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Anonymous 03/25/2025 (Tue) 04:41:22 No. 470278 >>470294 >>470304
How do you check the background of a new girl you're dating? I know about pimeyes but its not perfect. Other than googling her name, what more can you do?
Shill Their dna
(140.61 KB 526x934 edit_20250325172312.jpg)

>>470287 How does DNA show anything? >>470294 That's kinda scary ngl
>>470297 Keep your nasty shit on its board, retarded cuckold. And your immune system incorporates foreign genetic material it kills, it theoretically could be tested to see if she is a coal burner or not
>>470294 Damn that's a good site
>>470300 chud science
She's just Basically just a Nastassia Ponomarenko.
>>470278 (OP) Currently theres not a test to fully know about a woman past but, The theory is here. Advice to stop eating now. The implications may make you puke. MicroChimerism is a theory that suggest that small region of cells/DNA from a male partner stays in the women brain forever. Yeah very grim I know, but this is just the Tip of the Iceberg, It gets worse the most you investigate. What is MicroChimerism? Explaination by some researchers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puYJp7SAGJc
Fetal MicroChimerism commonly seen in pregrant women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuiipsxmYYc
Guy getting blackpilled for this theory kek. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siEUWiKg0Fc
Also as a plus. If your mother was a whore, then its too late, you have been contaminated. Enjoy insanity now ;^) You can never get rid of it

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