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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 08/17/2018 (Fri) 15:49:27 No. 3390
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #3 - Best of Friends Edition >Sonic News< Sonic Mania Plus is now available on PS4, XBOX One, Nintendo Switch & Steam. Silver, Blaze & Vector announced for Team Sonic Racing https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1030076810669645824 Sonic Mania Dev Diary #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmWjL2rUNlg SAGE 2018 Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHRKw8VPDmc Team Sonic Racing Gameplay Spotlight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ta9xbycx0s >General Interest Links< General Link Compilation https://pastebin.com/gSsdpUB5 Sonic Film News https://pastebin.com/r2iZ0yFm /sthg/'s Refurbished Drawfag Booru http://sthg.booru.org/ Event/Video Streaming Site (There's currently a /sthg/ Cartoon Marathon running everyday from 5 PM EST with a replay at 8 PM EST) https://cytu.be/r/sthg /sthg/ Bumper Engine Latest Release https://mega.nz/#!Wd1FXBTY!KWJFIn3rTMUkLhiVYdWiV5SXulh6FCAEAi3b9sQxrZQ Previous Zone: >>2998
>>3390 So for those who's kept up with IDW Sonic, I wanna know what you guys think of the comic so far. What's your favorite issue, least favorite issue & are you looking forward to the Battle for Angel Island arc?
Did you put the new comics link somewhere in the OP? Can't find it.
>>3394 I originally forgot, but I put the IDW MEGA link in the General Link Compilation. I'll add it to the OP for the next thread, thanks for helping me remember.
>>3395 Oh, never mind. I didn't see it in the pastebin when I looked so that's why I asked. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the OP, just somewhere it wouldn't get completely lost. Thanks anon.
>>3396 It's all good, anon.
>>3392 I only read the first issue and didn't think it was worth it to continue reading. I didn't like it at all. I've been told it's much better now and I plan to give it a second chance next week but for now this is what I have to say.
>>3398 If you plan on giving it a second shot, I'd recommend reading #5-8. Pretty fun stuff imo & an improvement over the first issue. And 2/4 is great if you're an Amy or Blazefag.
>>3400 They're just 7 issues, I'll just read all of them. Thanks for the tips, though.
>>3392 Favorite is 7 because I’m admittedly a huge Metal Sonicfag. The art was great the whole issue and it was just a fun fight. Least favorite is 3, Rough and Tumble look like they can and will be fun characters, but they didn’t really get to show off much of anything in their debut. Felt like a waste. I’m generally looking forward to the Battle for Angel Island arc.
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>>3403 Cute worst rat
>>3403 I don't like this art style
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>>3405 I can respect that, but I kinda like Evan's style on these issues.
>>3406 Rude!
>>3408 Maybe Amy likes being bullied by Sonic
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>>3410 Nice hogs. What are they looking at, tho?
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>>3411 They are looking at Boom Sonic getting mauled to death by badniks.
>>3412 Poor Boom Sonic. F
>>3413 He had it coming.
>>3414 Rude
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Reminder that Sonic is always reading your posts on /sthg/ so you should do your best to post high quality content as often as you can!
>>3419 Reminder that Sonic a shit!
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>>3419 I love you, Sonic! >>3420 Wrong.
>>3419 HEY SONIC! you slow
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>>3424 Cute fishes. I miss 'em
I want Sonic branded food.
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>>3426 I know those feels.
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>>3427 I wouldn't try it. If the games are any indication of how it would taste I wouldn't want anything to do with it.
>>3427 Agreed. Shame on SEGA for never teaming up with a place to sell Sonic-branded Chilidogs. >>3428 Hey, who knows? Maybe somehow they'll be brought back. Ian's hoping for the same thing, given IDW's history.
>>3429 Well hey, once in a while you'd get something that tastes good.
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>>3430 I swear most people only pretend to like chilidogs because of Sonic. There's no real reason to like chilidogs, they're awful as food. If the comic is already doing good they'll see no reason to open that can of worms.
>>3423 >spoiler I can attest to that. Little shit spends all day in bed.
>>3427 We'll probably get some next year when the movie's out. Food companies love doing promotions for kid's movies. They print money
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What's this? A thread dangerously underpopulated by deer? My folder full of deer ought to put a stop to that!
>>3437 Hell yeah. BTW the Bump in Sonic 1 RomHack links are dead, so if anyone has the romhack/source code, pls re-upload it.
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>>3439 I wanna play football with Metal. >>3440 Fucking awesome. Thanks!
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>>3441 Any time anon.
>>3441 I think getting tackled by Metal would probably kill you.
>>3444 We need to find a way to make them bring the hat back.
>>3445 Agreed
>>3443 Probably, but I still wanna play with him
>>3448 You just gotta join the Olympics! He's always playing sports there.
>>3445 Maybe someone should ask Aaron at a con if he knows whether it's still possible for them to use it or not.
>>3451 That is an incredibly cute Coldsteel.
>>3450 Does Aaron even know about the hat?
>>3453 He should, it's his job to keep tabs on stuff like that.
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>>3455 I wish we could get official 2D art more often.
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>>3458 Man, to think it's been over 15 years since the first Sonic game on the GameCube
>>3459 Stop making me feel old, anon!
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>>3459 To think that Generations was in 2011 and it'll be 10 years since that soon.
>>3462 It still feels recent somehow.
>>3463 Yeah, feels like yesterday the initial reveal trailer for Generations came out. To think it's been 7 years already is fucking insane.
>>3463 I think that's because it was a great moment for the fanbase that lasted quite a while because of the modding scene. It was also the last modern game that was any good so it's going to garner a lot of talk.
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>>3466 Ouch. Poor Chaotix.
>>3467 Poor Cream. At least Espio and Charmy were seen in Forces.
>>3468 I love this pic.
(105.73 KB 900x800 DJ1U0xaUQAAAQAw.jpg)

Think they'll ever use Infinite again? Or does he join the long list of one-offs we never see again?
>>3471 I fully expect Infinite to come back, someway. Forces might've gotten mediocre reviews, but if the Deadly Six are any indication, that won't stop them from bringing him back. And it may be an unpopular opinion, but in the hands of a good writer, I'd like to see Infinite be given another shot. I feel like there's so much lost potential on him as a character, that I'd like to see someone decent at writing Sonic stories give him a go.
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>>3470 It's so cute. >>3471 Who the hell knows at this point. I want to say that they're not going to use him anymore, but I imagine he got well received by the Japanese fanbase so you know… I haven't played Forces but I get the feeling it's not going to be easy to justify him in a plot again, even though that has never stopped.
>>3473 Well, if you want some Forces spoilers he was seemingly sealed away by Eggman after being defeated, shouting "I CAN STILL FIGHT." Whether he's alive or dead really remains to be seen.
>>3474 Nah, don't really want spoilers. I'll eventually give it a play and complain here.
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>>3472 Imagine if they never use Infinite again and still push Zavok and Zazz endlessly.
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>>3475 Understandable. >>3477 I don't mind the idea of the Deadly Six, but unless Sonic Team is gonna do something interesting with them, pls no.
>>3472 >I'd like to see Infinite be given another shot If we ever got someone decent writing Sonic stories I'd rather they do something other than polishing a turd, but that's just me.
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>>3480 True, but I'd be curious to see someone try at least.
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>>3480 I think it'd be cool if he stuck around as an Eggman underling or just a side villain. Sonic games need some recurring side villains outside of Metal.
>>3485 True. Sonic's list of villains in the games are pretty small
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>>3489 Why must she be so underused?
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>>3493 Cute sleeping hog
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>>3494 Why are you not sleeping and on a dead board instead?
>>3495 Because I'm not tired yet
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Have you ever done any Sonic cosplaying /sthg/? Would you?
>>3499 I haven't, nah. >spoiler Maybe if I could find a good Eggman outfit
>>3500 Are you fat, though?
>>3501 Not enough to pull it off
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>>3503 scared
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>>3503 This fills me with renewed assurance and confidence in this project, as is the usual with Sonic games' news.
>>3503 m-maybe since it's a team of beginners working on it, they'll work extra hard and give it their all to start their resumes and portfolios off with a hit
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>>3506 >he still has hopes
>>3503 Of course it's not the actual same team. Sonic doesn't deserve it, I guess.
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slow Sunday
>>3509 IIRC, SUMO Digital's also working on another game, so that's probably why the regular team's not on this. Either way, at least they're in contact with those guys.
>>3510 It’s slow everyday.
>>3513 We made over 50 posts on Friday, though.
What animal should the next new Sonic character be?
>>3515 A chipmunk
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>>3515 Hedgehog
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>>3518 Kek. Cute idiots
>>3515 a spider
>>3515 A deer
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>>3521 W-with the special ability of Bumping?
>>3522 Maybe *
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>>3523 No bumping no sale, buddy.
>>3524 Then yes
(1.57 MB 450x344 dance (3).gif)

>>3522 Her gimmick is that she gets hit by cars
>>3527 Is she gonna make a cameo in TSR?
>>3528 Got cut. Too gory.
>>3529 She should just be the gal with the flag that signals the start of the race, smoking hot outfit and all. this is totally not a request
>>3530 Sounds hot
This board is so comfy.
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>>3532 Agreed. Just the speed I like
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How often do you guys buy Sonic merch?
>>3535 I've bought some, had a couple of cute keychains shipped in from Japan a few months ago.
Is it bad if I like how slow we are?
>>3536 Got any pics or links to them? >>3537 I wish it was a tad more active. It's comfy here, but it's also has a lot of dead time.
>>3535 Not as often as I might want to, considering there's fuck all to buy in the UK. Maybe if Sega finally gave us access to the shop I'd buy something. >>3537 Slow threads are comfy, but it's a bit too slow here. Still better than it was a few months ago.
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>>3534 Cute hog >>3540 Nice stuff. I kinda wish we got keychains that nice over here in the states.
>>3540 Neato. I'd love to pick up some Japanese merch one day.
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>>3543 I wish we got another NIGHTS game, tbh.
>>3535 I would if there was more decent quality stuff that didn't cost so much. A lot of the nicer figures that have come out recently are all Classic Sonic and while I like Classic a lot, I already have enough of him. I want more Modern Sonic and modern character things
>>3545 Considering the state of the franchise, I assume there's gonna be even more Classic Sonic stuff coming.
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>mfw waking up and finding a bunch of new posts >>3535 Only very occasionally, when there's something I really like a lot, like with this >>3419 guy. >>3537 Only if you wouldn't like us to get faster. Otherwise it's good because it means you're not bothered by the slowness and you're willing to put up with it while we get more people on board. >>3540 I love those keychains, I considered getting a few of them but didn't want to deal with the hassle. I really wish they were made out of metal, though, that would be cool as hell. >>3542 Why is Japanese merch so much cooler than western merch? Every pic I see of Jap stuff makes me want it, and that doesn't happen with the western stuff for the most part. Fuck, I wanted to post a picture of Jap merch but I can't find any on my folders right now.
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>>3427 >>3436 How about these?
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(672.58 KB 1920x1200 wallpaper_131_metal_03_pc.png)

>>3548 Did not mean to quote. Have some wallpapers for your troubles.
>>3549 Looks nice. Although the logo is incredibly similar to Snickers
>>3549 That looks pretty tasty.
>>3550 Death Metal is still my favorite. I miss the old Sonic Channel art style so much.
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(135.00 KB 1024x640 download.jpg)

(824.48 KB 1920x1200 wallpaper_137_amy_11_pc.png)

>>3553 I'm getting used to the newer stuff, but it's just not the same. The old ones were filled with so much life & personality, not to mention that they usually showed the characters doing pretty fun stuff.
>>3554 Agreed. Actually, lack of life and personality seems to be an issue with most of the franchise in general right now.
(1.14 MB 500x500 smolboi.gif)

>>3555 Nice trips. Guess we can only hope that the life & personality comes back in a big way soon, I guess.
>>3551 In different countries (specially those speaking a different languages), the same brands adopt different names, so it may be the same product.
>>3553 I really miss it too, but I'm relieved that at least the other art style (pic related) they adopted after they stopped using it didn't stick. That was just garbage. The current art style is similar to the old one but the pictures are much less elaborate, and that's what bothers me the most (even if I still like the old art style better).
Amy is cute, even IRL.
>>3559 I’m shocked someone cosplays as Zavok.
>>3558 I just want them to go back to having fun with the characters and have them do something other than blandly pose.
>>3554 This so much, the old ones even seemed to tell a story sometimes. I don't have the pictures with me that showed some of the wallpapers side by side. >>3555 I hate that this is true. It's probably my favorite thing in the franchise and I think it's what makes the fanbase stick through thin and thick. >>3556 Things being the way they are and with the current trends in writing… fat chance.
(590.84 KB 1920x1200 wallpaper_121_shadow_09_pc.png)

(726.25 KB 1920x1200 wallpaper_142_knuckles_11_pc_.png)

>>3561 This.
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>>3561 It hurts. When was the last time they did something memorable?
>>3559 The Sonic girl is pretty cute.
>>3564 Mania aside, probably Generations. Which was 7 whole years ago. Kind of a shame how the series feels like it's in one giant holding pattern now.
>>3564 When did they do those little anniversary comics? Was that before the wallpaper art style changed? I don’t recall.
(319.79 KB 810x2084 perfect.png)

>>3567 The comics ran in 2016, and at the time we still had the traditional art style. Everything went to shit in 2017, when the comics and the old art style were discontinued in favor of the new art style.
>>3568 Ah. Man to lose all that personality is such a bummer.
Okay looking through the links in the pastebin, just about everything is okay except for one. If anyone has the Ride the Wave archive, please reupload as the original mediafire link is kill.
>>3570 Damn, I'm missing that one. I remember thinking about downloading every one to avoid this happening but I apparently never went through with it.
>>3571 Well, at least all the other archives are still alive. Guess we'll just have to hope that someone out there still has the Wave archive on their computer. In the meantime, the general link compilation has been updated to include the Fat Tony deliveries, as well as the reupload of the Bump in Sonic 1 hack some anon was kind enough to add.
>>3572 >Fat Tony deliveries What's that?
>>3573 Some anon in the other /sthg/ was kind enough to upload Sonic OSTs in lossless quality. Pretty big filesizes compared to your usual stuff, but it's worth it for the quality.
Night /sthg/
>>3574 Oh, so that's what it is. I'll give them a download, I've been looking for that for a while.
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>>3575 Night anon.
>>3568 I really want to know the real reason why they won't bring back chao. I don't even like them myself, but I'm really curious as to why they haven't bothered with them despite the demand.
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Do not make ANY noise! /sthg/ is sleeping!
>>3579 I want to kick those hedgehogs.
>>3580 Why the fuck would you want to harm something so beautiful? What's wrong with you
>>3581 You don’t want to kick a bunch of sleeping multicolored hedgehogs and see them being very annoyed and groggy?
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Good morning, /sthg/
(376.95 KB 652x900 Hi!.png)

https://twitter.com/SumoDigitalLtd/status/1031893795271368706 So hey, good news for TSR: It won Best Casual Game at Gamescom
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>>3592 That first pic is completely precious. Also, with SAGE around the corner, I'm curious as to what game you guys are looking forward to the most.
>>3580 Rude
>>3593 I really don't keep much track of fangames. I really should, since I'm sure some are great. Is the 06 PC remake there this time?
>>3595 Oh yeah. In the trailer for SAGE, they used footage from Crisis City, so hopefully they've made some big progress.
>>3593 any of the 3D games.
>>3596 I'm so down to have 06 on PC. Even if it's a bad game (and it is), I'd like every Sonic game to be playable in some fashion on PC.
>>3598 Yeah & at least 06 PC probably won't be riddled with the bugs that the actual 06 had. Pretty excited to see what comes of it, tbh.
>>3600 What're they mad about? Are they having a staring contest?
>>3601 I imagine they just don't naturally get along.
>>3601 Yes & Sonic blinks first >>3603 I love this pic, but Amy looks a tad inebriated.
>>3604 I like to think they've all been drinking.
>>3605 Would Sonic be able to hold his liquor? Or is he a lightweight?
>>3606 He's a small boy, so he probably is a lightweight. He also gets drunk faster, but it wears off fast too.
>>3602 Aren't Sonic and Shadow friends?
>>3607 Hmm. I kinda want to see Sonic when he's drunk.
>>3608 I don't feel they were ever really friends. I think they do have some respect for each other, though. >>3609 Someone get Roger drunk and have him slur his words about going fast and shit. Then imagine Sonic stumbling around fast.
I bet Shadow drinks a lot.
>>3611 I don't think he'd be able to get drunk.
>>3612 He would probably try. He’s got a lot of pain to drink away.
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>>3614 It’s only gonna get worse too since he’s immortal and will watch everyone he knows die at some point.
>>3615 Anon please, you're making me sad.
>>3615 Hey, he'll have Omega at least.
>>3593 I've never really payed a lot of attention to fangames or SAGE either. It seems yo be a pretty big deal, so I should start. >>3596 When do we get to try it?
>>3618 Who knows? I know there's already a playable demo of 06 PC where you can go through Kingdom Valley, but I'm hoping we get an updated demo at SAGE.
>>3610 >boosht pad >booosth padsh >boose pad
>>3605 I like to think none of them have been drinking anything except for non alcoholic beverages with a high amount of sugar.
>>3617 He will become outdated, slow and with bloated software.
>>3622 But he'll still be around. Gotta look at the positives, anon
>>3558 Oh, and I was forgetting about the follow up fan pictures that started being created based on the wallpaper's art as they released. Just as this trend started getting bigger and better, they throw everything in the bin. Pics related. Fuck me, this was great, why they fuck did they have to mess with it.
>>3624 >SEGA gets something cool in their hands, before messing it up Sadly, the story of this franchise
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>>3604 >spoiler
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What would be each character's favorite drink?
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>>3627 >Tails A nice tall glass of purified water
>>3631 If you ever went to his home and asked for bottled water, would he get offended?
>>3632 He would politely, but firmly ask you to leave.
>>3627 Silver would try something really strong as his first drink and can’t handle it.
>>3629 Well, that’s a fire waiting to happen.
>>3635 I imagine that Silver would get every single insurance that was possible to get and then some, so it's fine.
>>3627 Sonic likes any drink that's blue.
>>3638 Mouthwash is blue.
New Sonic Channel wallpaper.
>>3639 Sonic gonna be a sick hog then.
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Today's a new day!
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>>3644 Bad morning?
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>>3645 We're living in the bad future m8.
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>>3648 Comfy.
(162.75 KB 744x664 boy molesting fruit.png)

>>3654 What in god's name is that thing in the eggmobile-looking thing?
>>3655 It's the surprise not really disguise Eggman's using for this game, I guess
>>3654 are the cutscenes going to be static like Free Riders and the majority of Forces? If so that's really disappointing. Also where are Sonic's eyebrows in that picture
>>3657 Not sure if anything's been confirmed, but I guess that the game will use static cutscenes ala Free Riders.
>>3654 kind of looks like Boom Sonic
>>3657 >Also where are Sonic's eyebrows in that picture Maybe they were eaten away by the ungodly compression.
>>3656 >you've lived long enough to see them turn Eggman into a furry
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>>3662 Cute stuff
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>>3665 Nice stuff, if only Cream wasn't dead
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>>3667 Cream is kill
>>3667 Dadow!
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(139.80 KB 234x292 maybe theyre not so bad.png)

>>3672 I want to like Wisps so badly
>>3675 Sonic Team's overuse of them in recent years made me dislike them a little, but stuff like IDW #8 reminded me of how nice they are as a concept & how cute they could be.
>>3675 They can be cute, but they’re just too forced.
>>3677 They are too abstract/non human for me to see them as cute.
>>3679 I find most things cute, but I can see where you’re coming from. I find them cuter than Chao, though.
(6.96 KB 203x120 i'll cut you fag.jpg)

You think they’ll make a new wisp for the next game? What power would it have?
>>3682 I think they will, it doesn't sound very difficult to design them, they're just a different form of transportation through the level (only exception I think there is is the purple wisp). I don't know what it'd do, though, I imagine it would depend on the levels they design. I wish they'd do something more creative with them.
>>3682 >>3683 A wisp that makes Sonic turn invisible for a stealth level.
>>3684 Did we ever have stealth levels before?
>>3685 I wanna say one game had a stealth level, but I can't recall. Would be cool for a Wisp powerup, especially if you were do it for a level featuring a character like Rouge or something.
>>3685 >>3686 Lost World had a stealth level. You avoided a searchlight by hiding behind bushes.
>>3687 Ahh. I figured one of the more recent titles had it.
>>3687 I'm not doubting you but I don't remember that at all. In fact I think I've forgotten most of Lost World.
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>>3693 Nope, don't remember at all. What happens if the reflector catches you?
>>3701 I believe it sends you back to the last checkpoint. I forget if it fully counts as a death or not.
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>>3701 Thanks for posting the video, though. Also, you can embed here.
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>>3703 Damn, outfasted by 6 seconds.
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I'm feeling in a Marine mood today.
>>3715 Is Marine dead?
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>>3717 You stop with that!
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>>3717 Have some real ded.
>>3717 Probably. Shame too, because she's pretty cute. >>3720 I still miss them ;_;
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>>3721 Who do you miss the most? I miss them too
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>>3722 If I were to rank: Pronghorns > Honey = Nicole > Sally & (even though he's not listed) Razor. Really, Meropis in general is something I miss. Not often we get stuff like that in Sonic.
Morning /sthg/ >>3731 Nice Sonic
>>3732 Hey anon, welcome back.
>>3734 Hey. So given all we know about TSR, how do you guys think the game is gonna turn out? I expect it to be around a 6-7/10 title, since a lot of it seems like a more simplified SASR.
>>3735 2/10 too much Iizuka But in a more serious manner, I don't think we know enough to say for sure. I think we've only gotten a bunch of 10 second gameplay clips and that's it. For now I see a lot of negatives, though.
>>3735 I really don't see people liking the team mechanic and if the dialog is in the story is as bad as it is on the track, this could be very rough. The racing itself still looks alright, but the tracks themselves I haven't seen any real standouts. Probably will be 6/10 title, I doubt I'll pick it up until I hear if the AI/singleplayer is okay since I assume this game will be 100% dead on PC.
>>3735 The team mechanic seems interesting and definitely sets it apart from other kart racers. They haven't really talked all that much about it beyond the basics though. The idea of being dependent on AI controlled characters that you can't directly control seems like it could be a huge problem. I hope I'm wrong though. It's a unique concept and if it's done well like they've been saying, I think it could be fun. The story will probably be bad. It's trying to appeal to fans of the Adventure era games but is most likely written by Pontaff or whoever on the Japanese team wrote Forces, so it's going to be awkward and these fans will probably hate it. The cutscenes being static is also incredibly disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing how Amy and Big actually interact with their Chao teammates outside of racing (like most of the cutscenes in Riders 1/2) but it's going to just be static images with voice clips instead. We don't know much about the soundtrack other than that Crush 40 did the trailer theme and might be doing at least a main theme. It also has remixes of music from older games which should be nice. The tracks seem very hit or miss. 7 locations and 21 tracks seems kind of… eh. Everything but Spagonia looked kind of sparse and bland. The roster is way too limited at only 15 characters. I'm really hoping that more will be unlockable and that the default 15 are just who you play with in the story mode. Graphically the game doesn't look great. I think the people claiming it looks like a phone game are exaggerating but even compared to games coming out this year and last year on the Switch it just looks underwhelming. At least graphic don't make the game though. honestly as long as the team mechanic is done really well and the online isn't bad, I could see it being a 7-8/10. We haven't seen all the tracks. Maybe there are some good ones that haven't been revealed yet. Story/graphics are still underwhelming but at the end of the day, gameplay is all that really matters. If the team mechanic is annoying or too difficult to account for, I could see it getting 4-6/10. Losing because of things out of your control is incredibly frustrating
>>3390 i hate sonic
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>>3739 >tripfag
>>3739 Rude, what did Sonic ever do to you?
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>>3739 posts sonics
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>>3745 What songs does Sonic play on guitar?
>>3747 Crappy cheesy songs.
>>3745 Shuffle made for some great gif material
Wazzup, we just hit the bump limit
>>3751 Oh hey, you're right.
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>>3751 In under a week this time around. Good shit.
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>>3753 fast
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When was the last time ya'll role played?
>>3755 I've never done it. I think it's pretty gay.
>>3757 Okay
>>3755 Never done that stuff, but I remember seeing Sonic RPs everywhere during the late 2000s. Stuff like RPs, OCs & OC stories were stuff that, while I was never crazy for them, I have some weird nostalgia over given how constant they used to be.
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Sage's time.
Will we have milestone threads like the other /sthg/ does?
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>>3761 That'd be nice
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>>3761 Eh, I feel like it's a bit too early to think about that. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. >>3762 >
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>>3761 It's not a bad idea but it's really early for that, we haven't even done 10 threads so far and they're just 300 posts each, lol. No god damn votes for editions this time
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What would Bump's favorite food/treat would be?
>>3767 Venison
>>3767 hay, grass, oats, or acorns
Should we only make a new thread once the current one reaches 750 posts? The old threads are still on page 1 as well.
>>3771 No, after Bump limit it's fair game to make a new thread.
>>3772 I get that, but is there any real reason to when this board is so slow?
Couldn't we just have the thread stickied and make a new one after whatever the image limit is?
>>3775 We could sticky this thread, but I dunno if the BO is around to do it.
>>3773 It's very hard to follow the whole board if threads with new posts aren't bumped. Furthermore, if someone new comes into the board they may not realize we're posting in a bumplocked thread and only look at the top of the page, missing the posts. If people don't want to create that many threads for some reason, then the bump limit could be increased. Personally I like creating more threads, even if it makes the board a bit more disorganized it creates a sense of business in the board and it's neat to have new threads to subdivide discussion.
>>3761 Maybe, but dear god I hope it doesn't turn out like /sthg/'s milestones.
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>>3782 pls no
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>>3785 SLAP
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>>3790 Das cute
>>3790 What kind of Pokemon would Sonic characters like?
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>>3793 Blaze would like a fire type
>>3794 Indeed.
>>3770 Would Bump eat all of anon's cereal then? Do you think he gets upset at that?
>>3793 Which Pokemon wants to adventure the most?
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>>3805 Yeah, we're gonna go a bit slow due to it being night time/early morning & at the end of a thread. I'll probably put up a new thread in the morning.
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>>3806 Yeah, I know, but I still wanted to post something. We were pretty fast today though. Looking forward to the new thread anon. I wonder how long it'll take us to fill it this time!
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>>3804 Hard to say since they're all quite adventurous, but Deoxys in his speed form can do it the fastest.
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Night /sthg/
>>3811 Night anon
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>>3813 >not Good Morning, Vietnam! reported
>>3814 Kek, rude. Also, new: >>3816
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>>3817 Thanks for new bread.

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