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S.T.A.L.K.E.R thread Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 18:55:25 Id: cc6ffb No. 1000692
STALKER 2 development blog just released with some gameplay >TAA everywhere >Generic visuals and music >FarCry towers >Yellow paint on wood boards and stairs as a "clue" >Press X to use canned animations >Console gameplay >Console UI >Creative Director is a woman Fucking hell, it hurts
Oh yeah, almost forgot >3 fucking minutes talking about the cutscenes Goddammit man
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>>1000692 I forgot Stalkan 2 was in development. I take it was relegated into being a standard action game instead of being comfy slavjank survival?
>>1000692 I don't know if I should blame Putin or Zelenskyy, but either way I feel sorry for russian 2channel as this is their favorite game.
>>1000701 You missed >3 hours of cutscenes Remember when Rogue Squadron 2's devs apologized in the commentary for having a single, skipable, 1 minute 30 second long cutscene mid-level?
>>1000692 This game was delayed to insert as much Ukrop propaganda as they can into the game. They probably removed entire sections of the game to put their own spin on it.
>>1000714 >t. Kursk mud farmer
I wonder when the mission to execute Gonzalo Lira will happen, hopefully not too late into the game.
>>1000728 >that name sounds familiar <search >oh, it's that Coach Redpill guy from like ten years ago >he went to Ukraine? >HE'S FUCKING DEAD What you get for moving to an active warzone I guess. I remember this guy being pretty put together back in the day, very clean shaven with a nice suit, why does he look homeless in his last photos
>>1000732 He is a sex tourist who went to Ukraine to try and pick up chicks. When the war broke out he naturally did a lot of bullshit propaganda talking about how Ukraine was going to lose. Naturally Ukraine didn't like this so they gave him the choice of house arrest or getting deported. He chose house arrest. Later he tried fleeing the country into belarus only to be put into prison. Ended up dying of pneumonia after refusing medical help. Allegedly he also smoked like 4 packs a cigarettes a day. I am happy he is gone. Dude was a grifter and a snake and the world is better off without him. I didn't watch him back when he was coach redpill but I do remember seeing some chatlogs between him and sargon. Something to the effect of "truth is a tool to be wielded by the strong". Couldn't tell you why he started looking like he leers at little kids though.
>>1000720 I'm a 90's yugo rapefugee in a third world country. I literally don't have a dog in the fight.
>>1000732 Westoids brutally killed the most influential thinker of our time... hypocritical Biden regime says nothing... God-Boyar Vladimir Vladimirovich must put an end to the degenerate globohomo Ukronazis... >>1000736 It's funnier than that. He was found doing illegal activities like selling photographs of military bases he took along spreading pro-Kremlin agiprop, he got deported instead of being properly trialed. He then illegally went BACK INTO UKRAINE, literally filming himself doing so. They threw him in prison where he "died of lung issues".
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>>1000692 PUTIN DON'T STOP!
>>1000741 I find it funny that in this war, multiple cases of complete lolcows trying to be spies and ending up locked up have happened, i wonder how common that was back before the internet.
>>1000736 I am not shitting you guys, at the risk of doxing myself, that I can back up your post because I knew by secondhand relation a lolcow journo who signed onto being a Sputnik host who cried when this dumbass died, and he ALSO had a similar character to being a sleazy old man sex tourist down to wasting his 9k a month salary on hookers, having rotten his teeth out on meth that he had to get implants for, and being divorced from a sex worker and whore. I can totally buy this. <Couldn't tell you why he started looking like he leers at little kids. America this year and previous has been revealed to be infested with and crawling with pedophiles.
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>>1000864 JUST!
>>1000866 There's probably something in Ukraine's waters.
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>>1000692 Absolute fucking state of STALKER. >>1000736 >>1000741 >>1000784 Now the funniest thing is that they could have expelled him and made him Biden's problem. But they chose to make an example and harvest his organs. And billions are still sent to that corrupt shithole with Uniparty support.
>>1000900 They DID expel him, he re-entered the country for some demented reason
>>1000903 >They DID expel him, he re-entered the country for some demented reason BUT they didn't push him out to be extradited to the US under house arrest. The War must go on and lucky for Zelensky and the Ukraine Government, every MSM rag called him a "Sexist PUA Russian Paid Agitator" who got what he deserved when they gulag'd his ass. So there's no bad PR for that fucking retarded war. Biden washed his hands or barely remembers, and everyone forgot he existed. Coach Dead Pill indeed.
>>1000905 >guy was caught spying for the enemy >re-enters the country after being expulsed >no but he should have been extradited! Anon youre such a fucking hypocrite holy shit.
>>1000905 I can barely tell what you're trying to say, but okay.
>>1000907 >>1000909 It seems to be retarded.
The game looks fine, the issue is that the deep dive did a mediocre job at showing off the game. This video is a much better showcase. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5TmiZUOosE&t=176s
>>1001460 The sound design in on point.
>>1001724 >inb4 Zelensky wants to make a new Zone at Kursk But can he do it before the Russians capture Pokrovsk and Germanize Ukrainian logistics?
>>1001724 Who are you quoting?
>>1001724 Half agree, you do see some of that rhetoric but then they're immediately told to fuck off like 59a203 was. I'm surprised how anons have largely held off against Pussian propaganda with how hard basically every mildly right leaning community started guzzling gallons of Pussian semen. >two more weeks bratan I am of seriousness all of HATO will be destroyed you must be of trusting in the plan t. Mikovich of Khalifornya Oblast
>>1001460 Nope, the visual and sound design is still mediocre.
>>1001460 Bretty good actually. Is there any word on it being moddable though?
>>1001837 Mod support few days post launch has been confirmed
>>1001863 In other words, never. Why are you believing people who lie for a living?
>>1001875 >who lie for a living? What?
>>1001877 It's marketing. Until a product is released with the features advertised, they're lies.
>>1001879 Not lies, thats not how it works, what they arent is guarantees, stop being retarded.
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>>1001882 Marketers are just liars trapped in a box. They can't outright false advertise, but they make their living on half-truths, false inferences, assertion, associations, double-speak, and other forms of manipulation. They are liars. Lots of stories have come out from studios that used to work with Microsoft about how MS would internally commission a specific and well defined game, and then MS's marketers would go out to pressers and just start pulling all kinds of random shit out of their asses - which the dev teams were expected to then accommodate without any extra budget or development time. It's why Phantom Dust had such a fucked up development cycle and tanked the studio. What's even worse is that they routinely work with mainstream media news outlets to spread those lies disguised as news. You'd be amazed how many news stories about a product being released, or recalled, are just paid product advertising or corporate attack ads. Never believe a marketer. Their job is literally to bullshit you, telling you whatever you want to hear, so long as you hand your money over to their employers.
>>1001953 To say something is a lie, you have to prove its false, and as it stands, you cant prove that, words have a meaning, you know?
>>1001987 There are myriad ways to lie without actually saying anything false. There are also ways to reveal truth while only speaking falsehoods. The spaces inbetween are the natural habitat of the marketer and statistician.
>>1002273 >myriad of ways Making a promise doesn't count until it has been confirmed broken.
>>1002297 You are exactly the kind of niggercattle moron who deserves a bullet in the back of the head and an open ditch as a grave.
>>1001879 >>1001882 >>1002273 >>1002297 Nigger we're asking about modding capability, not philosophy about what counts as promise and lie. So far they've said it'll have modding but being an xbone first product + how easy is it to modify remains a question. Which can only be revealed once you actually get your hands on the game
>>1000864 >3rd Pic Whoville looking motherfucker.
>>1000864 Amazing things are happening in Oblast
>>1007930 I thought >>1002273 was a good quote.
>>1007936 How the Grinch Stole Ukraine
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>>1007977 I think you're a fucking nigger!
>>1008091 I think you're fucking a nigger!
I fucking hate this reality

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