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Anonymous 10/09/2022 (Sun) 20:21:10 Id: 6f8dfb No. 5450
there is too much justifying Putin and blaming NATO going on in libertarian circles. I thought we were anti-war, but it seems like it's always the US fault even when it's another State to invade a State. Also is there a place left on the internet to discuss with libertarians? This board is plagued by an AI bot and I'm not even sure this will be read by any real person at all.
I know what you mean with the Russa thing. Part of it is people trying to stay relevant. Libertarianism is culturally on the outs rn so many liberarians have just been going along with what groypers and populist conservative types have been doing. I can't think of many other good communities for libertarian discussion apart from maybe a soyjak.party splinter called jakparty.soy: it's got a pretty right-libertarian bent. Otherwise, most libertarian communities are just random telegram and discord groups.
>>5451 the fact that at least one other person noticed makes me less depressed
>>5450 >there is too much justifying Putin and blaming NATO going on in libertarian circles. It's extremely simple. As a Western libertarian, NATO obstructs my goals 1000x more than Putin does. There is more freedom in a monarchy than a "democracy."
>>5458 and both things have nothing to do with how libertarians are approaching the problem. You listen to the Tom Woods Show, or the last Hoppe talk at PFS, they start with "war bad balbabla" and then "btw it was NATO's fault if Putin invaded". As if NATO gave the order to invade Ukraine. Then you get various pieces of russian rethoric. For example yesterday lewrockwell.com had an article titled: >Terror on Crimea Bridge Forces Russia To Unleash Shock’n Awe https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/10/no_author/terror-on-crimea-bridge-forces-russia-to-unleash-shockn-awe/ First, attacking a bridge that is used to supply weapon is not a "terror attack", it's a normal act of war. But the biggest problem is that "Forces Russia To Unleash Shock’n Awe", which implies that Russia is justified and even that war is justified. This is unaccettable. When the US wrongly invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, libertarians opposed such invasions. Now Putin invaded Ukraine, his army got up to Kiev, and yet he is "forced To Unleash Shock’n Awe"? And trying to put down the invader supply lines is a "terror attack"? This is unaccettable. It's one thing to say "I don't care about ukraine", "our governments should not spend money to help or sanction russia", but this is clearly russian rethorics. I'm almost starting to think the mises institute gets money from Russia, I swear lol. Fortunaly, it's probably retarded boomerism and anti-americanism that has not been corrected.
>>5450 The west is absolutely not innocent in this case because Putin made it loud and clear to stay the fuck away from his front lawn. The US had no business funding Ukraine and giving them weapons. This is no different from when the US government reacted against the USSR planting missiles in Cuba.
>>5461 and if you listen to libertarians, the US was wrong to sperg out against Cuba somehow. If Russia does it, its reasons must be known. There is a problem
If you said that the government was wiretapping your phone in 1999, everybody would have called you a nutjob. Now if you say that the government is wiretapping your phone, no one cares. How can Americans sleep at night now or look in a mirror without feeling disgusted and ashamed?
russia has gotten shooting themselves in the foot down to an art. I'm an ancap but from all the libertarians (especially Americans) seem to have blinders on whenever talking about foreign policy. These are nation states people, not John the farmer protecting his property. The US Empire is the hegemon, and that hegemony is well worth tearing down. At the same time it doesn't mean that defending putin's actions get you any further to that goal. He's a warmonger and a criminal and should be put down along with his kleptocratic cronies. He invaded Ukraine while Ukraine was trying to duck out of being in a Russian sphere of influence to a western one, this is a nation which suffered behind the iron curtain, had the Russians try and exterminate them and now they are attempting to induce some form of liberalism into their society and all libertarians can do is scream at the US government for the war. It's no mystery why the libertarian party gets shat on with those hot pro-putin takes.
>>5513 since opening the thread the situation has not improved, it got worse. I've completely lost any respect for libertarians, and it's sad because I liked them a lot. I didn't always agree with everything and sometimes I even noticed mistakes, but I can accept that people aren't perfect and also they don't have to agree with me for me to like them. But this russian stuff shows that they are bad actors in bad faith. For example a recent podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNqbBO7KmX0 Scott Horton is still going on about how Bush promised not to expand NATO. Except that promises don't count for shit in international relations, and politicians know, and also the fact that he made that promise is probably not even true (just search for something like "did bush promised not to expan NATO"). It's impossible for Scott Horton not to know this, and yet he keeps repeating this stuff about "Bush promised!", knowing well that he can induce people into hating US more because normal people value promises a lot. Wicked. This may seem like a minor thing, but it's just the most recent example to add to their constant repeating of half-truths and things from the russian point of view. I really wish we could find a way to let people know what a bunch of liars and grifters they are. They betray Liberty by lying for China and Russia. They betray the memory of Mises by using his sacred name for their disgusting scheming in favor of communist governments.
Wow. Americans think legalized drugs means drug use is mandated.

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