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Another Dog Gets To Taste Prime Human Female Pussy Animal Enthusiast 04/06/2023 (Thu) 18:00:02 No. 6650 >>6655 >>7259 >>9457 >>9679 >>11815 >>16033
So, who's got those videos?
>>6650 (OP) >>6652 Something about her stupidity to film this and get arrested makes it so much hotter.
>>6652 weren't there said to have been more, like a lot lot more, somewhere like a mega folder's worth?
>>6669 Thanks for sharing. I guess we'll start seeing more material like this as more zoomers experience poverty and social media addiction.
Also I hope the police go after the 'sugar daddy' who appears to have leaked her videos and exploited her cries for help.
>>6671 The amount of morons that think all the shit they put into their phone is just some fantasy land of imaginary make believe games and none of it is real never ceases to be absolutely hilarious.
>>6669 Re-encoded and re-uploaded to a better file host https://files.catbox.moe/fjlbdn.7z
>>6674 this is why I fucking love zoomers, it's so far the generation with the hottest, sluttiest and easiest chicks and are also the most utterly clueless when it comes to this sort of thing
>>6671 yeah i've heard there are so many of these types of videos on those telegram channels there's like a whole bunch on there from zoo porn all the way to teenage jail bait fucking old men
>>6671 >>6658 >>6677 I just realized that the $600+ she flashes in that first TikTok video is payment from the Sugar Daddy for zoo content. But on the bright side, thanks to Denise's arrest going viral, normies are actively searching for zoo porn.
>>6679 Dunno, Looks like she's been treated like shit by that sugar daddy. I do find it interesting that sites like quora have a lot of stuff about how to handle and take dog dick. Subs on reddit where girls show off their love of dog dick dildoes. It would be great if the current generation is growing up understanding that dog love is good and fun, not sure this is actually happening. And in this particular case, it really sounds like she was being blackmailed by a cunt.
>>6681 >Looks like she's been treated like shit by that sugar daddy. Oh, she totally is. She totally got blackmailed. She got paid by him but he's a complete asshole according to those latest videos. I mean, if you look at the comments in her TikTok videos, you see tons of people begging for links to her videos. That's a lot of people who could want to see more videos or want to try it out. Kids are really open minded nowadays.
>>6679 >I just realized that the $600+ she flashes in that first TikTok video is payment from the Sugar Daddy for zoo content. you mind screen shooting that bit in that vid didn't see that bit
>>6682 >you see tons of people begging for links to her videos. how many videos does she have and do any of them also include her fucking her old married sugar daddy? >That's a lot of people who could want to see more videos or want to try it out. Kids are really open minded nowadays. you got that right now has ever been a better time to be some old guy in his late 50's teenage girls these days are easily impressed and as you said really open minded
>>6683 It's in the first TikTok link above. Money - selfie - a lot of dogs in a bed that isn't hers - vibrators. It all makes sense now. >>6684 >how many videos does she have and do any of them also include her fucking her old married sugar daddy? Click the links in this thread, brother. 4ch says there are a lot more.
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>>6686 >Click the links in this thread, brother. 4ch says there are a lot more. which one and how many more and are any of them of her fucking that sugar daddy?
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I want to marry her and buy a video cam. And buy some big male dogs with big dog cocks.
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Here's what I got
>>6806 >dildogging I h8 that shit. fucking shit. is like bilara, and ohknotty, fuck them, fuck dildogging.
>>6813 There are videos of her getting fucked and knotted for real
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anyone know if she been charged with anything yet?
>>6817 link to the vids?
>>6658 She's out of jail and posting on Twitter now. Can confirm, she's dumb as hell.
>>7181 How the fuck did she already get out of jail? If a guy did this he'd be locked up for years.
>>7184 She's likely out on bail pending further charges.
>>6678 have any tg group?
>>7202 Trannies should fuck off and commit suicide. Or at least stay on fucking >>>/abdl/
>>7203 He's saying 'Telegram', not 'Transgender'. Geez.
>>7203 >>7204 Obsessed.
she posted her own telegram username on her twitter. also claims to have done it with horses, etc too. anyone have any previews/pics if she's selling those?
>>7211 She hasn't. She's making shit up because she wants money from thirsty incels.
>>7184 Nothing to be in jail, even for men. I live in a country where zoosexuality is legal up to maintaining home zooporn, only what's "illegal" is sharing and because we have weak legislation it's also legal in fact. >2023 >being in cage for having consentual sex with animal Say thanks to normiefaggots occupied internets.
>>7213 Written like a true virgin simp.
>>7221 The only virgin simp here is you, retard. But feel free to throw your entire life savings at some braindead thot if you think it'll make you happy (it won't).
>>7223 Really edgy for some random loser on the net.
>>7243 Is telling someone not to waste money on a foolish venture edgy? Geez. You should check out forbes some day for the edgiest shit ever then.
>>7245 Stay mad lol
>>6650 (OP) >Prime Human Female Pussy lol, "prime". Okay. You're on a zoo board m8, we all know the pussy hierarchy. Canine or mare > goat > sheep > cow > human.
She's selling Dropbox with unreleased content on the Telegram group she shared, anyone has it?/
>>7261 not heard anything about but hope it's true I hear she's got a bunch old rich sugar daddies so here's hoping some of the content in them are of her fucking the brains out of some married 60yo Business owner
>>7978 >"Synchronoss Personal Cloud gives your subscribers the peace of mind that all of their photos, videos and contacts are safe and secure" Never a good idea to put your porn in the cloud.
>>8031 Unless it's encrypted with AES-256 and 64+ char password
>>8039 encrypted by server, or before transfer? makes a big difference
anyone have the drop boxes she sells? she even has incest videos with her brother
>>8068 I wouldn't be surprised if the police are conspiring with her. No one wiggles out of prison time that easily.
>>8068 Anyone?
>>8070 No one gives a fuck anymore. The slack jawed hillbillies are literally dying off, and going away, normal people don't give a fuck what you do as long as you're not hurting anyone (they have enough common sense to know that being fucked by a dog is not hurting it). Obviously don't advertise, but cops deal with real shit, compared to a triple murder torture rape brothel bust, dog fucking is wholesome.
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>>8111 didn't know Troy had a daughter
>>6675 Not all saints wear halos.
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Alright, since the cunts on Zooville got rid of the Horsecore thread that had history and lore on the video's I'm trying my luck here. Yeah I fucking know two video's have leaked but it's apparently only a sliver of the whole shooting. So far no video has surfaced of the black pony fucking the girls and there was at one point a clip of the larger horse pulling out of the chick on the old Midnite Crow boards. Basically if anyone has got any information or discussion go for it
Anyone got her Dropbox. I hear there are other ladies on her TG group selling their content
the world is so dumb. she's not even particularly hot, but i would literally pay this bitch $3000 a month if I got to watch her do this, and she took a belly full of piss and cum four times a week, the rest is hers to do with as she pleases. and yet making this arrangement is almost impossible and she will instead spend her life doing far worse, becoming a disease-ridden cunt
>>8615 Dude, stop. If you have a request, take it to the request thread. >>8613 >the world is so dumb. > i would literally pay this bitch $3000 a month Don't put pussy on a pedestal.
>>7259 not everyone is into the same stuff as you, i like to think animals prefer prime human pussy over their own species
>>9304 >FreeDeniseDrazier She's already free and posting more suggestive content. I wouldn't be surprised if she cut a deal with the government to report anyone who messages her.
>>7217 Which country? I want to move there.
>>6650 (OP) >In my 17 years in law enforcement, this is one of the hottest cases that I've ever investigated
UPDATE!!! Denis Fraser got arrested again last week for fucking a Husky while 9 months pregnant
>>11748 Link to the story or evidence?
>>11748 I saw a shit tier quality video that was like 20 seconds that claimed it was her. I hope there's a full video floating around somewhere. It'd be a shame if she went to prison for that low quality of a video lmao
>>11815 Her previous videos are all over the internet. Just google search her name.
>>8068 I have her second drop box. She has 4 total, the 4th one being pregnant content. I will drop mine if someone drops another one
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the only thing I have managed to find
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>>11957 Here you go! Common and post!
>>8818 Preferring human pussy over canine or equine is like preferring slimy, almost spoiled gray ground beef instead of sirloin. The rest of the animal attached to it is a pain in the ass too.
Bump for updated content from her! Really wanna see that pregnant stuff!
Bump. Anyone got any vids with her?
Bump bump
>>6650 (OP) goddamn, this bitch is fucking ugly

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