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/wincest/ Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 07:49:48 No. 466660
Praying for a minor Christmas miracle here; anyone got the rest of the Siscon-Chan series? One anon over at 8chan/8kun saved the continuation back in 2020, but only the thumbnails are archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20200914064743/https://8kun.top/in/res/568.html#q7937 Looked all over the place for the rest of this saga, but only found the first two: https://web.archive.org/web/20220809121445/https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmezGCZ6FTZAHYKetuHiCDwCEFMsYAjU6y3cAP4foqujjC/story/Siscon-Chan.html
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Happy Yule, fellow deviants. These are the archived threads I could find. Not sure if there have been any updates after this. I would not be surprised if the mouthbreathing arse bandits over on 4chan made the OP abandon sharing the story beyond this. Part 1: https://archived.moe/b/thread/702679810#702679810 Part 2: https://archived.moe/b/thread/704457885#704457885 Part 3: https://archived.moe/b/thread/834691920#834691920 Part 4: https://archived.moe/b/thread/843803507#843813776 Part 4.5: https://archived.moe/b/thread/843803507#843818533
>>466660 I Just Fucked My Sister This is NOT copypasta. I repeat NOT copypasta. I know coming to /b/ for advice is a top notch bad idea, but I honestly have no where else to turn because this situation directly involves my family, and friends. Let me start from the beginning, I am 18 and my sister is 21. I just finished high school and my sister is home from college. I guess this year her grades started slipping or something, because I walked past her room and she was crying. I walked inside her room to ask her what's up and she hands me a letter - apparently she's up for review by her college for dismissal. I feel kinda sorry for her so I gave her a hug and one thing led to another and we started making out. This is really weird because I've made out with girls before, but my sister blows them all out of the water. In the back of my mind lies the fact that she's my sister and what we are doing is sick and wrong, but I guess my sister has more experience and it felt so fucking good. Here's the dilemma - after making out, Karen started taking her clothes off and she started pulling my pants down. I'm like, hey, what are you doing? She's like, oh come on Jordan, aren't you even a LITTLE curious? I felt bad because its true, my sister is a hottie and I always wished that she wasn't my sister. I've even gone as far as to fap to thoughts of doing her. She then said "For tonight, let's not be brother and sister. I really need this because I feel like shit right now and our parents won't be back till late and we aren't going to tell anyone. I pretty much just fucked my sister. No, to be more honest, I just lost my virginity to my sister. My question, /b/, is WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW?? What do people usually do after they fuck their sisters?
>>466683 Quit bragging
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>>466683 >My question, /b/, is WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW?? What do people usually do after they fuck their sisters? post wins on /b/ or larp
>>466683 probably a copypasta
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>>466683 Assuming, of course, that this is not complete bollocks, I assume you will have to try and gauge her reaction. Or you could take charge and either downplay it or ask if there was more to it than venting about college. For those of us who do not have a hot sister, there is gwasi.com where you can add the incest tag, amongst others, and incestflix.net The torrent site btdig.com has huge collection of the gwasi/GoneWildAudio uploads, but I found that if you even enter the phrase wincest into btdig now, it redirects you to fbi.gov Kinda ironic considering they are into pirating. Thankfully I always use the Tor Browser.
>>466714 >that webm I really like incest stories like that, where the siblings have both biological parents in common, and were raised together by said parents, and they display the normal revulsion to sexual activities initially. Then, over the course of events where they become more and more accustomed to breaking these taboo boundaries extant the familial relationship together, the internal factors that exist within their minds to prevent their cosanguinous sexual union begin to weaken and fall away, they start to get closer and closer to a sexual dynamic within the context of their sibling dynamic, which remains in place as a constant presence, as sexual love is simply added to the pre-existing relationships as close family members (siblings) and as friends. They don't just suddenly fuck, they are led by a series of circumstances to do things together that begin innocuously and playful/joking, but progress little by little towards the eventual sexual relationship. Once the taboo is broken, they should feel ashamed and guilty, but since they enjoyed it immensely, theyd do it again and go further each time. The sibling dynamic and friendship should never go away, they would still act like brother and sister most of the time, but secretly theyd get together in private to be romantic and sexual, as well, the sexual and romantic love are not replacements for the other forms of love that still exist between them (friendly and familial), but additions to it, and there might even be interactions between these forms of love. Incest and pedophilia share a lot in common from an evo-psych perspective: - we evolved to be attracted to member of the opposite sex who looked like ourselves, as they would likely share more genes in common with us, thus increasing the likelihood of more of our genes presenting in the offspring. - males evolved to be attracted to females who were as young as they could possibly acquire as a mate, thus providing earlier access to more of fertility window, but more importantly, establishing a pair bond with her during her years of higher neuroplasticity, thus forming a stronger longer lasting pair bond with a higher smv female despite being of a lower smv than could normally match to her standard of sexual selection (females look for a second father in their mating choices, a protector and provider and leader). - somewhere down the line, another layer of biological code was programmed into our brains on top of this, setting a limit to who wed find sexually appealing, one was a rule against incest that wed be sexually turned off by anyone who looked too much like us and with whom we had prolonged exposure to during our formative years, known as the westermarck effect, a good incest story deals with overcoming this sense of revulsion thats been wires into our brains, and once it is broken through, the lower layer is all there is, telling them that their sibling is the best sexual partner ever because of how well their genes line up together. - the rule for the other deviance, pedophilia, is a line of biological code in the minds of males that tells us to experience a sense of revulsion at the idea of having sex with Democrat supporting females, but the layer beneath it that tells us to find them the hottest of hotties still exists, and if the top level is broken through (or weakened, or absent entirely, as is the case with pedophiles), the result is your brain telling you that Democrat supporting girls are the most sexually attractive, most sexually arousing, and most feminine creatures on the planet. - Am I saying that all guys want to fuck their 4 year old sisters? What I am saying is that evolution has programed you to want to fuck any female human to at least some small degree, and for many members of the lesser sex, you wont even notice this attraction, especially if you also experience some sexual revulsion towards them, as well. - just like the forms of pain and pleasure are not opposites but two separate and distinct sensations, sexual attraction and revulsion also act like two separate bars, rather than the two sides on one slider. - if one is higher than the other by a significant enough margin, then it effecrively drowns the lower level one out.
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>>466731 Wonder how if that brother/sister couple still stream together, and how that playful flirting changed their relationship. Siblings or parents/offspring who are close growing up are more interesting than relatives who meet later in life and fall in love. The latter seems to be quite common: “Genetic sexual attraction is normal, and very real”: A woman describes the reality of parent-child incest - Salon.com: http://archive.is/rJVgR and live URL: http://www.salon.com/2015/02/17/genetic_sexual_attraction_is_normal_and_very_real_a_woman_describes_the_reality_of_parent_child_incest/ Some numbers from the Consanguinamory blog: https://archive.ph/4CWCf or live URL: https://consanguinamory.wordpress.com/2017/06/06/the-consanguinamory-study-analysis/ There is also this blog connected to it: http://marriage-equality.blogspot.com/
>>467062 Ideas for a story that incorporates the westermarck effect into the narrative and uses it to enhance the hotness of the pornographic scenarios. - college/uni girl writes a paper on wincest after watchihg game of thrones, decides to perform an experiment find out about the westermarck effect and what happens if she forces herself through the sexual revulsion it produces to fuck her younger brother (Your PoV, full-blood-related (sharing both biological parents, as evidences by your strong familial resemblance, practically genderswapped versions of one another), raised-closely-together (and still living in your parents place, bc underageb& or 2020s-era economic woes), raging hormones and very interested in girls (judging ny you perving on her friends) aka the perfect subject for her research), she does what she can to convince you to go through with it along with her, the first times are embarrassingly awkward and unpleasant, but once rhe psychological barrier is overcome through doing it together out of force of will, genetic sexual attraction sets in and the both of you are addicted to one another, falling deeply into romantic love for each other, what sets in after that is a bittersweet love story with ups and downs and ultimately a happy ever after ending. - Your PoV has a Democrat supporting (2-8 year old, aka still in her formative years and thus not yet old enough to develop the aversions to sibling sex) little sister who walks in on you while you are bating and watching porn, you do the responsible thing and close it down before entertaining her a bit to distract her mind from what she briefly saw, she has innocent (nonsexual) fun playing vidya games with you on your computer, and then you shoo her away, later on she's clearly after you dick, turns out she's an ipad kid (both parents overworked bc shitty 2020s economy) who found her way around the parental controls a long time ago, and now thanks to your encounter shes been binging motherless incest vids featuring brothers and sisters, and because she loves her big bro more than anyone in the world, and also because shes now horny as fuck and very interested in giving sex a try, she is now trying to seduce you with her loli charms, her delicious flat chest and ass, her lucious slender hips and thighs, her puffy vulva and tight little cunny, she'a also been looking at lolicon and even found herself a load of cheese pizza that taught her that guys like the undeveloped bodies of little girls such as herself, and what lovers of pizzas and cakes enjoy about them (the fact that girls her age are hyper-feminine, fun-sized, and very easy to pleasure sexually, as well as being just as eager to please whatever guy she's with as he is to satisfy her, even when the guy is a sub-5 (which your PoV character happens to be, as well as being a very frustrated incelibate whose desperation to get laid before graduating high school is causing him to be a bit more open to alternative options for losing his virginity)), one thing leads to another, and you start givng the little sister your dick, and she fucking loves it, becoming a tiny sexhound succubi for her big brother's teenages cock (it's not very impressive, he is in fact a dicklet, but that makes it more ideal for pizzasex). - Your sister is a virtual idol, like a camgirl, except she keeps her clothes on, she talks to her fans on sfw sites, she sings karaoke, plays vidya games, holds contests/challenges, dances (as in actual dancing and nothing sexualized), and does comedy bits/sketches (you think shes funny sometimes, at least), your sis is very popular online, and you watch her show (along with your parents), you have become an accidental celebrity on her show as you occasionally pass by her room, come to talk to her or call her away from her computer, and you are the one supporting her by bringing her whatever she needs as well as being her live-in on-call unpaid information technology support worker. She sees your rising popularity and asks you to come be a regular guest on her show, she offers to pay you for the priviledge of just being there and acting normally with her (you know, like a typical brother would), with your parents encouragement you take the offer (and decline the payment for your appearances), you find yourself having a lot of fun spending time on stream with your sister, (for example, showing how even though your sis is a natural true gamer girl, your skills surpass even hers), behind the scenes, things start getting a bit weird, you begin to fantasize about your sister in an unbrotherly way, and shes been having unsisterly thoughts about you as well, worse, the fandom of your show has a subdemographic that unironically ships you and your sister together, and the rule34 ia hot as hell. The unspoken tension increases between the two of you until one night your parents are far away on vacation, and you are doing a show together when the lights all go out, then an alert comes in about russia and china unleashing nuclear strikes towards your location (amongst others), as a result of the "no fucks given" nature of the instinctual response to the situation, you and your sister end up fucking like wild animals in heat, planning to do that together all day and night, only for the alert to turn out to have been a mistake, but now you and your egirl celebrity are hopelessly hot for one another, then your parents return, and they have zero clue about what had occurred in their house after the power went out and the alerts were delivered. - Two siblings a bro and a sis fucking hate each other in real life, but are unaware that the private cam partner they were masturbating with is their sibling, this is due to neither of them showing one another what they look like aside from their torsos, but one day you both realize that you were cumming to one another every night, and from there a massive argumentsl breaks out, it briefly gets a little violent, but then quickly devolves into incestuous hatesex. - You have a little sister who you babysit, shes a royal brat, and you are a degenerate pizzalover, so you tame the little shrew with your dick, shutting up her tantrums by shoving your cock down her throat and up her ass, and later on you finally make a woman out of her. By the end she loves her brother so very much and is the best behaved most obedient girl in the world.
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>>467221 I’ve given a lot of thought to such scenarios, and in particular to what sort of pairing/dynamic and how it would affect the scene. Been looking in vain for any data on the sort of consanguinamorous relationships; mother/son, older brother/younger sister, etc. These two in particular strike me as the most likely. Not sure if there is any truth to this, but I would love to see the numbers. Younger sisters looking up to their cool older brothers, feeling safe with them, safer than with any other boy, and becoming jealous when she sees anyone show an interest in him. The other relationship is mother and son. This one strikes me as the strongest bond there is. A mother would do anything for her children, and children adore their mothers who carried them in her womb, nurtured them all through their childhood. Unlike a father who may leave for another partner, I cannot picture a son ever abandoning his mother or hurting her. There is an unbreakable bond there, from nature. In one story I began reading recently, told from the perspective of a mother, it mentioned how much better sex was when there was such profound chemistry and love and trust between partners. Far better than between two people who lack that unbreakable mother/son bond as a foundation. Back when Tumbler still allowed NSFW material one guy wrote about his relationship with his mother. Worth a read. https://web.archive.org/web/20150309014613/http://theirownmoms.tumblr.com/tagged/about%20me [#1] Their Own Moms, Well...: https://web.archive.org/web/20150826105210/http://theirownmoms.tumblr.com/post/58844361431/well [#2] Their Own Moms, How I Told Her: https://web.archive.org/web/20150903000918/http://theirownmoms.tumblr.com/post/59108712902/how-i-told-her [#3] Their Own Moms, (Part 1) As I was saying…: https://web.archive.org/web/20150719161208/http://theirownmoms.tumblr.com/post/61979968524/part-1-as-i-was-saying [#4] Their Own Moms, Part Two: https://web.archive.org/web/20150310211236/http://theirownmoms.tumblr.com/post/63453379184/part-two I have tried to write consanguinamorous stories on my own, not the greentext variety claiming to be real, but of the sort you find on literotica.com Never gotten past the rough draft state though. Never really found a way to get around the Westermarck effect with any beliavability. I really do like the idea of a college/university girl writing a paper on wincest after being exposed to it in popular culture. Game of Thrones and The House of the Dragon, and the books, are two of the biggest reasons wincest is so in the Zeitgeist now. Seen articles in mainstream publications discussing wincest in relation to these shows, and why so many find the idea intriguing. Seems more than plausible that someone at uni would write a paper on it and really dig into the subject. Also, the idea of a sister who is a camgirl, or at least a livestreamer and/or influencer who has a brother who randomly shows up in a stream or photo or clip and how her audience reacts to his presence. Maybe someone in chat comments on him, says her brother is handsome/cute and wants him to stay? And on stream it feels like they can play around and joke more freely than IRL… Now That 'House of the Dragon' Is Over, I’ll Say It: Incest Fantasies are Hot: https://web.archive.org/web/20221025005920/https://twitter.com/Cosmopolitan/status/1584684629575041024 The article itself from Cosmopolitan archived with archive.today: https://archive.ph/cF7H6 and archived with the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20221025010131/https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/a41758421/house-of-the-dragon-taboo-sex/
>>467235 - An autistic incel hikkiNEET gets pity incest from his mother and older sisters, who recently took the blackpill and are actually willing to bite the bullet (they drug him, drag him from his room, and rape him when he wakes uo), after losing his virginity to mommy and big sis, he maxxxes out like crazy and ascends towards being more chadlike, he still plows his family and refuses the advances of unrelated girls, even stacies cant get his maxxed chadified dick, that is now only for the women who loved him the most when he was at his least lovable.
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>>467257 Go on…
>>467260 Go to 7chan's erotic literature board to see what they can make of this and other prompts with the basic gist of how the plot should go. Its one thing to make a skeleton and other to take that barebones and flesh it out a bit more into a proper story.
>>467371 Smutwriter here and >man gets rape No just hell no. Let me know when tu have an MDom story for me to write.
Anyone here have a close relative (parent, sibling, of child) who they believe is objectively attractive in tne sexual sense? Related by law doesnt count, must be a full biological relation. Estranged and reunited doesnt count, must've been together during the formative years of one of you.
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https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=-LXH3U0QaZk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LXH3U0QaZk) Pretty enjoyable lighthearted short. Best thing since the Folgers ad.

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