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Gorbino's quest Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 16:59:28 Id: 141926 No. 1055631 >>1055685
You know what you need? A CEO mindset. You gotta get up early everyday and grind away at the meat mines. You gotta have a 10 year plan. If you don't have this you are never getting your own house. You're just going to remain some fucking loser. What are you waiting for? Buy stocks in Gorbinos quest and get filthy rich you dumbfuck. You want to know why Gorbinos quest is the best game in the world? because it is the only one you idiot. They don't have a choice. They gotta buy it and the chunkopops.
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This is a a Cruelty Squad thread, before any mods delete it.
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>>1055633 I always thought that line was very Terry A. Davis sounding. The best I saw was a fancy guy wearing a suit in a club saying "When the beat drops, I am going to actually kill myself", I don't think I've ever seen such a genuinely fucking funny line in a game before. The whole thing feels very classic MillionDollarExtreme but the dev denies the inspiration
>>1055635 >Dev denies inspiration. That is surprising. Most lines in the game I can absolutely see Sam hyde saying.
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>>1055637 Slurpcoin is a funny name. Apparently the dev made the game out of spite and was really into crypto at some point (which he now deeply regrets). The fact that the first target in the game is also one of very few targets with a unique model and is incoherently screaming about Slurpcoin just confirms this game was made to spite cryptobros.
>>1055631 (OP) Is Gorbino's Quest as retarded as your 1990s Geocities image makes it look?
>>1055685 Are you a flesh automaton?
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>Think Nightmare goggles are useless. >Get the genius idea to use them to enter the catacombs >It works! >Find Dark world >Kinda spooky >Keep nightmare goggles on >Kill him eventually but die trying to find the exit >After like 40 minutes of trying to find the exit I look it up on the wiki >While there I notice that there are 3 different ways to illuminate the dark world >I missed all of them somehow. >I went through an entire level with nightmare goggles for no reason. My eyes hurt.
>>1055664 >this game was made to spite cryptobros [citation needed]
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>>1055753 https://lvl3official.com/ville-kallio/ >To the best of my knowledge, Cruelty Squad is the only FPS with a day trading simulator. <I accidentally ended up fucking around with cryptocurrency a couple of years ago (can’t recommend this at all). I’m quite used to looking at different charts and know how this stuff works, so it felt natural to add a stock market element to a game with strong corporate/hypercapitalist themes. >Much of the commentary on Cruelty Squad frames it as a punishing or masochistic experience. How do you feel about these interpretations? <It’s a sadistic game born almost entirely out of spite. It is not a definite fact or anything just a interpretation that I have. What do you think the game is supposed to be about? Do you think there is anything beyond the surface hyper capitalism?
>>1055760 post ironic nihilism
>>1055764 I can see it.
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>>1055760 >What do you think the game is supposed to be about? This is, in fact, an active topic of debate. Everybody agrees Cruelty Squad is saying something, but there's much disagreement what that is beyond "le crapitalism". You might think "Oh, but the game is obviously XYZ" however if you read reviews you'd be very surprised how differently people interpret it.
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>>1055770 >reviews you'd be very surprised how differently people interpret it. Can you post some? The ones I see are all just joking.
>>1055774 >inflation guy said game good Hey hey people.
>>1055777 >777 Holy trips. I think he is talking about pyrocynical though.
>>1055774 I meant reviews other than Steam's shitpost brigade. Here's one that bucks the trend of what people usually think about Cruelty Squad. This guys other reviews are all kind of insane and terrible, but that's not the point
Oh, I cut the final sentence off. It finishes with >[..] a quirky game that says "erm anyone else think capitalism sucks... haha lol!" and succeeds at nothing else past that.
>>1055784 >>1055785 I can understand someone not liking the game but calling the controls bad? They are unconventional but they are about as smooth as can be. I have played the game for about 8 hours and I don't recall a moment where I ever felt like the controls were a problem. I know we are supposed to be talking about artistic interpretations but this is very odd to me.
>>1055788 At the risk of derailing a bit, I'd like you show you his other reviews. They're wonderfully strange. My personal favorite is his Fear & Hunger review, which full of such sound and fury yet never articulates what he actually dislikes about the game. It's almost Harlan Ellison-esque, like one of AM's monologues. Here's what he looks like, he's a linguistics student from Flordia. He has accounts on other review sites and they're all equally as great. He has this Death in June review on AOTY where he says they need to put more "up the 'homo' in 'homofascism'"
>>1055794 >ludonarritive I don't need to read anymore.
>>1055794 >when the lit major thinks that the inane bullshit words he learns in college are actually worth something
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>>1055794 I'm going back and forth whether his review is retarded or based. He keeps dipping in and out of sounding pretentious to /v/ shitposter, "The developer of this steaming pile of dogshit should go start flipping patties at Burger King" is a straight AVGN line and doesn't remotely gel with his completely unironic screed about European extremist art movements. Ultimately I gotta say he makes decent points about it being vapid and pointlessly edgy, but goes on to do the same thing in his own post. Also if you weren't already familiar with the game you'd have no fucking clue he's talking about or what it is, a total failure to discuss what he's actually reviewing through his purple prose.
>>1055834 I'm leaning toward shitposter. There's no way that isn't a shitpost.
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>>1055817 How do you make a narrative with this?
>>1055794 >Gives high scores to fallout 4 and blons. >Low scores to Cruelty squad I think this guy just might be averse to any game with dark themes. >>1055843 Det där ser ut som Fia med knuff fast med ett annat namn.
>>1055943 >Fia med knuff Apparently it's just the swedish name for ludo.
>>1055944 >My entire life I thought it was a Swedish game. >Turns out it is an indian game. Damn.
>>1055943 >>1055944 >>1055945 And Americans call it "Parcheesi", which is actually the closest to the game's native name pachisi. It's actually an extremely old game, much older than chess. It dates back to Iron Age South Asian cultures.
>>1055956 now that's retro
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I found him. What the hell is he?

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