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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Dice number 50 decides what I put in my anus, not dangerous or extremely large things, I will upload a video
So we pick a number between 1 and 50? Then how about 26?
(138.68 KB 600x800 hurtzbears_small.jpg)

/roll 6d14 one GI Joe action figure
Well, craps, I did that wrong: 6d14 = 55
>>466481 1d100 = 5 You have to write (1d100 = 42) yo get the dices
(618.99 KB 1018x1464 Alice_Dovey_1_0.jpg)

a bamboo chopstick 1d100 = 86
>>466468 (OP) >>466486 I see, thanks. 1d50 = 8 Toothbrush Hopefully that works
>>466468 (OP) pay an escort to lube up her foot and insert it
>>466509 Sounds good
The bone from a Christmas ham. 2d25 = 24
A black man's p*nis 3d33 = 45
>>466468 (OP) /roll 1d50 a dog's knot, post it on /zoo/
1d1488 = 1196 a lego inside of a condom
>>466468 (OP) how do i roll the dice
>>466468 (OP) /roll 1d100 1d100 superglue. if that counts as too dangerous then a fancy unlit cigar or pipe.
50d1 = 50 An anime figurine
>>470258 This anon won kek. Now to Infinity and beyond! kek
>>470259 I need this to be a real xray. I need to believe someone put a buzz lightyear up their butt, couldn't get it out, and went to the hospital, and getting xrayed
>>470267 The problem is that the wings opened up. They started with a Woody, then moved on to the toys, and didn't realize that Buzz had more moving parts.

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