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LynxChan + Aleph 2.8 Changelog: Re-Animated Edition Codexx Root 06/28/2022 (Tue) 03:31:18 Id: cca955 No. 5978
We're bringing the dead back to life with this update! As usual, please leave bug reports and new feature suggestions in this thread. It will be the designated tech support and changelog thread until the next major release. See previous thread: >>4917 Features Added Flash embed support; We have created >>>/f/ as a board dedicated to SWF files Added three new themes to the dropdown, Hispita, Hispaperro, and HispaSexy. Additional Hispachan themes are available in the /.static/css/ directory. Mobile view now supports slide-out menus for navbar and side catalog. Try swiping! Modals should now work better on mobile view Reply previews are now disabled on mobile view Added smooth-scroll option Added three new themes to the dropdown and four new hidden themes Pasted images now default to their SHA256 hash instead of "ClipboardImage" Spoilering images, editing posts, etc should no longer mark posts as deleted when using websockets Tor users will now receive an ID based on their bypass Board URIs can now be changed Threadwise r9k is now available and can be enabled by board owners Bugs Fixed HTML literals occuring in subject lines on the catalog Fixed webms/mp4 thumbnails not lazy-loading Fixed catalog images not lazy-loading Fixed thumbnails being cropped on mobile view Code tags should no longer extend past a post's width Filenames now wrap within file's container Board rules can now be deleted Policy Whitelisted WAV files Disabled webring until memory leak can be identified and fixed Languages Updated some pages to translate frontend strings Added Spanish Frontend translations Added French Backend Language Pack Coming Soon Better language support; we're just getting started! Oekaki Special Thanks AestheticAnon for the Hispachan themes /ac/'s BO for helping with the Spanish translation
>>5978 I see that in https://8chan.moe/boards.js the SFW and abandoned indicators were converted to icons. It would be nice if hovering the mouse pointer over these would show their meaning (otherwise new users might find it a little confusing). By the way, is there a way to prevent side panels from opening when you swipe left or right in mobile view? I find it quite annoying (for example, when I zoom in or scroll the page some of the panels open by themselves), besides there are already buttons that serve that purpose. >Added Flash embed support There's also Lightspark ( https://lightspark.github.io ) in case Ruffle proves too much trouble, though I don't know if it can be transpiled to Javascript. >Additional Hispachan themes are available in the /.static/css/ directory. >four new hidden themes In case anyone is curious, in >>>/hispachan/20292 they left a couple of ways to activate the hidden themes more easily. >Pasted images now default to their SHA256 hash instead of "ClipboardImage" In that case you could clarify in https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html that it is possible to paste images from the clipboard since there are those who do not realize that (at least in my case I only knew it when someone commented it in a thread). I also take the opportunity to mention some things that I would like to see in a future update: * Thumbnails in SVG files. Maybe you could use https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9853325/how-to-convert-a-svg-to-a-png-with-imagemagick to generate them. * Being able to filter boards by language as proposed in >>5865. * Date format based on language. An "easy" way to implement it would be using the Accept-Language HTTP header (server) and/or toLocaleString() (client). * That on mobile you can see the statistics of the boards list. It would also be useful to have some clarifications about PPH, Total Posts and Users as in Endchan. * Button bar above the message box to format text (at least with the most common tags). I'm already used to put the tags from memory but it is certainly something that would make to hispachaners feel more like in "home". * Upload cbr and cb7 files (curiously, it allows uploading cbz according to my tests). Initially it would be for >>>/ac/ and >>>/co/ but other boards could also benefit from it in the long run. * Search inside the boards (which would be quite useful to find posts of which you only remember a few words). * When merging threads, create a redirect from the old thread to where it belongs. * Some way to indicate that you are the OP of a thread on boards where the name is disabled (perhaps using the same password as for deleting posts?). >>6012 I think I found a workaround by modifying the thumbs.expandImage() function like this: thumbs.expandImage = function(mouseEvent, link, mime) { if (mouseEvent.which === 2 || mouseEvent.ctrlKey) { return true; } link.parentNode.classList.add('expandedCell'); var thumb = link.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; if (thumb.style.display === 'none') { link.getElementsByClassName('imgExpanded')[0].style.display = 'none'; thumb.style.display = ''; // TODO: Autodetect default uploadCell max-width link.parentNode.parentNode.style.maxWidth = "260px"; if (thumb.getBoundingClientRect().top < 0) { thumbs.scrollToPost(thumb); } return false; } else { link.parentNode.parentNode.style.maxWidth = "inherit"; } var expanded = link.getElementsByClassName('imgExpanded')[0];
[Expand Post] if (expanded) { thumb.style.display = 'none'; expanded.style.display = ''; thumbs.scrollToPost(link); } else { var expandedSrc = link.href; if (thumb.src === expandedSrc && mime !== 'image/svg+xml') { return false; } expanded = document.createElement('img'); expanded.setAttribute('src', expandedSrc); expanded.className = 'imgExpanded'; expanded.style.width = link.dataset.filewidth + "px"; thumb.style.display = 'none'; link.appendChild(expanded); var maxwidth = Math.min(link.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(), maxwidth); expanded.style.width = maxwidth.width + "px"; var rect = expanded.getBoundingClientRect(); expanded.style.height = ((link.dataset.fileheight / link.dataset.filewidth) * maxwidth) + "px"; } //remove image on expand if (thumbs.hoveringImage !== undefined) { thumbs.hoveringImage.src = ""; thumbs.hoveringImage.remove(); } return false; }; Although it would be necessary to find out the value of the maximum width of the uploadCell class in case some theme uses a value other than 260 pixels. >>6035 >is it possible? Yes, Hispachan had that option (perhaps inside the backup of >>>/hispachan/2913 you can see how it was implemented). >>6065 It only happens to me when I lurk the chan from the phone and then disable the wifi for a few hours.
>>6060 >We're talking about teaks to the hourly limit and if we need to make an addon to be happy with it. Will hopefully reach a decision soon. I don't understand, this happens to me when I try to post for the very first time on a new browser session (tor browser delete all site data once it's closed), so this being some sort of issue with limits doesn't make sense. Additionally when I can't post on the .moe domain I hop onto the .se domain and then I can send the post I couldn't on .moe just fine, so it's either something with the .moe domain specifically, or something with the user settings, since that's also per domain. The only setting I change is the board theme but I don't really change it for .se since when I go there it's just to submit a specific post, but this being the problem doesn't make a lot of sense either. Furthermore the error seems to get fixed at random, sometimes I can post straight after I open the site, sometimes it takes 10 minutes, and sometimes I can't post in the whole day (12+ hours). Lately it seems to be a lot better and I can post immediately or soon after I open the site, hence me believing it was fixed a few days ago. Once the error gets sorted out I can post throughout the rest of the day without issues however, so again some sort of issue with limits doesn't make sense to me. Having to hop between domains and copy paste post contents and re attach all the files in the right order and re set all the post options for 12 hours is frustrating as hell, hence why I bitch so much about this. >Performance isn't great Alright, good to know. I was just concerned it could have been something on my end. >>6108 He's probably talking about development focus.
I always user the header bar to return to the index of whatever board I'm on, but now the current board's name is grayed out. Stylistically, I like it, nice little CSS touch. Functionally, I hate it, put the link back on it.
>>6060 >If you want the desktop layout, you always have the option of asking your browser for desktop mode. Just tried that out, and I think I found the problem. All the issues I have with the site while mobile posting are exclusive to iOS.
If I click on some of the images in a thread some open in full size other just expand a bit but look like they load again, you can do a view image and most of the time you can see the full image in its full size.
(133.21 KB 1091x937 here.png)

>>6117 May help
sorry but for the next 2.9 update can you consider adding an extra security for moderated accounts? Add two-step authentication
>>6141 I proposed this to Stephen like two years ago and he didn't seem interested, so it's been sitting on my to-do pile. But backend modifications take the most work to write and debug, so I can't promise it will land in 2.9. >>6117 Can you take a screenshot? Nothing should be grayed-out and you should have all the links available to you at all times on both desktop and mobile view. >>6112 I owe you a full response later, when I have more time.
(75.80 KB 750x238 gray.png)

>>6138 A fair alternative, thanks. >>6150 In this case, if I'm on /arepa/, /arepa/ is gray and not a link, or at least, not clickable.
>>6150 >>6152 Can confirm it acts the same on Librewolf, Chromium and Opera, and in Safari the navbar is replaced with a list similar to the theme picker. Also Live updates don't work in Safari.
>>6152 >>6153 I'm pretty sure that was a design choice, if you are on /arepa/ then it shows arepa's link on the navigation bar gray because you are on that board. I don't really mind, honestly, there are already other ways to return to the index.
>>6155 removing functions is not the best, I did use it as an index with other top boards
About the thumbnails image not expanding, do you work on a solution or do I have to tweak the CSS myself on my board ? >embed .swfs Nice !
>>5978 Anyone else having issues getting to work while using mac book pro?
>>6182 Live updates are broken in Safari. The console returns this message 3 times: >Refused to connect to wss://8chan.moe:2087/ because it appears in neither the connect-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy. >[Error] SecurityError: The operation is insecure. >thread.js:757
There is something I don't understand, why use WebSockets instead of something more compatible like AJAX? If it's due to some technical advantage or something, then maybe you could keep both implementations and use AJAX as a failback when exceptions like >>6185 occur.
>>6180 How does that work, not sure how to fix the problem with the board. It seems to like this on all the boards I view. Some thumbs open to a large image while others do not. Dont know much about web pages and how they work.
>>6210 Yes unfortunately the problem is site wide. Some BO have implemented a CSS fix. And we wait for the staff to implement a proper solution. If you're a BO copy/paste this to your custom.css and upload it in your Administration page. If you're a regular user, try to paste this into the CSS field of the Settings panel. It may work. /*Multiple Image Uploads*/ .multipleUploads .uploadCell:not(.expandedCell) { display: inline-block; max-width: 600px; } found on /404/
About that thumbnail enlarge on click issue, do I imagine it or it was fixed temporarily 1-2 days ago? idk I remember the feature work again but it revert again. could be mistaken.
>>6012 >>6030 >>6180 I've been using this: .innerOP .uploadCell:not(.expandedCell) { max-width: 100%; }
>>6214 thank you for the reply it is appreciated. Be well, I will try your fix.
Update 2.8.1 Fixed image expansion issue Fixed catalog rebuild issues Fixed Top Board link for current board being unclickable All Hispachan themes are now available as hidden themes; some improvements have been made to existing themes
>>6291 >Fixed Top Board link for current board being unclickable Thank you! I feel whole again.
>>6291 Thnaks !
>>6038 I'm working on a french translation (was quite busy lately). Can I open a thread dedicated to translations when finished ?
>>6401 I have opened >>6418 for this purpose. It's been on my backlog for a few weeks. Thank you for taking the time and putting in the effort to help translate the site.
>>6419 Nice. Will drop the finest french translation I can.
>>6185 Maybe some of this can help: https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/issues/580#issuecomment-241863838 https://csplite.com/csp282/ Although it is something that can only be configured from the server side.
The catalog button doesn't work on the mobile layout. It directs to https://8chan.moe/catalog.html (without the board URI), which obviously doesn't exist.
Can we have the ability to spoiler whole threads? For boards like /v/ where /hgg/ is a thing and other cases where most of what the board's topic is about is the kind of thing a coworker could see on your screen and you'd just be thought of as a lazy faggot but where the coverage is broad enough (mostly for boards focused around information mediums) that some of the discussion will be NSFW. The thread would be collapsed and the title would only show up if you moused over it either as a tooltip or like hoe currently long filenames are truncated until you mouse over them. I posted some of my reasoning here for more idea of how it could be useful. Now I'm going to waste some of your time by stating that I think free speech is inherently NSFW because NSFW means "You're not allowed to say that here" but since we have blue boards and have embraced this dumb idea anyway, might as well work within its framework.
>>6553 671029 on /v/, too lazy to do it right but not to lazy to demand you do more shit.
>>6554 That post got deleted so I'm just copypasting the reasoning here: I'd say it is more that the mod is explicitly NSFW and until BO decides to bite the bullet and have this no longer be a blue board we're going to have a hard time perusing any thread that contains that content because you'll have to click on each spoiler to see if there is anything you're interested in. Which actually gives me an idea for a site feature suggestion which I'll likely forget to post on /site/ again.
(16.07 KB 318x190 language setting.jpg)

>>5979 >>6556 >>6557 Board management > Board settings > Preferred language.

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