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EDF Thread : No Epic Account needed edition Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 08:20:41 Id: 6dcbc8 No. 1031472
EDF 6 no longer requires epic gays store account to play multiplayer. We did it by passively sending ill will towards them. Im getting my ass kicked in later missions on hard and have switched to hardest to get some better weapons, only to get obliterated in early missions. Grinding is hard and Im tempted to get a mod to cheese through missions. Anon who's making edf mods, also has gdrive links in previous thread https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/xdiesp/mods Previous thread - >>895955
What's 1st pic? PSO2?
>>1031482 Its an Onechanbara with their edf crossover, a pale wing costume
>>1031484 Oh shit, you're right Still need to give that series a try
>>1031489 I wish I could turn autism into fuel for producing something related to my hobbies.
I heard that despite the fact that EDF6 no longer requires an Epic account, it still installs that malware on your system. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
>>1031575 Yes, you still need to install Tim sweeneys eos on the first run. Though you can later uninstall it and it only show an error on startup Regardless, the multiplayer desyncs are still a thing and AMD users are still getting crashes
This is the niggerest enemy in the game. Worse the deroys, worse than kruuls, worse than hectors in 2025. They ragdoll you around the map and theres always another one rolling towards you from behind. I play wing diver solely to say fuck you to them
>Fencer with Wing Diver weapons https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/126 >Enemies are replaced by their DLC counterparts https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/131 >The Rosary: a smart bomb that deletes all enemies on the map, a new kind of script based weapon that can't miss https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/151 >Armed pickups ISIS style replaced the Grape https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/155 >The good old Balam from 4.1 replaces Barga https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/156 But I'd like to talk about this one: >Grape Early Crash Fix https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/144 The game suffers from a bad bug, currently: summoning the Grape Early vehicle from the 2nd mission pack crashes the game. Modders knew it beforehand, but there was hoping that the bugged file would be updated before release. Now you may be wondering: how come this bug wasn't in the Playstation version? I have a theory about that. Maybe the pc version wasn't ported from the PS release, but derived from an earlier beta. It would explain why a late fix for DLC2 wasn't included, and also why EDF6 is chock full of pre-release content. You know how the game contains all missions from EDF5, but maybe you didn't hear that there's often 2 copies of them in the old and new language scripts. There's test missions, scrapped and incomplete ones up the arse. It does look like a dev build for use in house.
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Since the agdg thread is surprisingly quite on weekend, I have a playable demo for a mission in my 2d edf survivors styled game. >>1031279 https://files.catbox.moe/kgxhox.7z Controls are basic WASD to move, mouse to aim, click to fire. Alt+F4 to quit. There are 4 guns as of now, press 1-4 keys to select them. Guns automatically reload upon emptying their magazines, there's no reload button, Please do tell how you like it, how shit it is, what you'd like to be added next, everything
Have you played the secret car level yet, anon? https://youtu.be/5YD2lXvheK0?feature=shared
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I'm making a mission pack with the best of all unused missions laying around the game's files. You can already play 25 of them, which are the top of the crop, with more coming at a later date. They even contain the secret racing mission: which is a real thing, and it's absolutely crazy that it wasn't released officially. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tr-PV7MDB0fxNC7yP_FUDrHWHxVI2XTs/view As I was saying previously, I think the PC version 6 is some kind of in-house developer's build containing stuff that absolutely was never supposed to get nowhere close to the release build. What if I told that you there is a number of missions which look like the original early game for 5, and it totally looks like it used to be far closer to 4.1's style? It makes me think that the issues of 6 started back then. What if some story obsessed fag, let's call him Randy, hijacks an otherwise game and starts pushing for giving the story a bigger role. The first thing they do, is scrapping the original work, Then, they bargain a compromise and get 5 done, which is half arcade and half story. Finally, someone leaves and Randy is made king, and is free to focus all attention on story alone.
>>1034834 Oh shit, thanks anon.
>The Cradle An underground mission set entirely in a single cavern. It's a fusion of 2 unused missions. https://youtu.be/89hMndF-glM >Future Past A mission that swaps between maps, it can be seen at 5m30s. It's never been done, most likely because it implies a second loading time. https://youtu.be/qgJ2oziAVrg
>>1034834 That looks fucking insane, Jesus
>The Night Raid A mission against bots at night, if it wasn't that the air strikes hitting at random are far more dangerous. It was shorter than the rest, so I extended it with one more wave and a fight against a hostile hijacked barga. https://youtu.be/zRZjKOzNdHI Here's the barga: https://youtu.be/z0cqtTaGlXg >Stalwart Defenders This one is a fusion of 2 missions in the same area. It's pretty weird, the original concept was that of a stealth mission where you can skip directly to the last pylon for a quicker but bigger battle. Else, go through the motions with each one and take much longer. https://youtu.be/YnxjrCxpmZ0 >Tomorrow's War One of the masterpieces among the unused missions. Imagine Plain of Conflict, but made of small waves that are chasing after runaway soldiers and vehicles attempting to escape. You are supposed to run the distance all over the place, saving allies and gearing up an army for the next and bigger encounter. I made up that you're traveling in time, to give some sort of progression through it all. It's probably still too difficult and too long, but the original unedited file was even harder, and it would have been a pity to nerf such a marvelous beast. https://youtu.be/peiHFZv51Sw
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I've made progress on my EDF 2D clone. Here's a playable demo build to download https://anonymfile.com/RYZ43/edf-2d-survivors-whatever.7z Controls are simple - WASD to move, mouse to aim, click to fire. Alt+F4 to quit. There are 4 guns as of now, press 1-4 keys to select them. Guns automatically reload upon emptying their magazines, there's no reload button. Esc will bring up the menu, but it doesn't pause the game. Please play and tell what you feel, how the game sucks or how it can be improved, how I can bring "edf-ness" to this thing? All critique/ideas are welcome. I semi-regularly post my progress on agdg thread here >>1041988 if you want to know more.
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It took a while, but I made videos for every mission recovered from the beta files, so far. Over 7 hours of content. https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/164
>>1058628 Ayy, good to see you still kicking it in the new year modding anon
>>1058628 Just wanted to say I appreciated those Lost Levels, especially as they're not ridiculously long "epic battles" like those level mods I remember playing on EDF5.
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The latest news is that I'm working on a new way to summon friendly vehicles in missions (tanks, mechs, bargas etc). So far, the summoner classes were limited in the fact that they could summon AIs (soldiers, enemies) but not vehicles with AIs. Also, I made a couple enemy variants from requests. >Fire Ants A variant of the blue ants, that shoot a slow stream of fire. >Green Hornets They shoot aranea thread that pulls you up in the air, it's terrifying. >Green Spiders A variant of the blue spiders, they shoot stingers like a hornet queen. >Red Scyllas They breathe fire and look absolutely comical. https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce6/mods/131?tab=files Here you have a hybrid of Ranger and Air Raider, still incomplete. I'm giving him more features, but some might actually prefer it before I add the wacky shit. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y7Gobfw5wED_qOBmKZY0VyFnKNb09v3O/view
The code is very laborious and unelegant, but I managed to spawn friendly vehicles on demand. https://youtu.be/rHKQ4mc5YsU
>>1060905 >Green Mother Spider Now that's terror
>>1060905 >>1062394 >>1058628 God bless you anon, you're the best.
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>>1060905 >>Green Hornets >They shoot aranea thread that pulls you up in the air, it's terrifying. >Green Spiders A variant of the blue spiders, they shoot stingers like a hornet queen.
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>>1060905 >Fire Ants >Green Hornets >Green Spiders >Red Scyllas >mfw
>>1031472 >EDF 6 no longer requires epic gays store account to play multiplayer. great! now it can go into my wishlist again.
I wonder if the hololive decoys will become available as regular dlcs, since they can no longer be acquired as "early" buy bonuses. These are Dark Drones (regular and evolved): a positively nightmarish replacement for the already annoying Red Drones. It's a request, as never in my imagination I would have thought to buff the goddamn things. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f6_RBXJEgX9c-9E8epBxuuhVwbRjLdH9/view
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>>1064086 >buffed red drones
New patch came out today that will likely break Anon's mods sadly.
I was digging through the voice files and found something interesting. These lines are content cut from the DLC of EDF5. Imho, they seem to imply that the invulnerable armor of Excavators was originally supposed to be on silver spiders, and a mutant version of roly polys that got completely canned. > A new variant! Their bodies look like plated armor! > What kind of monster is that?! > The monsters' bodies are covered in armor! > Their threads are like steel wires! > These are like steel wires! Watch out for their threads! > Bullet shots won't kill them! What's going on! > Their armor is too thick! Our bullets simply bounce off! They're talking about silver spiders, but admittely it's not 100% clear that the monster is actually invulnerable. It may just have a lot of hit points. But then again, check the next: > It's a mutated species γ! > It's reflecting our bullets! > Our bullets can't kill it! > Look how fast it is! This is crystal clear that it's about actual invulnerability. Notice how they're supposedly covered in armor, and silver spiders are indeed reflective. Where else can you hear that? In the DLC1 for EDF6, the giant gammas which are otherwise simply blue, are described as being metallic: > Large Gammas weigh so much that they're practically hunks of metal. And if it's not true and this was just about them having a million hit points, then we can say that the silver gammas featured in the lost mission mod were actually unused content. >>1064372 Thankfully only a couple broke, so I could fix them fast.
>>1064812 Only killed by explosives maybe?
Something else: > As a matter of fact, the aliens have many weaknesses Among those, sulfur dioxide and certain nitrogen oxides are most apparent. Once they are exposed to this environment, they'll die from suffocation. > In other words it's the environment that killed them? This is a longer version of the talk about the primers getting gassed in beijing. > I will decide the code name for you. > Storm. This will be your name. > But that name belongs to the legendary hero. > If that name evokes hope, then that's what we desperately need. Another extended version of an existing dialogue. Vanilla was: > We'll change your guerrilla code name to \"Storm\" from now on. > Spriggans, you're Storm 4. Grim Reapers, you're Storm 3. Sergeant, you're Storm 2. And you, Storm 1. This is the code name from now on. Understood? Lasts, a king version of archelus is mentioned, but with no further info. And the mobile base was codenamed 'Clubgiga' (?!). >>1064815 That, or maybe they had to be shot until they toppled on their back, and became vulnerable briefly.
>>1064812 >>1064817 https://youtu.be/ZUuzXrmaUq8 There is a Japanese video showing a bunch of unused voicelines such as >Professor making use of the Blazer gun >HQ actually naming the Colonists and Cosmonauts >variant of Arachnea (probably the purple version of Retarius in the DLC of 4.1) >giant versions of Erginus and Archelus >several unused support weapons >various Maris' voicelines for the DLC2 (spawing vehicles, calling bombardments, etc)
>>1064922 Man, I still remember when getting anything modded from 4.1 was a pain in the ass. What a time to be alive!
>>1064817 >Clubgiga' (?!). maybe "crab"
Suppose you have a Ranger and Air Raider hybrid class, that can summon AI mechs and has a gizmo (on a 5 mins timer?) that resets all his ammo and cooldowns. How would you balance the mechs? >they are summoned with credits, the gauge is filled at the start (that gizmo resets them to full instantly) >limited ammo, just like a player controlled mech >default hit points >maximum of 3 mechs in the level at the same time >or 2 proteus or 1 barga
>>1065050 Limited ammo would probably be the easiest way, also happens a few times in the plot of the games for the AI.
pre-inferno Armor-farming doko? getting tired of AFKing 'Collision on the Plains II'
>>1065216 If you own the mission DLCs, level 26 from Maris DLC is the easiest to collect stuff since it is just one vertical cavern hole with enemies spawning from above
>>1065216 Should I make a farm mod that simply spawns loot?
>>1065237 Still waiting for a decent sale on the mission DLCs. >>1065247 No, thanks. Don't bother on account of me. I just don't remember the grind being this miserably slow in EDF5.
>>1065254 >I just don't remember the grind being this miserably slow in EDF5. Enemies drop less items in 6 per capita. On account on larger hordes, I guess.
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>Red Excavators (regular and evolved) are replaced by a stronger variant, the Dark Excavators. >If only you knew how bad things really are. >This addon can also be installed standalone. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UhcDdPILTVOhQ8z6ZxNsfzQ1DKpbMeCt/view?usp=sharing The same madman who requested harder red drones, now wants stronger red excavators. Now they fire projectiles that juggle you, and their evolved version shoots poison clouds.
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The asshole spaghetti code prevents me from making a teleport gun that works online. At most, I can make one that teleports AND heals everyone: it could become something to do in a pinch online, but not really for zipping around the map like I wanted. However there's also another possibility: what if the Ranger had shouts that buffed himself and the rest of the party? >"Order: Valkyries Defend!" (or another class) Boosts the armor of Valkyries by 50%. Lasts until the end of the mission. Only one "Defend" order can be active at the same time. >"Order: Everyone Defend!" Boosts the armor of all classes by 25%. Lasts until the end of the mission. Only one "Defend" order can be active at the same time. >"Order: Steel Yourselves!" Boosts the armor of all classes by 25%. Lasts 30 seconds, can be repeated. Stacks with other orders. 1000 Credits cost. >"Order: Fortify Positions!" Boosts the armor of all classes by 1%. Lasts until the end of the mission, can be repeated up to a total of +50% armor. Stacks with other orders. 2500 Credits cost. >"Order: Everyone Regroup!" Teleports all players to the starting area, healing and reviving any injured. Cooldowns are also reset. 50K Credits cost, starts full.
>>1067335 That could work
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>>1067336 Thank you, anon

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