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The Elder Scrolls thread Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 11:59:18 Id: a3df2a No. 884310
We have furries and they're all addicted to crack. Covering the basic news. >The Elder Scrolls VI is officially in early development, all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics. >Daggerfall Unity is leaving Beta and considering a full 1.0 release, the in-dev 0.16 release being the earliest candidate. This would mark the completion of its 9-year development and the first major TES engine port to be finished. The project will enter a stage of "post-release support" likely involving bug fixes and further modding improvements. >Skyblivion posted a new status report, showing major progress. There's too much to cover, I recommend watching their 2023 roadmap if interested https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8
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And on a tangential note, the Wayward Realms posted their second devlog recently covering mostly the game's dialogue and weather systems. For those unfamiliar, the Wayward Realms is a game headed by former Elder Scrolls developers Julian Le Fay, Ted Peterson, and Vijay Lakshman. It's aiming to be Daggerfall 2 rather than Morrowind 2, so if you're hoping for a "return to form" you may want to look elsewhere, this is going to be a fantasy sim RPG. I'm not sure what think of this project, I was very skeptical at first but I'm getting more hopeful as they show more of their work. It has the right people on it and they're focusing on the right things, like game systems, over muh cinematic narrative. Please god be good and not turn into vaporware.
>>884310 Odyssey of the Dragonborn had a trailer put out a few weeks ago.
>>884315 I want this game to be good so fucking badly man
>>884315 Please be finished, please be good
>>884341 You're old, incompetent and there are newer better alternative games to yours now Todd. I don't love you anymore....
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>>884315 Hopefully their dungeon generation algorithm won't turn out some of the most boring and, in some cases, broken structures ever created.
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OP missed a lot of stuff >OpenMW 0.48 released. Next release or one after it may be 1.0 >initial support for loading data from Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 added to dev >Tamriel Rebuilt preparing to release new expansion this month or next >Elder Kings II patch for new version of CK3 with support Tours and Tournaments and reworked High Rock coming soon. Wards and Wardens support expected soon afterwards. Summerset content still to come
>thanks to Starfield there will be a bigger gap between Skyrim and TES6 than the entire time between Arena and Skyrim
>>884343 I'll see you soon Anon...
>>884315 >It's aiming to be Daggerfall 2 rather than Morrowind 2 Good.
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>>884408 Considering how fucking shit Startfield is(and Fallout 4(and Skyrim (and Fallout 3(and Oblivion)))) is truly hope Elder Scrolls gets fucking delayed for the next 20 years. I wish Big corpo crashed and burns and Elder Scrolls is bought for dirt cheap by some random Polish dudes or something and is actually made into a quality RPG Elder Scrolls needs to be. I honestly can't believe my favorite fantasy setting is in the hands of one of the worst developers on earth. Also that Skyrim main quest remake got a new video recently that actually kinda looks good.
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>>884433 >I wish Big corpo crashed and burns 150 buckaroos gtavi is doing it's best to guarantee that bright future.
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>>884315 >It's aiming to be Daggerfall 2 If it features full-frontal nudity. I will buy their game.
Todd about to sell Skyrim for the 8th time. How does he do it?
>>884521 Bethesdrons
>>884488 Doesn't seem to matter, the masses will eat up whatever slop their masters feed them.
>>884521 Where?
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>>884341 I'm not even gonna give Starfield a ride on the Seven Digital Seas chess club. Also, wanna give the Daggerfall Unity team a massive congrats for porting to a new system and am looking forward to whatever mods come for the game.
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>>884387 Sorry about that, I knew I was missing a lot but wasn't sure what to look for or what to add. If you know of any other notable TES news feel free to post it, I might ask a mod to edit the OP to feature it. Had I known OpenMW was also about to go 1.0 I absolutely would have included that. It would be great if this could act as a general replacement for other Gamebryo titles the way GZDoom has nigh completely replaced native idTech 1 games, I love New Vegas but that game is so buggy it borders on unplayable. The main issue with OpenMW is modding compatibility, some mods work by exploiting engine quirks which it patches out. I know for NV some major mods like the vehicles mod work this way. >>884315 Something I also forgot to mention, they got Daggerfall's original composer back. They've released some of the soundtrack and it sounds exactly like DF music, vids related. It's kind of eerie how close they've gotten to DF aesthetically with certain aspects of the game, some of the screenshots look like a heavily modded DFU. >>884408 Isn't the ballooning of AAA just wonderful? It's totally normal for a game to take upwards of 7 years to develop. That is a healthy and sustainable development model. >>884509 A lot of their concept art does so maybe, it's become a lot less taboo in mainstream games in recent years anyway. You can see peen and tiddies in CP2077 and BG3 and nobody kicked up a stink about that, the era of major news outlets screaming about ass in Mass Effect is a relic of the past judging by recent reactions or lack thereof. >>884574 >Also, wanna give the Daggerfall Unity team a massive congrats for porting to a new system and am looking forward to whatever mods come for the game. They've been working very hard on it for a very long time, it's great to see the team held out long enough to see it through. And it's had modding support for awhile now, actually. https://forums.dfworkshop.net/viewforum.php?f=27 https://www.nexusmods.com/daggerfallunity The most popular one is DREAM, or the Daggerfall Remaster Enchanted Art Mod. It's a total art replacement to make DF higher resolution. It's not for me personally, I don't like the aesthetic of it and these high-res textures clash too hard with the low-poly models. Other than that, there are some cool ones like the Archaeology Guild mod which adds an entire new faction aimed to make DF more viable for non-magic users, then there are the Random Little Quests and Quest Pack mods which add a bunch of new quests of various scales for more variety in the gameplay. A new one that caught my eye was a recreation of Skakmat using his files leftover in the game's code. If you're unfamiliar, DF was going to feature a large fully 3D dragon NPC in the Wrothgarian Mountains who would have been a major part of the Lysandus questline. I don't think the mod reintegrates any of the lore or quest aspects, just the NPC model. Check them out, people have created really interesting stuff despite the modding community for DFU being relatively young.
>>884639 >he main issue with OpenMW is modding compatibility, some mods work by exploiting engine quirks which it patches out. I know for NV some major mods like the vehicles mod work this way. Too bad OpenMW makes up for that with its own, better running mods. Leave the past behind you where it belongs.
>>884639 I hope they're able to make a good game, but It being mostly volunteers and it having no investors makes me weary it will just stop altogether one day.
>>884639 >Had I known OpenMW was also about to go 1.0 I absolutely would have included that. It's still not even remotely close to release (I would be very surprised if it happened before this time in 2024), just that the things blocking 1.0 status are almost all gone.
Interkarma has said Daggerfall Unity won't be affected by the Unity price changes because of how the project is setup, but the "Made with Unity" splash will show up starting from release 0.16 because Interkarma ceased his subscription. On another note, Interkarma has been working on his own RPG for a few months which was going to also use the Unity engine, because of this change he's switching it to something else, possibly Unreal. Unity has completely destroyed their reputation and attractiveness with gamedevs. >>884689 I see. Well, the actual release window shouldn't matter as long as they stay the course. This year, next year, 2025, it doesn't matter that much when your product is a complete engine port that's largely already feature complete.
>>885720 I really wish they would move away from Unity to something Open Source. Unity was OK for making a modern Daggerfall reimplementation work, and now that we have source code it's time to move to a proper Open Source engine. Either a custom engine, or an existing engine like Godot, it doesn't really matter. >>884689 At this point version 1.0 is just a formality. OpenMW has already been the best way to play Morrowind for years.
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>>884639 >A lot of their concept art does so maybe, Could you post some?
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>>884310 >all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics >will be out have several DLC by the time Prequel gets another update
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>>885963 Interkarma expects somebody to try porting it to Godot, DFU isn't that reliant on Unity as an engine outside of rendering. >>885977 A lot of it is on their >discord and I don't want to make an account for it so here's what I could easily find.
>>886126 But can you actually play as a female character or is it male and tranny male?
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>>886126 >the orc Honestly, i'm disappointed how no artists these days are able to perfectly emulate the simplicity of 90s fantasy. Even when that's explicitly what they're going for. Damn it. I want my brightly colored wizard robes and spandex bikini warriors.
>>885996 Why don't old comics with long hiatuses ever officially end >Yessir, my webcomic from 2003 that hasn't gotten a new issue since 2021 is still active, trust me
>>887067 Because there's no official statement by the artist, many just go off and dissapear unlike a company which will be there even if an artist is long gone and can give out an official statement. Not only that, but some artists have indeed come back.
The first true release for Morrowind Mod Province Cyrodill Anvil is almost done and only waiting on (quoting) >Two apartment houses in Anvil >Four ship interiors. >Two caves >The Southpoint Trading Company building interior. >The reimplementation of the town of Charach on Stirk and its interior refits. >More quests and testing. Elder Kings II's newest update will launch this weekend.
So, any opinions, hopes and/or expectations for the TES IV Oblivion Remaster that will come at some point in the upcoming years?
>>888547 >Actual Roman/Greek looking architecture instead of LoTR generic nonsense Fucking ace >>888963 >Bethesda game >Expectations wew
>>888969 Isn't LotR supposed to be different parts of pre-historic Europe? Maybe you think it's generic because you're conflating it all. But The Shire is rural England, whereas Gondor was in what would later become roughly southern europe, so it makes sense that they'd be different. (And they are.) Plus Tolkien gave himself an out by saying that the stories are pre-historic and even the very continents have had time to change since then. But I wouldn't say it's "generic."
>>889242 Todd just ripped out the original asthetic of Oblivion for a copy of the LotR movies because they were popular at the time.
>>888547 I can't tell from the screenshots, is it going to be jungle?
>>889553 Not like the 360 or PS3 could even render a lore-accurate, or even lore-adjacent attempt, at the jungles of Cyrodiil. Shit barely ran at 30fps at times as it was.
>>890216 >I want to make a story set in the thick jungles of Cryodiil, the seat of the imperial capital, but the technological limits of my time won’t let me bring my vision to life! What do I do?? <A. Destroy all the lore and understanding the player base has about the imperial seat of power so the computers can render my story <B. Just make the game setting elsewhere <C. Wait for technology to catch up Can’t have anything nice, you know.
>>889242 The problem is that when people copy Tolkien, they only copy the surperficial elements without understanding what makes it special
>>889242 It is a generic copy of Tolkien, yes Cyrodill is supposed to be Mediterranean in terms of envieonment and Roman in terms of culture, at least in broad strokes. Instead we get the most generic fucking shit possible because Bethesda are hacks.
>>890345 >>890321 Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt. Tolkien warned us about this. Truly Todd is another coming of Annatar, the lord of gifts. Promises you video games, but gives you nothing but lies.
>>890345 Damn, a Roman architectural style in a tropical jungle environment would have looked great. Every time I think about what Oblivion was supposed to look like I wonder how the cities would have differed, especially the ones along the water. A remaster or remake of Oblivion with more varied and detailed architecture and environments would be fantastic but I know in my heart of hearts that'd be monkey's paw wish come true. Are there any mods that aim to recreate the original look Cyrodill would have had before the retcon? Or really any mods that try to introduce the Mediterranean or tropical styles more than the base game does? It seems like such a missed opportunity for something very unique.
>>890252 They could do it, they just didn't want to and ride the coatails of LoTR.
>>890374 The closest thing would be the Tamriel Rebuilt guys that try to make it using the lore from Morrowind(and maybe Daggerfall) while ignoring Oblivion and Skrim. Here is a video of Anvil from 3 years ago, keep in mind that development is extremely slow. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cBw3sGsENJI
>>890377 Oh man, that looks kickass. I wasn't aware the Tamriel Rebuilt guys were remaking Cyrodill more (pre-TESIV) lore-friendly, though with all the different mods getting worked on I'm not surprised I got confused. That footage alone looks far closer to what I might imagine of Anvil if it were far more lore and size accurate, though with the Oblivion engine it looks like they're biting off way more than they can chew. Still, visually speaking it's incredibly impressive in comparison to what the actual game provided, like what someone might conjure up in their mind the first time they hear about Anvil.
>>890384 >though with the Oblivion engine IF you meant the Morrowind engine, I think they are now working on the OpenMW engine, as this has become the best way of playing Vanilla Morrowind.
>>890386 No shit? I could barely tell it was made with that instead of the Oblivion engine. On a second watch it's easier to see, the containers really give it away. Could have fooled me.
Tamriel Rebuilt's newest release, Andaram, is almost complete. The only things needed for release are implementation of two quests and an interior. The release after that, the Narsis centered Grasping Fortune, needs 40 interiors (11 in the city proper) among its other to dos. New teaser image for Elder Kings 2 update. Coming "Soon" >>888547 EK2 release date was in error. Was reading announcement for prior version.
Where can I find the nude submod for the playable loli mod for Skyrim? The old upload I see linked to in a guide is dead
>>891167 Have you tried All the Fallen?
A new TES game just got a surprise release! It's a mobile exclusive castle builder in the vein of Fallout Shelter.
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>>891865 >Milking the mediocrity what is Skyrim to dead >Teasing TES 6 like jingling keys for gamers and shareholders >The atrocity what is TESO >Fucking card game to ape Blizzard >Literal gatcha mobil games The whole TES franchise is just dead, isn't it? We just refused the acknowledge it when happened.
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>>891867 >Hey remember the two popular franchises we own? >port one 'successful' mobile game assets to the other, we'll rake in so much cash! normalniggers are already trying to get into the closed early access, and pay for it too
Have you bought my game yet?
>>891867 >It already broke 500 million dollars Ard you fucking kidding me.
>>891865 The game apparently starts with you cucking your wife with a Khajiit servant
>>891878 NEVER
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>>891882 bravo todd
>>891878 game?
>>891887 Update never ever.
>>891865 >>891867 Can I use this as a breeding simulator?
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Kurt Kuhlmann looking for job on his linkedin profile, leaves Bethesda Softworks for the second time after 20 years https://archive.ph/Zbbdm https://archive.ph/oPzZ6 >Starfield >Jan 2019 - Sep 2023 Some background info from uesp: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/General:Kurt_Kuhlmann
>>891878 I can't put my finger on the reason why, but something makes this picture feel incredibly handsome and charismatic.
>>893372 >content generation on procedurally generated planets Found the reason he got fired lmao
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>>893386 These dumb motherfuckers just digging their own graves with the radiant shitgenerator!
>>891867 >white male >nigger female >in love PRAVO TOBD SO BRAEV
>>891870 People blame Skyrim but much of it happened by Oblivion and not even entirely by choice, so much of how Oblivion turned out was a direct result of PS360 limitations. Levitation was removed because of having to place cities in their own cells. The "endless jungle" was impossible to render. The extent of the Ayleids had to be scaled back into their own dungeons. All of this because of hardware limitations. Though some aspects were a direct choice like the Greco-Roman aesthetic being replaced with a more general Medieval Europe look. >>891882 Perhaps there is hope for future TES yet.
>>890345 >Cyrodill is supposed to be Mediterranean in terms of envieonment and Roman in terms of culture, at least in broad strokes. Not really but kind of. Bethesda really fucked up when trying to make Cyrodil on mid-2000s hardware because Cyrodil was specifically the "melting pot" province both culturally and geographically. The area around the Imperial City (and indeed most of Cyrodil) was a giant river delta and tropical rainforest that gradually changed as you move away from it. As you move south and east towards Black Marsh and Eleswyr it gets hotter and starts turning into outright swamp and desert respectively; as you move north towards Skyrim it gets mountainous and colder and you have temperate forests; as you move west it becomes drier and more open, etc. This was reflected culturally, as well. The Colovians in the west and northwest of Cyrodil are stolid and modest and wear their Nord ancestry on their sleeves while in most of the rest of the province, centered around the Nibenay Valley and the Imperial City, the culture is considerably influenced by the Dunmer, Argonians, Khaijt, etc. The Imperial City basically has the architecture of Byzantium, the topography of Venice, the climate of Hanoi and the spirituality of Benares. There is and was a considerable cultural split there because despite both populations being from the same Cyro-Nordic stock the population who went west to the frontier (Colovians) traditionally consider the Nibenese (east) to be scheming heathen money-grubbing bureaucrats and the Nibenese consider the Colovians to be stiff-necked joyless peasants. They were frequently at odds until Reman (a Colovian) got the whole gang together to go kick some Akaviri ass.
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Setting up a modded install for Morrowind. Anyone here have any good recommendations? I already have some basic stuff like better bodies/armor/clothing and some other basics like Ashfall. I also can't seem to find a sixth house mod I used years ago, where it'd cause actual shrines to the sixth house to appear in towns as the story progressed, alongside remodeling a few of the strongholds and house Dagoth dungeons. Pic Related is a screenshot I had of one such remodel. Can't grab the old mod directly either because it's on a laptop that's turbo dead. I also distinctly remember it because at this stronghold the bell would ring out at regular intervals and actually damage you, making the dungeon incredibly resource intensive to complete while also encouraging you to high-tail it through there as fast as possible.
>>894502 https://modding-openmw.com/ Tamriel Rebuilt will drop a new version soon (just implementing a couple quests and interiors left to do).
>>894510 Can't use OpenMW because it conflicts with Ashfall and a few other mods I want to use like Joy of Painting, since OpenMW and MWSE are incompatible as of now. Also know about Tamriel rebuilt but don't think I'm going to run that this playthrough as from the wording on their site it's going to interfere with the vanilla hortator quest but such interactions aren't completely written yet either, so worried about bugs cropping up from that. Also something about it fucking with the Tribunal content? Or have they not implemented Almalexia yet? Was going to run Skyrim: Home of the Nords though as well as that one Solstheim overhaul, tomb of the snow prince?
>>891883 You motherfucker, I see it.
>>894528 TR's interaction with hortator quest won't be for a long time since Indoril and Dres are barely present in existing content. As far as I know, the plan is that >Four Tribes must name you Nerevarine. Three Houses must name you Hortator stays as a prophecy/exact words thing because it's voiced dialog, and TR's change will only be any three house and any four tribes will satisfy the main quest's requirement.
Was checking old webms >>884341
>>894556 I see, they just worded it strangely on their site I guess. Still, I ain't going to delay my playthrough long for this update you speak of and from what I've seen Tamriel Rebuilt is one of those mods so big that it's best installed prior to starting a playthrough. How long away is "soon" regarding this update? Also this archiving BSAs thing confuses me because it feels like The TR website and the TR Data page give different lists of what to type into the ini after doing the TR_Data installation. I'm just going to go with what TR Data says to do at this point.
>>894649 Likely this month, short of any huge issues. Hoped for last month but a few snags. >Also this archiving BSAs thing confuses me TR Data had to be split into multiple files recently due to hitting the size limit. The not matching is likely other pages not being updated yet. Go with TR Data's instructions.
What does Morrowind do well besides muh lore (with a poorly cluttered dialogue system)? Its my opinion that it was midware for the time and it does not stand up to the test of time as an actual game. Idling mechanics (auto block), dice rolls that are not even present on the screen, the lack of depth to the combat, intersectionality to the maps (with loading screens to get to other parts of the map), and ugly color pallet with almost everything being a shade of grey and brown makes it not withstand the test of time. Starfield is proof of just how poorly their game design has aged. But suuure, moding the hell out of the game to where it's unrecognizable to the original product totally proves that the core game isn't satisfying lol.
>>894743 >What does Morrowind do well besides muh lore (with a poorly cluttered dialogue system)? Pretty much all of the writing in the game is excellent. There are memorable characters, lots of little details, the world at large had an incredible amount of love put into it and the game generally rewards you for picking at things. As far as the actual gameplay is concerned Morrowind is mediocre and that's by the standards at the time. >Its my opinion that it was midware for the time and it does not stand up to the test of time as an actual game. Hard disagree. Morrowind is one of those games that has some really glaring flaws but your enjoyment of the game depends largely on how you weigh the gameplay against the writing. If you approach Morrowind as a CRPG fan and are therefore expecting the gameplay to be somewhere in the neighborhood of "serviceable" then the janky mediocre combat is largely a non-issue and your opinion of the game is carried by the writing, which is world-class; if you approach it as an action or adventure game fan and place more weight on the gameplay then you're probably not going to be impressed at all and may well develop a negative opinion of the game at at the very least consider it overrated. >Idling mechanics (auto block), >the lack of depth to the combat, >dice rolls that are not even present on the screen, Eh. Fair enough I suppose but also nothing notably or uniquely terrible. >intersectionality to the maps (with loading screens to get to other parts of the map This one really is more of a hardware limitation than anything else and I'd give it a pass. >and ugly color pallet with almost everything being a shade of grey and brown makes it not withstand the test of time. Sure. Morrowind was pretty ugly even twenty years ago. >Starfield is proof of just how poorly their game design has aged. I think that the basic design of BGS games is fine but that Bethesda is wildly incompetent. All you have to do is look at what Obsidian was able to do in eighteen months versus what Bethesda finally managed to shit out after EIGHT YEARS, the last of which was apparently spent almost entirely on quality control. >But suuure, moding the hell out of the game to where it's unrecognizable to the original product totally proves that the core game isn't satisfying lol. Most mods don't do that; by far the most popular mods for Bethesda games are things like QoL fixes, lighting/texture improvements and minor tweaks. Overhauls exist and are enjoyed by many but most people play the games more-or-less as intended even when modded.
>>894743 >the lack of depth to the combat Morrowind's combat actually has plenty of depth. The problem is it never properly explains its basics, so you won't actually realize half the ways to build on them, and it's horribly imbalanced so there's blatantly overpowered options that mean there's little point to actually taking advantage of the depth: Why bother with the dozen ways to diminish your enemy's ability when a couple cheap beers give you nigh infinite strength? Once you realize how weapon minimum damage, maximum damage, weapon fatigue cost, knockdown/stagger chance, speed, and reach work (the last two of which are hidden in the unmodded game!) you will quickly find each weapon class has its own combat style entirely, and some (blunt, and to a lesser extent short blade) even have multiple combat styles within them for different types of weapon in their class. Magic likewise has a lot of effects that are actually useful, just not as useful as some easily used and highly exploitable ones. Really, Morrowind's economy is the same way. There's some fundamentally good ideas at the core (limit the amount of "liquid" currency to encourage barter, trainers and need to level multiple attributes worth of skills for max gains encourage broadening a character's abilities instead of just increasing a handful, trash tier gear that can arm enemies without making them worth looting, there's almost no high tier gear worth buying, there's only a few tiers of gear and the gap between them makes finding a new piece a big moment). The problem is there's so many exploits (it's trivially easy to sell things back for more than you bought them for a couple seconds ago, you can get your payment back from trainers who are also merchants, alchemy, soul gems, pearls) you'll miss all of it without deliberately restraining yourself.
New version of Crusader Kings III mod Elder Kings II has been released. Support for the travel system added in updates to CK3 when Tours and Tournament' was released is the biggest source of mechanical changes, while High Rock got a a major revision. There's also a host of other improvements. DLs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2887120253 https://www.nexusmods.com/crusaderkings3/mods/32?tab=files
>>894502 Found out what mod it was. Turns out I was conflating two mods. "Kogoruhn Expanded" was the one that added the bell thing and is the one featured in the screenshot. The other one is called "Main Quest Enhancers". Guess I thought they were a shared mod because both affected sixth house shit. Ended up not using the main quest one though cuz it conflicted with too much shit and was old as dirt and has a ton of dirty edits in it.
>>896365 I know it's bait, but a Stormcloak victory is the most likely to be canon (provided they don't do something off-the-wall like permanent season unending leading to Skyrim getting split down the middle, or the outcome not mattering because the Thalmor take over). The Empire dying is a big point of both Morrowind and Skyrim, and you already have had several other providences secede in the lead up to, during, and after the end of the war with the Aldmeri Dominion. What'll probably happen is a Stormcloak victory followed by an Ebonheart Pact 2.0 between Skyrim, Hammerfell, probably High Rock, and maybe Morrowind in order to both secure themselves from the Aldmeri Dominion and possibly conquer it, and then that would be followed by everyone going back to bickering amongst themselves, because that's the reoccurring history of Tamriel.
>>896407 >but a Stormcloak victory is the most likely to be canon Doubtful. Remember that the whole reason why proper Imperial Legion forces weren't present in Skyrim was because Pale Pass was blocked, so the Imperial presence was mostly boot-strapped from local volunteers and conscripts. The Imperial Legions didn't have the experience to put a definitive end to the Stormcloaks, meanwhile the Stormcloaks had less men and resources - but more of them were skilled veterans who came back from the war only to find the Thalmor in their homeland persecuting Talos worship. Yes, the Empire needs it's legions along it's border to guard against the Thalmor, but the Thalmor are in no shape to stage another invasion of Cyrodiil so soon after the last war and getting their asses kicked out of Hammerfell. In all likelihood, the Stormcloaks canonically win the Civil War - only be wiped out by the Imperial Legion soon after when the Pale Pass is cleared. Looking back from TESVI - they'll probably just detail the Civil War, but muddy the details and gloss over Skyrim's questline, then claim the Stormcloak rebellion was quickly subdued once the Legion proper broke their way in.
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Man, people here still think Bethesda gives any fuck about TES lore...
>>896556 If TES 6 ever comes out this decade I'm just morbidly curious what they'll do to the lore. It won't be good, or make any sense because almost none of the people who worked on the other TES games are at Bethesda anymore (as is inevitable when a franchise lasts decades) but even Skyrim and before it Oblivion really shit on a lot of established worldbuilding and history. I've only peeked at what TESO has done and it's all ridiculous despite generally being accepted as non canon. Thinking of what might come of a new TES game is almost like imagining a future nightmare.
Peter Hines just left the company.
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>>897057 Was he one of the assholes that Altman brought in to help shape the company up under Zenimax's new ownership? Or was he just some random asshole hired on in a flurry of expansion? The guy was given pressers during the launch of Oblivion, and it doesn't seem like that's long enough for some fresh marketing schlub to become a spokesman for the company. At any rate, it doesn't fucking matter. Bethesda has been shit for a long time, and I'm sure he's only the first of many starting an exodus to get the fuck out before MS fucks them up even more. The only disappointment is that he didn't opt for a .45cal retirement plan. Imagine being such a shitheel that you make your living by lying to kids and retards in order to swindle them out of their money - then making fun of them on social media for being nerds when they complain.
>>897066 >Hines was recruited to Bethesda Softworks' marketing department in 1999. <ZeniMax was founded in 1999 by Bethesda Softworks founder Christopher Weaver and Robert A. Altman. Yep
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>>897057 I never thought i will witness this day in my life. That bastard finally gone, gone, GONE!
>>897057 Anyone have the picture where Pete Hines is wearing a birthday cap and it says >lore
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>>897105 Ask and it is given.
>>897112 thank you anon
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While Hines posting, here's something that was turned into a banner in the past.
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Quest designer Will Shen also leaving Bethesda, joining Something Wicked Games https://archive.ph/Xkfas
>>897282 Emil is Tod's protégé who will inherit the throne once Tod steps down. He is not going anywhere.
>>897271 >Will Shen >Recently, my company was bought and my job was outsourced to India >But I'm sure the brown person who got my job is happier to be working than I am to lose my job. >And the Megacorporation who slashed my position is happier to be paying slave wages, so the total happiness in the world has increased. >So whatever.... Something Wicked seems to be the lifeboat of Bethesda and Obsidian games devs who are fleeing Microsoft. They put out a pre-concept announcement trailer for something called Wyrdsong which is so vauge it could be fucking anything. Basically just firing off a signal flare for anyone else who is abandoning ship.
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>I also did the opening to Skyrim No you stupid nigger! You just copy-pasted Morrowind opening! GET FUCKED!
>>896559 You saw Starfield? More niggers. Yes, even more niggers than Starfield. They might do it in Hammerfell as cover for infinity niggers. More women in power. More of the 2010s. I mean really, why ask the question at this point? Even the guys who worked on Skyrim are no longer at Bethesda. You are looking at a developer built entirely around post 2014 shitlibs, antiwhites, and women. More than most Bethesda went out of its way since GG to define itself as a shitlib, leftist company. Pete Hines was out there constantly soyjaking over OMG NAZIS with the Wolfenstein shit. Starfield is that ultimate product. It is going to get to the point where you will miss Skyrim. You are going to boot up vanilla Skyrim because everything has gotten so bad and you will regret taking a shit on it over a decade ago. It is not a matter of "lore" anymore. TES has simply ceased to exist, regardless of what Bethesda says. It is a relic of a lost age of videogames. People who say "muh evolution" are full of shit. You cannot take something from an other age, shove it into one built entirely around resentment of the former, and pretend like you have the same thing or a descendent. No, you killed it. Leftists know this. That is why they constantly resurrect old franchises and shit on them...because they know they are destroying it. That is what "TES 6" will be.
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>>897057 let's check on Reddit.
>>897515 Let's not go to reddit, 'tis a silly place. >>897508 A bit hyperbolic with your wording there, but I agree with the general sentiment. I want ES6 to be good but I think it's going to be a pale shadow of even what Skyrim was in reality. There is a chance they could course correct though since Starfield was such a critical disaster and seems to have nowhere near the expected profit Microsoft and Bethesda themselves wanted, though it's mostly likely to be a course correction toward Fallout 3 and Skyrim dev philosophies rather than toward older titles or competitors in the genre like most long-time fans or former fans would want.
>>897515 >redditor got his amnesia cured GAS THE YIKES
hello this is the elder scrolls thread not the meta shitting on bethesda thread, that's here >>884651
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In an interview with MinnMax, former Bethesda designer Bruce Nesmith claims Elder Scrolls VI was only announced because fans had their "pitchforks and torches" out over the wait. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=JDP8QvuXn0g (full interview) I don't believe this for a single second. Remember, they announced TES6 alongside stinkers such as Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Blades. Games Bethesda probably knew weren't going to have the warmest reception, why do you think Todd was so weirdly vague about was 76 even was? They announced it despite not even being in development to dispel all the obvious outrage their infamous 2018 E3 showcase would otherwise have garnered, not because people kept asking about it. At least now there's two forms of confirmation there was never a real game when they announced it, the other being the report that TES6 is only now out of the conceptualization phase, 6 years after it was announced. Keep telling those lies, Todd.
>>899443 They didn't have shit when they announced it and the "sneak peek" made it very obvious they didn't have shit. So I think that's pretty believable.
>>899443 >I don't believe this for a single second. Remember, they announced TES6 alongside stinkers such as Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Blades. Oh yeah, I remember retarded shills defending this as well. >At least they announced TES6 for 2120 so it's ok if they release a pile of garbage in the near future Fucking lol
Trailer for next Tamriel Rebuilt release has been completed. Update should be released Soon (TM)
New Tamriel Rebuilt release. >Tamriel Rebuilt is proud to announce the release of update 23.10: Andaram! This release expands the game world to the south and comes with more than 100 new quests, 9 faction questlines, two new biomes, and dozens of dungeons, including a whole new dungeon type. While smaller than previous releases, it adds a great deal of extra content to the area of the previous release. https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/tamriel-rebuilt-2310-release
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>>901783 It's funny, I've followed every new release of TR, but I still haven't gotten around to exploring much of the new areas. For some reason, I keep making new characters to redo the main quest. Maybe one of these days, I'll enable that option to go to the mainland to complete the Hortator quest.
>>902042 You know, i used to be annoyed how Bethesda picked Neloth instead of Fyr. Now im just grateful. Man died with dignity along with the old TES lore.
>>901783 Apparently this update broke Skyrim Home of the Nords. Probably some assets got changed. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
Project Cyrodil: Anvil has made major progress on its interiors. All that remains interiors wise are 10 civilisation buildings, 3 ships, 7 shipwrecks, and 3 dungeons. The project seeks more CS developers with interior experience to finish these. NPCing is also going nicely.
>>917278 >That mural Muh dik
>>917278 That's some nice looking glass armor.
>>917279 It's not a one off. All TR/PT projects have a policy of no release dates (at least not until just before as part of coordinating trailer/announcements/etc.) but sometime next year is possible. The area in the box with Anvil is planned for the release (yes, there's actual seafloor content). It will have well over 220 (too lazy to fully calculate now) above water exterior cells, potentially being a full third the size of Vvardenfell (770 above water)
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>>884315 OnceLost recently showed the menu UI, along with stating their goal for the UI is to feel like classic fantasy RPGs. Almost everything featured is a placeholder, though, like the weapon skills. They're planning on having more than just "light" and "heavy", but they wanted something for the menu. Apparently they're going to have no stat caps?
>>918167 >male Well that's an improvement over Starfield shit at least.
>>918167 Wayward Realms is pretty much vaporware.
https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/december-2023-art-and-assets-update Big TR update focused on concept art. TR is far enough along that many of the things in its concept art are stuff from bordering provinces which will spill over, but there's plenty of Redoran, Indoril, and Dres stuff (including a neat attempt to explain some weird lights in the Redguard comic)
What do you think of Obsidian's turned down Elder Scrolls games? One of their ideas was an alternate universe TES where one of the heroes from the main games failed and you're living in the aftermath.
>>918167 There is no way this will be good. A couple geriatric fantasy nerds wrangling zoomer volunteers (look it up they're not paid) is not a recipe for a timely finish or a good game. Hopefully they'll just disappear with dignity instead of putting out a flop like shroud of the avatar.
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https://github.com/Interkarma/daggerfall-unity/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Daggerfall Unity has finally entered 1.0.0. Not many differences to the previous development build, this is really a formality as DFU has been feature complete for awhile. The focus is now going to be on modding support, but Interkarma wants to make his own game next, so don't expect him to develop a SDK or anything. >>922903 That's the worry, isn't it? Though I don't think it'll be like Shroud of the Avatar, that was an MMO. Worst case scenario, it's a bad game. There are plenty of bad games, I don't think that's reason not to try.
Even though I have my doubts I still want OnceLost games to deliver. Even if the game is jank as long as it’s different from the rest of the industries it would most likely be worth the time and price. The industry needs more games like old school Daggerfall.
>>923123 The DFU guy also wants to make his own "Daggerfall-like", that might be something to look forward to. It's likely both these games will release before TESVI. Speaking of which, he's decided on an engine. No Unreal, no Unity, no Godot. He's taking the approach Bethesda did for TES1 and TES2 by making a custom engine tooled specifically for his game, I think he said it's less of an engine and more of a framework. Could lead to some impressive TECHNOLOGY moments.
TR >being modders, Poison Song, the redo of 2006 (exterior)/2012 (interior) content, has crept scope >it will now include some new lands around Amalexia (which is still planned to be the absolute last thing released for the project, as it is the second largest city on Tamriel) and the start of the indoil questline >work for Dres and Indoril architecture is progressing >new Kagouti Hide and Alit Hide help round Morrowind's wonky armor progression Cyrodill >most interiors are finished >more armor being made for Cyrodill (pictured is for Sutch) >quest implementation Data >new Altmer heads (Battlespire heads establish facial hair for Altmer pre-Skyrim) >some Hammerfell swords Non-TR/PT >the Major Expansion [of Crusader Kings III in 2024] will focus on several things that have been requested by you in the community for ages - some of what we’re choosing to do has been asked for since the early days of Crusader Kings as a game series. One of the feature sets comes up very frequently when we see you discuss what you’d like to see in expansions - and another is brought up now-and-again as a powerful player fantasy. >most speculation is that this is playable landless characters (and, with it, playable Republics), something Elder Kings II would greatly benefit from
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>>923109 Guess I'm finally making the jump, thanks for the heads up anon!
>>931794 >replies to a post about Daggerfall with his Oblivion character What the fuck, dude?
>>931815 lol I never played Oblivion and I don't intend to, Skyrim was bad enough for my health
>>931816 Messing around with poison apples and the character creator was actually funny unlike Skyrim. It felt like Bethesda’s sequels gimped the radiant NPC routines too.
Have any of you fags tried TES3MP at all? I think it'd be cool to throw on some modded races and do a silly run through Morrowind with my friend. I'm wondering how good the experience actually is.
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>>931794 A word of advise: you should read a bit up on the UESP wiki before making a character. Daggerfall has a lot of mechanics it doesn't really explain and some of the skill tooltips are just wrong. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Attributes https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Skills Basic tips >you should generally create a custom class over choosing one of the defaults (pick a book and Ebony Dagger if prompted in the character background, the dagger's a decent starting weapon and the book sells for a lot) >do not invest in any language skill (Orcish, Dragonish, etc), they're all useless and nigh impossible to even level up >Critical Strike doesn't work the way it says it does and how it does work is functionally useless >Luck and Personality are the most useless base attributes, though Luck is slightly more useful because it modifies hit chance; Personality used to be the attribute you drained down to its minimum but DFU rebalances Personality such that it needs to be at least 40 to have any chance of NPCs wanting to talk to you >Daggerfall runs on a D100 system like Morrowind, when you see a +4 or +6 from a skill or attribute that usually means it adds that number to your dice roll >shops come in 5 different tiers, when you walk into one you'll see one of the following 5 textboxes <Rusty relics lie wherever they were last tossed. All the wares show the cracks and chips of shoddy workmanship. A mouse scampers over your feet before burrowing into a nearby sack. <Sturdy shelves, cobbled together out of scrap lumber hold the shops wares. The items are sound and functional, but little more than that. <The shop is laid out in a practical and straightforward manner. All the items seem to be of adequate construction. <The shop is better appointed than many. Its wares lie neatly on the shelves. Although not fit for a king, all are skillfully crafted. <Incense and soft music soothe your nerves as you cross the threshold. Each item in this shop is carefully mounted and displayed. Not the slightest defect can be detected in any item within. >this indicates the quality of the store in ascending order, the lowest quality stores have the worst items but pay the most for loot and vice versa; your payout for loot is determined mainly by your Mercantile skill >although it's a pain, selling items individually (talking to the shopkeeper, selling an item, exiting the menu, then talking to the shopkeeper again) instead of all at once will raise Mercantile much faster >gold has weight so you should deposit it in banks instead of carrying around large amounts >you can do something similar repeatably asking a random NPC questions to increase your social skills (Etiquette and Streetwise) >you should buy a Recall spell as soon as possible as it makes the enormous dungeons easier to escape >buy a cart as soon as you can as you can store 10x more loot that way There is more, but I don't want to create a wall of text. The UESP will explain it better anyway.
>>931869 Thanks, any mod to add unique sprites for different weapons of the same type?
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>>931927 Yes, Diverse Weapons https://www.nexusmods.com/daggerfallunity/mods/242 I don't think RealAKP completed it, but it adds a lot of new spirtes.
>>931929 Bless you anon! Downloading now
>>893563 >Greco-Roman aesthetic for an atto second there i read that as Geco-Roman aesthetic
given skywind and skyblivion, are there projects out there to port the travel games(stormhold, dawnstar and shadowkey) onto morrowind, oblivion or skyrim?
>>932339 >Geco-Roman Those are the Empire's colonies in Argonia, silly :^)
>>932427 >you will never colonize Argonian wombs and make Geco-Roman bastard babies Why live?
Why does he keep fucking things up? Is it a final fuck you to all the jocks who laughed at him during school? I hated him for pandering to normies with Skyrim, destroying the common sense with FO4, but the shartfield... Man, that's a new low. And now he will also destroy the moding community (or what's left of it) of skyrim. These psycho nerds deserve to be fucking lynched. What a disgrace. He has no style, he has no place, Wife's friend cock he is gotta grace. He can cook hotpockets in his cuckshed During the night, it is where he is led. De-flates his bank account at noon His wife hates giving spoons! HEY! He is back, with another update To an old game, no one has played. With a business degree, he thinks a boon A timely passing - follows soon. He will make you laugh at his dis-grace With a wife's bull cum on his face.
>>933774 Maybe in 2047 when one region of one of these "expansion" fan mods is finally completed computers will be good enough to actually run a game where the entirety of Tamriel (main island only) can be traversed.
Crusader Kings III's next expansions have officially been announced. Legends of Dead is about legends and plague spreading on map, while Roads to Power is finally introducing landless player characters. If these actually work (a big if), they'll be big for Elder Kings II.
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>>891900 if i don't believe, who will?
>>933774 Boy I hope they can knit together 5 times the number of quests in Morrowind and make them good enough to make even bothering looking around all that worth it (pro-tip they won't). I had a look at the unfinished Almalexia a year back and it looks like hell to navigate, the interiors will 'NEVER' be finished, someone will have an AI knocking them up before anyone bothers to do it by hand. This shit is the definition of over-shooting. Granted it's showing more promise than Star Citizen ever has but it's never gonna be good.
>>933927 And they scrapped old Amalexia because it was shit and mostly just a couple guys doing shit at random as a placeholder. Old Ebonheart, Almas Thirr area and all of Skyrim all have plenty of interesting quest content.
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>>932434 Posts like these are why Talos was ejected from the Nine. >>933774 I haven't kept up with this project, are they still building it around vanilla Morrowind, a patched version, or OpenMW?
The wait for TES VI is so stupidly long. Wouldn't be surprised if it is a flop despite that.
>>934015 You will be happy to know that next year they are finally going to start working on TES VI after releasing one or two DLCs for Starfield.
>>934015 Would the wait even be worth it? The Elder Scrolls that gave us eccentric npcs such as Crassius Curio is dead.
>>934015 Honestly, at this point, a sixth game should never exist and they should just throw their shit ideas into ESO and keep them there. At least ESO isn't pretending to be anything other than a hack n' slash which Todd clearly wants the series to be.
>>934015 100% guarantee that the only viable build will be "sneaky archer" yet again.
>>934029 I long for the days of Daggerfall where being a punch god was a viable option.
>>934012 It technically works for vanilla, but it strongly recommends unofficial patch plus either Morrowind Code Patch or OpenMW. They've mentioned that if OpenMW added support for something like multi-height water they might be OpenMW exclusive in the future.
>>934034 I recently did a H2H run of Daggerfall and had so much fun. Killing a Lich by punching and kicking it to death will never not be hilarious.
>>934306 Reminds me of Super Turkey Puncher from Doom 3, do Daggerfall enemies gib too?
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>>934015 I'd rather get disappointed by the Wayward Realms.
>>934314 No, unfortunately. There might be a mod that does that though.
A Breton village on the Skyrim border. Some assets placeholder. >the first Breton village, Oirrad. It has been annexed by the Kingdom of Haafingar in the war, as could be seen by the Haafinheim borderpost guarding its outskirts (the banners are placeholders). >The borderpost itself now has an interior too, done by Fremennik and reviewed by Taniquetil. >Aside from it, there are 3 dungeons, a cattle farm, a river, and forest groves. While in the western corner of the map there sits a tiny High Rock statelet called Marivon. Its ruler lives in a Direnni tower, and governs a number of vineyards, orchards, and a small village around it. The state survives thanks to the production of wine
>>934949 Let’s hope it’s more interesting than Todd Howard’s depiction of the Reach.
>>934952 The Reach is the near entirety of currently released content for Home of the Nords. It is indeed more interesting.
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>>934333 (Triple Checked) Speaking of which, they're launching a Kickstarter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oncelostgames/the-wayward-realms It's not live yet, they're planning on doing that at some point in Spring. My stance on this game is a lot of hope and zero actual expectations, I've been burned by too many would-be games in the past to ever get hyped and Kickstarter games don't have a good track record. On another note, they claim to have over 100,000 wishlists on Steam. That's a lot more than I thought, I didn't know this game had that kind of exposure outside of the hardcore Daggerfall community.
>>934015 >15th anniversary celebration of the Creation Engine >announce ES6 release date, using the Creation Engine >two years later
>>946147 Plenty of people are sick of Bethesda at this point, plus if you think about it, it's been 13 years since the last TES game.
>>946147 Damn I thought this was dead.
>>946244 >13 years since the last TES game >implying 2011 >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2012 >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dawnguard >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Hearthfire >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn 2013 >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dawnguard >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Hearthfire >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn 2014 >The Elder Scrolls Online 2015 >The Elder Scrolls Online 2016 >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dawnguard >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Hearthfire >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn 2017 >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PSVR >The Elder Scrolls: Legends >Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind 2018 The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset 2019 The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr 2020 >The Elder Scrolls: Blades The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor 2021 >The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood 2022 The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle 2023 >The Elder Scrolls: Castles >The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom We got a new game every year and there is even another game releasing later this year >The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Now, I know what you might be thinking, but anon, some of those are expansion packs or DLC, well this is betheseda we are talking about, every DLC they make is on par with an entire brand new game in terms of the scope and quality of their content!
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>>946258 Damn, I got BTFOed Sorry for doubting you Todd!
>>934015 After seeing starfield you still think Todd can deliver?
>>946738 Nothing more satirical than Vault Boy merch!
Bethesda re-announces TESVI. https://archive.is/0O6a4 I'm not sure how to respond to this. Todd has moved on from releasing the same game repeatedly to announcing the same game repeatedly.
>>951114 They're announcing it... Again? Is Todd okay? When does Alzheimer's usually affect men with his background?
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>>946631 Honestly, it's hard to say. I'd lean towards no fucking chance, but Starfield spent the majority of it's development time under Robert Altman's leadership. The guy was so Jewish that even his fellow Jews banned him from finance due to corruption - and one of his first acts as the new co-owner of Bethesda was to shitcan studio founder Christopher Weaver without severance. The guy was a massive tightass from what I've gathered, and rumor is that FO76 was basically just Todd dangling the promise of shiny shiny shekels in front of Altman in order to get him to come off the funds necessary to expand the studio a bit, which was then promptly mostly used to fund some much needed upgrades to Bethesda's main studios while FO76 was slapped together as an afterthought on a shoestring budget and shoved out the door. As I've said before, Microsoft didn't buy Bethesda for Fallout or DOOM, and they certainly didn't want Redfall or Starfield. All of Bethesda's other properties were just bonuses, but Microsoft bought Bethesda for "Skyrim 2". They let each of those games cook for a few extra months in development just to get them barely playable kind of sad we didn't get to see the shitshow they would have been under Altman honestly, but Elder Scrolls is the crown jewel of that acquisition, and it will be developed entirely under Microsoft's auspices. Bethesda has a blank check and minimal interference from Microsoft right now - so this will be the test of whether or not Todd is a natural born liar, or just a liar of necessity to cover up his Jewish boss's ascended Jewishness. But after TESVI? The franchise is fucked. No matter how well it does in the best case scenario, Microsoft is going to come in with a laundry list of changes they demand be made in order to make the next game even more profitable - meanwhile their PR guys are going to be making the usual rounds of increasingly absurd feature creeping by promising customers a bunch of features that Bethesda can't deliver. They'll likely spend more time re-writing the game to conform to what rando MS PR shithead blurted out on Microsoft Direct stream than actually developing the game. In the end, it'll be a massive shitshow and unless Bethesda can escape somehow, the whole studio will be shelved or used as an outsourcing studio like Rare and so many others. Microsoft never fucking learns from their mistakes.
>>951120 He's fine he's just announcing it twice to he can sell it at twice the mark up to save the studio from the starfield debacle.
>>951114 Their objective with it is to make a game so bland, safe, railroadded and generic it makes Skyrim look good in comparison.
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Finished Daggerfall's main quest last week with a Spellsword Dunmer. Now I'll install a bunch of mods and try to finish the game without magic.
>>951199 Was it worth it?
New TR Preview https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/development-roadmap-april-2024 Also Province Cyrodiil's first true release nears even further to completion, with quest implementations and improvements to exteriors (pics 3-5).
>>964118 Looking good. Hopefully that release will come out within the next five years.
>>964118 The design fits perfectly, but how is the actual quality of the quests?
>>964246 If it's anything like TR, they'll be fine and better than the original game, but hardly a New Vegas tier.
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What happened to VectorPlexis? Does High Poly Head actually work? Race Menu is at least still getting updated but I have no idea about high poly head other than how much other patches are made for it on Nexus. Are there any good immersive loli & shota clothing mods? Why aren't there mods to make the elves look less alien already?
>>964494 >Why aren't there mods to make the elves look less alien already? >wanting mer to look the same as man Go back to Oblivion
>>964649 I want both to look better in general. Skyrim has a real problem with everyone looking too old & wrinkled. The elves just get the worst of it. ESO somehow has the best middle ground of mixing the alien features with more human faces. Not ideal but better than how Skyrim does it even with heavy mods to smooth things out.
>>964118 fuck Bethesda in the fucking ass for making Cyrodill and Skyrim so goddamned boring.
>>964649 I hate elder scrolls elves so much and them looking like failed abortions doesn't help. Maybe if they were uguu kawaii I'd be less inclined to feed them all to woodchippers. Maybe instead decapitate and mount their head above my fireplace or something.
>>964683 There were devs at Bethesda who were very upset about the changes to Cyrodil, it was changed because it wasn't possible to render the thick jungle on consoles. At least not on that engine. It was a technical limitation, not a creative choice. Obviously I'd prefer had they scrapped the console releases and made it PC only like the originals but that would be fucking crazy for the American gaming market in the 2000s. >>964685 wat
>>964686 I hate elder scrolls elves. I hate them. Erasure of such horrid creatures would only be a kindness.
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>>964690 Elves along (with all other the characters) in Skyrim are definitely kinda fucked up, but personally I like the weird elves in TES. It's something original over the exact same Tolkienian depictions we've been having for decades now. I can only imagine this being a problem if you're a porn addict who wants them to look like anime girls to please your reptilian brain. That's what the Khajiit are for :^)
>>964688 Outlander
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>>964692 >Tolkienian People will say this but don't even know what that means. The elves in the books are described as beautiful & fair faced. That's just going back to actual mythology. So then what does this means? Just looking like humans? That's a good thing if the alternative is shriveled witchy aliens. Thinner more angular faces is fine compared to the rounder human ones but they shouldn't all look so gaunt & wrinkly. This picture is officially from Bethesda & it looks great while being distinct!
>>964685 >>964688 Their main religion is a death/doomsday cult, they believe themselves to be gods whose souls are wrongfully stuck in the cycle of reincarnation and that the only way to reclaim their godhood is by killing everything and ending the cycle, of course they're smart enough to not just go on a rampage but boy how are they bad at hiding their contempt and hatred. Also allegedly their capital looks like a psychedelic drug trip but there ain't no way we're ever actually gonna see that in game.
>>964720 You're thinking of the Altmer & the Thalmor specifically. The Dwemer just thought they could ascend while the Altmer think they need to destroy creation itself.
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I'm hooked on Morrowind again after taking the time to install Tamriel Rebuilt, Beautiful Cities of Morrowind and a bunch of various quest/dungeon/environment mods. MW seems to be the only game on (((nexusmods))) that remains largely unpozzed outside of a very scant few tranny mods that have gone largely ignored the past few years (the only one I can think of is one that removes references to rape from lore). I hate the fact that nexus is really the only place to find the newest, high-quality Morrowind mods nowadays but the modding community is really putting out some good work. Also for anons that are doubting Tamriel Rebuilt in this thread I can say with confidence, the content of not only the environments but the quests especially not only fit in perfectly with what we already had on Vvardenfell but can most of the time surpass it in terms of quality. Given their current trajectory I think by at least 2030 we're gonna have a damn good mainland Morrowind to explore in full. Fuck me, I'm having a blast, even the vanilla quests are reminding me why I love this game.
>>964690 post more
>>964720 >>964720 >they believe themselves to be gods whose souls are wrongfully stuck in the cycle of reincarnation and that the only way to reclaim their godhood is by killing everything and ending the cycle oh, so they are deep-end esoteric pinkos?
>>965903 Basically, but they're too retardedly short-sighted to realizie that the Nedic men, whom the non-mer races descend from, basically originate from the same "devine" beings that they do. So, essentially, if they successfully enact their plan, it will bring forth another Kalpa that will be not too dissimilar to the one we see in main-line canon TES games. Basically what I'm trying to get at here is that the Altmer/Thalmor are kikes that are somehow even more retarded and short-sided as IRL kikes.
>>965905 The comparison to the Thalmor as kikes makes a lot more sense when you realize the parallels to the Imperials & Rome oppressing the worship of Talos & Jesus.
It has been missed since it's buried in a developer interview, but OpenMW will have a formal roadmap for 1.0 after the next release. >I guess I’ll let the cat out of the bag here and mention that I’m currently working on the OpenMW 1.0 roadmap. It’s been going on for the past few months and the plan is to release this roadmap sometime after 0.49’s release. Its release will not mean that 0.50 will be the first 1.x release, but it will make it a point that OpenMW is taking a “1.0” release seriously and setting things up for getting the project across this threshold and beyond. It’ll also be the opportunity to make the fabled “1.0 release party” happen. https://openmw.org/
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For those who may care, OnceLost have announced that their Kickstarter is launching this month. Their "pitch" video shows small snippets of actual gameplay, though in an obvious devtest environment. CLIMBING IS IN. As I've said before, I have a lot of hope and no expectations for this game. I'm still expecting it to fall apart at any moment, or not be very good should it ever release.
>>967027 >Climbing is in Couldn't that just be the ladder animation?
>>967029 I suppose it's possible, but that pose and animation looks more like climbing a wall than a ladder.
Project Tamriel progress report for non-TR Morrowind projects. https://www.project-tamriel.com/viewtopic.php?t=2895 Anvil is planned for release in the second half of 2024 (but will likely miss it or only get in December) with Markarth for Home of the Nords soon afterward.
>>970571 Goddamn that looks so fucking cozy
>>884315 Is Ted still posting about futanari orcs in the dev marketing channel?
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>>972607 I'm gonna need more information on what you are talking about.
>>972610 Ted Peterson was talking about hermaphroditic orcs and had people drawing sketches of Orcess futas in a discord channel that was visible to potential investors and it scared some of them away.
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>>972607 >>972611 Based Peterson, never developing any social awareness even in professional settings. Did you know he was probably more upset over lore retcons than most anons? If I remember correctly he never played Oblivion despite actually working on the game because he hated the jungle retcon so much. TES4 was also the last TES game to have any of the original TES1/2 devs if I remember, Peterson being one of them.
>>972614 >>972611 This is true soul
>Futa orcs Post the webbum
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https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oncelostgames/the-wayward-realms The Wayward Realms Kickstarter went live and goodness it's already at $200K. I didn't think the game had this kind of awareness.
>>973941 Over 100K wishlists on steam according to >>946147 I don't know where people are hearing about it, but it's definitely got some level of recognition. What's really funny is how many articles are calling them "Ex-Bethesda" or "former Elder Scrolls" developers. No, these are THE creators of The Elder Scrolls. Lakshman, Peterson, LeFay and Heberling. The original writers, directors, programmers and composers. Calling them that is such an understatement, it's like calling Tolkien the "former Two Towers writer". >Our goal is to raise $500,000 to fund one year of development on an Early Access build that will feature preliminary versions of key systems. It is our aim to then take that Early Access build to publishers to seek out further funding and continue development on the rest of the game. I at least like how honest they're being, and the fairly realistic goal they've set. So many Kickstarter games ask for like 20k and promise the moon. I hope they get it, they'd be able pay their volunteer to gamedev full time for once rather than the hobby work they've been doing.
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>>972800 DERE WE GO!!! >>972732 wew lad
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>>973941 I forgot to mention they released an actual trailer. As expected the game looks janky, I think they put a camera on the character model's head. It does look like an actual feature rich RPG though, meaning it will get terrible reviews :^)
>>973941 Hopefully it's the character creation isn't modern "trans friendly" shit. I see "body type", it's instantly thrown in the trash. >elves as playable race for final version >not one of the stretch goals for EA features, goblins are actually ahead of them What?
>>974084 You know I probably should have posted their listed features as well, shouldn't I? >Character Creation - The Wayward Realms will feature 8 unique playable races: Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Orks, Ogres, Goblins, Cambion, and Fey. Players will be able to customize their character's features, as well as pick from various skills and advantages/disadvantages to define their character’s playstyle. >Classes - While there are several preset classes for players to choose from, this does not limit the player to any specific equipment or skills. Players have total freedom to grow and define their character. >Skills & Attributes - Players will have their pick of over 30 Skills, affecting 8 attributes, used to craft and grow their characters. As players level their skills by use, the corresponding Attributes will rise automatically, putting great importance on your character’s actions. >Melee Combat - The Wayward Realms offers both traditional click-to-attack combat, as well as a Daggerall-inspired “precision mode” where players can swing their mouse in directional combat, with the ability to switch between the two on the fly. >Weapons & Armor - Featuring a more historical approach to armor and weapons, with a slight fantastical flair, The Wayward Realms offers a broad range of choices inspired by the late 15th/early 16th centuries for players to choose from, including the highly-requested polearms. >Furthermore, all weapons come in three material types, with their own strengths and weaknesses, so players can choose an arsenal that best suits their playstyle and character build. >Magic - The world of The Wayward Realms offers much in the ways of magic, from tried and true legends of the genre such as Invisibility and Necromancy, to more exotic kinds, such as seeing the world through an NPC’s eyes, or entrapping enemies within stone. >Spell Crafting - The Wayward Realms offers over 50 unique Spell Effects to toy around with in the Spell Creation System. Spells can be expressed in many forms, from simple projectiles and explosions to magical waves and walls to hinder foes. Players may specialize their spells as they see fit. >Relationships - During a player’s travels throughout the Archipelago, they will meet many interesting people with whom to forge lasting friendships or, perhaps, something deeper. Each NPC the player interacts with will be saved by the VGM, who can use them later down the line to push new quests and storylines towards the player character. This means that any NPC has the potential to become an important character. >A Living, Breathing World on an Unprecedented Scale - The total size of the Archipelago—not including water—is, roughly, 521,000km² (201,160 miles²). It features thousands of procedurally generated cities, dungeons, towns, and points of interest scattered between, allowing for adventures and exploration of epic proportions not seen in any other game. >Mass Crowd System - To make sure the sprawling cities of the Archipelago feel occupied and alive, The Wayward Realms uses a Mass-AI system to display thousands of NPCs on screen at any given moment. To accomplish this, the crowd is treated as a single entity. However, as the player approaches an individual NPC, they are outfitted with a background, occupation, and routine, meaning players may follow them around and see their daily life play out. >Sailing - With the setting being an archipelago, ships and boats play a huge role in the game. Ships may be hired by players to travel from island to island or purchased outright to sail freely across the sea. >Vessels come in various shapes and sizes, offering players a way to travel and even a place to call home, depending on the type of ship. Unlawful players may also steal a ship for themselves, though that will of course come with consequences. >Mounts & Pack Animals - Players will have the option to purchase a mount to aid in their travels. There are 5 different types of Horses to pick from, varying in size and color; as well as camels in the deserts of Merothwyr. Players can also purchase a pack animal to help carry loot and equipment. >Apart from the animals themselves, players will be able to upgrade saddlebags and purchase new bridals, saddles and even armor for their trusty steeds. Reputation & Law - A player in The Wayward Realms is only as good as their reputation, which will be affected by their actions, which factions they join, and any crimes they might commit. Joining a faction will attract allies and enemies. The player’s reputation with these groups will shift further as they rise through the ranks. >Should the player find themselves on the opposite side of the law, they may be arrested and put on trial. They might sweet talk their way out, do hard time, or try to escape from prison and live on the run
>>974102 >(201,160 miles²). It features thousands of procedurally generated cities, dungeons, towns, and points of interest scattered between That's the fucking size of real France. Translation: No Man's Sky levels of "this thing looks exactly like this other thing" endlessly.
>>974106 So Daggerfall?
>>974106 >>974120 It's literally daggerfall 2 without the TES license
>>974106 sameness really is a nonissue so long as the dungeon crawling is fun
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>>974259 >>974285 It's funny reading about reactions to the game from modern TES fans who clearly have no idea what the first two were like. I'm even seeing people say "Call me when they get Kirkbride back", he wasn't fucking on the Arena or Daggerfall teams, dumb Morrowhiners. I'm also seeing clueless gamers hype it up as some kind of "Bethesda killer", again having no idea what this game is or is trying to do. My real issue is how awkward the game currently looks, I hope they can fix that up somewhat. Daggerfall is also very clunky but very enjoyable despite that.
Anyone excited for the introduction of a new Daedric prince in the upcoming ESO update gold road?
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>>974752 >ESO lore
>>974761 What am I supposed to do while I wait for ES6 then? This helps me cope while I wait I'm not patient.
>>974762 TES6 isn't liable to be good with Bethesda's recent track record. As for alternatives, I wish I had something to offer. There aren't many developers aiming to replicate the (modern) TES experience. If you haven't played the older side games you play those, Shadowkey is a 20 hour RPG but you'll have to play it on an emulator.
>>974767 That's true Starfield was a loading screen simulator.
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>>974752 it sounds stupid, but I am glad to get to see Skingrad again
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https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oncelostgames/the-wayward-realms/posts/4123749 The Wayward Realms has hit its goal with over five thousand backers. Ted Peterson wrote a four-page letter about it.
>>979355 I'm thinking they'll get around 700-800K Hope they put it to good use I'm glad there's no physical rewards and shit, too many retards fall for that trap without even thinking just how time consuming and expensive that shit is to do, especially when dealing with backers worldwide. Most rewards are just digital stuff including adding Easter eggs to the game. Still, we'll have to see, Kikestarter scams are dime a dozen.
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Six years since TES6 was announced. This trailer is a few months off being as old as Skyrim was when uploaded.
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Somebody is trying to create a modern port of Arena called OpenTESArena. Unlikely Daggerfall Unity, the engine is being done from the ground up, so it's closer to projects like OpenMW. https://github.com/afritz1/OpenTESArena It's not remotely close to being finished, and the last release was two and a half years ago, but the dev is still actively working on it. At present it's in a state where you can walk around and enter buildings.
>>979410 >the time between a game teaser and the reveal of actual gameplay (not even release) is now longer than the entire life span of entire multi-release gaming franchises
>>979674 Yeah that's been going for a while. It runs really slowly.
>>979355 Still very skeptical about the project, but it's great to see. Ted's statement about being able to focus on things they'd usually have to ignore makes it clear he enjoys working on it a lot. I just hope whatever investors they pick up don't start doing typical financebro shit and completely betray the game's core idea.
>>979674 This has been in development for at least 7 years now, the dev hasn't uploaded the next release (0.15) yet because he set the himself the hard goal of actual gameplay. He posts updates on his shitter account sometimes, he recently finished the renderer which he claims is a good milestone for 0.15.
Has any other developer attempted the TES 3-5 style RPG? For how many journos spouted "[open world game] is just like SKYRIM" during the first half of the 2010s, there are remarkably few Skyrim clones. People often compare Morrowind to Gothic but they're very different games. Two Worlds was also often compared with Oblivion but again, different games. And TW was trying to be like Gothic, not Oblivion. The closest I can think of are games that actually inspired the Elder Scrolls series, like Ultima.
>>981284 I'd steal her sweet roll if you know what I mean.
>>981284 Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
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>>981304 My man. >>981306 Oh, excellent answer. I entirely forgot about Kingdom Come.
Art from the Elder Scrolls: Castles intro
>>981819 Please don't remind me that game exists.
>>981819 They knew what was up.
>>981284 I have heard some good things about Ardenfall, though I haven't tried it for myself, thankfully they do have a Demo on their steam page. One good thing about it, is that the game does not have a Kickstarter, Patreon or Early Access, which hopefully means that they will release it once it's ready. The game basically tries to be a spiritual successor for Morrowind with some small elements of New Vegas. https://ardenfall.com/ I have attached the trailer, as well as their latest video devlog(though they have more recent written devlogs on their website).
>>981852 Correction, apparently they do have a Patreon, so fuck me for getting it wrong.
>>981819 >>981830 Was actually already mentioned last year >>891882, though with no art. >>981852 I have also heard of this game, though I really don't like the art style. I understand it's probably a limitation of their abilities but that flat, pastel low-poly look isn't for me.
>>981852 This Runescape remake looks great.
>>981819 they know their audience
>>979410 They were absolutely retarded for going through with starfield. Everything about starfield was retarded. Not saying Elder Scrolls VI wouldn't be shit if they did it instead
The Wayward Realms campaign has ended, with over $700,000 from 7000 backers. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oncelostgames/the-wayward-realms/posts/4137491
>>984947 Good for them. I'm excited for the game, but I'm not going to financially back them until I see an actual finished product.
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>>984947 They released another dev log the other day. Also, one of the devs died last year? They have a bit dedicated to him toward the end.
Playing Skyrim again this time with mods and I had a good experience but I got bored of Skyrim now. The wait for TES VI is painful.
>>987379 I am sorry anon, TES VI won't be good, if we look at their latest games, Fallout 4, 76 and Starfield. You are better off playing the Ardenfall demo.
>>987379 >>987382 Bethesda followed a worse path than bioware and Im sick of retards not realizing that, it happened around the same time too.
I'm debating another Skyrim run. Literally the only thing I haven't done in the game is marry Miura after killing Nilsine Shattershield because I always stumble into that one fucker in some Dorf ruins and kill him before starting DB. I've also never done a Merchant run. So I think the plan is Breton + Mining/Farming/Smithing for ~20 levels, power level Speech, then pivot into Solstheim content and Heavy Armor + 2H with no magic but lots of resistance and start dragon attacks around then. I also wanna be a shitbag and fight my way out of Markarth after triggering Cidhna Mine and go on the lamb as a criminal until I roll back into Skyrim as a god around level 50 and just murderrape any guards that look at me funny. It seems like it could be a fun arc.
>>987558 Why do you try roleplaying as a Snow Elf or as the last Dwemer. They have good race mods that allow for that, I had fun doing that.
I almost forgot to post this. The stuff I use to worship Sheogorath.
>>987638 >The stuff I use to worship Sheogorath.
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>>979410 It showed off nothing more than procgen landscapes and a castle in the distance. They demonstrated that they had fucking nothing and the reveal was only to shut up the people asking for another TES game. I doubt they're going to release it within the next 4 years.
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>>987638 I worship a different god
>>987779 >the work of one who consorts with beasts
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>>987779 you monster you fucking monster you turned her into a plushie through vile alteration magicka
>>987779 Update when:^(
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>>987779 People like you refuse to let a webcomic die a peaceful death
>>990452 I thought that was tumblr users
A Bethesda artist had their Pinterest public, featuring a "mood board" with hundreds of images. Seems to confirm the game is set in Hammerfell judging by the kinds of things they added. His account was actually public for months with some people following him, but it got a lot of attention recently and went private.
>>993387 So at this rate we're looking at what, maybe a 2028 release?
>>993387 Yay, more nigger pandering.
>>993387 >Seems to confirm the game is set in Hammerfell Because of course it has to be. Well atleast Hammerfell isn't an actual place inhabited by Asians and the devd decided to black it like a certain other game studio.
>>993423 >>993465 I get the kneejerk reaction from casual RPG fans but it's not like this is the first TES to be set in Hammerfell. It's not the even third. The issue with TES6 will almost certainly be its very "2008" way of handling RPG mechanics, i.e. dumbing everything down both for new gamers and for hardware limitations, the hardware isn't even an issue anymore but the design it induced stuck. None of the original core TES devs are there anymore and those who made the actually enjoyable parts of 4 and 5 mostly either aren't with the company anymore (Peterson, Rolston, Soule..) or completely lost the plot (Pagliarulo, Howard, Hines..). It's ironic how stuck in the 360 era Bethesda feels when how few of its current employees were actually there.
>>993423 How can you pander to niggers in tamriel? Is that like even possible?
>>993482 Yet we'll be sure Redguard and Shadowkey will have by far more interesting visuals and lore.
>>993398 >So at this rate we're looking at what, maybe a 2028 release? Were I a betting man I'd wager that big daddy Microsoft has its boot firmly up Bethesda's ass at this point given what a debacle Starfield was and how TESVI was brought up despite them obviously having fuck all to show off; my money is on either holiday '26 or summer '27 at the absolute latest. I also think that we'll go back to the "gameplay trailer at E3 and release in the fall" schedule back for a number of reasons, mostly also related to Starfield and how it was promoted. Their 45-minute autofellatio session bit them in the ass and they really don't want people thinking that TESVI will be anything like Starfield. In the meanwhile I'm hoping that they'll strong-arm Bethesda into farming out another Fallout game to capitalize on the apparent popularity of the show, this time to an actual RPG dev. They have both InXile and >Obsidian under their umbrella and BG3 proved that something vaguely resembling a proper CRPG can rake in a gorillion dollars and a truckload of awards. Bethesda might end up being sold for parts if TESVI bombs so I wouldn't be surprised if either >Obsidian or InXile or both are very interested in proving that they can handle Fallout just in case Bethesda meets a sticky end.
https://invidious.perennialte.ch/watch?v=LEjsv2AehOg OpenTESArena 0.15.0 has been released. Still not playable but coming together.
>>997992 I was actually just looking into this the other day, wondering when he'd finally put out his next update. Having checked Fritz's personal accounts, he was making progress this entire time, but him forcing the "no update until gameplay" rule really delayed it. Though it looks like he hasn't actually added gameplay this release? Guess he didn't like how long it was holding off the update.
>>987779 That's... adorable.
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Hey there anons, while we are all waiting for the Game of the Decade that will be Skyrim 2 TES VI, I suggest you all give TES Castles a try. I was skeptical at first, but after playing for a bit, I realized how fun and addicting it is, and it's a good way of spending time and money while waiting for TES VI.
>>1005929 Wow, this Fallout Shelter mod looks pretty good!
Another TR progress update https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/september-2024-progress-update >Narsis mostly finished, will be largest non-proc gen city with actual interiors and unique NPCs in any video game ever as far as dev team is aware >overhaul to Firemoth (a proof of concept free official mod from Bethesda back when the CS was new. It's very moddy with hoards of fodder skeletons, poorly implemented NPC followers, and a boss that has so much HP regen you essentially need exploits to kill it.) is coming before Narsis, likely alongside Anvil's release Crusader Kings 3's newest expansion, Roads to Power launches on the 26th. It allows playing as a landless adventurer who wanders around accepting quests from notables. While player interest in adding support for it is is high Elder Kings II devs claim adding support will be a low priority, likely to not arrive till the middle of new year, because it would be locked to owners of the expansion. On the other hand, Paradox normally needs at least that long to unfuck their shit after every expansion, so no sense in adding support quickly anyways.
>>972800 What fucking chan is that with a monster girl board, the shitty encoding ruins the url
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>>1010263 The weird thing is that video has been heavily edited, all the images were replaced. I have no idea why somebody went through the effort of doing this. The original is funnier because of its choice of AUK CAHNTENT and the dynamic panning.
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Bruce Nesmith, lead designer on Skyrim, believes Bethesda won't be able to meet expectation for TES6. https://archive.is/q7tju However, his stance is a bit annoying. He believes it's because the game being anything other than a 9.5/10 masterpiece will mark it as a failure because "fan expectations are just TOO HIGH!" rather than Bethesda's recent output just not being very good. >"The fans who want to buy Elder Scrolls 6, their expectation is going to be almost impossible to meet," Nesmith said. "And marketing departments just put their heads in their hands and weep at this. Because it's like, 'Okay, if it isn't perfect, it doesn't get a 95-plus on Metacritic, we're a failure'." >"Elder Scrolls 6 is undoubtedly going to be an amazing game, but it's going to be compared to all the previous games that Bethesda made." >"Imagine for a moment that you work at Larian Studios," he said. "They just released Baldur's Gate 3, and now they've got to make another game. What are the expectations going to be on that studio's next project? Larian was not a studio that was uppermost on everybody's mind, didn't fall off the lips of the vast majority of people buying videogames ... They weren't what everybody considered to be a top-tier publisher. Well, guess what? They are now. They're on the map now, and that means the expectations are sky high for them." I get it, he was there since Daggerfall and worked on most of their major games from that point up to Starfield, he's not going to address the obvious elephant in the room and would prefer to shift blame onto consumers. But people didn't dislike Starfield and Fallout 76 because their "expectations were too high", Mr. Nesmith. People fucking loved Skyrim and Fallout 4, those games are extremely flawed.
>>1016058 >If it doesn't get a 95-plus on Metacritic, we're a failure Hmm, I wonder how some of the FNV team from Obsidian would feel reading that?
>>1016058 >Bethesda won't be able to meet expectation for TES6 Because there are tons of skyrim analysis videos redpilling the normalfags on how awful it was? >fan expectations are just TOO HIGH! And hopefully their taste in games has actually improved >People fucking loved Skyrim and Fallout 4, those games are extremely flawed In the end, people loved skyrim for the novelty. Hopefully that has worn off by now.
>>1016058 They can get another 10+ years out of Skyrim by releasing half a dozen Skyrim AI Editions
>>1010086 >Roads to Power launches on the 26th. It allows playing as a landless adventurer who wanders around accepting quests from notables. Hey, that actually sounds pretty fun. <AI handles the statecraft around you like you were just playing as Jan Mayen and watching a game <but you get to play it >get the Immortal trait >just go around and be a hero in any land that suits your fancy >fuck every single woman that comes your way >multiple entire dynasties are just your children >they eventually inherit every country >conquer the world by birthright Guess I'll be forced to pirate CK3 again.
Efforts to make Shadowkey run in Godot have progressed far enough for actual gameplay (but is still far from complete) Anvil making progress on quest, now has >five faction questlines (WIP) >12 misc quests, 8 of which are currently in development >only a few quests are left to start development CS on (their outline is already written) Narsis >interior tileset for Skyrender hive dungeons has been complete. Lack of this tileset was one of the last holdups on completing the interiors and exteriors of the release area >exterior work for post-Narsis releases continues
>>1016076 They should release a Skyrim: Fuck Edition. Bratty Braith has needed correction for a decade.
Which one of those major location overhaul mods are worth playing right now? It seems there are several mods, Morrowind Rebirth, Tamriel Rebuilt and Skyrim home of the nords, are they even compitable with each other?
>>1019298 Not only are they compatible with eachother, Tamriel Rebuilt, Home of the Nords, and (when it releases. The current Stirk demo is super broken and outdated and will be save incompatible with full release) Project Cyrodil's Anvil are all planned around the same map (so everything is the same scale and will match up in the distant future when Skyrim and northern Cyrodil are added several releases after the next one) and all depend on the same "Tamriel Data" resource. Essentially it's a metamod to avoid duplicating identical resources across the projects (Amethysts in all three will be TD's "T_IngMine_Amethyst_01"). I would recommend starting a new character for each though. Unlike Bloodmoon, each area is entirely balanced around vanilla difficulty rather than the slayer of Dagoth Ur coming into town.
>>1019427 So I can install those 3 mods together and play with them? That's some good shit
Eh I am gonna scrap morrowind rebirth which sucks because I don't like the idea of monsters getting their soul amount nerfed so that I cannot make some gears with constant effect enchantment, so it's going to be the Skyrim Home of the Nords and the Tamriel Rebuilt mod for me then, now I just need to find a alternative start mod and a mod that gets rid of the vanilla main quest so that I can focus on the modded quests instead. Also it is just me or did Nexus mod shoahed their mod entries? Somehow there is far less mods available, I was trying to download a bunch of armor and weapon mods and there isn't that many now.
>>1019458 Yes though, again, I would not install the Stirk demo.
>>1019535 I only downloaded the Skyrim mod and the Tamriel Rebuild mods, I didn't downloaded the Stirk demo since you mentioned it would break save games later.
>>884310 How bad will elders scrolls 6 look compared to skyrim? Fallout 4 looked more cartoony than Fallout and new Vegas.
>>993387 They are turning the Red guard race into wakanda aren’t they?
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>>1020319 Why wouldn't they, they've already made it abundantly clear that "lore is for nerds" and the rule of cool trumps internal consistency every time. They assume TES fans are going to buy it regardless, so they will always craft their game after whatever is most recently hot in pop culture in order to bring in more casuals. Not to mention they're now owned by Microsoft, so don't be surprised if it's released in February - just in time for nigger history month.
>>1020319 No, because that would require Sentinel to actually be on par with its scale in Daggerfall.
>>990452 Kaz brought it on himself.
Why would anyone choose to play as Khajit? They're the Haitian pet-eaters of Nirn. And don't hand me that baloney about stealth and whatever. My Argonians are always maxed out on the assassination-from-a-distance arts and make Ezio Auditore da Firenze look as silent as a guy in shoes made from airhorns. Why would you choose to be the only race on Mundus that would get money from Jarl Soros to sneak across the border into Skyrim? Seriously, I hate all interactions with the Khajit. I always feel like I need to pause the game and rub hand sanitizer all over my body. >"Would lizard mind if we make the poo in the street? No? Perhaps later..." >"Moon sugar? What would simple Khajit know about the sugar of the moon? Oh? You are interested in buying? Khajit just remembered he saved a pouch of moon sugar in his armpit. You want?" >"Khajit deems you to be racist, lizard. Why you deny Khajit opportunity to rape white lizard woman?" Awful, AWFUL people. If anyone ever makes a mod that allows you to storm across Skyrim and put them into extermination camps, I'd be all over that.
>>1020721 >My Argonians Get back to work, slave, before I make a pair of boots from your hide.
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>>1020721 do argonians have big tits?
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>>1020721 You're not wrong. 90% of Khajiit in Skyrim are drug smugglers, and the remaining 10% are all either psycho daedra cultists or assassins. There wasn't much civilization left in the cats after the Thrassian Plague, and I guess the Oblivion Crisis finished them off. You could argue that it'd be an act of mercy to put them out of their misery at this point.
>>1020737 If I'm not mistaken they're canonically egg sacs, but fanon can make them great big milk bags you can suckle from.
>>1021584 Nice.
>>1021593 Isn't it within canon that if it was advantageous for them to be big fucking lizard titties then the hist would release a patch for Argonian 2.7 or something that turned them into big fucking lizard titties?
Here is the unfun and real reason: Bethesda was too lazy to do a different body type for beast races for Oblivion. Even worse! They were too lazy to do different body type for females too! (also see Skyrim) Thats why every woman build like a fucking brick golem. There is no lore reason! There is no Hist! It's Todd lazy ass and incompetence as a leader!
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>>1021899 >Bethesda was too lazy to do a different body type for beast races for Oblivio ???
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>>1021899 This is blatant misinformation anybody who's actually played older TES titles could trivially dispel.
>>1021901 Close to a human body. The head type's different, but he said body type.
>>1021905 The context of the conversation is obviously about their lizard tits, which he says started happened with TES4. You're either not paying attention or trying to shift goalposts.
*started happening
On female lizards: I'll just note that in Redguard there's dialog saying it's hard for outsiders to tell the males and females apart.
>>1021771 i think so, yes
>>1020721 They built a tower to the moon once. I don't remember which one but they did it.
>>1020721 Khajiit have cool lore, with the varying forms with the moon phases thing and the peculiar history they have compared to the other races. They've just been buck broken hard by the Thalmor with the whole blocking the moons incident and all. Plus what >>1020751 said with the Thrassian plague fucking them over too. Wish they'd actually show the full spectrum of Khajiit races in a single game. But that'd be too much effort I guess. They are definitely supposed to be a race of fantasy gypsies though, you're supposed to hate them in that sense.
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>>1022303 Dagi-Raht seem pretty cool. Can't say I've seen many instances of a fucking Gorilla Cat in fiction before. It's honestly kind of a terrifying proposition.
>>1022385 >Gorillacat <Not Gorillion One job
>>1022303 so far ESO has the fullest of spectrums of the furstocks
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>>1022387 >One job And I don't even get paid for that one job, what did you expect?
>>1022509 It's weird how, for all the lore rape in ESO to make it more generic, it fully embraced Khajiit weirdness.
>>1022303 >pic don't forget about the mane, or the dro-m'athra, which unless im mistaken, bump the total of khajiit types to 33(or 34 if there can be a dro-m'athra mane, which is kind of bemusing since 34 is the atomic number for selenium, which is named such for selene, the greek goddess of the moon) https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dark_Moon https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dro-m'Athra
>>1022547 >>1022509 Going to be completely honest. I mentally blocked ESO out of existence, for some reason. Probably because it's a shit game and the reason we don't have ES6 by now. Nice to hear they at least put in the effort for that, though. >>1022385 Especially terrifying concept in this case since they have sapience and a fair bit of intelligence, as much as any other Khajiit at least. >>1022696 Yeah that chart left the mane out for simplicity's sake I think? Since the mane can be any type of Khajiit as far as I remember. Also remember that I preferred to play as Khajiit in skyrim because the night eye power was useful in a few places and the unarmed bonus trivialized the bar brawls. Felt like Khajiit, Argonians, Altmer, and Bretons were the only races that had anything really going for them in that game stat-wise. Any other race choice was purely for flavor or for spamming 24h waits if you wanted to spam the Orc racial power.
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>>1022748 >Especially terrifying concept in this case since they have sapience and a fair bit of intelligence, as much as any other Khajiit at least. Right, and not to mention it'd be tweaked to the gills on Meth Sugar on top of that.
>>1022547 i daresay they expanded on it also
Khajiit are for furfags.
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>>1023423 no that's your mom >>1023452 furries deserve the rope.

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