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Midna Anonymous 03/15/2023 (Wed) 21:05:07 Id: ce411b No. 799542
So... if I've found Midna (imp form) unironically sexually attractive phisically, and I've also been attracted to her personality and even her voice since the mid 2000s, what am I? Not a furry, right? She doesn't count as that because she's not an animal, right? This would be closer to finding hot an alien. The thing is, all fuckin' furries must fuckin' hang so I wanna know whether or not I'm one. I hope I'm not. If I am I'll probably have to kill myself.
I'd say you're more of a shortstack enthusiast.
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Why the fuck would she be furry, Anon? Furries are all animals. What animal is she? She's not an anthro, she's just a short imp girl. I think you're good and have nothing to worry about. Anyway, welcome to 8chan, I know you're from halfchan but we don't make threads like this here, we mostly make general threads instead of stuff about specific horny thoughts.
>>799545 Funny you mention that, ive had some horny thoughts about a vidya character lately but havent posted about it because i really cant fidn a thread appropiate for that.
>>799545 General threads are cancer and were created and mandated as containment threads for the worst type of cancer. People who don't realize this are newfag retards and need to get the fuck out. But that's not to say OP isn't also a retard newfag. Anyway, OP's question is essentially if imps and other things like that count as furry. Monster does cross over with furry, and this would be some sort of monster. I'm not sure if it crosses into furry territory though.
>>799549 What's the character, Anon ?
>>799555 A certain outworld princess.
(2.42 MB 2087x1241 a2.jpg)

She's literally 20 pounds of pussy and ass riding atop you for half the game, making funny noises every other action, she wasn't an accident. Nintendo wanted you to get attached to the new companion and they decided to make a kind of subtle Venus of Wilendorf with a fun personality that goes moderately deep for what these games usually offer, and there you have it, a whole generation of people wanting to bang this thing.
(1.59 MB 1080x608 CarlMidna.mp4)

>>799542 >So... if I've found Midna (imp form) unironically sexually attractive phisically, and I've also been attracted to her personality and even her voice since the mid 2000s, what am I? Pretty average, honestly.
>>799559 Understandable. I don't think there's a fighting game general now. Wasn't there a thread about sexy characters recently?
Nobody considers Midna to be furry except retards, you're fine.
>>799575 What are you on about.
>>799575 Furfags can yiff in hell T. Lolicon
>>799575 What are you talking about
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>>799575 >bet you fags would sooner admit to being furries for liking them too rather than the truth. I like Marina
>>799575 Ackshually, both are monster girls and you and OP are massive faggots for conflating that with furry.
Imps are supernatural creatures from European folklore. Not animals. They're more akin to a fantasy race such as fairies, hobbits, elves or goblins. An imp is a European mythological being similar to a fairy or demon, frequently described in folklore and superstition. The word may perhaps derive from the term ympe, used to denote a young grafted tree. Imps are often described as troublesome and mischievous more than seriously threatening or dangerous, and as lesser beings rather than more important supernatural beings. The attendants of the devil are sometimes described as imps. They are usually described as lively and having small stature. Regardless, Midna is built for sexual appeal; designed to give the player an erection like 2B in Nier Automata.
>>799587 You're amongst friends here Anon, no need to be completely schizo.
>>799590 if only you knew how bad things really are.
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>>799602 Don't forget to tell your parents about it
>>799612 >censoring the username wonder what faggot was responsible for that
>>799602 But then you'll feel every cock plowed into her after in vivid detail. Sounds gay. Next you'll say you want to deep throat her cock until you fuse with it.
>>799602 Who touched you to make you like this? Was it your uncle or your older brother?
>>799590 That anon is trying to imply that anons are pedophiles for liking squid kids or Midna. Arguing that lolicon=pedophilia... Though I don't think Midna falls into the loli category myself, hips too big for that. Also why the hell is this a separate thread, we have a Zelda thread up already.
>>799645 He's already in the thread anon. He was one the trying to imply that with the squid girls.
>>799647 Youre mixing up pedos, anon.
>>799645 I aint afraid of no goddamn pedo.
>>799647 >implying its a squid now >implying its a kid now
>>799623 I imagine that since she's gigantic and wants to go on an anal voring spree, every cock (and cock owner) in the kingdom will wind up inside her ass all at once.
>>799650 Very possible. Both are extremely spam heavy. I guess I assumed there was only one.
>>799660 Ah, her being macro changes things. Thought this was a body part merge TF thing.
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>>799612 >Anal vore is my life >it felt important enough for me to tell my friends and family >I decided the best way to tell them would be to have an anal vore "coming-out party" >commissioned a popular artist that I really like to draw sketches of each of my family members/friends anal voring me >I hooked up my laptop to my TV with an HDMI cable and I started showing them my favorite anal vore pictures >they started leaving >Did I do anything wrong?
(105.13 KB 1080x1080 FlaFKjzXoAA0fnK.jpg)

Is she squishy? She looks squishy. Is she kinda rubbery? And why is she nakid? Is there a reason for her being nude? I don't remember. Maybe only her body and crown can go as shadow?
Would you believe me if I said I liked Midna before the porn?
>>799792 Yes, I believe you. Why wouldn't I believe you? I also liked her before the porn. I swear I played the game with a boner most of the time. Of course, I was 11 when I played it. Everything gave me boners. Cute girl in anime? Boner. My sister's wet clothes? Boner. Packaged Morton salt? Midna had 0 chance of not making me horny.
>>799792 >paheal Why do people use that garbage website? It has effectively no tagging and no vote system.
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>>799799 I mean she didn't give me boners as a kid, I just remember the one scene where she is dying I genuinely felt worried about her. >>799803 I dont know, I just use rule34.xxx like a normal person.
>>799806 >she didn't give me boners as a kid That's cool. I guess it's more normal than what happened to me. But then again, I was a pervert and horny since I can remember. >I just remember the one scene where she is dying I genuinely felt worried about her Oh, totally. Yeah, even if I didn't see her as a sex goddess I'd still have feelings, her character really is good.
>>799542 I wanna say youre a furry just to mess with you but midna isnt a furry, she a monstergirl at most. though I mean, if thats what you want the internet can make that happen
>>799826 Fucking furfags, not even hmofafags, who are atleast sane. Fucking nigger fucks kill them all.
>>799542 It is completely healthy for a man to want to fuck Midna. Both in imp and full form, in fact. You are a real human being.
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>>799861 >It is completely healthy for a man to want to fuck Midna. Both in imp and full form, in fact. You are a real human being. Short women are a treasure. A heavenly combination of being cute and fuckable at the same time.
Doesn't the Twilight Princess manga have an unironic romance between Midna and Link?
>>799803 >Why do people use that garbage website? It has effectively no tagging and no vote system. It's absolutely a last resort but sadly it has the most porn by volume and doesn't seem to delete things regularly like gelbooru does. There's porn on paheal that's been on there for like 15 years or longer. In many cases you can find shit long after the original artist's source as gone down. You're right it's absolutely shit to search through. You literally can only search for character and series but often times there's shit in that trash pile you can't find anywhere else.
>>799542 If Midna were worth finding attractive, and merely finding her attractive were enough to make you a furry it isn't, but hypothetically speaking, then it would necessarily follow that being a furry is not inherently bad. If A implies B and A implies not-C, then B must not imply C. So the question that matters is simply whether she's worth finding attractive; if she isn't, then it'd mean you have shit taste even if you're not a furry, and if she is, then it is still irrelevant whether or not it makes you a furfag. The answer is that she IS worth finding attractive, so you have no need to worry either way. But for the sake of answering the question, no, it doesn't make you a furry. Unless you like art of her getting knotted by Wolf Link; then you are a furfag but it still wouldn't be wrong to like it.
>>799879 Gelbooru deletes things?
>>799883 Yeah. I've definitely noticed things going away. I think they always comply when an artist asks them to remove something for instance. Paheal, as shitty as it's interface is, seems to be forever.
Midna has a nice figure, but the furry arms turn me off.
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>>799869 i think yeah
>>799869 Yes it does, I'm reading it now. It's not quite a romance but it's definitely more than friendship and it ends with a kiss.
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Anyone has this gif in full?
This thread brings me back to those old 8.8 days when all the threads about this were either about twilight princess being "ow the edge" zelda or the brief Klonoaization where they were midna points dumping or requests in which everyone would post links to MFF. the worst thing back then was that there was very little actual porn, and of what little there was most of it featured the human form and not the superior imp-form
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>>800693 The artist is called CaseterMK.
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>>799612 I really fucking wish I didn't read this shit.
You like imp midna because of memes, that is the truth. You have a meme fetish.
>>800847 >You have a meme fetish. You're goddamn right I do
(985.63 KB 500x326 1464972691049.gif)

>>800874 That picture (and those juicy thighs) made me physically gulp!
>>799562 Perfect argumentation.
Anyone got the “fat wolf ropes/I WANNA FUCK MIDNA” pasta? Funny as hell >>799561 >20lb She’s about 3ft tall, square cube law says she’d be closer to around forty pounds.
>>816456 >~40lb of imp pussy and ass
(7.05 MB 480x270 jevil_midna.mp4)

>>799542 > what am I? a retard; kys
>>819183 A retard wouldn't like midna. Only men of certain level of intellect can appreciate Midna.
What made op think imp midna was a furry to begin with? I suppose she's a furry in the sense that she lusts after wolf link's knot
>>840591 I never understood why anyone would think Midna is furry, the only animal trait she has are pointed ears but by that logic Elves and Vulcans are furry. She's an alien if anything, she's from a parallel dimension.
>>840713 >I never understood why anyone would think Midna is furry Because she's not human, and the spirit behind furry attraction totally applies. >the only animal trait she has are pointed ears Not true. Also, irrelevant even if true. Don0't count the animal traits, count the non-human traits. They add up to mostly non-human. She's way shorter than humans, her skin seems rubbery, her color is of strange patterns, her proportions are completely non-human, has unknown protrusions in some parts like around her neck, she floats and she's fine with being naked which is non-human behavior. Not the only non-human behavior she has, either. So if it's filthy to be a furry (and it is) then it's filthy to be horny for Midna, even if you argue that she isn't "technickally" a furry creature, that makes no difference. Being a furry is filthy because it's wrong to like sexually non-human beings. Midna is a non-human being. Case closed. >but by that logic Elves and Vulcans are furry If Midna was completely human, and even had human ears, but her skin had the patterns, then it wouldn't be comparable with furry sexuality to be horny to her. If she was completely human and ever her skin was human-like, but floated around, then the it wouldn't be comparable with furry sexuality either. But as I said, things add up. It's why even if you argue that aliens don't technically count as furries, they basically do depending on the alien.
>>861345 Nigger even if you like anthro women you don't need to be a furry. If you don't have a fursona or a want to participate in furry fandom you are not a furry it's that simple. Also even furry will tell you she isn't furry stop making shit like inhuman traits = furry. You are a monkey tier brain retard I only see see turbonigger behind this post.
>>861348 >stop making shit like inhuman traits = furry It's the same spirit behind both attractions. So yes, these things are distinct, but the distinction makes no difference. >even furry will tell you she isn't furry And what do they fuckin know? Why should I care about what degenerates think? I just don't wanna be close to their mentality. I disgust myself by being even one step closer to them. >You are a monkey tier brain retard >You are a monkey tier brain >You are a monkey Oddly, technically correct,. In biological terms. Look pal, humans should only get boners for other humans. If we're talking about fantasy creatures, it's OK to have boners for creatures so close to humans that they're basically human. Midna ain't that. And so, I should hang. I'll hang as many furries as I can, and then myself for not being different enough to them.
>>861345 >Furry has nothing to do with animal traits Stopped reading there.
>>861352 Again, a distinction without a difference.
>>861356 Nice bait nigger. >>861351 >And what do they fuckin know? >Why should I care about what degenerates think? >what would the people that know most about furdom and anthros know about anthros Now you've proven yourself to be a retard. You arenaking baseless accusations about something you don't know. Don't want to know, but still care enough to be the "um akshually" guy. This is the same with jews and bassically every normalfag. So you what you've told me here is. "I know nothing about what I'm saying here, but I'm correct because uuuuuuuhhh. Shit I made up." Nice bait
>>861359 >what would the people that know most about furdom and anthros know about anthros Furries are the people that knows the least about it. They don't even see that it's wrong. They're inside the fandom, so they're blind to the facts. The fact is, it's only OK for humans to be horny for other humnans. Imps, aliens, robots, animals, they aren't the same, but they are all equally non-human, so it's equally wrong to be hard for them.
>>861361 >humnans Lel >it's only OK Source? Oh wait you made it the fuck up. My previous points still stand seeing that you still know nothing about what you are saying. And also your presumption of the furry fandom is wrong.
>>861363 >Source? Oh wait you made it the fuck up Dude, the source is this irrefutable argument: if you get hard for non-human beings, that's one step closer to fucking animals.
>>861364 >lolis == pedophilia tier logic And you are one step closer to becoming a turbo retard.
>>861364 >if you get hard for non-human beings, that's one step closer to fucking animals. <if you pop a boner for a hot alien humanoid from Star Trek/Wars then you are on the path to molesting a golden retriever
>>861364 I know exactly where this is coming from, this is that super, super anti-furfag rhetoric that originated in the 2000s. That's why you're tying this to bestiality for no reason. Anything non-human is automatically furry regardless of context. You could just as easily say it makes you closer to fucking washing machines or trees, it's as much of a non sequitur. Nobody likes furries, but dudes in the 2000s took that to an absurd degree and you started to see this "one drop" rule but for porn. I'm amazed to still see that around, and even expanded upon. The funny thing is you're probably into really fucked up porn yourself, those who moralize cartoon porn like that are either huge normalfags or projecting. Considering you're on 8chan, it's going to be the latter, and Midna of all things is extremely tame. "Don't look at anything that isn't 100% human!" you say, as you beat off to krekk0v's murder kinks. Also, furries are so disliked because they're weird, creepy, and annoying. Hating them because they draw hot crocodile women is absolutely low T and beta tier.
>>861373 >Hating them because they draw hot crocodile women is absolutely low T and beta tier. This anons right. And everything else he said is true too.
>>861364 easy with the outlandish remarks chudster
>>861373 Furries are hated because they could never not inject their fetish into everything. This evolved into bronies and general SJW shit.
>>861476 The issue is that they, unlike most communities at the time, accepted absolutely everybody into their social circle, so all manner of of degenerates who make it a lifestyle flooded it and turned it into the shithole it is today. There's Nazifurs and pedo SJWs in the same community.
>>800530 The inside of her mouth and tongue are red, there's no reason for her ass and vagina to be blue. something something Tarnished, something something blue cunny
SHE SHOULD'VE BEEN IN SMASH >but irrelevant don't matter so are some other sasuka toyotas in the roster, atleast Midna is actually memorable and still popular
(103.74 KB 1237x1000 lego croc scalie.jpg)

>>861373 > Hating them because they draw hot crocodile women is absolutely low T and beta tier. You wouldn't happen to have hot crocs, would you?
>>862473 I never thought I'd see a sexualized lego crocodile.
>>862473 >>862555 OH FUCK, I FOUND ANOTHER ONE.
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>>862473 >>862923 Damn, this thread went from a 8/10 to a 10/10
>>863654 Midna doesn't poop, fart or piss
(1.97 MB 640x360 888888.webm)

>>800874 shut up PEAR
>>862983 I wanna fug de sneg.
(135.16 KB 279x272 why you mong.PNG)

>>799792 >Would you believe me if I said I liked Midna before the porn? Completely ignoring the sex appeal for a moment, Midna is unironically the best LoZ companion in any of the games. <central to the plot <central to the gameplay. Multiple of Link's most powerful/important abilities come from Midna <has an actual personality and dialog beyond "living tutorial" (see: Navi and Fi) <has motivations beyond simply being Link's assistant <goes through a real character arc as she starts to genuinely care for Link and opens up to him about the plight of her people She is literally the subtitle of the game (Twilight Princess). The game wouldn't work without her, narratively or gameplay wise. It's never been better than Midna. And then for some inexplicable reason, the writers for the sequel managed to do a complete reversal and make every possible mistake in companion design. Fi is a literal emotionless robot with no motovation beyond being the living tutorial. Has no character arc because she's an emotionless robot, and pretty much doesn't get involved with the plot at all until the last second when they shoehorn her into fusing with the Master Sword.
>>799792 >Would you believe me if I said I liked Midna before the porn? I never owned a gamecube and everytime i went to a friends house to play it my dick got hard
>>799792 Rule34 bans loli and other "problematic" tags by the way
>>869089 Thats because paheal doesnt have any tags like that, but it very much hosts lolis.
>>869089 >Rule34 bans loli and other "problematic" tags by the way Yeah, but normalfags like Midna, so she's upgraded from "leggy loli" to "midget with small tits" in their eyes, on top of just being a sealed form of a more adult looking body. >>869119 >Thats because paheal doesnt have any tags like that Elaborate >it very much hosts lolis. It hosts loli as much as any normalfag site like faceberg does, that is, unknowingly until someone reports it. It's a part of The Booru Project, which has nuked entire boorus for small amounts of loli or CP when these things are reported, rather than just cleaning up the things it doesn't like, or which are illegal, because that's tedious. Larger more popular boorus like rule34 may have some insulation against this behavior in the same way 8chan was hit harder than Facebook for the Spyro shooting.
>>869720 >Elaborate They tag by character/franchise, not content. Loli wont land you any tags, but looking for hat_kid or something like that wil.
>>869720 >>869725 Apologies, I mixed up r34 Paheal with r34 xxx. Paheal is it's own standalone site and is not part of The Booru Project. It has the same rules, just less enforced. xxx Hat Kid is all just aged up versions, but paheal Hat Kid tag contains many lolis.
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>>799612 >Did I do anything wrong? Every day I wake up alive is a day I wake up depressed to be the same species as people like this. >"But humans invented the airplane, democracy, and those little umbrellas they put in drinks!" None of which even remotely make up for inventing yiffing, anal vore, and Justin Trudeau. I'd rather be a bird or a dog or something. I'd live only a handful of years, but I'm sure there's a downside, as well.
(2.84 MB 854x480 baneporn1.webm)

>>800847 >You have a meme fetish.
>>799542 Her true form is hotter, and doesn't give you an excuse for furry angst.
>>902053 Incorrect, and also, Midna doesn't have fur?
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>>902053 >Her true form is hotter No
>>902053 >he can't like both >thinks Midna is furry
>>902409 Isn't it the opposite? Shortstack riding Wolf Link.
>>902053 You just had to save the thread, didn't you? Was literally about to die.
I didn't get into shortstacks because of Midna, it's because I saw someone IRL that looked well endowed despite being a borderline midget. After that, I decided to look up the term despite not knowing it before hand yet knew somehow because of that. I was in high school at the time. Had a 2D fetish due to 3DPD. >>>/blog/ over.
Maybe it's an uncommon opinion but I really like Midna's voice. I think it's very cute. Also does she still count as a shortstack when she doesn't have tits?
>>902550 >Also does she still count as a shortstack when she doesn't have tits? She's considered one because of her "pudgy" shape around her lower body.
>>902550 i mean, one could say she's a "pear", as for how right or wrong they'd be, i don't much care
Need midget gf
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>>917209 Don't we all?
(6.40 MB 1400x1066 Aftermath.mp4)

>>917226 >tfw watched that and part of me started screaming POP, POP GODDAMN YOU
>>917225 >no sound
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>>917225 >>917226 >tweening
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>>917225 >>917226 wait are we going for goblings?
>>917311 Because it's an in development unfinished animation >>917323 Live2D isn't tweening
>>917328 >Live2D isn't tweening Taking a still image and just shifting and stretching the parts around, regardless of you what call it, is still ugly as fuck and not real animation. That's why people like Minus8 are always shat on for ugly animation.
>>917324 Why is her pussy sideways?
>>917338 They're asian goblins
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>>917379 >no spoiler You fool!
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>>917379 >Minus8 isn't real animation
>>917384 >demichad >halfchad huh >>917225 here be sauce https://exhentai.org/g/2373442/ddbe81c51f/
>>917436 >halfchad Well, yeah. He is still an inseminate nip after all.
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>>917436 He gets bossed around by a little pixie, so yeah.
(13.05 KB 244x294 THICK.jpg)

>>917518 THAT'S NOT THICC Now here's some REAL' THICC
>>917518 She got curves he got curves.
>>917519 Needs bigger tits.
>>917518 I hate the noncannonical hips, but i like the attitude.
>>917226 >condom DISAPPOINTED
>>917608 Hey, maybe it's like a Halo elite comic I once read where she's making him wear a condom so she can directly inject the sperm into her womb for a higher chance of fertilization
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>>799542 >I've found Midna (imp form) unironically sexually attractive phisically <wanting to fuck the Dr. Suess "Thing 1" version and not her true alluring "big tiddy hyrule goth" form
(2.38 MB 550x500 railgun_dance_swf.webm)

>>917711 >Generic dark elf No thanks bro
(4.12 MB 5904x5130 2223123_techfuzz_pixie.png)

>>917517 >850x739
>>917711 Did the kid walk in on his mom being a hoe?
>>799542 what you are is a faggot because you worry more about what you "look like" than what you like who gives a flying fuck about furries, fap to what you want to fap it's a fucking drawing- I fap to furry women all the time because I want to inseminate them, does that make me a furry? one that buys fursuits and goes to cons? I think not. does that make some faggots wanna call me furfag? who cares, my dick is pleased and that's all I care about
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>>881074 >I'd live only a handful of years, but I'm sure there's a downside LOL
>>921633 Imagine suffocating under this, ahah
(475.98 KB 300x300 1703106524894.gif)

>>902053 Her true form is just a redhead with grey skin. It is clearly inferior and less distinctive than her imp form. Your taste is objectively trash.
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>>902053 >Her true form is hotter
>>921717 >is objectively inferior because I say so Even the distinctive part is debatable, but to say it’s “objectively inferior” is objectively wrong. Also, it would probably be more distinct if she had a polygonal dick with 4 heads growing out of her face. By your logic, you would have to conclude that this hypothetical Midna is superior to the current one.
>>921752 You can wax on and wax off all you want with your logical arguments, big imp ass is still superior than generic grey woman.
>>921759 Why is Link's ass as big and round as Midna's?
>>921763 The hero of time does starting strength 5x5.
>>921759 Generic goblin’s ass is smaller than the grey woman’s.
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>>917754 >Generic dark elf Yes please Hair style is shit though. Hatless Midna (both forms) best Midna.
>>921631 That exactly the mentality the people putting kids in drag shows have.
>>921752 >Because you think novelty is a plus, you must think all novelty is equal Kill yourself, sophist. Imp Midna was made for sex. Tall Midna is just there, and pretty much loses all her smug demeanor.
>>921946 >logical consistency is a plus Your arbitrary picking and choosing of novelty aside, in reality novelty is just there, it doesn’t make someone better because you perceive it to be less ‘generic’. It can be gay yes, but that example wasn’t gay because it was a novelty. Likewise, something isn’t better simply for being different. By the measure of what humans who don’t have metal disorders find attractive, imp Midna is less attractive. Mostly because she has flat tits
>>921957 >Just repeating that all novelty is the same despite that being obviously false. You've conceded the argument and admitted you have shit taste.
>>921959 Novelty itself, that is to say the quality of being new, original, or unusual, is more or less the same yes. Something can be quantitatively less novel, but not qualitatively as novelty is itself a quality.
>>921993 Are you just incapable of seeing that while novelty as a concept is neutral, if the direction it's taken is positive or neutral, then it is a positive quality rather than a neutral one? Is that why you think there's no difference between a character having unusually wide fuckable hips and a character unusually have shitting dick nipples? You really thing liking unusualness means you must like both without consideration for the nature of that unusualness? You'd really weasel word your way about the topic this hard just to defend the very concept of "generic-ness"?
Everybody stop arguing and worship the Princess of Twilight or she'll step on you
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>>922022 Wrong princess.
>>922022 >or Why not both? I'll be her seat, you can be her footrest. >>922027 Imp midna is just the original shortstack. While I kinda get Imp Midna, I don't get shortstacks (or goblins, or goblin-likes) in general. Tall Midna form is just way better. Big ass, shes got tits, and she's tall lady. Checks all the boxes, really. Frankly speaking, I find I like Imp Midna not because of her form, but mostly because of her character. Honestly she's a good tsundere/himedere character in general, precisely because she doesn't remain a raging bitch the entire game. Only way Imp Midna to have anything but butt cheeks is for the artist to draw her off model (mainly because she's already explicitly naked in imp form in the game.) And that doesn't fit as well as even other short-stack characters.
>>922030 >I don't get shortstacks Homosexual detected!
>>922030 >>922027 I like all kinds of ladies. I just thought that pic of Midna was nice.
>>922036 I should clarify. As long there's a vagina, I'm appeased. Like, and actual vagina. With the labia. And the clitoris. Connecting to the uterus. Which connects to the ovaries.
>>922037 Trannies aren’t ladies
>>922039 That's what I'm saying. That's exactly what I'm clarifying.
>>922019 You don’t seem to understand. >>922030 >And that doesn't fit as well as even other short-stack characters. Objectively false. In fact, a character cannot even qualify as a shortstack without large breasts
>>922042 I only like REAL women. Please I'm not a faggot
>>922034 Shortstacks often are drawn with fugly proportions, and I'm not a nigger who sweats at a short fat chick. >>922042 >In fact, a character cannot even qualify as a shortstack without large breasts Are you saying Midna is not a shortstack?
Anybody into Midna's octopus-spider form?
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This thread is incredibly disturbing.
Posted this in the Zelda thread, thought you FUCKS would appreciate it
>>922104 Go back to the Zelda thread and let us have this one.
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>>922505 >Midna cheerleader Also, we don't him in the Zelda thread either.
>>817293 >me when I see a completely average woman
>>922536 Fucking Americans...
>>922588 But I'm Greek
>>922606 That's even worse.
>>922645 I'm about to go gay pottery on your ass
What's your favorite part of Midna's body? I like her butt.
Bumping for Midna's fat ass
Does anyone believe in the "Entity M" theory? Midna is relevant to it, so figured I'd ask
>>925219 The what theory?
>>925221 Basically, it's a theory that Malon, Marin, Midna and Mipha are related or the same being reincarnated, due to having red hair (or red skin in Mipha's case), and a name starting with the letter "M"
>>925222 >Mipha Isn't she closer to Ruto though?
>>925240 Yeah, but she's lumped in with the other "M" ladies. Come to think of it, if Mipha lived, would Link marry her? What would the resulting kids be? Hylian-Zora hybrids?
>>925248 Shouldn't this question be asked about Ruto first?
>>925222 Where does Mario fit into that theory
I used to only want to put my dick in the asshole of another man. Now I only want to put my dick in the asshole of Midna with futa
>>939156 From gay to gayer
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>>939156 Approved by Gang Igor
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The ass was phat.
>>799612 >the family's reaction Some people are just so prejudiced, I swear!
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More Midna.
>>939156 >Now I only want to put my dick in the asshole of Midna Patrician >with futa I stand corrected, you are a faggot
>>948649 >Anal >Patrician Nice try philistine

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(5.27 MB Midna.swf)

>>948655 It's going to seem strange, but I still have a hacked version of that SWF from over 10 years ago.
>>948777 >Lucky trips archivist of horny
>>948777 holy shit since when does the site have ruffle built-in?! I thought that was a video until I moused over it and realized it was actually a loaded flash file
>>948796 This place is miles ahead of any other shit website out there and nobody knows about it.
(1.99 MB homerun.swf)

>>948796 testan
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>>862473 It's couple of months later, but yes. I certainly do. It's missing two pages, sorry. This is most of it.
(4.77 MB 1460x5077 crocodilian_comic_page_7.png)

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The pages missing are the opening and the interlude between her paizuri and lying on the crate, nothing too important. No good stuff has been missed is what I'm saying.
>>948827 >>948828 >DoctorDJ Good fucking shit.
Who the fuck cares, you faggots. None of this is related to HOT IMP ASS!
We should be united by our shared desire to fuck 40 pounds of imp ass!
>>948652 >3DPD porno tier English voice overs for still images Nigger.
>>948656 >Reads the word "sigh" out loud with no emotion Who the fuck gets off on this garbage? And while I'm at it, you're dumps include some pretty bad art too.
>>949134 Porn dialog is usually terrible regardless of 2D or 3D. There are few images or videos I can think of where dialog improved them. **One I can think of was a POV animation featuring a glitched out robot saying "I l-l-love you! " while holding your hand.** More often than not dialog makes it worse, "Yeah, ram your monster cock in my nasty pussy" can't be anything but a turn off.
>using the ASCII tag breaks spoilers I did not know this
>>949142 >Porn dialog is usually terrible regardless of 2D or 3D. Yes, but at least I can headcanon it being spoken in the least obnoxious way possible if some retard doesn't attempt to read it aloud terribly for a few bux from ronery autists. >More dialogue bad Tends to be the case. Lewd stories with fewer words always seem to craft a more sensual atmosphere.
Here I have some Midna Pornography
(22.34 MB 1280x720 Midna (Tehsinistar).mp4)

(11.33 MB 1280x720 Futa Midna (banganimate).mp4)

(20.69 MB 1080x1920 Midna (thordersfm).mp4)

>>949226 >Nigger
What if Zant got reduced to an imp form, like Midna? How would he look? Also cute, like Midna? Or deformed and corrupted? Could he even fly
>>963231 Makes total sense.
>>963231 Kill yourself.
>>963226 >Would Imp Zant have plump, juicy thighs too? Haha, just curious.
>>963297 >canon Midna - legal tot >fan art Midna - thicc shortstack
(20.16 KB 360x261 McFucking Kill Yourself.jpg)

>>963301 >legal tot Don't fucking call her that or I will rape, torture and murder you in real life, you God damn double nigger
>>963301 The only consistency is they're living fleshlights/Onaholes as they're meant to be.
>>963307 How isn't she one?
>>963301 More like legal THOT!
>>963577 Please don't talk like this.
>>963307 >>963570 >please use my preferred pronouns when talking to me this is what you sound like.
>>963297 Come on, they're practically the same, if anything the original art is even more bratty looking and asking to be used like a tenga
Post variant Midnas.
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>>963732 >tfw no red tummy Midna gf
>>963732 >>963764 The final design is the best, the rest aren't cute enough.
(56.08 KB 411x503 red Midna no mask.jpg)

>>963929 Well she's the cutest obviously but I think that red Midna and "goth" Midna >>963727 are salvageable.
>>964135 >anon gets turned into an angry shortstack imp.jpg
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I think my Midna has autism. >>964166 WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
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>>964166 >Purple Midna. I raise you a purple Yoshi Midna.
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>>963732 >Hyrule historia ¡Olé! And I wanted to say that although all of those designs are pretty cool and interesting, and some are pretty awesome, I think they chose correctly with the final one. If Mina wasn't rubbery, sexual, gray, dark and chubby, the very tone of the game would have been different.
(2.51 MB 541x350 smug midna.gif)

>>964741 Don't forget smug.
>>964741 Dust Bunny Midna (middle row center with the smile) would have worked pretty well for a final design, I think.
>>964811 >Dust Bunny Midna Kek, good name. I think it would have been cool to see her shadow hair grow and change shape, but the final form with the red hair which is basically an arm is way better. Cool as shadow hair is, the red hair which glows is cooler. And Dust Bunny Midna also seems to be wearing rags, which make her look a bit off. Like, OK, I get that they may not be rags but rather a cape, but it looks like she's a homeless creature. Not saying that it wouldn't have worked, but the character would have felt completely different and the game would be different. What do we think about African Pig Midna? I think she's super cool, except for that fucked up left hand! I hate that hand! You can tell that hand would have stretched and grow, but that's totally the wrong approach. Prehensile hair was the way to go.
>>964741 id say the face(or at least the eyes) of the "crazy-eyes smile mask" proto-midna resembles midna the most
>>964741 I think a lot of these designs are really cool but ultimately the Midna we got is still the most refined look for her. Even the simpler ones from the early designs look way too busy and rough around the edges.
We need names for the other Midnas. Also, we need to discuss what differences would they have made.
>>964905 Wednesday Addams Midna is second best Midna. She a cute.
>>964905 E: Gallade Midna F: Shakalaka Midna
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>>964905 C's mask looks like Emil completely livid because some pantsless gremlin refuses to put him right side up
>>964905 >B,F,G, and J Just way to goblin mode. She would have never become as popular. >H and I Maybe too goblin too depending on what their face would have looked like. I'm still convinced H could have still worked if she had something like regular Midna's face since she hits some of the same notes. It looks like H also has the prehensile hair as well. >K Goblin but a cute kind of goblin. >A Almost Midna crossed with a Zora going by the face. >E Very similar to regular Midna sans the fiery red-orange prehensile hair. I'm almost getting a Minish Midna vibe. >D This Midna got lost on her way to Yharnam. Now I want a Bloodborne rippoff Zelda game. >L I rather prefer this to the canon adult form. >C Probably the best of the lot. Probably Midna's counterpart from the Termina dimension.
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This thread rocks.
>>964741 >>964905 I Midna looks like something out of Wind Waker or OOT.
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>>964830 > it looks like she's a homeless creature. She was thrown out of her kingdom, after all. > African Pig Midna? I think she's super cool, except for that fucked up left hand! It's Deoxys Midna.
>>964905 >>964983 I is 100% Wind Waker Midna
>>964983 >I Midna looks like something out of Wind Waker or OO >>965119 >I is 100% Wind Waker Midna Oh yes, I totally see this Midna as a cell shaded model. If we made fangames of Zelda we should get inspiration from some of the unused designs.
Oh, and Wednesday Addams Mindna is just too fuckin' cute. I wanna lewd her!
Higher resolution variant Midnas.
that rabbit girl from mario odyssey
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>>963727 I found a couple more of these.
>>799602 >>799660 >Midna is small >make her a giant Heh
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High resolution variant Midnas.
>>965255 Know what? All concept imps Midnas are good Midnas.
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>>965255 Wednesday Midna has a spider dress. In Twilight Princess and Hyrule Warriors, Midna at full power can turn into a spider kaiju. Connected?
>>965492 Probably coincidental, but I have no doubt that Wednesday Addams Midna would have had prehensile clothes instead of prehensile hair.
>>965547 I showed these alt designs to my wife, without telling her the fan names we're coming up with, and she said "that's like a Tim Burton's character" when she saw Wednesday Addams Midna. So, that was satisfying. Even without being prompted she concluded something similar. Isn't that cool?
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>>965795 >my wife
>>965797 A lot of people are married. A lot of retro gamers are married.
>>965492 >spider kaiju seven legs=not spider
>>965906 She lost one in the war
>>965795 There was a secret prize for being virgin for jesus, you lost it.
>>965906 But what about Gohma?
>>966062 Gohma? More like Gohmahdick. I tried
>>966069 Did you really? >>965906 Not true. A spider can lose a leg. I think they grow back, but forma while they can be a spider with seven legs.
>>965923 What wizard powers do you get?
>>965923 What counts as a virgin? Do you lose if you got raped by your gay uncle when you were 2?
>>966083 >A spider can lose a leg i mean, yes, but i think the fused shadow form is more of a "true/natural heptapod" kind of thing >>965923 does auto-fellatio count as virginity loss?
>>966504 I don't know, but the flexibility counts for something. That's Olympic gymnast shit.
>>966479 >Do you lose if you got raped by your gay uncle when you were 2? No, but also your uncle now has stolen your magic powers. Even if you reach 30 without having touched puss you're not gonna become a wizard. Unless you destroy your uncle and perform a secret ritual with his blood. >>966504 >does auto-fellatio count as virginity loss? Yes, 100% But only if your mouth Is another person's vagina, somehow. >>966746 >the flexibility counts for something. That's Olympic gymnast shit Not really. In my case it was the combination of being bored, hard, skinny and eleven. If you can do it as an adult, that probably means you're using magical powers anyway.
Could a dickgirl Midna perform autofellatio?
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>>967320 Yes, but why would you ask this question?
>>967320 It depends. How big of a dick are we talking?
zero inches long, traps are gay
>>967369 >Dickgirl Midna has a micropenis That's out of character.
>>967320 Why is that everytime an attractive woman is posted, there is one anon who can't stop talking about dick?
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>>967387 It's in the gamer spirit.
>>967378 It's cute though, and would work aesthetically for her model >>967387 90% of /v/ are repressed homosexuals. Not me though, anons like me and the guys from the stream thread like Nep and Dingo are open homosexuals.
>>967387 Because it IS a woman, you moron!
>>967409 I know for a fact women post on 8/v/ I know one but in my experience dickgirls are more of a male fetish. Combine that with /v/ being overwhelming male and you can reasonably assume most weirdos like that are not women.
>>967457 People who browse obscure Mongolian pottery carving websites tend to be ugly, I doubt all two women who browse this website would be any different.
>>967584 Are you some kind of fag or something?
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>>967387 Because he's a homo, retard.
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Does Midna have any orifices down there? Does she eat, even?
>>967981 She is cum-powered.
>>967998 She gets strenght from the spiritual force of everyone that has fapped to her? Like a gencumdama?
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>>968087 Exactly.
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>>968087 >gencumdama
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>>969711 >Short = pedo Lmao.
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>>949225 >xyn xoxoxo))))
Wait, the thread is still fuckin' up? FUUUUUCK yeah! Best place to talk about Midna!
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Genuine question, do any of you own some kind of Midna artifact or have made anything related to her?
>>979445 They never made a... 1:1 life-size plush of imp Midna, did they? I mean, even they had to realize what it would be used for if they did, right?
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>>979455 As far as i know the only official thing they have ever made was the Twilight Princess amiibo with wolf Link. But i've seen some people make some great custom figures
I own a custom Midna cock holster that I keep gripped around my penis.
>>979461 I wouldn't be surprised if there were several garage kits (a huge thing in Japan) of Midna, maybe even some knitted Midna plushies on Etsy
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>>986145 I don't wanna admit how cute Pony Mindna is, so I'm not saying a word about it..... .... Wait... FUCK!
Is twilight princess fun?
>>986177 Yes. If you like Zelda, anyway. They're pretty much all the same thing. It's like Ocarina of Time with better graphics.
>>986177 Yeah, it's got a really unique tone and style and the world is a little sparse but but very beautiful and nails that gloomy mid-2000s mood. I fell in love with it back when it came out but never bothered to replay it and that's the main criticism I've heard aimed its way, which makes sense. Lots of great dungeon designs, cool bosses and enemies, unique characters, imp ass, fun swordplay, a few unique items and minigames (including fishing), and some interesting story/continuity nods. Always wish they made a sequel.
>>986242 They did. It was called Skyward Sword.
>>986243 And here I thought someone would make a Link's Crossbow Training joke.
>>986242 The moment it all clicked for me in this game was when I was exploring the Snowpeak Ruins. All the ice enemies annoyed the shit out of me and the ice physics took me out of the gameplay, but I was completely immersed. The abandoned mansion, the portraits of the people who must have lived there before Yeto and Yeta. The fact that the only places being maintained are the few rooms they actually live in. The fact that all of it goes completely unexplained. It was so cool.
>>986177 Very fun!
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Fuck, Marry, Kill?
>>996434 I think I like the final design the best
>>996434 >>996435 I'd like to see a palette swap of canon Midna that uses the colors of cute tummy red Midna on the center right.
>>966504 >does auto-fellatio count as virginity loss? no, thats just advanced masturbation
>>996434 The design in the bottom right corner is the best one. But the third one on the top row is also cute. She looks a bit wild and inhuman, but not too monstrous. Probably the type to really be distrustful at first, but warm up to you over time and become super close. The first one on the second row is also cute. If the game went a different direction aesthetically I could see them using this version of Midna instead.
>>996489 The design in the bottom right corner is the only beta design for uncursed Midna in the group. The third one on the top right is my preference, and the first one on the second row fits in Wind Waker.
>>996544 >uncursed Midna Makes sense, had a feeling it was something like that given how different she looks. Putting aside how similar it is to the final design, I think it looks the most pleasing aesthetically. >Wind Waker The small, cute, simple, angular design would work very well in that game, I can see it. Wolf Link even looks like some ocean stormcloud beast.
>>986177 Yes, but the intro drags a bit.
>>979445 I mean I really want to drop damned near a grand on this, but I can't justify it to myself.
>>998412 >an entire grand for this I feel like it'd be less costly to buy the material and cast it yourself.
>>998570 i'm too retarded and impatient to make my own plump to-scale giant ass (not to mention any at-home workshop I'd "make" would be visible to all occupants)
>>998570 >>998628 So, because I'm insane, I decided to do a bit of research. . . >$140 for At Home Vacuum Chamber >$20~ per pint of Dragon Skin silicon (apparently platinum silicon is safest) Can rack up to hundreds due to the amount of silicon needed for both fuck ups and the volume of that MASSIVE IMP ASS >Not sure about cost of materials to make a competent large ass mold, whether I make it out of cheapass Clay or make it out of silicon or whatever that's not even getting into the manhours and emotional highs and lows of the process haha plus all the research in learning to get a competent shape going without a 3d printer. . . Enough fuck ups, I may as well have just paid the grand for the toy, even if at the end, I'd have a decent mold to where I could manufacture and sell imp ass myself, if I even reach that stage of success. . .
Bump. Why are shorties like Midna so fucking cute?
>>999574 Loli appeal, but more importantly, Midna's bratty domineering personality is fun, especially when she lets it down to show her vulnerable heart
>>999574 Because the petite nature of a shorty makes whatever personality she has more endearing and makes you want to protect her. People like to keep small things safe. For example, if she is shy and soft-spoken, you would probably want to guard her innocence and also encourage her to open up. If she is spunky and outgoing, you see her as fun and want to protect her so that she can continue to be so bright and cheery. Or be there for her if the walls around her heart break down.
>>999658 and if shes smug and bratty then she needs correction 💢😭
>>999664 Right. Correction in the form of guiding words and a reassuring hug to show her that everything will be fine.
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>>999666 Exquisite GET
>>999667 the most candyass satan trips I've ever seen in my life.
>>999666 Belly
>>999667 Just according to keikaku
>>998617 Well, her arms do look kind of furry.
>>999707 Maybe she's just Portuguese.
This might be controversial but Imps are for anal use only.
>>999733 How do you get an imp pregnant then?
>>999746 That's the beauty, you don't. You let Imps reproduce and fed, clothe and teach their little impettes and then you fuck them in the ass until you mindbreak them enough they only want big human cock. But they can't get pregnant either because they are imps and you are just a human. So she will keep on riding you until you cum so many times you get a heart attack. That's why you only fuck and Imp in the ass.
>>986177 >>986228 >>986242 >>986257 I beat all Zeldas (even trash like CD-i and Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland). As a gameplay enjoyer, Twilight Princess is my favorite. Best bosses, combat, dungeons. In the HD version some environments (Arbiter's Grounds) graphically surpass BotW and TotK. Slow to start but incredible after the first dungeon. Play Twilight Princess HD on Cemu. Enable the resolution mod if your screen resolution is high. https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/releases https://archive.org/download/legend-of-zelda-the-twilight-princess-hd-usa-en-fr-es/Legend%20of%20Zelda%2C%20The%20-%20Twilight%20Princess%20HD%20%28USA%29%20En%20Fr%20Es.wux
Does pornography exist in the Zelda universe? They have books, printing and photography (pictographs). So, do they have porn? If so, is Midna aware of the fact that she could make fat stacks of rupees with porn, specially in the fetish market?
>>999866 Yes, Ganondorg started broadcasting pornography on Hyrule 24/7 as a means of demoralization.
>>999866 Cock magic certainly does.
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The work of one who consorts with beasts!
Just remembered this video of Midna's unscrambled voice, I don't know if it's common knowledge at this point, but I thought I'd post it in case someone hasn't heard it before.
>>1000207 If Link wanted wolf pussy maybe he should have been corrupted into a cockroach instead.
>>1000275 huh haven't heard it before who knew the imp was crazy talking pig latin shit the whole time
(34.72 KB 485x585 bb9.png)

>>999889 Oy vey, knife ears; that's just horrible slander from the evil Hylians and their racial supremacy program!
>>1000329 Pretty much. Seems like they recorded the voice actress saying those sentences, then used a code to scramble the sounds whenever Midna spoke in-game. Making her sound familiar and otherworldly at the same time. I think they may have recorded a number of random syllable sounds to supplement the sentences as well, like a bunch of "bee" and "haa" and whatnot to make her language sound more fleshed out.
Did the coomer buy the plump midna ass.
(217.07 KB 836x1024 large.jpg)

>>1000474 No. sorry.
>>1000275 That's new to me. Thanks!
>>1000680 It's new to me too.
I think we should go back to talk about Imps anuses and how to fuck them.
>>1000715 What could Midna do with that giant hand of hers?
(38.10 KB 258x280 Midna Giant Hand.jpg)

>>1000722 You think she could make two large hands instead of one and do a Cerebella cosplay?
>>1000730 She can only make one, if I remember.
Can True Midna manipulate her hair as well? Or is it an imp-exclusive feature?
(129.48 KB 596x1000 Midna fan artists.jpg)

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>>1001344 We don't ever get to see True Midna manipulate her hair, nor any other member of the Twili race. When turned into an imp, Midna lost her magical abilities. But throughout the game she uses her hair to do various things and can also warp and phase through solid walls. So it seems like hair manipulation is something she only had because she was in imp form. But it would be nice if True Midna did have that power, and we just didn't get to see her use it. Maybe it was one of the few powers somehow not taken from her when turned into an imp, and the statement about her losing her powers entirely is just a generalization.
>>1001344 Twili Midna is playable in Hyrule Warriors. I don't think she does hair stuff, but she has other magic abilities.
>>1001532 Twilight Princess is pretty half assed writing wise so I doubt they put too much thought into it beyond the character design and the scripted environment manipulation.
>>799583 Marina is great. I wonder if her butthole actually is green like in the porn?
>>1001563 Her butthole is white from all the hot human cum she so desperately craves, namely mine.
>>1001552 I don't blame them for not expanding on every part of her lore though, given how the player only sees her for a few minutes of ending cutscenes and nothing else.
>>1001579 You wish fatty.
Whole lot of NOT FUCKING MIDNA being posted... >>1001655 Oh, no, >>1008524 is spot-on.
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do you think that midna gets embrassed when she's in heat in front of link sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha and i would like to know if any of you have any pics of midna getting horny while she looks needy or embrassed i just want to see it for a few laughs another thing i am wondering is what do you think the imp pussy feels like haha im just curious for laughs i would like to breed her
This thread really should be moved to >>>/vb/ but before that; Midna isn't furry. This is such a stupid concept and the thread is still arguing about furshit over a year later is embarrassing.
>>999783 >Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland what about the sequel?
You fags will still be arguing about this when you're 70.
>>1008834 I get older, Midna stays the same age. Does she like big wrinkly cock?
>>1008837 That's the beauty of vidya, you don't need consent.
I used to fantasize over a Flash game where Link would fuck Midna, are there other animations that good?
>>1009086 There were in >>>/delicious/ before.
>>1008679 Midna is shortstack, goblin, or loli, not furry. She's furless, isn't an animal, and doesn't look like an animal.
>>1018563 She fucks like one
>>1018587 Midna and me ain't nothin but mammals so we do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.
>>1018563 Midna is a cartoon imp semen demon rendered, drawn, and written by men.

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