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MTG Anonymous 08/11/2022 (Thu) 03:12:13 No. 483 [Reply]
Gathering just like middle school
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Yugioh player here. I heard Mtg spoiler season never end for the past year. We do get weekly spoiler/ card preview but this year there is a 1 month period of preview drought from early February this year.
>>1100 Blatant plagiarism like this in the internet era confuses me. You're gonna get caught and you're gonna get a very public shaming. Especially for something so high profile. Surely they've seen plagiarists getting caught themselves, do people think they're magically immune?
>>1178 It is doubly confusing since he did so much to try and hide it. Like he could have put all that effort towards just drawing some stairs.

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Awful models Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:55:44 Id: 00cdce No. 1160 [Reply]
I hate this fucking model. The taurox is an awful model and I hate looking at it. It is even more infuriating because it can look good. The stupid segmented treads can just be replaced with wheels and it looks so much better. Even just replacing the front wheels and making it a half track makes it look good. Why did they make it like this?
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>>1160 >Why did they make it like this? Er...dakka? I don't know, but, if I had to guess, it's hard to keep coming up with vehicles that don't look like previous entries.
The treaded version looks like the offspring of a humvee and a tank

Card Based Video Games. Anonymous 05/12/2022 (Thu) 04:18:20 No. 464 [Reply]
I want to talk about video games centered around card games like Master Duels, PSX's digimon card game, and so on. Got any interesting games you want to talk about. Simulations like Chaotic recode and Yugioh Pro may count as well since they're technically video games. Video Related is Open Batoru, a card game simulator for a Japanese card game called Wixoss.
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>>464 Update on Open! Batoru with two videos showing small effect updates.
The webbrowser client for wixoss is still active for anyone interested. http://we-aatrox.top:7777/
>>535 Update, the game's going to be released soon for testing purposes this weekend considering the length for developing this game. https://nitter.poast.org/OpenBatoru/status/1774492263646638478#m https://archive.is/fOTSW

Princess: the hopeful Anonymous 08/19/2021 (Thu) 10:24:00 No. 371 [Reply]
So get out your d10s. We are doing this world of darkness sailor moon style. This game is a fanmade system for the new world of darkness. That being said it mostly seems to act as a new hunter supplement, as opposed to a new gameline. At it's core it's the rules for being a superhero in the wod. But more than that it provides the narratives and in game allegiances to run a sailor moon campaign in this grimdark world. Looks fairly interesting. I haven't played any nwod games though, and so can't speak for how it actually plays out on the game table.
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>>371 I haven't played PtH, but I have played ExWoD
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MFW Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 08:14:51 Id: b57c76 No. 872 [Reply]
>mfw the DM constantly talks over me and interrupt me.
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>>875 But what if he gets upset and it becomes a whole thing? I dont wanna ruin the group. I do however like talking also.
>>876 He is an adult I presume? I am sure he will understand.
>>876 Consider if you're actually the problem. If not, politely talk to him about it. If still happening, be a annoyance for him. There's a solid chance he doesn't respect you and does it on purpose, but that's not a guarantee.

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Drawthread Anonymous 11/23/2023 (Thu) 16:53:13 Id: 43b63b No. 1102 [Reply]
Due to the deeply declining state of the tg drawthread on 4chan I figure it’d be a good time to set one up here. Figure Drawing: https://www.quickposes.com/en/gestures/random Beginner's Guide to Drawing: https://archive.is/GNIq1 The w/ic/i art Guide: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Man I wish I knew how to draw.

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Ironclaw Anonymous 08/15/2023 (Tue) 12:43:56 Id: 622803 No. 992 [Reply]
Ok I know how this looks but hear me out. Ironclaw has a pretty neat looking system underneath the anthro characters. How it works is that basically you have several different dice depending on your skills, career and gifts. You roll all of them and instead of adding them all up you only take the highest showing number. I thought this was neat since it means lower dice like D4 and D6 can still be useful since difficulty checks seem to generally be on the lower side. Character stats are also kinda funny. They are represented by dice instead of numbers. So when making a character you assign dice to attributes, a D4 in body might represent a weak and scrawny rat. On the contrary a D8 in body might mean the character is quite fit. The funny part though is that both Career and species are stats. So assigning a D4 to a rat would mean that character is really bad at being a rat. Conversely putting a D8 in Species means your character would be far more rat than he is human. Not even anthro anymore, He is just a rat. I am going to be playing this with the group on friday and I am very excited.
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Probably should have posted the 2nd edition cover instead. Looks a lot less "deviant art OC" than the 1st edition cover.
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>Start of first session. >Me (Julius Flavius Romanus) and the gang are in the sheriffs office. >He gives us a list of people we can get jobs from. >First stop is the merchants guild. >There the alligator, Aleister Crocley, decides to bullshit his way through. >Pretends to be a friend of the clerk that they haven't seen in a while. >Somehow he believes it and sends the other aristocrats away. >Tells us to go to some lumberyard and get the beavers to start working. >We get a carriage ride there and notice the beavers aren't working. >After some talking we find out that the working conditions here are horrible. >Also find out that some of the beavers have been hurt working. >I decide to go to the tent and help. >First I manage to fix the legs of 2 beavers, Apparently crushed by a falling tree. >Then I see the third on who had been hit directly by the tree. >Seeing as I simply do not have the tools to fully fix him up I attempt to stabilize him. >Success! The man is stabilized and will live, He wont fully recover without proper help though. >I exit the tent to see Aleister and the giant bear named Kody wave at me.

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3d printing thread Anonymous 12/21/2022 (Wed) 05:03:43 Id: c60fcd No. 555 [Reply]
couldn't help but notice there was no 3d printing thread share your prints painted or naked share some model files, try to keep links that haven't been axed by GW a secret, but feel free to share free files or deceased files
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>>557 >2dwarfs lmao
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Here is some pictures of the 3d printed dwarf after and before I tried to paint him. Going to have to add some more details later.
A plague marine my friend printed out. He has a new printer too so its much higher quality.

Silver Age Sentinels. Anonymous 05/04/2023 (Thu) 04:45:12 Id: 2a9ce8 No. 797 [Reply]
Howdy anons! for this Role Playing season the gang checks out capes and domino masks. heres the wiki history Guardians of Order moved into the d20 market beginning with their new superhero role-playing game, Silver Age Sentinels (2002), which was written by Mark C. MacKinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, and Jesse Scoble, with Steve Kenson and was developed by Lucien Soulban.[1]: 337  Silver Age Sentinels was produced in both a Tri-Stat edition in July 2002 and then a d20 edition released at GenCon 35 later that year.[1]: 337  James Lowder, who had experience with packaging fiction for Green Knight Publishing, moved to assembling book packages for other game companies, including some Silver Age Sentinels fiction for Guardians of Order (2003-2004).[1]: 358  After Guardians of Order went out of business in 2006, White Wolf bought the IPs for some of the company's games, including Silver Age Sentinels.[1]: 339  White Wolf's ArtHaus imprint holds the rights to Silver Age Sentinels.[1]: 228  Dyskami Publishing, founded by Mark C. MacKinnon in 2019, has come out with Absolute Power, billed as the second edition of Silver Age Sentinels. Well thats drier than a dehydrated dog turd what done been in the sun fer a week. Anyway from the guys who brought you Big eyes Small mouth the sailor moon RPG and with the rights currently held by White Wolf of Vampire the Masquerade fame, we have capeshit: the rpg. There are many systems but this uses a hybredized d20 we thought would we easy to use and learn. First session will show us how the hell that goes. The GM has once again changed and so we go again into a new system with a new GM. Lets hope for better luck and more fun all around! And for the departing GM, Au Revoir mon Ami. At least We will always have Paris. Signing off for this seasons issue of "8chan RPG group: These niggers are fucking gay yo" I am your host, Anonymous. I love you anon.
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So we wake up at Johns, have breakfast, and make plans for the day. After a brief debate we decided to go to the vets office. So the gang borrowed an old car from John and hit the road. We get to the parking lot and realize we have no plan. Did we make a plan? No we left the psychic with the car and just stumbled into the office. Lobby has an old lady with a dog and a secretary. I go up and lie to the secretary and fail. "Hi I have a very sick guinea pig in my coat here I need a doctor now." "We dont help rodents". So deadwalled I decide to clear the lobby and then bumrush the back office. So I go to the old lady and make an intimidation check, Nat 1. My guy bites his tongue and mumbles at her. She asks if im retarded. Utterly defeated I went back to the car and had a cigarette. Psychic goes in to try his luck with the robot and the speedster. a minute later they all came back to the car cept the robot. He came back 20 minutes later. No one got anything.
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>>885 >>884 A more elaborate explanation >We wake up at johns house >Everyone had slept except for rex who went around fixing sutff. He got a lead for some guy who might be interested in robots like him. >John made us breakfast >Over breakfast we discuss what we're going to do. out of all the leads we got we decide to go to the veterinarian first. >When we arrive at the veterinarian I, Andrej, stay with the car while the other 3 investigate. >As they march in Rex goes invisible and sneaks past people. >Vic decides to march straight into the operating room >When there he asks if hes got the girls. >Doctor is very confused >Vic insults the doctor and then leaves, Refusing to elaborate. >While that is going on Paddy decides to try and intimidate an old woman in the waiting room. >It goes horribly as he rolls a natural 1. >goes outside and tell me to go in while he watches the car.

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>Finally get to the last session >We are all at the hideout workshop >We get a phonecall >I dont want to answer for fear of them recognizing my voice >Vic takes the call >Its Frank >He tells us to stay >Eventually we start hearing trucks >I hide on the roof >Eventually Frank comes in and throws Vic around, Dude is fucking pissed. >Keeps yelling at Vic to tell him what the fuck is going on. >After some time arguing and Frank showing off his Earth powers, He tells us his plan. >We are going to pretend to be handed over to La Familia. >Then we are going to ambush them, Killing the leadership in one fell swoop. >We all reluctantly agree to it. But we have a day on us before that happens. >So I come down from the roof after Franks boys leave and agree to go buy some medical supplies and tacobell. >We were really hungry. Paddy and Vic shared a taco box, I got some quesadilla.

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Favourite Dice Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 12:06:12 Id: ad85fc No. 897 [Reply]
My favourite dice is d12. I wish more games used it.
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>I wish more games used it. What about those weird die, like D3s? I've seen these before, but I've never seen a game that actually uses them.
>>922 I have seen games use D3, Thing is most people just use a D6 for them. I don't even think my local friendly gameshop sells them.
>>923 I should specify, I have seen them used a lot for wargaming. Roleplaying games practically never uses them.

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Meta thread New BO 11/09/2022 (Wed) 18:44:10 Id: 237152 No. 514 [Reply]
Yo! The name is Felbot and I am your new board owner. I promise I will rule fairly and justly and I will do my best to help this board grow. As my first action I am going to make a meta thread for feedback since this board doesn't have that for some reason.
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>>920 No I am just thinking about it before it happens. Gotta stay prepared you know?
Kill yourself fellatiobot. Alcoholic fucking manlet.
>>954 This is slander, I have never fucked Alcohol. That's just a waste of booze.

Waifu trading game Anonymous 12/03/2022 (Sat) 04:20:11 Id: 54a6aa No. 531 [Reply]
Some friend recently told me about this idea and you might find it interesting: https://youtu.be/YseF7K2voe8 It's a waifu trading game, the basic description of the game is: >Every waifu is unique and one waifu can be owned by one user at a time >You get 10 waifus when you first start the game >You can get a new waifu every three hours >You can trade waifus with other users >You can give a waifu to another user and he loses the ability to get a new roll for the following three hours So, with that basic ideas in mind, I'm pretty sure it won't be hard to port it to a Python script that uses Lynxchan as user interface. I already worked on several lynxchan apps in the past so that won't be a big trouble, what would be needed is a database of waifus with their respective pictures, franchise name and subject tag (if someone wants to play with vydia,anime or cartoon waifus only for instance) and a server; the rest seems pretty straight forward. Since we are on an imageboard and there aren't accounts, tripcodes would be used to track on the waifu collection of every player. So what do you think?
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I am open to the idea but I have no idea how it would be implemented. Do I have to set up the server? Am I going to have to pay for a server? how much work would be involved? Does this site even have tripcodes?
>>893 >Do I have to set up the server? I think a raspberry connected to internet all day could be enough. Another alternative would be a laptop, pretty much any device that could run python would do the work. >how much work would be involved? Haven't tested that yet. I've been running a similar project on a zero for some weeks by now and looks like that's more than enough. >Does this site even have tripcodes? As I pointed out on the OP, using tripcodes was my first though, although I think board owner accounts would avoid people from abusing it. >>891 The game part is anons fighting over who owns which waifu. Pretty much like a cards collecting game.
>>931 Well I can give it a try. Just send me the program and ill try and get it running.

Mage: the ascension Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 09:21:39 No. 330 [Reply]
So this game exists.
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>>858 >darkstalkers space opera Doesn't really sounds like WoD but I commend your creativity.
>>862 I mainly want to use the Streetfighter/WoD: Combat rules since they look pretty fun and since WoD already has books for all the scary movie monsters that the characters/races in Darkstalkers originated from it seemed pretty logical to use them. That being said, the setting would be the not terribly fleshed out one from the Capcom franchise extrapolated to a pulp (mostly) hard sci-fi future where neither technology nor supernatural entities have destroyed human society. There'd be some contrivances to support that pulp feel (ship artificial gravity, FTL comms and "propulsion", forcefields, etc.) but the technology would otherwise be grounded in current scientific theory and principles. "Supernaturals" would be recognized sophonts whose strange abilities mostly seem to defy completely scientific explanation which has caused a multitude of different (sometime competing) hypothesese, adding an element of magic and mystery into the equation. That being said, I'm not going to invest time into fleshing out these ideas and doing the necessary research into all the associated WoD materials if no one is going to play it. Hindsight being 20/20, I did not realize when I originally posted that I was replying to posts close to a year old, fuck your Negromancy e9d3b0!
>>867 Its my thread. And im still here. and so is the other guy who is curious about playing. So yeah. 1 year. 6 years. it doesnt matter. I am always here.

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Wraith: The Oblivion Anonymous 08/06/2021 (Fri) 09:52:49 No. 345 [Reply]
In this White wolf classic we see troubled development, odd game mechanics, and a difficult to grasp lore. And all this basically just to RP as a ghost. Every player has a second player playing his character's shadow. And you had to make a pretty deep backstory to play. An odd duck to be sure. Next week we are doing mummy: the something.
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>>854 I would. Wait a minute... How do I know you arent me in disguise?
>>855 >How do I know you arent me in disguise? You don't. I am you last night, you got really fucked up on shrooms. You dont even remember making this or that post.
>>856 That is a serious possibility. Well shit.

where is /monster/ Anonymous 02/05/2021 (Fri) 23:34:39 No. 310 [Reply]
for some reason it's not here
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You can just use this place. I wouldn't complain.
>>507 And it never happened. For the best really.
>>834 There is a /monster/ but not here, it's on smuglo.li. https://smuglo.li/monster/ Pretty active, too.

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Vampire: the Masquerade Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 10:03:14 No. 331 [Reply]
The game that became infamous when some florida kid killed his GF parents an drank em. Ah. Good times the 90's. The lore that would get its own apocalypse and relaunch (which sucks). The series that gave the world two pretty good pc games. So fucking good. I love this rpg.
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>>332 They are fascinating.
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Gangrel is the best clan and you cant tell me otherwise.
>>512 Gangrel is worst clan.

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