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FAQ and QTDDTOT HHHPinochet 11/27/2019 (Wed) 11:32:59 Id: 261585 No. 926 [Reply] [Last]
Criticisms of right-wing libertarianism, low effort gotchas, and unpopular opinions should be limited to this thread. You aren't owed attention or a platform to speak out against our views, any new threads attacking anarcho-capitalism will be deleted. COVENANT COMMUNITIES A lot of posters seem to be ignorant on what a covenant community is and what its implications are. A covenant community is a small, homogeneous, gated community with strict controls on who can and cannot enter, who can and cannot gain residency, and what conduct must be observed within the community. In other words, it is a privatized micro-ethnostate. The idea was popularized by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, attached are some select quotes from Hoppe explaining the covenant community in his own words: >there would be little or no “tolerance” and “openmindedness” so dear to left-libertarians. Instead, one would be on the right path toward restoring the freedom of association and exclusion implied in the institution of private property. There exists a legal principle known as estoppel, which says those who do not value or abide by a certain norm are not entitled to appeal to that norm in their own defense. Commies don't believe in property rights, so they have estopped themselves from appealing to property rights in their own defense. Therefore, there is no need for a covenant community to wait until the commie commits a trespass before physically removing it.
Edited last time by sangvinivs on 07/12/2020 (Sun) 13:06:58.
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>>5528 >What is the best book on basics of economics for someone who knows nothing about economics? I did more research and the best book that I found was Economics In One Lesson.
>>5534 >things that are rare are worth more Despite being 13% of the US population, niggers are only worth 3/5 the value of White Americans, who are 40% of the US population

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Welcome to /liberty/ HHHPinochet 08/19/2019 (Mon) 22:30:01 Id: e35c08 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
A board for discussing private property norms, Austrian-school economics, and natural rights. Refugees not welcome. Check out our bros at 9chan: https://9chan.tw/libertarian/
Edited last time by sangvinivs on 06/13/2020 (Sat) 22:14:15.
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>>5529 >No fags People should be able to do what they want in the privacy of their own home, based otherwise
>>5529 Shut the hell up lol. Brainrotted. No one's gonna survive if your stupid little supremacy takes over. Being serious here. Step 1 is your karen-ahh white adult male human supremacy. Step 2 is society collapsing.

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Anonymous 11/08/2020 (Sun) 06:54:35 Id: 9269d1 No. 4019 [Reply]
How do I refute this shit when it gets posted in arguments with statists?
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>>4019 Maybe don't allow your viewpoint to be conformed to something as embarrassing as fucking that.
>>5554 what i find is fhat people are embarassed or ashamed or guilty when they cannot articulate why they feel this way. it is not because these things are inherently a source of such feelings, because on a lot of these matters it is known that they once evinced no such feelings or in fact inspired the exact opposite reaction: - hell yes we wiped them out! we are a great and strong or clever people! - hell yes we had over ten thousand slaves! how wealthy and powerful we must be! - hell yes i married her when she was four and impregnated her for the first time when she was eight, i'm such a great guy to be able to get myself such a young wife, and she will give me many children! - hell yes i married my sister, i am of such divine lineage and hold so much wealth that we prioritize keeping the wealth and power within our bloodline rather than having to marry outward! - hell yes i have many wives, i must be the greatest man in town to acquire so many brides for myself. - hell yes we eat human flesh, we have consumed our enenies as we eat all.that we kill, food, especially meat, is a scarce and valuable resource. and so on... There are arguments for and against all these practices: For example pedophilia in the context within which it had most commonly occurred, between a man and a girl, can produce the strongest and longest lasting pair bond and the greatest amount of children. The wife is loyal and subservient to her husband, who has access to her entire window of fertility, its a conservative's dream family! Incest produces increased chance of birth defects, but this also means that incestuous practices where the couples produce many offspring each can promote the most genetically healthy bloodline as all inbreeding does is make the genes for defective traits more likely to express themselves. So when the defectives die off childless and they leave behind equally inbred siblings who did not inherit the defective traits, when they have offspring they will have purged the defective genes from their bloodlines.

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>>5555 >Most of our emotional impulses are culturally conditioned, not natural. That's a bullshit ideal when you see the same general set of "rules" established across every society regardless of geography and time period, epsecially so when many of these cultures were disconnected for thousands of years. There are innumeralbe universal "truths" that do exist in the world that defy "culture" as being the reason for why they exist. That being said, you then encounter morons who only operate in the extremes and completely dilute this argument to the point where it doesn't matter. Where the one end is that "everything is subjective", meaning that all rules that exist are bullshit because we do not exist in an objective world. Then the other end is that all the rules show that we are "all the same" and came from the "same people/religion/origin", meaning the rules are STILL bullshit because they're not operating according to our "true nature".

What would your ideal libertarian society be? Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 10:04:33 Id: c344f1 No. 2795 [Reply] [Last]

Describe what your idea of the ideal libertarian society would be like. The society I want (and yes, I know this sounds autistic), would essentially be a confederate minarchist voluntary monarchy. Essentially, the Royal central government's only duty would be maintaining a standing national army to defend from foreign invasion. If a covenant community wanted to be member, they would have to pay a small tax to fund the army. Essentially a subscription fee. The benefits of this would be protection from the national army and a title of nobility for the community's leader. Of course, membership in this confederacy would be voluntary. The communities could opt out at any time, which would mean that the national army would have no obligation to protect them, but they could always raise a militia or hire mercenaries for this purpose.
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If you lived in the North Korea in 1980 then you could have escaped to the USA. Now if you lived in North Korea then where could you go to have freedom?
>>5466 >Now if you lived in North Korea then where could you go to have freedom? It depends. If you want freedom from tyranny then go innawoods. If you want freedom to be a pedophile then go to Israel. If you want freedom from having to work for a living then move to tent city San Francisco/Portland/etc.
>>2795 night watchman state minarchism ruled by a hereditary monarchy and their ministers, the governnent has no legislative powers and the only laws are those of the principle of non-aggression, the laws apply only to adult white male citizens, with adult being defined biologically (by the ability to sexually reproduce with a member of the opposite sex). only white nales who are adults will.be considered people, only they will be protected by the lawa of the NAP, and only they will be held acxountable to those laws. All other typea of humans will not be people, they will fit into the only other legal classificarion which is property, they will be slaves.

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This man is your friend Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 15:45:38 Id: b552f1 No. 5549 [Reply]
He fights for freedom and decentralization https://whoisestebanabaroa.com/

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OC Thread: Julay Edition Anonymous 10/22/2019 (Tue) 22:48:44 Id: fd811b No. 451 [Reply] [Last]

OC, fresh memes, and rare Aurelias.
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>>1732 where's the non-degenerate version?

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Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:57:15 Id: 3062b7 No. 5540 [Reply]
The Mises Caucus has been an abject failure for libertarianism in the United States. Appealing to based latinx groypers and defending Russia non-stop because "muh NATO" has made the party into an even bigger joke.
>>5540 Well you can make the argument that there's two types of libertarians. The ones who want the markets to be free, and the ones who want to vote Dems. Personally I just want the markets to be free, but I also think that libertarianism can only really work during peace time.
>Appealing to based latinx groypers and defending Russia non-stop because "muh NATO" has made the party into an even bigger joke. Any proof that the Mises Caucus supports this?

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How do you feel about former libertarians going full authoritarian right-wing? Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 15:08:47 Id: bf25e2 No. 5531 [Reply]
What are some good arguments against those kinds of ideologies being the best ones?
>How do you feel about former libertarians going full authoritarian right-wing? I don't care. >What are some good arguments against those kinds of ideologies being the best ones? How do you judge ideologies? Values.
>>5531 >How do you feel about former libertarians going full authoritarian right-wing? It sucks but they were retards who follow the popular trends instead of thinking for themselves and having principles. >What are some good arguments against those kinds of ideologies being the best ones? History and reality, we can see how authoritarian ideologies suck dick simply by observing how they fare today and how they did in the past (They almost always lost against less authoritarian ideologies or collapsed on their own)
The opposite happened to me relatively recently. I was a national socialist fascist type for the past few years but then I realized how much big government sucks after witnessing all the censorship, overreach, and bureaucracy that comes with it. I never cared much for economic systems when I was NS, but after reading about Austrian thinkers and listening to speeches given by Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, etc., it's pretty plain to see that a laissez-faire economic system is the most efficient. I already had a general distrust of (((central banking))) so the anti-fedpill wasn't hard to swallow. Anarcho-capitalism is essentially the natural endpoint of a completely free market and I couldn't think of anything the state provides that a private institution couldn't do better.

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Rulers in Covenant Communities Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 11:41:33 Id: a4ca79 No. 5543 [Reply]
Could an anarcho-capitalist covenant community hypothetically have a leader? He would of course only rule over his privately owned domain and the people he rules over would voluntarily agree to live under him but could leave at any time. So long as the relationship between this ruler and his subjects was genuinely contractual and the rights of his subjects weren't being violated, could such a system exist in an ancap society? It wouldn't be a state because his governance would be uncoerced and he wouldn't tax his subjects. I see no reason why this couldn't work and I don't see how it contradicts the doctrines the anarcho-capitalism because everything would be private and voluntary.

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Anonymous 06/05/2021 (Sat) 15:44:55 Id: bc655e No. 4465 [Reply]
I'm starting to think communism is like a virus without a cure. The only way to become immune to it is by getting infected once and surviving it. Look at all the ex-Soviet countries like Poland, those are the most anti-communist countries. Is this our fate? Are we doomed to have to go through communism at some point?
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One of the problems with tyranny is that it increases. Americans born today think torture, kill lists, groping, and wiretapping are perfectly acceptable. There was a time when you didn't need a driver license. Later driver licenses were required. Driver licenses then needed a photo. Later you needed a written exam. A driving test was then required. Later you needed a medical test. A car inspection was required. Later you needed liability insurance. Driver license fees increased and fingerprints were required. Soon DNA samples, microchip implants, and vaccines will be needed to get a license.
Unfortunatly as Polish I can say that only few peoplehere in Poland are anyi communist. In reality whole domcratisation proces (I would oppose democracy after all) was made to preserve old order. The top party is pis and it run by fucking far right globalist dicksuckers, really Biden says abolish law, they abolish law, Zelensky say give tanks and they give tanks, WHO says introduce tyranny. Other parties aren't better and there is practically no libertarian, no anti-estabilishment and no non-agent party or political movement. It seems the only hope for my motherland is to make Coup d'etat. Also greetings from /monarchy/
You need to understand what communism is at its core. That it is a society divided into three groups, core, ally to the government and informer, wavering, to be shunted into core or hostile, hostile to be killed. All communist countries are divided into three. North Korea, the USSR, China. This Is how they depopulate more efficiently to maintain a sense of control. They create a silent Civil War. The occult elite class must do this. It is a drive that is beyond their spiritual control to stop. To understand the phenomenon more fully, we must understand Humanity. 90% people are hypnotizable. With 10% being extremely hypnotizable. This means that though the physical world people live in might be real and have rules such as thermodynamics, this has no effect on the realities that people create in their minds or have created for them by the ruling class. For 90% of the people the reality is created for them and they have no capacity to fight against it. In this way the core group is propagandized and brainwashed into believing the narrative they believe, informing on their neighbor to the authorities and having them arrested for thought crimes. They believe they do right. So to answer your question are we doomed to live through this? I would ask are we being devided into thrids? And we must look at the other options available for the future what other directions could we go in if not this, which we seem to already have our toes in? One, we could lose the power grid, either to intense solar storm, or an EMP blast, this would entirely derail the Communist agenda in the United States. There would be an intense time of famine where all who were not prepared for the end of the power grid die. This should take about 3 months but could drag on for about 3 years in worst case scenario. Eventually however the peaceful good people kill the bad people and we go back to an agrarian Society, bartering and trading for goods and services. Gold and silver are spent into circulation and we rebuild. The amash become the majority population decades onto the future and create a new constitution on comon law, German being the most spoken language. Two, yet to be determined but include all acts of God, not limited to real alien invasion, the magnetic reversal of the Ley lines in our solar system causing the upper and lower mantle to unlock causing the earth to turn on its layers, wiping out almost everyone but the prepared in certain geographic locations, actual pandemic that wipes out 90% of the people. Basically it has to be an event that completely changes the environment of our society. I expect however that the Tyranny will use artificial intelligence and robots to continue to enslave us to their Communist way through brainwashing the hypnotizable and applying problem, reaction, solution, Game Theory and communist War tactics to boil the frog. It should be, if they do it right, one of those things you do not notice, just that one day you are dead. Either from the pioson you've willingly injected into yourself or a mobile cremation van run by the NSA and their robot Squad. With the systems we are building now, there should be no problem for our the communist empire of the world to maintain control efficiently killing the hostiles with out much resistance at all. At large they won't even know what's happening to them.

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Anonymous 03/08/2023 (Wed) 02:20:57 Id: 122ff5 No. 5512 [Reply]
why he can only see things from the russian point of view?
>>5512 >why is the truth pro-russian There is no objective way to look at this that makes NATO the good guys. The people of west ukraine are ethic russians, they speak russian, they literally voted to join the russian federation in a 2014 referendum (which putin rejected) and they have been terrorized by the ukrainian military for 8 years before russia finally intervened. So we're not doing this for them. The whole thing is just a money laundering operation to feed tax money into the military industrial complex. Nobody actually gives a fuck if keiv is ruled by washington or moscow. The only sane thing to do is negotiate a peace. No that doesn't mean "giving up" or "giving putin what he wants". It means you negotiate a deal that works for both sides. And you stop sending teenagers into the fucking meatgrinder just so the CEO of raytheon can buy another yacht with taxpayer money. >he Scott Horton for people who didn't know what he looks like.
>>5519 you have been groomed by the "mises guys" and affiliates to say this. It's okay, many have fallen for their lies, including me. One simple example "they speak russian!!!". Well, everyone in Ukraine speak russian, because that's what the soviet union forced them to do. Only recently they made a law to have more stuff in ukranian. Of course then russian assets have spread the news that Ukraine was banning people from speaking russian, which is false. Also the problem with Scott Horton and the "mises guys" is not in the solutions they propose, it's that they only tell half the story so Russia appears mostly innocent. Another thing they have in their bag of disinformation tactics is that they invite people that just spread fake news when their russian handlers tell them to go a little harder. So, they end up clean because they "just invited the guy to hear all sides", except that they never invite pro-ukranian sides, they never talk about libertarians that are being persecuted by the russian government for being against the war, etc etc That's the sad reality. If you begin to look at their stuff considering the possibility that they are working for Russia, you will begin to see the cracks in what they say and eventually you will figure it out yourself. This sadly goes up to the Mises Institute. Sorry for bringing you the bad news. There truly are no good guys.
>>5520 Mostly based, but >There truly are no good guys. False. The Ukrainians are White Christian men like us, fighting for blood and soil. The Russians invaded them to steal their land and enslave them, and they resisted. It's just that shrimple.

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Anonymous 01/08/2020 (Wed) 19:02:49 Id: de65f1 No. 1418 [Reply] [Last]

What are some actual decent arguments against anarcho-communism?
Is it authoritarian?
Do they want to ban money and trade?

I'm too lazy to actually read all of the conquest of bread, but from what I've read it's extremely fucking stupid and pretends like scarcity does not exist.

Rothbard's critiques against it are dumb strawman arguments.

Ancom is fucking stupid, you'd think we'd have a massive number of books written against it.
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>>1418 >What are some actual decent arguments against anarcho-communism? They don't believe in property. You spend all day catching a fish in the river then some guy comes along and says he's more hungry than you and eats it. That's why communes don't work in practice you need somebody to generate a surplus without getting rewarded and without being a slave. The USSR at least had gulags.
>>5510 Not very helpful. Please provide real arguments.
>>5527 It's the best post in the thread, maybe on the board. You don't understand why this is, because you're a retard with Down's Syndrome. Enjoy your gulags and mass starvation, downy.

I hope that this board gets a proper revivial someday. Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 01:47:00 Id: c031e5 No. 5522 [Reply]
It's a solid premise for a board and we discuss a lot of these types of topics in the GaymerGay thread. I hope that someday we'll be able to talk about the American Dream here.
>>5522 Be the revival you want to see in this board
>>5522 >>5523 Need to get people more interested.
>>5522 >hope >Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

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Anonymous 10/09/2022 (Sun) 20:21:10 Id: 6f8dfb No. 5450 [Reply]
there is too much justifying Putin and blaming NATO going on in libertarian circles. I thought we were anti-war, but it seems like it's always the US fault even when it's another State to invade a State. Also is there a place left on the internet to discuss with libertarians? This board is plagued by an AI bot and I'm not even sure this will be read by any real person at all.
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russia has gotten shooting themselves in the foot down to an art. I'm an ancap but from all the libertarians (especially Americans) seem to have blinders on whenever talking about foreign policy. These are nation states people, not John the farmer protecting his property. The US Empire is the hegemon, and that hegemony is well worth tearing down. At the same time it doesn't mean that defending putin's actions get you any further to that goal. He's a warmonger and a criminal and should be put down along with his kleptocratic cronies. He invaded Ukraine while Ukraine was trying to duck out of being in a Russian sphere of influence to a western one, this is a nation which suffered behind the iron curtain, had the Russians try and exterminate them and now they are attempting to induce some form of liberalism into their society and all libertarians can do is scream at the US government for the war. It's no mystery why the libertarian party gets shat on with those hot pro-putin takes.
>>5513 since opening the thread the situation has not improved, it got worse. I've completely lost any respect for libertarians, and it's sad because I liked them a lot. I didn't always agree with everything and sometimes I even noticed mistakes, but I can accept that people aren't perfect and also they don't have to agree with me for me to like them. But this russian stuff shows that they are bad actors in bad faith. For example a recent podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNqbBO7KmX0 Scott Horton is still going on about how Bush promised not to expand NATO. Except that promises don't count for shit in international relations, and politicians know, and also the fact that he made that promise is probably not even true (just search for something like "did bush promised not to expan NATO"). It's impossible for Scott Horton not to know this, and yet he keeps repeating this stuff about "Bush promised!", knowing well that he can induce people into hating US more because normal people value promises a lot. Wicked. This may seem like a minor thing, but it's just the most recent example to add to their constant repeating of half-truths and things from the russian point of view. I really wish we could find a way to let people know what a bunch of liars and grifters they are. They betray Liberty by lying for China and Russia. They betray the memory of Mises by using his sacred name for their disgusting scheming in favor of communist governments.
Wow. Americans think legalized drugs means drug use is mandated.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 01:04:31 Id: 9f4526 No. 5526 [Reply]
>not a single thread about Milei damn....

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Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 04:59:26 Id: 39563c No. 3145 [Reply]
How many of you are having troubles keeping their libertarianism together with all this blm bullshit going on?
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>>3256 Capitalism, communism and fascism are all viable when you have a moral population. Authoritarianism is no guarantee of anything. Right now we already have fascism, it's just run by degenerates.
>>3223 >I can't tell you how many normalfags I know who think "libertarianism" is just another word for "centrism". Normies think it means socially liberal and fiscally conservative. That's why NatSocs think all libertarians are just degenerate hedonists, despite John Locke being a literal Puritan
>>3155 >But how about the way we get there? Anon literally showed you a picture of how to get there, retard.

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