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The forgotten art of convenience Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 20:52:23 Id: 3f5a6e No. 1013849 >>1015253 >>1015256 >>1032049 >>1055323 >>1055521
So I got a sudden urge to play Runescape (2007scape, it should go without saying) again after however many years. Didn't have anything spectacular in mind, mostly just wanted to fuck about in Lumbridge, murder a few chickens, chop a few trees, basically just live out the experience of being a noob again for shits and giggles. Now, back in the day, all you needed in order to start playing was to go to the website, open the game, click "new account", come up with a username and a password, and you were good to go. Upon trying to set up an account, this was my experience: >Game is no longer browser based, you have to download a client to even run it >Click to make new account >Game opens up my web browser >Have to enter account info there, can no longer do so in the game window >Click to make new account >Get redirected like, 4 times >Have to fill out captcha not once, but twice >Have to give an e-mail address, game no longer accepts usernames >Don't feel like giving my actual e-mail address >Make throwaway Gmail account >Enter it in >Webpage decides I've put in "too many requests" and blocks me from finishing the process >Attempt to finish signing up on my phone browser >Blocked on there as well >After an hour or so, decide to try again >Get redirected multiple times, again >Have to fill out multiple captchas, again >Finally am able to finish creating the account >Open up client >Enter in the email I just signed up with >"New accounts must use the Jagex Launcher" >Have to download an entire launcher, alongside the client, in order for the game to allow me to connect >Decide it's no longer worth it and give up the attempt When and why did simple convenience become such a no-no in the gaming world? Why is all this bullshit involved with something as simple as setting up an account, that benefits absolutely no-one and serves no purpose but to hinder and infuriate people who just want to play the fucking game? It's not just Runescape, either. Almost every game you come across now requires some sort of sign up that requires forking over email addresses, signing up for special accounts, whatever. Then, years later, these companies have a security breach, and whoops, all your accounts and e-mail addresses or whatever are out there in the hands of whomever, because these companies apparently absolutely NEEDED to have them, for some reason, just to let you play a 30 year old game for a few hours. And before anyone starts saying "It's to deter bots", no, no it absolutely is not. Anyone who has ever played free to play Runescape for more than 5 seconds will tell you that free to play is absolutely filled to the brim with bots, to the point where the game becomes borderline unplayable for legitimate players on more populated worlds. Anyone who has played for any length of time can tell you that Jagex absolutely, positively, does not give a FUCK about getting rid of bots or doing anything to solve or address the bot problem. Anyone trying to tell you that all these extra steps are some attempt on their part to try and deter these people (who probably have automated programs that do the entire signup process for them anyway) is completely delusional. So, I guess the TL;DR version of my post is: What is the point of all these extra steps in the signup process for pretty much everything? Why is a simple username and password not sufficient anymore?
>>1013925 aka spying on you.
>And before anyone starts saying "It's to deter bots", no, no it absolutely is not. Anyone who has ever played free to play Runescape for more than 5 seconds will tell you that free to play is absolutely filled to the brim with bots, to the point where the game becomes borderline unplayable for legitimate players on more populated worlds. The answer is still that's it's to counter bots, it's just not effective at accomplishing it. The answer isn't to have zero spam mitigation, the answer is to improve spam mitigation.
>>1013942 It's there to sell private information for $$$.
>>1013849 (OP) >Make throwaway Gmail account Doesn't that require a phone number these days? That's another thing I miss, not having to use 2-factor authentication for everything.
>>1013849 (OP) >What is the point of all these extra steps in the signup process for pretty much everything? Why is a simple username and password not sufficient anymore? Like other Anons are saying, to deter bots (Which it doesn't do an effective job of) and to collect your data for the purposes of selling it. More than anything, it also exists to waste your time if you're using a VPN or have your browser equipped with addons like uMatrix.
>>1013849 (OP) Corporate bodging using duct-tape fu instead of overhauling. Slapping an extra module as needed is always cheaper than a complete rewrite.
>>1054991 Unless you're paying for it and being sold.
>>1054999 Unless it's free and open source
>>1055000 Audacity still collects telemetry on you.
>>1055043 do (You) use Audacity?
>>1055043 Just block Audacity in firewall.
>>1055043 Which is why you should be using Tenacity instead. https://codeberg.org/tenacityteam/tenacity
>>1055312 >codeberg I dunno Anon, sounds a bit Jewish, like Scriptstein or Pythowitz.
>>1013849 (OP) Trying to relieve the past always ends up with you being bitter. This is not 2007 anymore. The people who play these games are not the same, and the way you approach the game isn’t the same. The internet as a whole is a shadow of what it was then. I’m not niggerpilling here. I’m talking from experience. Most times you end up staining those precious memories.
>>1055323 It's like every fucking sperg has an alliance to see who's the most thinskinned faggot, they're aware yet they don't want to be left out.
>>1055461 Jenna Sterling in xer 2000 pound glory supplexing a 90 lbs petite amateur women is pure entertainment, moreso than back in xer game review era.
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>>1013849 (OP) >download game >have to agree to EULA >have to close multiple seasonal event popups that haven't been actually active in years >have to find and install mods to make it not run like shit >have to find and install QoL mods cause the game maker was into CBT All while having to wait through company logo intros every time on startup
>>1055480 He looks like a tranny Uncle Fester.
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>>1055323 no. just pirated counter-strike: source and zombie mod is alive and well.
>>1055530 >He looks like a tranny Uncle Fester. Uncle Molester.

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