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Strelok 07/09/2023 (Sun) 14:24:40 No. 6764
He had an MP7.
>>6764 >He had an MP7. I'm more of a P90 guy but that's cool too, that a Holol or Vatnik? I guess it doesn't matter since either side can buy them.
>>6765 That's a frog opr8tr
Literally who? Guys please stop assuming that we watch TV or browse news sites. Who is this supposed to be and why does his weapon choice matter
>>6766 Ukraine or is france finally imploding
>>6768 >implying these must be mutually exclusive
>>6768 The OP pic predates the Russo/Ukrainian war. Lurk moar, newfag.
>>6770 How am I supposed to know? Tell me. The OP just posts the pic and some meaningless words.
>tfw no mp7
Make love, not war.
>>60138 He looks so comfy by the end.

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