ceramic grenades from WWII but didn't the Japanese have something similar as far back as the Mongolian invasions?
>>3640 Couldn't they have just stuck some non-ceramic shrapnel to the shell? Like some good chunks of quartz or hardwood slivers or lead shot?
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>>3641 I think ideally you would just make the shells out of iron but of course the whole point was that Nippon didn't have the metal to spare in WWII. >lead shot I'm kind of wondering that myself after I came across this.
>>3640 That post doesn't really do the type 4 grenade justice. It wasn't designed for general Naval use nor was it designed for fragmentation. It was a last-ditch suicide weapon that every civilian was armed with in the event of an American invasion. It was designed as a concussion grenade to disorient American troops long enough to charge over a trench or hill without getting mowed down as badly, which is why so much craftsmenship based on region went into the weapon. It was a "people's weapon" to defend their homeland, not a military weapon for taking out enemy positions.
>>3641 Perhaps, but they weren't being built by manufacturing hubs. Pottery makers were commissioned to make them and given "schematics" detailing the construction. They are different in every region because each Japanese potter had a different set of glassmaking/ceramic skills. In many cases those people were civilian artisans so they likely wouldn't have thought much on how to make them kill better. They were pulled away from their lifelong works to make suicide grenades in preparation for an American invasion. The potters probably didn't want to build them in the first place.
>>3643 That's a nice bit of extra info anon. I don't guess you have anything on pre-modern Japanese (or just Asian) hand grenades?
I've been looking at the Fire Dragon Manual and it has some interesting stuff on early Chinese incendiary weapons but I still can't find anything yet on early Japanese grenades.
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Does anyone know if Japanese Taisha ryu practitioners really did use thick club like bokken in the past or if this is one of Nioh's embellishments? From what I can tell from some photos of modern Taisha ryu that heavier straight bokken are used but they still look much like a typical bokken and not a Yasuke beating club.
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>>3647 Like these specifically.
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I really hate that the Ukraine-Russian war has pushed so much of the other discussion out of the board. To get back on topic I only recently discovered that there is a rare polearm variation of the kusarigama. The Okusarigama.
>>3649 No you don't.
>>3650 I promise you that I had no idea these things existed. I also discovered that at the close of the Heian era the Japanese used weaponized rakes.
>>3651 >weaponized rakes We can only hope they come back into fashion soon.
>>3652 >only hope Didn't Trudy just recently rake ya'll funs? whimpers in 2A
>>3590 They've got some of those dagger-axes in Wo Long.
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I can't believe that there's no shotel pics here. I wouldn't mind having one. They look like they would be really versatile, even in modern times.
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I wonder about what makes the different shotel designs. Are they regional or do they represent different developments over time? I tend to think of the long thin types as the "real" shotel, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.
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>the arabs use to have trick weapons before they all decided to go and join the Powder Kegs
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Best ninja weapon is FIST
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A tool and not a weapon but damn if this thing don't look intimidating.
>>3659 So, it's an awkwardly large saw? Why is it shaped like that, anyhow?
>>3660 Probably fine-furniture boards kerf sawing by hand.
>>3660 >>3661 They were used for turning logs into boards.
>>3662 >that video Really neat to watch. The second guy using the big cleaver-saw definitely had a "fuck, this sucks" look on his face.
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Indian maces are something.
>>3664 They're exercise devices though, not weapons. Ceremonial use only.
>>3665 >Ceremonial use only. The ceremony: beating your ass.
>>3665 The big ones are exercise equipment but the reasonable sized gada were used as weapons.
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>>3664 I always thought they were ancient persian exercising tools within their martial art about circular gyms, calisthenics and wrestling
>>3668 They are. Sort of. In some regions the gada and the meel (what you posted) have been conflated together. Partially because they are used in the same way in training. So any gada that looks like it would be classed as a great hammer in a Souls game is probably primarily training equipment. Or religious iconography. If it's one that's within the size range of a European mace and is constructed in a way that can actually survive a hit then it's likely that it an actual weapon.

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