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Demon: The Fallen Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 11:04:02 No. 334 [Reply]
Another old white wolf product Shut up I really like d10s. Anyway you better have some knowledge of christianity for this one. Although it helps with all their lines really. You get to be a demon, and then do demon stuff. Like create a cult. Be a serial killer. Or try to track down that traitorous asshole lucifer. Who btw apparently never went to hell. So that's something your bitter about after finally escaping from hell.
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>>338 >can start weird cults >>352 and then make them fight each other Shit this actually sounds pretty cool. no idea how it would work but you could convince satanic cultists to fight niggers and cartels. I wasn't really sold on D:TF when I first heard about it but this sounds fucking awesome.
>>516 Yeah theres a way to run a campaign that could actually be a lot of fun I think.
>>525 So then do it retard.

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Star Wars TTRPG: Saga edition thread Anonymous 02/18/2023 (Sat) 02:07:22 Id: 841add No. 608 [Reply]
Thread theme Saga edition I don't think my players ever realised, because I already made the threads before we started a group, but every RPG I GM I make a thread for, and since yesterday we started SWSE then today I am creating this thread.
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>>766 checked Jake is a genuine true blue American hero. He never did nuffin. He was on his way to church.

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Whining about modules Anonymous 04/15/2023 (Sat) 03:40:16 Id: 3f7671 No. 769 [Reply]
I was told to repost my post from /v/ onto here so I'm going to do it. Let's talk about modules that you hate from any system. Any books that you fucking despise, and if you want, compare them to ones you like. All of my shit is mostly homebrew, I use books of course for monsters, characters, maps and items, but I make a lot of shit myself. That is because I absolutely fucking despise some of the official adventures. Descent into Avernus is a literal joke, it ruins Baldur's Gate as a setting after Murder in Baldur's Gate made it into such a fucking good setting for adventure. Generally Murder in Baldur's Gate was a top tier adventure, even if it was slightly railroady. >Expands the city so much that it feels like a perfect starting city with a shit ton of things to do in it and interesting politics >Introduces a cast of really good characters >Gives the players the illusion of choice, which although I usually disagree with, I think the story that is told is so fucking good that it is deserving >Gives an actually good story with an actually good, gray conflict with a political story that could geniuently be a reflection of our real world, in a very subtle manner. Murder at Baldur's Gate is a story about extremism and violence, about political violence to be exact and how it spirals out of control, and good intentions leading into hell. It is set in a refugee crisis, and struck between three major political players that all want to improve the city in one way or another, but all of them being manipulated by Bhaal to serve as vehicles of his rebirth. And it's done in such a fucking amazing way that it geniuently feels moving even if you just read through it. And it it quite obvious that it was written by Ed Greenwood, it makes great use of the games as well. You have a choice between three characters that you can support (Pics related) >Ulder Ravengard - A simple son of a blacksmith who rose through the ranks of the Flaming Fist due to his geniuent honestly and adherence to the law. He is a pragmatic politician that wants to make the city into a lawful place, but instead due to his actions and constantly instigating violence he turns into nothing else than a fascistic, brutal dictator at the end of the campaign >Rilsa Rael- A Calimshan Crime Lord, someone who is at the head of the Calimshyte Refugees which are discriminated against in Baldur's Gate, generally forced to live outside of the city in their own ghetto. She wants to protect the underclass of the city and do good for the refugees, but as time goes on becomes nothing more than a simple, violent murderer. >Torlin Silvershield- An aristocrat from the Upper City who wants nothing more than to make sure that the city's traditions are upheld as well as making sure that it survives, but in the process of trying to enforce his vision of what is the best for the city, he becomes a skull and dagger schemer. No matter which one of them you pick, they will keep instigating violence against each other, trying to do different power plays believing themselves to be completely in the right and completely refusing to meet on even ground. They are all extremists, good-intentioned ones, but still extremists, which are too blinded by the idea of protecting the city to realize that they are the ones killing it. It's such a well-written conflict, especially that every single one of them does something fucked up at the end. Ulder turns Baldur's Gate into a Police State with mass executions for even the slightest crime. Rilsa Ravengard goes against the city in a bloody coup and frees several prisoners from the prison. Torlin Silvershield tries to blow up the fucking parliment.

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>>773 I dont really read modules since I prefer the idea of making up my own adventures. You think I should still read murder at baldurs gate?
>>774 Absolutely, you don't even have to read the adventure, the description of the city is a reason enough to read it.
Ive never used a module so idk. Wait no I ran a modified ashes to ashes VTM campaign last year. It was not universally well recieved.

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Would /tg/ like to help build and playtest an RPG? Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 05:39:29 Id: 9d9689 No. 576 [Reply]
I've been working on a proper tabletop RPG system on and off for the past three years or so. It has a name, a world, about a 70% complete engine, and a lot of story behind it. I've thought about bringing it to the boards (and even considered making a rules-lite version tailored for play by post on imageboards) several times but have not. If anons are interested, I'll start making regular posts in this thread, dropping excerpts from my design docs, and discussing the methods and philosophies for all the systems so anons can tear it a new asshole and maybe have a good time with it. The very general breakdown: >Single world, non-multiverse >D6 based >Skill based >Classes included but optional >Group initiative >Simultaneous turns >3-6 players >Customizable mecha subsystem It's named Aion, after the world of the setting.
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Actually I have a better idea. One thing that I wanted to do was condense out a "quick start" paper for simple oneshots anyway, and I should have time to do that. The state I left the rules in was mostly complete, but very scattered and crunchy and I wanted something I could easily hand someone that would let them pick up and play. I'll go ahead and make that this week and then post it. The gist of the game is that a character has 5 attributes: Strength, Agility, Vitality, Wits and Wisdom. A selection of Skills falls under each one of those categories, and your rolls are based on adding together [Stat Dice] + [Associated Skill Dice] + [Extra Bonuses] to see if you succeed. The game is very "integrated", so that there's no such thing as a dump stat and everything stays relevant. Where it gets a bit lost in the weeds is things like cover and concealment, and calculating defense values for random materials (can my blackpowder pistol shoot through this wall made of oak planks?). My docs took a dozen different approaches with those things and are kind of all over the place, so I'll pare it down to something functional for you.
>>779 >>778 Sounds great anon, looking forward to it.
>>779 Its been a month you lazy bum.

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Towergirls thread Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 14:36:15 Id: 836161 No. 814 [Reply]
I have a big question for you anon. What princess would you save? And some sevondary questions How and what will you do with your princess
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>>815 Good. She's a good girl. I like human princess. Even have human princess as my waifu.
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Vaguely related stuff.
>>818 >2nd pic Tnat girl actually became princess later on.

Embrace the Emperor, Reject Chaos. Anonymous 04/26/2023 (Wed) 23:53:56 Id: 95db6d No. 783 [Reply]
Amidst the stars and cosmic fray There are warriors who fight each day Chaos Marines, a twisted breed And Space Marines, noble in deed The Chaos Marines, they worship chaos Their minds corrupted, their souls lost They revel in destruction and pain Their actions senseless, their motives vain They are the soyjaks of the galaxy Lost in their own twisted reality With no purpose or direction true Their strength is but a fleeting hue But the Space Marines, they are different Their resolve and honor are magnificent

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Nice poem corpse slave.

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Call of Cthulhu/Horror RPGs Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 14:46:04 Id: 295624 No. 741 [Reply]
I didn’t see a thread about it here or on any other worthwhile imageboard, so I’m posting. Anyways, I picked up the 7th edition Keeper’s guidebook recently, and I was thinking about running it for a group. Has anyone here run this game, and if so, do you have any advice to share? It’s also worth noting that I’ve never been a GM so any advice generally is also welcome. And, for people who haven’t run the game but have spent time on the investigator side, I’d love to hear some stories about it. What were your characters like? Finally, what are some other horror-related RPGs worth playing? Aside from this one and the WoD stuff, I'm not sure that I'm aware of any.
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>>749 Within the mythos you can't really kill Cthulhu, death for it is more like a stasis. I think Lovecraft called it death-sleep? There are conflicting bits of lore from the post-HPL writers but I don't care what they say.
>>750 Is there any eldritch abomination that can die? If they can are they really eldritch? >There are conflicting bits of lore from the post-HPL writers but I don't care what they say. Good.
>>752 >Is there any eldritch abomination that can die? If they can are they really eldritch? Death is something more philosophical concept, there can be surely ways of killing at least some sort of "lesser" eldritch creature, then there is big shots that might be completely unbound by every "concept" we can at least grasp.

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Cyberpunk 2020 & Red OP 03/30/2022 (Wed) 23:08:22 No. 457 [Reply]
Let's bring some activity to this place. Cyberpunk 2020, created by Mick Pondsmith in 1988. A role-playing game that brings you to the dark world of 2020. Where America went to hell. Where now big corporations run the world and control everything. Meanwhile, Cyberpunk Red ; its sequel takes place 25 years later. In what is known as the "Red" period because the sky is dyed that color due to radiation and other chemicals on the planet. So I begin the talk about this wonderful game that has created a whole genre within punk.
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>>673 >Complex skills of all kinds, not just those related to technology, cost more as a rule and the skill being easy to find information on or mentors for doesn't change that. Oh wonderful, so they got even lazier with manuals and books in the Cyberpunks universe than in our world, beautiful. Brilliant. I'll just never play Cyberpunk then, fucking shit system. How did this ever get as popular as it supposedly was? At least Shadowrun lets me build the character I want without charging me extra for it unless you take metahumans into account. >Also, Jury Rigging is vague so that you can even make the attempt So I can make a one-shot railgun out of a battery, some copper wires, two pieces of steel and an appropriate projectile? >complex when realistically you should not even be permitted to roll. Hey, guess what, it's not realistic that people who get chromed up will go full on terminator either, even though we can't get chromed up in reality. Empathy is a gayass stat, I'm shocked WoD doesn't have it. I don't play trpgs to emulate reality, I play them to GET AWAY from reality. To hell with your realism and gimme the controls to that spidertank. As for the machine gun bit, I was referring to how owning an automatic weapon is a criminal offense in the Cyberpunk universe. As in "MaxTac will get on your ass" illegal.
>>686 For the machinegun, is there a flavor text that explains that? a quick look at the rules show a ton of SMGs and assault rifles as common IE: "can be found most anywhere". The heavy weapons in the core sourcebook are rare/prohibited, but those are like, 20mm autocannons and missile launchers. I'm probably overlooking something. I think the ultimate answer though is basically "run the game how you want to", which kind of sucks because like with the ROF rule, I want to play as the author intended it.
>>687 Looking through the Night City books, there is also a few comments about firearms, specifically that there are several areas where its a free for all, and in general armed self defense is the norm. Pages 32 and 34 note that you can "...see more guns than briefcases" in some areas. Also, this was written in 1990. its like playing the equivalent of any movie that tried to predict what current year looked like in the 80s.

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Share thread Anonymous 12/07/2022 (Wed) 20:17:25 Id: 072d9c No. 536 [Reply]
This is a thread for sharing stuff. if you have any links to books please share them here for people to enjoy.
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>>540 This is the newest Share info, please use this one instead of the one I posted above.
>>541 newest from cuckchan
>>575 Nice, thanks anon.

Done with WOTC - Card Printing? SaltyPlayer 01/13/2023 (Fri) 21:13:33 Id: 83101d No. 569 [Reply]
Anyone know of a good proxy printer that prints cards that are pretty legit? I don't intend to sell them, just to have them without giving wizards any more money. I don't care if they don't pass the light test, just close inspection by someone wanting to look at the card.

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Hunter: the reckoning Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 11:12:42 No. 336 [Reply]
Finally a chance to strike back at the darkness. With the help of some God given edges you play a mortal taking on werewolves, vamps, mummys whatever. A hell of a lot of fun even if most games involve a pc death or two.
>>336 The hook for the corebook is that you a random individual become empowered or imbued with special powers and find a 90s website, and get redpilled. The book conveys this with fake webpages and urls in the top of the page. Considering where we are now the idea of a special website that teaches you about demons in human form hiding in plainsite and manipulating society is pretty funny. They talking about us in a way.
Kinda off-topic but I really wish that hunter had gotten a game like vampire the masquerade bloodlines. It would have been so fucking good.
>>511 I mean, we did get a series of top-down brawlers which were pretty cool. That being said I wish the power-level bullshit between the various "races" wasn't so stark in White Wolf. I want to combine the streetfighter rules with the other sourcebooks to either make Darkstalkers: The RPG or something like Nightslashers where the players, as regular humans, use their superlative fighting skills to kick monster ass. Thing is I'm not sure a game like Bloodlines would work with Hunter unless you put more work into companions since it seems like a given with how the books portray things that you almost NEVER work alone as a Hunter.

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Mörk Borg Anonymous 12/11/2022 (Sun) 04:08:09 Id: ffef26 No. 547 [Reply]
Honestly, not a bad game. Once you add in feretory for the travel and hunting rules, you get a decent system thats pretty easy to pick up, and can please a lot of people. I don't think I'd call it OSR though
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>>549 That all sounds pretty neat. Can you tell me about the setting? is there a way to save the world?
>>550 The setting is the continent shown. It's surrounded by an endless sea. No islands, you sail off one end, you'll come back likely worse for wear by whatever forces are out there. There are 3 non heretical gods. Nechrubel, and the two, basilisks each with 2 heads Verhu the most important one predicts the travesties corectly time and time again, and talks of the worlds end whispered to him by Nerchubel . So everybody knows the end is coming, and the worlds in stagnation because of it. As for saving the world, the book is very vague on it, as it is many things, but there is a section on what the basilisks demand So in short, yes... if you want it to be saved. As for how the world ends 6 events randomly rolled for will happen 1 by 1. An event happens on the roll of a 1 on a die rolled each dawn (type of die chosen at the start of the campaign depending on how long you want things to last) the 7th time the word ends. The book is made in such a way that you're supposed to make your own interpretation. Personally I don't think the world can be saved. The basilisks are powerless to stop it and Nerchubel is the one in control, and he will end the world. The basilisks enjoy the worship and make demands to give people hope so they keep worshiping them and killing heritics. I have included the Free Bare Bones version of the game. It's every thing from the base book except the art, and the mini adventure.
>>551 just want to make it clear that the pdf IS FREEWARE. There is no copyright violation by sharing it. It can be gotten for free on Drive theough or Mork Borg's website.

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Custom Magic set feedback. Anonymous 07/05/2021 (Mon) 23:07:50 No. 316 [Reply] [Last]
Hello I'm working on a MTG set with the intent of what i t might have looked like if it was made in 1995. I'm disgusted by modern Magic, and long for the games of old. The set is called Reflections. I was wondering if I can get recommendations and feedback on cards, as well as for a few art recommendations. I'm trying to keep all the art from the public domain.
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Are you planning on making skeletons good too?

Anonymous 07/17/2022 (Sun) 17:32:15 No. 478 [Reply]
Anyone here can share the Solasta Sourcebook PDF?

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risk-like gaming thread Anonymous 12/26/2020 (Sat) 19:19:59 No. 8 [Reply] [Last]
Rolls: /roll{MdN} Don't forget to attach the banner, so it's easier for OP to see your game actions.
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offer finland alliance against celts, NAP, and trade
Two free defenses. Use 5g for one defense. Militia roll. 1d3 = 3
that's not how it ended

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Gloomhaven Game Anonymous 08/29/2020 (Sat) 01:01:35 No. 5 [Reply]
Hello /tg/ I am new to board games and I just recently got Gloomhaven and I've been having a lot of fun with it with some friends. If there are any anons left lurking /tg/ I was wondering if anyone has purchased the expansion pack for it, and if so is it worth it for more content?

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