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Isis. Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 07:52:13 No. 469121
Isis is the mark of the beast.
>>469937 How great would it be if everyone just killed themselves
>>469940 Don't you want to be with your pathetic boyfriend satan
>>469940 Sucking his dick like you enjoy take yourself to him faster
>>469940 It's so easy just put a barrel to your head and simple squeeze your there. Your a brave human right
>>469940 If you got family do them first satan will love that
>>469940 He loves abortion
>>469940 Why is head so big but his hand is so small?
You only did this to me... Fuck you, Isis.
There is not one person on earth who believes that love can be expressed by eating shit.... Fuck you, Isis. You're objectively disgusting perverts.
I did not choose to be targeted. Fuck you, Isis. Love has nothing to do with eating shit. I wanted my own fucking life, gross faggots. YOU ROBBED ME OF MY OWN LIFE, DISGUSTING PERVERTS. FUCK YOU.
You did not do this to anyone I have ever known... Fuck you, Isis. I wanted my own life like everyone else. LGBTQ is a retarded cult. You are objectively disgusting, shit eating perverts. Fuck you. You literally shit into each other's mouths.....
>>470020 How my poopoo taste?
>>470021 Who is this?
Isis anon should consider the implications of hololive animated music videos. This one references the hermetic principle of correspondence: https://youtu.be/ilLEj-SCCn8?
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>>470077 your worst nightmare
>>470110 Enjoy never being targeted. Fuck you.
>>470122 Me or the video?
You suck feces off of each other's dicks. Fuck you, Isis. You ruined my entire life because I hate gay shit... LGBTQ is a retarded cult. Fuck you.
The only thing you do is hate people. Fuck you, Isis. How is eating shit "love"? Weird faggots.
>>470229 I mean... Sounds like you're the one doing an the hating
>>470217 I mean, I got shit on my dick ONE TIME, and its cuz my bf didn't douche cuz he's a retard. I just a shower personally, why would I ask him to suck it off? I kiss him, I don't wanna kiss shit breath... I mean you have some weird conceptions about hygiene man. I'm pretty sure what your describing isn't even a homosexual fetish, its usually just a jewish thing tbh, as a race they are obsessed with poop idk why dont ask, its called scat and straight people do that sick shit too. I mean. Its just a completely different thing, you are very confused man.
>>470233 Enjoy never being targeted. Fuck you.
>>470242 Well there you have it people, the secret to not being targeted is taking showers, why OP doesn't just fucking take a shower idk, maybe he's a hobo. Gross bro.
>>470256 You get to live your entire life without them doing this to you. Fuck you.
>>470271 Yeah its called a shower, just go take one already holy shit it's not that big a deal
There is nothing loving about you... Fuck you, Isis. All you do is hate people... Fuck you.
>>470295 Baseless assertion, without any evidence. Whereas the opposite proposition has evidence, in this very thread, and might I say that not only does she seem rather lovey, but shes also rather lovely ;).
>>470298 NTA but shilling for that how makes you less than dirt. Fuck both of you and may the Sun prevent you from returning.
>>470311 Nigger you weird.
There's nothing to "move on" to... You ruined my entire life for nothing. Fuck you, Isis. Not one person I know had any of this done to them.... All of them just get to live their own lives. YOU LITERALLY EAT EACH OTHER'S SHIT... HOW IS THAT "LOVE"? WEIRD FAGGOTS.
>>470314 >You ruined my life Yes >for nothing Ruining your life is its own reward. Love the updates.
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