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Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 20:38:18 No. 462660 >>464057
So... What do you think about 4chan? (informally known as cuckchan)
>>463434 /thread.
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>>463512 Oh yeah. It's baste alright. Stick a fork in it because it's DONE.
Halfchan is so 2007
>>462660 (OP) it's becoming so bad and with so many Moloch trials that i will try this place now fuck 4chang - now asking for e-mails and with retarded cooldown timer to make posts
full of normal fags and women
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>>464077 >newfags wait fifteen minutes to be accepted >must pass Google Captcha >verify email address >buy a pass >allow cookies
It worsens every year. I keep getting banned
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4shit is officially dead and buried, especially after their newest retarded 15-fucking-minute "anti-spam" countermeasure, decades after the abuse from their pet spammers which destroy virtually any chance of serious discussion, forcing everyone to get cookies to post any shit in any board there. I'm not leaving the private browsing mode just for it.
> mad about waiting to post on 4chan
>>464209 >It took him until 2024 to leave that shithole How's the battered wife syndrome feeling? I bet you'll be back there in a month.
>>464227 >implying I just come back a bit at /sp/ and the dump boards from time to time, the only worthy boards there at all. Also, Hotwheels is a traitor
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>>462894 What is the origin of the left image? Did he die? >>463368 >steakandcheese.com Man, what a throwback to a different era. Loved that place. Do websites like it (adult humor) even exist anymore? >>463496 Moot grew up and moved on. Sucks that he left and sold the site to people who don't give a shit about it, but I can understand not being burdened with running such a busy site after all the years of hassle it caused him. I'm sure he has fond memories, but that's all in the past now. I wonder if that fuck even watches anime anymore or lurks other chans. >>463558 Its crazy to me how flooded it is with porn addicted zoomers on their phones scrolling and spamming porn on /b/. Every other /b/ board I have visited on any other image board, English or not, has more interesting content going for it than the constant flow of porn and dumbass memes like Andy Sixx and that guy from pawn stars dying every day like on 4chans /b/. Sure other /b/s have porn, but it's no where near the main topic/focus. >>463559 In this age, who doesn't? zzz also uses it to (not pictured). >>464102 Despite using 4chan less than I did 15 years ago I keep eating 3 day bans for the most stupid shit every few months. Their mods and janitors are over zealous power tripping turds. As for OPs question, it sucks and gets worse every year. They also never improve anything and its missing alot of cool modern image board features other places have. The API is ten years old. They refuse to update shit because when you're number one with no real competition, why bother? -No file upload preview -No sound for webms, which did long term damage to the format since so much webm content was made for 4chan and it's all muted bullshit -No mp4 support -Can't upload 2-4 images at once per post -Archaic file size limits -Can't be bothered to keep the blotter updated, says last new boards were in 2020 but they were in 2021 (vt and xs) -No new boards since that time -They started compressing uploaded images in mid 2023 causing havoc with archives -The 20th birthday, a milestone of any site, was just party hats as usual. No fanfare, special notes from staff, special boards, music playing, a visit from moot, just fucking NOTHING but the absolute minimum. That's 4chan in modern times. Doing the absolute minimum. This year alone: IP counter gone, 15 minute wait times if you are a new user, 300 seconds to start a thread even when you are recognized (I think), and site staff "oopise-ing" several boards of their content because they are incompetent douche bag zoomers that don't know what the fuck they are doing. Months of my posts getting eaten, which was not a shadow filter I don't think, which was recently fixed but holy shit it took them long enough. Several times where Cloudflare gets fucked and the site is frozen for hours. All on top of a shitty userbase full of phoneposters and site moderation that worsens every year/ But hey, buy a pass! They are on sale at 45 bucks for three years! Geeeeeeeeet fucked.
it looks pretty shady now.
>>466779 and no, i didnt do this since i have conscious mind.
>>466779 The fact that you went there after 2014 proves otherwise.
>>466779 Why did you just post a picture of your e-mail address?
>>464227 i typically visit the torrents board sometimes to get cool interesting things since now i have a laptop to do shit with.
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4chan died when the best users left in 2014. 4chan anno 2025 is absolutely garbage, and I am not simply talking about the userbase, but the site itself. It feels like the site is now deliberately designed to be as unusable as possible. There are so many wordfilters that will trigger their censorship you are either forced to resort to resort to Newspeak self-censoring or just not post it. You cannot link to anything anymore, so what is the point? You cannot mention 8chan, cannot link to archived web sites, and you cannot really share the images you want with all the limitations. It made me sad visiting the site and seeing what it has become now. There is no innovation anymore, just a bunch of newfags regurgitating low-effort shitposts and threads devoted to spamming nіggеr dicks and ugly fat sluts. I started shitposting on 4chan back in 2009, and I left for 8chan in 2014. Even before that I had taken longer and longer breaks from the site. It was not just the same, and even then it was a fading shadow of the glory days, as evident of screenshots from back in the day. RIP
>>466865 I am outside your house, Andrew.
>want to post in /a/ >15 minutes captcha >aint no one got time for that >return after Ash Wednesday >10 hours freeze >>466865 I remember that pic as kid. now im uploading shits there
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I got banned for 'pedo bullshit' for posting loli in the loli thread on /b/. They're going to drive 'p to actual private grooming rings instead of manageable public imageboards. Sharty, Kiwi Farms, and 4chan are so fucking cucked in their rampant anti-pedo schizo conspiracies that I don't even support loli now, but say, "I don't think lolis are THAT bad, even if I do disagree", and get banned from all three. So much for thick-skinned edgelord sites, eh?
>>469594 yep the captcha email shit is awful. but 4chan is the dying place.i will hermit at chudpol.
It's alright, i'm not going to be dramatic about it or anything
>>462894 Your fucking retarded 8chan bots & shitty clearance approval to create boards & 8chans parameters aren't any worse or different than 8kunt you fucking goddamn fedshill
>>469637 That site is dead, There's millions of ways to get banned here to you stupid dumb fuck
>>466885 And my dick is ringing your mom's phone as well her mouth & tongue, you non threatening faggot
>>466863 Stop going to porn boards you masturbating sissyboy No wonder you complain because all you do is mention porn & nigger dicks
None of these posts or threads mean shit, 8chan always bitched about 4chan no matter what, 8chan has feds, honeypot, users that copy & reuse 4chan posters & threads they use, Millions of people use 4chan Nobody cares about 8chan To trust a user on 8chan is no different than trusting 8chan creator (crippled retard Frederick brennan) Who was 4chans bitch as a user & their fuckable chewtoy on /pol/ for years before 8chan was created, he never had integrity, he was a reddit normie fat crippled inbred waste of life as soon he denounced 8chan, with someone like that? Why should I trust any 8chan user without them having a conflict of interest for years especially as 4chan.as their main competitor, I personally see /pol/ & /international/ on 4chan, Their posts are far more Crazier & Wild Than the boring stale shit I've seen on 8chan
>>470283 > Millions of people use 4chan Bots arent people.
Every time I think I've learned all the ways to avoid a 4chan ban, I discover one I overlooked.
>>466863 There was absolutely a brain drain on the whole site there when that gamergate thing happened. I never use /v/ so i wasnt aware of how many crossposters there were.

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