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Kamala Harris AI Fake Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 13:29:45 No. 469588 >>469593 >>470166 >>470254
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No words.
>>469588 (OP) *projectile vomits* *hides thread* *smashes computer with a hammer*
All you losers are kiddos, get out of the way, grandpa is horny for a beautiful woman
That Ai is too fucking nice
>>469610 Can u make her white too please
>>469610 I would suck her brown pussy and impregnate her constantly and I would protect her from other males and she would respect and love me, I would be be her true love. This is my fantasy, to have happy love with a beautiful strong brown woman. I am mostly white but I am still a mutt, but mostly white. And I want that brown pussy. I want brown children.
>>469615 *consensually not "constantly" stupid fucking phone
>>469616 "constantly" is funnier
>>469615 >>469622 i would duct tape my mouth to her pussy and wear her around like bane's mask
>>469622 >>469638 I used to be maga but now I want interracial sex almost all the time. I want to fuck black and brown pussy and have interracial kids. And I want black and brown cocks in my ass.
>>469654 I cant believe my tax money is paying you.
>>469655 I need to balance my offsprings whiteness, I don't want them too white, a good even mix of every race is the aim, right now I'm trying to balance the white out to 50/50 with black and brown, once my kids are 50/50 because I found my mirror image woman, I will encourage them to marry a half asian half aboriginal, and then they will continue the tradition by seeking out even rarer and more isolated phenotypes to add.
>>469656 Better find a way to make a male only have female offspring
>>469665 Good job. Now give her a brain.
>>469675 that head on the gas rising kid
>>469710 That could be a king
>>469710 Trump needs to learn their value and stop sending them away, he doesn't understand
>>469665 The Castiza Futurists may be on to something after all...
I would literally kill myself just for AOC to take a shit in my dead mouth
>>469588 (OP) >Kamala Harris >Enjoy I will do no such thing
>>470166 What are you gay? She's a beautiful woman with good politics. Not that there's anything wrong with you being gay. I'm asking because it seems pretty gay to me.
>>470167 There's actually a lot wrong with being gay. Please don't spread disinformation about us gays. It isn't helpful.
>>470166 I would enjoy if she wasnt a pajeet. Crazy to think that a Fake American almost became president.

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