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Dragon Quest General Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 15:41:20 Id: e996ed No. 860430
Do you like playing Dragon Quest, anon? Are you looking forward to Dragon Quest XII or the new Monster spinoff? Which girl is the best girl? Which monster is the best monster?
I spent the entire summer of 2013 playing through DQ 4 to 8 and reading Beelzebub. I've cum my fair share to the dragon quests to.
I really hope they don't fuck up 12
>>860465 I'm scared for it
>>860484 As am I
I only ever played 1, 3, 4, 9, Monsters 2 (+remake which might as well be a totally new game), and Builders 2. What else is worth bothering with?
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>>860493 I beat every mainline besides 2, 3 and 10 (the jap exclusive mmo). Never beat 2 because I was playing the GBC version and it was so ugly and sounded so shit I would rather kms than keep going with it. Everybody praises DQ5 for a reason anon. Yes, it's worth it, play it, it nearly made me cry multiple times. DQ6 is mid, it just exists I guess. What one is not worth it and is an irredeemable piece of shit is DQ7, I feel like that entire game exists only to waste your time please ignore that game for your own sake anon. DQ8 (3DS) is okay but monsters in the overworld give utterly dogshit EXP so I was forced to grind metal slimes on metal slime island catch up, that "power up" or whatever the fuck system in that game sucked ass as well. DQ11 is the best in the series and if they continue to go that route DQ12 will be amazing as well, some retards on /v/ still bashed the game though because "OLD GOOD NEW BAD".
>>860504 The 3DS version of DQ VIII has extras but it censors jessica
>>860512 It's been successfully uncensored
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>>860465 >I really hope they don't fuck up 12 I am mostly sure they will. They're already having trouble with the rating - apparently it got bumped up to Mature, which doesn't sit well with Squeeniz - and I'm also of the opinion they will commit to the mixed RPG-Action JRPG formula. That being said, the one and only thing I truly want out of XII is a femc that is as memorable as Zofia or Aurora.
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>>860512 You're in luck, anon! Some pious soul has remade the 3D models for that game to include the censored content. In all honesty, VIII on the 3DS is the objectively more complete game, but the PS2 one is just magical. Made me fall in love with the series, plus although it's barely noticeable, PS2 Jessica has that sort of high-class sounding accent that the newer one fails to replicate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArJ7If-RsMU
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>>860504 >Never beat 2 because I was playing the GBC version and it was so ugly and sounded so shit I would rather kms than keep going with it. Try the mobile port, it's honestly pretty good. >grinding to beat an RPG Come on man >DQ11 is the best in the series I disagree, it's the most ACCESSIBLE in the series, but the best one has got to go to either VIII or V. III if you're feeling really generous because of the class system.
>>860431 >>860436 My entire introduction to Dragon Quest was through that CG set of loli Bianca and Bianca's daughter by Makochin so I've been in this for the loli from the very beginning. It also primed my shiny hair fetish that got fully stoked with Splatoon. >>860465 If they fuck it up the Nips better riot.
I never really dove head first into Dragon Quest games, mostly just off of a bad first impression. Friend of mine from school wouldn't shut the fuck up about Dragon Warrior on the NES - so I went over to his place one weekend and he forced me to sit down and watch him play since he was addicted to it. Coming off of Phantasy Star on the Master System - it just looked boring. Reduced graphics and color pallet, no 3D dungeons, no animated enemy sprites, bare bones story with no fleshed out characters or cutscenes. Didn't play my first one until Sentinels of the Starry Skies on the DS, and it was pretty enjoyable - but (iirc, it's been awhile) heavily front-loaded. Since then I've gotten a bit of a taste for the series - but haven't ventured further than DQXI and a bunch of the side games. Heros, and Builders I & II mostly. Keep meaning to start playing DQVIII, but I never get more than about an hour in before drifting off to something else. With the way modern JRPGs are, I'll probably fix that sooner or later. The games do have a light-hearted charm, a refreshingly simplistic design, and classic turn-based combat. I don't even mind the cockney accents on the localizations. So yeah, can't really comment on best girl or anything like that. Heroes probably doesn't give a good metric for that and IX (IIRC) had an entirely user-made party that didn't really have any personalities or core design. So... I guess Bianca? I like the designs of the Ogre girls in X, but last I heard it still online only and not available in the west.
>>860548 I'm still annoyed they never made a DQ10 offline version.
>>860531 The "skirts" added were in the og ps2 but those were "light" censoring in the first place; I'd love to see them removed all together. Plus that hasn't been updated in a long ass time.
I'm actually really looking forward to the DQ3 HD2D remake. I don't love the art style but I love the game and I'm hoping this ends up being the definitive version with all the extra content later ports had, like the extra dungeon and the mini medals and monster medals. I'm also cautiously optimistic about DQXII. I hope by going "more mature" they simply mean it will be DBZ compared to DB as far as character designs go. >>860548 Playing the OG after other games come out and make everything prettier is always rough.
>>860637 Also I forgot to point out that Veronica is best girl.
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>>860638 wrong
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Sad for you no one fucks in this one
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>>860532 >I disagree, it's the most ACCESSIBLE in the series I enjoyed DQ11 the most. It's indeed the most accessible but also the most polished, has the best pacing, most interesting and fleshed out party members, the most content out of any DQ game out there, and the story is pretty good too. It's peak Dragon Quest. I never even played the definitive editions either only the original. I don't know why VIII is so popular maybe I'm some kind of contratian but that purple pep up power up whatever the fuck system felt too forced and hurt the combat in the game as a whole, also the EXP problem I already mentioned. I tried progressing through the game normally with plenty of fightan but once I got to the evil mage dude rapthorne? I just wasnt strong enough, I was FORCED to grind. It may be a sin to say this but DQV gets carried by it's story prove me wrong. It's 4 in the morning where I am and something was just rhythmically tapping on my window, my room is on the 2nd floor wtf. Theres no way I'm going to check it out but I hope it's just some dumbass bird.
>>860601 >I'd love to see them removed all together. Plus that hasn't been updated in a long ass time. Only way to do that then is to learn how to make 3D models yourself and update the mod accordingly Though to be honest I don't think it's too difficult >>860638 I know lolicons love her, but why isn't there so much more art of adult Veronica? She's pretty damn lewd.
>>860737 I'm not even a lolicon. I loved Veronica purely because of that tsundere personality. I was really hoping the updated edition would add a wish for veronica to get her adult body back in the post-game dungeon where you get married and stuff but it didn't happen. I agree. The internet deserves more adult Veronica love. There's gotta be a doujin for that somewhere.
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>>860700 Can you dump the whole thing or link to the source, anon? >>860692 Why do all the Dragon Quest lewds depict the women with dick sucking lips and completely off model? Source is Alena-san is in her thirties by Nazunaya Honpo
>>860739 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=9-WMJN6YMyk You can put her back in the game, problem is that she has to use Serena's animation. Rumor has it that the devs wanted to create a secondary version of Veronica using her adult body, but they scrapped her very late in development - the proof being that a lot of the custom characters have clipping and jigglebone issues, but adult Veronica's model works fine. The counter to that is that they probably made both Veronica and Serena from the same base model and just added detail as time went on.
>>860768 oh no, anon, please, whatever you do don't look at the other DQ XI doujin from the same group
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>>860774 Are they the ones behind Serena x Erik where the Hero disappeared and everything turned to shit?
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>>860778 its much much worse, anon
>>860504 I go back and forth with VI. Sometimes it's one of my favorites, sometimes I forget it exists. I guess it's one of those games that sounds amazing on paper, but the execution leaves something to be desired. It has a great story, probably the best in the series after V, but poor pacing, probably the worst in the series after VII. At the very least, it looks nice and it brought back the class system from III.
>>860532 >Come on man 2 has a broken leveling curve (and several other things) in the original Famicom release. Even the NES release had massive re-balancing.
>>860637 >Playing the OG after other games come out and make everything prettier is always rough. The thing is, Phantasy Star released a year before Dragon Warrior in the West. In Japan, Dragon Quest released a year before Phantasy Star. So they were contemporaries, though not really competition since the SMS was outsold by the NES by something like 20:1.
>>860858 How is Phantasy Star? I remember seeing screenshot on old Nintendo magazine for PSO and thinking it must have been absolutely terrific, but I never got into the series.
>>861147 Phantasy Star I is great, if rather primitive. My favorite 8-bit JRPG. Phantasy Star II has a lot of interesting ideas but a very rough execution. One of the very few games that actually has aged badly. I usually despise that term, but it applies to Phantasy Star II. Also, the dungeon design is some of the worst ever. Phantasy Star III is mediocre, forgettable and has almost nothing to do with the rest of the series. Only worth playing if you really like the idea of playing through a story that spans several generations and are willing to put up with a lot of tedium. Phantasy Star IV is one of the best JRPGs ever made. The story is told well enough to satisfy both those who played the previous games and those who didn't. Never played PSO.
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Man, I saw some AI-generated art for the game and I'm absolutely stunned. How the fuck do they even manage to make these?
>>861668 >They *It
>>861185 It'd a daymn shame that the DQ8 witch has never made a reappearance.
>>861736 Meant for >>861668
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>>861736 >>861738 She appears in Dragon Quest Rivals, but the game isn't really all that great Also, although the witch is unique for being an enemy, technically speaking all dark-magician women in DQ are categorized as witches, Krystalinda also counts as one and so does Valencia
Is anyone else going to play DQ Monsters with Psaro? I find it so cute that they're giving him and Rose their own little outing adventure.
>>863993 I've only briefly played the Monsters series with the DS entry but yes, I will be playing the new DQM. Is there a canon story throughout the games or are they all stand-alone?
>>864009 In true DQ fashion, they're technically all standalone, and as spinoffs they matter to the main story even less. However, it's possible that this time it might be either another retelling of DQ IV's story (technically the SNES version and the re-releases where you can play as Psaro have two different stories), or just a perspective switch. In this case, rather than Psaro already being the master of monsterkind, you have to see through his journey and Rose plays a more active role than just someone being stuck in a tower.
>Nobody mentioned that it's only two months until Dai's game is out Come on people. >>861668 Remidner the 3DS version has a photo mode and you can do crazy things with it; make your own harem with Jessica, bunny girls and monsters anon, go for it. I have 75/99 photos, the rest are with mc and Yangus
>>864126 It's probably because people are still miffed about the mobile game being pulled off the stores. >make your own harem with Jessica, bunny girls and monsters anon, go for it. I have 75/99 photos, the rest are with mc and Yangus Share them with us, anon I have to grab the photos I took with DQ XI, I had lots of fun with the character swap mods
>>864161 There was a mobile game? >Share Wish I could, I don't have a capture card and I don't know how to get save data without CFW from the 3DS.
Why is Nintendo the designated shitting street for all the interesting spinoffs minus Heroes because that series fucking rocks? I can't take this shit seriously when it looks worse than games I could have played in 2016.
Since Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster just hit 3 million copies a few days ago, what are the odds that they do the same with Dragon Quest? Or at least just port the DS versions? Will it depend on the Dragon Quest 3 remake sales? Am I addicted to the hopium?
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>>883341 But anon, SE already gave the Erdrick Dragon Quest trilogy masterful remakes for Switch and mobile devices.
>>883161 Every SE Switch exclusive has been put on PC a year after launch, though it takes another year for them to remove denuvo and make them actually playable.
>>883342 ew >>883348 I don't remember Dragon Quest Treasures coming out on PC, and good riddance with that game
>>883342 As terrible as they look I would gladly take PC ports of the mobile versions. At least mods can fix those godawful sprites, like with the original mobile FF ports that were removed from steam. SE does this shit on purpose like the kikes they are, to double/triple dip on sales. Hell, they probably already have FF Tactics War of the Lions port ready to go for PC, they are just saving it for when they have a bad year because they know it will print money. FUCK
>>883161 That pink hair girl looks extremely breedable. Thank god for Japanese character designers and them still knowing how to make beautiful women. >>883342 I have the pretty SNES versions on my jailbroken switch. I have to use retroarch to play them though but it's no big deal, I got savestates, fastforwarding and shit I could use with that and not in the fugly Erdrick trilogy.
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>>861185 I remember getting PSII for christmas and being so disappointed the 3d dungeons from the first game were gone. Those dungeons was like magic to wee me.
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>>883710 >That pink hair girl looks extremely breedable. I liked her better in DQIV, but hopefully they'll make a nice character out of her
>>861147 >>861185 PSO is great. Rather then conform to the typical conventions of an MMO where you are just clicking on enemies and waiting for skills to cool down it instead is more of an action RPG. In addition, even though they developed a working PVP system, they ultimately cut it as it support the coop nature of the game. It also limited the number of players that could be in a single dungeon at any time to 4 players where as other MMOs would allow far more players to fight at the same time. It has aged very well and can be played as a single player game as well. While it has little to do with the original games beyond some enemy names and item names, it a very good game in its own right. Some may say the story isn't as good as the original games, but I think the way in which its told is very good, though I may be remembering things with rose tinted glasses of my youth. >Planet called Coral is rendered unlivable due to war >The peoples of the the planet pool what resources they have left and build a spaceship called PIONEER I >Ship has very few civilians and is mostly scientist and some security personal >Ship find a planet that is livable >They name it Ragol and build a colony on it >They send a message back to their home world to send the colonists >They send a second ship called PIONEER II filled to the brim (mostly) with refugees and civilians >PIONEER II reaches the planet >It opens a communication channel with the science dome build on the planet by PIONEER I >Communications are established for a few seconds >Then >A massive explosion destroys the roof of the science dome >And the planet goes silent You play as a mercenary from PIONEER II. While it was mostly refugees there are a few mercenary on board. Some are very experienced at combat. You are not one of those. You are a complete and total novice. How the story is told is really where it shines though. On the surface of Ragol there are small orange message capsules in the ground that were left behind by a famous and well beloved Hunter and scientist known a Red Ring Rico, who was on PIONEER I. As you progress in the games main story you can read these diary entries to learn of what has become of her. You need to unravel what happened to her and the other colonists on PIONEER I. Failure is not an option, you have nowhere else to go. They story has a dark tone to it. A cloud of uncertainly and desperation hangs over the game.
>>883161 >>883710 do you not recognize psaro and rose?
>>883342 The mix of styles makes it look like a cheap indie game that's using free art.
Played through the demo for Dragon Quest Monsters 3: The Dark Prince through an emulator. It's honestly much more fleshed out and beefy than what I expected it to be. >The Good: Graphically, it's nowhere as bad as people made it out to be. Some of the screenshots for this game are downright crusty, but the environments are all fine and the monsters and characters are either ripped out of other modern Dragon Quest games or remade to look about as good as they can. The animations of most critters are also really fun, both in the overworld and during the battle scene. This goofy feller is my favorite so far. Music is mostly good, the usual themes you can expect to see from Dragon Quest, occasionally some new song plays for the briefest of moments but if you have played ANY Dragon Quest, you already know most of them. Voice Acting is surprisingly competent, some characters clearly put more gusto in their performances than others, Rose sounded like she was going to be annoying at first but she ended up growing on me for how nice she is, the only one that has bad lines or a bad performance is ironically Psaro himself in the five-six things he's allowed to say. One of his jumping lines sounds like he's seen a cockroach on the ground and got startled. Gameplay loop is the usual for monster-catcher type games, you recruit monsters based on how infamous you and your team are in that region, they join you with up to 4 monsters active on screen and other 4 in your reserve. Additionally, to speed up the grind, all monsters (even those stored in a paddock if you have caught more than 8) gain the same amount of EXP, so you don't have to farm shit for the eventual monster synthesis part of the game. As for the difficulty, the game so far is extremely easy, which I think is obvious given that it's just a demo of the beginning of the game. Though don't let that fool you, they let you explore a pretty sizable chunk of the overworld before the end of the demo, and you get to catch a respectable amount of monsters (limit is set to 1000 monsters in the paddock). The underworld areas are surprisingly well thought out, you really feel like you're playing from the perspective of a future villain who sees nothing wrong in dark skies pierced by lighting while monsters roam about talking about shit like what they're gonna eat for dinner or how much of a cheapskate the local shop owner is. <The Bad: The world is so irredeemably empty and bland. Somehow the series has regressed from DQ Heroes 2 to DQ11 to DQ Treasures in terms of how lively the world is. There is no real landmark to base your exploration, so I ended up involuntarily backtracking plenty of times because of the changing seasons making places look different all the time. I guess they give you Zoom/Ruura very early on to mitigate this, but it's still annoying that you can only travel by looking at the map and not by remembering this or that place. A lot of hidden loading zones, plus non-hidden loading screens for entering certain areas. Psaro is nimble, but his mobility is severely limited as he can only jump and run. He can't grab onto ledges, sprint or do any kind of interesting type of movement. Normally this isn't a problem as his walking speed is pretty fast and most monsters are too dumb or slow to catch up to you, but several times you will see a spot you think you can reach by jumping but it's always ever so higher than you think. It doesn't help that a lot of the obstacles are "Season-Specific": you have to wait for a specific season (which pass in a few minutes each) to be able to use specific shit, for example, vines are only climbable during Summer when they're in full bloom, or a waterfall gets frozen in Winter, revealing a hidden cave. In practice this makes every environment a confusing mess and if you miss your chance at getting one monster that only spawns in Spring, too bad, gotta wait like 10 minutes to try again. While the voice acting is decent, I don't think many of the voices "fit" the characters they've been given to. Some Mewgician sounds more like an old man than a feline monster, Slimes are bizarrely manly, that kinda stuff. The censorship in the game is also very weird. On the one hand, they keep a healthy dose of hot ladies, as made clear by the absolutely stacked bunny girl in Endor and by letting monsters talk about death, killing and so on. However, the game also censors the weirdest things, everyone has heard about the Maya costume change (super stupid, especially since she's a slut in her own backstory), but there's also several small things, like "Master" and "Slave" being unusable words for monster names, however "Drag Queen" is perfectly acceptable, plus they're no longer Monster Masters or Tamers, they're Monster "Wranglers", which won't stop reminding me of TF2. I heard some monster names were also changed during (((Localization))), but I honestly can't remember which ones since I am so used to the enemies I ignore the stat screens entirely. The music comes and goes as it pleases. I don't know if it's an emulator thing, but some areas are dead silent with occasional ambience, while others have music playing. The shadows of several characters are also missing, really disappointing especially after DQ11 spoiled me in that regard. Overall, I'll probably play with the finished version when it comes out and decide halfway through if the censorship and nitpicks are worth not owning a physical copy of the game. It's unusual to see such a big demo for a game that is just around the corner, though, so that's fun.
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Oh, also, people say that the performance is shit on the Switch, played on an emulator and it ran fine, occasionally it would drop some major frames, but only in very cluttered areas.
>>860430 wanted to post a piece I colored a while back
>>887210 Great stuff anon, but something about the tone of skin puts me off. Doesn't look natural
>>887210 Well done anon.
>>887210 Did you also draw it, or did you just color it? Either way, I like it a lot
>>887319 just color and a handful of line corrections. I like to finish sketches I find online, some just need color others need an a redraw. I used to do tons of edits for the big edit threads back in the day before all the other chans went to shit... As gay as 8/a/ mods were it was still so much better than anything we have today. >>887235 the reason it looks off is because of the way the artist did the shading, if you look at the reflective spots on their skin it's meant to look like there is a bright light source shining down on them, almost like a stage-light. I could redo it but that would require redoing all the colors, shading, and adding in a background for it to look right. Unless a piece is mostly unfinished I generally just do colors and a bit of shading and leave it alone. The big problem with doing color edits for mostly finished black and white pieces is that unless you can match the art-style perfectly any big changes always look worse than without.
>>887926 >I like to finish sketches I find online, some just need color others need an a redraw Do you post your work somewhere? I'd love to check that out
>>887932 no, I don't even have a user name on any site. I do see my stuff re-posted all around, which makes really happy that I am good enough for people to save what I make. I have even seen people post my stuff on patreon pretending to be the ones who did it, which is funny as fuck. I can post some before and afters but most of my stuff is color work and the occasional de-cucking edit (removing nogs, futa, tattoos, etc). I don't do redraws very often becuase I can never fully match the art style of the orginal and bothers me. Don't have much for Dragon Quest though, most of the decent DQ are is usually finished so there is nothing for me to do.
>>887936 > fully match the art style of the orginal and bothers me. *and it bothers me >most of the decent DQ are is usually finished *most of the decent DQ art It's time for me to stop posting for today. And before someone complains it's all Bleach, it's just the first folder I opened. I have so many of my edit pics spread out across multiple SSD's I don't even remember where they all are.
>>860430 Nothing concrete yet, but apparently there are rumors of a new mainline Dragon Quest title being announced in November. The interesting part though is that apparently it won't be XII, but rather a worldwide release of DQ X Offline, which has been announced and de-announced several times over.
Im at the point in DQXI that I've completed everything except the final boss and the Tickington quests which Im really not motivated to do since this is my first Dragon Quest game and I wouldn't get all the references. Should I press on the finale? I also married Veronica I don't know If I should mention this.
>>903194 >Should I go ahead and beat the fucking game that I already invested dozens of hours into Kamikaze yourself instead, retard.
>>903194 Which final boss? 1/3rd of the game takes place in the post-game. And yes, do it. You won't get the post-credits reference but the closure is great. Props for marrying best girl
>>903221 I married the childhood friend. Call me a boring but I don't care, I'm loyal to those who love me back. >>903194 Oh yeah when you're fighting the true final boss you really should use the Legendary Orichalcum sword (forgot its name) as an item in order to weaken it. It's beatable without doing so but I believe the fight will be much more difficult unless you USE THE SWORD AS AN ITEM, which I did not. :^( I have no clue how much easier the fight was supposed to be and I had to grind to level 98-99 to beat em.
>>903194 So they made it obvious by the dialogue that veronica wanted to stay a little girl so she could be dominated by a grown man and used as a fleshlight, but maybe it's also because she wanted to have sex with a pedophile.
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>>903194 >Final Boss Definitely. >Tickington quests Although they're basically fanservice, you still ought to press on with them, since beating all of them will grant you access to The End of Time super boss, though he plays much more like a traditional 2D Dragon Quest super boss. You don't really get much out of beating him though. >>903245 >Oh yeah when you're fighting the true final boss you really should use the Legendary Orichalcum sword (forgot its name) as an item in order to weaken it. I don't think you are required to use it, but since it's just a free item and a single turn to nullify bullshit stats I don't think you should skimp on it. Besides, you don't even need to be that high a level. Erik with a little bit of stat boosting can beat him in two turns with just two attacks. Dragon Quest is a fantastic series because it still allows you to beat it by grinding up to high levels, but if you spend a little time studying each move and its damage output / combinations with other moves you can pull off astounding shit. I still remember how I bamboozled the post-game bosses in DQ VIII on the PS2 by exploiting the fact that monsters cannot be cursed, while playing casually you might be inclined to think that it's the whole point of the trials. >>903221 >>903245 There's a very large modding community for the game, among of them there's even one for marrying the entire cast and having them as a harem in your house. https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestxisdefinitiveedition/mods/189 I think the guy making them is also on gamesbanana where he posts uncensored shit since Nexusmod is a hive of trannies. Personally, my favorite mods are the Model Trainer that lets you pick any model from the game and replace your partners with them, so I can get Krystalinda and Adult Veronica in my party, and the postpostgame boss battles that completely fuck you up unless you go in with a specific strategy in mind.
>>903304 >Dragon Quest is a fantastic series because it still allows you to beat it by grinding up to high levels, but if you spend a little time studying each move and its damage output / combinations with other moves you can pull off astounding shit. That's... every fucking RPG ever. What?
>>903304 Why are you telling me how to beat a game that I already beat back in 2018? Admittedly I never played the Definitive versions but I really don't want to go through the entire game again, playing them once was more than enough for me.
>>903327 Not really. A lot of rpg hardlock you on level progression.
>>860838 I agree, but the music in VI is so fucking beautiful it's easily my favorite to go back and play. Plus, VI Hero and Hassan are badass.
>>904412 that's not vanilla
>>904425 Fully orchestrated like G0d intended is better than vanilla SNES bgm, bitch. Europeans make the best classical composers but Japan is a worthy 2nd best. これが こういちさまへ である。
>>860597 >'it's out" >when there isn't even a proper 1.0 release >when the main story isn't even completely translated >it's on the nexus mods Why must you be so fucking disingenuous and give anons false hope?
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>>904434 >>904412 >>904425 >>860838 Thanks for reminding me how much I love the orchestrated soundtrack of the games. I have uploaded it here though I suggest you reupload it elsewhere since I'm sure I'll forget to sign in the mega account in three months and it'll be deleted due to heir stupid ToS https://mega.nz/folder/OsMWjTBb#ZTJxSHQ3ErpO09yhln23NQ
https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=3ZUDytASLWg New DQ Monsters 3 trailer. Nothing special, but they showcase some monsters. No witches though, can't have you be a woman wrangler.
>>905516 The orchestrated versions ARE the true versions! Sugiyama wrote the orchestral scores which were then arranged for the hardware BGM. Even back to the first Dragon Quest it was done this way. Sugiyama had been an industry musical director/orchestrator for TV years before he became involved in game music. He raised the bar and paved the way for others like Nobuo Uematsu (though if you ask me Sugiyama is still the king among Japanese composers, at least in the realm of 20th-century Western-classical style.)
>>905739 What worries me is that going forward Squeenix will just keep on reusing the soundtrack from previous games rather than finding a suitable replacement.
>>905795 I agree, they should get somebody new who apes the old-school Hollywood/neo-classical sound of Sugiyama's music. Sadly composers of such talent are rare these days. Shogo Sakai fits the bill OK I think. Though Japan is full of talented musicians, so they could probably find somebody under the radar who's an even better fit. I have a feeling that they'll probably do something lazy, like get a new composer, but restrict them to arranging old Sugiyama themes in a mish-mash of stuff from previous DQ games. Kind of like how most video game music is nowadays. It would be kind of neat to have somebody like Uematsu on to do a darker-sounding score. Though it might make the game feel too much like FF and lose the light, breezy fantasy feeling of DQ. It's a tricky thing because you have to keep it upbeat enough to feel family-friendly like DQ but also serious enough that it fits the open-ended exploratory quest feeling, like you have in the NES games or VI.
>>906085 At this point, I wouldn't mind some completely different kind of soundtrack or vibe for the series. I understand that DQ is to Japan what Mickey Mouse is to the West, an idea more than a series, but I'd also like to see the devs (and the musicians as well) try something new. I enjoyed Swords and Heroes much more than I thought I would, and I hear Rocket Slime is also its own kind of fun. Would be nice if the supposed "big change" in gameplay also heralded some other kind of big change in the sound department. The only things I wish were left untouched are the Toriyama vibes and the sexo which given Monsters, seems to be on the chopping block, at least if they keep on publishing on fucking nu-tendo https://iv.nboeck.de/watch?v=gBdhUNldh5s
>>906558 >Rocket Slime Rocket Slime is great. I wouldn't worry about them dropping the puff-puff and stuff like that because of Nintendo, that's more of a Sony thing.
>>906558 I think a DQ with a kind of new-age rock feel to it would be interesting. Both the music and the overall world-view of the story. Kind of like a post-modern-world, New Golden Age type setting. So you still have your medieval/ancient-world type societies and characters, but with a kind of post-modern feel to it somewhere. Maybe something set in a scorched-earth desert setting? Where the story involves a society built after the destruction of almost all civilization, or something to that effect. IDK. Anything creative and fresh would be nice. I feel like they did the classic DQ storyline/world view such justice with XI that it really warrants a shakeup if they try to milk the cash cow again (and you know they will, as long as they have their domestic audience).
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>>906764 >Kind of like a post-modern-world, New Golden Age type setting. So you still have your medieval/ancient-world type societies and characters, but with a kind of post-modern feel to it somewhere. Heroes had a bit of it given that there's an entire not-Edinburgh city based off of light steampunk elements, and your mothership runs on that tech too. Generally speaking, Heroes I has such a neat aesthetic that makes it stand out a lot among the other games. It's funny cause I felt that DQ Heroes II was much more generic a game, despite being objectively better in the gameplay department
Has anyone been able to confirm whether Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince has any Witch type characters? Kind of scummy to skimp on DQ VIII, the best game in the series.
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>>920957 It has Krystalinda from DQ XI.
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>>921002 Cameltoe Witch cannot beat the superior jiggle physics Witch.
>>921002 her outfit just looks wrong to me, the decorations on her thighs clearly appear to be stockings that got censored in to a full body suit. The lack of fur on a winter witch is also kinda not right. Should have been a high cut leotard with fur edge liners and thigh high stockings with garters. The center torso bindings in her outfit should also have been see through. Picrel is my shit tier attempt at an edit and lack fur but you get the idea
>>927684 You can see a lot of the "intended" character designs underneath the modesty garments imposed upon then by the ESG/DEI crowd. You did a great job bringing Krystalinda out of her hijab anon.
I've been playing dragon quest treasures lately. Its pretty decent actually if you like that sort of game.
>which monster is the best monster All of them who join me. >which girl is best girl Obviously Bianca. Deborah seems interesting though. Once I eventually get around to replaying DQ5 I'm curious to see what she's like.
>>907587 >It's funny cause I felt that DQ Heroes II was much more generic a game, despite being objectively better in the gameplay department I feel the exact same way.
>>939398 >Deborah seems interesting though. Once I eventually get around to replaying DQ5 I'm curious to see what she's like. Spoiler alert. Shes a bitch.
>>939398 I'm replaying the DS version of 5 right now and considering picking Deborah. Then again, I'd like to see what Flora/Nera is like in this game. I've only ever picked her in the SFC version which doesn't have party chat.
>>939653 Party chat improves the characterization and story immeasurably, they wrote dialogue for literally everything
>>939659 Never played 5. Do all the npc's still have the awful accents they had in 4?
>>939811 Some of the characters have accents but they're nowhere near as bad as they were in 4. For example, one of the potential wife characters has a Scottish accent, but she still speaks basic English. Unlike the "Scottish" characters in 4 who spoke full blown Scots English.
>>939811 If you playing the DS version which is the only one that has Deborah Then yes it does
>>939608 On the flip side, if you just want to min max she's the de facto strongest wife you can choose. Bianca is sadly the worst in terms of power, which is why you are contractually obliged to marry her. >>939811 AFAIK 5 got hit very lightly by the localized voices, and only on more modern versions where Sancho does the whole Spanish song and dance. Plus out of all the games 5 has the most fan and official translations, so you are spoiled for choice.
>>939659 DQV on DS was my first and after playing other Dragon Quest games years later it felt so EMPTY without the party chat commentating on everything around you. I played DQ11 and was happy my party sometimes reacted to what was happening but very rarely and only when it was related to the main story.
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R.I.P. to the legend, may he get smothered in tits in the afterlife I truly hope DQ XII - if it ever comes out - really spells the end of the series. It just wouldn't feel right with both composer and artist gone, despite Horii being a godlike scenario creator. >>941047 IV and VIII have the best party chat, in my opinion. Heck, VIII's party chat is essential in understanding some of the lore and really gives a lot of depth to the party. The 3DS version tacked on a bunch of likes for Morrie and Red too, but they kind of feel like accessory to the main trio.
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>>860430 I have recently been told by some other anon about a Dragon Quest Builders PC port based on the mobile version of the game. Originally, I wrote it off as a gimmicky spin off when I tried it at a kiosk on a PS4, but out of curiosity (and because I wanted to see if it really was poz'd) I got to playin' it. Ended up being a pretty comfy experience, it's basically Minecraft if it had an actual point to the creative part aside from beating a faggot dragon in the underworld. I love caring for the idiots that come to the village and immediately demand I make them bistros and inns, though hearing ten thousand jumping sounds made by the npcs is driving me insane and the combat is pretty lackluster, with enemies that kind of just annoy you rather than being threatening. It's also one of those games that BEGS YOU to exploit it, there's a few craftable items that can turn any earthy block into some other, higher grade one, so you can wall yourself in a 4x3 mudhouse and get a ton of building blocks all at once. As far as the writing goes, the only bit that got me upset is the stupid "Type 1" "Type 2" sex selection screen, but apparently the port is so lazy that they forgot to implement gender neutral room signs, so Type 1 still maps to the Gentleman sign but not to the Lady sign - or at least it didn't work when I tried it out. There is no gendered dialogue either, which I think is a plus since everyone treats you more as a busybody than an actual hero. That aside, generally speaking the scripts in DQ games are one of either charming, hilariously punny or stoic, and this game falls very comfortably in the first group. Also have a Jess. >>943521 Something that has grinded my gears for so long is that the majority of fan and official art about Jessica simply refuses to show any nipple. They make these bigass orbs covered by nothing but the slimmest of purple threads, but somehow she's got pin-sized areolas apparently.
Happy Dragon Quest day, /v/! For the ones that care, Horii-sensei has announced that not only is DQ XII still deep in development (confirming my hypothesis that it's gonna be a Swan Song for the series), the official dq Twitter handle has announced that they're about ready to release DQ III HD.
>>972676 Not that I'd doubt that it (hopefully) is, but how does still being deep in development confirm that it'll be the swan song?
>>972676 I hope DQ XII isn't shit since it'll basically be Toriyama's last work.
>>972676 >they're about ready to release DQ III HD Are they adding any new features to it or is it just a facelift?
>>972702 It's a big facelift in the HD-2D graphics style of Octopath Traveler and Triangle Strategy, that's all I know.
>>972676 Can't wait to play as Ortega's Type B Child with all the girls covered up and sexual references neutered.
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>>981685 looks interesting, whats the word on censorship?
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>>972676 I am not holding out much hope, the cancer has spread to Japan.
>>1007160 Lots.
>>1007160 They're doing the "Body Type A/B" thing, can only assume that the translation is gonna be pozzed somehow
>>1007201 hopefully there will be a fan patch like there was for DQviii. Orginal Dialog is still out there and depending on whether they used sprites or models fixing those should be possible too. Shit cherry on top would be jewnuvo
>>940276 Bianca is sadly the worst in terms of power, which is why you are contractually obliged to marry her. doesn't really matter, by the time you get your wife back the level gap makes her useless anyway
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>>1007160 Type A/B instead of genders, though at least the English voice actress acknowledged it was a silly idea and the descriptions of the characters plainly state they're a boy/girl. Apparently they're going heavy on censoring the female Warrior, cannot say how much since the sprites have been heavily altered since the original videos but there are rumors that they're trying to cover her up even more. Some scenes are probably gonna get bowlderized as well but nothing definitive right now. Saddest part is that mouth breathers will say this is the ultimate DQ III experience because it adds an extra class (Monster Tamer) and a bunch of QoL features. >>1007517 Has there been any other DQ character that has been mogged as much as Bianca? Not only did they purposefully make her stats bad despite being best girl, and not only giving her yet another love rival in Deborah way after the original release, they also completely destroyed her characterization by going the DQVIII route without realizing what made DQVIII's cockney characters work (the voice actors and writing, namely). Heck, she should be speaking German, considering how many German sounding locations exist in DQV.
>>1007160 It doesn't. It looks like the rest of half ass remakes they have been churning out since the DS. This one are worst because they insert current politics into it.
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Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake site has this nice art
From the GamerGate general, Yuji Horii's take on DQ3HD's "Appearance A/B" https://archive.vn/v9omO >Yuji Horii: "You can choose the male or female protagonist, but you can't say you choose between male and female. There's Type 1 and Type 2. I wonder who could complain if it was male or female. I don't understand." >Kazuhiko Torishima: "Compliance is an absolute god. There is something like evil in the name of good, right? It's not like everyone doesn't feel uncomfortable. Because not everyone has their own sense of what is good or bad, like clean or dirty. At the root of everything, there are a few things that you absolutely must not do, and if you don't do those, everything else will be fine, right? There's nothing like that here. The idea of ​​sex education that comes from religious concepts from the West is in America, isn't it? Their idea of ​​compliance is really narrow. When you publish a comic there, you have to separate it by age. If it's a Shonen Jump manga, you can't publish it unless it's over 13 years old. You have to do all the retakes. You have to take out insurance in case of a lawsuit. It's really troublesome. Japan is also being negatively influenced by that."
>>1020486 It'll be a cold day in hell before I buy any game with this kind of crap in it, and I say it as someone who actually enjoys most DQ games
>>1020492 I'll buy the game if it's good. Type 1 and 2 shit's 1/10 on the pozz scale.
>>1020505 The retarded censorship with the designs is bad though, even if the devs want to blame their management or not.
>>1020505 The Sylvando fag from DQ11 was DQ at peak poz. He literally grooms kids into prancing down the street in a gay pride parade.
>>1020486 Based Japs remain based, but have to abide by "a certain country's" nonsense in order to do business globally. Which country could that be? >>1020720 Sylvando was a massive annoying faggot and I hated every moment he was on screen. Why so much of 8ch had a boner for him I'll never know.
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As the years go on I no longer feel anger or even disappointment in any of this, I have just accepted that everything I like from my childhood will be defiled by kikes, now I just feel an empty sadness.
>>1020725 Being a corporate management suit is an off definition for based, I don't think he cares if he gives his opinion or not because it doesn't matter. He just lets them shit all over his older games with retarded remakes since it doesn't matter in the end to him.
>>1020725 Is it another country that censors all depictions of genitals?
>>1020803 He also owns Dragon Quest, he just doesn't give a shit and is just passing the buck.
>>1020811 What are you fucking talking about? I have never seen anywhere that Yuji Horii owns the rights to Dragon Quest. He created DQ with a team while working at Enix, it's more than likely that the company owns the rights to it.
>>1020813 He co-owns it, you can't really peddle an excuse beyond him just not giving a shit.
>>1020814 If that's the case, co-ownership is still a lot more restrictive than a full ownership.
>>1020815 You're right when the goal of the people that own it just want money from it, whether you're talking about Toriyama's ownership or not.
I'll just mod it back to male/female.
>>1021278 >supporting games that do this Fuck off.
>>1021297 Maybe he meant he would do it after pirating?
>>1021297 fixing things is not supporting it
>>1021278 You should mod the Dragon Quest X chibi remake port then and fix it. :^)
>>1021345 Is Dragon Quest X's offline remake still only Japanese?
>>1021720 >Is Dragon Quest X's offline remake still only Japanese? it's not like that's a bad thing a lot of the problems in today's media comes from every company wanting world wide appeal instead of just focusing on a domestic market, There is plenty of money to be made in a single country so long as you can keep your budget in check.
>>1021747 Is if you're a monolingual gaijin and wanna try.
>>1021720 >>1021755 >Is if you're a monolingual gaijin and wanna try. >Japanese learning thread You know what you must do.
>>1020745 Seeing as the Japanese are saying the people who made this butchered port need to kneel and beg forgiveness at Toriyama's grave, I'd say things are looking up. >>1020807 I wonder who added those censsorship laws when they forced a new constitution on the Japanese at bayonet point.
>>1021786 >Seeing as the Japanese are saying the people who made this butchered port need to kneel and beg forgiveness at Toriyama's grave, I'd say things are looking up. Nigger the nipsects are still buying this dogshit because they are even bigger shiteaters than the amerimutts who advocate for the censorship.
Best girl in XI and why?
>>1021786 >Seeing as the Japanese are saying the people who made this butchered port need to kneel and beg forgiveness at Toriyama's grave, I'd say things are looking up. A decade ago people protested loudly at the gaying up of the western games market too, didn't change a thing. Gamergate came and went, this won't get better until jews are swinging from lampposts; here or in nipland.
>>1021720 Yeah, I guess it's still japanese only since it isn't being sold in English.
>>1021997 >that webm wouldn't it be easier to just learn English? I thought most jap schools had it as a second language? I learned English since almost all dubs are centered around it and am learning nip now for similar reasons
>>1022016 Their English classes and language teaching suck.
>>1022016 Learning English is hard when you're surrounded by Nips, it's already somewhat unusual for a continental European but it must be a complete nightmare for someone who's used to one(1) sound per kana along with the way Nipponese conjugation and sentence structure works compared to the wholly different Indo-European beast that doesn't even have easily identifiable runes to differentiate between meanings at a glance, and that isn't even accounting for the 6 trillion ancient chinese idioms used in everyday life. The localization problem exists just as much over there as it does here minus trannies, but unlike in the west they don't have to depend on foreign games to meet base needs of the soul and the ass adoption of スマホ has utterly killed Nipponese desktop computing skills outside of the オタク community. >>1022025 That as well, plus I honestly think they'd be better off learning Dutch or German which are far more structured than the colonial abomination that is Anglo and also fit the limited Japanese vocalization base much better.
>>1022025 hey to be fair most teachers even when I grew up sucked at English too.
>>1021914 >Best girl in XI and why? Serena, easygoing.
>>1021914 They're all great. Except Gemma, she's kind of annoying and doesn't contribute much to the story. At least mike9k1's postpostgame mod gives her a cool fight. >>1021997 >>1022016 Different languages have different lexical distances to other languages based on sounds and intonation. The Japanese language is particularly weird because for some reason it comes very close to Italian but as far away from English as possible. You also have to keep in mind that the Japanese have to learn two different sets of basic syllables, then a bunch of weird-ass characters that can be read in multiple ways and mean multiple things, and all of this just to actually interact with peers outside of middle school. By the time they're ready to learn English, which itself is a rather weird language with a ton of exceptions to its grammatical rules and constantly evolving due to its leeching nature, they're already pretty much screwed. >>1022035 >The localization problem exists just as much over there as it does here minus trannies I wish we could have some website dedicated not just to translating stuff from one language to another, but also that gave actual primers for proper localization (idioms, national in-jokes, in-depth explanations of specific words). I find it almost impossible to give a localized translation of text from English to my mother tongue and vice-versa because so much of the meaning behind certain things is lost in the context, and most people don't have the mental flexibility to keep up with both. Dunno if it's also an issue with any of you non-Anglos, but there are some words that I just refuse to use since there's a more specific one in my own language, and viceversa.

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