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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

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pajeet memes pajeet memes 01/13/2025 (Mon) 04:30:09 No. 467298 >>467327
post all your pajeet memes here
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a few more
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a couple more
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new one
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indian woman cheated on her indian husband with a white guy. The indian guy is NOT happy, LOL
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>>467302 Indian girls are probably the most underrated etchnicity amongst terminally online shitposters. Everyone seem to have eyes only for gooks and nips. Solo w/ raceplay and white dildo: https://mega.nz/file/C8E33ZQJ#ldIlVX4wJsxrF7pAL6xxTfvrgjQMTloYz_wi75NGRuc Same girl, hardcore w/ white BF: https://spankbang.com/2ohua/video/nri+slim+girl
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(19.01 MB 1280x720 ph5fe805fda9cc2.mp4)

>>467304 >>467305 >>467306 Always found Indian and Arab girls way hotter than Asians. Maybe it has something to with watching Aladdin on VHS on repeat growing up? Jasmine was my favourite Disney princess. Indian girls have prettier facial features than Asians, the sari is really sexy, and they have better cuisine IMHO. Their men are awful thirsty streetshitters tho, so there is that.
Yes goy, give the poojet better chances by dating thier women
>>467308 Ignore pajeet, obtain Khajiit.
>>467310 This is modern Weimerica, dating/sex is not a zero sum game here.
>>467310 >>467312 well, indian women throw themselves at white men so you would be a fool for not taking advantage and fucking as many tight indian pussies as you can.
>>467313 don't change the genetic context, the ethnic group that gets the most European genetics into thier genome before whites die off has the best chances civilization wise I'm not a fool for not wanting other ethnic groups to make it
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>>467310 Yeah, it is subomtimal, but what can you do? It looks like WWIII is brewing as we are shitposting here, so I would rather perish in a nuclear holocaust holding my Indian GF/wife than die alone.
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>>467307 goddamn, that video is hot
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>>467345 >I like them old and fat
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>>467376 <For men, whites are the most likely to get a response online; Indians the least likely. Among women, Middle Easterners garner the most responses; black women the fewest https://web.archive.org/web/20100118050917/http://www.sphere.com/article/revealing-the-mysteries-of-online-dating-even-the-politically-i/19261774
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>>467559 >the blue round thing on the indian flag isn't a wheel <it's a puckered anus AT LAST I TRULY SEE
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I've seen pedos, giant-girl-fappers, and vore but this is the weirdest fetish I've ever seen
>>467799 Hehehhehee chads will get their dirty little poo gremlin and then us mutts will get chads empty nest blonde wives (the ones too smarrt for duh bbc but nowt duh mutt hybrids!! Well woo and win them over, and rhen it's pussyfucking time of blonde with crossfitt american ninja warrior body untill trembling betamale creampie in alpha female pussyyyyyyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fufufufufufufufu
>>467863 more like the mutts will be absorbed back into the general Indian phenotype because one there will be less and less whites as time goes on and more and more niggers, and smarter whites don't want to be around your disgusting population, and the genes that allows for a type of white person that thinks multi-ethnic are preferable being selected out by miscegenation and getting maundered by the nigger population when times gets hard
>>467869 or there are simply no whites left, and the 'human' species is far more likely to go extinct and live in per-industrial conditions until a population evolves the behavior dispositions of whites which is unlikely to happen enjoy your 'win' fucking poojeet
>>467799 indian women are just the right combination of exotic and caucasian; they have white facial features and the same hair, even if it is all dark.
>>467907 No, not even somewhat true.
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>>467909 Where’s the lie?
>>467907 There are two racial types of Indians, retard, with a caste system to keep them mostly separated.
>>467946 >two like mutt, and phenotype that as been around for a while?
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>>467946 That stopped being true like 200 years ago. All indians are shitskin now, even the brahmins
>>467940 Problem with that stonetoss: i can go to the store and buy a brand-new, not-cummed-on mattress, couch, and computer. i cannot buy a virgin girlfriend.
>>468066 >i cannot buy a virgin girlfriend get the right type of friends
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>>468066 Sir, I commiserate with you over your budgetary inadequacies, which I share.
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rape threats
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>>468115 i'll fuck you
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>>467940 God, this shit is so bad pannels 3, 4, 5 and 6 are just an overkill setting for the joke. I suppose this is an old comic of his, he did became better in delivering the punch line over time.
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list of companies wrekt by indians
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(876.09 KB 1280x720 india doctor shit.webm)

>>468400 >codex pajeet I should really re-encode that as a webm in multiple parts and post it here.
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few more
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>>468983 she is a 6, a 4 without makeup
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(3.72 MB 576x1024 india Burger King.webm)

(1.27 MB 1280x720 india gang rape.webm)

(2.33 MB 576x1000 india london.mp4)

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