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Traditional Roguelikes Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 17:11:09 Id: 45da3f No. 1027602 >>1027829 >>1027849
Thread for discussion of traditional roguelikes: >share screenshots, characters, & runs / stories Traditional Roguelikes DCSS (Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup) https://crawl.develz.org/download.htm ADOM https://www.adom.de/home/downloads.html Brogue https://github.com/tmewett/BrogueCE/releases Dwarf Fortress (LNP) https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=7622 Rogue https://github.com/mikeyk730/Rogue-Collection Nethack https://nethack.org/v367/downloads.html Angband https://rephial.org/ TGGW (The Ground Gives Way) https://www.thegroundgivesway.com/download/ Infra Arcane (Infra Arcana) https://sites.google.com/site/infraarcana/home Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead: https://cataclysmdda.org/ DoomRL https://drl.chaosforge.org/downloads Rogue Fable III: https://armorgames.com/rogue-fable-iii-game/18602 IVAN: https://attnam.com/projects Recommendations: Elona, TOME, Caves of Qud, Cogmind, Elona, Zorbus, Rogue Fable IV, Path of Achra, Rift Wizard, Golden Krone Hotel, Jupiter Hell
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If you want to share a run, remember to reply to this Rouge the Bat.
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There's also a game called Barony. (It's okay to discuss Barony here, for the record; it's an okay multiplayer game).
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Genres: If you like guns (modern + sci-fi): Infra Arcana + Caves of Cud (like Fallout) + DoomRL + Jupiter Hell + Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead (the zombie game) If you want to play as a robot: Cogmind
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If you want to play as an anime girl ElonaPlus (I think Elona Custom is translated) https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCustom-GX -- https://elona.fandom.com/f/p/2749329982882108178
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You can also play a redhead anime girl in Tangledeep (but there's no customization besides things like naming your character).
How is Moonring? It looks really interesting but I've never gotten around to playing it. Does anybody have a link? I know it's free but I don't wanna install Steam because I'm a stubborn bastard.
>>1027663 I don't have a link, sadly.
>>1027664 And I don't need one! I did a little digging and it turns out the game is also on Itch. https://dene.itch.io/moonring God bless that weirdo little platform.
>>1027627 Elona plus also has shit like this while also being extremely grindy compared to original Elona. Also the guy who made elona plus introduced a retarded pissing mechanic and nerfed a bunch of shit that he feels "Overpowered" to make people grind more in that shit.
I like the idea of roguelikes but when I try to play them I go like 20 minutes and then get killed and feel like I suck and that I should stop trying :(
>>1027816 Sounds like real life.
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Any word on the new Titty Ninja game?
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>>1027602 (OP) I fucking hate rogue likes and randomized content that adds "Difficulty". RNJesus is not difficulty. I fucking hate deck builders that don't actually let me fucking edit a deck at the end of a run. What's the point of getting cards in a run if I can't keep them and create a better deck. WHY DO I HAVE TO RESTART WITH A BASIC STARTER DECK?! However, I do like Divinity Chronicals. Provided I cheat by giving myself infinite energy. Then it becomes fun as I fling card after card at an opponent.
>>1027829 This sounds like you've only played shitty indie "roguelite" deckbuilding faggotry. Have you played a proper roguelike like one of the ones listed in the OP? Play a couple runs of Nethack, ADOM, Angband or TOME and get some hair on your sack before you mouth off like this in a thread about real games that aren't just bucking a trend.
>>1027627 https://rentry.org/8vkaw This is a copypasta I found a few years back from cuckchan /jp/ which was the only place that really kept up with Elona, it has pre-patched download links for both the best Elona+ and Omake versions of the games that people play. Custom GX is probably recommended for a beginner since it's significantly easier than the Omakes which are based off the OG game >>1027729 This may or may not be ignored/fixed in Custom GX. I know for a fact that when I played it 2 or so years back they removed all thirst mechanics entirely, so I'm not sure. Either way these days I'd probably be more interested in the oomSESTepNC version of the Omake anyway, South Tyris and all the extra content is kinda sparse and pointless anyway. Also Elona+ takes away your ability to craft throwable panties with the tailoring skill, which is absolutely criminal
>>1027602 (OP) How is this game for those who've played it?
>>1027849 It's on my wishlist. I like that the dev put his foot down and said no to homosex in his game about family lineage. Remove those review bombs from his Steam score and the results are Very Positive. >>1027622 I really have to get into Jupiter Hell. I really enjoyed DoomRL by the same dev before it was aborted. >>1027635 I have Tangledeep on the Switch and it runs and controls great. I really like this game even though I suck at it. I can't even get that far with the most basic easy-to-use build. >>1027663 Moonring is great. I'm not sure it counts as a rogue-like though? I only played it briefly but it does conversation trees in an interesting way where certain words are highlighted and you type those words into chat to get to a new branch of dialogue. >>1027827 No news yet but I'm waiting with bated breath. Izuna is just so fucking cute.
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Here are a few more I missed: Sil-Q: https://github.com/sil-quirk/sil-q/releases Shadow of the Wyrm: https://www.shadowofthewyrm.org/downloads.html Demon: http://demon.ferretdev.org/ There's also Shattered Pixel Dungeon & Dungeonmans & & The Curse of Yendor & UnReal World & Rift Wizard 2. This is pretty much all the traditional roguelikes people ever play. There's also Fatal Labyrinth on the Sega Genesis. >>1027882 Rogue also recently released on Switch. I would say Rogue & Barony & Tangledeep are the only worthwhile traditional roguelikes to play on Switch. Ultimate ADOM is on Switch, but nobody likes Ultimate ADOM (and apparently it crashes).
I know it's not the point of the thread, but over time I have found myself enjoying roguelites more and more. I think it's because I like tinkering with builds and having random/emergent situations. Keeps it feeling fresh. I've also been moving away from turn-based tile games because it tends to be a slog to move through several turns (eg exploring).
>>1027901 >I know it's not the point of the thread That's fine. What have you been playing?
>>1027903 For a while I was playing Starsector (not a RL) and Quasimorph (early access), then took a bit of a break, and played Slay the Spire again and then binged Noita For a traditional RL, I haven't kept up in years, like before DF moved to Steam
Oh actually I had an idea You know how the games usually have a bones.txt file that keeps track of previous runs, to either encounter as a ghost/zombie or gravestone? Are there any games where your previous character becomes a boss?
>>1028213 >Are there any games where your previous character becomes a boss? I am certain I played a few with this. Can't name any atm though.
>>1028213 Dragon's Dogma but it's your ng+ character meeting the previous save's character and not a permadeath type of deal
>>1028213 DCSS, Nethack, ADOM, & Demon might have features where you can fight a ghost of your older characters (I think).
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> 1028295 You're trying too hard.
Is this the fabled "ragebait"?
Was thinking of getting Jupiter Hell, since I enjoyed DRL so much, is it still just as good ,even without the IP backing?
>>1028220 Let it Die, if you count that as a Rogue-Like. IIRC, if you die, your old character becomes a sort of mini-boss that you have to fight in order to get back your old gear.
I like Dungeons of Dredmor. It has a lolsorandom goofy type of humor, but somehow it still works for me. My first baby roguelike was Pokemon Mystery Dungeo on the DS. I call it a baby roguelike because even though it has the turn-based tile-based gameplay there is no permadeath. You lose your current loot and money, but everything that was stashed in the base remains. It's a good introduction to the genre and the story was surprisingly good for a Pokemon spin-off. Along the way sometimes a defeated pokemon might offer to join your team, so you can recruit more and more team member to pick on your missions. The entire game is based around quests: you pick up a quest from the job board which requires you to go into a dungeon and reach a certain floor, rescue a certain pokemon, or deliver a certain item. Quests are randomly generated, but there are also fixed main quests that progress the story.
>>1028365 PMD Explorers is outstanding. I haven't played Blue Rescue Team yet but I'm strongly considering getting it and playing it soon if I can find a good deal on it.
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Two other games I didn't mention are called Approaching Infinity & Xenomarine. >>1028350 Jupiter Hell is okay. There's going to be a Jupiter Hell Classic soon that will be more like DoomRL later. (I think you can play the demo?)
What makes a roguelike traditional instead of a regular roguelike?
>>1028411 Rogue-Like has permadeath, more in line with games like Fatal Labyrinth while Rogue-lites (or just modern "rogue-like" with how loose the genre definitions have become) typically have some kind of progression system where you lose everything except your levels/perks or whatever you have stored in the town bank (Chocobo Mystery Dungeon, Shiren, Izuna, etc). But here's a question - can dungeon crawlers be considered rogue-likes/lites? If a game like Baroque can be considered a Rogue-Lite, then could a game like Dungeon Hack (which has perma-death) be considered a Rogue-Like?
>>1028411 There's the "Berlin Interpretation". 1. Random environment generation >The game uses random dungeon generation to increase replayability. 2. Permadeath >The game uses permadeath. Once a character dies, the player must begin a new game, known as a "run", which will regenerate the game's levels anew due to procedural generation. 3. Turn-based >Each command corresponds to a single action/movement. The game is not sensitive to time, you can take your time to choose your action. 4. Grid-based >The world is represented by a uniform grid of tiles. Monsters (and the player) take up one tile, regardless of size. 5. Non-modal >in that every action should be available to the player regardless of where they are in the game. The Interpretation notes that shops like in Angband do break this non-modality. 6. Complexity >The game has a degree of complexity due to the number of different game systems in place that allow the player to complete certain goals in multiple ways, creating emergent gameplay. 7. Resource Management >The player must use resource management to survive 8. Hack n Slash >The game is focused on hack and slash-based gameplay, where the goal is to kill many monsters, and where other peaceful options do not exist. 9. Exploration >The game requires the player to explore the world, and discover the purpose of unidentified items. Low value factors: >The game is based on controlling only a single character throughout one playthrough. >Monsters have behavior that is similar to the player-character, such as the ability to pick up items and use them, or cast spells. >The game aimed to provide a tactical challenge that may require players to play through several times to learn the appropriate tactics for survival. >The game involves exploring dungeons which are made up of rooms and interconnecting corridors. Some games may have open areas or natural features, such as rivers, though these are considered against the Berlin Interpretation. >The game presents the status of the player and the game through numbers on the game's screen/interface. >ASCII Display >Dungeons >Numbers (like hitpoints) There are other sets of criteria. By definition, it means a game like Rogue. https://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Berlin_Interpretation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roguelike https://blog.roguetemple.com/roguelike-definition/roguelikeness-factors/
>>1028418 Modern -lites also feature metaprogression, eg feat/skill/item/perk/biome unlocks, but those aren't proper RLs. They scratch an itch for me, though
>>1028213 >Are there any games where your previous character becomes a boss? ToME does that in the arena mode, where your last winner is the current final boss. There's also a boss that summons your clone, and random chronomancy anomalies that can make both friendly and enemy clones of you.
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What is a good option that doesn't instantly overwhelm you with matrix tables and walls of text?
>>1028663 Barony, as mentioned in the thread already. There's a basic tutorial you can do and some more advanced ones for specific mechanics, but most of it can be easily learned on the fly. Has a lot of class variety to approach the game from, too, while still being relatively freeform with what you can use and level on characters.
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>>1027901 Piggybacking off of this for a bit, which FPSroguelitewtfbbq should I pick up next, Roboquest or Ziggurat 2? I liked Ziggurat 1 but it got a bit repetitive after a while, a lot of runs just kind of blended together. Also, have any of you ever tried Gunfire Reborn? I've had someone recommend it to me, but it's chinkshit and the gameplay didn't look all that special to me. Getting back on topic, what's your favorite kind of pre-run customization? In dejewsharacter creation, pre-made characters/classes, a set of starting items or nothing at all? >>1027890 I've played Shattered Pixel Dungeon a while ago, as a phone game it was surprisingly fun.
>>1028828 Is Ziggy 2 good? Loved the first game, tried to play 2 but it kept crashing after clearing the first level. I only know Roboquest because there's really good clang (♂) of the robots.
>>1028834 Slightly better than the first from what I vaguely recall.
>>1027882 For some reason the gaming media reported on Moonring as a roguelike even though it's literally not one at all. Moonring is a traditional CRPG in the style of games like Ultima and Wasteland. I guess it's a roguelike in the sense it resembles the actual game Rogue?
>>1030147 Or the gaming media is retarded and doesn't understand basic genres or vidya history enough to delineate between a rogue-like and a CRPG throwback. I'm guessing journos are retarded, and advocate that they all be mocked until they cry and then mocked for crying.
would you consider quasimorph a roguelike?
>>1030260 Roguelite at best.
>>1030331 why not >top down grid >simulturn-based >stats and items >permadeath
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>>1030590 That's not top-down.
>>1030590 turns doko?
>>1030586 >>top down grid Technically, yeah. >>simulturn-based Yep. >>stats and items So vague as to be meaningless. >>permadeath No. You lose that specific avatar and their inventory and equipped items, but your resources/location/story progression/etc. all persist. In effect death is just a skill and gear penalty, nothing more.
How is that Soulash game? Anyone try that out?
>>1030649 >but your resources/location/story progression/etc. all persist. In effect death is just a skill and gear penalty, nothing more. so like tome?
>>1030590 The Sims has permadeath?
>>1027604 >boulder >boulder >boulder >funnybones >boulder >boulder >boulder >mimic >funnybones >boulder >boulder the coop is the only saving grace. if you guys want an actual fun roguelike try Devil Spire, barony fucking sucks unless you're doing it with friends.
Nothing compares to Halls of Torment
Anyone tried the demo of HE IS COMING? Are games like Tiny Rogues ,Brutal Orchestra & forgotten mines considered to be rougelite indieshit?
>>1027604 >>1030769 Tell me more about Barony, it's on sale for cheap on the Switch at the moment and I'm kind of interested.
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>>1027663 I'm playing this at the moment, I'm doing the first Relic Dungeon. Why are they so big? What the fuck. I literally ran out of food before I was even halfway down. The dungeons are all pretty manageable then all of a sudden it wants you to do 6 dungeons in a row. >>1027882 Moonring is a roguelike in the very traditional sense, as said it's literally like Rogue. It's a very classic Berlin Interpretation view of a roguelike. Modern gamers would probably consider it a dungeon crawler.
>>1028367 Welp, I finished the main story in PMD Blue Rescue Team. Unfortunately the story and main content was nowhere near as good as Explorers, I don't really feel motivated to try the postgame content as a result. Gameplay seems similar enough to Explorers so I can't complain too much, but I still preferred what I had in Explorers, ah well. It was still a decent game, but not anything too crazy or special, felt like it needed a lot more meat on its bones. In Explorers I beat basically everything besides the Zero Isles, but this one I just have no real desire to go as far, doesn't help that I don't get as many pokemon as in Explorers.
>>1027663 Combat revolves around mashing WASD into mobs until they die. Couldn't get into it.
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Anybody here have any thoughts on Elin? It just went into EA on Steam but apparently it's had alphas/betas out since the kickstarter started. I bought it but Here's a download for the EA version I stole from cuckchan /jp/ https://gofile.io/d/JiSjhh although you might need a Steam emulator to get around the DRM. I gotta say, holy shit this is the vanilla Elona experience but with much deeper gameplay, much comfier graphics (and that's saying something), and much more bullshit I just got outta the Puppy Cave and got my cooler box and it feels like I'm rediscovering what it felt like to play Elona the first time not knowing shit about shit >it's clear that Noa really wanted to flesh out the crafting system from the start seeing as how important it is in Elin >now instead of a house, you get an entire plot of land to build a village/slave plantation/cult compound <Surprise nigger! Hostile monsters just show up at your home and fuck shit up now >Early game is REALLY punishing, even more than the Omakes that I've played. Hell, probably even more than vanilla Elona >Your need for sleep/stamina is pitiful in the beginning, you can gather/craft like maybe 2 or 3 things before you need to sleep upon starting a new game >seeing as how it's a prequel (I think?) the map is pretty much the same as North Tyris from Elona but with minor but somewhat significant changes. There's no Vernis, for example >In fact, for being a prequel it really feels like a re-do of vanilla Elona. Then again I'm not that far in the main quest at all (it's not even finished I don't think <If you were in any way used to the classic roguelike control scheme/keybinds of Elona, there's gonna be some teething problems with Elin. Pretty much all of the GUI is mouse driven, and the keybinds you do have for actions in the world are pretty limited. I don't really want to list this as a negative but it's been pissing me off the whole time having to re-learn how to do things like use, eat, offer or throw items <furthermore, while the isometric sprite work looks really nice to me, the perspective kind of fucks with me in terms of finding NPCs. In dungeons it's not really a problem, honestly, I've never gotten hit much less killed by an enemy that I can't see due to the perspective putting terrain in the way, but trying to simply click on a guard in town for directions is annoying when I approach him, he steps behind a wall and all of a sudden WHERE IS THIS FAGGOT? FUCK >taxes are back and they're just oppressive as ever. I had to give up on my first go at the 1st floor of the Puppy Cave just because I realized that I had 1 day before my second tax bill came in to run back to base and craft as many fucking wooden desks and chairs as I could just to not fall behind on paying my taxes for the last month. I haven't visited Derphy yet but I don't want to risk having to live amongst syphilis-ridden whores in my early game >Little Girl is still the best pet but she's really squishy, even moreso than me and I'm an archer >Oh, this is actually interesting: remember how, in order to get a really good bed early on in Elona you had to join the Thieves guild to get the pickpocket skill and steal the king's bed in Palmia? Well now there's these things called Furniture Tickets. When you do notice board quests in a city, you gain Influence in that city. With enough Influence, you can buy Furniture Tickets, which allow you to take one piece of furniture in that city. Don't want to have to go to the southeast corner of the map to pay taxes? Trade a ticket and take the tax box home with you, there's even a magic box right next to where you get it to automatically transport it to your mailbox at home >On that note, there's now fast travel where you trade food/rations to instantly go to a city you've been to before but I'm not sure how to do it yet, I just saw that you could on the wiki >Being an archer, ranged weapons work different now than melee ones. Melee weapons you just equip, and if you're not holding onto any weapon/tool in your hotbar you'll attack with it (there's even an auto attack if you right click). However, ranged weapons specifically need to be placed on your hot bar. My character is an archer with a shitty crafted bow on my hot bar that I shoot with and a shitty axe that I found in my hand but I have no idea how to alternate between the two. Auto attack always uses my bow. >Also, there's limited ammo now instead of just an ammo item equip, you craft arrows/bolts/bullets and you need to reload after a set number of shots. Yes, you read that right, you need to reload your wooden short bow after taking 12 shots. It takes 1 turn. Not really a problem in combat honestly. Maybe it's like refilling your quiver? idk Anyway those are just some initial thoughts I have. I've been glued to it for like 6 hours total today and just finished the Puppy Cave quest (you get the puppy as a personal pet on completion this time, btw) so if nothing else there's a lot of mileage to get outta the game. I'm not really sure what to think insofar as better/worse than classic Elona (vanilla/plus/omake differences notwithstanding). Honestly, I'm just hoping at some point I'll get to find my waifu Shena and marry her and we can work in the same tavern and play the Stradivarius together
>>1035365 oh by the way, here's the wiki. It's pretty limited but honestly it's damn near necessary just to play the game just like Elona, really https://ylvapedia.wiki/
>>1035365 > just went into EA on Steam EA as in Electronic Arts? I dont get it.
>>1035373 Early Access
never got into elona(+)/elin dont see the appeal just feels like worse and more weaboo cataclysm
>>1035448 A friend recently gifted me elin. (I might check it out soon).
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Thoughts on XLarn? I have it in my Steam library but I don't remember buying it.
>>1055526 It doesn't seem that significant like the others, tbh. I've read the reviews and that is the impression I got.
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>>1028417 Stop. Just fucking play a roguelike and that's all you need to know what one is. Why has the name of an obscure 1980's game for the VAX-11 become so coveted? I don't even know what to search for to see new roguelikes nowadays. Pic. rel are some of the games that pop up on the "Traditional Roguelike" tag on steam - not even just the "Roguelike" tag. Games that are apparently like "Rogue" include FPSs, card games, twin stick shooters, third person shooters, top-down hack and slash, coop party, bullet hell, sports. If you're a modern/young person who likes "roguelikes", what games do you actually like? The modern defenition seems to cover literally every single type of game. If you told me you liked racing games I wouldn't suggest Ratchet and Clank 2 because it has hoverbike racing. At this point Super Mario Bros may as well fit the definition of "Roguelike" because it has permadeath and randomness from the Hammer Bros, Bullet Bills, and Bowser. Also, how come Metroidvanias didn't get such treatment? All games tagged Metroidvania seem to look like they have similar playstyles. How come there aren't any Metroidvania card games?
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Here is a list of games conventionally appropriate for OP: Rogue Nethack Angband Sil-Q Moria ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery) DCSS (Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup) TOME (Tales of Maj'Eyal) TGGW (The Ground Gives Way) Brogue CDDA (Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead) IVAN Zorbus Rogue Fable III & Rogue Fable IV Caves of Qud Cogmind Path of Achra Rift Wizard & Rift Wizard 2 Golden Krone Hotel DoomRL Jupiter Hell Infra Arcana Shadow of the Wyrm Fatal Labyrinth Tangledeep Moonring The Curse of Yendor Caverns of Xaskazien UnReal World Approaching Infinity Dungeonmans Dwarf Fortress Elona & Elin XLarn Shattered Pixel Dungeon SummonerRL Sword of Fargoal Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Tangaria MAngband TomeNET Coop Catacombs I'll make exceptions like for Barony, btw, but this should cover thread discussion mostly. For other games: https://www.roguebasin.com/index.php/Category:Roguelike_games
>>1055526 >Larn was the first roguelike game to feature multiple dungeons with a sort of surface world (in this case, a town) to connect them. The town, which is persistent, like the dungeon levels (advanced for the time), and features shops to exchange items, schools to improve skills, and a bank to store valuables. The dungeon has branch offices of the town's bank. Larn is also time-limited, achieving the main goal too late counts as losing the game. The player is trying to find an item which can cure his ailing daughter, and for which there is a Nethack-like extended quest. If the time limit is reached, the daughter dies. https://roguebasin.com/index.php/Larn A few features which are unique to Larn and make it worth playing: - Identification is always successful. The scroll/potion type will always be known to the player regardless whether the player received any clue about the usage of the particular item. - The Scroll of gem perfection enhances the value of carried gems. - If a character manages to win Larn, his successor will have to pay taxes, which depend on the amount of gold brought to the surface. - Gold pieces stored in the bank earn interest over time. - Spells are cast by typing a 3-letter mnemonic. For example, magic missile is MLE. - The level generation is exceptionally varied: You can find mazes, rows of rooms with doors, round chambers, and open spaces with or without pillars, but still generated at random as in any other roguelike. - Many other conventional Roguelike features are also given a unique spin (many conventions in the genre were less set in stone), and it can be an interesting change of pace.
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The most popular roguelikes I hear people talking about - DCSS - ADOM - Brogue - Cogmind - Caves of Qud - TOME - Elona & Elin These games seem to be hot & fairly recommended. So if you are looking for games to start with & share with the community, I recommend the above. If you want something with guns: >>1027622
>>1055555 Checked
>>1055550 I wish metroidvanias had more variety. Like metroid prime remains the one and only first person metroidvania that I know of.
>>1055577 Category of Metroidvania games, which do anons recognize as first person? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Metroidvania_games
>>1055577 There's PowerSlave, which was recently given a proper PC port after its original 1997 DOS version was essentially a different game.

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