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Old 8/v/ Nostalgia Thread Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 03:02:00 Id: 0df5d6 No. 967631
Post what you've got. I have more stuff on my computer but it's going to take some time find it all.
>2015 was nearly 10 fucking years ago I don't miss those days, shit was fucked and getting worse and I knew it.
>This summer will be ten years since Dashcon, the Ferguson chimpouts, and the Fappening. Oh, and we can't forget the one and only Gamergate.
(1.62 MB 1280x720 congratulations.webm)

(3.21 MB 144x150 funk.webm)

(3.52 MB 818x720 sanic.webm)

(2.54 MB 640x360 #GamerGate in 60 sec.webm)

(334.70 KB 862x522 ANON GET OUT.webm)

8moe is 90% newfags so this thread is peals before swine. >>967675 Does 4meme still fucking have soundless webms? Why?
(1.53 MB 854x480 DPS_Loss.webm)

(3.99 MB 853x480 hatsunepizza.webm)

(2.38 MB 854x480 ebola thoughts.webm)

>>967676 No idea. Wouldn't surprise me though. >Why? Bandwidth? They're all about money back there. They could also be pressured by advertisers into not being a competitor to video hosting websites
>>967680 Thank for so much for that last one, I remember having heard "girl fetishist" somewhere a long time ago but couldn't recall where or what it was in relation to. That last post in image 4 is me, I'm in a couple of screencaps actually
>>967682 >I remember having heard "girl fetishist" somewhere a long time ago but couldn't recall where or what it was in relation to. It was a RetardEra thread IIRC. Pic unrelated
>>967633 Nice dubs Gappy!
(124.45 KB 836x407 4578479.png)

(3.98 MB 720x480 End of Super Mario.webm)

(1.19 MB 1507x3517 Fallout 4.png)

(16.52 MB 3840x8000 Kingdom Hearts Explained.png)

(8.18 MB 640x360 Suicide is Painless.mp4)

(6.81 MB 640x360 DON'T CLICK.webm)

(1.42 MB 1810x2889 NuD00m.png)

(269.50 KB 1200x2660 NuDoom.png)

(215.38 KB 1184x582 Nud44m.png)

(3.98 MB 720x480 End of Super Mario.webm)

(1.19 MB 1507x3517 Fallout 4.png)

>>967730 Let me try posting these two again. Not sure what went wrong.
>>967682 >That last post in image 4 is me, I'm in a couple of screencaps actually Prove it by posting the image :^)
(1.03 MB 202x360 LET GO THE SWITCH.webm)

>>967744 HE'S THE BATMAN
(7.52 MB 1056x588 Mark_I_am_the_jew.webm)

(8.49 MB 1056x588 mark i am the one.webm)

(475.49 KB 360x640 Mark_Hitler_did_Nothing_wrong.mp4)

(2.17 MB 480x640 MARK_BTFO.mp4)

(4.82 MB 1280x720 mark_impersonation.mp4)

(12.09 MB 426x240 ww message to mark.mp4)

(3.62 MB 640x360 ww message to Gahoole.mp4)

Fun times
(9.47 MB 640x360 Gayhole Mark.webm)

(511.17 KB 888x505 Gayhole Switch.png)

(22.06 KB 637x358 Gayhole BTFO.JPG)

(67.17 KB 400x400 hahaha.webm)

(1021.98 KB 1280x720 Happening Time.webm)

(3.84 MB 864x486 mad (46).mp4)

(3.53 MB 1280x720 Welcome to int.webm)

(5.04 MB 1920x1080 fuck_8chan.mp4)

>>967669 How come nobody uses this captcha anymore? It was an effective filter.
(12.45 MB 480x480 e33.webm)

(15.62 MB 640x640 e34.webm)

(7.20 MB 640x640 e3.mp4)

(10.70 MB 640x640 e32.webm)

>>967805 zzzchan does
>>967805 Captcha is useless against spam.
>>967631 >E3 dead-er than a nigger in Chicago <The other Ren & Stimpy reboot got leaked What are the odds?
>>967822 Wonder how sterile it will be, I never liked Rena and Stimpy and thought Adult Party Cartoon was pretty much the same as the original but more explicit, people hated Adult Party Cartoon but they'll probably wish that was going on instead of whatever this is goijg to be.
(68.52 KB 194x580 Sui_re1a_defA1_0.png)

>>967825 >Rena and Stimpy
>>967825 The first two seasons are watchable but you could say the same thing about Spongebob and other western cartoons that go past a couple of years of production.
(22.17 KB 342x326 Picture 065.jpg)

>>967821 Captcha was never about spam control.
(41.21 KB 1200x260 dungeoncrawlers_RPG_kinda.png)

(95.58 KB 1043x358 Eurofags.jpg)

(2.90 MB 2268x2412 Fapping to Chris Chan.png)

(4.10 MB 1920x6666 Father_of_the_year'.png)

(617.29 KB 1782x706 Nihilists_on_sucide_watch.PNG)

(122.29 KB 878x305 HalfChan's a shit hole.png)

(94.30 KB 878x459 heroes.png)

(202.53 KB 1265x317 Honest Work.png)

(68.27 KB 1321x334 How net neutrality works..png)

(135.19 KB 917x390 based-doom-guy.png)

(50.01 KB 1366x768 screencap futa mom.png)

(189.97 KB 1265x435 Why anon hates AAA gaming.png)

(110.90 KB 914x1168 Worst Korea Anti Lolisho.png)

(148.13 KB 1322x346 Anon's Advice to NEETs.png)

(197.77 KB 1003x807 knuckles.png)

(296.58 KB 2392x1273 Muh nuclear fuel cycle.png)

(182.40 KB 1835x453 Nonbinaries Summed Up.png)

(969.14 KB 675x564 behold!.png)

(4.00 MB 480x360 meme magic.webm)

(11.76 MB 320x240 CENK.webm)

(4.48 MB 426x240 a message about OP.webm)

>>967675 Why don't we have a /wx/ anymore? >>967676 No, they're just muted by default. I think the filesize limit is still a lot smaller, since basically every one I've seen there is one minute or shorter.
(11.29 MB 854x480 Electrocutioner Pence.webm)

(11.01 MB 1920x1080 16MB A File Size Odyssey.webm)

(8.99 MB 770x558 8chan_party_hard_anon.webm)

(8.82 MB 506x452 neofag.webm)

(6.44 MB 800x600 Burgers_Play_C&C.webm)

>>967845 Yes they do, only /gif and /wsg/ have webms with sound
Anybody have the video that focuses on Brian577 from the mp4 here (1:13), I wanted to repost it but apparently don't have it, thought I did. Also our board colors really should've been something else, I can only tell these apart from old 4/v/ posts because of IDs, that's it.
(250.27 KB 1200x1880 Rep. 2B.jpg)

>>967825 According to /co/ threads, they fucked up: >Old crew got fired on sight >Hipsters and dykes are basically fucking over the animators >So many jokes that fall flat with little to nothing slapstick >Bill West just doesn't sound the same It's Adult Party all over again but replace Kricfalusi's personal issues with someone else's and voilá. >>967826 <Starring Ren from Persona 5
>>967861 Adult Party was a literal corporate shitpost, I have no idea what the point would be to to watch something intentionally made worse than it.
(8.26 MB 1280x720 life of brian.webm)

>>967856 Here you go, bro.
(321.80 KB 720x400 AVGN despair.png)

(88.54 KB 310x540 Beavis whiplash.png)

>>967865 >FullMcInkosher post <It all came true >Save for the towelheads trend, they purposely made them waifubaits ugly as shit >Retarded Mary Sue's everywhere >Summoning glowing niggers to track down wrongthinkers >Jack Thompson changed his opinion on videogames
>>967921 GG didn't get "utterly destroyed" yet among others so there's still hope for the future
>>967631 This would be my kind of thread, I saved local copies of 8/v/ threads for years on a hard drive complete with scraped images and videos with a Perl script I ran. ONLY TO BORK THAT SAME HARD DRIVE ARRRRGH HOLY FUCKING SHIT I guess that qualifies me as a true oldfag just being a stupid aspie piece of shit like that in the most asinine way. >>967675 This is one of the reasons I've stuck around, the board just plain has better media capabilities. Yes it enables all sorts of scum like niggerpill, but I'd like to post with my proxy and not get nagged over it thank you very much.
(624.12 KB 1638x2048 Vaccinated Hipster.jpg)

(454.38 KB 1920x1080 meme wars 2020.jpg)

(183.93 KB 1280x694 Trump wars.jpg)

(107.39 KB 720x878 capeshit memes.jpg)

(45.26 KB 480x640 Lefty memes.jpg)

>>967923 Pretty sure these long time legendary videogame developers ruined their own shit just to spite GamerGate and they just won't stop until the culture wars shift towards their liking. Much like with the magazine artists and journalists who want that precious social media clout.
(11.85 MB 640x640 WorldsApart.webm)

(6.08 MB 600x389 V theme song.webm)

(5.86 MB 852x480 Sheev posting.webm)

(11.97 MB 1280x720 obligitory_longer.webm)

(7.73 MB 720x480 8ch promo.webm)

>>967809 I seem to have an E3 comp you missed, there.
(30.41 MB 640x640 e35.webm)

>>967969 This was the only other one I had, which I believe is the latest.
>>967682 On some faggot-infested manga site I read fantasy stories on (love me some swords, elves, dwarves, and magic), there was a story that recently finished where a writer was pulled into the story he had finished writing, as a doomed character. In his efforts to prevent his own death and to try to get back to his original world, he ends up finding that his story was streamed to his mind by some extradimensional force preparing him to save the real version of that story world. Flash forward, he saves the day, rescuing damn near everybody, and ends up married with a son. The troons in the comments called it a "heterosexual jumpscare". I want to step on the gas.
(349.67 KB 1280x720 Donald Duck loses it.webm)

>>967993 >heterosexual jumpscare
>>967669 >last pic oh
>>967856 >>967897 >Brian577 It's been such a long time, so I looked him up. Unfortunately, to my great disappointment he has not since killed himself. He still posts on occasionally "Disqus", some old Star Trek forum, and a few gaming videos on jewtube, but otherwise has stopped posting on all of his other accounts. Also he seemingly got banned from NeoGAF in 2019 which is kind of funny. https://archive.ph/0xvZG https://archive.ph/VR78J https://www.youtube.com/@TyphonJRT/videos
>>968251 He's robably in ResetEra now
>>968257 I didn't bother checking resetera, but that doesn't surprise me.
>>968416 >/erp/ Oh I remember them, they were a surprisingly popular board. They died well before 8chan did, wonder what unique obscure drama lead to their demise?
>>967776 I completely forgot about HWNDU. Do you have the webm of Mark talking to Sam Hyde about Evangelion?
>>968473 I'll need to check my files, pretty sure I have it, but it's going to be hard to find since I just hoard my files.
(208.65 KB 900x881 1462671876648.jpg)

(1.75 MB 1566x1799 radops jeep.jpg)

(159.74 KB 789x570 1471062674736.png)

(301.79 KB 570x245 1426389655492-3.png)

Tears in the rain, Scoob.
(36.67 KB 391x487 1426389488193-0.png)

(811.13 KB 1280x720 1426389488193-4.png)

(235.48 KB 386x279 1426389488193-1.png)

3 more from that moe'mon run because I'll never get a chance to repost them and get my le oldfag cred.
>>968416 Never forget what they took from us.
(3.96 MB 4082x8050 tifa's dicks.jpg)

(118.22 KB 664x645 [distant jewish laughter].png)

(35.15 KB 771x709 1461152286997.png)

(7.65 MB 640x360 FOREVER EVER 6-9-2016.webm)

(5.53 MB 1656x924 1434690285329.webm)

/v/ awakens an ancient evil https://archive.is/sZMfo
>>968546 >archive >that moth image a few posts down Oh I remember when /v/ was all over moths, that faded away some time ago. One of those things nobody remembers.
>>968426 No "drama" happened, the board died because everybody wanted to take things to Discord and F-List (roleplay website for those unaware) which defeated the entire purpose of there being an ERP board. Nobody wanted to post there if after some flirting, your partner responds with "I like you, DM my profile!".
>>968546 I remember that daemon!
>>967845 You should make if it you want, >>968572 I haven't thought about the memes people made of it in years As much as we're all reminiscing over 8prime, holy hell was that site unstable. We bled at least 40% of our users just from the technical issues alone. I think 8moe's population has been so relatively stable because the site actually works, the site going down is usually signalled days beforehand as planned maintenance.
>>968426 >>968555 (checked) The transition to discord, release of several other anonymous messaging platforms, and increased moderation on f-list all contributed toward it. Not to mention the site, you know, getting taken down and forcing anyone looking for a digital word gigolo to move elsewhere (like 4cuck's /trash/). Same thing with /cb/ too.
(243.21 KB 1757x626 1588709594-2.png)

(98.10 KB 1780x312 sdasdads.png)

(1.25 MB 1767x803 gangster computer god.png)

(342.28 KB 1200x1680 harvest moon.jpg)

(1.44 MB 1500x2833 skyrine_expectations.jpg)

>>968576 I swear we lost way more over that, many friends I made here left when the instability was so unstable you'd be lucky to see one post an hour. Also aclarity demon being an invasion of privacy.
(456.40 KB 1920x1264 Alacrity Demon 2.jpg)

(403.34 KB 960x539 Alacrity Demon.png)

You want an old, obscure 8meme? >that subtle jab at GG
>>968584 Why is the guy fro the car pictures having an autistic breakdown?
(1.15 MB 640x360 Mark.webm)

>>968604 Something, something Mark is retarded and fucked something up again.
>>968604 Mark was is? a huge nintendork and had word filters in place. I think it was during the whole 8.8 debacle with Squidwards' sword. I only remember because I got a warning for calling someone a nintendrone, lol.
>>968607 It's odd to me how all the newfriends will never know of the enormous number of wordfilters /v/ once had. We still have a few but they're hard to trigger unless you specifically know what they are. The strangest I remember was TVTropes, it was filtered to some rant because I guess Mark really didn't like it.
>>968604 Wait until you see him talk about cats
>>968473 I got your back. I'll throw in some bonus
>>967825 Expect nothing of value, JohnK while capable enough, lost his funny and took up pure bitterness a while ago. APC was just depressing crap, He lost control of his IP cos he was slow and a dick and then the studio made a balls up of R&S it after he got the boot. (I'm re-watching them now and it's fucking ROUGH past about the midway of the 3rd season) he buried himself in proto Shadman sex imagery and forgot what the characters were by the time he got them back, loosing Billy West (yet to hear anyone else capable of voicing Stimpy) in the process. >>967829 This is true, there's a few in the 3rd series worth a look, probably ones John K got started on but didn't finish but on the whole the drop in quality and voice acting is grimy to witness. Billy West shouldn't have been pulling double duty.
>>968616 I miss hwndu.
>>969101 Shadilay my fellow kekistani! shit got pretty bad, I don't miss the late 2000s and 2010s at all outside the friend group I had back then
(224.47 KB 1063x1253 The Day the Twig Snapped.png)

>>968616 Thanks anon.
>>968553 >one of those things nobody remembers Says you.
Does anyone have the screencap of the anon who was banned from Mexico for throwing dynamite over the border? I think it was during the secret City of Heroes server fiasco.
>>970018 >Does anyone have the screencap of the anon who was banned from Mexico for throwing dynamite over the border? Because there was a butt shaped rock on the other side. I feel like that's an important piece of information.
>>970018 >>970024 It's up earlier in the thread. Fuckin' READ, nigga.
>>967631 I have very little /v/ related nostalgia, but here's some general 8chan nostalgia. Shout out to all the OGs that used to frequent /kkkmoon/, you bitches made me proud to be a board owner.
(160.29 KB 442x649 500 get.png)

Senran thread first fail get.
(331.08 KB 3735x1650 1425426737423.jpg)

(655.44 KB 2000x1626 gay ass rock.jpg)

(628.17 KB 1058x1550 Gay-ass-rock.png)

(1.59 MB 2205x3780 original-Giant-Rock.png)

(141.64 KB 845x1090 AnonFinishedTheGame.png)

(209.51 KB 600x600 truekorrapat.png)

(29.66 KB 300x100 gookanon.png)

>>967855 By this point I'm willing to start believing everything in the second video unironically just because of how everywhere and everyone it was mocking turned out to be pieces of shit. I never got into the whole shitflinging with .int/ and /intl/ back on the old site because I just wanted to play video games.
(1.07 MB 2480x1754 Julay's reckoning.png)

(3.81 MB 1520x2156 Dank Cunny Question Mark.jpg)

(8.92 MB 4272x5044 essentials.jpg)

(93.13 KB 815x1295 v letter.png)

I have some things myself but don't know which ones are from 8chan and which ones are from 4chan before the exodus.
(1.11 MB 1080x1087 Old Nietzsche post.png)

>>967836 >That last screenshot The proper claim should be "No one has a right to claim to know the absolute truth", that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist but it means that we as humans are incapable of actually possessing a fully objective viewpoint. This is also the claim that the first philosophers criticizing the claim of "truth" actually meant, but then the following retards took it to such an insane extent without understanding the basic logic that it became worthless. The most obvious example is Foucault completely missunderstanding Nietzsche and his view of reality. There is a general issue of communists and fascists but they're basically the same thing taking Nietzsche's ideas and disregarding everything he says about accepting the imperfections of reality, learning to love your fate, and using his ideas as a way to push their utopian idiocy.
>>970166 >First pic Someone on PLW actually tracked down the guy who raped Ohio-Anon.
>>970183 Tell me more.
>>970186 Holy shit, the fact that this story could have actually been very much true is fucking insane. An anon got raped and developed a trauma fetish in response to that. Now I wonder if the Tile Fucker was also real.
>>970186 >>970183 >>970166 I'd forgotten the rape component to this. It's kinda sad; you've got a cool story with a fun fetish and it boils down to a poor anon who got roofied and raped by a gay hippie boomer.
(2.07 MB 1493x5901 assrock.png)

(8.91 MB 4082x8050 tifa.jpg)

(1.58 MB 1078x1073 cosmic.png)

(628.17 KB 1058x1550 Gay-ass-rock.png)

(915.91 KB 2000x1000 gay_ass_rock-.jpg)

>>970045 I'm not a furry.
(72.38 KB 1200x738 Flag_of_Ohio.png)

(3.45 MB 960x540 do it.webm)

>>970216 2014 here. You? I made this webm back when the Lisa dev did his AMA
(16.51 KB 306x308 vtan.png)

>>970216 >try to remember days of exodus >instantly remember i thought back then gamergate was shitty raid-tier activity that is only going to give popularity to anita and zoe >thought vivan was lame character too >still had to exode too because moot broke /pol/ I had completely different mentality back then so i usually don't remember those pseudo-oldfag days, they aren't that old. Wouldn't even count for power level. Now jim watkins isn't around with his phillipine harem, midget on wheels became overweight and probably already died, kiwi farms is merely a shell of its former self and there are more existential problems than ever, but this time with clear solutions planned.
(8.63 MB 720x720 サイバーバード.mp4)

>>970220 >/cyber/bro I'm just waiting for the A.I singularity
>>970223 >>970220 >/cyber/ Ah yes, remember those days waiting for cyberpunk2077 and checking recommended list for cyberpunk literature there only to find out how gta/fallout4-like that game turned out.
>>970224 I knew exactly how it was going to turn out when that reveal trailer came out. Fucking garbage, the aesthetics were completely off, the gameplay was off and so was the writing.
>>970220 We do have other small boards, but they're either not in English or weird fetish stuff. We don't really have the userbase to support hundreds of small active boards anymore. 8chan Prime at its peak had over 20000 active users, we're maybe 1/40th that. >>970224 >>970226 To this day I am so confused why people were hyped for that game. I remember asking anons why considering all we had was some CG trailer for like 8 years, which ended up not even resembling the final game.
Also imkampfy was worst shitposting mod imageboards ever had. The fucking board wipes were delightfully insane. Almost entertaining. >>970226 >>970227 Well they had blog they deleted right before reveal trailer times where they promised it'l be a "true to the core crpg with complex stats". But in the end it was foolish expecting after witcher 3 something superior to witcher 3 and not get bethesda-tier card pulled.
>>970227 >Open World Cyberpunk game >DRM free >Good track record >Promised the sky and delivered 25%of it That's why
>>970216 Quinnspiracy thread /v/eteran reporting in. I've been here since August 27th of [CURRENT YEAR].
>>970234 Nignog, go explore the webring, everything is decentralized for a reason, for better or worst. https://smuglo.li/monster/catalog.html
>>970236 We got rightfully kicked from the webring a few years ago.
>>970238 How does that prevent you from using other boards?
>>970238 >rightfully You clearly either don't know or remember jack shit about that. It was total drama bullshit. Imagine thinking that cutting off your nose to spite your face would be the "rightful" decision.
(60.66 KB 722x349 Put my grasses on.jpg)

>>970216 I've been here since the Gamergate exodus. I might have some pics to show. I really miss the early days of 8chan, I remember the absolute diversity lol of boards and that the site was far less hive-mindish than it became later on. There was some of that later but with constant /pol/ and /leftypol/ shitflinging it became a bit unbearable. I miss /his/.
>>970234 The main obstacle for any potential 8chan successor is that none of the boards had any love or trust for one another by the end. You can't build a community like 8chan prime if there's constant board drama and everyone is suspicious of everyone else all the time.
(211.02 KB 549x598 der spoiler.gif)

>>970245 I mean the last time anons truly loved and trusted the people running the site, their reward was being fucked by the Bone Goblin and Jim. I don't blame anybody for mistrust after that. >>970238 A lot of good it did them. They kicked us out and then died themselves and we didn't get dragged down with them. Two more webring sites have gone offline just this past year, and we have twice their global activity now where they used to have twice ours.
>>970250 Its absolutely a flex IMO. This place started with 30 users and everybody else was on the webring. Just because we're a mom and pop grocery and not a Kroger doesn't change the fact that everyone else wound up as a homeless man with a fruit stand by comparison. >>>/site/9229
>>970216 >Are there any old 8chan anons even left? Yep. I had stopped going to 4/v/ and 4/pol/ years before GG so I was a little behind the curve but I was here in 2014. >>970228 >bethesda-tier card pulled. Yeah, nah. Nobody can touch Bethesda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjbx6-KQoRg
>>970257 The TF2 ones still being hosted by Alphablaster, or the Sven co op ones, or the drawing games, or Jackbox. I could keep going. I didn't play Jedi Academy but I hear that was fun as well
>>970040 My bad. Mark's Juiciness distracted me. >>970160 >2nd pic Oh hey, I drew that. Can't believe someone saved, especially since I misread anon's Freudian slip and drew something entirely different.
Does anyone have that screencap of an anon talking about how he trolled some BBS back in the 80's? I've been looking for it for years ever since I lost my copy.
(6.33 MB 640x480 1436224449837.webm)

This wasn't 8/v/, but ... if you know, you know.
>>970216 I was there when 9/11 happened... You should have seen Mark's face
>>970216 Started posting in 2015 when a friend of mine showed me the site in high school I remember when /cow/ was slightly less shit than it was by the end and I remember the summer of 2016 when /co/ actually was fun with the "Adventure Time"/Jojo threads where people were working on 7th Stand User 2 (RIP)
(1.52 MB 1600x1200 Mark's Opinion Hole.png)

(36.60 KB 680x383 mark's asshole 2.jpg)

(43.20 KB 680x510 mark's asshole 3.jpg)

>>970205 The only thing that isn't furry about you is your butthole.
>>970318 It's so smooth. How does he do it?
(6.82 MB 480x360 Memes Are Magic.webm)

(7.11 MB 854x480 TayTweets.webm)

(8.48 MB 1280x720 leftypol-board-owner.mp4)

(6.76 MB 854x480 THQ.mp4)

>>970319 I have no idea, I'm kind of impressed. If he isn't naturally smooth then he's definitely using nair.
>>970216 I've been here since the exodus and drifted away after the site went down. Later onheard about this site and the webring from a friend years later because I never asked where everyone left since I was too busy with work.
(138.54 KB 914x414 (((Mark))).png)

>>970216 I left halfchan about a week or maybe few days before the GG exodus, been here and/or the webring ever since. Never looked back, never went back. Here have an old (((Mark))) screencap of mine.
(74.97 KB 474x654 Dinner Dash.jpg)

>>970216 November 2014
>>970345 There is porn of her and I will now stroke my cock to it
(91.05 KB 577x800 Diner Dash.jpg)

>>970350 cheers! Flo a cute
(7.77 MB 1280x720 Tweets_of_the_Year_2018.webm)

(1.15 MB 832x4558 Wurm.png)

I'm sure exodus 2 era is nowhere close to old 8chan, but God I miss all the shitposting fun we had when this place was jumpin'. I could have swore I had more of these tweets of the year lying around. I'll see if I can find some later. I do absolutely miss playing Wurm with you lads though. Some of the best time wasting I had in there. I also miss the E3 streams and /Sudpol/.
>>970353 Ah yes, Wurm shenanigans involving any server allowing 8chan to settle it.
(605.31 KB 1296x2072 walkingsim.png)

>>970216 Left with the first exodus back when people were gifting Hotwheels Gone Home and was the absolute best state of the board. Admittedly I used to post less since the board was healthier, my posts were likely to be lost in the sea of passion and I had less interesting input to provide in general due to not having as good taste.
>>970409 >2014 was the best state of the board 2014 was a mess, things weren't really fleshed out till 2016-2017, and even then I would argue that a lot of us were green on how we wanted to manage things.
>>970409 I still can't understand HW's backstab. I can think of many explanations but I can't understand it.
(4.77 MB 1080x720 8chan_100000_GET.webm)

(2.46 KB 400x280 Stand.webp)

>>970411 >things weren't really fleshed out till 2016-2017 >The best time was when Trumpenstein and his dickriders were flooding the board and federal agents were constantly trying to take the site down with newfags and really made it the time out spot for cuckchanners to wait their bans to end. Fuck no, 8/v/ itself was at it's best when everyone was passionate, having fun and the actual drama was at a minimum. The people there were similar enough in principles that were wide enough to enabled them to still disagree on things. Maybe the site as a whole was better with non-legacy boards popping up and solidifying, but I'm mainly talking about /v/. It was back when having fun was the point before catty faggots started making it about their old-fag status however little it meant, when gets were about landing numbers instead of trying to slide threads you don't like.If only I knew how bad things would get afterwards. It wasn't all bad afterwards but it wasn't the same after that, hell many back then would argue things went to shit with the second /v/ exodus or the /pol/ exodus.I genuinely dont remember what the 3rd and 4th exoduses were over anymore. >>970313 >Jojo threads God I miss those threads, so much fun, weird stories, creative efforts and videogames being discussed. I wonder what Rohanon is doing these days. >7SU2 I wonder what happened, I lost interest myself from the whole thing when they decided to do a FF-esque side view instead of the fun First Person view . Post the stand you got in your first playthrough if you don't have the memory of a goldfish. >>970420 Changing sides when feeling the tides of change, negative experience with Jim traumatizing him after Infinity Next, troll's remorse, "finding God", brain degeneration from drugs/disease etc. Take your pick, they all lead to the same path in the end and his actions remain the same.
>>970423 Got the same as yours, i had a blast with joykillers.
>>970165 To be fair, it’s hard to understand a raving schizophrenic.
>>970423 Maybe there was some ill will, but I always thought it was probably glowies threatening to leave him stranded in a pig pen if he didn't have a change of heart
(2.43 MB 1280x720 1457549225673.webm)

>>970306 I know, so I know
>>967797 Ah yes the first one used to be called chromecrasher, fun times.
Fuck it, might as well post the random stuff I've saved over the years I miss Hatestation/Pizzastation
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>>973446 >third one That takes me back. All those poppy-laced drinks will be lost... Like tears in rain... Captain's a condom
>>970306 >>971706 What's the song anyway?
>>973662 Anywhere Is, by Enya.
>>973669 >Speaking of which, do you know why she goes mononymously by Enya? Because her real name is some fucking crazy Celtic shit - Eithne Pádraigín Ní Bhraonáin. She's from Gaoth Dobhair, one of those regions of Ireland where the ancient languages survived to a degree. Thank you, but why did you delete your post?
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I think I'm missing one or two from the set.
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There's one of him getting up and walking away iirc
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This is as far back as I got, which is too far back.
>>980153 >>980154 Every fucking thread, alongside that dancing neon girl which I unfortunately haven't saved.
>>980240 What was that dancing girl even about? Anons soyed the fuck out over her to an embarrassing degree, then the webm became a meme after. Was there something I was missing? It felt like one of the hardest times 8chan tried to force a meme, second only to Headless, but at least that was funny.
>>980298 >he didn't get it Don't worry anon, I've got the perfect thread for you >>979412
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>Aiming down the sights zooms in your vision
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It's not ever coming back.
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>>980757 Whatever do you mean fellow anonymous user? 8kun is the direct successor to 8chan and you can use it right now at https://8kun.top!
>>980764 What ever happened to Jim? Last I remember he was larping as Q and completely fucking up 8kun.
(58.86 KB 631x835 8Qunt.PNG)

>>980778 Well that's sad to see, I knew he was exclusively pandering to the Qult, but that damn website is held up purely by bots (hundreds of them), everywhere else is a fucking ghost town by comparison. This is one thing I really hate about far right "leaders" like Jim: you're only providing a political agenda, not even a good one in this case, at the cost of anything else that people would actually want to engage with (hobby/nerd discussions, comedy, god forbid PORN). For as small as this place is, I'm glad the anons here are real human beings and not sad sacks of shit like the Qtards.
>>980808 How do we bring back 8chan?
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>>980812 This place is probably the best we can get, unless you are a nigger like (((LCP))) that won't recognize any successor as "Reel 8chanz" unless it allows CP.
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>>980808 Tradcucks on the Right are the main pushers of that stupidity. People want their cat pics and vidyagames and splosion movies, and if those things happen to come with a measured, well-placed dose of the redpill then people will gobble it up. But then you have faggot like Jim and Fuentes and Walsh who huff their own farts about how entertainment *itself* is a bogeyman and they refuse to engage with it except to condemn it. They come across as no-fun-allowed niggers and actively repulse people from their side. The United States Government couldn't stop 8chan, but its fucking owner being a boomer prude about lolis killed it dead. Really makes you think.
>>980808 >Those numbers. I've driven by 8kunt a few times over the last 3 years and always the Q board shows these retarded numbers of 1400-3000 UIDs and 200+ PPH. But it's not actually in there, I swear. You go in that board and 90% of the threads are locked to prevent necrospamming, there's like 3 unlocked threads, and the unlocked threads have the last posts from like 45 mins ago - 3 hours ago - 7 hours ago. I swear I think the numbers are literally, actually being faked, which is the saddest shit.
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>>980812 Tell Acid if he still has access to 8Kun's archives to copy all of the dead board's posts here that way there's more boards, more potential communities to poach from, and a perception of more activity hahaha. Yeah I have zero fucking clue, if the current culture war or the Q documentary aren't bringing much attention to this place, nothing will except maybe the webring exploding or a 2007-esque fox news expose on specifically 8moe. Slightly related: I saw recently that Josh got banned on twitter, him and his defenders got pissy about, among other things, the fact that their research was plagiarized by everybody that covered eceleb drama like Mutahar's recent Keffals video, with the farms getting none of the credit and Josh will likely die a martyr before he reaps the very VERY few benefits of his work. If we actually contributed something like digs or research of our own someone might be willing to fall down the 8chan rabbit hole, but that requires the lazy ass anons here (myself included) to do something. Nitter and archive are both being pricks, you get a youtube screenshot >>980821 >entertainment *itself* is a bogeyman I'm pretty sure hardcore /pol/acks have unironically made claims like that before too, look where it got them. The modern boomer far-right and modern christians have the same problem despite being the "good guys", they're shit at providing entertainment that isn't just preaching "GOD IS... LE AWESOME", "WOKE IS... LE BAD". I will readily admit I've got a "content" addiction that is hard to reconcile with my personal views and morals, because I have to pick two or even one of <entertaining <not political <not retarded >>980823 I didn't check any further than the front page, that's either mass deletions of "bad" bots (deleted posts still occupy post numbers and bump PPH iirc) or patheticness on a whole 'nother level.
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>>980823 >>980826 Jim pretty much ruined fucking everything by thinking he could grift enough with the Q garbage to live off of it, Ron should have thrown him under the fucking bus instead of backing him up on the loli issue and feigning "loving /v/" when shit blew up in his face. God Damn Shit Cunt Nigger Fucking Retard Jim!
>The modern boomer far-right and modern christians have the same problem despite being the "good guys", they're shit at providing entertainment that isn't just preaching "GOD IS... LE AWESOME", "WOKE IS... LE BAD" Can you imagine an era of actually slightly edgy, entertaining, Christian humorists taking the woke Left apart 24/7? Because that's the era we need. Or else we need the woke Left to have the equivalent of the Euphoric post. They have plenty of gaffes that should fit the bill, but with the media so deep in their fucking pockets its like no amount of cringe is ever allowed to stick to them in the public consciousness.
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>>980837 Fuck yeah! 90's counterculture 2.0! I don't even know how accurate that is politically speaking, but YEAH good counterculture! I'd be ecstatic for that era. >Euphoric post This one? >no amount of cringe is ever allowed to stick You'd think some left wing cringe would've seriously stuck around in some sort of meme format. Trigglypuff? Gone Home? Gay pedo priest choir? Colbert's pro vax... whatever the fuck that was supposed to be? Biden's entire presidency? I was trying to search for more but then this showed up as the first result and it was TOO perfect.
I've lost a fuckton of stuff over the years. Sure I'm upset about it but not as upset as I would have been when I was younger if I had lost this much stuff. Does anyone remember those hungry-game awards that I think Codemonkey would run every week, to feature a board on the top of every page? There was one time someone ran /alice/ and had a phenomenal run and murdered like five different other boards, completely fitting for the character.
I'm going through a lot of retarded screenshots saying the stupidest shit that I don't even want to repost.
>>968546 >>968572 >>968576 >>968584 >>968591 This was one of the other exodusses.
>>967633 People feel nostalgic for the early 00's and those were also shit except for gaems and animu and mango and interneet.
>>980826 I miss 8chan bros.
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>>980880 2020 was 5 years ago bro
Anyone got zyklon mark?
We must resurrect 8chan
(6.76 MB 720x404 obligatory.webm)

>>980240 gotcha covered
Best thread on /v/ right now.
>>980896 That ramen commercial webm looks like its from the same set of webms ive been looking for like ever now. Too bad the thread they were in got buleeted or messed up when 8ch started having issues.
>>980997 From the thumbnail I thought the second panel was a vagina talking, with the flame being the labia and clitoris.
We should have never left the bunker.
>>981146 >neo-/v/ Kek, now that's a blast from the past
>>980895 Isn't supposed to be nostalgia for the original 8chan?
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>>981194 >baneposting was an cuckchong thing
>>981594 Remember the ginger guy in the bar?
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>>967631 semi-related, but I saved someone's tits for HW picture back in 2015.
>>982064 Wait a minute... That's a doll!
>>982065 oh my god you're right
>>982064 the ultimate weapon to surpass pocket pussies!
Tangentially related but holy hell do I miss 8prime /pol/, especially the pre-Trump era. Hands-down the best imageboard I ever called home - effortposting, support for videos and PDFs, long-form and screamer-free discussions about everything from literature to physical conditioning and small unit tactics, great OC, a huge proportion of oldfags and high-quality tourists, etc. I am firmly convinced that things ended the way they did because TPTB (correctly) considered it the single highest-quality and most accessible hub of right-wing radicalism ever to exist on the internet.
>>982128 The right-wing is correct though.
>>982133 Of course; I just meant that 8prime /pol/ was an incredibly spicy meatball because it wasn't boomers circlejerking on a forum over how much they hate niggers or teenagers spamming fashwave memes in discord - it was intelligent posters seriously and intelligibly discussing extremely controversial ideas in a robust forum with media support that anyone could visit and even participate in. No secret handshake, no registration, nothing; pull up a chair and let us tell you what no one else will about Hitler and immigration and the mass media. Door's always open if you want to leave now or come back later. The point I'm making ties back to some of the earlier images ITT with anons talking about the merits of imageboards compared to forums or chat rooms and when that nature is combined with politically incorrect topics and populated by effortposters you end up with something so much more than the sum of its parts that its enemies smother it in the creche for fear of what it will become.
>>982128 >>982139 ImKamfty killed the board
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>>970322 >leftypol-board-owner.mp4 Is this that Ukraine tranny?
>>982255 We may have to change the thread name to just >/v/ Nostalgia at this rate. >>980883 >>980895 >>981760 A shame the animated plane scene project died because you were all too lazy to complete it.
>>982349 >A shame the animated plane scene project died Did it really? Damn that's depressing. I really wanted to see that too.
>>982357 It wasn't 'officially' cancelled, but no one has drawn any new frames in a while. There was one anon me who drew bunch but eventually burnt out.
>>982349 >We may have to change the thread name to just >/v/ Nostalgia Nigger, the original 8chan didn't have a long enough lifespan to foster much nostalgia memento. When the place was firmly placed on tracks it got killed and the resurrected corpse didn't last much either. I think this will be the loop we'll face in good chans. Starting small without much content, getting traction, going through the fun phase and getting killed afterwards. Most likely, the result of some (((pressure group))) or (((institution))). If the chan stays small, it's allowed to survive but also it doesn't do much. An example would be 7chan. Distributed and federated chans exist but they also don't get much traction because they're more convoluted to use.
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>chans >chan >chans chans chans
>>982402 Its weird to think moe and the webring are now as old as the original 8chan was. They still feel younger to me. I don't know about /v/ specifically, but I have nostalgia for various smaller boards. On /bane/ in particular I had many a fun time. >Standing here, I see my prize. >He was just like me, brought some company >But whose to judge, the flight we're on. >When our plane goes down I think we'll both agree… >That turbulence breeds turbulence, >but in the end we have to leave this plane. >I've filed my plan, and caught the masked man. >But maybe this is his game. >The plane has turned, I have been spurned >and Bane is crashing my plane. >Yet staring across this barren green farmland >I feel a new agency will be born beneath this master plan.
>>982483 >the frame by frame hand drawn recreation of the plane scene All those big guys... lost... like tears in the rain
>>982483 They're not. >8chan founded 2013, first exodus early September 2014 killed August 2019 roughly five years after first exodus, nearly six years total >Webring started weeks to months after 8chan died a bit less than five years >8moe started something like April 2020 a bit over 4 years old
>>982486 >soon this place will be older than 8chan It feels like barely anything happened here all these years.
>>982487 That's what happens when 90+% of the userbase for the original website was lost since the site death.
>>982499 I made friends with a few anons on the old board, and I'll probably never see them again. I'll always be mad about that.
>>982563 How do you make friends with anonymous image board users?
>>982592 Gamenights and vidya anons used to play together. I actually connected with a few and still talk to them daily. I've even met some IRL.
>>982592 Tinder
>>982592 >how do I get a /v/ GF Meet up at EVO in Las /v/egas?
>>982648 I played a bunch of them. Maybe I should've, but there's little opportunity to ask people to be friends without coming across as an obnoxious faggot.
>>982648 We still have jackbox and the movie nights. >I've even met some IRL. What ethnicity were they?
>>982349 >>/v/ Nostalgia Fuck you, I posted all of the /ancap/-chan images I could find.
>>970152 Sorry anon but I made the Shantae one on 8moe I'm pretty sure, I made it when I beat 7 Sirens, I think that's new /v/
>>983034 Ourobooru should have some older stuff on it.
>>983046 real OGs remember the original booru and the fact that so many images were not saved on it sadly
(15.99 MB 850x478 THE_FUTURE.webm)

Remember when VR was going to be the future?
>>984170 ARE YA WINNIN' SON?
Does anyone remember the old Moonman songs / videos that were made way back? I might have a few saved on an old hard drive somwehere. I remember two using an old AT&T text-to-speech to play Moonman's Dad.
>>984170 I wish VR ecosystem didn't just stagnate, things like VRChat (degenerate, but I'm degenerate anyway) seem really fun and like the mid-00's kind of "wild west" era. But I would rather the hardware be more open and more affordable. Like, don't you have to sign in to a facebook account with the Oculus headsets? By the time something comes out that I feel like is worth the price and have privacy assrape, I'll have missed the "golden age" of it. >>999959 Side tangent, whatever happened to Autistic Rage Festival, that 8/mu/ collab shitpost project with like a TON of albums? Most of the songs were bad sure, but it was fun. The bandcamp is gone...
>>999959 >Does anyone remember the old Moonman songs / videos that were made way back? I'm pretty sure I've got most of the /kkkmoon/ videos somewhere, and Argent Beacon probably has every single Moonman track. >I remember two using an old AT&T text-to-speech to play Moonman's Dad. I think those are from the "Son and Moon" album.
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It still gets me how assblasted everyone got at the 4am threads and how now nobody remembers them I don't blame Mark for slapping the shit out of us, the people posting in the threads were and still are terrible people
>>999962 >Like, don't you have to sign in to a facebook account with the Oculus headsets? No, they ditched that when they released the Quest 3 and dropped the Oculus name. You still need a Meta account though.
>>1006067 Two words for you: shower shitter
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>>1006092 I'm glad someone remembers my funposting legacy. Hope you're doing well
Fun facts: >all of you are going to get gray hairs, wrinkles and weak limbs >your parents won't be around for much longer if they aren't already gone >kids are going to look at you funny when you talk about the "gamergay" >a good percentage of you are going to die alone
Fun fact: >the other guys, on the other hand, are going to die before getting gray hair, and will be buried by their parents under their """deadnames"""
>>1006153 >>1006157 Gotta lay off twitter man
>>1006153 And that's why we should all meet up with eachother and touch peepees while we still can, right? :-)
>>1006153 >going to get gray hair You've severely underestimated how old the average anon is.
>>1006195 To be fair I've been finding grey hairs since I was a fucking teenager, genetics and stress can do amazing things.
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>BRO, did you know you're going to GET OLD?? Yes. And I'm hopeful I do, I've known many who never got that luxury.
guise!!! im gunna die a virgin!!!
>>1006209 >he's going to die Pathetic
>>1006198 That's my secret, Captain. I'm always old.
>>1006260 >unronically referencing the (((mcu)))
(707.47 KB 1040x768 no u.png)

>>1006264 >unironically getting the reference Marvelous.
(334.13 KB 1280x720 Eat shit and die.jpg)

>>1006260 >>1006264 >>1006267 Time to leave capeshitter
(238.07 KB 624x352 gay and stupid.mp4)

>>1006270 >Duke Nukem in current year post-Randy
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>>1006278 Dook lives in our hearts
>>970306 >>973667 >>971706 My mother passed away a few years ago, and she used to always listen to Enya when I was a kiddo These stupid videos take me back to a better time as a child, thank you
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Iwata passing was pretty sad ;_;7
>>973667 I honestly thought it was from Nier Automata for some reason.
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>>967631 Found these on old 8/v/. I can't remember what else I found there. All of my images are mixed. Fuck.
I remember someone on the 8chan/v/ Steam group made all of the curator reviews to all of the Star Wars games into spoilers for The Last Jedi. The whole group got banned. Worth it. https://archive.ph/zK2A7 <-- leddit freaking out over it.
>>980826 Maybe /pol/ is more aggressive in their posting these days because nigs/jews/women/fags have been forcefully shoved into damn near everything, whether the consumer wants it or not, and as a result significantly lowered the enjoyment received They would be considerably more quiet if videogames/movies/ads/social spaces were 99% white again, they wouldn't have anything to be whipped up about
>>1006343 They're forcibly shoved into everything since the upper management from these companies get free money from it usually unless the aim is just to sabotage for cash.
>>1006343 I'm /pol/, can confirm.
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>>1006528 F MAH NIGS
>>999959 I found them. Please use them responsibly.
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>>1007774 Its going to be a good day when this honorary baisuo dies
>>999959 The complete collection of all known Moonman songs is right here, torrent edition https://argentbeacon.com/music/moonman/ There may be more saved in some discord channel nobody knows of. Redirect them to the /moonman/ board if they are still making content. The recent AI music generation may have made Moonman relatively obsolete nowadays, though. Not necessarily a bad thing as long as new content is being made. You'll find most new /pol/ack parody songs on Honk.fm now, FYI. Not necessarily moonman or AI, mind you.
>>1009280 On the flip side, you can use AI to create Moonman images.
>>1009280 Thank you
I just remembered that Limebreaker of all people used to post on 8chan. He's drawing some.. interesting stuff these days. To be fair he always drew this stuff, just not here
>>1020214 I can think of a number of artists that did. They all probably think 8chan is gone for good... What we need to do is to breed our own monster dick futa artists.
>>1020288 Ew, gross.

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