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Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 19:59:20 No. 460724 >>466133 >>466350 >>467578 >>467673
>I will provoke you for a whole lifetime, then send you to a place of eternal torment where they make you feel like it’s your fault for reacting naturally to that
>>464316 Honestly, nobody has a goddamn clue where we were before we were born or where we will go after we die, nobody asks where we come from, everybody wants to know where were going.
>>460724 (OP) >>460737 It makes a lot more sense when you realize, God didn't create us in His image. Hebrews created Yahweh in their image.
>>463195 >terrible event >the extinction of humanity choose one
>>463632 Rape has always been part of war. USA lost in VietNam and Afghanistan because our troops weren't savage enough, evidenced by their severe lack of raping the enemy's women. Also why the South lost the Civil War btw. Boy Scouts and choir boys don't win wars.
>>464311 >Why don't you stop all that "schizo" nonsense and accept the warm embrace of the lilim? Send one to my bed, oh wait you cant because they arent real.
>>466257 3d kindergarten kids arent succubi you dumbass
>Schizos who have no religion LOL! Enjoy living depressed, abandoned and forgotten. I will be enjoying a long happy and prosperous life with a wonderful family and a assured good and happy afterlife, of which you will have no access to.
>>466306 >Schizos >because they DON'T believe in invisible super-beings that talk to them and secretly control the world in ways that can't be detected by others
stay mad, retards
>>460724 (OP) drink bleach, shit smear
>>466313 stay mentally retarded, brainlet
>>463623 Read Thomas Hobbes. There is no way morality can be objecrive, as it pertains to human preferences, it can only be subjective. So do we go the way of post modernist faggots and conclude that there is to right to judge others? Or is moral authority like political power, to be seized by those strong enough to hold it, and conformity to their subjective preferences imposed upon others by force? Fellow anons, I give to you, The Leviathan. That is what God is, that is the essence of Christian morality, right is the product of might. for it may only be so.
what is right is decided by whoever is left - in charge. if you can get others to submit to your authority, you become the arbiter who sets the standards.
Christ New Testament is the literal big brain example Judah Old Testament is the metaphorical retard example I'm in the club, for fuck knows why or how I'm given dicine grace but somehow I got here. But I've never been able to square these two things. Either the Old Testament was written for a primitive grug-meme people or it became bastardized from whatever the original script was chinese whispers style and it took the Yeshua to straighten it out
>>466790 Deconstructionists are retarded "Hurr oven cake no exist because ingredients are from the cupboard" or "Durr objective morality doesn't exist so prison gang rape is the best arbiter of how man ought live"
>>466815 The Old testament is horrific if read literally, but by the time you get to Malachi God literally says fuck it just be nice to one another no other laws matter you can't even keep them anyway so fuck it. That's forgiveness, BEFORE Jesus ever became a thing. I hate when Christians pretend only the New Testament has mercy or sense.
>>466817 There are sensible things in the Old Testament but the lessons contained in it are designed to educate and be understood by warlord gigachads who were used to settling things by clubbing each other to death. There are also certain things where the taboo was self evident, things like cannibalising your own tribe outside of a famine or things that don't need to be talked about because it's fairly plain already, but you can extrapolate from there that anything they were told was because there was a need to be told. So for example in the Old Testament God has to live in a materially fine house, with gold, and jade, and marble just so that they will respect it and treat it reverentially, but by the New Testament there's no more room for his one true son in the inn. Then there's the forgiveness of David and his fitness to prophetise, having sent away a husband to be killed so he could impregnate the guy's wife. Yes he's forgiven. But by God killing his infant son. It is not known how this is accurate recompense for what he did, why this was the only means God could reveal truth to David, or what his son did or didn't do to not need any further lessons to develop it's soul before God's through smiting it. We're never told. Mustn't have been important. Meanwhile the dialogues with Job drag on and on and on because it's important you understand the extent this guy has a sad on. I don't know why God "chose" the Jews or the middle-east in the first place, or why by the new testament he's told them to go fuck themselves
>>466828 Well at the time there were Jewish rebels who were led by Rabbis against the government. And so my theory is that Jesus is an amalgamation of these rebellious Rabbis into a fictional character who also has super powers because why not it's tradition that Gods servants can do miracles so that's fine, but when Jesus says that he IS God it turns the Jewish religion on its head. I believe the act of Jesus claiming to be God might be representative of the desires and rebellion of a powerful minority of Jews within the Jewish community who were ready for a schism, or at least a reform. And the Rebellious Rabbis got their way, Jesus took off as a story and has spanned the globe. Not a human on earth except uncontacted tribes doesn't know the name of Jesus. But now we come to another schism forming, the Progressive Christian movement is gaining steam and may be a real challenge to the form of Christianity that has been dominant in the past (casting out of unrepentant sinners for example, this is not something a progressive church would do, since the power of Christ is for all people sinners and saints alike. I pray the progressive movement wins, I do not want to see death camps for fornicators in my lifetime.
>>466830 Jesus is real, shroud of Turin is real. Expanding upon this if the New Testament is not metaphorical then so are demons. Spiritual habitation sort at any rate - would not care to look for them in a closet or under the bed. Jesus doesn't claim to be God because he's a conduit or teleopole. The only one delegated that duty by God. Also an angel "older than Abraham" which is to say no more bound within temporal laws than his Dad. "Progress" within Christianity beyond railing against babylonian practices or attempts to monopolise it has been a failure, and should be for it's debatable how necessary further prophetisors are after the literal Son of a universe builder has already come and set an example for you. But on fornicators, perhaps my definition is wrong but what you are doing here is technically still a marriage and should be treated as such. People who cheat are advancing the cause of the Jew, those who reject or are anti Christ. So you should be rejected and neglected of things until you choose not to do that any more. I know it's all a bit contrary both to what you've said and to Catholicism, but the acceptance of that conduit is all that matters. I'm not gonna cave your skull in for rejecting the Arian heresy/schism the way some King did to his son. To get to there you'll have to have already fought all other things Babylonian
>>466835 The shroud of Turin is inconclusive at best. And at least you admit that to deny the Godhood of christ is traditionally considered heresy. Christ and the Father ARE ONE and yet ARE SEPARATE. Christ himself may have never said he was God incarnate but he sure implied it, and the church fathers ran with it. In traditional Christianity Christ is God, he is Gods chosen earthly physical form, it's all actually very much like Hinduism in that respect with their concept of holy Avatars.
>>466835 >>466873 >shroud of Turin none of you faggot anons ITT ever saw the shroud IRL, and even if you had, you have no proof it wasn't fabricated by fraudsters, and even if you did, you have no way to prove your proof is valid over the internet.
>>466873 The exact nature of the son of God can't be pinned or understood by us. It says in your own book it's a folly to try and depict angels in any way, somewhere in there I forget. Therefore to argue over is just likewise a folly. But the Catholics want a centralised power or central authority, special, immutable, alone. Plus if you admit that Jesus is "just a prophet" then the Mohammedians can come along and say "yes but Moehammid was just as good if not better than Yeesus" and so for conversion purposes it isn't ideal because it takes nuance. Then there's claiming you're the only lineal champ of Peter and all others can get to fuck. Then there's deciding celibacy as a prerequisite to ministry, which is no healthy outlet that honours God in your desire and so they lash out, and their benign works are overshadowed by rent boys and internal strife over who is satisfactorily keeping the most closet doors shut and is therefore gets to be Pope/cardinal/whatever Together Catholics and Protestants have caused their own failings and make the Eastern Orthodox or something start to look good
>>466897 >rent boys Why are priests all gay pedos? I understand altar boys are readily available but so are escorts, bar sluts, Tinder hoes, single moms, etc. Even if I were super desperate and horny, I would at least rape a female, not a little boy...
>>466898 >Why are priests all gay pedos? you benefit more genetically if you leave everything to your 1st born son, the priesthood does a lot of shit for the ethnic group but one is to take the other sons, mentor them in skills, give them discipline, teach them that submission to God or monkey shit they believe the glue holding their shit together, don't be a simp, all women whore you throw a party as a send off to them and the things that attract the men to those roles are the traits also the ones that make people into pe dos, the pe dos just have more exaggerated versions of these traits also being a faggot is genetic for men, so all it would take a man that has both of the gene sequences they're like parasites that are evolving to take take advantage of institutions, and they don't suffer risk of retribution as much in dsygenic times, weak men and all that, and the more likely to get people with gene variation in these times in general so you're going to get stories about bob they kept moving around in these times, because they are dsygenic times, also the powers want to discredit the old religious institutions, because they think they new religion of the self is the future, because they are out of touch results of dsygenics themselves >>466897 >The exact nature of the son of God can't be pinned or understood by us this is true my conclusions is that He had a vagina that he could clone himself with, physiology that made him look male, allowed coming back from the dead, to an immune system that was so good that no disease could win, and it could go out of His body and heal you. the vagina part is from the fact that I don't think God comes into this universe, if He wanted to change anything, he did it at the start, so the only way Jesus story is not about being a guy getting cucked, is for Jesus to be a mutation that represented what humanity needs to become in order for us to escape all of this suffering being pointless, and have white planets to go to son of God having a vagina part is what most ppl, it is get over the man vs woman war that contributes much to the cycle
>>466901 is what most ppl don't like*
>>466901 I don't know what the vagina dialogues were trying to tell me I just don't like schizo contradictions within the church, nor fixing them by dumping stuff out of God's book to try to fix it So Catholics telling me the black death plague is because I'm an asshole, and the Protestants telling me the black death plague is a good thing and I should take it up the ass and spread VD isn't what I consider to be closer to God. So I want to know more about Eastern Orthodox and how bad they have it
>>466944 they are a caste, like an insect colony, just doesn't have as much evolution behind it, thus shit they are going to do mostly the same thing everywhere, whatever you go, because the needs aren't different from group to group and all plagues are blessings sent to help your ethnic group become better and more pure
Godboys are chomos & use their delusions to justify their evil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayt3oN6fA1Y
Anything that opposes their fascism is "woke"
>>467566 Thats blasphemy. Apologize heretic.
Losers gonna be losers, while Christians will keep winning, with God providing everything for us, while we kill losers.
>>460724 (OP) Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
>>460724 (OP) i just lost the game and now you did too
>>467673 Your an asshole. Fuck.
>>462506 This. Most atheists are atheists because they're porn addicts
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I HATE GOD!!!!!!!!! HE'S A MEAN FAGGOT!!!!!!! HEIL SATAN!!!!!!

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