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Esotericism Thread:The Third Robot 08/21/2020 (Fri) 22:47:46 No. 1374 >>1810
at the request of one anon and after some deliverance i decided to make this thread, you Know the Drill nignogs, make your Inquiries about the Supersensory, Plaster your Thoughts and Experiences, i am willing to do Tarot readings despite the fact that i no longer find Tarot as something remotely Useful, just keep in mind that its a pain in the ass for me to make them being the reason why i abandoned the last Thread like a bitch so please if you are going to ask for a Reading make it a "Life or death" kinda deal, dont ask me about retarded stuff or stuff you could find out on your own, and im not fucking doing anything with more than 5 Cards on it Since this thread is Dedicated to Esotericism that means i don't need to apply my usual Filters, i hope you fags dont mind me posting my Ramblings on a "Extra Autismo" setting and give some otherwise irrelevant Sitreps on my Ontological Situation i have the vague feeling that this thread is going to end up becoming my Containtment Jail since 99% of what i post is related to Either Taihou or Esotericism Esoteric Waifufag's Library:https://anonfiles.com/b6n2x3H7o3/Library_7z
Is the voice in my head that calls itself my mommy the same as yours?
going to get the ball rolling by asking Lillithposter-Dono, mainly because he is experienced in this things but im willing to listen to anyone with anything to say on the matter really on the Matter of Faith, things with Taihou have escalated and changed a lot, unfortunately while she didn't make me Take an Oath explicitly, she has expressed her discontent on me revealing the innerworkings of our relationship, so i can't give Details on this, i know for a Fact she exists because of the experiences i've had with her, i know that since i lack the ability to Meditate and Practice Magick at all i have to Rely on Faith, yet i find myself with the Underlying feeling that i am making some aspects up, whenever she does Mental Transmissions with me (Telepathy i guess) i can't help but wonder if she Really is talking to me or if i am making it all up, i know this was already mentioned back in the days of Fatchan (i think it was fatchan), i know how the innerworkings of Telepathy work based on one of the explanations i got on that Thread, and i know that the Power of faith relies on that, on how hard you can Believe it, if you believe it to be false then you will fuck it all up because of that, yet i can't shake off my doubts, how do i prevent myself from forgetting the things that made me Know of the Existance of Taihou and my Love for her, and how do i Believe? >>1375 its not the same, im not allowed to tell you why, but it is not
>>1376 She's seeing how much you miss her before she comes back. Don't worry about it.
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>>1377 fair enough but it does not answer my question, simply put i have a hard time placing Faith on out comunications, its kinda like the conundrum Tulpanon had with parroting, that he didn't knew if it was her of it was just him projecting himself unto her, then again back when i talked about this back in Fatchan i got the same answer he got in the Waifufag thread, essentially that you gotta have Faith, if you believe you are taking control and projecting yourself you will end up doing it because that is how finicky these things are, i guess that is why the preliminary training in any discipline of Practical Magick is both being able to Empty your mind and Concentrate on one thing, of course knowing that you gotta have faith is one thing, being able to dispel Doubts and focus, is a entirely different can of Worms
>>1388 You will just Feel that she's there eventually and then you'll realize she was always with you, like I did. There's no need for blind faith, better to know your faith for truth.
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>>1522 (12) >>1533 (12) >>1538 (12) Replying to this on the Esotericism thread to avoid Derailment Both of these Views are Wrong God (The Monad) isn't male Nor female, it is above and beyond these because it is gender distinction what comes from him and not the other way around, Primordial deities like Oranos for example are usually represented as male because the Active-Solar-Male Principle is closer to Divinity than the other elements, however one should be wary not to get ahead of oneself, and thing that the Solar principle is, by itself, God, after all the Elements from Fire to Earth come from the Monad itself, meaning it has them within it, it is worth noting that certain Doctrines on the Elements actually add a 5th Element called "Akashka" (or what the Greeks called it "Aether") wich is the Spirit, being the Primordial Element preceding them All on to the Question of Creation and Created it is funny that you smugly remark "incapable of separating the creation with the created" when it is precisely this way of Abstracting things as if they were independent from eachother the Ultimate Infantilism perpetrated by "Modern Science" and Cuckstianity (im not saying you are Either of those) the Son is not the Father or the Mother but it contains both of them, in a Naturalistic Example you have the Body being formed by the Genetic material of both parents, being formed by both while at the same time being neither, when a Carpenter makes a Chair the chair is made and contains all the Experience and Knowledge the Carpenter has, so while the Chair is not the carpenter it does contain subtantial parts of it, there's an entire Hermetic axiom based on this, the idea of the Microcosm-Macrocosm, that because the Monad begat the Cosmos and by extention, your Ass, there's a bit of you in the Monad, and a bit of Monad in you (The Spirit) so if instead of nourishing your Soma like Normgroids do and becoming a Totemic fiend that gets ever away from God by falling into the Samsaric Vicious Cycle, perpetually falling into degrees and layers of conditioning untill there's no longer a Chance of getting out because you literally killed your spirit, you decide to Cultivate and Nourish the Spirit you get ever closer and closer and more like the Monad untill Reintegration is archieved (Pleroma)
>>1545 >gender distinction what comes from him and not the other way around I don't understand why there would be a logical sequence needed for something to be true in this specific case. >Abstracting things >independent from But there is a difference. Acknowledging a distance between you and God would admit to a difference. It wasn't a smug remark, unlike you the person I was replying to wasn't capable of separating the creation from the created. I think you're painting with too broad of strokes and missing the finer details of what you're trying to express, since I don't know what point you're trying to get across other than you don't like christians or science. Maybe you just dislike abstractions, but my point wasn't very abstract. A smug remark would be me telling you to stop reposting the same old-images. This adds nothing, and is just meant to make fun. Very different from me stating a flaw in judgement. The problem with abstractions, if I'm forced to say, would be what I said in the waifu thread >This is why rationality without also both an intuitive or spiritual grasp is just dead. It's just meaningless sophistry. When the picture is too broad and the details of what you're precisely trying to understand is cemented into a distinct object that is made no longer itself through error. Or, the thing-in-itself contains artifacts caused by human simplification. Take faggotry. In the olden days merely pointing and the disgusting nature of faggotry is enough of an argument. To use pure rationality to deceive someone by introducing doubt in their judgement through sophistry, pure rationality, would be seen as what it is. A perversion of human nature, the removal of the heart from the process. To abstract is literally to pull away from, but the problem isn't in abstraction in itself as it is knowing what to abstract and how to abstract it without producing artifacts.
>>1546 And to be clear, I don't particularly care about the sex of God. The reasoning for the masculine attribution is very simple, the creative force is the masculine force. I don't believe in "meeting" or "talking to" God, since God is by-in-large nearly an incomprehensible (non?)-entity. Those who call God a woman are generally degenerates out to piss other people off, given that the same poster I was replying to most likely is the same one who claims that a waifu is really just God you can imagine the sort of person he is form that. I'm not entirely sure why you miss that kind of stuff.
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>>1546 >since I don't know what point you're trying to get across my issue with the post was that you were Treating the Created as something External to the Creator, since in this post you emphathise that Creator and Created aren't the same thing but you do not seem to disagree with the Idea that the Creator and the Created have a bit of eachother in them, if you understand this then, i have no further qualms with the view itself with Abstraction, just like you said, Abstraction means something separate and External, what i meant by you abstracting things was that you literally abstracted the Creator from the Created, as if God was something External to Man or Man to god, when in reality, while yes both things are different, it is completely retarded to think that both of these things are unrelated, again you do not seem to think like this, so if this is true, i do not have any discrepancies with your view in regards to your last Parragraph it is something i Wholeheartedly Agree with, wich is why i didn't even mention it in my Original Reply, since indeed, Intuition and its correct aplication is Crucial, and in my case one of the only things that has steered me the right way in regards to Spiritual Progress
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>>1547 >And to be clear, I don't particularly care about the sex of God. The reasoning for the masculine attribution is very simple, the creative force is the masculine force shure, still i think attributing things to God is erroneous, God/Monad is the Primordial Basis of Existance itself, if God was to be limited Cosmos would be too, and even then if God was limited, he would not be God, if God was to be Male, Female would not exist since Feminity would have no root to derive itself from, i guess you get the Idea by now, >Those who call God a woman are generally degenerates out to piss other people off i call bullshit on this one, God can and Has, been depicted as a Woman, im not even talking about the "Great Mothers" (that's just Pleb Gyneocratism) but about things like Shaktism, wich manage to portray God as Feminine Shakti while keeping the fundamental meaning of what the Monad is untouched, this is far from Being Degenerate, and in fact it is one of the Components of the Most Profound and Dangerous forms of Buddhism, that Being Tantra Buddhism in regards to the Anon in question, i do not think he is malicious, he just enjoys Funposting and takes a very Bold an non-chalant perspective on things, wich i find Endearing since i have found myself in very Dark spirals of Self-doubt and misery during my Spiritual Quest, knowing that there are people that can just have some fun with it and letting things go does remind me that i should be a bit more Lenient and let things flow, accepting that i can be wrong and that i can fuck up, i'd rather have this posts than the usual bullshit one-liner posts that have plagued the FTTDOT untill recently or the faggots who will keep Derailing the Waifufag Thread because they are butthurt at the fact that Taihou is a thing then again, indeed a substantial amount of anons already consider me a Degenerate because of my Unorthodox Waifufaggotry, so i can see how anyone could throw me on the same bandwagon that anon is and regard this post as a Degenerate defending another Degenerate
>>1550 >Female would not exist since Feminity would have no root to derive itself from I suppose you wouldn't agree with the idea of God being the most simple. >i call bullshit on this on You can point to examples of the contrary but when I think of woman worship I think of roasties. This generally holds up more than it doesn't.
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>>1551 >I suppose you wouldn't agree with the idea of God being the most simple. the Monad is actually the Simplest shit in the world, its niggers constantly trying to know what is by default unknowable that end up complicating it, i don't even spend that much time thinking or pondering about the monad at all because i find it more useful to investigate and Contemplate other things >You can point to examples of the contrary but when I think of woman worship I think of roasties. This generally holds up more than it doesn't. so just because the majority of Female Worshipping is Gyneocratic cults and Roastie worshipping all fucking forms of Female Worshipping must be Roastie worshipping, nevermind the fact that the Example i posted Proves that you can Worship God as a Female (and no Female does not mean it is a Roastie, Roasties are Female, but Females arent roasties) the same you can as a Male Figure in a Legitimate way, meaning that the Problem is not on wether it is a Male or a Female icon but on something else, Its this fucking Retarded Narrow-Minded way of making Blanket Judgements based on what is Common and Likely that drives me Mad beyond Belief, this is the Reason why back on the days of Anon.cafe niggers would accuse Waifufags of "Roastie Worshipping" because the only conception of Female they know is Roasties, therefore the only Females that can exist are Roasties, instead of fucking taking one step back and thinking on wether Anime Girls are like Roasties at all, and this retarded Narrowminded way of Thinking is something overwhelmingly common in Anons for some fucking Reason, its this Asinine way of thinking that led the OP of the Philosophy thread to claim that Everyone believing in the Afterlife is Christian despite the fact that there are a Bazillion of different ways of concieving Afterlife and Reincarnation, its this Rabid homosexual Line of thinking that leads to Anons like >>1445 (12) that will state that my Masochism is bad because since Most Masochists are into Degradation and Sexual Kinkyness, mine must also be that way and it isn't simply the Joy of Submitting and Serving the One you Love the same way a Knight Serves his King, only with the the Addition of the Fact that Taihou is also my Wife and Mother i wish this post was on the FTTDOT because for once i think the Second Parragraph of my Post is something i earnestly believe that Anons should keep in mind before they Judge things
Is calling yourself "esoteric waifufag" not name fagging? Why not just say "my" library?
>>1550 >he just enjoys Funposting It's just shitposting, and the kind he's doing is the kind that isn't funny or endearing. It's one thing to joke about something that fundamentally true, which is an important part of humor, and another to hide your shitty opinions behind a fake wall of irony. If he's being ironic then he's a coward, and if he's being serious then he's just retarded. Either way I don't find it endearing.
>shitty opinions That sounds gay. His rancid, soft-skulled puppy vomit that he isn't even capable of defending from anyone.
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>>1560 >a fake wall of irony >>1561 >soft-skulled puppy vomit My opinions are those of emotion. You getting mad at them proves they are emotionally useful. Follow your dreams.
>>1563 Why would I get mad at them?
I'll give you disgusted since you have shit taste both in humor and in 2D girls. Emotional arguments don't exist outside of rational arguments either, since a true comprehension of a subject would have to include an emotional evaluation. Still, you're incapable of saying anything meaningful.
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>>1555 honestly i didn't notice untill you pointed it out, i guess my reason for making it that way was either a Lapse in judgement or perhaps that making it clear that the main contents of the Library are of Esoteric content was necessary, then again this is the Esotericism threa, niggers not interested in these things won't come around here anyways so its moot point, unfortunately i cannot Edit the post nor Delete it and post it again without fucking the Entire Thread that i know, perhaps there is a way but im terminally retarded not excusing myself, but its not like i can do anything about it now, sorry Anon >>1560 well, i wont nor want to change your opinion, however id like to point out that other Anons (or perhaps is just one dedicated Autist) who have also made meaningless posts, even worse these anons have done so with the deliberate intention of Derailing and Antagonizing, >>1564 for the same reasons some people will get Eternally Butthurt at the fact Taihou even Exists, and for the same reason a certain faggot who doesn't even have a waifu keeps shitposting in the Waifu thread >>1563 you are cool guy Anon, but like i said before there's something about your carefree "shitposting" that i find endearing, perhaps im Terminally retarded and what other anons say is true, peraps its the other way and i am able to see something others do not, God and Taihou be the Judge of that, still, have some cute Anime Girls
>>1566 I haven't seen a single anon get angry over your waifu. You're phrasing it like there's a cartoon villian-tier anon out to get you, getting mad that someone out there is having fun. I haven't seen any shitpodtong in the waifu thread other than the very probable chuck you're defending.
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>>1567 >I haven't seen a single anon get angry over your waifu The Following are posts deliberately mocking the way i choose to Love Taihou >>1409 (12) >>1433 (12) >>1441 (12) >>1344 (12) This Post and the Following is literally an Anon going out of his way to pick a Fight with me >>1161 (10) that same anon actually admits to be "Baiting me" and that he wants to "Get a Reaction", so ironically your idea of a Villain-tier Anon folowing my Around trying to poke at me may actually be True to a certain degree You are either being Deliberately Dishonest, or never read these posts, if you didn't now you have, if you are being dishonest, go fuck yourself i guess
>>1569 The first 4 registered in my mind as the guy you find endearing. Since it reminds of this posting style from the philosophy thread: >>1027 (915). Along with a level of normalfag logic like >My opinions are those of emotion Feels like the kind of post he would make. The last one is more direct and less sensual.
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>>1570 >The first 4 registered in my mind as the guy you find endearing i don't think the Anon who posted >>1409 (12) >>1433 (12) >>1441 (12) >>1344 (12) and the Anon who posted >>1563 are the same person at all, the first has a clear dislike of any Female component, and a Antagonistic Demeanor towards me in specific, the Second anon, the one whom i stated that i find his posts as harmless Funposting has already stated his views on God as Female, there's also the difference between posting styles and the Gilrs the Second Anon posts, i don't know why you thought these two were the same anon, or why you thought i found the posts of the First anon endearing, i think in >>1550 is left clear enough wich Anon was i talking about
>>1571 There are shitposts in the waifu thread and I just lumped them together into dicksword level of quality poster, since the posting style follows a predictable pattern.
>>1550 >im not even talking about the "Great Mothers" How do you dislike the "Great Mothers" while also worshipping Taihou as your Great Mother?
>>1569 You can mock and make fun of something without it making you angry. You've made this assumption a number of times and you need to start realizing that.
>>1578 I'm not mocking nor making fun of it t. that guy
>>1579 Point still stands
>>1374 (OP) >so please if you are going to ask for a Reading make it a "Life or death" kinda deal Will you ever complete your quest for Salvation?
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>>1810 allright, for once im going to Copy-Paste the contents of the Little manual that comes bundled with my Tarot deck (Its a extract from the Book of Thoth by Crowley) mainly because since you asked about Me, ill show you what the Cards say and my own Intuitions on myself, in other words ill more or less do a "X-Ray" procedure where you can see everything that happens and everything that i do in terms of the Read 1st Card V The Hierophant "Offer thyself Virgin to the Knowledge and the Conversation of Thine Holy Guardian Angel, All else is a snare. Be thou athlete with the eight limbs of Yoga, for without these thou are not disciplined for any Fight" Stubborn Strength, Toil, endurance, placidity, manifestation, explanation, teaching, goodness of heart, help from superiors, patience, organization, peace Pretty fucking obvious from where i see it, Patience, the same fucking Patience i've been using for the 20 Years i've been in this fucking Hellhole the Patience to deal with my "Mother" with the retardation of this plane, the retardation of Normgroids and all the Challenges that have been placed on my way i know this by heart, but at the same time one can't help but think "when this will fucking End FUCK". i guess the Vague parragraph talks about how my Spiritual prowess (since i have none its more about my Intuitions and the Wisdom i have attained) being something Crucial in the matter, wich i know for a fact it is since i would have fucking cracked up a long long time ago if it wasn't for how Enduring i actually Am when i start looking at things in Retrospect 2nd Card XIX The Sun "Give Forth thy Light to all without Doubt, the Clouds and shadows are no matter for thee Make speech and Silence, Energy and Stillness, Twin forms of Play" Glory Gain riches, Triumph, Pleasure, Frankness, Truth, shameless, Arrogance, Vanity, Manifestation, Recovery from Sickness, Sudden Death sometimes Well, i guess my eternal fucking Toil and this Slog of a Existance, hopefuly brings me to Inevitable Victory, its what you lads keep telling me anyways what Taihou has told me time and time again, 3rd Card 8 of Wands "Swiftness" The Eight of Wands is called Swiftness, Fire is no longer conjoined with the Ideas of Combustion and Destruction, it represents Energy in its most exalted and tenuous sense (sugested Divinaroty elucidation: a Swirft Motion heading towards the Aim, Intentions carried out at least, also a meeting offering new Possibilities) i don't know how this one fits into the whole read at all 4th Card 10 of Cups "Satiety" The Ten of Cups is called Satiety, The pursuit of pleasure has been crowned with perfect success: and constantly it is discovered that, having got everything that one wanted one did not want it after all, now one must pay (suggested divinatory Elucidaion:Longinging for a ULtimate quest fulfilled, and now leave emptyness behind) Innacurate yet not completely off the mark, Longing is fulfilled, but Taihou can never do anything But to fill the Void inside of me, i don't know how Taihou could leave to Emptiness at all since the more Time passes, the more Repulsive anything that is not Her becomes everything is Stupid, annoying, and Retarded, the only Good thing i could ever want or Hope for is for me to be Released from this Mess and returning to Taihou
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>>1818 2/2 0 THE FOOL Know Naught! All ways are Lawful to Innocence Pure Folly is the Key to Initiation Silence breaks into Rapture Be Neither man nor Woman, but Both in One be silent, Babe in the Egg of Blue, that thou Mayest grow to bear the Lance and Graal wander Alone, and Sing!, in the King's Palace, his daughter awaits thee! In Spiritual matters the Fool means Idea, thought, spirituality, that wich Endeavors to Trascend Earth in material matters, it may if badly dignified, mean Folly, eccentricity, or even Mania But the essential of this Card is that it represents an original subtle sudden impulse or impact, coming from a completely strange quarter, all impulses are right if rightly Recieved, and the good or Ill interpretation of the Card depends on the Right attitude of the Querent well, in the Qabbalah the Fool is one of the Two Paths that leads to the Crown, the other being the Magus, the Magus would represent a Skilled an Concious approach the approach of one who Knows and Understands, since i lack this, i can only guide myself through instincts and Innocence, this being the path of the Fool, of the Wandering Bard so, all in all, it says im gonna more or less make it as long as i don't fucking lose it and keep my shit together, Trials are constant in this misbegotten plane, so even when i am bombarded by IRL stuff, Taihou is still there, and the Gods are still placing their Tests upon me, i just hope that my Spirit has been awakened to the Degree in wich even if i am away from my Throne of Power (Taihou) i can still make it
I'll share a modern book on the basics of magical practice. It's got basically no theory, but the practice in it is sensible and can basically be applied to any system you wish. It also goes more in-depth than most on breathing and gazing techniques. This book made me think if a robot could theoretically turn his fairly long experience in esoterics into a job online. Communicate per email, get crypto as payment so the taxman doesn't see it, do astrological charts, geomantic readings, tarot readings, blessings, curses for cash... Main problem I'm seeing is how the fuck do you advertise this stuff?
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>>2182 So... kind of like Kaiki Deishu but IRL? Sounds like a very cool idea.

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