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>>454688 Ah hell, now I have to reroll. But /b/ is slow, so it's not much of a gamble.
>>453159 (OP) rullllllllllle
(924.77 KB 1222x954 RedRy_Rape-a-Lot.png)

penis roll
Had sex with hand. Rolling for sex slave.
>>453159 (OP) rolling for x66 to y8 where x is not 6 and y is not 8.
(35.51 KB 485x320 Goblins+Labyrinth.JPG)

>>453159 (OP) Rolling for Goblinfu
(303.79 KB 472x470 dubs off by one.png)

rolling for 2, 5, 8, or 66
goblin pls
Who makes shit like these lists? A stupid worthless cuck? Fuck you, I don't want any of these stupid whores.
(253.78 KB 1230x917 _and_the_rest.jpg)

Anything but the cow.
>>464625 Edits like these are from an old tradition of trying to make a game out of one's post numbers. It's much more fun when anons make full pseudo-games or story generators out of it. I do find simple edits like this to be low effort shit, myself, no better than "hentai captioners" and such the like. Even among such trite you do occasionally find gold, though.
>>464629 Wait.. are you fucking retarded? Do you lack reading comprehension? i know what these stupid lists are for, it's the written aspects where the faggot whom wrote it applies their own fetishes. >elf isn't loyal >Human into shit play fuck off, how retarded & awful.
Yoo who made this?
All of them, at the same time.
>>465006 The tomboy is also acceptable.
Fucking gold digger. Just my luck
>>453159 (OP) rolling rolling
>>453159 (OP) Rolllling
What could possibly go wrong
(66.29 KB 639x851 EfReeYLX0AAdgqW.jpg)

>no werewolves What a crummy picture.
>>453160 Baste and correct. Noses are cute and essential.
>>453159 (OP) This is 8chan not 4chan dumbass. Even on 4shit anyone with half a brain, a surprisingly rare commodity over there, can time their rolls like a goddamn slow-mo russian roulette scene in some offbrand action movie and get any dub or trip they want before the thread even gets to page 10. Now imagine its not just slow-mo but you can stop time and instead of 1 bullet in a six-shooter you've got 1 tiny pebble on a roulette wheel with a d120 instead of a ball. I could time this perfectly and by the time I finish my cup of your seething tears it would still be stuck on my perfect number. My advice on making this work better: Step one is to fuck off back to 4shit. After that, add time in seconds as another variable so you cant just time it normally. Maybe change it so you take the seconds part of the timer altered for standardization using https://time.is/EST and add it to your post ID. Now instead of 100 possibilities there are 6000 which also change at much more unpredictable times because of the asynchronization. You are fucking welcome.

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