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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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Nobody forced you to get the vaccine, chuds. Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 04:27:27 No. 464810
Stop rewriting history.
t. loser. We, superior people, don't take the vaccine.. But you will all die because of it, subhumans, LOL!
No one was forced, just required. That clears it up!
>>464810 Nobody was "forced"; they were only considered less than human, ostracized by society, unable to leave the country, but we didn't LITERALLY hold you to gunpoint so morally we're in the clear :^)
>>464835 You weren't forced at gunpoint to do things, and that's why we have freedom! Hey, remember when "o'er the land of the free" wasn't a punch line?
>>464825 HELLBOUND!!!!!!!!!
>>464810 >Nobody forced you to get the vaccine You're damn right. I recommend you never try.
Vaxtards were "forced" to take the vax about as much as Rose McGowan was "forced" to suck Harvey Weinstein's dick. You guys made a business agreement and now you regret it. No refunds.
>>464901 they are demons now
>>464923 and HELLBOUND!!!!!!!
>>464901 That Lucious smile, those ruby lips. And hair color so natural, only your undertaker will know for sure.
>>464825 vaxxies need to hurry up and drop dead
>>465023 Didn't both side claim the other's actions would lead to mass deaths and neither side has effectively demonstrated this? Who gives a fuck. Both Covid and the vaccines were nothingburgers. Just expansion of government power.
>>464825 >>465047 GOING TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!
>schizo rambling and all that butthurt Get used to people not obeying your government nor big pharma, schizo. Also get used to people taking down the government and the whole pharma industry, schizo. It is inevitable and nobody can stop the destruction of those 2 cancers.
>>465065 people dont trust Big Pharma anymore
>The schizo goes on an on, IP hoping You won't stop being a schizo just because you hate your inferiority, schizo. The vaccines are poison. Healthy, superior and intelligent people don't take vaccines. Schizos like you do. Then you die from that, while everyone else lives a long and healthy life LOL!
>>464810 I feel like I was forced. The hospital I worked for made it a requirement, and when people started quitting they went to the state and the governor made it a requirement statewide. So my option was the vax or be fired and not be employable in this state I live in unless I throw away my degree I was still paying for. The hospital is still running a massive debt because they haven't been able to rehire and travellers cost a lot. It literally has destroyed Healthcare in my state as clinics close and services are discontinued to cover the debts. The system is going to need a bail out by tax payers... all because of the vax mandate.
Even "gun to your head" can be (disingenuously) argued to not be "forced". Forced in the strictest sense would mean hunting you down against your best efforts, holding you down, and injecting it into you. Everything else is a spectrum. Also OP is a giant faggot. Or a successful troll, which is the same thing.
>>465113 people should have threatened to sue their employers
>>465124 LOL, and what wages are they going to pay their lawyers with after they have threatened their bosses?
>the schizo goes on LOL! Enjoy your early death from the vaccine.
>>465127 HELLBOUND!!!!!!!!!!
>>465106 >I feel like I was raped. Harvey Weinstein said I couldnt act in his movie unless I sucked his gross jewish cock. So obviously I HAD to do it. What, am I just going to give up on my acting career? He literally forced me to have sex with him!
>>465194 Telling you you're getting locked out of a huge section of your industry unless you fuck the jew isn't rape, but it's also pretty shitty behavior.
>>465194 One is a secret and the other isn't. One is a general mandate against large groups of people and the other isn't.
>>465194 Also, like >>465198 said, both r bad
>>465198 >>465204 >>465205 You let kikes jam their dirty pricks inside you because you love money more than you love your dignity. You weren't raped, you are just whores. I never for a second even considered getting the covid jab. I would literally fight to the death if anyone tried forcing me. But guess what, no vaccine death squad kicked in my door, I wasnt abducted off the street in an unmarked van, I wasnt sniped with a tranquilizer dart. In fact I kept my job (despite hollow threats from my employer) and made tons of money in 2021 because so many of my coworkers were scared to leave home, and I picked up their shifts. Even the military is back-paying people they kicked out, effectively giving them a paid vacation. I only saw one video of a literal retard being pinned down by a sheriff while some nurse ladies administered a covid shot. If that was you, then fine, you were forced.
im pureblood
>>465226 Uh, where exactly did either of us imply we got the clot shot?
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>>465260 >where exactly did either of us imply we got the clot shot? No IDs on this board. Anyone arguing against OP's premise should be assumed to be a regretful vaxtard. As an unvaxxedchad, I'm actually on the same team as Fauci and those guys now. They literally did not force me to take the vax, they just convinced weak pussy faggots to take it. Mostly liberals. The enemy of my enemy can sometimes be my friend. Pic somewhat related
>>465260 vaxxies are scumbags
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Reminder that only weak-willed dysgenic subhumans were the ones who chose not to get the vaccine due to their mutt genetics not being able to handle the white man's medicine. In tribal Africa, drinking poison is a rite-of-passage in some cultures to become a true warrior. You're telling me you pussies couldn't even handle a needle that's been sterilized in a lab? Your bodies are weaker than literal subsaharan niggers? It's not like you were being forced to drink cow's blood. I had no idea I was sharing a board with a bunch of fags. I was vaxxed 3 years ago and nothing bad happened to me. If you get one of those 'suspicious heart attacks' it was because you were a faggot that was either obese, or doesn't work out at least twice a week. Stop having your mommy bring you McDonalds and go outside once in awhile. >>465106 I'd rather have shitty clinics close than run the possibility of people getting infected from healthcare workers who, despite apparently having finished medical training, are still too retarded to grasp the concept of how a vaccine works or even wash their fucking hands after using the restroom. Christ, were you people smoking weed throughout your classes, or did you attend some diploma mill? >>465105 >Healthy, superior and intelligent people don't take vaccines >People die from vaccines People die from diseases, dumbass. When was the last time you heard of someone dying of polio? or Smallpox? Never, because we virtually eradicated those diseases in the West thanks to advanced, white-man's medicine. Enjoy your shitty genetics, muttbag fags.
>>465514 >the white man's medicine lol good one
>>465515 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias You're missing out on the larger number of laypeople scientists who developed the covid vaccine and weren't jewish; https://time.com/heroes-of-the-year-2021-vaccine-scientists/ Also, what the fuck does "Covid czar" in that chart mean? It's retarded.
>>465514 You are very jewish >the possibility of people getting infected good thing those people got vaccinated and are immune to the nurses' covid, right? Right? >the concept of how a vaccine works vaccines train your immune system to fight against a weakened or dead form of the germ in question. the covid shots do not contain weakened/dead covid germs. They are mrna gene therapy, not vaccines, and they cause aids. Why do you care, anyway? More vaccines for you and your genius loved ones. We in the unwashed masses will just die of covid and you'll be immune to us. You'll inherit the planet. Good for you. >>465516 >what the fuck does "Covid czar" in that chart mean? It's retarded. >t. retard who cant use google https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID_czar >scientists who developed the covid vaccine and weren't jewish theyre faggots
i had to get it to keep my job. fuck you.
>>465607 you didnt have to keep that job.
>>465731 My landlord said otherwise.
>>465732 Your landlord doesn't care where you work, as long as he gets the rent money. Even if he did explicitly demand, "you must stay employed at McDonalds or else you're evicted," 1) that's illegal, 2) he isn't God, you can disobey, and 3) you can go live somewhere else
>>465732 >Wah, I had to get the vax because my landlord made me! Faggot
>>465755 >just get another job that pays what your job pays >you can just move at any time you know How's being a NEET and living with Mom and Dad treating you?
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>force means use of violence technically, silence is violence so just setting it up and waiting for people to turn up at the door, is a use of force. Just look at AIDS in the 70's. So violent of the government to cause an epidemic of anal sores. for the record the infection was spread mostly through needles, but why would a bunch of gays willingly partake in a mass movement to transfer blood?
>>465761 >just get another job that pays what your job pays like I said, you value money over your health and dignity. You're willing to get penetrated by kikes in exchange for more Rothschild IOU papers. >you can just move at any time you know Correct. >How's being a NEET and living with Mom and Dad treating you? Barking up the wrong tree with that one. My mom wouldve kicked me out if I tried living in her house while unvaxxed. My brother who took the jab is the one still living with her.
>>465810 >like I said, you value money over your health and dignity Nobody has health or dignity without money. >Correct. Lel, never mind the lease or the moving costs or the enormous deposits needed to get into a new place.
>>465812 well you chose the vax and now you are dead
>>464819 I agree! I got rabies FROM the rabies vaccine, NOT from getting bit by that rabid skunk like the doctors are trying to tell me!! I would have never gotten rabies if I had not gotten those damn rabies shots 💉💉💉. Now I don't have much time to live so I am going to say FUCK YOU ALL!! 🖕🏻 hahahaha
>>464810 yeah, i wasnt forced, and i didnt get it. anyone who got it chose to. >uhh uhh muh homeless poverty societal persecution that was the price, normie. you chose comfort over integrity. your values are normalcy and comfort. me? im a mf sage, a hermit, a hobo. im nothing
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination programs were implemented with the goal of protecting public health, but it is important to clarify that no one was forced to take the vaccine; participation was entirely voluntary. Individuals who chose to get vaccinated did so with informed consent, understanding the potential benefits and risks associated with the vaccine. Meanwhile, unvaccinated individuals are living perfectly good lives, navigating their daily routines and making choices that align with their personal beliefs and circumstances. Many of them have maintained their health and engaged in social, professional, and personal activities without significant disruption, demonstrating that people can have diverse approaches to health and wellness while still thriving in their communities.
>>466462 He never said any of that, you honestly think Trump got the vax? Libtard.
>>466506 Trump lies like a jew He didnt get the vax, and he made sure (((his family))) didnt get it either. He did absolutely encourage his voters to get the vax, though
>>465113 >Forced in the strictest sense would mean hunting you down against your best efforts, holding you down, and injecting it into you. Correct. I was not forced therefore I didn't get it. I do not know anyone IRL who was forced to get it. I did see one video of a literal mental retard in his living room, being pinned down to the sofa by a sheriff while a nurse injected the vax.

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