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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Liru the Werewolf Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:11:24 No. 443774 >>467918
Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨️ 🙏
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Liru is best!
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>pedos still whine about anti-pedo man, love pedo Trump Don't cry to me when (((Trump))) stabs you inthe back. Your god will never be real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayt3oN6fA1Y
>>467564 Wrong thread?
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OP is one dedicated faggot
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>>467808 *werewolf
>>467872 Got em
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>>443774 (OP) Ok but what if her head was like a skull or something ...
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>>467918 What if she wasn't a wolf, but a cat?
>>467958 What if she was real?
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>>468597 She is Female.
>>468629 No no... that's a SPACE catgirl.
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I like to Liru
>>469027 You're going to Liru?
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>>469086 I intend to.
Thirsty? Hungry?
Liru is the best
While Rosetta was forced to somewhat explain the truth to her parents when it became clear she was pregnant, the option of abortion was neither in her mind, nor in the mind of her very religious parents. Neither could she marry her teacher either as she was too young and he was already married. Neither could she marry her teacher either as she was too young and he was already married. Rather than immediately go public Maryrose's parent's and so offered to provide significant regular payments (10% of his teacher's salary), Maryrose's parents accepted, they had a mortgage to pay after-all, and destroying a man's life and their daughter's reputation didn't sit well with them. only that he financially support Maryrose began to homeschool soon after, and about a year later, Maryrose gave birth to a son at the age of 11, with her Mother acting as her midwife. While Maryrose's son was registered as her mother's child (daughter by accident!), Maryrose jealously defended her new role as Mother, most notably by refusing to have her Son hurt (circumcised) even by 'God,' a decision she was supported in by the biological father. From th time of her son's birth, she had personally raised and breastfed him for 5 years with little help from her Mother. But upon reaching the age of 16, her Mother decided that she needed to expand her horizons and have a life outside of her family and her obsession with her son. So she suggested Maryrose attend Liliana Ladies Academy as Maryrose's high grades and the money from her son's biological father made this feasible. At first Maryrose refused as she would not be separated from her son, but once her mother made it clear that her son could go 'with' her as the Academy also had a children's division from year 1-5 and that Liliana could still see her 'brother' (son) every day. She relented. However, it soon became clear that the children's division did not include boys, yet Maryrose discovered that her son was legally her sister, so she went ahead with the application anyway; her son would attend the girl's division as a 'girl!'
>>469752 Nice scribblings, but what does this have to do with Liru?
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Xexus is a deranged piece of shit that called me a Nazi for using an AI chatbot. I have disavowed the commissions I bought from them because 15 years of friendship & giving them business means fuck-all. Typical liberal extremism behavior though, calling other liberals "right-wing fascists" over the smallest shit. The same ones who will one day insist Kamala lost due to voter apathy then the next day insist Trump was installed by Russia & that voting does not work. Also a typical hypocrite, attacking AI for "copyright" while profiting from the IP of others by selling porn commissions.

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