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Discord Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 10:49:44 No. 466057 >>466061 >>466424 >>467213 >>468375 >>469025
I want to know whether or not discord is actually a social media site because I've seen a lot of places just lump it up in with actual social media sites because it has some similarities to that of actual social media sites but have seen people stating that it's not because there's a lot of things in it's makeup that completely differs from the likes of Instagram Twitter and facebook.
>>466057 (OP) One thing is certain: it is more popular than imageboards. Perhaps imageboards feel clunky or something.
once i rape her, I will write an essay.
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>Dicksword >Cuckchan
so does anyone have an answer on this or?.......
>>466922 My science team is still working on it.
Obligatory anti-Discord post.
>>466927 Danke anon. I've been looking for this.
>>466057 (OP) discord is a shithole app used by troons groomers and pedophiles ( all the same thing )
>>467213 No it's not it's mostly used by gamers so I really don't know what the you're on about
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>>466061 Because it allows faggots to larp as whatever they want, in the eyes of a self absorbed moron they NEED to have a profile where people can see how cool they are at all times. Being an anon strips them of that identity and they can't handle it. >>466927 Here's another. >>468004 LOL
>466057 To answer OP's question, social media is a term often used for sites that show you a random order of posts made by the algorithm, eg twitter and instagram. Anyone calling instant messaging social media is a moron.
>>466057 (OP) Idk on the social media side, but on the technical side, discord is pretty good, the main dev behind it is a Russian guy, but unlike the French-Russian dev of Telegram, discord is set up to be secure, encrypted, and DNSSEC is set up well in it I would use Discord before I would use Telegram Telegram is set up so poorly it can easily be hijacked and redirected to whatever GRU or FSB agencies Putin/Ozero cabal wants it to go if I can drill Discord's domains in my opnsense-freebsd system and see the DNSSEC chain end-end that means that encryption and domain traffic is locked and fuck yall trying to break it 🔒🖕🏻
>>468375 But would you say that it is social media or not?
>>468375 gfy discord nukes entire rooms and every user in that room just for loli, they are not secure retard, jusy like your asshole.
>>466057 (OP) It steals your personal info and spys on you and is the number 1 recruiting and grooming tool for the feds. Of course its a social media site.
My Discord is
>>468370 This is the answer. Its not "Social Media", its a messaging platform. The main difference between the two is that the users themselves are mostly in control of their experience, aside from moderation.
>>468375 Discord is "Secure" until the moment the feds ask for your data, or mods wnat to look, which they can for any reason. With Telegram's E2E encryption at least the only people that can see what is being messaged are you and who you're messaging, unless your phone itself gets hacked.
>>469221 My Discord, bigger than a bridge. Your Discord looks like a little kids.
>>469250 Discord has no algorithm, so this.
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>>466061 because discord doesn't have gay rules like "you can't post heckin furrinos or do things mods don't approve of but aren't in the rules or you get bawwwleted", it's a free speech and free expression platform unless you're a lolifag or whatever, but I do wish they allowed more racist shitposting, then it would be golden
>>469263 What are you talking about? Discord mods are notorious for banning people for non-rule violations.
>>469265 It depends on the server. It's easier to flip through servers and filter out the faggy ones, as Discord communities are less centralized than imageboards, where you are monopolized by board staff, and sometimes even overarching global staff on shittier sites like 4cucks. Discord is like a faux Mastodon or Matrix.
>>468370 >>469250 Thank you for actually giving an answer to this
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>>469417 FART ON ME, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pretty sure it counts
>>469263 I've shitposted racism on there before
>>469418 ?????
it's primarily used by normalfags so it counts as social media

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