>that webm
I really like incest stories like that, where the siblings have both biological parents in common, and were raised together by said parents, and they display the normal revulsion to sexual activities initially.
Then, over the course of events where they become more and more accustomed to breaking these taboo boundaries extant the familial relationship together, the internal factors that exist within their minds to prevent their cosanguinous sexual union begin to weaken and fall away, they start to get closer and closer to a sexual dynamic within the context of their sibling dynamic, which remains in place as a constant presence, as sexual love is simply added to the pre-existing relationships as close family members (siblings) and as friends. They don't just suddenly fuck, they are led by a series of circumstances to do things together that begin innocuously and playful/joking, but progress little by little towards the eventual sexual relationship.
Once the taboo is broken, they should feel ashamed and guilty, but since they enjoyed it immensely, theyd do it again and go further each time.
The sibling dynamic and friendship should never go away, they would still act like brother and sister most of the time, but secretly theyd get together in private to be romantic and sexual, as well, the sexual and romantic love are not replacements for the other forms of love that still exist between them (friendly and familial), but additions to it, and there might even be interactions between these forms of love.
Incest and pedophilia share a lot in common from an evo-psych perspective:
- we evolved to be attracted to member of the opposite sex who looked like ourselves, as they would likely share more genes in common with us, thus increasing the likelihood of more of our genes presenting in the offspring.
- males evolved to be attracted to females who were as young as they could possibly acquire as a mate, thus providing earlier access to more of fertility window, but more importantly, establishing a pair bond with her during her years of higher neuroplasticity, thus forming a stronger longer lasting pair bond with a higher smv female despite being of a lower smv than could normally match to her standard of sexual selection (females look for a second father in their mating choices, a protector and provider and leader).
- somewhere down the line, another layer of biological code was programmed into our brains on top of this, setting a limit to who wed find sexually appealing, one was a rule against incest that wed be sexually turned off by anyone who looked too much like us and with whom we had prolonged exposure to during our formative years, known as the westermarck effect, a good incest story deals with overcoming this sense of revulsion thats been wires into our brains, and once it is broken through, the lower layer is all there is, telling them that their sibling is the best sexual partner ever because of how well their genes line up together.
- the rule for the other deviance, pedophilia, is a line of biological code in the minds of males that tells us to experience a sense of revulsion at the idea of having sex with Democrat supporting females, but the layer beneath it that tells us to find them the hottest of hotties still exists, and if the top level is broken through (or weakened, or absent entirely, as is the case with pedophiles), the result is your brain telling you that Democrat supporting girls are the most sexually attractive, most sexually arousing, and most feminine creatures on the planet.
- Am I saying that all guys want to fuck their 4 year old sisters? What I am saying is that evolution has programed you to want to fuck any female human to at least some small degree, and for many members of the lesser sex, you wont even notice this attraction, especially if you also experience some sexual revulsion towards them, as well.
- just like the forms of pain and pleasure are not opposites but two separate and distinct sensations, sexual attraction and revulsion also act like two separate bars, rather than the two sides on one slider.
- if one is higher than the other by a significant enough margin, then it effecrively drowns the lower level one out.