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What would your ideal libertarian society be? Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 10:04:33 Id: c344f1 No. 2795

Describe what your idea of the ideal libertarian society would be like. The society I want (and yes, I know this sounds autistic), would essentially be a confederate minarchist voluntary monarchy. Essentially, the Royal central government's only duty would be maintaining a standing national army to defend from foreign invasion. If a covenant community wanted to be member, they would have to pay a small tax to fund the army. Essentially a subscription fee. The benefits of this would be protection from the national army and a title of nobility for the community's leader. Of course, membership in this confederacy would be voluntary. The communities could opt out at any time, which would mean that the national army would have no obligation to protect them, but they could always raise a militia or hire mercenaries for this purpose.

Basically if Liechtenstein had a gold standard...that'd pretty much be it. I think I'd be good with that. Secession is legal there, so, that satisfies the voluntarism box for me. The formation of the country is based on purchase of land. It's pretty much the closest I could imagine coming to an ideal libertarian society.
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I definetely agree, smart point
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An autonomous, homogeneous gated community with a non-monopolistic arbitration system.
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Hoppean covenant communities established within the American South with the express purpose of defending anarcho-capitalism and Southern culture. Yankees and scallywags are physically removed alongside communists.
Do you mean Yankees in general or just carpetbaggers? Can copperheads visit or are they banned too?
T. Copperhead
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The libertarian utopia for me also sounds a little autistic, it would be a minarchist-monarchist Romania with a gold standard of course. The only duty of the government is to protect private property by maintaining a strong military. My ideal covenant would physically remove gypsies and socialists, and would discriminate against all loud progressive degenerates non-Christians.
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>>2799 I agree, very based.
>>2795 >>2799 Could we buy a random island and swear fealty to Prince Hans-Adam?
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A patchwork of government-service providers competing on the market for citizenship contracts, and private utopias built around the subjective values and preferences that their residents hold in common.
>>3564 >wanting california next door
>>3564 Two thirds of that flag is gay.
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>>3565 >>3567 Obviously the icons are just variables to insert any lifestyle into, and examples that symbolize self-segregation and freedom of (dis)association, if ancaps can't see the value in that, then I don't know what to say. Realistically speaking, it's not even two thirds - as much as 90% or more of the population can be intolerable for one reason or another and only about 1 in 10 people are decent enough (at least for me) to want to have as permanent neighbors inside my covenant community, maybe even 1 in 10000 depending on how high your standards are and how perfect you want your own little piece of paradise to be.
>>2799 I'm pretty much new to the system they hold there, could you give a quick run-down of how it is actually? I'm sorry if tis causes some kind of annoyance.
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>>3574 No need to apologize here, friend.
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I have a feeling some of this might strike some anons as odd, and probably quite fanciful, but what the hell, here goes: >No nignogs, pakis, or chinks (Japs are fine); trannies are also verboten, for obvious reasons >Government is an aristocratic republic where the senate is limited to shareholders and landowners in the community, sort of like the Roman republic >Economic focus on tech in all its forms, from privacy technology and arms manufacture to robowaifus and virtual reality; this forms a crucial part of the community's economy, esp. exports >Imports are primarily food, drink, raw materials, etc. >Cryptocurrency is the standard currency, though others are accepted for inter-personal transactions; no currency is expressly illegal in itself >Military is primarily a mixture of standing militias (compulsory membership), with PMCs occasionally assisting with training >Community is walled on all sides by various anti-intruder detection/incapacitation mechanisms (electric fence mazes, minefields, etc.), like a modern-day castle town on steroids >Death penalty is legal for child molestation, first-degree murder, premeditated arson, and gratuitous animal torture >Profession of socialism in any capacity whatsoever is an exilable offense; this does not extend to voluntary insurance plans such as tontine, etc. >Mostly laissez-faire on private life, though possession of hard drugs (i.e., not including alcohol, marijuana, psychedelics) is an exilable offense due to the potential of certain drugs to incite homicide and property destruction >In-utero gene-editing is legal, esp. for all babies with serious congenital defects >Has a strict policy of shooting all trespassers dead (if they make it through the perimeter defenses) >Citizens who wish to leave may do so at their own discretion, though if the move is permanent they have to forfeit citizenship >Instead of state welfare, the recently-unemployed are invited to join the militia if they can't find a job in their field >The basic requirements for immigration, other than the aforementioned racial component, are a clean criminal record (as judged by the community's standards) and a competitive skillset in tech and/or military endeavours. >Emphasis on harmonizing architecture with greenspace; modernist architecture is outlawed because it's fucking ugly TL;DR, a techno-libertarian castle fortress based on the Roman republic and populated entirely by whites and Japanese. And waifubots.
>>3731 Whoops, should clarify: >Military is primarily a mixture of standing militias (compulsory membership in reserve forces, obviously not for minors)
>>3732 >compulsory While I understand the reason some will ree. But part of the point of a libertarian society is that you can leave it.
>>3735 It says right there in his wall of text that citizens who wish to leave may do so, but if it's permanent their citizenship is revoked. I would also assume that the same applies to militias. In conventional armies around the world right now, you are allowed to refuse basically anything you want - but generally that results in an honorable discharge (if it was a minor thing) or a dishonorable discharge (if you refused to shoot back while being attacked, for example, or something else that put others' lives at risk). Don't want to serve? No problem, but that means that you are not a citizen, because citizens serve.
>>3736 >It says right there in his wall of text that citizens who wish to leave may do so, but if it's permanent their citizenship is revoked. Yeah, I feel that's necessary to avoid things like dual citizenship, espionage, etc. Dual citizenship isn't necessarily a bad thing in itself, but I've always felt it was a bit of a liability, tbh. >I would also assume that the same applies to militias. It would, yes, as compulsory membership in the reserve capacity is specifically mentioned in the covenant. >Don't want to serve? No problem, but that means that you are not a citizen, because citizens serve. Bingo. The idea is just to make sure that, in the event of invasion, every citizen is not only armed, but physically fit and imbued with a sense of strategic awareness. It's nearly meaningless for everyone to be armed, if no one knows how to co-ordinate in a crisis scenario. I actually got the idea for this from how Finland does things, which seems to be a pretty good model, imo.
>>3737 Just have them do actual military training instead of digging holes and filling them in again, going to town to get cigarettes for the CO, or community service for refugees and other make work state shit.
>>3731 nice OC, kid
A covenant where only tomboys can gain residency.
>>3740 Thanks, anon. >>3745 Wait, does that mean you're a tomboy yourself?
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>>3745 Tomboys are gay.
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>>3759 No... guess I should also add that I'm the only guy allowed. >>3760
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>>3761 >I'm a total faggot, nigga At least you admit it.
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>>3745 lmoa >>3759 >Wait, does that mean you're a tomboy yourself? It means he's a second-class citizen.
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My ideal would be a (Protestant) Christian, African, anarcho-monarchy. Hereditary rule, with autonomous provinces ruled by the nobility and bound by contracts to unite behind the king in warfare. I don't care about race as long as we aren't swamped. Military matters would be handled by a patchwork of private security companies, religious knightly orders and Ethiopian-style local Mehal Sefari units. The only use of government would be foreign relations and piracy protection.
>>3796 based and blackpilled
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a voluntary Catholic theocracy aiming to protect and voluntarily promote the Catholic religion, would also physically remove all non-Catholics, heretics and degenerates.
>>3872 I once fapped with a Saint Mary porn video
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>>3879 you are a nigger!
>>2795 Ok guyz, I know this may be autistic and kinda fuckin crazy, but what the hell, here goes: >Constitutional representative democracy with inalienable rights and the firm belief that all men are born equal. >Separation of church and state. >Focus on individualism and freedom of thought.
You hate to cry wolf, but you need to get your money out of the bank, buy gold/guns/ammo/food, and buy a sailboat or move to a small town in North Dakota today.
>>2795 >What would your ideal libertarian society be? ~500k humans on Earth
If you lived in the North Korea in 1980 then you could have escaped to the USA. Now if you lived in North Korea then where could you go to have freedom?
>>5466 >Now if you lived in North Korea then where could you go to have freedom? It depends. If you want freedom from tyranny then go innawoods. If you want freedom to be a pedophile then go to Israel. If you want freedom from having to work for a living then move to tent city San Francisco/Portland/etc.
>>2795 night watchman state minarchism ruled by a hereditary monarchy and their ministers, the governnent has no legislative powers and the only laws are those of the principle of non-aggression, the laws apply only to adult white male citizens, with adult being defined biologically (by the ability to sexually reproduce with a member of the opposite sex). only white nales who are adults will.be considered people, only they will be protected by the lawa of the NAP, and only they will be held acxountable to those laws. All other typea of humans will not be people, they will fit into the only other legal classificarion which is property, they will be slaves.

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